Mittwoch, 15. März 2006

IMSI-Catcher - Wanzen für Handys

Informant: atlant


Kripo fordert Hightech zur Handy-Ortung

Impeachment Talk Reaches the Mainstream

The groundswell for President Bush's impeachment is growing, and last week the establishment media finally took notice.

Bundeswehrsoldaten sollen sich als Journalisten getarnt Informationen besorgt haben

"Mit US-Kräften ausgetauscht": Soldaten sollen als Journalisten getarnt Guantanamo-Häftlinge verhört haben (15.03.06)

Bundeswehrsoldaten sollen sich nach ARD-Angaben mehr als ein Mal vorschriftswidrig als Journalisten getarnt und Angehörige von Guantanamo-Häftlingen befragt haben. Über ein zweites Vorkommnis diesmal in Afghanistan berichtete der Onlinedienst der Tagesschau am Dienstag. Das Verteidigungsministerium hat den Angaben zufolge bislang einen Fall bestätigt, wonach Soldaten der Bundeswehr in Bosnien als vermeintliche Journalisten Informationen besorgt hätten.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

US Trade Deficit Soars to Record High

The US current account deficit suffered its fastest quarterly deterioration in the final months of last year, ballooning to a record 7 percent of national income. The worse-than-expected deficit rekindled fears among economists that global imbalances would undermine the dollar.

US Military Air Strikes Significantly Increased in Iraq

American forces have dramatically increased air strikes in Iraq during the past five months, a change of tactics that may foreshadow how the United States plans to battle a still-strong insurgency while reducing the number of US ground troops serving there.

Alberta takes important first step in grizzly conservation, but more work to be done

On Friday, March 3, the Alberta government announced it will suspend the spring grizzly bear hunt while DNA census data is collected throughout the province, which is expected to continue over the next few years. In addition to suspending the hunt, the government has committed to completing the population studies, reducing the number of human-bear conflicts through public education and regulations, and has requested the assistance of several widely-known grizzly experts to provide scientific peer review on the current draft grizzly bear recovery plan.

While the announcement is an excellent and commendable step towards sustainable grizzly bear management, there are several more important actions that need to be taken to ensure that grizzly bears, and a wide range of other species, are conserved on the Alberta landscape.

It is important that the government acknowledge the precarious position of the grizzly bear in Alberta and designate it as a 'threatened' species, begin immediately to deal with access management and ensure that key remaining habitat is not degraded.

Learn more at
and send a letter to Honourable David Coutts, Minister of Sustainable Resource Development
to congratulate him on the government's decision and to encourage the ministry to continue to take progressive, proactive actions for the conservation of Alberta's grizzlies.

Help block a massive timber sale in the Alaskan rainforest

The Bush administration is moving ahead with a huge timber sale that would devastate some of the last remaining wild forests of Alaska's Kuiu Island, in our Tongass National Forest BioGem.

We need your help to stop this attack on the rainforest habitat of abundant populations of black bears and salmon, which is of vital importance to Native Alaskans.

Please go to and tell the Forest Service you oppose the Kuiu timber sale, which would use taxpayer dollars to build roads and clearcut this island refuge.

Last year, in response to an NRDC lawsuit, a federal judge ruled that a management plan calling for large-scale clearcut logging in the Tongass National Forest was illegal. Nonetheless, the Forest Service is now pushing forward with newly proposed timber sales on Kuiu Island and in other sensitive habitat areas.

Decades of clearcutting have already devastated much of Kuiu Island. Continued logging there would destroy key habitat for one of the highest densities of black bears in North America, as well as Sitka black-tailed deer, marten, wolves, several species of salmon and the rare Queen Charlotte goshawk.

This remote area of southeastern Alaska provided hunting, fishing and gathering grounds to Native Alaskans for hundreds of years.

Please go to right away and urge the Forest Service to cancel the Kuiu timber sale.

Thank you for taking action to save our last wild national forests.


Frances Beinecke
President Natural Resources Defense Council

Tells Congress Bush Dangerously Incompetent

SENATOR DEBBIE STABENOW (D-MI): Tells Congress Bush Dangerously Incompetent

(Click here scroll down to photo of Sen. Stabenow with "Dangerously Incompetent" Sign in front of Congress)

Unfortunately this News Website Doesn't think she is correct, We Know Better! Political Action: President Bush Must be Censured for Breaking the Law

Informant: ranger116

Save Remote Panama Rainforest from Hydro Dams

Four proposed hydroelectric dam projects threaten free-flowing rivers, rare tropical species, indigenous cultures and a biologically diverse World Heritage Park in the remote rainforest of western Panama. Promoted by the Panamanian government and major Columbian and U.S. corporations, the dam projects would forever alter the free-flowing rivers of the Changuinola basin.

Rio Teribe begins in the heart of La Amistad Biosphere Reserve in western Panama and flows into Rio Changuinola, where three dams are proposed. Construction of the lowest Changuinola dam alone would biologically deplete over 500 miles of streams. A fourth proposed dam on Rio Bonyic, a major tributary of the Teribe, would permanently impact more than 100 miles of stream habitat. The dams, roads, bridges and power lines slated for construction as part of these projects would devastate unique native fish, impact the entire ecosystem of the Changuinola basin and open this remote jungle for development.

La Amistad Reserve contains Central America's largest intact tropical rainforest, is designated a World Heritage Site by the United Nations, and harbors incredible biodiversity including 115 species of fish. Most of the fish in the Teribe and Changuinola Rivers depend on access to the ocean to complete their life cycles. The dams would hinder migration and prevent successful reproduction for fish that migrate downstream to the estuary to spawn or rely on currents to carry eggs or larvae back to the sea. The dams would also flood portions of the territories of the indigenous Naso and Ngobe Tribes, destroying the centerpiece of their cultural and natural heritage.

The Panama National Environmental Authority (ANAM) recently approved flawed Environmental Impact Assessments for the four proposed dams. Please join the growing international movement to protect this ecological jewel of Central America and voice your opposition to the proposed Changuinola and Bonyic Hydroelectric Projects to ANAM.

Tell me more

Medienzar Murdoch: das Ende ist nahe,,1730279,00.html

(Guardian) Ungewohnte Erkenntnisse von Medienmogul Murdoch: nach seiner Einschätzung ist die Zeit, in der die etablierten Medien die Meinungshoheit im öffentlichen Raum bestimmten, abgelaufen. An ihre Stelle träten nun Blogger und Internet-Portale.

In einer Ansprache, die Murdoch nach seinem 75. Geburtstag zum Thema der Zukunft der Medien hielt, erklärte er, dass das Ende der großen Medienkonzerne und Meinungsmonopole unaufhaltsam sei. Nun sei die Zeit der neuen Medienpioniere gekommen, der Blogger und anderer dezentraler Publizisten, die flexibel und spontan ihre Leserschaft mit dem belieferten, woran sie Bedarf habe.

Offensichtlich ließ Murdoch sich keine Bitterkeit anmerken hinsichtlich dieser Entwicklung, die auch sein eigenes Lebenswerk: den Aufbau seines globalen Medienimperiums, in Frage stellt. Die etablierten Medienkonzerne hätten nach seiner Einschätzung nur die Wahl, sich der von ihm beschriebenen Entwicklung anzupassen oder unterzugehen. Die neue sich entwickelnde Medienlandschaft sei ein zuverlässiger Schutz gegen die Ausbreitung von Fundamentalismus und religiösem Fanatismus. Ein neues "goldenes Zeitalter" der Informationsgesellschaft würde damit anbrechen.

