Freitag, 24. März 2006

Mercury Generation March at Washington D.C. April 6th: BE THE VOICE OUR CHILDREN NEED

Thimerosal linked to immune system ills (Mercury in Vaccinations)

The vaccine component has been suspected in autism, but study is no 'smoking gun' to UCD expert.

In a study sure to fuel the controversy about the role of childhood vaccines in autism, scientists at UC Davis have found that a preservative used in some vaccines can disrupt the immune system, at least in mice. For full story:

Join the "mercury generation" march at Washington D.C. April 6th.


"Protecting the health and informed consent rights of children since 1982."

NVIC Note: The National Vaccine Information Center supports the Mercury Generation March being held on April 6, 2006 in Washington, D.C. The message: "Autism is Preventable, Autism is Treatable" - especially when it is vaccine-induced - is a message that should be heeded by pediatricians, public health officials, and drug companies selling vaccines. Parents of vaccine injured children and healthy children alike will not abandon their children to one-size-fits-all vaccine policies and federal regulatory agencies which consider some children expendable for the "greater good." NVIC urges all concerned citizens, who want to support truth and freedom when it comes to vaccine policies to come to Washington, D.C. on April 6 and make their voices heard ( ). NVIC co-founders will be at the march and will attend the Defeat Autism Now (DAN) Conference being held that weekend . NVIC President Barbara Loe Fisher will speak at the DAN conference.

Mercury Generation March Update
Only 16 days until rally day!
There's still time to get good air fares under the 14 day deadline, book now. Many recent news stories are in our favor, so let's strike while the iron is hot!

From ABC news, Washington: Autism Study Prompts Debate

From UPI: The Age of Autism: Mercury Creeps Back In

From the Milford Daily News: Lawmakers seek new investigation into vaccine autism link

Read the letter from Congressional leaders to the NIEHS urging an independent study of the VSD here:

Last week, Senator John Kerry used a national platform to express his concerns about thimerosal, based on what he's learned from parents. Read his comments on Imus in the Morning here:

Unfortunately, too many of our elected officials still just don't "get it" - and they won't unless you tell them! Just the day before Senator Kerry's remarks, the Senate HELP Committee voted down a provision in a new insurance bill (S.1955) that would allow the continuation of state mandates for autism treatment.


If you are not able to attend The Mercury Generation March, try to schedule a meeting at your representative's local district office and let's let them know we are not going away. It's time to make our children a priority! Go to to get instructions on what you can do this week to continue to gain support for your child.


News (at) is a free service of the National Vaccine Information Center and is supported through membership donations. Learn more about vaccines, diseases and how to protect your informed consent rights

Barbara Loe Fisher, President and Co-founder.

Informant: Scott Munson


By Deborah Zabarenko
March 24, 2006

WASHINGTON - Miami would be a memory, Bangkok a soggy shadow of its former self and the Maldive Islands would vanish if melting polar ice keeps fuelling a faster-than-expected rise in sea levels, scientists have reported.

In an issue of the journal Science focussing on global warming, climate scientist Jonathan Overpeck of the University of Arizona reported that if global trends continue, Earth could ultimately see sea levels 20 feet (6 meters) higher than they are now.

By the end of this century, Earth would be at least 4 degrees F (2.3 degrees C) warmer than now, or about as hot as it was nearly 130,000 years ago.

Back then, significant portions of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets melted, pushing the global sea levels to about 20 feet (6 meters) higher than current levels.

A similarly dramatic, and in some cases catastrophic, rise in ocean levels could happen by the year 2500, Overpeck said in a telephone interview, but he noted it could come sooner.

"We know when the sea level was that high in the past, and we know how much warming is necessary to get that amount of sea level rise from both Greenland and Antarctica," Overpeck said.

The Earth will get that hot sometime early in the second half of this century, he said, and once it does, the big ice sheets will start melting "in a more dramatic manner" than they currently are.

A conservative estimate would call for sea level rises of 3 feet (1 metre) per century, he said.

He cautioned, however, that this estimate assumes the Earth will get only as hot as it did 130,000 years ago when the ice sheets melted.

"If we decide to keep on the track we're on now and just keep on warming, because of greenhouse gas pollution, then we could easily cook those ice sheets more rapidly," Overpeck said.

The earlier ice melt was concentrated in the Northern Hemisphere in the summer months, and was due largely to changes in Earth's orbit, he said.

"The climate warming we're in now is global and it's year-round and it's due to human influences on the climate system," he said. "That will be more damaging to the ice sheets than the that warming we had 130,000 years ago."

The ice sheets are already melting, accelerated by relatively warm water that eats away at them, said NASA glacier expert Bob Bindschadler.

"It's not really a debate any more about whether sea level is rising or not. I think the debate has shifted to, how rapidly is sea level rising," Bindschadler said in a telephone briefing.

Overpeck's Web site -- -- offers dynamic maps of the projected results of the rise in sea levels.

Informant: NHNE

In Indonesia, "Dirty Gold" Responsible for Pollution and Abuses

American mining company Freeport-McMoRan operates a massive open-pit copper and gold mine in the remote Indonesian province of Papua. There, mine wastes are being dumped directly -- almost 700,000 tons a day -- into what was once a pristine forest river system.

The company’s payments to Indonesian military and civilian officials are being investigated by the U.S. Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission for possible violations of corruption and security laws.

And residents of Papua have been protesting that the mine does not share its wealth with local people, and that its dirty practices are destroying their lands and resources.

Please share the below news story about Freeport-McMoRan, a company which is violating many of the Golden Rules,
with your friends and encourage them to sign the No Dirty Gold pledge.

Thank you.

The No Dirty Gold Campaign

Jakarta tells Freeport, "Start following rules"

By Peter Gelling,
International Herald Tribune
March 24, 2006

The Indonesian government warned the U.S. operator of the world's largest copper mine Thursday to clean up its environmental practices or face court action.

As a result of a government's investigation, Environment Minister Rachmat Witoelar said he expected Freeport-McMoRan to receive the worst environmental rating possible.

He also issued a series of recommendations to improve the mine's standards.

The government did not issue a deadline for Freeport to meet these standards but said it should take no longer than two or three years. Another team will be sent to the mine in May to assess progress, he said.

Court action will not be taken immediately, the minister said, because this is the first serious investigation by the government.

"We want Freeport to start following the rules here," he said. "Freeport shouldn't be its own country within a country. There are 500 other companies like Freeport here that follow the rules."

A spokesman for Freeport, Siddharta Moersjid, said the company would fully cooperate with the Indonesian government.

"We will continue to work with the ministry, as we have the same common objective in trying to minimize the impact to the environment from our activities," he said.

The government's investigation, carried out by a team of 24 independent experts, found an alarming amount of waste being pumped into Papuan rivers - thousands of tons a day.

Witoelar said the company urgently needed to establish an alternative method for disposing of mine waste that used more efficient technology.

The warning came hours after a landslide ripped through an area surrounding the mine in Indonesia's remote province of Papua, killing 3 people and injuring more than 20 others.

Moersjid said the land fell from a ridge of a mountain near the mine at 1 a.m. A wall of mud crashed into a cafeteria serving personnel from the mine, he said.

Witoelar, however, emphasized that the landslide was not a result of mining activities.

The government issued its report a week after protesters in Papua, calling for the mine to be closed, clashed with the police.

Five police officers and one soldier were killed in the confrontation. Protests have spread recently to other cities across Indonesia, including the capital, Jakarta.

The Indonesian government announced Wednesday that it was sending hundreds more officers to patrol Papua Province.

Protesters, the media and local politicians have condemned Freeport in recent months for its environmental practices, as well as its treatment of local Papuans and its involvement with the Indonesian military, which provides security for the site. Indonesia's military has been widely cited for abuses against the local populace.

