Mittwoch, 4. Juli 2007

Some GOP Senators May Back White House Contempt Charges

The Hill's Elana Schor reports that Republican Senators may support bringing contempt charges against the White House for refusing to turn over a wide-range of documents related to the US attorney scandal and domestic spying activities.

Contractor Deaths in Iraq, Afghanistan Tops 1,000

The number of US-paid private contractors in Iraq now exceeds that of American combat troops, newly released figures show, raising fresh questions about the privatization of the war effort and the government's capacity to carry out military and rebuilding campaigns, the Los Angeles Times T. Christian Miller reports in an expose on the lucrative business of war.

Attorneys See Irony in Libby Case

The Associated Press' Matt Apuzzo reports that President Bush knew exactly what he was getting when he made Reggie B. Walton one of his first picks for a seat on the federal bench in 2001: a tough-on-crime judge with a reputation for handing down stiff sentences. "A former deputy drug adviser, federal prosecutor and Superior Court judge, Walton seemed a perfect fit for the new president," Apuzzo writes. "And Walton didn't disappoint, proving to be exactly the kind of no-nonsense judge Bush was looking for. Until now. When erasing former White House aide I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby's 2 1/2-year prison term in the CIA leak case, Bush said Walton was being too harsh."

Once Upon America

John Cory provides a sobering reality check on how the Fourth of July "with its parades and "what America means to me" essays, and picnics and fireworks, and all those pretty speeches about freedom and democracy and the true meaning of Independence Day" is "all a facade. A lie." Modern America now spies on its citizens, conducts warrantless wiretaps, suspends habeas corpus, creates "free speech zones" to corral protestors out of sight of sensitive royal eyes, and politicizes the very justice system meant to protect people's rights by turning it into a fraternity of God-fearing Republican conservatism.

Im Atomkraftwerk Krümmel sank bereits der Wasserstand im Reaktordruckbehälter

Nach dem tagelangen Brand im Atomkraftwerk Krümmel gerät dessen Betreiber Vattenfall Europe zunehmend in die Kritik. Nach Angaben der Reaktoraufsicht war es bei der Schnellabschaltung nach dem Trafo-Brand am 28. Juni "durch ein unplanmäßiges Öffnen von zwei Sicherheits- und Entlastungsventilen zu einem schnellen Druck- und Füllstandsabfall im Reaktordruckbehälter" gekommen, in dem sich die Brennelemente befinden. Außerdem war eine von mehreren Speisewasserpumpen ausgefallen. Offenbar hat man gerade noch mal Glück gehabt: "Es war trotzdem jederzeit genügend Wasser über den Brennstäben", sagte Ministeriumssprecher Oliver Breuer.


13. Juli 2007

Wolfgang Methling

Hochmut kommt vor dem (Vatten)Fall

Zur fortgesetzten Pannenserie bei Atomkraftwerksbetreiber Vattenfall erklärt das Mitglied des Parteivorstandes Wolfgang Methling:

Innerhalb nur weniger Tage hat Stromriese Vattenfall mehrfach gezeigt, dass er weder den „Faktor Technik“ noch den „Faktor Mensch“ bei der Nutzung der Kernenergie ausreichend im Griff hat. Verschleiern, verzögern, dementieren... Und letztlich immer wieder die unheilvolle Bestätigung, dass die Atomkraft so leicht nicht beherrschbar ist. Nicht für Vattenfall, nicht für andere. Deshalb kann es nur einen konsequenten Schritt geben: Abschalten. Davon geht in Deutschland kein Licht aus.


Maybe the American people need to open their eyes to what their leaders are doing

In Perspective

by Lynn Stuter

Ron Paul hit the nail on the head when he stated, to the ire of Rudy Giuliani, that you do not do this type of thing to other nations without expecting blowback. To even think that there won’t be blowback is arrogant, indeed. The American taxpayers cannot understand why people of other nations hate America. Maybe the American people need to open their eyes to what their leaders are doing........

The High Cost of Libby’s Silence

Informant: NHNE

Verlautbarungen wie „Caring for Climate“ sind im wesentlichen heiße Luft

Hidden dangerous ingredients in your groceries

Das Pentagon veranstaltet einen Killerspiele-Wettbewerb

Mit 200.000 US-Dollar lockt die Army die weltweit "besten Spieler", die sich an mitunter recht brutalen, in Deutschland indizierten Spielen beweisen sollen.

Steht ein Krieg gegen Syrien bevor?