Der Guardian beschreibt eine Metamorphose des Medienmoguls vom Saulus zum Paulus. Murdoch hat in der Konsequenz inzwischen nahezu eine Milliarde $ in Internetmedien und Portale investiert, darunter 400 Millionen in die Community-Plattform MySpace.Com.

Link zum Beitrag / Hintergrundinfo oder Pressehinweis: und

Infopool / metainfo hamburg

The Contract with America … renewed

Center For Individual Freedom
by staff


It's no secret that many conservative leaders in Congress seem to have forgotten the very reasons they came to Washington in the first place -- to fight for lower taxes, smaller government and more individual freedom. As Heritage Foundation President Edwin J. Feulner recently put it, 'We [have] strayed from both the principles of Ronald Reagan of just 25 years ago and from the vision of our Founding Fathers.' That is especially true when talking about out-of-control government spending...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Hungering for justice

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Getting out of the trap

part one

The Power of Narrative
by Arthur Silber


A strategy exists by means of which we can neutralize the threat that a potentially nuclear Iran might represent to us. It does not involve military conflict in any manner at all and, in principle, it is remarkably simple and even obvious. But none of our major leaders of any political persuasion will even consider it, because it falls entirely outside the modes of thinking and analysis that we as a nation have utilized for well over a century...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Reclaiming ownership of our lives

The Price of Liberty
by Susan Callaway


Last week I challenged everyone to think about who actually owns their life now. When you understand that ownership means control, you can quickly be overwhelmed with the realization that we actually control very little about our lives today, even some of our most personal actions. We've gradually -- over many years -- allowed government to dictate what is 'safe,' and even what is moral -- wrapped up in the lie that it is all for 'the common good.' We've allowed ourselves to believe whatever they tell us, especially through the popular press and other media. Far too few people ever consider that information critically or make any attempt to verify it from a non-government and truly independent source...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Do we need internal passports?

Free Market News Network
by Jim Babka


We were promised the government would never use Social Security numbers as ID numbers. The government broke that promise. We were promised the income tax would always be small, but now it is large. We were promised the FBI and IRS would never be used by politicians to punish political enemies. Another broken promise. We were promised campaign finance laws would end political corruption. Instead, they have strangled political competition, and the corruption in Congress is worse than ever. Whatever the politicians promise you, the results are likely to be the opposite. We were promised that the groundwork laid for a national identification system by the REAL ID Act would protect us from terrorism. Believe that promise at your own risk. National identification systems -- internal passports -- are one of the hallmarks of police states...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Godot in Iraq

The American Prospect
by Matthew Yglesias


Another depressing week in the war that won't end got off to a typical start as I read in Saturday's Washington Post that 'President Bush plans to begin a series of speeches next week again explaining the administration's strategy for winning the war in Iraq.' The repetitiveness of this White House tactic has gotten so absurd that the reporter dropped the press corps typical posture of feigned obtuseness and noted, repeatedly, that we've heard this song before. ... In truth, things have slipped so far downhill in Iraq that it's hard to say what our goals are, much less whether or not we're in a position to meet them. What can be said is that the administration's plans for Iraq seem to owe more to Samuel Beckett than to serious national security policy...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Pace: No evidence of Iranian intervention

Washington Post


Marine Corps Gen. Peter Pace, chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff, said today he has no evidence the Iranian government has been sending military equipment and personnel into neighboring Iraq. On Monday, President Bush suggested Iran was involved in making roadside bombs, known as improvised explosive devices, that are being used in Iraq. And Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld last week accused Iran of sending members of its Revolutionary Guard to conduct operations in Iraq. Today, Pace, the top U.S. military official, was asked at a Pentagon news conference if he has proof that Iran's government is sponsoring these activities. 'I do not, sir,' Pace said"

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bush delegates; focuses on Iraq, '06 campaign



President Bush has decided to stay out of the lion's share of decisions made by his administration. Sources close to the administration said that over the last year, Mr. Bush has chosen to focus on two issues, leaving the rest to be decided by Cabinet members and senior aides. They said the issues are Iraq and the Republican congressional campaign in the 2006 elections. 'Lots of important issues that deal with national security are never brought to the president because he doesn't want to deal with them,' a source familiar with the White House said. 'In some cases, this has resulted in chaos'...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Comptroller General warns of fiscal crisis



The United States is headed for a financial crisis unless it alters its course of racking up big budget deficits year after year, Comptroller General David Walker told a British audience on Tuesday. 'If we continue on our present course, a fiscal crisis is only a matter of time,' Walker said in the course of an address to the London School of Economics in which he stressed the need for the United States to get its fiscal house in order. The comptroller general acts as the nation's chief accountability officer and is the head of the U.S. Government Accountability Office, or GAO...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Organic Bytes #77


ENS March 13, 2006

CORVALLIS, Oregon - Global warming in coming decades may cause the disappearance of large areas of the low-elevation snowpack in the Cascade Range of the Pacific Northwest, a new study concludes. Area ski resorts will face warm winters far more often than they do now, predict the authors, geographers from Oregon State University (OSU).

The new OSU study, based on computer models, details the "at risk" snowpacks in the Pacific Northwest. Most lie in Oregon's Cascade Range, parts of the southern Cascade Range of Washington, and Olympic National Park.

Similar impacts are also possible for portions of the southern Cascade Range in Washington, and also in Washington's Olympic Range, most of which is in Olympic National Park. There, global warming is projected to melt 61 percent of the snow cover.

"Previous studies show that snowpack has fluctuated widely in the past, but appears to be trending downward in the Pacific Northwest since the 1920s," said Anne Nolin, an assistant professor in the OSU Department of Geosciences.

"This region has already experienced the largest declines in snowpack in the western United States. What we're able to do now is identify much more precisely where the snow may disappear, based on the warming we expect," Nolin said. "We've never before had projections that are this specific in their spatial scale."

For their study, Nolin and Chris Daly, an associate professor of geosciences, used widely accepted global climate models which, on average, suggest this region may warm about 3.5 degrees Fahrenheit in the next 40 years.

While than two percent of the current snow-covered area is modeled to be at risk in the future in a four state Pacific Northwest region that includes Idaho and parts of western Montana, more than half of all the "at risk" snow is in the Oregon Cascades.

Nolin team projects that about 22 percent of the area in the Oregon Cascades could soon experience precipitation that falls as rain in the winter, rather than as snow.

Some of the most profound impacts may be on ski resorts in the region, the scientists said, especially those at the lower elevations.

For instance, based on the increase in temperature that is expected 40 years from now, the study showed that Mt. Hood Meadows, a popular ski area near Portland, Oregon, may experience warm winters about seven times more frequently than it does now - going from a warm winter seven percent of the time to 47 percent of the time.

A warm winter means that, based on the elevation of the ski area, climate conditions, and other local geographical conditions, precipitation that now falls predominately as snow during December, January and February will instead fall predominately as rain.

The potential for changes in snow and rain precipitation patterns, the researchers say, could affect not just ski resorts but also stream flows, fisheries, flood control, hydroelectric power generation, irrigated agriculture and other water-related activities.

