Dienstag, 14. März 2006

Prügelorgien fürs Handy

Lehrer und Polizei machtlos

Immer häufiger kommt es auch bei uns zu brutalen Schlägereien – jeder dritte Schüler hat Angst vor der Gewalt Foto Barkeeper totgetreten: In der U-Bahn von London überfiel Chelsea (14) den 37-jährigen David Morley mit ihrer Bande. Die Überwachungskamera filmte, wie Chelsea den Mord filmte. (Foto: Metropolitan Police London)

London/Berlin - Je brutaler, desto cooler. Immer öfter entdecken Lehrer blutige Handy-Videos, auf denen ihre Schüler Passanten halb tot schlagen. "Happy Slapping" (fröhliches Schlagen) heißt der Gewalt-Trend. In England will Scotland Yard hart durchgreifen.

Grausamer Alltag: Halbwüchsige schlagen einen alten Mann zusammen, klauen ihm die Rente. Später stoßen sie eine Frau vom Fahrrad, vergewaltigen sie. Immer dabei: ein Handy, mit dem sie ihre Exzesse filmen. Wer Mitschülern das härteste Video aufs Mobiltelefon überspielt, gilt als cool, bekommt Sex mit den hübschsten Mädchen.

In Berlin, Hamburg, München, fühlen sich Eltern und Lehrer machtlos, während jedes dritte Kind unter Angst vor gewalttätigen Mitschülern leidet. Das belegt eine aktuelle Studie. In London, wo die Prügel-Mode herkommt, will Scotland Yard hart durchgreifen: "Die 14-jährige Chelsea, die einem Mann den Schädel eintrat, kam für acht Jahre ins Gefängnis", so Inspektorin Ellie O'Connor. "Jetzt starten wir eine Fahndung mit sieben Videos vom Telefon eines Schülers. Er hat den 17-jährigen Triston C. totgeschlagen." Die Filme laufen bald im TV, um Mittäter zu identifizieren. Eine Idee auch für Deutschland?

In Berlin-Tempelhof filmten 15 Teenager, wie sie grundlos ein Mädchen brutal verprügelten. Das so genannte "Hasenheide-Video" zeigt eine Massenschlägerei zwischen Banden aus Kreuzberg und Neukölln.

Sogar im kleinen Immenstadt im Allgäu gibt es einen Fall: "Auf dem Schulhof haben wir 15 Handys mit Gewalt- und Sex-Videos beschlagnahmt", so die Polizei. Von der Schule geflogen sind die Brutalo-Kids nicht ...


Lessons of Iraq War Start With US History

On the third anniversary of President Bush's Iraq debacle, it's important to consider why the administration so easily fooled so many people into supporting the war. Howard Zinn provides two reasons which go deep into our national culture. One is an absence of historical perspective. The other is an inability to think outside the boundaries of nationalism.


Blair Told US Iraq Strategy "Unbelievable Mess"

Senior British diplomatic and military staff gave Tony Blair explicit warnings three years ago that the US was disastrously mishandling the occupation of Iraq, according to leaked memos.


Experts Question Credibility of US Human Rights Report

William Fisher writes: Foreign policy, legal, and human rights authorities are raising serious questions about the credibility of the US State Department's annual report on human rights, released last week.


Rumsfeld verdient mindestens 5 Millionen US$ an Vogelgrippe


Durch einen Verkauf von Anteilen am Biotechnologie-Konzern Gilead Sciences hat der Pentagonchef Rumsfeld 5 Millionen $ verdient. Noch m Jahr 2003 in der Verlustzone stiegen die Einnahmen innerhalb von 2 Jahren auf mehr als das 15-fache durch Lizenzeinnahmen aus Tami Flu.

Rumsfeld ist darüber hinaus im Besitz von Anteilen an Gilead im Wert von 25 Millionen $, die durch die Wertsteigerungen verursacht durch den rapide durch die Ausbreitung der Vogelgrippe angewachsenen Umsatz eine erhebliche Wertsteigerung erfahren haben. Tami Flu wird in jüngster Zeit vorrangig aus Steuermitteln in großen Mengen eingekauft und bevorratet.

Link zum Beitrag / Hintergrundinfo oder Pressehinweis: http://www.hh-online.com?lid=23740 und http://links.net-hh.de?lid=23740

Infopool / metainfo hamburg http://www.hh-online.com

"US-Kriegspropaganda für Europäer": Warnung vor PR-Strategie zur Legitimierung eines Krieges gegen den Iran


