Donnerstag, 6. Juli 2006

Are your tax dollars paying for vacation homes for the wealthy?

Rebuilding Hurricane Zones

What More Could We Give You, Mr. Bush?

Maude Barlow argues that Canada's Conservative government has already made more than enough concessions to the aggrandizing United States.

Joe Lieberman's Loyalties

Paul Rogat Loeb points out: "This isn't the first time Joe Lieberman's placed loyalty to his career above all other allegiances. Afraid that Connecticut's Democratic voters will reject him in the primary, he's now hedging his bets by planning to run as an Independent if he loses. 'I have loyalties that are greater than those to my party,' he says, and tries to make this sound noble."

Not in Our Name: The Voters' Pledge

"Americans must summon the civil courage to face what is being done in their name and to refuse to be accomplices. The Voters' Pledge is one way to do this. The Voters' Pledge is a project comprising many of the major organizations in the anti-war movement - United for Peace and Justice, Peace Action, Gold Star Families for Peace, Code Pink, and Democracy Rising - as well as groups with broader agendas like the National Organization for Women, Progressive Democrats of America,, and magazines including the American Conservative and The Nation. The goal of this coalition is to build a base of anti-war voters that cannot be ignored by anyone running for office in the United States. We want millions of voters to sign the pledge and say no to pro-war candidates," writes Daniel Ellsberg.


Not In Our Name!

Scared Marines Video:

Informant: Debi Clark

Tax Dollars Fund Study to Restrict Public's Right to Know

The federal government will pay a Texas law school $1 million to do research aimed at rolling back the amount of sensitive data available to the press and public through freedom-of-information requests.

Ohne Handy im Unterricht

In der Anlage ein Vorbericht aus den Schongauer Nachrichten von heute zur morgigen Anhörung im Bayerischen Landtag zur Kenntnisnahme.

Mit lieben Grüßen:
Hans Schütz

Antennes relais: ECOUTER le Témoignage de Jean-Luc

VOIR le dossier de Marc Filterman sur Jean-Luc

Iraqi Leaders Question US Troops' Immunity

Following a recent string of alleged atrocities by US troops against Iraqi civilians, leaders from across Iraq's political spectrum called Wednesday for a review of the US-drafted law that prevents prosecution of coalition forces in Iraqi courts.

Hartz IV-Fortentwicklungsgesetz: Erwerbslosen- und Sozialhilfeinitiativen kritisieren Bundesrats-Ausschüsse


Die Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Erwerbslosen- und Sozialhilfeinitiativen e.V. (BAG-SHI) kritisiert die Empfehlungen der Ausschüsse des Bundesrates zum so genannten Hartz IV-Fortentwicklungsgesetz. Das "Gesetz zur Fortentwicklung der Grundsicherung für Arbeitsuchende" soll am Freitag im Bundesrat verabschiedet werden. "Die Forderungen der Ausschüsse des Bundesrates, soziale Leistungen nur noch vorübergehend zu gewähren (Punkt 9) oder den Vorrang lebenslanger Unterhaltsverpflichtungen zwischen Eltern und Kindern auszuweiten (Punkt 10), sind für uns nicht akzeptabel", so Andreas Geiger von der Arbeitsgemeinschaft.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Attac kritisiert Gesundheitsreform als "schamlose Abzocke"

Eckpunkte der Gesundheitsreform: Attac kritisiert Gesundheitsreform als "schamlose Abzocke" (06.07.06)

Attac sieht in "dem angeblichen Kompromiss" zur Gesundheitsreform "nichts als eine schamlose Abzocke der Kranken und Versicherten". "Eine medizinische Versorgung für alle verlangt, dass deren Kosten allen je nach ihrer finanziellen Leistungsfähigkeit getragen werden", meint der Chefarzt an der Hochrheinklinik in Bad Säckingen, Arndt Dohmen, zugleich aktiv in der Attac-AG "Soziale Sicherungssysteme". Eine solche solidarische Bürgerversicherung setze voraus "dass sich niemand mehr aus der Solidarität davonstehlen kann, also die Beitragsbemessungsgrenze fällt". Attac fordert daher die Abschaffung der privaten Krankenversicherung. Weiterhin müssten die Unternehmen die Hälfte der Kosten des Gesundheitssystems tragen, damit ein gesetzlicher Krankenversicherungsschutz für alle Menschen im Land finanzierbar sei.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Die von der Bundesregierung geplante Neuregelung der Anti-Terrorgesetze könnte auch soziale und politische Bewegungen betreffen