Reductions in summer stream flow as a result of diminished snowpack would be a special problem for fisheries management, the researchers said.

Similar concerns would almost certainly affect the Sierra Nevada range of California, the researchers said, but an analysis of that region was not a part of this study.

The report has been accepted for publication in a future issue of the "Journal of Hydrometeorology," a publication of the American Meteorological Society. The work was funded in part by the U.S. Geological Survey and by NASA.

Informant: NHNE


By Alister Doyle
March 13, 2006

OSLO - Exotic frogs and toads are dying out in the jungles of Latin America, apparent victims of global warming in what might be a harbinger of one of the worst waves of extinction since the dinosaurs.

Accelerating extinctions would derail a United Nations goal of "a significant reduction in the current rate of biodiversity loss" by 2010. That target will be reviewed at a U.N. meeting of environment ministers in Curitiba, Brazil, on March 20-31.

"We are facing an extinction crisis," said Anne Larigauderie, head of Paris-based Diversitas which promotes research into life on the planet.

She estimated the rate of loss of all species was now 10-100 times faster than little-understood rates from fossil records. The task of gauging the exact rate is complicated by the fact that no one knows exactly how many species exist.

Many scientists say global warming -- widely blamed on burning fossil fuels in factories, power plants and vehicles -- is adding to other human threats including destruction of habitats from expanding cities, deforestation and pollution.

For now, amphibians such as frogs, toads, salamanders and newts are on the front-line -- they live both in water and on land and have a porous skin sensitive to changes in temperature and moisture. A skin fungus is also decimating amphibians.

In coming decades, threats could widen to creatures ranging from polar bears to tropical butterflies. A few species might benefit, such as forests expanding north to the Arctic.

"We're probably looking at one of the worst spasms of extinction in millions of years, even without climate change," said Lee Hannah, an expert at Conservation International. "But we have it in our ability to do something about it."

"Many species are already moving right to the brink," said Craig Hilton-Taylor, head of the "Red List" publication of endangered species at the World Conservation Union.


The latest 2004 Red List gives "climate change" alongside "disease" as main factors for the extinction of the Golden Toad of Costa Rica, Ecuador's Jambato Toad and an Ecuadorean toad known as Atelopus Longirostis.

"We have never used 'climate change' in previous publications as a cause of extinction," Hilton-Taylor said. "I'm sure it will be used more in future."

A study in the journal Nature in January said two-thirds of 110 species of Harlequin frog in central and South America had died out in the past 20 years. It implicated a warming climate in helping spread fungus.

In the worst case, some studies say the world could be facing one of the biggest waves of species loss since the dinosaurs were wiped out 65 million years ago.

Larigauderie said the U.N. goal of slowing biodiversity loss was impossible. "It's totally unrealistic. We don't know what there is out there and we don't know how it's changing," she said.

Overall, the Red List says 844 species have disappeared since 1500, ranging from the dodo to the Tasmanian tiger.

In one of the bleakest projections, a 2004 international study said a quarter of all species -- perhaps a million -- could be condemned to extinction by 2050, partly because of a warming climate.

"You could argue that climate change is already starting to be on a par with other causes of species loss," said Chris Taylor, the study's lead author who is a professor of conservation biology at the University of York in England.

Species limited to a single mountain-top -- like the Golden Toad -- were unable to escape if it got too hot. In other cases, cities, roads or farmland may block the path of animals and plants moving towards the poles, the study said.


Others say the outlook is less grim.

"In a lot of cases, species will be able to move towards the poles or find pockets of environments where they can survive," said Paul Leadley, a professor of ecology at the University of Paris.

He said an abrupt temperature rise at the end of the last Ice Age 10,000 years ago did not trigger a mass extinction.

The head of the U.N.'s climate panel said preserving nature was more than just a question of helping exotic animals and plants to survive.

"Human progress has been supported by the healthy continuation of biodiversity," said Rajendra Pachauri, chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the scientific body of about 2,000 scientists that advises the United Nations.

"All our food crops, medicines and so many other things that we take for granted in day-to-day living are the result of what we have exploited in the form of nature's bounty," he said. He urged governments to do more to slow climate change.

The Kyoto Protocol, the main U.N. plan to curb global warming, obliges about 40 industrial nations to cut emissions of heat-trapping gases by 5.2 percent below 1990 levels by 2008-12.

President George W. Bush pulled the United States, the world's top source of emissions, out in 2001. He denounced Kyoto as an economic straitjacket that would cost U.S. jobs and said it wrongly excluded developing nations.

Public concern about nature can sometimes produce huge efforts to protect species.

In the United States, discovery of the tiny snail darter fish delayed construction of the Tellico Dam on the Little Tennessee River after it was listed as endangered in the 1970s.

In other cases, species that held promise have vanished.

The tiny Australian Northern Gastric-Brooding Frog had the trick of incubating its young in its stomach by turning off its digestive juices. That could have helped pharmaceutical companies to work out stomach anti-ulcer drugs.

Extinct according to the Red List, it has not been seen in the wild since
1985, a victim of habitat loss and disease.

Informant: NHNE

RFID-Funktechnik: Verbraucherschützer fordern Aufklärung

RFID-Chips: Wissenschaftler warnen vor Sicherheitslücken

Verbraucherschutzminister Seehofer verlangt Datenschutz bei RFID

Ice Dumped by Greenland's Glaciers Triples in 10 Years,0,1635034.story?coll=la-home-headlines

Ice Dumped by Greenland's Glaciers Triples in 10 Years Scientists say 'wake-up call' study indicates that sea level could climb even more quickly than current projections. By Alan Zarembo Times Staff Writer

February 17, 2006

Greenland's vast glaciers are dumping ice into the ocean three times faster than they did 10 years ago because of increasing temperatures, suggesting that sea level could rise even more quickly than current projections.

The study, published today in the journal Science, found that the glaciers contributed 53 cubic miles of water to the Atlantic Ocean in
2005, resulting in about a 0.02-inch rise in sea level.

"The models we had were not terribly alarming about Greenland," said Richard Alley, a glaciologist at Penn State University who was not involved in the research. "This paper is a real wake-up call."

Previous estimates of Greenland's contribution to sea level rise were based on tracking the thickness of the glaciers to calculate the amount of ice that had melted and flowed into the ocean.

Researchers estimated that in 1996 total ice lost through melting was about 8.3 cubic miles. Just one-quarter cubic mile of ice would supply the water Los Angeles consumes in a year.

Researchers led by Eric Rignot, a glaciologist at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in La Cañada Flintridge, used satellite imagery to measure another source of water: ice cracking off the ends of glaciers to form icebergs.

The imagery showed that Greenland's southern glaciers are rapidly accelerating their downhill, seaward creep.

Take the Kangerdlugssuaq glacier in the southeast. After creeping along at just more than 3 miles per year, it now moves about 8.7 miles per year.

The increased speed of glacier flow meant that far more water was reaching the ocean.

Greenland's ice cap is larger than Texas and nearly 2 miles thick in places. The researchers calculated that its glaciers deposited 40 cubic miles of ice into the Atlantic Ocean in 2005, about triple the 13 cubic miles dumped in 1996.

More than 13 cubic miles of ice were shed through melting in 2005, they estimated.

