Donnerstag, 30. März 2006

Paradise Lost?


My name is Brian Baring, I grew up in a traditional village in the Paradise Forests of Papua New Guinea. My people have relied on the forest for their daily needs for generations.

The forest is our supermarket, our water tap, our green-grocers and our medicine cabinet. It gives us the food we eat, the water we drink, the medicine for when we are sick and shelter from the heat and the rain. The forest is our life.

But right now, as you read this message, my home is being destroyed. European companies are importing timber products made from the forests stolen from my country. By allowing my people's stolen forest to be imported into Europe, our way of life, the forest and the amazing plants and animals in the forest are destroyed. I have seen the impact of forest destruction on my people and on my land.

I am in Europe now to ask you and your governments to stop buying timber stolen from my home. Please help and send this letter to Peter Mandelson, the European Commissioner for trade and ask him to implement legislation to stop the import of illegal and destructive timber into Europe.

Time is running out for the forest and my people.

Thank you for your support,


"Hartz IV": jedes achte Kind unter 15 soll auf Sozialhilfeniveau leben


Durch die Einführung der Arbeitsmarktreform "Hartz IV" ist nach Darstellung der Wohlfahrtsverbände die Armut in Deutschland größer geworden. Allein die Anzahl der Kinder unter 15 Jahren, die auf Sozialhilfeniveau leben, habe sich 2005 von einer Million auf 1,5 Millionen erhöht, sagte Hans-Jürgen Marcus, Sprecher der Nationalen Armutskonferenz, am Dienstag in Berlin. Die Dunkelziffer schätzt er auf rund 200.000 Kinder. "Wo ein Kinderwagen als Darlehen gewährt oder mit Krediten finanziert werden muss, werden Kinder bereits mit Schulden geboren", so Marcus. Der "Hartz IV"-Regelbetrag reiche vielen Betroffenen nicht aus, ihren Lebensunterhalt zu finanzieren.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

"Verfassungsfeindliche Haltung": Grüne erwägen Klage wegen Überwachung Lafontaines


Die Bundesregierung will nach Angaben der Grünen nicht bekannt geben, welche Bundestagsabgeordneten vom Verfassungsschutz überwacht werden. In ihrer Antwort auf eine schriftliche Anfrage der Grünen habe die Regierung erklärt, sie äußere "sich zu den geheimhaltungsbedürftigen Angelegenheiten des Verfassungsschutzes grundsätzlich nur in den dafür vorgesehenen Gremien", schreibt die "Süddeutschen Zeitung". Anlass der Anfrage waren Meldungen, wonach Linkspartei-Fraktionschef Oskar Lafontaine vom saarländischen Verfassungsschutz beobachtet wird.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Ablenkungsstrategie der Energiekonzerne

Energiegipfel: Umweltverbände fordern neuen Energiemix (30.03.06)

Im Vorfeld des Energiegipfels der Bundesregierung fordern die deutschen Umweltverbände von Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel ein klares Bekenntnis zu Klimaschutz und Atomausstieg. Das angekündigte Energiekonzept der Bundesregierung müsse Energieeffizienz und den Ausbau der Erneuerbaren Energien in den Mittelpunkt stellen. "Wir fordern, den Atomausstieg kompromisslos durchzusetzen", so der Präsident des Deutschen Naturschutzrings (DNR), Hubert Weinzierl. Die aktuelle Debatte über einen Weiterbetrieb der Atomkraftwerke sei "aberwitzig" und stelle eher eine "Ablenkungsstrategie der Energiekonzerne" dar. Offensichtlich sei die konventionelle Energiewirtschaft nicht im Stande, eine bessere Antwort auf die Abhängigkeit von Öl und Gas und den Treibhauseffekt zu liefern. Dabei sei der Anteil Erneuerbarer Energien am Gesamtverbrauch von Strom, Wärme und Kraftstoffen in Deutschland schon heute höher als der Anteil der Atomenergie. Die Branche der Erneuerbaren Energien möchte in den ko mmenden Jahren offenbar mehr als 200 Milliarden Euro investieren.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Prove there’s no danger

By Kevin Young

WE are often told there is no scientific evidence to prove that mobile phone masts are a health hazard and increase the risk of cancer.