Newmont, another U.S. mining company operating in Indonesia, has also been the subject of recent protests and attacks.

The company closed an exploration camp on the island of Sumbawa after protesters attacked and then set fire to the camp. Newmont settled out of court with the Indonesian government in February on charges it had polluted Buyat Bay in North Sulawesi.

Freeport's mine waste is discarded in the Ajkwa River. About a third of that waste is then carried to a coastal estuary, a breeding ground for marine life.

Witoelar said that Freeport had no legal permit to dispose of its tailings in this way and that under Indonesian law that system of disposal had been prohibited since 1990.

The Forum for Environment, also known as Walhi, an environmental watchdog group in Indonesia, said the government's investigation would have little effect on the mine's operations.

"We think it is a waste of time," said the group's deputy director, Farah Sofa. "Freeport has long been on the wrong side of the law. There needs to be direct consequences for the company's actions."

Melting ice could raise levels up to 20 feet by 2100

This is the main story of today's San Francisco Chronicle–front page, above the fold. One item is untrue. This is not the first time a 20-feet this century warning has been issued. I issued it eight years ago in the Earth Island Journal, and have done so in person since 1995. (check )

Andy Caffrey
Climate Action NOW!
The Great Conversion
P.O. Box 324 Redway, CA 95560

P.S. So what are you doing about it?

OCEANS RISING FAST, NEW STUDIES FIND Melting ice could raise levels up to 20 feet by 2100, scientists say - David Perlman,
Chronicle Science Editor
Friday, March 24, 2006

Glaciers and ice sheets on opposite ends of the Earth are melting faster than previously thought and could cause sea levels around the world to rise as much as 13 to 20 feet by the end of the century, scientists are reporting today.

If the researchers' estimates are correct, a rise in ocean waters projected by the new studies not only would drown many of the low-lying inhabited atolls and islands that are already endangered by rising ocean waters, it also would threaten coastal cities and harbors on every continent.

Scientists have been warning for decades that greenhouse gases from autos and industry are warming the planet and raising the seas, but the studies appearing today in the journal Science are the first to suggest that sea levels could climb as high as 20 feet as a result of global warming.

The studies by two teams of researchers are the first to combine data on long-term climate change and sea ice melting from both the north and south polar regions.

"This is a real eye-opener set of results," said geoscientist Jonathan T. Overpeck of the University of Arizona, who led one of two teams of university and government climatologists. "We need to start serious measures to reduce greenhouse gases within the next decade, (and) if we don't do something soon, we're committed to 4 to 6 meters (13 to 20 feet) of sea level rise in the future."

The scientists used models of climate change widely accepted by government and university researchers and the fossil record of episodes of global warming thousands of years ago.

The teams, which Overpeck led together with Bette L. Otto-Bliesner, a climatologist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo., analyzed climate and polar ice records from 130,000 years ago during a period of global warming when Earth was tilted somewhat more on its axis than it is today and its orbit around the sun was slightly different. As a result, the sun at that time warmed the north polar regions by about 5 degrees Fahrenheit, Overpeck and his colleagues calculated.

By using evidence from ice cores, stranded coral reefs, fossilized pollen and ancient ocean sediments, the team estimated that Greenland's glaciers and Arctic sea ice all melted rapidly in that period and thrust sea levels up by about 10 feet. Overpeck said that during the same period, the West Antarctic ice sheet, much of which is unstable below sea level, may have also melted along with other ice-clad coasts of Antarctica and added another 10 feet to the rise in global sea level.

The teams then compared that era to what might happen in this century if emissions of carbon dioxide and other industrial gases into the atmosphere continue to increase dramatically, as present trends foresee.

They concluded that ice in both the Artic and Antarctic regions is now melting faster than previously believed and, unless the trend is reversed, that would lead to an average global temperature increase of at least 4 degrees Fahrenheit and a rise from today's global sea level of 13 to 20 feet. Melting of glaciers on Greenland and Arctic sea ice alone could raise sea levels by considerably more than 3 feet, they calculated.

Their conclusions are already provoking controversy -- even among other scientists who are concerned about the impact of greenhouse gases on warming trends but who foresee much smaller increases in future sea levels.

John R. Christy, a noted atmospheric scientist at the University of Alabama who supports the idea that human activities are a major cause of global warming, said in an interview that "these papers don't alarm me. When you look at all the data, it's confusing but not alarming. People are searching for hard answers, and there's still a lot of speculation."

Where Overpeck's team said that "sea level rise could be faster than widely thought," Christy said: "I wish they'd written 'could or could not be faster.' "

On the other side, James Hansen, a leading NASA climate expert who recently accused White House officials of trying to censor his scientific reports, supported the findings.

The work by the two teams "is a useful contribution because they point out that sea level change may be much more rapid than we thought," Hansen said in an e-mail. "The practical problem for humanity is that ice sheet disintegration starts slowly, but once it gets going fast enough it will be out of our control and there will be no way to stop it.

"The further implication is that we have to get serious about reducing greenhouse gas emissions now, not wait 15 years until some magic new technology is available."

Michael Oppenheimer, a Princeton geoscientist and member of the university's Atmospheric and Ocean Sciences Program, agreed with Hansen.

"These are important papers," he said in an interview, "because they provide new insights into the effects of temperature change on melting ice at both poles. They show how even modest increases in global temperatures could put the Earth in a dangerous spot.

"We don't have to know for sure how fast the glaciers and polar ice sheets would disappear to realize that this is a serious warning, and by the end of this century we could be locked into an irreversible trend that no technology could reverse."

In a report that also appears in today's issue of Science, Robert Bindschadler, a glaciologist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., wrote that Canadian and European satellites monitoring glaciers around the margins of both Greenland and Antarctica provide strong support for the new findings.

Radar aboard the satellites shows that for the past five years, in both the northern and southern regions, warmer waters have been moving into cold ocean layers 3,000 feet deep where the bases of many large glaciers lie, Bindschadler said. The warm waters are rapidly increasing the rate at which those glaciers, as well as deep-rooted sea ice around them, are melting -- and thus are speeding the pace of the rise in sea level, he concluded.

E-mail David Perlman at dperlman

Page A - 1 URL:

Informant: Scott Munson

My Saudi Arabian Breakfast

Chad Heeter: What I eat for breakfast connects me to the planet, deep into its past with the fossilized remains of plants and animals which are now fuel, as well as into its future, when these non-renewable resources will likely be in scant supply. My meal traveled thousands of miles around the world to reach my plate. What happens when middle-class families in India or China decide they want their Irish oats for breakfast, topped by organic raspberries from Chile? They'll dip more and more into the planet's communal oil well. And someday soon, we'll all suck it dry.

New York City may restrict cell phone towers placement due to health worries

An anyonymous source sent this to me earlier today.

I think we should pass it on.

James River Martin

The story was originally published in the Park Slope Courier, of Brooklyn, N.Y.

It was an important bit of news, but with no legs to carry it through "official channels" to the larger world. The story basically got nailed down to Brooklyn, its feet taken from it. The powers that be, it would seem, don't like stories of this kind getting legs.

The headline: "Critics Fight to Restrict Cell Towers". The upshot: New York City may restrict cell phone towers placement due to health worries..., that's all. No big deal, right? Not news with legs.

".... The bill would prohibit the erection of cellular towers and antennas within 500 feet of schools throughout New York City. ..." Schools! Children!

A foot in the door. That's all.

Critics Fight to Restrict Cell Towers

A couple of blogs picked it up.

But Google and Yahoo news searches including its various terms pulled up essentially nothing. It is not news with legs. Officially.

