Montag, 26. Januar 2009

Phone firm's mast bid blocked

Published Date: 26 January 2009

By Sarah Williamson

Councillors have thrown out a planning application from Vodafone to install a 17.5-metre high mast on the outskirts of Hawick.

The mobile phone company had submitted a proposal to build a monopole at the side of the road leading south to the Galalaw roundabout – along with a 3G antennae, transmission dishes, equipment cabins and fencing.


7 Formen solidarischen Wirtschaftens zum sofortigen Nach- und Mitmachen

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

mit der Bitte um Veröffentlichung senden wir ihnen folgenden Veranstaltungshinweis der ödp München.

ödp-Vortrag am 10.02.2009 - "7 Formen solidarischen Wirtschaftens zum sofortigen Nach- und Mitmachen“ Referent: Martin Schmidt-Bredow, ZeitBank e.V.

Dienstag, 10. Februar 2009, 19.30 Uhr - Einlass 19:00 Uhr – Der Eintritt ist frei Neu! In den Räumen des Hansa-Hauses , Brienner Str. 39, Rgb., (Rahnstüberl) MVV-Haltestellen: Königsplatz (U2) oder Stiglmaierplatz (U1/Tram 20+21).

Mit richtiger Vernetzung lassen sich unsere Grundbedürfnisse günstiger und sozial sicherer erfüllen – einschließlich Wohnen und Gesundheit. Wer an mehreren Vernetzungsformen teilnimmt, von Genossenschaften bis hin zu den neuen alternativen Gesundheitskassen, spart nicht nur eine Menge Geld, er lebt auch mit ganz anderem sozialem Rückhalt als ihm unser jetziges strauchelndes System bietet, das uns mit Altersarmut bedroht. Diese teils alten und teils neuen Formen an Vernetzung gibt es für Gesundheit, Mobilität, Wohnen, Alter, Energie und nicht zuletzt auch mit anderen Tauschmitteln und Geldarten - sozial und inflations-sicherer als unser heutiges Geld, das sich über kurz oder lang im Finanzcasino verflüchtigt.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Herbert Brunner Pressebeauftragter (V.i.S.d.P.)
Ökologisch-Demokratische Partei (ödp)
Stadtverband München
Brienner Str. 46/V, 80333 München
Fon 089/452 474 15 × Fax 089/550 699 86

Veranstaltungshinweise zur kostenfreien Vortragsreihe:

Neu! Immer in den Räumen des Hansa-Hauses, Brienner Str. 39, Rgb. (Rahnstüberl). MVV-Haltestellen: Königsplatz (U2) oder Stiglmaierplatz (U1/Tram 20+21).

Die., 10. März 2009, 19.30 Uhr „Wissenschaft unterm Hakenkreuz“ Referent: Wolfgang C. Goede, Politologe & Journalist

Die., 14. April 2009, 19.30 Uhr „Agro-Gentechnik - ein Fall für den UN-Menschenrechtsausschuss!“ Referentin: Christiane Lüst, Gründerin der Aktion GEN-Klage

Die., 12. Mai 2009, 19.30 Uhr „Der EU-Reformvertrag - Parallelen zur Sowjetunion?“ Referent: Prof. Dr. Klaus Buchner, ödp-Bundesvorsitzender

Die., 9. Juni 2009, 19.30 Uhr „Nicht der Tod macht mir Angst, sondern das Sterben - Wie umgehen mit Menschen in der letzten Lebensphase?“ Referent: Wolfgang Bader, Buchautor und Hospizhelfer

Die., 14. Juli 2009, 19.30 Uhr „Die Säge am eigenen Ast –Wer trägt die Verantwortung für die Steuerverwendung?“ Referent: Sepp Rottmayr, Netzwerk Friedenssteuer e.V.

Die., 11. Aug. 2009, 19.30 Uhr „100% erneuerbare Energien: Vision oder schon Wirklichkeit?“ Referentin: Ina Röpcke, Fachjournalistin erneuerbare Energien

Die., 8. Sep. 2009, 19.30 Uhr „Biogas - Konkurrenz zur Nahrungsmittelproduktion? - Mit globalen Nährstoffkreisläufen auf dem Weg zur Bio-Biogasanlage“ Referent: Ansgar Blasweiler, BiogasSüd

Die., 13. Okt. 2009, 19.30 Uhr „Mediation statt Ehestreit vor Gericht – für eine menschliche Trennung ohne finanziellen Ruin“ Referent: Rainer Köpnick, Mediator

Die., 10. Nov. 2009, 19.30 Uhr „Gesundes Krankheitswesen oder krankes Gesundheitswesen - gibt es demokratische und solidarische Alternativen?“ Referent: Roman Huber, Geschäftsführer Mehr Demokratie e.V.