"Wir müssen Assad jagen"

House Balks at Bush Order for New Powers

President Bush this month is giving an obscure White House office new powers over regulations affecting health, worker safety and the environment. Calling it a power grab, Democrats running Congress are intent on stopping him, the Associated Press' Jim Abrams reported Tuesday.

Irakkrieg erfolgreich: Ölreserven gehen an westliche Konzerne

„Alles wird gut“: Wie Norbert Walter und Klaus Martini von der Deutschen Bank ihre Welt schön reden

Artikel von Guenther Sandleben, Berlin, vom 28.06.2007

Aus: LabourNet, 4. Juli 2007

Polizeisondereinheit entscheidet Kriegswaffeneinsatz im Inneren

4. Juli 2007

Vermischung von Polizei und Militär ist grundgesetzwidrig

Katina Schubert

Zur Forderung mehrerer Unions-Innenminister, die Bundeswehr auch im Innern einzusetzen, erklärt die stellvertretende Parteivorsitzende Katina Schubert:

Die Bekämpfung des Terrorismus ist Angelegenheit der Strafverfolgungsbehörden und damit der Polizei. Sollte die Polizei nach Auffassung der Innenminister mit dieser Aufgabe überfordert sein, gleicht das einem Offenbarungseid. Nach Bundeskanzlerin Merkel hat Bundesinnenminister Schäuble nun Unterstützung bei den Unions-Innenministern der Länder gesucht und gefunden. Seit Monaten versucht er unter dem Vorwand der Terrorismusbekämpfung den Einsatz der Bundeswehr im Innern hoffähig zu machen. Zum G8-Gipfel wurde gezeigt, wie so ein fragwürdiger Einsatz aussehen könnte. Strafverfolgung und Prävention sind Aufgabe von Justiz und Polizei, nicht des Militärs. Eine Vermischung von Polizei und Militär ist grundgesetzwidrig. Auf die zunehmende Militarisierung der Außenpolitik, die wir bekämpfen, darf nicht noch die Militarisierung der Zivilgesellschaft folgen. Die permanente Forderung nach Bundeswehreinsätzen im Innern verunsichert die Bürgerinnen und Bürger und soll ein gesellschaftliches Klima für entsprechende Gesetzesänderungen schaffen. Mit Terrorabwehr hat das ebenso wenig zu tun wie die ständigen Bestrebungen nach allumfassender Überwachung der Bürgerinnen und Bürger. Eine entsprechende Verfassungsänderung ist mit der LINKEN nicht zu machen. Wir brauchen keine neuen Notstandgesetze.



G8: Bundeswehr übernimmt ziviles Krankenhaus

„Vom 30.Mai bis zum 10.Juni 2007 kam es anlässlich des G8-Gipfels in Heiligendamm im Krankenhaus Bad Doberan in Hohenfelde zur ersten zivilmilitärischen Zusammenarbeit der Bundeswehr mit einem zivilen Krankenhaus in ihrer Geschichte. Der offizielle Startschuss dazu fiel am
30. Mai mit einem Fahnenappell auf dem Hubschrauberlandeplatz am Krankenhaus, der mit den militärischen UND den zivilen MitarbeiterInnen abgehalten wurde. Die Zusammenarbeit erstreckte sich von der Patientenversorgung bis hin zu den Küchenarbeiten…“ Artikel vom 22.07.07 von fauh8 bei der FAU

Polizeisondereinheit entscheidet Kriegswaffeneinsatz im Inneren

„Nach Medienberichten hat der Polizeieinsatzführer für den G8-Gipfel 2007, Knut Abramowski, allein den Einsatz von Tornado-Kampfflugzeugen zur Überwachung von DemonstrantInnen veranlasst. Die DFG-VK fragt, wer in der Bundesrepublik das Sagen hat…“ Pressemitteilung von Monty Schädel vom 22.7.07 bei der DFG-VK

Aus: LabourNet, 24. Juli 2007äubleÜberwachung

Jeder zweite SPD-Wähler unterstützt Lafontaines Forderungen,1518,492248,00.html

POLITIKER-NEBENEINKÜNFTE: Bundesverfassungsgericht lässt die neun Geheimniskrämer abblitzen,1518,492294,00.html


Mögliche Interessenkonflikte von Bundestagsabgeordneten werden transparenter


Artikel zu Campact und Interview mit Ulrich Beck

Wie Campact wirkt, das erläutert ein Artikel über Online-Aktivismus und ein Interview mit dem Soziologen Ulrich Beck in dem neuen Band des Suhrkamp-Verlags "Und jetzt? - Politik, Protest und Propaganda". Unter anderem geht es darum, wie wir die verschäften Transparenzregeln für Politiker-Nebeneinkünfte erstritten und die Finanzierung zweier Atomkraftwerke im bulgarischen Belene durch deutsche Banken verhinderten.

