Japanese Specialist Develops New Electromagnetic Radiation Shielding Material

I am an Electro Hyper Sensitive living in Japan. I have some interesting news for EHS patients.

A landmark EMR shielding material “The Living Polymer-Coated Alminum-Honeycomb Type” was developed by Mr. Teruyuki Tsunabuchi, a Japanese shielding technology specialist and the president of the Tsunabuchi Consultant Office. He has a patent in the U.S.A. (2004) and in Australia (2005), and received a Japanese patent on March 17th, 2006.

This shielding material can cut electromagnetic waves (frequency range 10MHz-100GHz) to less than one ten-millionth while allowing light and air to pass through it. Hence, it can be used as an inner window in houses to protect human beings from the negative effects of electromagnetic radiation coming in from outside. It can also be used as a shielding material added in the manufacture of an appliance's heat ventilation system in order to decrease the leakage of EMFs.

Mr. Teruyuki Tsunabuchi has been successful in developing this new technology, but he hasn't been able to commence with technological mass production as of yet since he hasn't been able to find any sponsors in Japan. Unfortunately, there is little awareness among the Japanese people of the dangers caused by microwave technology (cell phones) and other EMFs. Mr. Teruyuki Tsunabuchi has said that “ If I can get a enough money (JPN Yenn300 million?about US $3.5 million ), the technology for mass production would be developed in one year.”

I believe this material, if it were mass produced, should be able aid many people with EHS.

If you have an interest, please contact to him.
Teruyuki Tsunabuchi Tsunabuchi Consultant Office
4-32 Atsubetsu higashi 1-jo 3-chome, Atsubetsu-ku, Sapporo City, Hokkaido, JAPAN FAX 81+11-898-9580

Finally, I would like to introduce an abstract in his paper:

“The Living Polymer Coated Aluminum-Honeycomb Type” Electromagnetic Wave Shielding Material

Abstract We have developed a new electromagnetic shielding material which has honeycomb structure coated by mixture of ultra-high molecular polymer (Living polymer) and Cu micro powder. Each cell of the honeycomb structure has an inclination of other than 90 degrees to the surface. As thus sheet allows the air to pass through and is transport to light, it can be used in layers as one sheet or two with only 1mm/th (-1.8mm/th) thick. This technology can product electromagnetic shielding material which has high shielding effect of 70dB-120dB on frequency range of 10MHz to 100GHz.

Patent Information
Title: Electromagnetic wave absorber
U.S.A. No. 6,756,931 B2/ 2004
Australia No.20032004967/2005
Japan No.3772187/2006
EU Application submitted.

Best Regards,



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