Die., 8. Dez. 2009, 19.30 Uhr „Welchen Nutzen haben Komplementärwährungen? - Erklärungen am Beispiel des REGIO in München?“ Referent: Walter Neubert, Mitinitiator des Münchner Regios

ödp – Profil

In der ödp arbeiten Menschen zusammen, die dem Streben von Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft nach "Immer mehr" das Prinzip Verantwortung entgegensetzen: "So leben, dass Zukunft bleibt!". Angestrebt wird eine Wende im Lebens- und Wirtschaftsstil -weg von der Überfluss- und Verschwendungswirtschaft, hin zu Nachhaltigkeit und "echter" Lebensqualität.

GOP Links Nomination to Torture Prosecutions

Ken Camp, The Northwest Progressive Institute Advocate: "In an effort to derail the nomination of Attorney General-designate Eric Holder, it seems Senate Republicans are now resorting to extortion. They'll confirm Holder if he promises not to prosecute any Bush Administration officials for any involvement in acts of torture, according to Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI). Anyone familiar with the criminal justice system - especially those with experience as prosecutors or judges - should know that a prosecutor should make no determination about who to prosecute before he or she has all the facts, and particularly not in response to legislative pressure."


It's Time to Choose Right Over Wrong

Joseph L. Galloway, McClatchy Newspapers: "While President Barack Obama was busy closing down our military prison in Guantanamo and shuttering the Central Intelligence Agency's secret Gulag around the world, Republicans on Capitol Hill were stalling a vote on Obama's choice for attorney general, apparently in hopes of negotiating a plea bargain on war crimes. Although it violates everything we know and believe about equality under the law, the Republicans on the Judiciary Committee, led astray by Sen. John Cornyn of Texas, forced a week's delay in voting on Eric Holder's nomination to be the new attorney general in a crude attempt to get him to swear that he won't prosecute anyone from the Bush administration for violating our laws."

Fooled by globalization

Contact Your State District Attorneys To Prosecute Bush and Cheney

The Best Way To Light A Fire For Federal Prosecutions of Bush And Cheney Is To Get Collateral State Actions Going

After weeks and weeks of unbelievable work, we have completed compiling a database of the current contact information for every state district attorney, for EVERY county in the country. And we have put it all together into an easy one click lookup function to help organize contacting your nearest state prosecutor, to call on THEM to step up to the plate, to stand up for justice and accountability, by prosecuting George Bush and Dick Cheney for their crimes.

In particular, renowned former prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi has laid out a compelling case for charging both Bush and Cheney with the premediated murder of American service men and women, for starting a war with Iraq on patently false pretenses. By using this new lookup page you can instantly get the mailing address, phone, fax, and in many cases also the email of your local prosecutor. This action is SO critical we have dedicated our entire main site homepage to it.

Local Prosecutor Lookup:

IMPORTANT NOTE: We are not asking anyone to file a "formal" criminal complaint yourself. Common sense tells us that a state prosecutor will only act, in the exercise of their OWN discretion, if they believe there is a non-frivolous case to bring. But by speaking out, we can let them know there is community support for them to do so.

There are nearly 3,000 county level state prosecutors in the country. And these are often VERY politically sensitive elected positions, where citizen pressure can have huge impact. Indeed, if you look at current members of Congress, a large number of them started out as district attorneys. Who among these 3,000 has the courage to take on the urgency of pressing these historic charges, and perhaps then replace some of the partially inflated punching bags that many members of Congress have allowed themselves to become?

To hear the Sunday morning Washington chucklehead pundits talk about it, whether to prosecute war crimes or not (as if it were optional) is an inside the beltway political decision. Oh really? Well maybe our United States of America is a little bit bigger than their little beltway.