But there are plenty of people who believe that it's positively harmful to spend a lot of time near them.

And that means any attempt to erect such masts in residential areas near homes or schools is likely to be not just controversial but strongly opposed.

Amazingly, there are already 35,000 masts around the country and the companies who provide the various networks argue with some force that they are struggling to meet our demand for clear mobile phone reception wherever we go.

But community concerns must be heeded and firms like Hutchinson 3G were mistaken if they thought they could just erect a 28-metre-high mast close to a housing estate like Park Farm at Feniscowles without provoking an immediate hostile reaction.

Masts more than 15 metres high require planning permission but apparently this one has been put up because operators are allowed to have a 28 day test period which was wanted in this case.

But until they can convince us there are no health risks companies should not be surprised that no one wants a phone mast in their own backyard.

7:00pm Wednesday 29th March 2006

© Copyright 2001-2006 Newsquest Media Group

Resident flags up phone mast concerns

A DROMORE man has flagged up concerns over a planned addition to a mobile phone mast at Barban Hill. The man, who did not want to be named, lives in the Millturn View area. But his concerns were not so much for himself, he said, as for the "hundreds" of youngsters regularly making use of the Dromore Rugby Club facilities. "I don't know whether it's been established for certain that these masts are dangerous," he said. "But I would be one of those people who think that if there's any doubt at all then it's better not to pose even a possible danger to youngsters. "I'd imagine anyone with youngsters would want the same thing. The youngsters are the future and it's not the best idea to start putting up things that may harm them. "I would far rather have the mast that is up come down rather than have another added." The man said he had been alerted by the Divisional Planning Office at Marlborough House, Craigavon, to plans for the erection of O2 equipment at the existing Orange radio base station on lands at Dromore Rugby Club. "Some of the people living in the area might be older, like me," he said, "so the concern mightn't come to mind as much as with a younger population coming up. "But I wonder if all the people around who have children going up there to play rugby know about it. "I know that when I go out and look around I can't imagine that there would be problems getting high ground for these things where they definitely wouldn't pose any potential danger." The concerned resident said he planned to object in writing to the proposal and had contacted the local DUP office on the matter. Mr. Paul Stewart, assistant to Lagan Valley MP and MLA Jeffrey Donaldson and Dromore Councillor and Lagan Valley MLA Norah Beare, confirmed the office had written to the divisional planning officer requesting full details of the mast proposal. "We will be working with residents of the area to keep them informed of this application," he said.

30 March 2006

All rights reserved © 2006 Johnston Press Digital Publishing.

Bundesagentur für Arbeit: Der Arbeitslose als Witzfigur

„Ein Datenschützer erhebt schwere Vorwürfe: Persönliche Daten einer
Arbeitslosen kursierten angeblich als Witz bundesweit über Computer der

Bei der Bundesagentur für Arbeit kommt es nach Angaben des
schleswig-holsteinischen Datenschutzbeauftragten Thilo Weichert zu
massivem Missbrauch der Informationen über die Arbeitslosen. "Sensible
persönliche Daten von Arbeitslosen werden nicht ordnungsgemäß gesichert",
kritisierte Weichert am Dienstag in Kiel…“ AP-Meldung in Süddeutsche
Zeitung vom 29.03.2006.,jkm2/jobkarriere/erfolggeld/artikel/963/72891/

Aus: LabourNet, 30. März 2006

Campact-Newsletter 7/06

Donnerstag, 30. März 2006

Es schreibt: Christoph Bautz

Alle Welt redet über Hühner und die Vogelgrippe. Derweil arbeiten im Windschatten der Debatte etliche Ministerpräsidenten daran, das von Rot-Grün zum Januar 2007 erlassene Verbot der tierquälerischen Batteriehaltung von Hühnern zu kippen. Gestern winkte der Agrarausschuss des Bundesrates einen Änderungsantrag durch. Am Freitag in einer Woche, den 7. April wird im Bundesrat entschieden.

E-Card-Aktion: Fordern Sie den Ministerpräsidenten Ihres Bundeslandes auf, das Verbot der Batteriehaltung von Hühnern nicht zu kippen!