Lesen Sie kurze Auszüge aus dem Buch:ÜNFTE

Forestry plantation cut down to facilitate the erection of a mobile phone mast

Jul 04, 1:57 am

Coillte have been accused of pulling a stroke and blackguarding the people of West Sligo by allowing a forestry plantation near Castleconnor to be cut down to facilitate the operation of a mobile phone mast.


Another Reason to IMPEACH, the Weasel Pardon of Libby

Many of you have written to ask us when we were going to call for the impeachment of Bush as well as Cheney. Of course we have done Bush impeachment action pages before, and were focusing on Cheney on the premise that he was not only the least popular, but also the most guilty. But now Bush has thrown himself in the middle of the worst of the Cheney scandals, and so we have launched a new action page calling for the impeachment of them both.


If you were looking to submit something to reiterate your call for impeachment, please submit the page above as this is a NEW joint action.

The ink was barely dry on the order DENYING bail on appeal to convicted White House felon Scooter Libby, before president Bush intervened to "commute" his sentence. It is very well possible that NEVER before in the history of American jurisprudence had anyone sentenced to prison received such a commutation BEFORE serving a single day of that sentence.

Cheney and Bush conspired together to give Libby an escape hatch. This was their contingency plan all along, to game our legal system with every frivolous defense imaginable, knowing all along they would subvert justice in the end to whatever extent necessary. Who are the people celebrating this gross miscarriage of justice, as they dance on the grave of our Constitution?


The Department of Justice's own guidelines specify that to apply for a commutation a convict MUST first have started to serve their sentence AND have abandoned all appeals. Scooter Libby has done neither. Bush has again abused his office to shield Cheney and himself from further exposure of their own impeachable offenses, as would happen were Libby finally compelled to testify truthfully, as was Judith Miller by her own incarceration.

This is nothing but a weasel pardon, a premeditated obstruction of justice. Indeed, there is nothing to prevent Bush from further granting Libby a full pardon in January of 2009, as he no doubt PLANS on doing, UNLESS both he and Cheney are impeached first. More than sufficient evidence of their constitutional crimes is already a matter of public record. There is no oversight they have not unilaterally defied. And now this, from an execution happy governor of Texas who once MOCKED a woman who begged him only for life in prison.

Bush asserts that the Libby prison sentence was excessive. But will he change the law and the guidelines which fairly call for the sentence handed down based on the severity of Libby's crimes? No he will not. Instead with the equivalent of a signing statement he has again selectively nullified the will of the people and their representatives in Congress. The only thing excessive here is the way Cheney and Bush continue to shred the Constitution.

Once again there has been no accountability. Whatever fine was left in place will be paid from the millions and millions in Libby's defense slush fund, or else he get some fat consultant job from a right wing contributor who that just happens to pay him the entire sum and more. He'll probably make a tidy profit on the whole affair.

But this is all yet more gasoline on the fire of the rapidly expanding impeachment movement. Votes in the National Cheney Impeachment Poll were already more than 80,000 as to Cheney standing alone. Their administration is a walking constitutional crisis that can no longer be avoided.


There is one and only one remedy, that can't be vetoed, signed away or tossed out by the courts, and that is impeachment. Congress needs to hear from enough of us all at one time until they understand that. Look at how quickly Congress did an about face on the immigration bill when they were flooded with calls and emails. That is what must happen also here.

And then they will most surely act.

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.


Powered by The People's Email Network Copyright 2007, Patent pending, All rights reserved

Ausbau des Polizeistaates wird forciertürgerrechte

Bush commuting Libby's prison term amounts to a blatant evasion of accountability, but that shouldn't surprise us

Effectively opposing climate change means recognizing and addressing the widespread concern over exorbitant energy prices

Iraq: how the travesty was sold to the public

If we end up at war with Iran, here's a post explaining everything you need to know about how the travesty was sold to the public.


It's not just on civil liberties that George Bush is coming to resemble Richard Nixon

From TomPaine.common sense

The WiFi Blues

Informant: Iris Atzmon

Harassed in the Classroom

Bob Herbert of The New York Times writes, "Police wildly overreacting to behavior by schoolkids that is not criminal, happens much more often than most New Yorkers realize."

