Freitag, 7. Juli 2006

Schaar warnt vor Befugniserweiterung für Nachrichtendienste

"Meinungsfreiheit": Schaar warnt vor Befugniserweiterung für Nachrichtendienste (07.07.06)

Der Bundesbeauftragte für Datenschutz, Peter Schaar, rügt die Pläne der Bundesregierung, den Geheimdiensten mehr Rechte einzuräumen. Dies sei eine sehr undifferenzierte Befugniserweiterung der Nachrichtendienste, sagte Schaar der "Frankfurter Rundschau". Außerdem weiche dieses Vorhaben die Trennung zwischen Polizei und Nachrichtendiensten auf. Schaars Datenschutzkollegen in den Ländern reagierten noch schärfer. "Ich kann dafür keinerlei Rechtfertigung erkennen", sagte Berlins Datenschutzbeauftragter Alexander Dix der Zeitung. "Da kommen wir in den Bereich, wo die Meinungsfreiheit berührt ist."

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

EU-Parlament sieht Mitschuld von EU-Staaten bei rechtswidrigen CIA-Aktivitäten

"USA gibt Folter selbst zu": EU-Parlament sieht Mitschuld von EU-Staaten bei rechtswidrigen CIA-Aktivitäten (07.07.06)

In einem Zwischenbericht macht das Europäische Parlament den US-Geheimdienst CIA in einigen Fällen unmittelbar verantwortlich "für die rechtswidrige Festnahme, Abschiebung, Entführung und Inhaftierung von Terrorverdächtigen" in Europa. Der Bericht kritisiert weiterhin die Beteiligung und "Mitschuld gewisser EU-Staaten". Der Zwischenbericht von Giovanni Claudio FAVA (SPE, Italien) war im Untersuchungsausschuss "zur behaupteten Nutzung europäischer Staaten durch die CIA für die Beförderung und das rechtswidrige Festhalten von Gefangenen" erarbeitet worden. Der Kampf gegen den Terrorismus, so nun das Parlament, könne nicht gewonnen werden, "indem genau die Prinzipien geopfert werden, die der Terrorismus zu zerstören versucht". Insbesondere der Schutz der Grundrechte dürfe "nie aufs Spiel gesetzt werden". Der zuständige Nichtständige Ausschuss hat von den Abgeordneten grünes Licht bekommen, um seine Arbeit für weitere sechs Monate fortzuführen. Der Bericht wurde mit 389 Ja-S timmen, gegen 137 Nein-Stimmen bei 55 Enthaltungen angenommen.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Doing Better With Less

Robert Lion suggests that polities have a choice about how to deal with the inevitable changes in lifestyle that environmental crises will provoke in the coming century: They can carry on with business as usual and experience these changes as catastrophe, or they can start planning and changing our lifestyles now. Change can be either "suffered" or "directed ..."

ACLU Sues Over Security for Bush Protest

The class-action lawsuit filed in US District Court contends that police, acting on orders from the Secret Service, used unreasonable force to move some 200 people peacefully protesting against the Iraq war in Jacksonville while allowing pro-Bush demonstrators to remain standing on sidewalks.

Rising Concern Among European Countries in Cooperation with US

In a resolution that reflected rising concern among Europeans about their countries' cooperation in the United States' effort to curb terrorism, the Parliament voted 302 to 219, with 22 abstentions, to demand that the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the European Union's 25 member states "explain fully the extent to which they were aware of the secret agreement" between Swift, an international banking consortium, and the United States government.

Manual Hand Count Requested in Busby/Bilbray Race

A "Manual Hand Count Request under the Election Recount Provision" was filed at the San Diego County Registrar of Voters office by CA-50 voter Barbara Gail Jacobson. The request is for a full manual hand count of all paper ballots and paper trails in the recent June 6th Busby/Bilbray special US House election, in which programmed, election-ready Diebold voting machines were sent home with poll workers for days prior to the election in apparent violation of new laws and provisions by both state and federal authorities.

The Next Gitmo?

"In the aftermath of the Supreme Court decision canceling the blank check President Bush gave himself, the Bush administration may finally be forced into trying to get Congress to pass legislation establishing a Constitutional way to bring Guantanamo Bay detainees to trial - or free them. But it may also find itself having to deal with another huge headache: the prisoners we don't know about," writes William Fisher.

Allianz gegen das Amphibiensterben

Zur Rettung der vom Aussterben bedrohten Amphibien wollen Forscher eine neue internationale Institution ins Leben rufen.


The incidence of electromagnetic pollution on the amphibien decline

Neighbours say no to mast plan

Jul 7 2006

By Matt Smith

EVERYONE needs good neighbours, or so the saying goes - and that's certainly true if you live in Widney Manor.

Campaigning duo Carole Robertson and partner Clive Raybould have taken it upon themselves to stop proposals to put up a 15-metre mobile phone mast by alerting 50 of their closest neighbours.

The Austcliff Drive residents claim just four letters outlining proposals by O2 to put up the base station including a 15-metre mast at Widney Lane leading to the train station were sent out by the company.

"We've taken it upon ourselves to photocopy the proposals and post it around to neighbours in Widney Lane, The Spinney and Austcliff Drive," said Carole.

"They were gobsmacked and really very cross because the proposal is very close to houses. It will be an eyesore and and obviously have an knock-on affect on all our properties."

The couple are now waiting for a planning application to be submitted to Solihull Council but have already planned to start a petition if they do.

Carole, aged 63, who has lived in Austcliff Drive for eight years, is no stranger to taking on mobile mast applications after successfully defeating Orange's plan for one two years ago.

"That plan was also close to the train station and we started a petition against it which was a success," she added.

"If 02 do go for planning permission which I expect them to, we'll start another petition."