Geheimdienste bekommen mehr Befugnisse

Angela Merkel, machen Sie Deutschland zum Weltmeister in der Armutsbekämpfung!

19. Juni

DSGA-Anzeige im Spiegel

In einer ganzseitigen Anzeige in der aktuellen Ausgabe des SPIEGEL (S. 100) fordert „Deine Stimme gegen Armut“ Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel und Finanzminister Peer Steinbrück auf: „Zeigen Sie der weltweiten Armut die rote Karte!“ In Anlehnung an den WM-Slogan „Die Welt zu Gast bei Freunden“ stellt sich die Frage, wie weit Deutschlands Freundschaft nach der WM geht. Gleichzeitig wird die Regierung aufgefordert, beim deutschen G8-Gipfel und der deutschen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft 2007 wegweisende Entscheidungen zur Umsetzung der Millennium- Entwicklungsziele (MDGs) zu treffen.

SPIEGEL-Anzeige vergrößern

Deine Stimme gegen Armut


Why wait for the Supreme Court to rule on whether the federal government should fight global warming emissions?

Carbon On The Docket

by Frank O'Donnell,

How our governments use terrorism to control us

Informant: Milo

Transcripts Reveal Reporter's Central Role in Plame Outing

Notebooks belonging to former New York Times reporter Judith Miller indicate she may have been told about covert CIA operative Valerie Plame Wilson by another White House official before her first meeting in late June 2003 with I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney's former chief of staff who was indicted last year related to his role in the Plame-Wilson leak, an attorney representing Libby claims.

The Bush administration's destabilization policies

Mother Jones
by Tom Engelhardt


[A]dministration strategists have long been trying to destabilize Iran in a variety of ways, while threatening future military assaults on that country's nuclear establishment. If, at some future point, they were to follow through on this, the results for the global economy would undoubtedly prove both staggering and destabilizing in ways it's quite possible no one could handle. In the meantime, they have been willing to destabilize the world by essentially growing terror in the pursuit of other ends. Despite the centrality of the 'global war on terror' to their plans, it's obvious that the taking out of hostile terrorist groups has not been the only, or even perhaps the primary item on their agenda -- after all, they curtailed the hunt for Osama bin Laden in order to whack Iraq. Rhetoric aside, they seem, in fact, to be quite willing to live with the global phenomenon of ever proliferating, ever more homegrown terrorist organizations...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Why conservatives can't govern

by Alan Wolfe


Contemporary conservatism is a walking contradiction. Unable to shrink government but unwilling to improve it, conservatives attempt to split the difference, expanding government for political gain, but always in ways that validate their disregard for the very thing they are expanding. The end result is not just bigger government, but more incompetent government. 'Ideas,' a distinguished conservative named Richard Weaver once wrote, 'have consequences.' Americans have learned something about the consequences of conservative ideas during the Bush years that they never had to confront in the more amiable Reagan period. As a way of governing, conservatism is another name for disaster...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Mehr Befugnisse für Geheimdienste: Koalition weitet Datenschnüffelei aus

Auch das Terrorismusbekämpfungsgesetz wird „optimiert“

Mehr Befugnisse für Geheimdienste. Koalition weitet Datenschnüffelei aus

Die große Koalition will den Zugriff der Geheimdienste auf Daten erweitern. Opposition und Bürgerrechtler sehen darin einen Verstoß gegen das Grundgesetz. Artikel von Karin Dalka in FR vom 05.07.2006