Both forms of ice loss are related to rising temperatures, which in southeast Greenland have climbed 5.4 degrees over the last two decades.

As surface ice melts, the water seeps to the underside of the glacier, where it lubricates the ground and exerts an upward force on the ice, accelerating movement of the ice toward the ocean, Rignot said.

Sea level is rising at 0.12 of an inch a year. That would raise the oceans about a foot by the end of the century.

The Greenland ice cap is the third-leading contributor to the rise. It ranks behind the melting of mountain glaciers and the expansion of ocean water because of higher temperatures.

That 100-year estimate may have to be revised upward to reflect a greater increase from Greenland's glaciers.

"We don't know how much more," said Jason Box, a climatologist at Ohio State University who has modeled melting of Greenland's ice cap.

Informant: Scott Munson

Sharp rise in CO2 levels recorded

By David Shukman
BBC science correspondent

US climate scientists have recorded a significant rise in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, pushing it to a new record level. BBC News has learned the latest data shows CO2 levels now stand at 381 parts per million (ppm) - 100ppm above the pre-industrial average. The research indicates that 2005 saw one of the largest increases on record - a rise of 2.6ppm. The figures are seen as a benchmark for climate scientists around the globe. The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Noaa) has been analysing samples of air taken from all over the world, including America's Rocky Mountains. The chief carbon dioxide analyst for Noaa says the latest data confirms a worrying trend that recent years have, on average, recorded double the rate of increase from just 30 years ago. "We don't see any sign of a decrease; in fact, we're seeing the opposite, the rate of increase is accelerating," Dr Pieter Tans told the BBC. The precise level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is of global concern because climate scientists fear certain thresholds may be "tipping points" that trigger sudden changes. The UK government's chief scientific adviser, Professor Sir David King, said the new data highlighted the importance of taking urgent action to limit carbon emissions. "Today we're over 380 ppm," he said. "That's higher than we've been for over a million years, possibly 30 million years. Mankind is changing the climate."

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2006/03/14 00:12:43 GMT

Informant: Scott Munson

Pfizer Makes List of Worst Corporate Evildoers

Global Exchange, the international advocacy group for human rights, released a report naming the top fourteen "Worst Corporate Evildoers" in the world for the year 2005. Pfizer, one of the most profitable drug companies on earth with sales over $52 billion in 2004, made the list.

Wangari Maathai Urges Individual Action to Protect Environment - Wangari Maathai: Mutter der Bäume

Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Wangari Maathai says people worried about the environment should rely less on government and more on themselves to protect the planet's limited resources. "The planet does not belong to those in power ... It's the little things that we can do that are important," she said.


Plant trees, lots of them, you can never plant enough!


Wangari Maathai: Mutter der Bäume

ARTE | 06.07.08 | 18:15 Uhr | Wiederholung: 12.07.08 | 06:45 Uhr

"Wangari Maathai - Mutter der Bäume" ist das spannende Portrait einer Frau, die beweist, dass mann mit dem eigenen Verstand und gemeinsamer Tatkraft nicht nur Bäume versetzen, sndern die Welt verändern kann.

Hungering for Justice

Mike Ferner, who is fasting for an end to the war in Iraq, reports on his arrest last week during a congressional hearing where another $67,000,000,000 was approved for war and occupation.

Residents protest outside OPW offices

AROUND 70 residents from Rathmines protested outside the Office of Public Works headquarters last week demanding that the State body break its contract with two telecom companies regarding their equipment on a mobile phone mast.Tom Parlon, the minister in charge of the Office of Public Works, announced in October last that he had asked telecom companies, 3 Ireland and Vodafone, to switch off their transmitters at Ardee House in Rathmines pending the findings of an interdepartmental report into the health effects of electromagnetic radiation. This move followed pressure from local residents. Ardee House is owned by the Government and is home to the Central Statistics Office. It is also within yards of the St Mary’s and St Louis national and secondary schools in Rathmines. In spite of assurances from Justice Minister Michael McDowell to locals, both companies turned down the request saying they were operating within Government guidelines. In a recent reply to a Dáil question from Dublin South East TD, John Gormley (GP), Minister Parlon said he now had “no contractual basis for insisting the equipment is deactivated”.

Mary McInerney, who lives close to Ardee House and who attended the protest last week, said it was “unbelievable” that the Minister had signed a contract with the telecom companies that he could not get out of. “We want the mast to be deactivated,” she said. “The Minister told us in October last year that he had asked the mobile operators to turn off the mast and that he would not issue any more licences to them,” she told Southside People. “A lot of concerned parents who have children in the local schools contacted me and I told them that the mast would be deactivated as the Minister had given us that impression. “Then he said that he could not break the contract so who is in charge here and how could he have signed a contract that has no ‘out’ clause?” Chris Andrews, who has been selected to contest a Dáil seat in the Dublin South East constituency for Fianna Fail at the next general election, said Minister McDowell is either “unwilling or unable” to stop the telecom companies from operating the mast. “He has obviously failed his constituents and people all around the country who have genuine concerns around the issue,” said Mr Andrews. “He has acknowledged that they have concerns but has failed to do anything about it.” On Thursday last the OPW issued a statement saying that contrary to some recent reports Minister of State Tom Parlon had never refused to meet concerned residents over the issue of mobile phone masts in Rathmines. However, in response to a Dáil question from Deputy John Gormley last month, Minister Parlon is on the record as saying: “In the circumstances, I feel a meeting with local parents would not serve any useful purpose at this stage.” The statement from the OPW last week continued: “Minister Parlon is quite prepared to meet with delegations about this issue at a mutually convenient time for both parties. “The Office of Public Works continues to ensure that all relevant Planning Regulations and international Health and Safety standards in the erection of telecommunications equipment on State buildings are adhered to.”

Shankill Mast work halted

A GROUP of Southside residents have succeeded in getting an undertaking from the Office of Public Works to temporarily suspend work on the erection of a mobile phone mast.Last week residents of Dorney Court in Shankill met Tom Parlon, Minister of State at the OPW and their telecoms consultants, Vilicom, in an effort to indefinitely halt the erection of the mast adjoining the Garda station in Shankill. The Garda station building is located in the Dorney Court estate where hundreds of residents live within metres of it. St Anne’s School, Scoil Mhuire Rathsallagh Primary School and Rathmichael School are also located within 500 metres of the structure. Residents fear the possible health implications the mast could have for them and their children. Representatives of Dorney Court Residents’ Association met with the Minister last week and asked him to instruct Vilicom and John F Supple – the contractors operating on their behalf - to cease work on the Shankill mast immediately. Community representatives said that the people of Shankill had a right to see the report of the Joint Oireachtas Committee on non-ionising radiation and a report by Professor Elaine Fox at the Electro Magnetic and health laboratory at Essex University before any attempt was made to erect the mast. They also demanded that the OPW and Vilicom investigate alternative sites for the mast, which would fully satisfy the safety concerns of the local community. Finally they wanted a “firm undertaking” that when the new mast has been sited, in “a safe location”, that all the existing antennae will be removed from the current mast at Shankill Garda station.