Die Ministerpräsidenten von Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Niedersachsen und Nordrhein-Westfalen wollen das Verbot herkömmlicher Legebatterien auf Ende 2008 verschieben. Danach sollen weiterhin so genannte 'ausgestaltete Käfige' erlaubt sein, die kaum etwas an der qualvollen Enge in den Käfigen ändern würden. Zur derzeitigen Mindestfläche von knapp einer DIN A4-Seite käme dann für jedes Huhn eine Handbreit mehr Platz dazu - eine Farce! Mehr im 5-Minuten-Info:

Werden Sie dagegen aktiv:

Atomlobbyisten können schon mit über 6.500 'Tempos' ihre Tränen trocknen!

Schon über 1.000 Menschen haben über unsere Webseite unter dem Motto 'Abschied nehmen kostet Tränen' Postkarten mit 'Tempos' an Merkel, Glos und die Chefs der Atomkonzerne geschickt und uns mit einer Spende unterstützt. Wir freuen uns sehr über die große Beteiligung. Herzlichen Dank für die Unterstützung!

Der Versand der Postkarten ist für uns eine große Herausforderung. Viele Helfer/innen bevölkern derzeit unser Büro, tackern fleißig Papiertaschentücher an die Postkarten, versehen sie mit Namen und sortieren sie in Postkisten. Bilder dazu finden Sie hier:

Haben Sie sich schon an der Aktion beteiligt und Freunde und Bekannte darauf hingewiesen?


Übrigens: Etliche Nachfragen erreichten uns bezüglich der Umweltverträglichkeit der 'Tempos'. Wir haben keine Taschentücher der Marke 'Tempo' verschickt, sondern solche aus 100% Altpapier verwendet.

Was passiert sonst noch? Mehr Informationen finden Sie unten.

Mit herzlichen Grüßen,

Christoph Bautz

1. Hühner: Unterstützen Sie die Online-Kampagne von VIER PFOTEN

Protestieren Sie auch auf der Homepage der Tierschutzorganisation VIER PFOTEN gegen die Käfighaltung von Hühnern und versenden Sie unter eine Protest-Mail an die zuständigen Minister der Länder, Bundeskanzlerin Merkel, Minister Seehofer und den SPD-Vorsitzenden Platzeck.

2. Atom: Kommen Sie am kommenden Montag zum Energiegipfel!

Wohnen Sie in Berlin? Oder sind Sie vielleicht am Montag, den 3. April zufällig zu Besuch in der Hauptstadt? Kommen Sie doch auch zum Energiegipfel! Vertreter von Umweltverbänden und Bürgerinitiativen wollen auch kommen. Bringen Sie etwas mit, das richtig Krach macht!

Aktion: 3. April, um 17.30 Uhr vor dem Kanzleramt in Berlin

3. Atom: Oettinger antwortet auf E-Cards

Über 13.000 E-Cards von Campact-Aktiven gingen bisher bei den Ministerpräsidenten Koch, Oettinger, Stoiber, Müller und Wulff ein, die sich für längere Laufzeiten der Atomkraftwerke einsetzen. Nach langem Schweigen hat jetzt der baden-württembergische Ministerpräsident Günther Oettinger Campact-Aktiven geantwortet. Lesen Sie mehr zu seiner kruden Argumentation in unserem Logbuch:

4. Nebeneinkünfte: Datenbank über die Nebeneinkünfte von Abgeordneten entsteht

Über 60 Bundestagsabgeordnete haben sich bereits bei Campact-Aktiven zurückgemeldet und - falls vorhanden - ihre veröffentlichungs- pflichtigen Angaben mitgeteilt. Diese werden Grundlage sein für unsere Datenbank, aus der hervorgeht, welche Abgeordneten bereits freiwillig ihre Nebeneinkünfte veröffentlichen. Wenn Sie Antworten von Ihren Abgeordneten erhalten, schicken Sie uns diese bitte zu .

Lammerts Blockadehaltung in punkto Veröffentlichungspflicht der Politiker-Nebeneinkünfte ist übrigens heute Abend Thema um 21.00 Uhr in der Berliner Phoenix-Runde und beim ZDF-Magazin Frontal 21 am nächsten Dienstag ab 21.00 Uhr.