Große Koalition über Verschärfung der Anti-Terrorgesetze einig

„Schwarz-Rot will die "bewährten" Überwachungsregelungen aus dem Terrorismusbekämpfungsgesetz beibehalten und ausdehnen. Darauf haben sich Innenpolitiker der Koalitionsfraktionen mit dem Bundesinnenministerium anhand eines Entwurfs für ein "Terrorismusbekämpfungsergänzungsgesetz" geeinigt…“ Artikel von Stefan Krempl in heise news vom 4.7.06

Siehe die Eckpunkte des Terrorismusbekämpfungsergänzungsgesetzes in der Pressemitteilung der der SPD-Bundestagsfraktion vom 3.7.06,,38085,00.html

Kommunikationsfreiheit und Datenschutz > Vorratsdatenspeicherung

Aufschub der Protokollierung von Telefon, Handy und Internet gefordert

Der Arbeitskreis Vorratsdatenspeicherung, ein Zusammenschluss von Bürgerrechtlern, Datenschützern und Internetnutzern, fordert eine Aussetzung der Pläne zur Vorratsdatenspeicherung in Deutschland. Pressemitteilung des Arbeitskreises Vorratsdatenspeicherung vom 6.7.06

Aus: LabourNet, 6. Juli 2006


I am sending you the below for posting.

Best, Imelda, Cork



by Eoin English

Defiant landowners vowed last night to continue their blockade against an ESB [Electricity Supply Board] power line despite the threat of massive legal bills. The Bantry Concerned Action Group (BCAG) said its members will continue to deny ESB crews access to over 20 farms in the area. The ESB workers, who have a court order allowing them access to land to erect a 14-kilometre power line to a wind farm, have been blocked from farmland since last Thursday. The BCAG was standing firm yesterday despite confirmation from the ESB that it is taking legal action against the landowners to recover the costs of having crews idle in the area since last week. Costs are estimated at up to 15,000 [euros] a day. Landowners were yesterday facing a bill of up to 60,000 [euros]. But BCAG spokesman Joe Burke said his members will not back down. "I don't give two hoots what the ESB say. That's just a threat," he said. "I'm not worried, and the other landowners aren't worried either. Even if it's 100,000 [euros], or 200,000 [euros] a day, my children are more important than that. "I'd never forgive myself that I didn't stand up and protect them. "They can take us to court. All I can do is explain to the judge that this is what the farmers here want." He made his comments as farmers from Waterford, Galway and Tipperary joined the protest. A number of other protesters, linked to the Rossport Five protests in Mayo last year, are also offering support. "

And in today's (Thurs., July 6, 2006) IRISH EXAMINER's "Local News" roundup column the following appears:


Groups in Kenmare [Co Kerry] are strongly opposing the erection of a telecommunications mast at the local garda station. Deputy Jackie Healy-Rae said health and safety considerations were no being taken into account and there were schools, shops, hotels and private homes within 1 km of the structure."

Nuking Iran is NOT Off the Table

Informant: Kev Hall

Bertelsmann: wie ein globaler Drahtzieher Medien, Bildung und Politik steuert

Bertelsmann-kritischer Kongress

Vom 14.-16. Juli 2006 findet in Hamburg der Kongress "Du bist Bertelsmann"statt - Untertitel "Wie ein globaler Drahtzieher Medien, Bildung und Politik steuert". Der Eintritt ist frei. Programm und weitere Informationen hier:

Aus: Lobbycontrol Newsletter vom 6.7.2006


Wessen WM das war - Auch an den Klinsmännern haben die Bertelsmänner gut verdient.