Attorney General Holder is already coming under enormous pressure from rabidly lawless Republicans, for just simply declaring what any first year law student would have to say to keep from getting flunked, that torture is a CRIME. And if Bush and Cheney ordered torture, as they have recently brazenly admitted on TV, they MUST be prosecuted. End of story.

But we cannot ONLY rely on getting an honest attorney general who will do his duty (though we must have that too), nor can we rely much on the mostly whiny weenies in Congress to finally put together an investigation with teeth. NO!! The critical move NOW is to drum up collateral actions at the state level, as counselled by Bugliosi, and that will help force the hands of everyone else.

Imagine what it would be like if we found just ONE crusading state prosecutor to respond to the call of destiny. Imagine what it would be like if a DOZEN or more suddenly sprang into action, because of our many letters, and phone calls, and faxes and emails. We can open up an whole new third front, and keep it open.

We were still packing up more "Convict Dick & W" caps as we were listening to the presidential inauguration last Tuesday. Then we got out the first large shipment last Wednesday. And with that we officially inaugurate the Bush and Cheney conviction movement.

Thank you for your patience. Researching thousands and thousands of websites (where many counties have none at all), cross-checking the best available lists, many incomplete and out of date, against hard to find local election results, took a massive amount of energy to create the new local prosecutor lookup function. But we had to make it the number one priority, and now it's done, and it works like a dream.

Local Prosecutor Lookup:

So after you use the local prosecutor lookup at the page below, you can also request one of the new "Convict Dick & W" caps from the same page, complete with a little embroidered cowboy hat on the "W". Yes, a tiny cowboy hat for a very small man, the Cowboy from Connecticut, our first presidential felon to be, George Bush. It's perfect.

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible.



Legal Jeopardy For American Torturers Here and Abroad?

By John W. Dean

One would think that people like Cheney, Rumsfeld, Addington, Gonzales, Yoo, Haynes and others, who claim to have done nothing wrong, would call for investigations to clear themselves if they really believed that to be the case.

Sweden institutes near-total mercury ban

Informant: Dorothee Krien


Well, but at the same time they introduce mercury-containing low-energy light bulbs on a massive scale...

"Left and right hand" - do they really know what they are doing...?

Olle Johansson, assoc. prof.
The Experimental Dermatology Unit
Department of Neuroscience
Karolinska Institute
171 77 Stockholm


The Royal Institute of Technology
100 44 Stockholm

Vorschrift über die abgesenkte Regelleistung für Kinder unter 14 Jahre ist verfassungswidrig

Kinder sind keine kleinen Erwachsenen

26. Januar 2009

"Die Regelsätze für Kinder in Hartz-IV-Familien sind deutlich zu niedrig", sagt die stellvertretende Parteivorsitzende Katja Kipping mit Blick auf die morgen anstehende Verhandlung vor dem Bundessozialgericht zu den Kinderregelsätzen bei Hartz IV. Sie erklärt:

DIE LINKE fordert die sofortige Anhebung der Kinderregelsätze auf rund
300 Euro und in einem zweiten Schritt die Einführung einer eigenständigen Kindergrundsicherung. Wenn Kinder in Armut leben müssen, ist dies für eine reiche Welt ein beispielloser Skandal. Die Regelsätze für Kinder in Hartz-IV-Familien sind deutlich zu niedrig. Abgeleitet werden sie von den Regelsätzen für Erwachsene, die ebenfalls extrem zu niedrig sind. Es ist nicht nachvollziehbar, warum Kinder und Heranwachsende nur deswegen weniger Bedürfnisse haben sollen, weil sie jünger sind. Im Gegenteil: Kinderbekleidung ist oft sogar teurer als Kleidung für Erwachsene und muss häufiger gekauft werden. Eine Aufwachsende hat eben wachsende Füße, spezielle Lebensmittel und Schulmaterialien kosten extra Geld. Kinder sind keine kleinen Erwachsenen. Sie sind eigenständige Wesen mit eigenständigen Ansprüchen. Es wäre zu begrüßen, wenn die Rechtsprechung diesen Grundsatz berücksichtigen würde.