America Locks Down

Luis Lema's editorial for Geneva's Le Temps suggests the US failure to pass an immigration bill reflects the global intractability of the immigration issue - but is also a symptom of specific and serious American problems.

It's Not What You Say; It's How You Vote

Dr. Wilmer J. Leon III, writing for Truthout looks at Senator Richard Lugar's call for an end to the war in Iraq.

Europeans See US as Threat to Peace

According to a recent poll, Europeans consistently see the US as the greatest threat to world stability, report Daniel Dombey and Stanley Pignal in the Financial Times.

Olbermann: White House "Corrupt to the Core," Says Joe Wilson

Keith Olbermann interviews Former Ambassador Joseph Wilson, husband of outed CIA operative Valerie Plame, regarding Bush's decision to commute the prison sentence of Lewis "Scooter" Libby.

Iraq oil law travesty continues

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Protect Sequoia National Forest from ORVs

Take Action

The trees of Sequoia National Forest are legendary, the largest in the world. This forest is nothing short of spectacular, and deserves our highest protection. With more than 1,500 miles of roads already in place on the forest, it's quite surprising that the Forest Service would be proposing to open more than 5,500 acres of roadless areas to off-road vehicles, including the Dry Meadow/Long Valley area.

To preserve the wild character and fish and wildlife habitat of this forest it is essential that no new motorized trails be allowed.

Take action now...

Der Mensch verhält sich als Spezies insgesamt sehr egoistisch

Ich, ich, ich!

Der Mensch verhält sich als Spezies insgesamt sehr egoistisch: Wir nutzen fast ein Viertel der Produktionskapazität der Erde für uns allein.

US-Bürger pessimistisch über die Zukunft des Landes

Der Irak-Krieg ist das wichtigste Thema der US-Medien, aber viele US-Bürger wissen nur wenig darüber.

Flugdatentransfer in die USA: gerne auch gänzlich ungeregelt

Das umstrittene Abkommen zur Weitergabe von Flugpassagierdaten zwischen der EU und den USA ist in trockenen Tüchern. Als Einigung kann man das Resultat aber nur entfernt ansehen - und eine Äußerung des Bundesinnenministers lässt aufhorchen.


USA als Ausrede?

Umstrittene Datenbanken: Der gläserne Fluggast

„Kreditkartennummer, Buchungsverhalten, Sitzplatz-Vorlieben – Was mancher nicht einmal seiner Mutter verraten würde, soll nach EU-Plänen künftig beim Check-in am Flughafen ins Ausland weitergeleitet und jahrelang verfügbar sein…“ Artikel von Reinhild Haacker im Spiegel online vom 16. Januar 2008,1518,528555,00.html

"Massiver Eingriff in die Grundrechte". Politiker und Datenschützer kritisieren Vorabübermittlung der Absender- und Empfängerdaten von Paketen und Briefen aus Europa an US-Behörden

„Wie die ZEIT berichtete, verlangt die amerikanische Zoll- und Grenzbehörde CBP (Customs and Border Protection) u.a. bei Express-Paketen die elektronische Bereitstellung der Kundendaten noch vor dem Eintreffen in den USA. Vier Stunden vor der Landung des Transportflugzeugs müssen die Daten den US-Behörden vorliegen. Ein Handelsabkommen (Trade Act) mit der EU von 2004 sieht vor, dass diese Daten auch an Strafverfolgungsbehörden weitergeben werden und mit kommerziellen Datenbanken abgeglichen werden dürfen…“ Artikel von Susanne Härpfer in telepolis vom 22.01.2008

HU verurteilt EU-Pläne zur Erhebung von Fluggastdaten

„Am 6. November 2007 veröffentlichte die Europäische Union ihren neuen Aktionsplan zur Bekämpfung des Terrorismus. Dieser beinhaltet auch das Vorhaben, künftig die Daten von nach Europa reisenden Flugpassagieren zu erfassen und auszuwerten. Die Humanistische Union lehnt dieses Vorhaben der Europäischen Kommission eindringlich ab. Flugpassagiere werden damit unter einen Generalverdacht gestellt, ohne dass Hinweise auf die Wirksamkeit einer solchen Maßnahme für den Schutz vor Terrorismus bestünden. Vielmehr gibt es Anlass zur Befürchtung, die EU plane in den kommenden Jahren die pauschale Erfassung des gesamten Reiseverkehrs nach Europa zu erreichen. Die Humanistische Union weist auf die mangelhaften Datenschutzregelungen auf europäischer Ebene hin und fordert die Umsetzung eines europäischen Rahmenbeschlusses, der dem Niveau des deutschen Grundrechts auf informationelle Selbstbestimmung entspricht…“ Pressemitteilung vom 10. Dezember 2007