„Seit zwei Dekaden bläst der Linken der neoliberale Wind ins Gesicht. Erklärungen der politischen Großwetterlage befriedigen kaum, ob sie nun den Abbruch des realsozialistischen Experiments, die Medienrevolution oder einfach die von den Mainstreammedien unermüdlich proklamierte »Globalisierung« bemühen. Unter dem Stichwort »Globalisierung« werden ideologische Mythen kolportiert, zu sich selbst erfüllenden Prophezeiungen gemacht: das Ausbluten der Staatskassen, die Abschaffung von Arbeitnehmerrechten, das Ende der Sozialsysteme. Es ist heute eine Hauptbeschäftigung der Linken, diese Mythen zu entlarven und zu bekämpfen. Wie gesagt: Sie fallen nicht vom Himmel, sie werden gemacht. Häufig steht dahinter ein mächtiger, lichtscheuer Akteur: Bertelsmann, die Windmaschine des Neoliberalismus…“ Artikel von Thomas Barth in junge Welt vom

Bertelsmann-kritische Informationen und Materialien finden sich auf der Seite des Bildungswiki

Aus: LabourNet, 17. Juli 2006


Bertelsmann: neuer Herold des christlichen Fundamentalismus?


Geschäft oder Gütersloher Gutmenschentum?

Ein Hamburger Kongress nahm den politischen Einfluss der Bertelsmann Stiftung unter die Lupe.


Bertelsmann Kongress bei kanalB

Unter dem Titel "Du bist Bertelsmann: Wie ein globaler Drahtzieher Medien, Bildung und Politik steuert" fand vom 14.-17. Juli 2006 in Hamburg ein Kongress statt, der Bertelsmann-KritikerInnen und Interessierte zusammenführte. Es war bereits der zweite Kongress, der sich mit diesem aggressiven neoliberalen Akteur beschäftigte. Dazu veröffentlicht kanalB 7 verschiedene Videoclips. Siehe dazu die Sonderseite bei kanalB

Aus: LabourNet, 24. Juli 2006


Wir sind Deutschland und Du bist Bertelsmann

Kommandatur in Berlin. Wie Reinhard Mohns Stiftung bestimmt, wie viel Soldaten gegen jeweils 1.000 Neger in Afrika ausrücken müssen. Artikel von Otto Köhler in Freitag vom 28.7.06

„Sprung auf! Marsch Marsch! Zum Kongo!“

Kommentar von Hans Horn

Aus: LabourNet, 31. Juli 2006

Stimmungsmacher der Hartz-Republik

ANTENNES-RELAIS Cancers à St Cyr-l'Ecole: "le hasard"

Investigation du signalement d’un agrégat de pathologies diverses

La lutte contre les maladies cachées

Drôme de drame: Collège Marc Seignobos Chabeuil, France


Do tax breaks for big companies bring in a couple hundred jobs?

Overpaying for Jobs

Matt Singer says, "When states across the country eye strategies for economic development, too many of them turn to an old idea: tax breaks for big companies who bring in a couple hundred jobs."

Climate Change Evaporates From G8 Agenda - Russia Cracks Down on G-8 Protestors

At the last G8 summit, political leaders vowed to "act with resolve and urgency" on climate change. A year on, global warming has been sidelined by concerns about how the world can satisfy its growing appetite for energy. Environmentalists worry that the focus will be on developing more fossil fuels and nuclear power.


In St. Petersburg, G-8 Summit Will Forecast Our Energy Future

Russia Cracks Down on G-8 Protestors

Rescuing a Planet Under Stress

Lester Brown sees promise in our problems: "Participating in the construction of this enduring new economy is exhilarating. So is the quality of life it promises ... The prospect of living in a world where population has stabilized, forests are expanding, and carbon emissions are falling is an exciting one. It should inspire us to make the difficult but necessary decisions ahead."

America's Hidden History: The 50th State

Most people in the United States have no real knowledge of Hawaiian history. Located 2,500 miles past the coast of California. Hawaii is home to the largest military command in the world. Anne Keala Kelly brings us through the history of Hawaii.

From Information Clearing House

An Outcry Rises as Debt Collectors Play Rough

The rise in American consumer debt has been accompanied by a sharp increase in complaints about aggressive and sometimes unscrupulous tactics by debt collection agencies, a phenomenon that has government regulators increasingly concerned.

Fed Treading on Thin Ice as U.S. Housing Bubble Weakens

The idea, as Fed economists see it, is that as overall spending is reduced, employers will hire fewer workers. As unemployment rises, employees are in a weaker bargaining position, and this leads to slower wage growth. Slower wage growth, the Fed hopes, will lower inflation.