2. Februar 2009

Wenn zwei sich streiten, wird es peinlich

Zum Streit zwischen Minister Scholz und Ministerin von der Leyen über die Höhe der Hartz-IV-Regelsätze für Kinder erklärt die stellvertretende Vorsitzende der Partei DIE LINKE, Katja Kipping:

Minister Scholz und Ministerin von der Leyen spielen mit wechselnden Rollen „guter Minister, böser Minister“, Vorwürfe fliegen von einer Adresse zur anderen und letztlich werfen beide nur Nebelkerzen. Bei der Debatte um die Höhe der Hartz-IV-Regelsätze für Kinder möchte keiner der beiden Verlierer sein. Das wird den Problemen jedoch in keiner Weise gerecht. Weder die Vorschläge von Frau von der Leyen, noch die Berechnung von Minister Scholz, wonach der Regelsatz bei 6 bis 13- Jährigen um 35 Euro angehoben werden muss, würden das Urteil des BSG aufheben können. Beide sind Verlierer in einer peinlichen Posse zu Lasten von Kindern aus Hartz-IV-Familien. DIE LINKE hat vorgeschlagen, den Regelsatz sofort als dringende Reparaturleistung auf durchschnittlich rund 300 Euro anzuheben und schnell eine ehrliche Bedarfsfeststellung durchzuführen. Grundsätzlich gilt: Wir brauchen eine eigenständige Kindergrundsicherung, die jedem Kind das Existenzminimum garantiert. Das hilft auf jeden Fall mehr als großkoalitionäres Parteiengezänk um Zuständigkeiten.


Vorschrift über die abgesenkte Regelleistung für Kinder unter 14 Jahre ist verfassungswidrig

Der 14. Senat des Bundessozialgerichts hält § 28 Abs 1 Satz 3 Nr 1 SGB II, der die Regelleistung für Kinder bis zur Vollendung des 14. Lebensjahres auf 60 vH der für alleinstehende Erwachsene maßgebenden Regelleistung festsetzt, für verfassungswidrig. Pressemitteilung des Bundessozialgerichts vom 27.01.2009

Siehe dazu:

Ruf nach höherem Hartz IV für Kinder wird lauter

„Nach dem Urteil des Bundessozialgerichts zur Festsetzung des Hartz-IV-Satzes für Kinder werden Rufe nach einer schnellen Anhebung laut. Der Deutsche Kinderschutzbund, Politiker aus Linkspartei und FDP sowie die Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft Ver.di sprachen sich für eine Erhöhung des Satzes aus. Die Unterstützung müsse sich wirklich an den Bedürfnissen der Kinder orientieren, sagte der Vorsitzende des Kinderschutzbundes, Heinz Hilgers, der «Nordwest- Zeitung» (Mittwoch)…“ Artikel in der Financial Times Deutschland vom 28.01.2009

Aus: LabourNet, 30. Januar 2009


Rechtsanwalt Martin Reucher: Schallende Ohrfeige für den Gesetzgeber. Erfolg für den Bochumer Rechtsanwalt Reucher und Hartz IV-Berechtigte

Rechtsanwalt Reucher und sein Beistand und Bürokollege Steffen Bundrück ist es gelungen, das Bundessozialgericht zu überzeugen: der 14. Senat des Bundessozialgerichts hält die Hartz IV-Regelleistung für Kinder bis zur Vollendung des 14. Lebensjahres für verfassungswidrig.

Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel:

VDK rät zu Widerspruch

Nach dem Urteil des Bundessozialgerichtes: Der VdK rät Hartz-IV-Familien, Widerspruch einzulegen Betroffene können Musterwiderspruch im Internet herunterladen

Der Sozialverband VdK Deutschland rät Hartz-IV-Familien mit Kindern, Widerspruch gegen Behördenbescheide einzulegen oder einen Überprüfungsantrag zu stellen mit dem Ziel, höhere Regelleistungen für ihre Kinder zu erhalten.

Lesen Sie weiter:

Strengthening or weakening the economy?

The Free Liberal
by US Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX)


The economic situation continues to deteriorate this week as past and future bailouts were discussed on Capitol Hill. The debate was over the accountability of already disbursed TARP money, and on whether or not to release remaining funds. Banks that had already been bailed out before are looking for more money to fill the black holes that are their balance sheets, warning that they are simply too big to fail. However, whatever ‘devastating’ consequences these banks are dreaming up and pushing on Capitol Hill regarding their own collapse will be nothing compared to the collapse of our currency if we keep debasing it through these foolish bailouts. It should be that they are too big to bailout. The world will not come to an end without this or that bank. The most troubling thing to me is this rhetoric that only government can save the economy, and must act. This is so counter-productive. We must ask ourselves what strengthens this country, and what weakens it...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Boon or doggle?