One wonders about the..., what? millions or is it billions (?) in advertising which cascades into the advertising departments of the media. Those same ad departments which are officially "separated by a firewall" from the news rooms.

Some anonymous writer sends an e-mail to a news underground. (This will happen momentarily.) The story gets e-mailed around. The bloggers pick up the story. This hasn't happened yet. The story needs refinement, editing, a bit of research, some underground investigations and interviews.... The real story is that the story isn't told, but lay in various ways hidden, nailed down in Brooklyn.

It did. Until the people began taking the news into their own hands.

And THAT is a story!

It will be.


Hey thanks - this is now on my blog too!



Stop Louisiana From Using Pesticide Toxic to Birds

Your help is needed to protect bald eagles, wood storks and other birds in Louisiana, by ensuring the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) does not allow use of one of the world's most potent bird-killing pesticides. Rice growers from Louisiana are seeking an emergency exemption from the EPA to use the banned pesticide carbofuran on 200,000 acres in order to control rice water weevils that feed on rice plants. For the third time in five years, Louisiana is requesting a special exemption for carbofuran use.

Carbofuran has been responsible for more avian deaths than any other pesticide, killing an estimated 1 to 2 million birds annually in the United States. Application of carbofuran to crops has resulted in as many as 17 bird kills for every five acres treated. Use of carbofuran has been restricted for years. If the EPA allows its use in Louisiana, bald eagles, wood storks and other migratory birds will be at risk.

The widespread carbofuran use Louisiana is requesting will cause injury to wild birds and the environment, and will violate the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act, the Endangered Species Act, the Bald and Gold Eagle Protection Act and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. The EPA revoked a similar carbofuran exemption request by Louisiana in 2002 and requested that Louisiana withdraw another application in 2005.

This exemption is not needed because there are a number of economical and effective chemical and non-chemical alternatives and environmentally feasible management practices available to Louisiana rice growers to control these pests. Rice farmers can reduce rice water weevil infestations by early planting, delayed flooding, and draining of fields, and numerous less toxic pesticides posing much less risk to birds are effective against rice weevils.

Please send the sample letter below to the EPA urging them to deny any request to allow the use of carbofuran.

Take Action under:

Terminator Rejection: A Victory for the People

Terminator rejected: a victory for the people

Just an hour ago here in Brazil, the Chair of the UN meeting announced that governments have agreed to reject language that would have undermined the moratorium on Terminator.

Groups, communities and individuals across the world have joined together in this fight to ban Terminator and your action has been effective in this important first step.

The Ban Terminator Campaign will continued to monitor the meetings today and next week.

Terminator rejection - a victory for the people

A broad coalition of peasant farmers, indigenous peoples and civil society today celebrate the firm rejection of efforts to undermine the global moratorium on Terminator technologies - genetically engineered sterile seeds - at the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in Curitiba, Brazil.

"This is a momentous day for the 1,4 billion poor people world wide, who depend on farmer saved seeds," said Francisca Rodriguez of Via Campesina a world wide movement of peasant farmers, "Terminator seeds are a weapon of mass destruction and an assault on our food sovereignty. Terminator directly threatens our life, our culture and our identity as indigenous peoples", said Viviana Figueroa of the Ocumazo indigenous community in Argentina on behalf of the International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity.

"Todays' decision is a huge step forward for the Brazilian Campaign against GMOs," said Maria Rita Reis from the Brazilian Forum of Social movements and NGOs, "This reaffirms Brazils' existing ban on Terminator. It sends a clear message to the national government and congress that the world supports a ban on Terminator." "Common sense has prevailed – lifting the Moratorium on the Terminator seeds would have been suicidal – literally,” said Greenpeace International’s Benedikt Haerlin from the Convention meeting. "This is a genuine victory for civil society around the world - it will go a long way to ensuring that biodiversity, food security and the livelihoods of millions of farmers around the world are protected.”

Terminators, or GURTS (Genetic Use Restriction Technologies), are a class of genetic engineering technologies which allow companies to introduce seeds whose sterile offspring cannot reproduce, preventing farmers from re-planting seeds from their harvest. The seeds could also be used to introduce specific traits which would only be triggered by the application of proprietary chemicals by the same companies.

At the CBD Australia, Canada and New Zealand along with the US government (not a party to the CBD) and a number of biotech companies were leading attempts to open the door to field testing of Terminator seeds by insisting on ‘case by case’ assessment of such technologies. This text was unanimously rejected today in the CBD's working group dealing with the issue. It still needs to be formally adopted by the plenary of the CBD.

Despite today's victory, there is no doubt that the multinational biotech industry will continue to push sterile seed technology. ‘Terminator’ will rear its ugly head at the next UN CBD meeting in 2008. The only solution a total ban on the technology once and f or all,” concluded Pat Mooney of the Ban Terminator Campaign. Now all national governments must enact national bans on Terminator as Brazil and India have done.

From Terminator Information


Greenpeace: Terminator Rejection - A Victory for the People

Vienna Doctors Yellow Poster Campaign

Vienna Doctors Yellow Poster campaign enclosed.


Please find enclosed jpg format, for the Vienna Doctors poster with spelling correction thanks to Pete from the WART campaign group.

I would encourage everyone to display the posters at home, work and send a copy to your doctor, we should get behind this yellow poster campaign and ask our doctors, friends, family and colleagues to display this serious warning.

Eileen O’Connor
EM Radiation Research Trust

Renommierter Umweltmediziner beklagt Behinderungen bei der Erforschung von Mobilfunkstrahlung

"Erkenntnisse zu Langzeiteffekten über zehn Jahre verzögert"

Ihre Meinung zum Thema...

Rainer Frentzel-Beyme, Umweltmediziner an der Universität Bremen, beklagt eine enge Verbindung zwischen Mobilfunkkonzernen und dem Staat. Eine unabhängige Erforschung der Wirkung von Funkstrahlung sei daher nur schwer möglich und würde seit über zehn Jahren verzögern. "Die staatlichen Stellen sind derartig mit den Betreibern verbunden, dass ich da nicht genau trennen kann", sagte Frentzel-Beyme im Interview mit So sei der Experte zwar zu verschiedenen Anhörungen bei Landtagen und auch im Bundestag eingeladen worden, diese hätten aber eher eine Ventilfunktion erfüllt. Konsequenzen wie die Einrichtung eines Moratoriums für die Aufstellung neuer Antennen, wie es in der Schweiz, Frankreich und Spanien der Fall war, oder eine ernsthafte Förderung der Forschung habe es in Deutschland nicht gegeben, so der Professor.

Derzeit arbeitet der Wissenschaftler an einer Studie zur Wirkung der elektromagnetischen Strahlung auf Kinder. Die Durchführung eines solchen Projektes sei zuvor verzögert worden. "Nachdem einschlägige Anträge vorlagen, wurde zunächst behauptet, das Thema hätte aufgrund einer Umfrage bei Wissenschaftlern keine Priorität", sagte Frentzel-Beyme. Dann sei eine Studie an Autoren vergeben worden, die bereits Publikationen zugunsten der Mobilfunkbetreiber verfasst hatten. "Das lässt Fragen offen, wie unabhängig die Forschung sein kann, wenn sich eine eindeutige Selektion lässt", sagte er weiter.

"Echte Unabhängigkeit erfordert ohnehin, dass staatliche Forschungsförderung völlig unabhängig von Mitteln aus der Industrie erfolgt. Da das Mobilfunkforschungsprogramm zur Hälfte durch die Betreiber der Technik finanziert wird und diese nachweislich bei der Vergabe von Studienförderung Einspruch erheben können, sind die Weichen schon vor ernsthaften objektiven Ansätzen gestellt", sagte Frentzel-Beyme.