© owned by or licensed to Trinity Mirror Plc 2006

Unreported Lobbying Fees Paid With Tax-Exempt or Public Funds

A Washington lobbying firm at the center of a federal corruption probe failed to disclose at least $755,000 in income from 17 nonprofit organizations and governmental entities, and $635,000 from 18 other clients between 1998 and 2005.

Algerian Tells of Dark Odyssey in US Hands

Two years ago, a motley collection of prisoners spent night after night repeating their telephone numbers to one another from within the dark and dirty cells where they were being held in Afghanistan. Anyone who got out, they said they agreed, would use the numbers to contact the families of the others to let them know that they were still alive.

Lamont Presses Lieberman on War in Debate

Connecticut Senator Joseph Lieberman, the Democratic vice presidential nominee in 2000, took a hammering over his support for the Iraq war on Thursday in a debate with an anti-war rival whose fight for the Senate is seen as a battle for the heart of the Democratic Party.

Karl Rove's Scheherazade Strategy

"Rove wants every vote for a Republican to be a symbolic statement: I am not merely a feather blown around by what George W. Bush has called 'the winds of change.' My vote anchors me in the Republican Party - solid as a rock, tough as the toughest pioneer, willing and able to bring the savage wilderness of this terroristic planet under firm American control," writes Ira Chernus.

Cindy Sheehan: Conduct Unbecoming

"Today [Lt. Ehren Watada] was charged with missing movement, contempt toward officials and conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman," writes Cindy Sheehan. "Conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman! Are they kidding me? Are they kidding the world and hiding behind an ancient code while they are pretending that anything about Iraq or our government is 'gentlemanly?'"

Don't Let Them Derail the Voting Rights Act

A small group of Southern lawmakers have derailed a House vote to renew expiring provisions of the Voting Rights Act (VRA), the landmark law that has protected the right to vote for millions of Americans.

They want to gut the act and make it easier to discriminate against minority voters. Not surprisingly, these lawmakers represent states with the worst records of continued voting discrimination.

We can’t let a small group of lawmakers destroy 40 years of progress! Email your representative and tell him or her to renew the VRA now. Go to

The Fannie Lou Hamer, Rosa Parks, and Coretta Scott King Reauthorization and Amendments Act of 2006 (H.R. 9) would renew the expiring provisions of the VRA. It is precisely because of the provisions that prevent voter discrimination that progress has been made in securing voting rights for all citizens.

The ACLU is running an ad this week in Roll Call, a Washington D.C. newspaper that is widely read by members of Congress. The ad urges lawmakers to renew the VRA. Our ad can only be strengthened when members of Congress hear from their constituents.

Please contact your representative right now and tell him or her to support H.R. 9 and oppose any changes that would weaken the VRA.
Congress must not allow a small group of lawmakers to return us to the days of Jim Crow.



Caroline Fredrickson
Washington Legislative Office
American Civil Liberties Union

Lawless Workplaces

by Stewart Acuff and Sheldon Friedman,

Decisions pending before Bush's labor relations board could bring back the law of the jungle to some industries.

What Geneva Means To Hamdan

by Aziz Huq,

Too many commentators don't understand what the Geneva Conventions actually say about detainees.

Angry residents put telecoms giant before mast

Jul 7 2006

By Mark Coleman Slough Reporter

PLANS for a mobile phone mast in Langley are ringing up a furious outcry from people in the area.

Telecoms giant O2 wants to build a 40 foot high antenna in Burroway Road, on the Parlaunt Estate,near the junction with Market Lane - just feet from the green belt of the Colne Valley Park.

But people living nearby say the development will blight the area and send potentially harmful radiation into their homes.

Pensioner Glyn Gilbert, 74 (right), of Burroway Road, is leading a Dad's Army team to oppose the application. He says: "This idea is appalling.It will clutter up the pavement, which is a real problem for the elderly,people with disabilities, and parents with young children.

"The development will also beam powerful microwave radiation throughout the area.

"This mast is for the next generation of mobile technology,called 3G, which is much more powerful than ordinary portable phones. Essentially, the engineers have turned the heat up in order to transmit video. And we don't want our brains to fry."

Britain's biggest union, Unison, has called for a ban on 3G phone masts until boffins have decided on the health implications.

And the magazine What Doctors Don't Tell You reports how the informal national pressure group Mast Sanity has found more than 18 sites in the UK with clusters of health problems close to mobile base stations.

Another angry Market Lane resident, told the Express: "The obvious place to build a transmitter is on land near to the canal path or the railway, which should give a line of sight signal into the Parlaunt Estate.

"But placing it on an amenity site is unwelcome,unattractive,and uncommonly ugly. We expected more from a Slough-based company. They should be ashamed of themselves."

© owned by or licensed to Trinity Mirror Plc 2006


PEOPLE power has won a victory against mobile phone giant Vodafone

In March, St Andrews parents launched a campaign against a proposal to site a 15-metre mobile phone mast close to their homes.

Following neighbour notification, to householders near the proposed site at St Andrews United Football Club's ground in Langlands Road, families concerned over the possible health risks of having the Vodafone radio base station in their midst signed a petition opposing the plans.

Grandmother Alicia Jackson was so worried she wrote to her MP, Sir Menzies Campbell, MSP Iain Smith and local councillor Jane Ann Liston.

"It is people and their well-being that matter,'' she told the Citizen.

Vodafone stressed that emissions from the mast would comply with, and even be "many times lower'' than, guidelines set out by the International Commission for Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNRP).

However, campaigners worried these levels could damage people's health pointed out that those adopted by countries such as New Zealand were much lower.

One of the campaign leaders, Mrs Claire Gorgon of Shields Avenue, told the Citizen this week that Vodafone was not going ahead with the proposed site at the football club.

"The letter from Vodafone's agents does not include reference to our campaign, although I am certain the outcome would not have been as favourable had the local community not intervened in the way they did.