Aus: LabourNet, 24. Januar 2008äuble

Die Hisbullah-Connection

Neues Material soll die Vermutung stützen, dass Iraner maßgeblich an der Tötung von fünf US-Soldaten im Irak beteiligt waren.

22jähriger stirbt, weil sein Handy explodierte

Die Chaos Radio Show - Germany

Der jung Mann war gerade mit Schweißarbeiten beschäftigt, als sein Handy, das er in einer Seitentasche bei sich trug, mit einem lauten Knall explodierte. ...


Explodierendes Handy tötet Chinesen

Stern - national, Germany

Eine chinesische Zeitung hat gemeldet, dass ein junger Schweißer während der Arbeit von seinem explodierenden Handy getötet worden ist....


Handy explodiert: Schweißer getötet

America's Approval Rating Takes a Hit

IRAQ: US Must Immediately Investigate Civilian Deaths

The Bush Administration's Efforts To Expand Its Powerful Reach'

Libby: One More Twist in the Yellowcake Road

Bush Assaults Rule of Law to Save Libby

Is The US Mirroring Rome's Fall?

Libby's Pardon: The Failure of Mr. Bush

Indian Protests, Hypocrisy at US Nuclear Carrier's Port Call

Bush Presidency Enters Terminal Phase

Mast at St. Francis of Assisi, Wednesbury

CDC Squandering Hundreds of Millions in Taxpayer Funds

"The Center for Disease Control's main mission is to prevent disease, and the agency has been credited with some terrific strides in public health. But a startling analysis from Congress says the CDC is squandering hundreds of millions of your tax dollars in ways many find hard to believe," CBS News correspondent Sharyl Attkisson reports.

Vanishing Ponds Leaving the Arctic High and Dry

Katherine Harding of The Globe and Mail writes about two and a half decades of research into the Artic's disappearing ponds.

What's Up With Gas Prices?

"I've been thinking about energy," says Randy Udall, "trying to make sense of energy trends and energy appetites, and the main conclusion I've reached is that energy is an IQ test that we Americans tend to fail."

Cindy Sheehan: "Call Out The Instigator"


Cindy Sheehan to Lead March From Atlanta to DC

"Anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan said Tuesday that she is asking people to join her in a 10-day walk from Atlanta to Washington, DC, starting July 13 for a 'people's accountability movement.' On her blog, she said Bush's commuting the prison sentence of former vice presidential aide I. Lewis 'Scooter' Libby was 'the straw that broke my camel's back of exhausted ennui,'" writes Angela K. Brown of The Associated Press.


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Was Commuting Libby an Impeachable Offense?

"Let me get this straight," says William Rivers Pitt. "Like a thief in the night, George W. Bush commuted the prison sentence of I. Lewis 'Scooter' Libby. He made no public appearance to announce the decision, but instead air-mailed a written statement after 5 p.m. at the outset of a midweek holiday."

White House Won't Rule Out Libby Pardon

Matt Apuzzo of The Associated Press writes: "The White House declined to rule out the possibility of an eventual pardon for former vice presidential aide I. Lewis 'Scooter' Libby. But spokesman Tony Snow said, for now, President Bush is satisfied with his decision to commute Libby's 2 1/2-year prison sentence."

Olbermann: Bush, Cheney should resign

Informant: NHNE


Olbermann: Bush, Cheney Should Resign

By Keith Olbermann - Video and Transcript

I accuse you, Mr. Bush, of lying this country into war. - I accuse you of fomenting fear among your own people, of creating the very terror you claim to have fought.

Olbermann: "You ceased to be the President of the United States"

Informant: David Diggins

Euro pounding the U.S. dollar

The dollar traded within a cent of a record low against the euro and the weakest in 26 years versus the British pound on speculation higher interest rates in Europe will lure investors away from U.S. assets.,CST-FIN-Mkts03.article

From Information Clearing House

Bush Directed Cheney To Counter War Critic

Bush told investigators that he was unaware that Cheney had directed I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, the vice president's chief of staff, to covertly leak the classified information to the media instead of releasing it to the public after undergoing the formal governmental declassification processes.