Eamonn Keogh of the Dorney Court Residents’ Association, who attended the meeting, told Southside People that the people of Shankill welcomed the opportunity to voice the community’s concerns with the Minister. “What we said to the Minister is that you have to respect the community and take the prudent, cautious approach regarding the health of the people of Shankill,” he said. “We feel we have a right to see those reports before there is any further attempt to erect another mast in Shankill. “We would also be willing to engage with the OPW in identifying sites that would be located away from schools and houses. “We are not anti mobile phone but all we want to do is develop this in a safe way for the local community.” It has now been decided to arrange a meeting between locals and officials from the OPW and Vilicom for this week. A spokesperson for the OPW confirmed that the Minister had promised to review the situation on his return next week from a number of St Patrick’s Day parades in the United States. He had given an undertaking to temporarily suspend work on the mast until he had reviewed the outcome of this week’s meeting, the spokesperson confirmed. Welcoming the decision, Dun Laoghaire TD Eamonn Gilmore (Lab) said he was pleased that the Minister accepted the suggestion and work is now suspended. However, he added: “I believe that this of itself will not end the issue. There are clearly two totally opposing views about the mast and a way will still have to be found to resolve matters.”

Hotel U.S.A.: Vast New Detention Camps

The government's plans for an 'immigration emergency' include relocation and detention centers -- courtesy of Kellogg, Brown and Root.

From Information Clearing House

Homeland Security Contracts for Vast New Detention Camps

Informant: Kev Hall

The Pentagon has expressed a need for global strike ability

Undersea Global Strike: The Pentagon has expressed a need for global strike ability

Global means exactly that: the capacity to “reach out and touch someone” -- or some thing -- anywhere on Planet Earth.,15202,90791,00.html

From Information Clearing House

US Army: Peak Oil and the Army's future

“The days of inexpensive, convenient, abundant energy sources are quickly drawing to a close,” according to a recently released US Army strategic report. The report posits that a peak in global oil production looks likely to be imminent, with wide reaching implications for the US Army and society in general.

From Information Clearing House

Do you have a moment to help Impeach President Bush?

This administration must be held accountable for its misdeeds. We have considerable work to do and I am going to need your help to make this effort successful. Join me in sending the message to the President, the media, and the American people that we are not going to stand for an imperial presidency any longer.

From Information Clearing House

Initiative 50 Plus will Arbeitslosen helfen


„Um Arbeitgeber zu motivieren, über 50jährige Arbeitslose einzustellen,
die sie nicht brauchen, sind Müntefering und die Initiative "50 plus"
aktiv geworden. Damit Münte gelingt, was keiner zuvor geschafft hat,
kramte der Arbeitsminister - trotz zahlreicher gegenteiliger Expertisen,
die alten unwirksamen Vorschläge zur Förderung der Beschäftigung älterer
Arbeitsloser aus der Schublade hervor. Er verkauft sie nun als
jung-dynamisches Non-Plus-Ultra der GROSSkoalitionären
Arbeitsmarktpolitik…“ Kommentar von Hanne Schweitzer, Büro gegen
Altersdiskriminierung e.V., vom 07.03.2006

Aus: LabourNet, 15. März 2006

Gesetz könnte Arme obdachlos machen

ALG II und Wohnen

Hartz IV im Detail: Nebenkostenabrechnung

Auszüge von der Internetseite der MDR-Sendung „Ein Fall für Escher“ vom
09. März 2006

Gesetz könnte Arme obdachlos machen. Kommunen dürfen Mietschuld künftig kaum noch übernehmen / Niedriglöhner fallen durch das Netz

„Viele von Wohnungsverlust bedrohte Menschen haben künftig keine Möglichkeit mehr, die Übernahme von Mietschulden zu beantragen. Die Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Wohnungslosenhilfe (BAGW) warnt vor einem Anstieg der Obdachlosigkeit…“ Artikel in Frankfurter Rundschau vom 9.3.06

Aus: LabourNet, 15. März 2006

Hartz IV-Verschärfung schafft bürgerliche Rechte zweiter Klasse

Hausarrest bis 25 und weitere Grausamkeiten

Hartz IV-Verschärfung schafft bürgerliche Rechte zweiter Klasse

Die drei Betroffenorganisationen, die Koordinierungsstelle gewerkschaftlicher Arbeitslosengruppen (KOS), die Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Erwerbslosen- und Sozialhilfeinitiativen e.V. (BAG-SHI) und der Erwerbslosenverein Tacheles e.V. warnen vor den Verschärfungen insbesondere für den Personenkreis der unter 25-jährigen die heute im Bundesrat beschlossen wurden / werden und "empfehlen" unter 25-jährigen Erwerbslosen noch diesen Monat aus- oder umzuziehen, wenn sie dies sowieso planen. Siehe die gemeinsame Pressemitteilung vom 10.3.06 (pdf)

Familienbande als Rettungsring!?

Am 17. Februar wurde vom Bundestag ein Änderungsgesetz zum SGB II verabschiedet. Die Änderung schränkt u.a. die Selbstständigkeit und die Freizügigkeit der unter 25-jährigen Alg-II-Beziehenden ein und verweist sie bei reduzierten Leistungsansprüchen auf den elterlichen Haushalt. Der Artikel von Anne Ames informiert über die politischen Hintergründe, die Details der neuen gesetzlichen Bestimmungen, ihre Auswirkungen für die Betroffenen und über Möglichkeiten, sich dagegen zu wehren.

Eigene vier Wände – Dein gutes Recht…, aber nur noch bis zum 31. März!(?)

Info der Koordinierungsstelle gewerkschaftlicher Arbeitslosengruppen für junge ALG-II-Berechtigte, die den Umzug in eine eigene Wohnung schon so gut wie in der Tasche haben, sich jetzt aber sputen sollten. (pdf)

Aus: LabourNet, 15. März 2006

Arbeitslosengeld II soll für Nichterwerbstätige auf Asylstatus gesenkt werden

Zukünftig soll es nur noch 225 EUR statt 345 EUR ALG-II für Hartz-IV geben.

„Dem Erwerbslosen Forum Deutschland liegen Informationen aus nicht näher bezeichneten Quellen vor, wonach das Bundesarbeits- und Sozialministerium und das Bundesstatistikamt eine Absenkung des ALG II auf 225 EUR favorisieren. Damit würde der Regelsatz der ALG II-Bezieher um 120 EUR/Monat sinken, sofern diese keiner allgemeinen oder anderen Tätigkeit nachgehen würden. Demnach wären auch die Nachrichten unterstützt, wonach der DGB die Bundesregierung in seiner Forderung nach einem Mindestlohn von 6 EUR/Stunde unterstützt. Für Menschen, die in Arbeitsgelegenheiten wären, gäbe es nur noch einen rechnerischen Stundenlohn von ca. 5,- EUR/Stunde. Für Menschen ohne Arbeit oder Arbeitsgelegenheit würde das ALG II auf den Stand der Asylbewerber abgesenkt, die nicht arbeiten dürfen und ohnehin schon völlig benachteiligt sind…“ Presseerklärung vom 14.3.06

Zu den Hintergründen siehe bei Tacheles: BDA: Absenkung der Regelleistgung um mehr Anreiz zur Annahme von Beschäftigung im Niederiglohnbereich zu schaffen

Aus: LabourNet, 15. März 2006

Mindestens sechs Millionen Niedriglohnbeschäftigte in Deutschland: welche Rolle spielen Teilzeitbeschäftigung und Minijobs?