"I would like to thank all those who gave valuable support and advice, especially those who took the time to write to Vodafone and their agent.

Without their help, I am sure we would have had a far harder fight on our hands.

"It is good to see that action on a local level can have such a desirable outcome, and I am over the moon that my two daughters and the rest of the community will remain in a happy, healthy, environment.''

A spokeswoman for Vodafone said the company was in the process of "re-evaluating'' the deployment of the 3G network communications programme across the AUK.

In a letter to Mrs Gorgon, confirming that the site at St Andrews United Football Club would not be going ahead in the near future, the agent said the 3G network was due to be comprehensively developed within the St Andrews area and the re-evaluation would have a "considerable impact'' on the way sites, originally proposed in St Andrews, would go ahead.

"We wish to assure you that any future site in the St Andrews area will be undertaken in the same transparent manner as this proposal, with complete commitment to providing the community with sufficient information,'' she added.

07 July 2006

All rights reserved © 2006 Johnston Press Digital Publishing.

Free speech is perhaps the single greatest threat to central governments

Must the government decide if KFC is good for you?

Ludwig von Mises Institute
by S.M. Oliva


Free speech is perhaps the single greatest threat to central governments, because speech is the ultimate form of decentralized social cooperation -- people conveying information to one another. It is no surprise, then, that politicians and regulators, people whose livelihoods depend on the existence of social conflict, target free speech as a threat to various 'national interests.' These interests are always expressed in collectivist terms that often employ the facade of rights -- i.e., 'consumer rights.' This article addresses the use of government violence to censor certain forms of advertising and other 'commercial speech'...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Kelo anniversary

Kelo on Kelo: I'll keep my illusions

Rhode Island News
by Susanne Kelo


A year ago last Friday, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that my home can be taken by the government and handed over to another private party for its private use. The only requirements are that the city must have some plan in place that says another owner can create more jobs and pay more taxes than I do. There went my property rights -- and yours, too...

Kelo anniversary

by Joyce Krawiec


This past week marked the one-year anniversary of a devastating Supreme Court decision that dramatically eroded private property rights across America. The case, Kelo v. New London, expands government's eminent domain power and has sparked a flurry of new property seizures by local governments. Fortunately, the outcome of the case is also spurring state legislatures to write into law new protections to reduce the effects of the decision. Unfortunately, much more still needs to be done to safeguard private property rights. Cities have long had the power of eminent domain. In fact, the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution explicitly defines and limits this power: 'nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

A declaration of war on the very idea of an independent press

Media Matters
by Paul Waldman


This week, the conservatives declared war. Not on The New York Times. Not even on the media in general. No, this week the entire conservative movement -- from the White House to Republicans in Congress to Fox News to right-wing talk radio to conservative magazines -- declared war on the very idea of an independent press. They declared war on the idea that journalists have not just the right but the obligation to hold those in power accountable for their actions. They declared war on the idea that journalists, not the government and not a political party, get to decide what appears in the press. They declared war on the idea that the public has a right to know what the government is doing in our name. This is a profound threat to our democracy, and we underestimate it at our peril...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Budget woes force Army bases to cut services



A diversion of dollars to help fight the war in Iraq has helped create a $530 million shortfall for Army posts at home and abroad, leaving some unable to pay utility bills or even cut the grass. In San Antonio, Fort Sam Houston hasn't been able to pay its $1.4 million monthly utility bill since March, prompting workers in many of the post's administrative buildings to get automated disconnection notices. Fort Bragg in North Carolina can't afford to buy pens, paper or other office supplies until the new fiscal year starts in October...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Rachel's News #862

Hartz IV-Fortentwicklungsgesetz: die Politik stiehlt sich aus ihrer Verantwortung

Empfehlungen zum Hartz IV-Fortentwicklungsgesetz im Bundesrat: „Die Politik stiehlt sich aus ihrer Verantwortung“

Frankfurt, 6.7.06

Die Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Erwerbslosen- und Sozialhilfeinitiativen e.V. (BAG-SHI) spricht sich gegen die Empfehlungen der Ausschüsse des Bundesrates (BR Drucksache 404/1/06) zum „Gesetz zur Fortentwicklung der Grundsicherung für Arbeitsuchende“ aus. Das Gesetz soll am Freitag, den 7.7.2006 im Bundesrat verabschiedet werden. Insbesondere kritisiert die BAG-SHI als bundesweiter Zusammenschluss von im sozialen Bereich tätigen Initiativen und Beratungsstellen die Tendenz des Gesetzgebers, von Erwerbslosigkeit und Armut betroffenen Menschen zunehmend den Zugang zu existenzsichernden Leistungen zu verweigern und so immer mehr Menschen gesellschaftlich auszugrenzen. „1-€-Jobs, Sofortangebote, Sanktionen und Leistungsausschluss sind kein Mittel gegen die zunehmende soziale Not“, so Andreas Geiger, Vorsitzender der BAG-SHI. „Die Forderungen der Ausschüsse des Bundesrates, soziale Leistungen nur noch vorübergehend zu gewähren (Punkt 9) oder den Vorrang lebenslanger Unterhaltsverpflichtungen zwischen Eltern und Kindern auszuweiten (Punkt 10), sind für uns nicht akzeptabel.“ Nach Ansicht der BAG-SHI will sich die Politik immer mehr aus ihrer Verantwortung für die verfehlte Arbeitsmarktpolitik stehlen und deren Folgen den Familien aufbürden. Damit fällt sie hinter die Bismarck’sche Sozialgesetzgebung des 19. Jahrhunderts zurück.

Anne Ames
(Geschäftsführerin BAG-SHI e.V.)