Das zeigt sich bereits seit Anfang der 90er Jahre. "Mein erster Antrag an die Betreiber, im Deutschen Krebsforschungszentrum eine 10-prozentige Stichprobe der 800.000 C-Netzbenutzer mit D-Netzbenutzern mittels einer epidemiologischen Studie vergleichend zu untersuchen, wurde durch die Firma Mannesmann und später auch durch die Forschungsgemeinschaft Funk abgelehnt", sagte er. Auch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) habe sich nicht in der Lage gesehen, die 1993 konzipierte Studie zu fördern. "Damit wurden Erkenntnisse zu Langzeiteffekten über zehn Jahre verzögert", beklagte der Wissenschaftler.

Als 2002 ein Mobilfunkmast im Ortskern von Flachsmeer (Friesland) aufgestellt wurde, erhoffte sich der Umweltmediziner Erkenntnisse über Schlafstörungen bei der dort ansässigen Bevölkerung. Mannesmann (heute Vodafone) habe sich aber geweigert, die Anlage gemäß einer Versuchsplanung abzuschalten, erklärt der Experte. Trotz anfänglicher Zusage war demnach auch die Deutsche Telekom später nicht mehr bereit, die Studie zu unterstützen. "Die Telekom zeigte sich erst an der methodisch einwandfrei geplanten Untersuchung interessiert, musste dann aber wohl auch zurückstecken und zog die auf einer Bürgerversammlung gegebenen Förderungsangebote wieder zurück", so der Experte. (ck/as)

[ Freitag, 24.03.2006, 17:01 ]

Copyright 2006 Jupitermedia Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Bush Says He's Above the Law Again

When President Bush signed the reauthorization of the USA Patriot Act this month, he included an addendum saying that he did not feel obliged to obey requirements that he inform Congress about how the FBI was using the act's expanded police powers.

In Charge, Except They're Not

E.J. Dionne Jr. writes: Hold on: The president of the United States runs the "big government" he's attacking. This is mysterious. If Bush's "good, hardworking people" aren't responsible for the problem, the villains of the piece must be alien creatures created by some strange beast called Big Government.

Barbara Bush's Katrina Donation to Enrich Her Son

Former first lady Barbara Bush donated an undisclosed amount of money to the Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund with specific instructions that the money be spent with an educational software company owned by her son Neil.

Specter Lashes Out at Bush Eavesdropping

A vocal Republican critic of the Bush administration's eavesdropping program will preside over Senate efforts to write the program into law, but he was pessimistic Wednesday that the White House wanted to listen.

Secretary of Homeland Insecurity

The editors of the New York Times write: Mr. Chertoff did not chastise the industry for failing to protect their plants adequately. He proposed weak federal safety standards. He did not even fully embrace a recently-introduced bipartisan Senate bill that would create meaningful standards.

National Impeachment Movement Ignored by Corporate Media

By Peter Phillips

If a national movement calling for the impeachment of the President is rapidly emerging and the corporate media are not covering it, is there really a national movement for the impeachment of the President? Impeachment advocates are widely mobilizing in the U.S. Over 1,000 letters to the editors of major newspapers have been printed in the past six months asking for impeachment. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette letter writer George Matus says, "I am still enraged over unasked questions about exit polls, touch-screen voting, Iraq, the cost of the new MedicareŠwho formulated our energy policy, Jack Abramoff, the Downing Street Memos, and impeachment." David Anderson in McMinnville, Oregon pens to the Oregonian, "Where are the members of our congressional delegation now in demanding the current president's actions be investigated to see if impeachment or censure are appropriate actions?" William Dwyer's letter in the Charleston Gazette says, "Congress will never have the courage to start the impeachment process without a groundswell of outrage from the people." City councils, boards of supervisors, and local and state level Democrat central committees have voted for impeachment. Arcata, California voted for impeachment on January 6. The City and County of San Francisco, voted Yes on February 28. The Sonoma County Democrat Central Committee (CA) voted for Impeachment on March 16. The townships of Newfane, Brookfield, Dummerston, Marlboro and Putney in Vermont all voted for impeachment the first week of March. The New Mexico State Democrat party convention rallied on March 18 for the "impeachment of George Bush and his lawful removal from office." The national Green Party called for impeachment on January 3. Op-ed writers at the St. Petersburg Times, Newsday, Yale Daily News, Barrons, Detroit Free Press, and the Boston Globe have called for impeachment. The Nation (1/30/06) and Harpers (3/06) magazines published cover articles calling for impeachment. Garrison Keillor, and Richard Dreyfuss both have come out for impeachment. As of March 16, thirty-two US House of Representatives have signed on as co-sponsors to House Resolution 635, which would create a Select Committee to look into the grounds for recommending President Bush's impeachment. Polls show that nearly a majority of Americans favor impeachment. In October of 2005, Public Affairs Research found that 50% of Americans said that President Bush should be impeached if he lied about the war in Iraq. A Zogby International poll from early November 2005 found that 53% of Americans say, "If President Bush did not tell the truth about his reasons for going to war with Iraq, Congress should consider holding him accountable through impeachment." A March 16, 2006 poll by American Research Group showed that 42% of Americans favored impeaching Bush. Despite all this advocacy and sentiment for impeachment, corporate media have yet to cover this emerging mass movement. The Bangor Daily News simply reported on March 17 that former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark has set up the website and that other groups are using the internet to push impeachment. The Wall Street Journal, on March 16, editorialized about how it is just "the loony left" seeking impeachment, but perhaps some Democrats in Congress will join in feeding on the "bile of the censure/impeachment brigades." The corporate media is ignoring the broadening call for impeachment - wishing perhaps it will just go away. Television news and talk shows have mentioned impeachment over 100 times in the past 30 days, mostly however in the context of Senator Russ Feingold's censure bill and the lack of broad Democrat support for censure or impeachment. Nothing on television news gives the impression that millions of Americans are calling for the impeachment of Bush and his cohorts.

The Bush Administration lied about Iraq, illegally spied on US citizens, and continues war crimes in the Middle East. Despite corporate media's inability to hear the demands for impeachment, the groundswell of outrage continues to expand.

Peter Phillips is a Professor of Sociology at Sonoma State University and Director of Project Censored a media research organization. He is co-editor with Dennis Loo from Cal Poly Pomona of the The Case for Impeachment of Bush and Cheney scheduled for release this summer by Seven Stories Press.

Peter Phillips
Ph.D. Professor Sociology/Director Project Censored Sonoma State University
1801 East Cotati Ave. Rohnert Park, CA 94928
Office: 707-664-2588

Bird flu vaccination could lead to new strains


From the demonstration in Athens, Greece, for 3 years from the beginning of war in Iraq. The Ecologists Greece had signs in their banners "NO WAR", "NO NUCLEAR", "THE HUMANS, THE HEALTH, AND THE ENVIRONMENT ABOVE THE PROFITS ".

More, photos here:

Follows the text of Ecologists Greece and Greek Ecologists Without Borders, that was shared in the demonstration.


Today are supplemented 3 years from the beginning of war in Iraq. A war that becomes for oil, that is extended (apart from the Afghanistan) and in Iran and in the capitals of West, that it leads to Islam-hysteria and to the trespass of democratic rights. A war that is kill innocent and children.


- NO WAR. Gives fighting present in the anti-war initiatives. Boycott the products of multinationals of war.

- NO MILITARIZATION, the equipment, the violence, the obligatory military service, the arms of mass destruction. Fight for world disarmament and direct suppression of arms of mass destruction.

- NO ENTANGLEMENT OF GREECE IN THE WAR, no soldier outside borders, no facilitation.