Please help the foxes in Holland

A message from Eleanor:

It's really quite simple! There are helpful translations at the bottom. I thought I hadn't done it right but I received an e-mail afterwards so my letter went through! It's really important to write so that they stop doing this to foxes in Holland! It's horrible! All you have to do is click and fill in a couple of boxes. Please do it! *thanks2*



momma wont come back please read cross-post 9:25 AM

- The Netherlands - From 1 april 2006 dutch hunters may go out for feeding foxes (momma's) to blind them with light and shoot them. Also chasing and the use of cages and dogs of animals in shedtime, feedingtime and breedtime will be no longer prohibited by law by minister Veerman (minister of farming, nature and foodquality). This means that babyfoxes will be waiting for their mommies to come back. And that the mommies won't come back. This means that these babyfoxes will suffer and die of hunger or will be beaten to death by hunters. There are reasons to believe this has a lot to do with lobbying of parlemantairs of CDA and VVD (coalitionparties in government) who like hunting themselves and that for that reason foxes will be no longer protected. Faunaprotection is working on this to end the cruelty to the foxes in The Netherlands. You can help! Go to where you can sign and send a letter to dutch parlementairs about this issue. Let them know about your worries. They were waiting... and waiting... Jonge vosjes But their mother never returned! Do you care for these foxes?

9:38 AM Klik hier = for go to the letter for signing

Naam = fill out your name here

E-mail = fill out your e-mailadres here

Verstuur de brief = send your letter

Forest Service Looking Beyond Timber Sales for Revenues

The lure of money is shaping the nation's 155 national forests: more advertising, more fees, more roads for more timber sales. "Vistas of our national forests may soon include giant inflatable beer bottles, banners for chewing tobacco and snack food kiosks," said Jeff Ruch, director of Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility.

Relay antennas for mobile telephones

Pour information à Monsieur Xavier BERTRAND, Ministre de la Santé et des Solidarités de la France et Monsieur Monieur le Dr Jong-Wook LEE, Directeur Général de l'Administration Centrale de l'OMS (WHO).


Version DEUTSCH und/and ENGLISH

Mast victory for campaigners

Residents celebrate the decision to remove the phone masts

RESIDENTS have won their campaign to get mobile phone masts removed from their block of flats.

For three years Vanburgh Park Estate Residents' Association campaigned against six masts being on the roof of Westcombe Court, Westcombe Park Road, Blackheath.

Now the equipment will be taken down on June 30 after cabinet committee members at Greenwich Council refused to renew the lease for telecommunications firm Orange, on March 14.

The council refused to renew its 10-year lease on the basis the company had breached health and safety guidelines as the equipment was overhanging some walkways and was just 6m from residents' properties.

The residents' group campaigned against the 3G masts being so close to their houses.

Despite Orange producing documents to defend its case, the council said its evidence was inadequate.

Association member Colin Fancy said: "We've been fighting a long time. We've earned it after all our petitions, which was signed by 180 people, and going to meetings.

"The council now needs a policy to make sure mobile phone masts are sited away from homes and schools."

An Orange spokesman said: "In respect of Westcombe Court, Orange will now have to replace the coverage lost to maintain acceptable levels of coverage in the area."

It would not say what its arguments to the council were.

9:49am today

© Copyright 2001-2006 Newsquest Media Group

A madness for war

At a minimum, there should be hearings, with Bush under oath. With any more details like this, the next step is impeachment.

Blunders over 26 phone masts

The Argus, West Sussex

by Jenny Legg

Council blunders have allowed dozens of mobile phone masts to win planning permission.

On 26 occasions councils have fallen foul of a legal loophole allowing masts to be approved because officers failed to respond to applicants in time.

A catalogue of errors uncovered through a Freedom of Information request shows councils sent decisions by second-class post, date-stamped letters incorrectly, miscalculated time periods, sent out wrong decision notices and failed to make the fact they had refused permission clear.

Gary Kemp, who lives in Brighton and campaigns against phone masts for Friends of the Earth, said: "It's an absolutely appalling record. I am 100 per cent certain that phone masts cause health problems so it makes me really angry to know masts have gone up by default.