Artikel von Thorsten Kalina und Claudia Weinkopf als IAT-Report 3/2006

Aus: LabourNet, 15. März 2006

Mobilfunk-Horror verwandelt die Welt

In "Puls" gibt sich Stephen King sozialkritisch

Vom 15.03.2006

Von Roland Mischke

FRANKFURT Der Geschäftsmann Clay hatte in Boston einiges durchzupauken. Seine Abschlüsse sind gut, er ist zufrieden. Am Tag vor der Heimreise ist er deshalb großzügig beim Kauf von Geschenken für die Familie. Sich selbst belohnt er mit einem Eis, das er bei einem Straßenhändler abkauft. In diesem Augenblick geschieht Ungeheuerliches.

Die Stadt dreht von einer Minute auf die andere durch. Seriöse Krawattenträger, leger gekleidetes Jungvolk mit iPod-Kopfhörern, höfliche Busfahrer, nette Hausfrauen, Kinder und Alte fallen plötzlich übereinander her. Täter sind die, die gerade noch ein Mobiltelefon am Ohr hatten, Opfer jene ohne Handy. Sie werden regelrecht abgemetzelt. Eine "Power Suit Woman" auf hohen Absätzen gerät ins Taumeln, ihr schöner Mund verzieht sich zu einem "krampfartigen Zähnefletschen." Dann springt sie einen Eismann an. Das Mädchen Pixie Light wird vom mörderischen Furor erfasst. Sie fletscht ihre "kräftigen jungen Zähne" und rammt sie "Power Suit Woman" in den Hals. Dann schaut die Kleine Clay an. "Wer bist du?" fragt sie. Und dann, fassungslos: "Wer bin ich?"

Gemeinsam mit dem verwirrten Mädchen schafft er es in ein Hotel, während das Morden auf der Straße weitergeht. Wer in einem bestimmten Moment telefonierte, den erwischte ein Virus, das wie ein geschmeidiger Wurm aus dem Gerät in den Menschen schlüpft und dessen biologische Festplatte löscht. Jeder Handy-Benutzer wird zum Zombie. Die Welt teilt sich auf einmal in metzelnde, marodierende "Phoner" und solche, die ihre Vernunft behielten. Eiskalt läuft es Clay über den Rücken: Erst vor kurzem hat er seinem Sohn Johnny ein Handy geschenkt. Der muss gerade in der Schule sein. Clay will ihn davor zu bewahren, dass er in der nächsten Pause an sein Handy geht, wenn es orgelt. Der Wettlauf mit der Zeit beginnt. Stephen King kennt unsere Ängste. Viel besser als andere Autoren, weshalb er weltweit mehr als 300 Millionen Bücher in 33 Sprachen verkauft hat. In früheren Büchern ließ er den Bernhardiner "Cujo", der eigentlich Menschen aus schwieriger Lage rettet, ebenso zum Monster werden wie das Auto "Christine", den Clown oder die Krankenschwester. Auch in "Puls" verändert sich alles von einem Tag auf den anderen. Das Mobiltelefon, das viele als Fortschritt empfinden, erweist sich als Killerfalle. Irgendein Verrückter irgendwo auf der Welt hat ein tödliches Virus auf die Reise gesandt - es kann nicht mehr gestoppt werden. Das Handy kippt die soziale Ordnung um, führt zum Weltuntergang.

King ächtet das Mobiltelefon. Seine Beschreibung geht weit über den Horror hinaus, sie ist äußerst sozialkritisch. Mobiltelefone seien die "Sklavenketten des 21. Jahrhunderts", heißt es. Sie bewirken einen Rückgang zu primitiven, "vormodernen" Mustern sozialen Lebens. Das mobilfunkgesteuerte Leben verhindert wahre menschliche Begegnungen und zwangsprivatisiert dafür jeden Durchgangsraum, ob Wartehalle, Laden oder öffentlichen Platz. Aber wer will schon alles wissen von seinem Nachbarn im Zugabteil? Seine Fiktion einer Mobilfunkkatastrophe ist spannend und macht nachdenklich. Solche Wirkung hatte ein Horrorroman noch nie. Stephen King, übrigens, der sich als Multimillionär nahezu alles leisten könnte, besitzt kein Handy.

Stephen King: "Puls." Aus dem Amerikanischen von Wulf Bergner. Heyne. München. 528 Seiten. 19.95 Euro

Copyright: Wiesbadener Kurier, Verlagsgruppe Rhein Main


Das Grauen kommt aus dem Handy

Anti-War Movement Targets Media Coverage of the War with Protests

Anti-War Movement Targets Media Coverage of the War with Protests at Media Companies and News Outlets.

Wal-Mart Abusing Public Health Care Programs in 23 States

Election '06: GOP's Culture of Corruption Vs. Democrat's Culture of Weakness

Chernobyl: A Poisonous Legacy

US Abuses, Sense of Irony Missing in Rights Report

The Abu Ghraib files

By Joan Walsh
March 15, 2006

The human rights scandal now known as "Abu Ghraib" began its journey toward exposure on Jan. 13, 2004, when Spc. Joseph Darby handed over horrific images of detainee abuse to the Army's Criminal Investigation Command (CID). The next day, the Army launched a criminal investigation. Three and a half months later, CBS News and the New Yorker published photos and stories that introduced the world to devastating scenes of torture and suffering inside the decrepit prison in Iraq.

Today Salon presents an archive of 279 photos and 19 videos of Abu Ghraib abuse first gathered by the CID, along with information drawn from the CID's own timeline of the events depicted. As we reported Feb. 16, Salon's Mark Benjamin recently acquired extensive documentation of the CID investigation -- including this photo archive and timeline -- from a military source who spent time at Abu Ghraib and who is familiar with the Army probe.

Although the world is now sadly familiar with images of naked, hooded prisoners in scenes of horrifying humiliation and abuse, this is the first time that the full dossier of the Army's own photographic evidence of the scandal has been made public. Most of the photos have already been seen, but the Army's own analysis of the story behind the photos has never been fully told. It is a shocking, night-by-night record of three months inside Abu Ghraib's notorious cellblock 1A, and it tells the story, in more graphic detail than ever before, of the rampant abuse of prisoners there. The annotated archive also includes new details about the role of the CIA, military intelligence and the CID itself in abuse captured by cameras in the fall of 2003.

The Bush administration, which recently announced plans to shut the notorious prison and transfer detainees to other sites in Iraq, would like the world to believe that it has dealt with the abuse, and that it's time to move on. But questions about what took place there, and who was responsible, won't end with Abu Ghraib's closure.

In fact, after two years of relative silence, there's suddenly new interest in asking questions. A CID spokesman recently told Salon that the agency has reopened its investigation into Abu Ghraib "to pursue some additional information" after having called the case closed in October 2005. Just this week, one of two prison dog handlers accused of torturing detainees by threatening them with dogs went on trial in Fort Meade, Md. Lawyers for Army Sgt. Michael J. Smith argue that he was only implementing dog-use policies approved by his superiors, and Col. Thomas M. Pappas, the former commander of military intelligence at Abu Ghraib, was granted immunity from prosecution in exchange for his testimony at Smith's trial.