From Information Clearing House

Bullies Along the Potomac

WITH conservatives controlling the White House and Congress, one might expect states' rights to be firmly in vogue. But several recent federal actions have seriously weakened the states' efforts to protect health and the environment.

From Information Clearing House

Washington Babylon

California Republican congressman Randy "Duke" Cunningham traded military contracts for $2.4 million in antiques, cash, and other booty. He is now in jail, but his case exposed a world of bribery, booze, and broads that reaches into the Pentagon, the C.I.A., and Congress. Washington is wondering: Who's next?

From Information Clearing House

Abramoff Had Access to DoJ, Ashcroft

The former Attorney General and his staff had extraordinary ties to Abramoff and his team, as numerous emails and the recent report out from the Justice Department Inspector General make clear.

From Information Clearing House

More acidic seas pose new threat - Fossil Fuels Said to Damage Ocean Life

Scientists warn

They warn that, by the end of the century, the trend could devastate coral reefs and creatures that underpin the sea's food web.

From Information Clearing House


Fossil Fuels Said to Damage Ocean Life

A science panel convened by the National Science Foundation, NOAA and the USGS reports that the ocean is absorbing CO2 from burning fossil fuels and turning more acidic than it has been for possibly millions of years. Researchers called the pH changes "truly extraordinary." Corals, plankton and other marine life are threatened.

Growth of sushi bars 'driving tuna to extinction'

Commercial fishing for bluefin tuna in the Mediterranean and eastern Atlantic should be halted immediately or the species will become extinct, the World Wide Fund for Nature says.

From Information Clearing House

Why the future doesn't need us

Our most powerful 21st-century technologies - robotics, genetic engineering, and nanotech - are threatening to make humans an endangered species.

Some scientists believe the future will be worse than our darkest nightmares

'Heaven or Hell'

"We are certainly at a turning point. For centuries we have used technology to change our environment. But now we are using it to change ourselves, we are messing around with our souls and what it is to be human.

Weapons in outer space

TENSIONS IN the United Nations over space-based weapons ran to new heights recently when the United States delivered a hard-line statement on its right to develop such weapons.

From Information Clearing House

Bush's foreign friends fading fast

Most of the leaders who defied criticism at home to stand with him on Iraq and win his friendship are no longer players on the world stage, or are on their way out. And it was a small band of brothers to begin with.

From Information Clearing House

DoD Wants $8.6 Billion for New Weapons

The Defense Department is seeking $8.6 billion to buy new weapon systems needed to support operations in Iraq and Afghanistan during the first part of fiscal year 2007, a sum well above what lawmakers so far have authorized and appropriated.,15240,103963,00.html

From Information Clearing House

US troops refusing to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan

'One weekend a month, two weeks a year. My a...' National Guardsmen in Iraq express their frustration at their endless deployment. Tim Richard and Carl Webb, two war resisters, spoke to Simon Assaf about why there is a growing revolt against the Afghanistan and Iraq wars inside the US army.

From Information Clearing House

Hundreds Begin Nationwide Hunger Strike to Protest War

We speak with an Iraq war vet who was arrested protesting war on July 4th and an Iraqi blogger - both are participating in the fast.

The Middle East Agenda: Oil, Dollar Hegemony & Islam

Bush Fiddling While World Burns

Aid Should Target the Poor and Not the Rich

Henry Paulson and the Five Circles of Economic Hell

More Lapdogs Than Watchdogs

The Politics of Fear, the Revenge of Hope

DDT 'Link' to Slow Child Progress

Hidden Fears over Britain's Nuclear Plants

Documents Reveal

US is Losing 'Global War on Terror'

Experts Say

Bundesregierung plant die Abschaffung des Rechtsstaates

Rechtsstaat stört die Kontrolle der Bürger

Destroying Ramadi in order to save it

Informant: jensenmk
From ufpj-news

Mexikanische Wahlen: Milionen Stimmen verschwunden

Bush Labor Board Refuses to Hear Us

Informant: Martin Greenhut

Suppressing the Vote in Big Cities

It is important that the strictest requirements be placed on those voters who live in cities who attempt to register to vote. There are a myriad of again, legal but unethical excuses that can be used to reject the attempt by a voter to register to vote, or to purge them from the rolls. A shining example of this is Kenneth Blackwell's efforts regarding voter registration in Ohio's metropolitan areas described here:

The Trouble With Conservatives

America, Is Your Soul Dead?