"We have enough problems fighting masts that are granted planning permission."

Current legislation allows mobile phone companies to assume masts below 15m in height have been given planning approval if they do not hear in writing from a council within 56 days.

The council is legally obliged to write to the companies within the given time, outlining whether the mast actually needs prior approval and whether or not the council objects to its siting and appearance.

In nine of the cases involving errors the authorities intended to refuse planning permission.

Sian Meredith, a spokeswoman for campaign group Mast Sanity, said: "The figures for Sussex are just the tip of the iceberg. We deal with hundreds of these across the country.

"Planning ministers have said the current system is perfectly okay but these figures prove it is not. We think all masts should go through the proper planning process."

Brighton and Hove City Council allowed five masts to be installed because decision notices were not received on time.

Leslie Hamilton, chairman of the planning committee, said; "I know early on we did have some problems but it hasn't happened recently."

He recalled a mix-up last year over what counted as the first day of the 56-day notice period which led to the council missing the deadline by one day and permission being granted by default.

He said: "I remember there was a conscious decision made to make sure we considered these applications within the time period so companies didn't get automatic consent."

Horsham District Council admitted failing to contact phone companies 14 times although it said that each time it only intended to inform the company that approval was not needed.

A spokesman said: "All these cases relate from 1998 to 2000 and no prior approval was necessary." He said all subsequent applications in the last six years had been dealt with on time.

Arun District Council admitted that a mast was erected because a letter was sent by second class post and missed the 56-day deadline. The figures were disclosed to the BBC as part of an investigation into phone mast applications across the South.

Rachel Bridgeman, 41, of Portland Road, Hove, is a member of Together We Can Stop the Mast, which is campaigning to stop a ten-metre mast being installed by Marconi/T-Mobile in the Wish Park area.

She said: "Everyone makes mistakes but at the end of the day there should be legislation to prevent them."

She said stringent regulations should be introduced to force mobile phone companies to consult nearby schools, businesses and home owners.

John Silvester, spokesman for the Planning Officers Society, said: "It's not rocket science to work out when the period finishes. Things should not be taken to the wire."

A spokesman for the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister said: "Local planning authorities have the opportunity to deal with prior approval applications in the same way as a normal planning application, so long as they act within eight weeks."

'Loophole' mast may be relocated

BBCi 29 March 06

A controversial mobile phone mast that was put up despite a council claiming it had rejected it could be moved.

The mast went up in Fisherman's Walk, Bournemouth, Dorset, after the borough council failed to tell Vodafone clearly enough that it refused it permission.

But now Vodafone chiefs have told campaigners that they would consider moving it to a different site.

The news comes after a BBC probe revealed council blunders allowed scores of unwanted masts to be put up.

Response 'breakthrough'

The failure by Bournemouth Borough Council to state clearly enough in a letter that it was rejecting the mast allowed Vodafone to claim it had not been told of any refusal in the given 56-day period laid down by law.

Scores of Southbourne residents have protested over the mast, which was erected on 13 February.

In a letter to campaigner Charmaine Despres, Vodafone's planning specialist Clive Snelling has now said they would consider moving the mast.

But he warned that already 16 alternative sites have been discounted from a "technical, property or planning and environmental perspective".

"In the event that a suitable alternative location, including council owned land, is identified, Vodafone would consider relocation as long as the site is technically sound, commercially feasible and is likely to receive the necessary planning permissions," he added.

Mrs Despres described the comments as a "breakthrough" and said she was confident an alternative site would be found.

On Tuesday, the BBC news website revealed that on 68 occasions across southern England councils had failed to get back to mobile phone operators within the time limit - allowing scores of masts planning permission by default.

New Mast Angers Residents


15 residents are up in arms over new plans to erect a mast in the vicinity of Hartstown National School. Fingal County Council has been informed of the proposal to erect the mast at a local petrol station. The plan has enraged locals who last year campaigned against another mast which was erected close to Huntstown National School. Speaking on behalf of residents, Cllr Ruth Coppinger (SP) expressed anger over the new mast. “This is a scandal,” she declared. “Microwave radiation from masts is known to be especially dangerous to children.” While telecommunications companies say there's no evidence to link masts with health issues, opponents point out there isn't any conclusive proof that they don't. Cllr Coppinger said Government guidelines on masts have left councils effectively powerless to regulate and reject plans for mobile phone antenna. Last year elected members of Fingal County Council unanimously agreed that an area of 200 metres radius of schools should be kept free from the erection of any masts.

