The real America, the ‘asylum for mankind’ that America is gone
The year ahead: 2009
Strike the Root
by Glen Allport
The America of Henry David Thoreau, of Mark Twain, of Walt Whitman, of Thomas Jefferson and Tom Paine and the millions more who brought this nation into being and kept it alive in their hearts and, to a large extent, on the ground, for so long — that America, the real America, the ‘asylum for mankind’ that Paine wrote about so eloquently — that America is gone, fading already into myth and legend, gone soon even from living memory as the last citizens who remember America’s dying embers wink out from this world, one by one...
From Information Clearing House
Strike the Root
by Glen Allport
The America of Henry David Thoreau, of Mark Twain, of Walt Whitman, of Thomas Jefferson and Tom Paine and the millions more who brought this nation into being and kept it alive in their hearts and, to a large extent, on the ground, for so long — that America, the real America, the ‘asylum for mankind’ that Paine wrote about so eloquently — that America is gone, fading already into myth and legend, gone soon even from living memory as the last citizens who remember America’s dying embers wink out from this world, one by one...
From Information Clearing House
rudkla - 5. Jan, 09:04