- NO NATIONALISMS that they cultivate the powerful in the Balkans in order to they are facilitated in distribution the areas of influence and the natural resources, and in order to sell the very big equipment the American industries of arms.

- NO RACISM AND TERROR-HYSTERIA. Fight for multiculturalism, adversely in the globalisation that destroy the cultures, and for the democracy.

- NO NUCLEAR. Ask the direct suppression of nuclear arms and nuclear factories.

- NO OIL-ECONOMY, in the centralized and energy-consume model of development. Fight for decentralisation, local economy, small-familial business. Against the environmental destruction, the pollutants, the phenomenon of greenhouse, the climatic changes, the extreme meteorological phenomena.

- NO IN THE WAY OF LIFE THAT THEY IMPOSE TO US. Fight against the consuming model of life where us imposing for the profits, and that leads to the destruction of environment, health, natural resources of planet, and the viability.



The organisations:

Greek Ecologists Without Borders-GEWB

Ecologists Greece

Weapons of Mass Oppression

A Global Infrastructure for Mass Surveillance: Surveillance for the Common Man

The total spy and surveillance capability of the United States and its allies is truly beyond comprehension - and apparently beyond control.


FBI lists Indymedia, on 'terrorist watch' list

FBI Supervisory Senior Resident Agent G. Charles Rasner listed Indymedia, Food Not Bombs and the Communist Party of Texas as "terrorist watch" cause groups in Austin...


When America exports censorship

From Information Clearing House


Pulled over in Kansas?

Apocalyptic president

Even some Republicans are now horrified by the influence Bush has given to the evangelical right.

An Unnecessary Crisis: The Iranian Nuclear Showdown

Former CIA analyst: Military action is madness; unilateral economic sanctions are basically cutting of the American nose to spite the American face.

The Accepted System of Dissent: we believe in an illusion

That illusion is an accepted system of dissent that ensures our resistance doesn’t go beyond boundaries established by the government and the corporate media.

How many times are we going to let George Bush and Dick Cheney say you guys don't support the troops, you're not patriotic and let them push us around?

Video Russ Feingold on The Daily Show:

America has 'lost its moral compass'

Ex-UN chief

The United States has lost its moral compass and fallen out of step with the rest of the world in the wake of September 11, the former United Nations human rights commissioner warned tonight.,,11069-2095001,00.html

From Information Clearing House

The rallying cry of the Democratic Party must become impeachment

It's Criminal

By Scott Ritter

The rallying cry of the Democratic Party must become impeachment. Given the magnitude of the crimes committed by the United States in Iraq under the direction and leadership of President Bush and his administration, there is simply no other recourse that can bring a halt to the madness in Iraq, and the insanity being planned in Iran and elsewhere.

Rachel's News #847

Lucas Warns Of Hollywood's Global Influence

Informant: NHNE

Propaganda and the fear factor

Common Dreams
by Gary Alan Scott


It is the merest truism that thought-control is unnecessary in totalitarian societies. A one-party rule and the repression of freedoms render irrelevant what people think. But in a would-be free and open society -- and especially in a society that aspires to be a democracy -- propaganda and thought-control are crucial to the formation of public attitudes. In a nominal democracy, such as exists today in the United States, shaping the opinions of the masses is crucial to the appearance of legitimacy for the ruling elite. The public must be guided and persuaded to ratify the policies favored by the wealthy and well connected, while insuring that the general public does not actually interfere with the policies and profits of the corporate rulers. ... If you haven't read George Orwell's 1984 or Aldous Huxley's Brave New World for awhile, now is a good time to pick them up and re-read them. I submit that American society today seamlessly blends the self-satisfaction of Huxley's Soma with Orwell's ubiquitous telescreens and the thought-control they engender. When people are afraid, they need the Soma all the more: fear produces anxiety and hysteria; Soma provides the escapism. It is a powerful 1-2 punch...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Litigations against the phone firms will wipe them out in a matter of days

From the desk of John O'Hanlon

Dear Geoff and any interested parties,

Despite much, much effort and time by a few who are convinced that this type of constant irradiation is harmful (I liken non-ionizing radiation to a tap dripping on your head-it won't harm you for a couple of weeks but as time goes on it will harm) there appears to be no hearing ears to the plight of the 'mast sensitive'. The main reason for this being the deceptive power of money, which it would seem holds almost everyone in it's clutches.

With the aforesaid in view then it is my belief that we are with this technology for some time yet to come; although I would seriously expect the next 18 months to be ''telling''. As 3g is rolled out nationwide we are seeing at the same pace the complete and utter overloading of the NHS system-despite having been funded up to the hilt in recent months. It won't be, however, fully accepted that these masts are harmful until it is irrefutable-as was the case with the drug thalidamide. It was considered 'safe' until the babies were being born without limbs on such a scale that questions were asked.

In conclusion, I can see why Richard Branson is gearing down his interests in virgin mobile-and if I had shares in any of these firms i too would definately sell-sell-sell! Because as soon as it is openly apparant there are problems the litigations against the phone firms will wipe them out in a matter of days. I wonder what odds William Hills Bookmakers would give now on any of the big mobile firms going bust in the next two years would be? i would hazard a guess at 2000/1.

Kind regards,

John O'Hanlon
S.R.A.M. Honorary Member

Japanese Specialist Develops New Electromagnetic Radiation Shielding Material

I am an Electro Hyper Sensitive living in Japan. I have some interesting news for EHS patients.

A landmark EMR shielding material “The Living Polymer-Coated Alminum-Honeycomb Type” was developed by Mr. Teruyuki Tsunabuchi, a Japanese shielding technology specialist and the president of the Tsunabuchi Consultant Office. He has a patent in the U.S.A. (2004) and in Australia (2005), and received a Japanese patent on March 17th, 2006.

This shielding material can cut electromagnetic waves (frequency range 10MHz-100GHz) to less than one ten-millionth while allowing light and air to pass through it. Hence, it can be used as an inner window in houses to protect human beings from the negative effects of electromagnetic radiation coming in from outside. It can also be used as a shielding material added in the manufacture of an appliance's heat ventilation system in order to decrease the leakage of EMFs.

Mr. Teruyuki Tsunabuchi has been successful in developing this new technology, but he hasn't been able to commence with technological mass production as of yet since he hasn't been able to find any sponsors in Japan. Unfortunately, there is little awareness among the Japanese people of the dangers caused by microwave technology (cell phones) and other EMFs. Mr. Teruyuki Tsunabuchi has said that “ If I can get a enough money (JPN Yenn300 million?about US $3.5 million ), the technology for mass production would be developed in one year.”

I believe this material, if it were mass produced, should be able aid many people with EHS.

If you have an interest, please contact to him.
Teruyuki Tsunabuchi Tsunabuchi Consultant Office
4-32 Atsubetsu higashi 1-jo 3-chome, Atsubetsu-ku, Sapporo City, Hokkaido, JAPAN FAX 81+11-898-9580

Finally, I would like to introduce an abstract in his paper:

“The Living Polymer Coated Aluminum-Honeycomb Type” Electromagnetic Wave Shielding Material

Abstract We have developed a new electromagnetic shielding material which has honeycomb structure coated by mixture of ultra-high molecular polymer (Living polymer) and Cu micro powder. Each cell of the honeycomb structure has an inclination of other than 90 degrees to the surface. As thus sheet allows the air to pass through and is transport to light, it can be used in layers as one sheet or two with only 1mm/th (-1.8mm/th) thick. This technology can product electromagnetic shielding material which has high shielding effect of 70dB-120dB on frequency range of 10MHz to 100GHz.

Patent Information
Title: Electromagnetic wave absorber
U.S.A. No. 6,756,931 B2/ 2004
Australia No.20032004967/2005
Japan No.3772187/2006
EU Application submitted.