Foundation for Economic Education
by Sheldon Richman


Even if government spending in theory could ’stimulate the economy’ in a genuine, sustainable way, it would not follow that politicians and bureaucrats would know how to spend the money intelligently. The pressures to do something now and the perverse incentives facing those in charge of the money guarantee there would be more doggle than boon. Government ‘countercyclical’ spending is notorious for kicking in after the recession has passed. The planners’ information is necessarily dated, and their capacity to act quickly is overestimated...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Palin: Don’t save the whales

Mother Jones
by Daniel Schulman

As a fierce high school basketball player, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin was dubbed ‘Sarah Barracuda,’ a nickname that was revived on the campaign trail last year, when she served as John McCain’s enforcer. Now the ‘Barracuda’ is picking a fight with one of the biggest mammals in the sea. Last week, the state of Alaska announced it plans to mount a legal challenge to the listing of the Cook Inlet beluga whale under the Endangered Species Act. (Placing the belugas on the endangered list requires a review of federally funded or permitted activities that could affect the health of the whales, the establishment of a recovery plan, and the designation of “critical habitat.”) This marks the second time in a year that Palin’s administration has squared off with the federal government over an ESA listing. Over the summer, her administration sued Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne after his agency conferred threatened status on the polar bear...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Must we be hawks?

Tibor's Space
by Tibor R. Machan


While it is quite right that when government becomes oppressive it has abrogated its duty to protect the rights of the citizens, it doesn’t follow from this that other governments are now authorized or obligated to intervene. This is not because the oppressive governments enjoy sovereignty, so they may oppress their populations or do other violent things. Once they are oppressive, they have lost their legitimacy and may be opposed, even forcefully. The reason other governments may not interfere unless the oppressors have attacked them is that governments must serve the people who have established and maintain them. Just like body guards serve their clients, governments serve their citizens. Going off to serve the oppressed in other countries would in effect amount to going AWOL, leaving their proper posts...!B2FD693F4B9A5746!691.entry

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The worst lies of all

Detroit Free Press
by Mitch Albom


But, folks, as long as we accept lies as part of doing business, we are going to get lying businesses. We need to get indignant. We need to change laws. We will jail a common thief for robbing a liquor store far longer than we’ll jail a CEO for robbing thousands of investors. Why? Why shouldn’t white-collar crime be as serious as drug trafficking or manslaughter? Don’t both crimes ruin lives, destroy families, even lead to deaths? How often have we read in recent weeks about suicides by people who were overwhelmed by business trauma? Don’t kid yourself that a white collar can’t run blood red...

Consequences are for little people

Unqualified Offerings
by Thoreau


If the CEO of a floundering company can continue to decorate his office while things are going to hell, and eventually collect a golden parachute while somebody else picks up the pieces, where, exactly, is his incentive to not ... up? I mean, the whole argument for capitalism is that the profit motive is supposed to get people to solve problems and make stuff work. Conversely, the whole argument against communism was that with no profit motive nobody will do anything productive. I dare say that a person guaranteed a golden parachute and freed from all consequences of failure is NOT facing any incentive to perform...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Obama’s minimalist approach to Guantanamo

The American Prospect
by Aziz Huq


As majestic and spacious as it is vague, President Obama’s draft executive order directing the shuttering of the prison colony at Guantanamo is at once transformative and evasive. Obama has taken a critical step in the right direction. But he has also evaded the hardest moral and legal quagmires of the Bush administration, denying both his critics a target and the many innocent detainees the swift relief they deserve. The result is a masterpiece of subtle political indirection — one that captures and exploits the moral poverty and specious reasoning of national debate over Guantanamo, even as it offers a promissory note for transformation in the future...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Close Gitmo and Get Out of Cuba

Obama’s Vietnam

by Justin Raimondo


Obama plans on doubling U.S. forces in Afghanistan, bringing the total up to some 70,000 — and with more, you can be sure, on the way. We are told that Obama’s magical diplomatic skills will compel the Europeans to do their part, with NATO taking the lead. Yet Afghanistan is not the former Yugoslavia, and if Holbrooke thinks he can impose a new Dayton on the rebel Afghans and the increasingly resentful Pakistanis, he is apt to run up against the same brick wall that has stymied would-be conquerors for 2,000 years, including the Soviets, the British, and Genghis Khan’s Golden Horde. The Europeans know this, and they won’t be too eager to jump into the fray. A Vietnam-style counterinsurgency conflict spreading across the Afghan-Pakistan border and reaching into the wilds of Central Asia would dwarf the present quagmire in Iraq by several degrees of magnitude. Yet Obama was and still is touted as a peacemaker and an agent of ‘change.’ Unfortunately, it’s a change for the worse...