Meanwhile, as Salon reported last week, the Army blocked the retirement of Major Gen. Geoffrey Miller, the former Guantánamo interrogation commander who allegedly brought tougher intelligence tactics to Abu Ghraib, after two senators requested that he be kept on active duty so that he could face further questioning for his role in the detainee abuse scandal. Miller refused to testify at the dog-handler trials, invoking the military equivalent of the Fifth Amendment to shield himself from self-incrimination, but Pappas has charged that Miller introduced the use of dogs and other harsh tactics at the prison. Also last week, Salon revealed that U.S. Army Reserve Capt. Christopher R. Brinson is fighting the reprimand he received for his role in the abuse. Brinson, currently an aide to Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Ala., supervised military police Cpl. Charles A. Graner Jr. and some of the other guards who have been convicted in the scandal. Now Brinson joins a growing chorus of Abu Ghraib figures who blame the higher command structure for what happened at the prison.

Against this backdrop of renewed scrutiny, we think the CID photo archive and related materials we present today merit close examination. In "The Abu Ghraib Files," Salon presents an annotated, chronological version of these crucial CID investigative documents -- the most comprehensive public record to date of the military's attempt to analyze the photos from the prison. All 279 photos and 19 videos are reproduced here, along with the original captions created by Army investigators. They have been grouped into chapters that follow the CID's timeline, and each chapter has been narrated with the facts and findings of the Taguba, Schlesinger, Fay-Jones and other Pentagon investigations.

But the documentation in "The Abu Ghraib Files" also draws from materials that have not been released to the public. Among these is the official logbook kept by those military soldiers who committed the bulk of the photographed abuse. Salon has also acquired an April 2005 CID interview with military police Cpl. Charles A. Graner Jr., one of the ringleaders of the abuse. (One hundred seventy-three of the 279 photos in the archive were taken with Graner's Sony FD Mavica camera.) The interview was conducted several months after Graner was court-martialed and sentenced to 10 years in prison. He received a grant of immunity against further prosecution for anything he revealed. The documentation also draws from the unpublished testimony of Brinson to the CIA's Office of Inspector General about the death of a prisoner at the hands of the CIA.

Thanks in part to that additional sourcing, "The Abu Ghraib Files" sheds new light on the 3-year-old prison abuse scandal. While many of the 279 photos have been previously released, until this point no one has been able to authenticate this number of images from the prison, or to provide the Army's own documentation of what they reveal. This is the Army's forensic report of what happened at the prison: dates, times, places, cameras and, in some though not all cases, identities of the detainees and soldiers involved in the abuse. (Salon has chosen to withhold detainee identities not previously known to the public, and to obscure their faces in photographs, to protect the victims' privacy.)

Some of the noteworthy revelations include:

- The prisoner in perhaps the most iconic photo from Abu Ghraib, the hooded man standing on a box with electrical wires attached to his hands, was being interrogated by the CID itself for his alleged role in the kidnapping and murder of two American soldiers in Iraq. As noted in Chapter 4, "Electrical Wires," a CID spokesman confirmed to Salon that a CID agent was suspended in fall 2004 pending an investigation and later found "derelict in his duties" for his role in prisoner abuse. Salon could not confirm whether the agent was punished for his role in the abuse of the hooded man connected to electrical wires, known to military personnel as "Gilligan."

- The CID documentation, as well as other reporting, confirmed that a March 11 New York Times article identifying the prisoner in the iconic photo as Ali Shalal Qaissi, a local Baath Party member under Saddam Hussein and now a prisoners' rights advocate in Jordan, was incorrect. The CID photo archive confirms that a prisoner matching Qaissi's description -- he has a deformed left hand -- and known by the nickname "The Claw" was held at the prison and photographed by military police on the same night as the mock electrocution, but he was not the one standing on the box and attached to wires. The CID materials say all five photos of the hooded man were the prisoner known as "Gilligan." It remains possible that Qaissi received similar treatment, but there is no record of that abuse.

- Chapter 5, "Other Government Agencies," tells the story behind photos of the mangled corpse of Manadel al-Jamadi, known as the "Ice Man," who died during interrogation by a CIA officer. No one at the CIA has been prosecuted, even though al-Jamadi's death was ruled a homicide. The chapter adds new detail about the CIA's role in the prison drawn from Christopher Brinson's testimony to CIA investigators.

- As explained in Chapter 1, "Standard Operating Procedure," some of the 279 photos and 19 videos in the archive depict controversial interrogation tactics employed in cellblock 1A. Among the examples of abuse on display in the photos were techniques sanctioned by Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld for use on "unlawful enemy combatants" in the "war on terror." These include forced nudity, the use of dogs to terrorize prisoners, keeping prisoners in stress positions -- physically uncomfortable poses of various types -- for many hours, and varieties of sleep deprivation. Some of these techniques migrated from Guantánamo and Afghanistan to Iraq in 2003. (The abuse depicted in the Abu Ghraib photos did not occur during interrogation sessions, but in some cases military guards allege they were encouraged to "soften up" detainees for interrogation by higher-ranking military intelligence officers.)

- Military intelligence personnel and civilian contractors employed by the military appear in some of the photographs with the military guards, and entries from a prison logbook captured in the archive show that in some cases military police believed their tough tactics were being approved by -- and in some cases ordered by -- military intelligence officers and civilian contractors. The logbook also documents prisoner rioting and the regular presence of multiple OGA (other government agency) detainees held in the military intelligence wing.

Three years and at least six Pentagon investigations later, we now know that many share the blame for the outrages that took place at Abu Ghraib in the fall of 2003. The abuse took place against the backdrop of rising chaos in Iraq. In those months the U.S. military faced a raging insurgency for which it hadn't planned. As mortar attacks rained down on the overcrowded prison -- at one point there were only 450 guards for 7,000 prisoners -- its command structure broke down. At the same time, the pressure from the Pentagon and the White House for "actionable intelligence" was intense, and harsh interrogation techniques were approved to obtain it. Bush administration lawyers, including Alberto Gonzales and John Yoo, had already created a radical post-9/11 legal framework that disregarded the Geneva Conventions and other international laws governing the humane treatment of prisoners in the "war on terror." Intelligence agencies such as the CIA were apparently given the green light to operate by their own set of secret rules.

But while the Pentagon's own probes have acknowledged that military commanders, civilian contractors, the CIA and government policymakers all bear some responsibility for the abuses, to date only nine enlisted soldiers have been prosecuted for their crimes at Abu Ghraib. An additional four soldiers and eight officers, including Brinson, Pappas and Army Reserve Brig. Gen. Janis Karpinski, who was in charge of military police at Abu Ghraib, have been reprimanded. (Pappas and Karpinski were also relieved of their posts.) To date no high-level U.S. officials have been brought to justice in a court of law for what went on at Abu Ghraib.

Our purpose for presenting this large catalog of images remains much the same as it was four weeks ago when we first published a much smaller number of Abu Ghraib photos that had not previously appeared in the media. As Walter Shapiro wrote, Abu Ghraib symbolizes "the failure of a democratic society to investigate well-documented abuses by its soldiers." The documentary record of the abuse has come out in the media in a piecemeal fashion, often lacking context or description. Meanwhile, our representatives in Washington have allowed the facts about what occurred to fester in Pentagon reports without acting on their disturbing conclusions. We believe this extensive, if deeply disturbing, CID archive of photographic evidence belongs in the public record as documentation toward further investigation and accountability.