Best Regards,


Ballygunner mobile mast decision kicked for touch

Friday, March 24, 2006

By Jennifer Long

A DECISION on planning permission for a controversial mobile phone mast on Ballygunner Hurling Club’s grounds has been put back, it’s been confirmed.

Residents of the Ballygunner area and also parents of children attending St. Mary’s National School were waiting with bated breath yesterday (Tuesday) for the decision which was due from Waterford City Council.

But it was confirmed in the afternoon that further information was being requested from the club and also telecommunications company Meteor, which can be submitted over the next six months.

When it is received, the Council has a further month to make their decision.

A total of 23 objections have been received by the local authority against the application for retention which was submitted at the end of January in the name of the hurling club.

The mast has been operational on their lands since last August but only came to the attention of many locals a few weeks ago.

There’s huge disgruntlement in the Ballygunner areas as a result with many concerns specifically over possible health risks.

Among the objectors are the Parents’ Association at St. Mary’s National School which is right beside the club’s grounds, as well as its’ principal Michael White. A number of concerned parents met last Thursday night in the Woodlands Hotel to discuss the situation. It’s understood that as a result, a group met with Council planning officials on Friday to hammer home their views.

When the controversy first erupted, hurling club chairman Pat O’Sullivan, told the Waterford News & Star that the club could not go back on the deal as contracts had been signed with Meteor.

The week after, in a statement, the club said they’d been assured by Meteor that no health risks existed. They added that they would make a representative of the company available to talk to a delegation of residents/parents if they so wished.

© Waterford News & Star, 2006.

Verify your TETRA health problems

In our local paper this week and just the tip of the iceberg unfortunately. A few links to other articles of interest below it.


Letters to the Editor

West Sussex Gazette 22.03.06

Verify our TETRA health problems

I was most interested in your excellent editorial (WSG March 9) concerning masts, particularly as our bungalow is a mere 50 yards from one situated on the edge of the Bognor Regis Golf Club land which was converted from mobile to TETRA in June 2004.

This was a fateful day because ever since we have been beset by problems. So I feel we have considerable experience on how TETRA emissions can affect quality of life. To put it bluntly it makes us feel decidedly off colour with headaches, disturbed sleep patterns and a general feeling of lassitude.

When we go away we are perfectly alright and completely restored to normal, only to feel the adverse affects immediately on return.

My wife and I wonder exactly what ‘independently verified evidence’ is required before anyone in authority will accept the fact that the possibility exists of any health problems. We have suffered them for almost two years and we are certainly not alone.

Is anyone in authority making any attempt to have the experiences of people like us ‘verified’? Or do they think we are all nutters?

Geoff and Mary Harris
Felpham, West Sussex

Success for phone mast campaigners

Protest brings down mast plan

Anxiety and fear, or mast emissions, causing restless nights?


Dear all

I am Jayne Packard, the mother of Nicola from Milford Haven. Basically big business always wins, we can keep trying to convince people about health effects - heck my daughter's seizures increased so much when a mast was placed near her school that for the past year she has been receiving education at home.

Fortunately we have got the mast moved to where it was originally intended to be at Uzmaston but still there are residents living near the intended site for it that will be affected.

It's all wrong.


Omega see "Epilepsy girl will learn at home after radio mast victory" under:


Letters to the Editor, West Sussex Gazette 29th March 2006

In response to Geoff and Mary Harris’ letter ‘Verify our TETRA health problems’ in the March 22 2006 edition, I can confirm that no one in authority will “verify” ill health around TETRA or phone masts at this time.

I have worked voluntarily for since 2004, answering the advice line, helping with mast problems, and trying to raise awareness of the far too many people I know of who are unwell around mast sites. Some of these people live locally but many are from all areas of the UK.

I have noted many attempts by various groups and individuals to raise awareness of this growing problem of ill health which is totally ignored by officialdom or dismissed as “anecdotal evidence.”

Mr and Mrs Harris have proved their own claim that their ill health is cause by the TETRA mast because they gone away and recovered their well -being, then come home and become unwell again. So have hundreds of other people across the UK, yet still no research is carried out and there is no recognition that TETRA and phone masts might cause harm to human and animal life.

The only respite thousands of people have is to go away/move away from masts if they can, or pay out money for some sort of protection.

This in itself is a disgusting state of affairs in a modern, affluent, and supposedly democratic society.

I am currently trying to raise awareness with GPs of the fact that some of the illness in our society could indeed be caused by microwave radiation from these masts/DECT phones etc. I do point out that TETRA is the worst of all and that it can cause instant symptoms and even severe damage in some people. This is a very difficult thing to prove without medical evidence and good research, and neither is forthcoming.

I am also helping local people to persuade Arun District Council to amend its masts policy to something closer to the precautionary approach recommended by Sir William Stewart, the Government’s own advisor, in his two reports of 2000 and 2004.

In over five years NOTHING has been done.

What I do is very little in the order of things, but I just wanted to reassure those who are suffering around masts that they are not forgotten and that many of us continue to try to bring this issue into the open any way we can.

If anyone wants to research this subject try

Mrs Sandi Lawrence

From Mast Sanity/Mast Network

Effects of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from powerlines on avian reproductive biology

In a message dated 23/03/2006 15:44:05 GMT Standard Time, Sarah Dacre writes:

Dr James Reynolds, of the University of Birmingham, Centre for Ornithology, presented the attached PowerPoint presentation at the English Nature Symposium on Friday, 17th March in their Northminster House Head Office in Peterborough. All slides have been watermarked to protect Jim's copyright.

Jim's work on the effects of EMFs on avian biology was relevant and insightful.

He has approved the release of all slides for distribution to each of our groups of interested parties.

I would draw your attention to slides 10 & 13 which show scientifically significant reductions in egg shell thickness after exposure to EMFs in the American Kestrel studies he has researched and published jointly with Dr Fernie, of Canadian Wildlife studies, Burlington, Ontario, Canada.

Kind regards

Sarah Dacre MSc

Informant: Eileen O'Connor


WORRIED parents are celebrating after Orange withdrew its bid to site a mobile phone mast 150 metres from their children's school. But they warned the mobile phone operators that any attempt to find another site near Balcombe School will incur their wrath again.

Mum Nancy Towers said: "We know we have got to have these masts but not in built-up areas and next to children's schools. "It's fantastic that Orange has withdrawn this application but if they try to site another mast within 500m of the school or any residents we will oppose them." About 135 children attend Balcombe School in classrooms overlooking the London to Brighton railway line.

Orange applied to put a 12 metre high mast beside the line, 150 metres from the school's boundary and 250 metres from the buildings. On Monday it unexpectedly said it was withdrawing the application because of a "land ownership issue" but would be looking for another site in the "general vicinity". Mrs Towers, who collected signatures of 250 angry parents and residents, claimed children would be guinea pigs for the new technology. She highlighted evidence showing ill health in people living within 400 metres of masts. Balcombe Parish Council also opposed the mast, which adds to more than 10 already thought to be in the Balcombe area.

Orange insists the "radio frequency" technology used by its masts as well as phone handsets, is safe and similar to that used in others ways in the environment including in televisions.

Omega this is not true. See under:

Orange spokesperson Rebecca D'Arcy said Orange's existing masts in Balcombe did not cover the railway tunnel that the latest mast would serve due to tree density. The school was above the railway and unlikely to be affected. "We have to appreciate that in order to use mobile phone services there.

24 March 2006

All rights reserved © 2006 Johnston Press Digital Publishing.