Why We Fight: on air shows, militarism, and mass death

The Americans will go the way of the British, the Russians, and Alexander

No aggression means exactly that

Forget the Republicans

Rumsfeld subpoenaed over Abu Ghraib

Informant: V A

Phone mast inquiry has been withdrawn

A PUBLIC inquiry into a phone mast at Codnor has been scrapped, after T-Mobile withdrew its appeal.

An inquiry was due to take place to see if the phone company should be allowed to keep its monopole mast at land near the market place.

The phone company originally launched its appeal on grounds of non-determination after Amber Valley Borough Council didn't make a decision on the future of the mast within an eight-week timescale.

At a meeting earlier this month, councillors on Amber Valley Borough Council's planning board decided to press ahead with an inquiry despite warnings from senior council officers that the council could lose the case and land the taxpayer with huge costs. Within days of this decision by the council, T-Mobile withdrew its appeal.

However, T-Mobile's withdrawal does not automatically mean that the phone mast will come down. At the council meeting senior legal officers advised councillors that even if T-Mobile lost the appeal, they could still exercise permitted development rights, thus allowing the mast to remain.

Cliff Jones from Jessop Street, Codnor is one of a number of residents who has been fighting to have the mast removed. Cliff said: "I am pleased that T-Mobile has withdrawn their appeal, however, we just hope that this means that the mast has now got to come down. I would like to thank the councillors who made a stand and went against officer's recommendations and called for the public inquiry."

By Stephen Sinfield
29 June 2006

All rights reserved © 2006 Johnston Press Digital Publishing.


However, T-Mobile's withdrawal does not automatically mean that the phone mast will come down. At the council meeting senior legal officers advised councillors that even if T-Mobile lost the appeal, they could still exercise permitted development rights, thus allowing the mast to remain.

Isn't this a ludicrous situation where, although this Council has stood firm and forced T Mob to withdraw - they could still keep the mast in place. I just wonder who is running this country!


From Mast Sanity/Mast Network

Preteen-Mag Accused of Military Pitching

Parents and teachers are complaining that the latest issue of a popular magazine for preteens amounts to little more than an early recruitment pitch for the Army.

Forgotten Sacrifice

Air Force Captain F. John Duresky writes, "Yesterday millions of Americans celebrated Independence Day. They attended parties and barbecues. Families came together from all across the country to celebrate the big day. Millions of dollars were spent on fireworks. At public events, there were speeches honoring the people who served and those who made the ultimate sacrifice. These words mostly fell on bored ears. While the country celebrated its own greatness, other Americans were still fighting in Iraq."

Cindy Sheehan: Starving for Attention

"It is midnight of the 5th of July and 24 hours since thousands of us began the Troops Home Fast," writes Cindy Sheehan. "Some of us will be fasting completely until the troops come home; some will be on liquids only until the troops come home; some will fast for 2 weeks, 2 days; or like me, until at least September 21st."

Handy am Steuer wird teuer

Three charges filed against Lt. Watada

US Army news releases on charges against Lt. Watada

Friends & Family of Lt. Watada news release: support demo

Informant: jensenmk
From ufpj-news


First Officer to Refuse Deployment to Iraq Charged by Army

Today, First Lieutenant Ehren K. Watada was formally charged with three articles of the Uniform Code of Military Justice: missing movement (Article 87), contempt toward officials (Article 88), and conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman (Article 133). If convicted of all charges by a general court-martial, Lt. Watada could be sentenced to four years in a military prison.


Army Charges Lieutenant Who Wouldn't Go to Iraq


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