While we want readers to understand what it is we're presenting, we also want to make clear its limitations. The 279-photo CID timeline and other material obtained by Salon do not include the agency's conclusions about the evidence it gathered. The captions, which Salon has chosen to reproduce almost verbatim (see methodology), contain a significant number of missing names of soldiers and detainees, misspellings and other minor discrepancies; we don't know if the CID addressed these issues in other drafts or documents. Also, the CID materials contain two different forensic reports. The first, completed June 6, 2004, in Tikrit, Iraq, analyzed a seized laptop computer and eight CDs and found 1,325 images and 93 videos of "suspected detainee abuse." The second report, completed a month later in Fort Belvoir, Va., analyzed 12 CDs and found "approximately 280 individual digital photos and 19 digital movies depicting possible detainee abuse." It remains unclear why and how the CID narrowed its set of forensic evidence to the 279 images and 19 videos that we reproduce here.

Although the photos are a disturbing visual account of particular incidents inside Abu Ghraib prison, they should not be viewed as representing the sum total of what occurred. As the Schlesinger report states in its convoluted prose: "We do know that some of the egregious abuses at Abu Ghraib which were not photographed did occur during interrogation sessions and that abuses during interrogation sessions occurred elsewhere." Also, the documentation doesn't include many details about the detainees who were abused and tortured at Abu Ghraib. While the International Committee of the Red Cross report from February 2004 cited military intelligence officers as estimating that "between 70 to 90 percent of persons deprived of their liberty in Iraq had been arrested by mistake," much remains unknown about the detainees abused in the "hard site" where the Army housed violent and dangerous detainees and where much of the abuse took place.

Finally, it's critical to recognize that this set of images from Abu Ghraib is only one snapshot of systematic tactics the United States has used in four-plus years of the global war on terror. There have been many allegations of abuse, torture and other practices that violate international law, from holding prisoners without charging them at Guantánamo Bay and other secretive U.S. military bases and prison facilities around the world to the practice of "rendition," or the transporting of detainees to foreign countries whose regimes use torture, to ongoing human rights violations inside detention facilities in Iraq. Abu Ghraib in fall 2003 may have been its own particular hell, but the variations of individual abuse perpetrated appear to be exceptional in only one way: They were photographed and filmed.

Informant: NHNE


By Robert Evans
March 14, 2006

GENEVA - Greenhouse gases blamed for global warming and climate change have reached their highest ever levels in the atmosphere, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) said on Tuesday.

A bulletin from the United Nations agency said the gases -- the main warming culprit carbon dioxide (CO2), methane and nitrous oxide -- "all reached new highs in 2004."

WMO officials also indicated that a near record year-on-year rise in CO2 levels for 2005 recorded by U.S. monitors -- well above the average for the past 10 years -- would not come as a major surprise.

"Global observations coordinated by WMO show that levels of carbon dioxide, the most abundant greenhouse gas in the atmosphere, continue to increase steadily and show no signs of leveling off," said WMO Secretary-General Michel Jarraud.

Carbon dioxide, which the WMO says accounts for 90 percent of warming over the past decade, is largely generated by human activity involving the burning of fossil fuels -- including in industry, transport and domestic heating.

Scientists warn emissions must be slowed and reduced if the earth is to avoid climatic havoc with devastating heat waves, droughts, floods and rising sea-levels sinking low-lying island states and hitting seaboard cities like New York and London.

The U.N.'s 1992 Kyoto Protocol, which came into force last year after a decade of wrangling, obliges major industrial nations to cut emissions while granting exemptions to developing countries like India and China.

But it was weakened by the withdrawal in 2001 of the United States, whose President George W. Bush said that working to meet its targets would seriously damage the U.S. economy. He has also argued that warming is a natural, not man-made, process.

In its first Greenhouse Gas Bulletin, to be an annual publication, the WMO said that in 2004 carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere stood at 377.1 parts per million (ppm), 35 percent higher than in the pre-industrial age before 1750.

Methane, generated by intensive farming and landfills as well as the burning of fossil fuels like oil and coal and which accounts for around 20 percent of the greenhouse effect, has risen 155 percent in the modern age.

But its growth is slowing down, the WMO said, while nitrous oxide, which accounts for only 6 percent of the warming effect, is rising consistently.

The average annual increase in absolute amounts of CO2 in the atmosphere over the past decade has been 1.9 ppm, slightly higher than the 1.8 ppm of 2004, WMO environment division chief Leonard Barrie told a news conference.

Barrie said a finding by the U.N. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, cited by the British Broadcasting Corporation, that carbon dioxide had grown last year by 2.6 ppm had to be viewed in perspective.

"It is important to take the long view. There can be fluctuations," he said. "The 2.6 ppm figure is within past experience. If it were to persist over several years, then we would have to start talking about what it means."

Informant: NHNE

Is Civil War in Iraq a Product of US Occupation?

Support Feingold - Censure Bush

Remarks of Senator Russ Feingold

Introducing a Resolution to Censure President George W. Bush

Video and transcript

Cowardly Dems run from Feingold proposal
Information Clearinghouse


Democrats distanced themselves Monday from Wisconsin Sen. Russell Feingold's effort to censure President Bush over domestic spying. Vice President Dick Cheney, visiting Feingold's state, called the resolution an 'outrageous proposition. Don't hold back,' he said. Asked at a press conference whether he would vote for the censure resolution, Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada declined to endorse it and said he hadn't read it. Sen. Joe Lieberman , D-Conn., said he had not read it either and wasn't inclined simply to scold the president...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Feingold Blasts Dems Who 'Run and Hide'


Censure President Bush - Impeach Cheney First

It wouldn't surprise me if this move was orchestrated by Rove and Co. With impeachment feaver in the air, censure might just make the masses calm down. :)

No, I guess this is a good step. But I'd prefer to support Rep. Conyers' call for a full investigation as to the merits of Impeachment.

The case has been made for Impeachment, and Michael Ratner and the Center for Constituional Rights has just written a book outlining it:


ASL Info Minute Plainte de l'opérateur Orange contre ASL

Hier mardi 14 mars à 9h30, coïncidence étrange avec le procès d'Etienne Cendrier, l'Association ASL a été convoqué dans le bureau de la Brigade de recherche Judiciaire de la Gendarmerie Nationale de Valence sur commission rogatoire du Procureur du TGI de Nanterre suite à une plainte de l'opérateur Orange France SA pour propos diffamatoires avec constitution de parties civiles suivant des articles de la loi du 29 Juillet 1881 dite LOI sur la LIBERTÉ de la PRESSE. Cette plainte fait suite à une délibération du Conseil d'Administration de l'Association ASL de Crest dans la Drôme dont le Député-Maire est Hervé MARITON. Force est de constater qu'ASL a Lancé une alerte aux autorités sanitaires (INVS et DDASS) concernant les antennes relais de téléphonie mobile, celles-ci n'ont pas réagi à ce jour, par contre, cette alerte n'a pas été du goût de l'opérateur Orange. Après avoir mandater son vice-président pour l'audition comme interlocuteur pour les autorités judiciaires le CA d'ASL va se réunir afin de prendre une délibération destinée à publier tous les éléments concernant cette nouvelle action judiciaire d'un opérateur contre les Lanceurs d'Alertes.


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