Für Nachfragen: Andreas Geiger:
(0160) 9830 2468
Anne Ames: (069) 27 22 08 96

Materialien: - Empfehlungen der Ausschüsse des Bundesrates (BR Drucksache 404/1/06 vom 30.6.06): - Stellungnahme der BAG-SHI zum Fortentwicklungsgesetz vom 29.5.06

Anne Ames
Moselstr. 25
60329 Frankfurt
fon (069) 27 22 08 96
fax (069) 27 22 08 97

Don't Silence the People: Some in Congress Blocking Email

Take Action

Congressional offices now have access to an online tool that could block email from constituents if that email is sent from a third party's web site, such as The Wilderness Society's action page. More than 50 offices have implemented the new tool which brought a quick response from non-profits of all political persuasions whose members use their online advocacy tools to communicate with their elected officials. This coalition, which includes The Wilderness Society, faxed a letter to Congress urging Members to refrain from using the blocking mechanism. The coalition is working with congressional offices to help them find more effective and open ways to handle the volume of email messages they receive from constituents.

What does this mean for the actions you take? Most Hill offices have not implemented the tool and, if we are successful, they never will. For the time being, The Wilderness Society is using a suite of actions to address this issue. For example, we may elect to send faxes to Members of Congress in some cases, to ensure your message is delivered. If you take action from our site and your Member of Congress is using the tool, you will see a question you must answer in order to access the member's web site, where you can then send your message.

Take Action! To sign the petition urging your Member of Congress to oppose the email blockers, click here.

To see if your Member of Congress is using email blockers, click here.

Demand Fair Trials for Guantanamo Detainees

The Supreme Court recently halted the “war crimes” trials in Guantanamo, finding them to be illegal as currently constructed. In their ruling, the Court found that the military commissions convened by the President to try detainees in Guantanamo Bay violated both U.S. law and the Geneva Conventions. The ball is now in Congress’ court.

Write to your Senator and ask him or her to ensure that any war crimes trials for Guantanamo detainees meet minimum fair trial standards as required by the Supreme Court’s decision.

Thank you! We're working hard on this issue, and you'll likely hear more from us in the coming weeks.


Eric Sears
Project Manager,
Denounce Torture Initiative
Amnesty International USA

OAP: I'll move if they put phone mast here

'American Dream' Unreachable for Most Americans

A Peach of A Scandal In Georgia

New Cutting Edge MAS Technology Makes GM Food Obsolete

Climate Change 'Real and Severe'

Pressure Mounts over Europe-CIA Collaboration

In Cold Blood: An Iraqi Tells of the Farmhouse Massacre

Bush Told Cheney to Discredit Diplomat Critical of Iraq Policy

On the future of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine

Amanda Schaffer focuses in on the future of the new human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine and dissects the Republican spin that accompanied it.

The Politics of Gardasil

"Every now and then an issue pops up on the radar screen that scrambles what we've come to expect as the natural political order. Mandating human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines for eleven- and twelve-year-old girls is that type of issue," writes Tom Bevan.


Gardasil Dangers Starting to Emerge

by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

Five schoolgirls at Sacred Heart Girls' College in suburban Melbourne, Australia, were confirmed to have taken ill after receiving an injection of Gardasil, the newest vaccine to be mandated for young girls. Soon after the vaccination, twenty-six girls were seen at the campus medical clinic; five were admitted to the hospital after being injected......

Impacts of Ocean Acidification on Coral Reefs and Other Marine Calcifiers

Effect of Climate Change on Oceans Gaining Attention

On Wednesday, a report was published titled "Impacts of Ocean Acidification on Coral Reefs and Other Marine Calcifiers." Although it may sound obtuse and perhaps limited in scope, it appears to represent a significant turning point - expert consensus that this is a serious problem.

Where's My Money, Mohammed?

The publication of the details of US government surveillance of the SWIFT money-transfer program almost resulted in the New York Times being charged with treason, says William Fisher. SWIFT has resulted in thousands of bank transactions being delayed or prohibited based on recipients having names like Mohammed or Ahmed. Fisher asks, "We know the government's counter-terrorism people are working hard. But are they working smart?"

Congress Stalls on Voting Rights Act

From: Kathy Guthrie
Friends Committee on National Legislation

Legislative Action Message

Congress Stalls on Voting Rights Act

A small number of representatives are stalling the renewal of key provisions of the Voting Rights Act, the landmark civil rights legislation that protects the rights of all citizens to vote for candidates of their choosing. The act has been renewed four times under the leadership of both parties, but a small list of mostly Southern representatives are now proposing substantial amendments that would greatly diminish the effectiveness of the Voting Rights Act.

With a little bit of effort now, we can persuade Congress to renew this important law. Renewal of the Voting Rights Act (VRA) got off to a good start earlier this year. In early May, leaders in both houses of Congress introduced identical bills, each with impressive lists of cosponsors. Now, two months later, the House bill, H.R. 9 has 152 cosponsors, and the Senate bill, S. 2703 has 48 cosponsors. Leaders in the House and the Senate have said that they have the votes to pass this important legislation.

Take Action

FCNL is joining with the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights and hundreds of other national and local organizations to make a major lobbying push for renewal of the VRA this month. Your representative will return to Washington this week. Urge your representative to support and push for immediate action on the Voting Rights Act. Ask him or her to take up the Voting Rights Act renewal and to pass it with no major amendments in early July. Contact your representative and find talking points for your message on FCNL's website.

If you have a few more minutes, you can also contact your senators to urge their support of the Voting Rights Act renewal.


What is the Voting Rights Act? The Voting Rights Act is one of the most effective civil rights laws ever passed. Since its adoption in 1965, it has protected the right of all citizens to vote for candidates of their choosing. The law has been renewed four times under the leadership of both parties.

What parts of the Voting Rights Act need to be renewed?