From Information Clearing House

Reason for Commutation of Libby

Libby Says Bush Authorized Leaks

Lewis "Scooter" Libby testified to a federal grand jury that he had received "approval from the President through the Vice President" to divulge portions of a National Intelligence Estimate regarding Saddam Hussein's purported efforts to develop nuclear weapons, according to the court papers.

President Implicated In Libby CIA Leak By Cheney's Hand-Written Note

Copies of handwritten notes by Vice President Dick Cheney, introduced at trial by defense attorneys for former White House staffer I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, would appear to implicate George W. Bush in the Plame CIA Leak case.

From Information Clearing House


Bush Commutes Libby Prison Sentence

Editorials Hit Libby's Get-Out-of-Jail-Free Card

The bloggers, politicians, and TV pundits weighed in quickly Monday after President Bush took the surprisingly sudden step of commuting Lewis "Scooter" Libby's 30-month prison sentence for perjury and obstruction of justice in the CIA leak case. Now newspaper editorials are appearing, and nearly all of them have condemned the Bush act.

From Information Clearing House


US Newspapers Condemn Bush's Libby's Get-Out-of-Jail-Free Pass For Libby

The Modern Racist Paradigm


This is a well researched documentary that exposes the white Media's long-term agenda to standardize white people as the "social norm" fo general society. Through the globalization and centralization of the white media and its constant propagation of repetitive images depicting white people in positive roles and as protagonists while usually depicting Non-Whites as background characters and antagonists.

Syria describes U.S. travel ban as absurd

Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Moualem said the move to stop the Syrian officials from entering the United States "did not need comment because of its absurdity."

From Information Clearing House

Ron Paul: Recapturing the Spirit of Independence

This week Americans will gather around the grill, attend parades and watch fireworks displays, all in the celebration of the signing of our Declaration of Independence. At the same time, we will have thousands of bureaucrats, troops and agents stationed in countries across the globe being paid by American tax dollars.

From Information Clearing House

UN's Ban Urges Delay in Push for More Iran Sanctions

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon urged the U.S. and its European allies to delay pursuit of tougher sanctions on Iran while UN inspectors try to break the stalemate over the Islamic government's nuclear work.

From Information Clearing House

Lieberman: Iran Has Declared War

War pimp alert

"The fact is that the Iranian government has by its actions declared war on us," said Lieberman, an independent who caucuses with Senate Democrats. As a result, he continued, "The United States government has a responsibility to use all instruments at its disposal to stop these terrorist attacks against our soldiers and allies in Iraq, including keeping open the possibility of using military force against the terrorist infrastructure inside Iran."

From Information Clearing House

Iraq Cabinet approves draft of oil law sought by U.S.

Washington has pressed its ally al-Maliki to quickly pass the oil law and other pieces of legislation, considered vital to President Bush's attempts to end Iraq's turmoil - alongside a security crackdown by an increased U.S. military force.

From Information Clearing House


Iraq Cabinet OKs Legislation on How to Divide Nation's Oil Wealth

Iraq's Cabinet today approved legislation to oversee the distribution of the country's oil wealth and sent it to parliament for ratification, but it was unclear whether the measure could overcome the political hurdles that have stalled it for months, The Los Angeles Times reported.

No Quick Debate in Iraq On Oil Law

Iraq's parliament might take a week to start debating a key draft oil law, officials said on Wednesday, as complaints from Shi'ite and Sunni Arab politicians and Kurdish authorities signaled its passage could be rocky, Reuters reported Wednesday.


New disputes delay oil bill in Iraq,,-6757944,00.html

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Baghdad suburb residents flee after US raids

Iraq civilians fear US indiscriminate attacks that usually leave women, children among dead.

From Information Clearing House

US air strike 'kills 10 Iraqi civilians'

A hospital source said the dead included six children under the age of 12. He put the number of wounded at 30.

From Information Clearing House

The Mind of the Returning Iraq War Veteran: They Don't Come Back the Same

Republic to Empire

By Charley Reese

There is no such thing as a flawless politician. We should never expect perfection in anything involving human beings. But there very much is such a thing as character, and that's where we've gotten careless in our choice of leaders.

Soil: The Secret Solution to Global Warming

Informant: NHNE


Informant: Charles Jenks

From ufpj-news

Petition: Stop Executive Overreach

Informant: ranger116


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