How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?

Rad Geek People's Daily
by Rad Geek


[E]very day that United States government soldiers spend on ‘beginning’ to leave, instead of actually leaving — every day that is spent on that ‘responsibly’ instead of that ‘leaving’ — every day that is spent in the ‘forging’ of peace in Afghanistan, rather than in the practicing of it, by withdrawing all United States government soldiers immediately and completely — is another day when innocent Iraqis and Afghans and Pakistanis will be killed by this Peace President’s army and his policy of gradualism. Another day when yet more innocent people will be killed in the name of prolonging the final end of wars now universally acknowledged as catastrophic failures and stupid mistakes. Yesterday in Iraq, Barack Obama’s ‘responsibly leaving’ army blockaded a village, invaded a family home at 2:00 in the morning, and gunned a mother [and] father in the bed they shared with their 9 year old daughter. (The girl, besides being orphaned, was also wounded by the gunfire.) … Every one of these deaths is blood on Barack Obama’s hands...

The coming fall

National Review
by Michael Novak


In January of the year 1992 [sic], I was called upon to give a talk at the Renaissance Weekend at which President-elect Bill Clinton and his ‘co-president’ Hillary were present (two for the price of one, the campaigner had earlier quipped). I said on that occasion what I now repeat on this: There was too much enthusiasm in the air, and too much false association with the Camelot of John F. Kennedy so early in 1960. Every president in my adult lifetime, I said, has come in with high hopes and been dashed into humiliation before his term of office had concluded. Kennedy. Johnson. Nixon. Ford. Carter. Reagan (dimmed by Iran-Contra). Bush 41. Clinton. Bush 43. The job of president is to cope with his own coming tragedy. No man can fulfill all the hopes that go with the office. His own strengths often undo him...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Riskante Taser-Waffen

Eine aktuelle Studie demontiert die Versprechungen der angeblich nichttödlichen Elektroschockwaffen.

The Secret Constitution and the Need for Constitutional Change

The Rockefeller Plan, Part 4

by Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D

Toward the end of the Reagan presidency, the Rockefeller Foundation partially funded The Secret Constitution and the Need for Constitutional Change (1987). In this book, author Arthur S. Miller explained that “the old order is crumbling,… [and] a new vision is required to plan and manage the future, a global vision that will transcend national boundaries and eliminate the poison of nationalistic ‘solutions’.”.......

The Power Elite and the Nazi Plan, Part 2

by Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D

Hitler received funds via the August Thyssen Bank which was affiliated with the Harrimans of Skull & Bones in the U.S. The Union Banking Corporation (UBC) of New York was a joint Thyssen-Harriman operation, according to author Antony Sutton, and it had four directors who were members of the same Skull & Bones cell (D 115) as well as two Nazi directors (Johann Groninger and H. J. Kouwenhoven)........

Church should show concern for neighbors' health

To the editor:

Looking down the street from my home, I can see the beautiful Trinitarian Church's majestic steeple reaching for the heavens. For me, since I was a child, it's been a beacon of hope, peace and inspiration. I recall going up in the steeple as a teenager and ringing the bells!

Unfortunately, the church's leaders and council have been inspired by less holy thoughts when pondering this historic religious edifice. Instead, they are being tempted by sums of money in exchange for allowing the steeple to house Metro PCS's and Omnipoint's wireless technology. Good for church's finances. Good for Metro PCS. Good for Omnipoint. A very bad gamble for the surrounding neighbors' health, wellness, and property values. It would appear that the church leaders want the church's bell tower to stand for phone relays, not God's love.


Urge Congress on EMF Safety, Petition Now

Peter Schiff: He Saw It Coming

Tour the Worldwide Economic Crash

The Opportunistic Investor


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