Section 5, which requires certain states and jurisdictions with a history of discrimination to “pre-clear” any proposed changes in state voting laws or local procedures with a federal court or the U.S. Department of Justice. Section 5 is designed to prevent voter discrimination in places where there is reason to believe that it may occur again.

Sections 6 through 9, which provide for federal elections examiners and observers in certain jurisdictions. Where voter discrimination continues to occur, citizens may need outside observers to secure their right to vote and to have their votes count equally with all other votes.

Section 203, which requires jurisdictions with significant numbers of people who are not proficient in English to offer language assistance to voters. Three-quarters of the people who need language assistance are native-born citizens, not immigrants. A large number who need assistance are native-born English speakers who have difficulty understanding the complex written language used in ballot measures.

Find out more about the three key renewable provisions (PDF).

Why do we still need the VRA?

The VRA is still needed. Ten hearings in the House of Representatives over the past two years, together with 14 state reports prepared by the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, have gathered and presented strong evidence that the country still needs the renewable provisions in the Voting Rights Act. States and local jurisdictions that are covered by the enforcement provisions in the act can remove themselves from coverage by maintaining a clean record on voting rights issues for a period of ten years. A number of jurisdictions have “graduated” from coverage – but many more have continuing problems.

Why must the Voting Rights Act be renewed now?

Most of the Voting Rights Act is permanent, but a few important provisions – notably, key enforcement provisions – must be renewed by 2007, or they will expire. This year, strong supporters – such as Rep. Sensenbrenner (WI) – are in key roles in Congress, and their leadership has assured strong bipartisan support of the renewal legislation. As a new Congress gets organized in 2007, the momentum for passage could be lost in the Congress’s crowded spring calendar.

How can I find out more?

Read myths and facts about the Voting Rights Act and find out in which jurisdictions the key provisions apply (PDF).

The U.S. Can't Abandon Iraq, But the Troops Must Leave: Join FCNL's Iraq Campaign.

Contact Congress and the administration.

Friends Committee on National Legislation
245 Second St. NE, Washington, DC 20002-5795 *
phone: (202)547-6000 * toll-free: (800)630-1330

We seek a world free of war and the threat of war
We seek a society with equity and justice for all
We seek a community where every person's potential may be fulfilled
We seek an earth restored.

Informant: Martin Greenhut

Top 10 Things to Know About Animal Testing

Senators Kyl and Graham's Hamdan v. Rumsfeld Scam

The Deceptive Amicus Brief They Filed in the Guantanamo Detainee Case.

From Information Clearing House

Government threatens Padilla's defense team

Defense attorneys claimed they received a call from a U.S. government representative who said that if the government is ordered to respond to a defense motion and the defense does not withdraw the motion, the government would disclose the motion's contents to the prosecution trial team.

U.S. Plants Seeds of Disaster in Kazakhstan

Dick Cheney has been spending a lot of time in the huge Central Asian republic, so much so that its windswept steppes have become his new Secret Undisclosed Location.

The U.S.-India-Iran-Pakistan-Russia mess

Another fine mess you've gotten us into, Condi!

When forced to confront the mess she has made of our foreign policy, do you suppose Condi Rice views the interrelated messes, individually, or collectively? Take the U.S.-India-Iran-Pakistan-Russia mess.

From Information Clearing House

Aggressive policy of pre-emption against merely suspected or potential adversaries

Through a Glass Screen Darkly

The US media would have us forget that a threatening new environment was inaugurated by Washington in September, 2002, with a major doctrinal shift announced in its National Security Strategy to a more aggressive policy of pre-emption against merely suspected or potential adversaries.

"Reckless" soldiers should stay home

Iraqi PM: Iraq's prime minister urged the U.S. military on Thursday to keep "reckless" troops from serving in Iraq in order to prevent abuses like the alleged rape and murder of a teenager and her family by U.S. soldiers in March.

From Information Clearing House

New Slovak govt confirms Iraq troop withdrawal

Slovakia’s new government on Wednesday confirmed it would pull its troops out of Iraq but pledged to undertake a smooth transition to protect stabilization efforts there.

From Information Clearing House

Hadji Girl: Racism is just another poison we're spreading in Iraq

By Robert C. Koehler

Atrocity damage control requires isolating such events, not just vertically (keep the blame as far down the chain of command as possible), but horizontally, so that journalists and the public at large don’t start thinking they see a pattern of barbarism in our mission to liberate Iraq.

‘We had to approve mast plan’

By David Bartlett

COUNCIL bosses today said they had to approve a controversial mobile phone mast because their hands were tied by government guidelines.

It comes after a mast for St Silas Church, St Silas Road, Blackburn, was given planning permission.

The mast will replace a flagpole and would have three phone antennae inside. continued...

The Government has said there is no conclusive evidence of links between phone masts and health problems.

Omega this is not true. See under:

And Coun Andy Kay, executive member for regeneration, said: "Like all councils, our planning decisions have to be made in line with national planning policy.

"Because of this, we are not allowed to turn down planning permission for a mast like this on the grounds of public health."

Today, resident Danielle Ellis said she would fight the plans and appealed to the church to re-think the plan.

Ms Ellis, who lives behind the church in Azalea Road, said she had serious concerns about the radiation from phone masts. I am horrified at the church for inflicting this mast upon us.

She said she had not ruled out appealing the planning decision, and was hoping to arrange a protest outside the church.

The mother-of-three appealed for any other neighbours with concerns to get in touch.

"I am so disappointed in the council for not protecting our children.

"And I am horrified at the church for inflicting this upon us which goes totally against the church's teaching," she said.

Ms Ellis whose children are aged 10, six and two, said the church was near to three nursing homes and five primary schools, and the council was wrong not to take into account health risks or even perceived health risks.

Before the plans were heard in front of the committee, nearby schools Al-Asr Primary School and Westholme School both wrote to object to the plans.