John Ryan and his wife are prepared to go to jail rather than allow Vodafone on to their property to repair a broken mast

The same paper says a Tipperary farmer and his wife who claimed they suffered ill-health due to radio frequency radiation from a mobile phone mast on their lands say they are prepared to go to jail rather than allow Vodafone on to their property to repair the broken mast. John Ryan, from Golden, claims symptoms he and his wife suffered due to the operation of the mast have ceased since the mast stopped working in November last year.

Source: (excerpt)

Here is the article that appeared in yesterday's THE IRISH TIMES.



Tipperary couple determined to block phone mast repair

Peter Gleeson

A Co Tipperary farmer and his wife who claimed they suffered ill-health due to radio frequency radiation from a mobile phone mast on their lands say they are prepared to go to jail rather than allow Vodafone on to their property to repair the broken mast.

John Ryan, from Golden, claims symptoms he and his wife, Rosie, suffered due to the operation of the mast have ceased since the mast stopped working in November last year.

Insp Paschal Feeney, of Tipperary town Garda station, confirmed they are investigating an incident of criminal damage to a mast in the Golden area.

He would not confirm a claim by the Ryans that a statement was taken from Ms Ryan on Monday and that gardaí seized a gun from their house.

The Ryans say they are puzzled as to why the gun was seized.

"We have said we will take whatever steps are necessary, even going to jail to stop Vodafone coming on the land, but using a gun was the last thing on my mind," Ms Ryan said. "We have no intention of harming anyone."

Mr Ryan said he had forgotten he even had a gun. "We never mentioned anything about a gun to anyone."

Vodafone, the company which operates the mast, said it was disappointed to learn that extensive damage was discovered to its base station in Golden. The company said the cause of the damage is being investigated.


John Ryan: Phone mast wrecks my life

Action on John Ryan case would benefit Vodafone

Mobile phone mast recommendation being ignored

New Mexico Democrats Call for Bush Impeachment

When in the course of human events there's impeachment talk, the style of the Declaration of Independence could set the tone


Editor's Note: Perhaps some may want to write Sabrina that illness claims about aspartame are true. Wonder if she knows that in 1993, the FDA was forced to reveal under the Freedom of Information Act, 92 symptoms caused by aspartame from headache to seizure to blindness to coma to death (No. 77 on the list)!

Dangerous Chemicals In Foods
By Sabrina Rogers

For thousands of years, humans ate only fresh food; fruits, vegetables, grains, and meat went straight from the wilderness or the field to our plates. Today, a majority of foods found on supermarket shelves in North America are loaded with potentially harmful chemical additives, preservatives and other dangerous substances.

But just how dangerous are artificial sweeteners? How about antioxidant preservatives? And what's the deal with all those weird-sounding ingredients you can't even pronounce? Some food additives aren't necessarily dangerous for everyone and others need more testing before a definite verdict can be established, but some can without a doubt pose serious health risks. Read on to find out which additives you shouldn't touch with a 10-foot pole.

Note: The following additives are all legal in the United States.


Propyl gallate An antioxidant preservative that prolongs the life of fats and oils -- such as in vegetable oil, chewing gum, meat products, and chicken soup base
propyl gallate may cause cancer. It is often used with BHA and BHT (see below).

BHA & BHT Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) also delay rancidity in fats, oils, and foods that contain oils, such as cereals, chewing gum, vegetable oil, and potato chips. Some studies have shown that both BHA and BHT cause cancer in rats. Since they can easily be replaced by safer alternatives like vitamin E or packing under nitrogen instead of air, or even be completely left out, there is no reason to take the chance; avoid these chemicals as much as possible.

Sodium nitrite & sodium nitrate Sodium nitrite is added to cured meat like cold cuts and hot dogs to keep their color and to give them flavor; sodium nitrate can be used for the same purpose, as it breaks down into sodium nitrite. In addition to their preservative functions, they are used to prevent botulism, a deadly disease transmitted through food.

Unfortunately, during the digestive process, they form cancer-causing nitrosamines in our intestines. Given this fact, most foods that contain sodium nitrite are also pumped with vitamin C derivatives like ascorbate or sodium erythrobate, as vitamin C prevents nitrosamines from forming. However, if you're still worried, avoid food containing sodium nitrite or eat vitamin C-rich foods -- such as oranges, broccoli, green peppers, and Brussels sprouts -- at the same time.

artificial sweeteners

Saccharin This sweetener, commercially known as Sweet'N Low, is 350 times sweeter than sugar; it is used in many diet foods and soft drinks, and as a tabletop sugar substitute. Several animal studies have shown that it causes cancer of the bladder, uterus, ovaries, blood vessels, skin, and various other organs. Even a significant study conducted by the National Cancer Institute found that it does indeed cause bladder cancer.

Although there was much pressure from different groups for further studies to explore the potential dangers of aspartame, it wasn't until 2005 that a new study was released. It found that even small doses of the sweetener increased the occurrence of lymphoma and leukemia, and occasionally caused brain tumors in rats. Although more research is still needed, avoid it to stay on the safe side.

There has been an ongoing battle between the FDA and the diet-food industry over the past 10 years regarding the ban or use of warning labels on products containing saccharin, but as of 2000, all warnings were removed. However, evidence shows that it is probably safer to stay away from it.

Acesulfame-K Acesulfame-K is approximately 200 times sweeter than sugar and is used around the world in baked goods, soft drinks, chewing gum, and gelatin desserts. Although early studies showed no health risks, they were not the most reliable experiments. Since then, two separate studies on rats have shown that it may cause cancer. Although further tests are needed, it is recommended to avoid acesulfame-K altogether.

An added concern is that the breakdown product of acesulfame-K known as acetoacetamide affects the thyroid in rats, dogs and rabbits when administered in large amounts; however, there is no proof that the amounts found in food are dangerous.

Aspartame Aspartame is found in the name brands Equal and NutraSweet; it is composed of methanol and two amino acids. Although originally believed to be the perfect artificial sweetener, it caused brain tumors in rats in certain studies conducted in the 1970s.

Although there was much pressure from different groups for further studies to explore the potential dangers of aspartame, it wasn't until 2005 that a new study was released. It found that even small doses of the sweetener increased the occurrence of lymphoma and leukemia, and occasionally caused brain tumors in rats. Although more research is still needed, avoid it to stay on the safe side.

However, do not believe the claims that can be found all over the Internet regarding the wide variety of illnesses caused by aspartame; most of them have never been proven.

artificial colorings

Blue 1 & Blue 2 Blue 1 is a coloring used in candy, beverages and baked goods. Although more research is needed, some studies have shown a small cancer risk, so it is wise to steer clear of it.

Blue 2 can be found in pet food, candy and beverages. It hasn't been proven without a doubt, but studies have suggested that it causes brain tumors in mice.

Red 3 Used in fruit cocktail cherries, baked goods and candy, there is some evidence that Red 3 causes thyroid tumors in rats. Although it is unclear if this could also be the case in humans, it is a possibility.

Yellow 6 Found in beverages, baked goods, sausages, candy, and gelatin, Yellow 6 is the third most widely used of all food colorings. It has been shown to cause adrenal gland and kidney tumors, and it contains small amounts of many carcinogens. However, after review, the FDA concluded that it isn't a significant cancer risk for humans, but it may still be wise to avoid it.

eat fresh

Although most of these additives have not been proven without a doubt to be dangerous, and there are many more that could be added to this list, it is safer to stay away from the aforementioned chemicals as much as possible. Read the labels; if you have a choice between a bag of potato chips that contains BHA and BHT, and one that doesn't, choose the latter. Or better yet, why don't you just go for some fresh veggies and dip, and you'll avoid the processed ingredients altogether.