In der deutschen Friedensbewegung wächst die Besorgnis vor einem Krieg gegen den Iran. Der Berliner Arzt Jürgen Hölzinger, engagiert bei den Internationalen Ärzten für die Verhütung eines Atomkrieges (IPPNW), wirft der US-Regierung vor, sie wolle Europa durch eine ausgefeilte PR-Strategie "manipulieren" und in einen Krieg gegen den Iran führen. Beim Irak-Krieg sei der Friedensbewegung und dem Grossteil der Bevölkerung Europas noch klar gewesen, dass es sich "um einen völkerrechtswidrigen Krieg ums Öl" gehandelt habe. Die Bush-Regierung habe behauptet, Saddam Hussein sei an den Anschlägen vom 11. September 2001 beteiligt gewesen und habe außerdem Massenvernichtungswaffen versteckt. "Das glaubte zwar die Mehrheit der US-Bevölkerung, nicht aber die übrige Welt." Nun aber sei Europa "auf beiden Augen blind", schreibt Hölzinger und fragt: "Warum fallen wir dieses Mal auf die Kriegspropaganda der amerikanischen Regierung herein?"

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet: http://www.ngo-online.de/ganze_nachricht.php?Nr=13156

US politician response to "avoid health problems" - Pay attention to an avoidable Healthcare Crisis

Senator Coleman does not specifically address EMF/EMR concerns but does state that a "more holistic approach is important...." [not verbatim]......

My email plea to Senator Coleman (Minnesota) has been sent to many other U.S. politicians. Mike Hatch, a 2006 gubernatorial candidate has interacted with me on some level in regard to need for warnings on electric appliances/devices (close to beds) in the past.

Our messages are "getting through" even when they do not yield a response. With the situation of "Blue World exposures" everywhere, ALL issues whether cell phones, telecommunications' antennae, high voltage powerlines as well as other unhealthy EMF pollution in homes, schools, hospitals, office buildings, factories will soon be recognized as problems that can no longer be ignored!!! Take care - Joanne

Joanne C. Mueller Guinea Pigs R Us
731 - 123rd Avenue N.W. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55448-2127 USA Phone: 763-755-6114 Email: jcmpelican@aol.com [3-14-06]

"If circumstances hold you back, ALWAYS find another way to achieve your goals...." -DaVinci Code

"No ray of sunshine is ever lost, but the green which it awakens into existence needs time to sprout, and it is not always granted for the sower to see the harvest. All work that is worth anything is done in faith." - Albert Schweitzer

Betreff: Re: www_email
Von: Opinion@coleman.senate.gov
Datum: Tue, 14 Mar 2006 13:37:30 -0500

Dear Mrs. Mueller :

Thank you for taking the time to contact me concerning the rising cost of health care.

The U.S. Census Bureau recently reported there were approximately 43.6 million uninsured Americans. For these Americans, and for everyone insured who pays increasingly higher insurance premiums for access to quality care, it is imperative that the rising cost of health care be addressed! And I concur with you, whole heartedly, that the solution will not be found in one single answer. Rather, it must be dealt with on many fronts.

To date, I have worked on several fronts to help lower health care costs in order to increase access and to make sure that access is more affordable, including: association health plans ( AHPs ), Health Savings Accounts ( HSAs ), Medicare prescription drugs, Medicaid funding, prescription drug reimportation , and medical liability reform.

S. 406, the Small Business Fairness Act would allow small businesses to band together to offer the same kind of health plan offered by larger companies, like Minnesota 's General Mills. This legislation is important because some 7.5 million of the uninsured are working for small businesses, who today could not afford to offer coverage.

The Medicare Modernization Act of 2003 (MMA) created Health Savings Accounts (HSA), which allows Americans to save, tax-free, for medical expenses. One of the important features of the HSA is that it is completely portable. Should a person lose or change jobs, the account moves with them. This along with the provisions for prescription drugs for seniors provide some help to obtaining health care and medicine at a more affordable price.

I am also the co-author of S. 184, the Safe Import Act, offered by Senator Judd Gregg (R-NH). This legislation, which incorporates bills I introduced to ensure patient safety from rogue internet pharmacies, would allow prescription drug reimportation as just one more tool to make medicine more affordable.

Finally, I have worked to pass medical malpractice reform to back out of the system the cost of frivolous law suits and successfully led efforts to eliminate budget cuts to Medicaid.

I must admit, however, that while I think these efforts have and will contribute to greater access to affordable care, I believe a more comprehensive plan to handle this issue is required in order to get to the root causes of the problem rather than only addressing the symptoms.

Please know that in the month ahead I will be visiting with experts in the field to learn more about how we might get a better handle on the contributors to the current situation and a more holistic approach to rectifying this problem that affects every American, insured or not.

I appreciate your very thoughtful letter on this issue and look forward to working with you and others toward a sustainable answer.

Once again, thank you for taking the time to contact me. If I can be of further assistance to you in the future, please do not hesitate to contact me again.


Norm Coleman
United States Senate


Betreff: We need someone to pay attention to "An Avoidable Healthcare Crisis!!!"
Von: Robert Riedlinger r_riedlin@telus.net
Datum: Tue, 14 Mar 2006 17:37:45 -0800
An: Joanne JCMPelican@aol.com

Dear Senator Norm Coleman.