The letter from Al-Asr stated: "If the council wants to go ahead and let mobile corporations put up transmitters in residential areas then for goodness' sake let's not put them near our schools."

Canon Arthur Ranson, said: "The church council considered this carefully, the proper consultation has taken place and we have been given planning permission."

He said the mast still had to be approved by the Faculty Jurisdictions of the Church of England, which decides on material changes to churches. This could take between four and eight weeks.

"It will help us financially in these difficult days, I can't deny that, but I would say that it's not a fantastic amount," he said.

The council has been given assurances by the applicant, a company which acts on behalf of mobile phone companies, that the mast will be operated with independently set safety guidelines.

Omega read "Base Stations, operating within strict national and international Guidelines, do not present a Health Risk?" under:

7:00pm Thursday 6th July 2006

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Phone mast 'could close playgroup'

A PLAYGROUP says plans for a 15 metre-high mobile phone mast yards from its site will "finish" it.

Drayton Playgroup in Stratford Road, Banbury, which has been running for more than 20 years, has opposed phone company O2's second attempt to put a mast on land close to Drayton School.

Supervisor Diane Bates, who knew nothing of the plans until a parent told her, said: "I think this could finish the playgroup. I think a lot of people will take their children out because they know there are possible health implications, especially fears over cancer and leukaemia.

"We might not find out for 15 or 20 years what effect these things have and they shouldn't be building masts in areas where there are children.
"My son goes to Drayton School and it worries me."

Drayton Playgroup, which has 45 children on its books, has now written to Cherwell District Council opposing the plan.

The mast will be disguised as a telegraph pole and shared between O2 and Hutchison 3G. It will be located on Oxfordshire County Council-owned land next to Trinity Close.

In January 2005 the Banbury Guardian reported plans by O2 to erect a mast nearby at the junction of Stratford Road and Warwick Road.

Parents were concerned over potential health risks from radiation, backed by Drayton School headteacher Richard Sutton and MP Tony Baldry. In the end 02 withdrew the application.

Mary Jenvey, of Powys Grove, who fought the plans last time round, said: "This will happen over my dead body; residents of Banbury will not let it happen.

"I know these companies need to put the masts somewhere but I can't believe how unethical they are doing it near a school and playgroup.

"Until it can be categorically proved there's no health risk they shouldn't be doing it. I have an eight-year-old son and I don't want this mobile phone mast going near my family."

Cherwell District Council says it cannot object to phone mast applications on health grounds, only for siting or appearance reasons.

The telecommunications application has been delegated to Cherwell District Council officers – meaning it cannot be debated by councillors – who must approve or object to the plans by July 5.

Angela Johnson, community liason officer for O2, said: "This is a really key site for coverage in the Banbury area and the mast has to be in a specific place to fit into our existing network.

"If there's any cause for concern it's with phones not masts, and having a mast nearby means power in phones will be far less. There is no evidence of any risk to health because phone masts are so low powered."

Omega this is not true. See under:

Mrs Jenvey replied: "Years ago they used to say smoking was good for you."

Just a few of Banburyshire's other mobile phone masts/antennae include: land north of Manor Farm, Bodicote, O2 and T-Mobile; Horton General Hospital, Vodafone and Cellnet; Banbury School, Ruskin Road, Energis Communications; Middleton Road,Hutchison 3G; Wildmere Road, BT Cellnet; Spital Farm Sewage Works, Thorpe Mead, BT and Cellnet; Sun View Farm, Southam Road, Vodafone; Yew Tree Farm, Bloxham, Vodafone, One2One (now T-Mobile); land south of Warmington, Vodafone; Hook Norton Brewery, Vodafone.

29 June 2006

All rights reserved © 2006 Johnston Press Digital Publishing.

Not welcome, Mr. President!

#Die Linkspartei.PDS: Pressemitteilungen

07. Juli 2006

Linkspartei.PDS unterstützt Proteste gegen Bush-Besuch

Der Bundesgeschäftsführer der Linkspartei.PDS, Dietmar Bartsch, erklärt zum bevorstehenden Bush-Besuch:

Die Linkspartei.PDS unterstützt die Aufrufe der Friedensbewegung zu friedlichen und phantasievollen Protesten gegen den Besuch des amerikanischen Präsidenten George W. Bush in Stralsund und Trinwillershagen. Ich rufe die Mitglieder und SympathisantInnen der Linkspartei.PDS auf, sich an den Veranstaltungen zu beteiligen. Mit seiner aggressiven Außenpolitik, den Kriegen in Afghanistan und im Irak, mit dem mehrfachen Bruch des Völkerrechts steht die Bush-Regierung gegen alles, was die Linkspartei als deutsche Friedenspartei will: ein friedliche Welt ohne Koalitionen von Kriegswilligen, friedliche Konfliktlösung und eine zivile, soziale Welt. Deshalb kann es in der kommenden Woche nur heißen: Not welcome, Mr. President!

National Animal, ID: the unnecessary death of millions of animals

by Leo M. Schwartz

In the March 6, 2006 issue of Veterinary Times, British veterinarian Bob Michell wrote, “In the name of veterinary disease control, we were about to embark on the greatest unnecessary slaughter of healthy animals in the history of our profession…the unnecessary death of millions of animals and the unnecessary suffering of those on whose farms they.....

The FDA - A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

by Byron J. Richards, CCN

The FDA is actively engaged in a series of steps to take away useful nutrition as a health option for Americans. All the FDA plans to leave on the market is watered-down trash. The useful supplements will become prescription items of Big Pharma.....