However, Department of Environment guidelines state that masts may be erected beside schools and in residential areas as a last resort. Cllr Coppinger said telecommunication companies are taking advantage of this exception. “This law has led to the proliferation of mobile phone masts with companies not even having to attempt to share sites with competitor companies,” she said. “If these masts had to go through the normal planning process they would fail but because the antennae are part of the Government's 'exempted development' legislation, the normal rules don't apply. “Until the health effects are fully clear, no masts should be near schools, crèches, community or sports centres.” A local Hartstown resident echoed Cllr Copppinger's concerns. Jacinta Nolan fears for the elderly in the vicinity and school children in Hartstown's St Ciaran's National School. “I'm very much opposed to the mast,” she said. “It will only be within yards of the school and the little children. “People aren't even allowed to smoke in petrol stations or use a mobile, yet they are allowed to put this mast on the top of the building. It's crazy. “Hartstown residents will not be prepared to put up with these masts and we will do anything in our power to stop it going ahead.” Meanwhile, Councillor Felix Gallagher (SF) described the decision to allow mobile phone antennae at Huntstown shops as an attack on local democracy and the health of the local community. “Earlier this month I got confirmation that An Bord Pleanála had upheld my objection to an O2 mast at this site,” he said. “This decision was greeted with great relief by local residents and parents of local school children. “However, it has now been decided to place these antennae on the side wall of the building rather than the roof.” It's understood the Huntstown antennae is now covered by 'exempted development' rules. Department of Environment and Heritage guidelines for suitable antennae locations state: “Only as a last resort and if all alternatives are either unavailable or unsuitable should free-standing masts be located in a residential area or beside schools.” The guidelines also specify the type of structure that should be erected. “It should be kept at a minimum height consistent with effective operation and should be monopole (or poles) rather than a tripod.” A spokesperson for Fingal County Council's planning department responded to our query regarding masts in the county. “The council will only take enforcement against unauthorised development in regards planning,” she said. The spokesperson confirmed that most mobile masts fall outside the council's control as they do not need planning permission. “Although we do have a development plan, this only applies to masts that need planning.”

As Vermont Loses its Virginity



Why does George Bush feel he can just laugh off the laws passed by Congress and even the Constitution itself? He did it AGAIN by attaching a so-called signing statement to the renewal of the Patriot Act, reserving the right to DISREGARD even the minimal reporting requirements that Congress had the temerity to impose. Who is going to challenge him? He's not just laughing at the legislature. If you do not speak out now, he is laughing at YOU.

He is laughing at you because you complain about the fact that nobody in Congress has any backbone, and yet when someone DOES stand up you do nothing to speak out and support them, and to encourage others to do the same. He is laughing at you because a million mostly NON-citizens got off their butts over the weekend and killed HR 4437 in the Judiciary Committee literally overnight, the same Judiciary Committee that will be considering his censure this very Friday. And yet most of you continue to do nothing. Yes, George Bush is laughing at you.

CALL YOUR SENATORS NOW TOLL-FREE: 888-355-3588 or 800-828-0498

Was it not enough when George Bush defiantly admitted he had ordered illegal wiretaps of American citizens. George Bush is laughing at you. Was it not enough when George Bush signed a law intended to stop the international crime of torture, and then declared he would ignore it at his own dictatorial discretion. George Bush is laughing at you. Was it not enough when he lied in the most pathological way to start a war in Iraq for the sole purpose of aggrandizing his own power? George Bush is laughing at you.

Some say that censure is not enough, that George Bush must be impeached. Some go further and argue that he should be tried for war crimes. Is that any reason NOT to speak out for censure as the first step. We have enough participants right now in our OWN network, just the people who will receive this one alert, that if each and EVERY one of you would take just 20 seconds to submit the action page above, there WOULD be a censure of George Bush. Since we started doing this about the best yield we have ever had to ANY one alert was about ten percent. Just 10 percent. Just ten percent of you gave enough of a damn about ANYTHING to actually DO something as simple and easy as to submit an action page. George Bush is laughing at you.