Chemical toxicity and its affect on YOU

Informant: Scott Munson


Pill-Popping Society Fouling Our Water, Official Says

Benzene in Some Soft Drinks Prompts Call for Halt on Sales in Schools

Polluters Contaminating America’s Waters: 62 Percent Exceed Pollution Limits in Recent 18-Month Period

Stop the building of an animal testing lab before the killing begins

****Cross Post Widely****

Friday, 3/31 & Saturday, 4/1

Oxford University Alumni North American Reunion

Join Win Animal Rights in support of the SPEAK campaign to “Stop the Oxford Lab”. During the reunion, advocates of the new testing lab will be working to gain financial and moral support for the controversial project. Our goal is to provide educational materials to balance the biased information that conference goers will receive. Be part of this peaceful legal demonstration for this historic campaign.

We have a unique opportunity on March 31st and April 1st. We can help stop the building of an animal testing lab before the killing begins. The SPEAK campaigners have been successful in stopping the building of an animal testing lab at Cambridge University, we can help them achieve the same victory at Oxford. Come and help us to educate the Oxford Alumni, who may or may not be aware of this misguided use of university funding and to protest the University personnel, who are traveling here with the expressed purpose of raising funds for the ill-fated lab. Banners/signs/literature will be provided. Call 646.267.9934 or visit for details.

For travel information or to arrange housing in New York City, please e-mail:

Dates: Friday, March 31 & Saturday, April 1, 2006 Place: Waldorf Astoria Hotel, 301 Park Ave. (49thSt.) Times: Friday, 5:30 PM & Saturday, 12:00 PM

If you can't make the protest or wish to communicate your opposition to this event being held at the Waldorf, contact:

Waldorf Astoria
301 Park Avenue New York, NY 10022 Reservations Toll Free Number: 1.800.WALDORF Phone: 1.212.355.3000 Fax: 1.212.872.7272 Conference Sales Office: 1.212.872.4800 Sales Office Fax: 1.212.872.4875


For more info contact Win Animal Rights at: Call: 646.267.9934 or visit the WAR website at:

Informant: Ima Vegan

Beware: How A Mobile Made My Face Blow Up

Please find enclosed an article from 2000 about a man who spent over 4 hours on a mobile phone which was believed to make his face blow up. Many people have been requesting this news article since I mentioned it in a recent e-mail.

Kind Regards

Eileen O’Connor


Ex-Government Military Scientist Barrie Trower specialised in microwave radiation. Barrie Trower told me about a story in which appeared in the Sunday Mirror News paper May 7th 2000, the article reported about a man who spent four hours on a mobile phone which made his face blow up so much doctors had to take his eyes out of his sockets to relieve the pressure. Barrie has the original news article and is willing to talk to any news paper, scientist or investigator about the hospital radiation hot spots.

Please find enclosed details for Barrie...

Selling 'pandemic flu' through a language of fear

Unholy row over mobile masts in church’s grounds
24 March 2006
Katie Davies

HAMPSTEAD Garden Suburb parents have declared war on a church for allowing three mobile phone masts to be built on its grounds.

The group began its campaign outside Holy Trinity Church, East End Road, on Saturday handing out leaflets and holding up placards.

Avril Hollings, who has three children at Brookland School, Hill Top, said: "There is a feeling in the local community that the vicar isn't interested in what we think.

"The Stewart Report [into mobile mast radiation] said children were more vulnerable to radiation and we don't want to take the risk over health issues."

The church's vicar Rev Lawrence Hill wrote to residents in April 2005 about the masts.

An application was rejected by Barnet Council last year but a new plan has just been submitted, with the applicant claiming no other sites are as good as the church.

Bob Owens, who lives nearby, said: "He wrote to us originally seeking our views on the mast. He obviously took our views and didn't take a blind bit of notice.

"We have spoken to him about it and we have all written to him but he doesn't answer a single one of us.

"I can't see how it is ethical for a church to take the slightest risk over people's health.

"The church has a tiny congregation and it is rather dwindling. When we were protesting there were 28 of us and only 18 members of the congregation going in.

"The whole plan has been inspired by the vicar himself - he has decided it is an easy way to generate money for the church."

Residents and parents have also written to the Bishop of Edmonton to complain.

The Diocese was unable to comment.

Earlier in the week another group of parents from the same school defeated a Vodaphone mast application.

Led by Nicole and Jonathan Gerber from Morris Walk, the group convinced councillors to throw out plans for a mast on nearby East End Road on Thursday.

The application for a 9.4m antenna and an adjoining cabinet was dismissed by the council's planning committee after they heard parents' views.

Speaking at the meeting, father-of-three Mr Gerber said to councillors: "You can't simply ignore mass opposition to this application. There will be a loss of enjoyment for parents sending children to these schools. The cabinet would be an invitation for graffiti. It will be detrimental to the amenity of the local area."

Copyright © 2006 Archant Regional. All rights reserved.


I note from today's press that the vicar of All Saints Church in St Paul's Walden, Hertfordshire, has been 'interviewed' by his bishop and has, subsequently, apologised to his congregation for allowing scenes of the appalling programme 'Footballers' Wives' to be filmed in his church for the princely sum of £2000.

The word 'hypocrisy' immediately springs to mind. So elements of the Church abhor any association with a 'tacky' television series in which serial adultery and the most appalling behaviour is 'de rigueur', yet endorse on Church land and buildings UMTS installations providing pornography to children.

My case rests.


From Mast Sanity/Mast Network

Masts cause unholy row

RESIDENTS are opposing plans to have hi-tech phone masts installed inside a church steeple as they fear they could be used to download porn.

Around 150 people lined the streets outside St James' Church, Kidbrooke Park Road, Greenwich, on Sunday brandishing banners and condemning religious leaders who would be "willing landlords" to the two masts.

The demonstration saw residents hand over a petition containing 250 signatures to the rector, the Reverend Kim Hitch, following his morning service.

Hutchinson 3G and Vodafone are expected to submit an application to Greenwich Council in the next few days for permission to install the masts, which could net the church up to £17,000 a year in rent.

But residents say the plans "stink" of hypocrisy because the masts are "third generation", which enables phone users to download videos from the internet.

Devout Catholic Steve Kelleher, who lives next door to the Anglican church, said: "If you can watch football on phones with 3G technology, then you can also watch porn and do online gambling.

"So why is the church, the house of God, willing to facilitate such a form of communication?"

The married father-of-five added: "I am very uncomfortable about how the church is supporting technology which can be used to download less salubrious things, shall we say."

Residents are also concerned about radiation being emitted from the high-frequency masts.

Legally, planners cannot turn down an application on health grounds as there is currently no conclusive evidence to suggest radiation from phone masts is a danger to people.

Resident Dean Beer has children whose bedrooms are 50m away from where the masts would be situated.

He says the church should put the community's health first, not the lure of a lucrative rent deal.

Mr Beer said: "The proposed 3G mast is technology aimed at a youth market which is more likely to access pornography and gambling.

"It totally disgusts us this could be going on under our church roof."

The protest on Sunday occurred seven months after residents first heard of the plans.

On September 18 last year, the St James' Church parochial council threw out the plans following widespread opposition.

But after consultations with the phone companies and an independent health adviser, Mr Hitch says he was persuaded it was safe to have the base stations installed and the church would be a "willing landlord".

Omega this is not true. See under:

Mr Hitch said: "The rent would certainly be useful, although it is not the be-all-and-end-all.

"It is a matter for the planning authority to decide.

"However, if it approves them then we would be willing landlords for the masts."

He dismissed calls from residents about the masts helping to facilitate the downloading of porn in God's house.

Mr Hitch said: "Any form of communication technology can be used for good or for ill."

10:54am Wednesday 22nd March 2006

By Chris Johnson

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