Cindy Sheehan to Move Camp to National Mall

Announcing Camp Democracy

Cindy Sheehan and activists in the growing peace movement plan to move Camp Casey to the National Mall in Washington, D.C., September 8 - 21. The camp on the Mall will carry the name Camp Democracy at Fort Fed Up. Organizers intend the camp to bring together peace activists with activists for social justice, united in demanding a shift of public resources from war to the needs of people. Participants will lobby Congress to end all funding of the occupation of Iraq, and will demand that Congress hold the Bush Administration accountable for the falsehoods that launched the war and the abuses of power here at home that have accompanied it. Camp Democracy is launching an outreach effort to include organizations in the planning of the camp's activities, which are all in the initial stages. Organizations already on board are listed on the website:

Participating organizations and guest experts and celebrities will provide workshops and training sessions on a wide range of issues, as well as on communications, voter registration, nonviolent civil disobedience, lobbying, organizing, media production, and performance arts. Congress Members and congressional candidates will take part. Local elected officials will instruct attendees on participation in local government. Musicians will perform concerts. New films will be shown on a large screen. Participants will acquire useful skills while demanding fundamental change.

Individuals can sign up and plan to come:

And volunteer to help:

Organizations, large and small, can sign up to participate:

Organizations, trainers, speakers, educators, and performers should propose activities that they believe would benefit thousands of citizens who want to work for change:

Internet activists, and anyone with a blog or a website, can help by posting this information and link to the website using this link:


Medea Benjamin Records PSA for AfterDowningStreet
Listen here:

National Impeachment Teach-In July 21, 2006 – 6 to 8 p.m. Busboys and Poets Restaurant, 2021 14th St. NW Washington, D.C.

Watch a screening of the 30-minute documentary HOW TO IMPEACH A PRESIDENT, produced by the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR). Then join a discussion with David Swanson, Cofounder of; Jamie Raskin, professor of constitutional law at American University; Gael Murphy, Cofounder of CODE PINK: Women for Peace; Steve Cobble, Cofounder of, and Andy Shallal, Founder of Iraqi Americans for Peaceful Alternatives.



Men are not born equal: one is rich, one is poor

Angry, power-hungry conservatives of today may be losing their grip on Washington

On the state elites vs. the people

Multiculturalism in Canada: Government’s Paradise

What are "principles," and where should they exist in the panoply of things to which we maintain loyalty?

The US strategy is dangerous as well as wrong

On the Duke scandal: Tawana Brawley II

PROTEST VICTORY: Delight as council says no to phone giant's application

Take a look at the latest victory story.

Eileen O'Connor

I have typed this out. Not available on-line at


Lancashire Evening Post
6th July 2006
Page 22

PROTEST VICTORY: Delight as council says no to phone giant's application

Mast bid is thrown out

Planners have thrown out a bid to build a phone mast on Grimsargh farmland.

Preston Council's planning committee unanimously turned down the application for the mast on Whittingham Lane.

Phone giants O2 said the mast, on land at Dixon's Farm, was necessary because of increased demand.

The company wanted to build a 20 metre lattice tower with three antennae and two equipment cabinets, surrounded by a fence.


But furious residents said the mast could affect their health and devalue their homes.

Concerns were also raised that it was close to a listed building.

Grimsargh and Haighton parish councils and Alston Lane Catholic Primary School raised objections, along with 148 local people. A 345-signed petition was also submitted.

Normally, the application would be determined by the officers, but it was called in by Counc Neil Cartwright.

A dozen members if the Grimsargh Mast Opposition Action Group were at the meeting to see the application be thrown out.

It was previously recommended for refusal by planners on the grounds of its damage to the visual amenity and that it could be "located in less environmentally damaging location".

Preston Council had asked the company to consider moving the mast behind a belt of trees, but this request was refused.

Herbert Wilcock, who lives less than a half-a-mile from the site said, " We're all really pleased our campaign was successful".

" We feel the council has listened to the strength of feeling on this issue. Hopefully, O2 will go away and not try to reapply somewhere else."

Angela Johnson, O2 North West spokesman, revealed the company will be looking for another suitable in the area for a mast.

She said, "We only build masts where they are needed."

"Our radio planner is going to see if it will work in another place. If it does, we will put in new application."

10,000 EPA Scientists Protest

They call this democracy????? No wonder people are disillusioned with politics.

Eileen O'Connor

Information from

ApplyRefer 2.3

10,000 EPA Scientists Protest

Library Closures Loss of Access to Collections
Will Hamper
Emergency Response and Research By: Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility
Published: Jun 29, 2006 at 08:41

In an extraordinary letter of protest, representatives for 10,000 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency scientists are asking Congress to stop the Bush administration from closing the agency's network of technical research libraries. The EPA scientists, representing more than half of the total agency workforce, contend thousands of scientific studies are being put out of reach, hindering emergency preparedness, anti-pollution enforcement and long-term research, according to the letter released today by Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER).

In his proposed budget for FY 2007, President Bush deleted $2 million of support for EPA's libraries, amounting to 80% of the agency's total budget for libraries. Without waiting for Congress to act, EPA has begun shuttering libraries, closing access to collections and reassigning staff. The letter notes that "EPA library services are [now] greatly reduced or no longer available to the general public" in agency regional offices serving 19 states.

The letter signed by presidents of 17 locals of four unions (the American Federation of Federal Employees, the National Treasury Employees Union, the National Association of Government Employees and the Engineers and Scientists of California) representing more than 10,000 EPA scientists, engineers and other technical specialists was sent to Congressional appropriators yesterday evening and states:

. "The ability of EPA to respond to emergencies will be reduced" due to a diminishing access to "the latest research on cutting-edge homeland security and public health" topics;

. Approximately 50,000 original research documents will become completely unavailable because they are not available electronically and the agency has no budget for digitizing them; and

. The public and academic researchers may lose any access to EPA library materials as services to the public are being axed and there are no plans to maintain "the inter-library loan process."