You call yourselves progressives. A couple of Spanish language DJ's in Los Angeles got together and decided to issue a concerted call to action, and they put something approaching a million people in the streets. And the Judiciary Committee literally trembled. Where is progressive radio on this? Why are you not all giving out the toll free phone numbers 888-355-3588 and 800-828-0498 every hour on the hour to call our Senators? How lazy do you have to be to not even take the time to make a toll-free phone call to finally demand accountability. George Bush is laughing at you.

You don't always have to draft a lengthy personal comment, just take 20 seconds to submit the form. Take 20 seconds to make a toll-free phone call. Take 20 seconds to wipe that arrogant smirk off his face. Because until you do, George Bush is just going to keep laughing at you.

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.

Powered by The People's Email Network
Copyright 2006, Patent pending, All rights reserved

Informant: jhw369

"White House Memo" Drives a Stake into the Heart of White House Lies

Bob Fertik writes, "Something remarkable happened Monday: the Corporate Media finally got sick of Bush's endless lies about Iraq, and started to tell the truth. The immediate cause was a front-page New York Times story about the "White House Memo," which proved Bush was determined to invade Iraq no matter what. Now we have reached a turning point in our "long march" for Truth. Everyone in the world knows in their heart that Bush lied. Soon everyone will say it out loud: Bush Lied. When millions of Americans say those two simple words - and the media finally joins us - Bush's reign of fear will come to a crashing halt. Let's make that happen now."

Truth Seeping Through Media After Ten Months
David Swanson writes, "There is something about this week that feels better than the average one for bringing a child into the world. I have hope that others will have hope, and that this will let them press hard for action. And there is something about bringing a child into the world that makes me want to push harder for a full measure of truth, and not be satisfied with the thrill of seeing bits of truth squeeze through. Someone said: He not busy being born, is busy dying. That certainly goes for democracies."

Kit Created to Help Towns, Cities, Counties Pass Impeachment Resolutions
Brattleboro VT has joined nine other towns and cities, five state Democratic parties, and 19 local Democratic committees in passing resolutions urging the impeachment of George Bush and -- in most cases -- Dick Cheney. ImpeachPAC is working with Progressive Democrats of America and local activists to pass similar resolutions around the country, and has created a kit to assist local organizations in the task. Take a look and give it a try. Put your town on the map of the impeachment movement!

Calling all Vermonters
Led by the spiritual descendants of the Green Mountain Boys (including carpenter/musician Dan DeWalt), Vermont is making real progress towards impeachment. Their next goal is to persuade their state legislature to formally adopt an impeachment resolution. Send this link to everyone you know in Vermont:

Impeachment Movement Gaining Steam
Funds raised by ImpeachPAC: $63,316 from 1,656 donors
Candidates Endorsed by ImpeachPAC: 3

Congress Members sponsoring H Res 635: 33

Senators Supporting Censure: 3

Americans Favoring Impeachment: between 26 and 53%

Tell Senators on Judiciary Committee to Support Censure on Friday

The Senate Judiciary Committee will take up Senator Feingold's censure proposal on Friday. has come up with the idea of faxing members of the Senate Judiciary Committee with these words at the top of your fax: "U.S. Constitution: Do Not Shred."

Here are the FAX numbers for the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee:
Arlen Specter, Chairman - Pennsylvania - Fax (202) 228-1229
Orrin G. Hatch - Utah - Fax (202) 224-6331
Patrick J. Leahy - Vermont - Fax (202) 224-3479
Charles E. Grassley - Iowa - Fax (515) 288-5097
Edward M. Kennedy - Massachusetts - Fax (202) 224-2417
Jon Kyl - Arizona - Fax (202) 224-2207
Joseph R. Biden, Jr. - Delaware - Fax (202) 224-0139
Mike DeWine - Ohio - Fax (202) 224-6519
Herbert Kohl - Wisconsin - Fax (202) 224-9787
Jeff Sessions - Alabama - Fax (202) 224-3149
Dianne Feinstein - California - Fax (202) 228-3954
Lindsey Graham - South Carolina - Fax (864) 250-4322
Russell D. Feingold - Wisconsin - Fax (202) 224-2725
John Cornyn - Texas - Fax (972) 239-2110
Charles E. Schumer - New York - Fax (202) 228-3027
Sam Brownback - Kansas - Fax (202) 228-1265
Richard J. Durbin - Illinois - Fax (202) 228-0400
Tom Coburn - Oklahoma - Fax (202) 224-6008
You can sign up for an eFax 30-day trial and fax for free here:

Tell The Committee Chairman To Speak Up

Senator Arlen Specter will chair the hearing on censure. Specter has repeatedly denounced Bush's illegal wiretapping. But he refuses to do anything to stop Bush from doing it!

Call/fax/email his offices (numbers below) with this simple message:
Speak Up Specter! Censure Bush for illegal wiretapping!

Senate switchboard: 888-355-3588
D.C. office direct line: 202-224-4254
D.C. office fax: 202-228-1229

Two Months Later, Better Than Never, New York Times Covers White House Memo began demanding coverage of the White House Memo almost two months ago. Finally, the New York Times has written about it, and acknowldged that -- contrary to Bush's claims -- Bush was intent on going to war and not attempting in any way to avoid it.

Read Jonathan Schwarz on Bush/Blair Excuses in Face of Evidence

Read Bob Fertik on how the New York Times is still lying for Bush

Read Editor and Publisher on what Bush and Blair were saying publicly at time of White House Memo

Bi-Partisan Group of Congress Members to Call for Debate on War

A bi-partisan group in the House of Representatives has sent around this "Dear Colleague" letter asking other Members of Congress to join in calling for an open floor debate on the war.

Urge your Congress Member to sign on!

There Is Blood on Our Hands

"We the People" must accept the responsibility for the killing of innocent civilians. Our tax dollars are used to fund the illegal war in Iraq and we must now act, collectively, to put an end to this.

A New Book

In the United States, our best journalism is published in books now and talked about on the radio and the internet. If you get your news from a television or a newspaper, you live in another world. This no doubt contributes to how divided we are politically. Dave Lindorff's and Barbara Olshansky's book could help bridge this national divide. The genius of this book is in its brevity. Lindorff and Olshansky have boiled the list of Bush and Cheney's documented crimes down to an amazingly concise summary, one that however gives a real flavor of the goings on in this criminal administration. I work on these issues and still learned a great deal by reading this book. If each of us who knows some of this and is able to process it easily buys ten copies to give to people who get their news from TV, this clear crisp book might just help save this country. -- David Swanson


Constitution Dictates
March 28, 7:30 p.m.
Amy Goodman of Democracy Now hosts a panel discussion featuring Michael Ratner, Bill Goodman, Shayana Kadidal, and Maria Lahood, attorneys from the Center for Constitutional Rights and authors of a new book, Articles of Impeachment Against George W. Bush (Melville House). At The Culture Project, 45 Bleecker Street, NYC (corner of Bleecker and Lafayette Streets) Admission is free - seating is limited - first come, first served LINK

Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings on Censure
March 31, 9:30 a.m.
Senate Dirksen 226

March to Redeem the Soul of America
April 1 – 14, 2006 in Texas: Irving – Dallas – Waco – Crawford, Crawford Peace House, Dallas Peace Center, Texas Peace Action

April 1, Atlanta will host the largest anti-war march in the history of the South. The date, APRIL FIRST, links the 3rd anniversary of the war, March 20, with the 38th anniversary of Dr. King's death, April 4. Activists are organizing contingents from Birmingham, Alabama; Fayetteville, North Carolina; Memphis & Nashville, Tennessee; Tallahassee, Florida and all corners of Georgia.

Guantanamo on Capitol Hill
On April 6, 5pm
A reading of the Tricycle Theater’s production of Guantánamo in the Rayburn House Office Building, The House of Congress, Capitol Hill, Washington DC.

Easter in Crawford, Texas
April 10-16
Join Cindy in Crawford. Everyone's welcome!

Sign up for these events, find others, and create your own at

See Also UFPJ:

And PDA:



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März 2006


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