"Eliminating library access is an absolutely awful way to run an agency devoted to public and environmental health," stated PEER Executive Director Jeff Ruch. "For example, important research on the Chesapeake Bay is locked away in boxes since EPA closed its Ft. Meade library this February, yet EPA still maintains that restoring the Chesapeake is a top priority."

The dogged insistence by the Bush administration on a $2 million cut in an overall EPA budget of nearly $8 billion is particularly curious. EPA internal studies show that providing full library access saves an estimated 214,000 hours in professional staff time worth some $7.5 million annually, an amount far larger than the total agency library budget of $2.5 million.

"The Bush administration apparently decided that it was politically easier to close the libraries than to burn the books, although the end result will be the same," Ruch added, noting that the EPA Administrator brushed aside an earlier request by the scientist unions to bargain about the library shutdowns internally.

In their letter, the EPA scientists cite library closures as "one more example of the Bush administration's effort to suppress information on environmental and public health-related topics." At the same time, other outside observers, such as the Chair of EPA's own Science Advisory Board, are expressing growing concerns over the viability and coherence of EPA's research program.

About Election Fraud

Informant: sasha

Studie: Handy am Steuer wie Trunkenheit

VON PETER MARTOS (Die Presse) 07.07.2006

Fahrer, die mobil telefonieren, sind so stark beeinträchtigt wie Lenker mit 0,8 Promille Alkohol. Eine Freisprecheinrichtung nützt praktisch nichts, weil der Gesprächsinhalt ablenkt. Handy am Ohr vergrößert das Risiko zwar nur unwesentlich gegenüber der Freisprecheinrichtung, besagt eine Studie. Telefonieren am Steuer sei aber gleich arg wie Trunkenheit.

WIEN. Autofahrer, die mobil telefonieren, sind im Straßenverkehr ähnlich gefährlich wie Betrunkene. Das ist die Kernaussage einer Studie an der University of Utah, die nach dreijähriger Arbeit veröffentlicht wurde. Es gebe zudem kaum Unterschiede zwischen "Handy am Ohr" und Freisprecheinrichtung. Letztere nutze praktisch nichts, weil "die Konversation selbst - und nicht nur die Handy-Bedienung - die Fahrer von den Straßenbedingungen ablenkt", so Koautor Frank Drews.

"Menschen, die beim Autofahren via Handy telefonieren, sind etwa gleich behindert, als würden sie mit dem erlaubten Alkoholgrenzwert im Blut fahren", sagt Drews. Dieser Wert wurde bei 0,8 Promille angesetzt. Womit der hierzulande erlaubte Grenzwert (0,5 Promille) überschritten wäre. Drews: "Wenn die Gesetzgeber wirklich etwas gegen Fahruntüchtigkeit unternehmen wollen, sollten sie überlegen, die Handy-Nutzung beim Fahren zu verbieten."

Basis der im Journal der "Human Factors and Ergonomics Society" publizierten Studie war ein Test, dem 40 Teilnehmer je viermal unterzogen wurden: ohne Ablenkung, mit Handy am Ohr, mit Freisprecheinrichtung und einmal mit 0,8 Promille Alkohol im Blut (Wodka-Orange). Sie fuhren im Simulator hinter einem "Tempomacher" her, der plötzlich bremste: [*] Fahrer, die telefonierten, waren um eine Spur langsamer unterwegs als Unbeeinträchtigte und bremsten um neun Prozent später. Nach dem Bremsen beschleunigten sie um 19 Prozent später. Sie waren 5,36-mal so oft in Kollisionsgefahr. Der Abstand zum Tempomacher wechselte stark, drei Telefonierer fuhren auf. [*] Fahrer mit Alkohol im Blut waren noch eine Spur langsamer als die Telefonierer, dafür aggressiver unterwegs. Sie fuhren sehr nahe an den Tempomacher heran, bremsten häufiger und heftiger.

Überrascht waren die Forscher von alkoholisierten Fahrern: "Weder die Unfallraten noch die Reaktionszeiten unterschieden sich signifikant von den Telefonierern." Drews vermutet, dass der Grund in der Tageszeit zu suchen sei: Da die Tests jeweils morgens stattfanden, seien die Personen ausgeruht gewesen. In der Realität passierten 80 Prozent aller durch Alkohol ausgelösten Unfälle zwischen 18 und 6 Uhr, wenn Fahrer müde sind. Bei zwei Fünftel der 42.000 jährlichen Todesfälle im US-Straßenverkehr ist Alkohol im Spiel.

Studienleiter David Strayer hat nach der Basisuntersuchung 2003 den Pharmakologen und Toxikologen Dennis Crouch beigezogen. Strayer rechnet jetzt mit dem Vorwurf, "dass wir die Behinderung durch Alkoholisierung trivialisieren". Das sei natürlich Unsinn. "Wir meinen nicht, dass Leute fahren sollten, während sie betrunken sind, aber sie sollten nicht telefonieren, während sie fahren."

Telefonieren beim Fahren gehört (auch) in den USA zu den neuen Gefahren im Straßenverkehr. Laut der "National Highway Transportation Safety Administration" telefonieren tagsüber acht Prozent aller Fahrer. (In der Nacht wird nicht beobachtet.)

"Glücklicherweise ist der Anteil der betrunkenen Fahrer zu allen Zeitpunkten viel niedriger", so Drews. Seine Vermutung, warum sich die Zahl der Unfälle mit Telefonierern in Grenzen hält: "92 Prozent nutzen kein Handy und kompensieren für die acht Prozent."

Laut ÖAMTC machen "Handy-am-Ohr-Telefonierer" um 40 Prozent mehr Fahrfehler als Nichttelefonierer. Mit Freisprecheinrichtung seien es um 28 Prozent mehr.

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Handy erhöht Risiko wie Alkohol


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