What Joanne is telling you is fact and it is time that governments realizes that electromagnetic fields are causing major health effects.You can save a lot of pain and suffering and even death to some, by bringing this subject up for public discussion. Please treat this matter in a very serious manor as it could be affecting the health of you and your family members as well as others. This matter needs imediate attantion.

Yours truly

Robert Riedlinger

Email sent by Joanne C. Mueller (jcmpelican@aol.com) to Senator Norm Coleman (Minnesota) on 2-15-06:

We need someone to pay attention to "An Avoidable Healthcare Crisis!!!" Government and industry KNOW that chronic, prolonged EMF/EMR exposures promote every single health problem all the way from poor sleep to cancer IF persons have electrical appliances/devices, electric meters, monitors, fans, power supplies for cordless phones, etc. close to their beds!!! Children can't study due to ever-increasing bouts of asthma, learning problems, chronic headaches, sinus and ear infections and some are allowed to be put through the rigors of cancer treatments -- particularly brain cancer and Leukemia -- all because of the GREED that is allowed to perpetuate our society!!!

In 1994, the American Cancer Society sent me info regarding need to move appliances away from beds. Government allowed "prudent avoidance recommendations" re low levels of EMF/EMR to be discontinued because they knew to continue to deal with the problem at all meant that they would potentially have even greater problems to deal with!!!!

The needless suffering that includes inability of many persons to perform required daily work functions and many to be angry thereby costing society even more, has to be stopped!!!

Someone must investigate the reason why the EMF interagency Committee Report has never been presented to Congress!!! Government likes to say that "the evidence was weak...." WELL, the fact is, "the evidence re CHILDHOOD LEUKEMIA WAS NOT WEAK!!!" A reference was made that "a weaker connection to Leukemia and adults in workplace......." and NOT WEAK re Childhood Leukemia!!!

To allow this situation to continue is "criminal!!!" The public must be informed!! There were hundreds of studies that indicated EMF'S might be harmful to health PRIOR to the expenditure of $46 mil to $60 mil that the EMF RAPID STUDY cost. Since then, the 2002 EMF California Report finds connection to Leukemia, brain cancer, Lou Gehrig's Disease and miscarriage to levels as low as 4.0 milligauss.

In our home, only 50 ft. from two high voltage powerlines, readings are often 10.0 mg!!! My husband was diagnosed with Alzheimers. We moved his electric clock radio and "he IMPROVED on next neuropsych testing!!! Even Alzheimers meds does not offer such hope!!!

People are going broke dealing with sick persons sleeping close to items such as I referred to above. Two of our grandsons were dx'd w/rare immune. They are cousins living in different homes in different cities. They "got well" when we moved their beds!!!!

Guinea pig studies in my home yielded pre-Leukemic blood changes when cages were placed against "powerwall" -- wall opposite electric meter (bedroom). Any infant could potentially be placed in that same location IF a caring politician doesn't soon DEMAND the public be told the truth!!! There not only won't be "affordable healthcare," the entire healthcare system will collapse in a shambles!!! We won't have a military to fight terrorism -- their brains will soon be fried!!!! I pray "YOU are THE ONE!!!!!!! Joanne Mueller

Joanne C. Mueller Guinea Pigs R Us
731 - 123rd Avenue N.W. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55448-2127 USA Phone: 763-755-6114 Email: jcmpelican@aol.com [2-15-06]


From Eleanor:

Thanks, Estelle. I signed this on March 18 2005. I am sorry there are so few signatures. Please sign folks! Love Eleanor

Original Message:

This kind of thing has disturbed me for a long time so thats why i feel compeled to fwd it.. hope you dont mind. best wishes estelle

This is horrible, please read and sign it; although after seeing the pictures I know you will want to sign it.

Original Message:

Hey everyone its roxy...again lol. ive been feeling better so im trying to catch up on everything and ive been trying to take it easy but i just have to send this around. this petition ends the 21st of this month and only has 638 signatures. i know we can do better then this. now ive seen it done so i think we all need to SIGN, FORWARD, CROSSPOST, whatever to get these signatures up before next tuesday. i know we can do it!!!!!!!!!! thanks everyone so much!!!!


©Idris Ahmed/WTI-WSPA

An End to the Suffering

A 12-year-old former dancing bear named Charlie undergoes a tooth operation at Bulgaria's Dancing Bears Park on Sept. 3, 2005. Nine of the park's 18 bears are receiving expert dental and healthcare after a lifetime of suffering.



****Cross Post Widely****

The Frontlines of the Seal Slaughter


Dr. Jerry Vlasak in prison and on hunger strike for Canadian Seals



Anti-Sealing Activist in Jail on Hunger Strike (since Monday, March 27, 2006)

Charlottetown, PEI, Canada - Dr. Jerry Vlasak, one of three press officers with the North American Animal Liberation Press Office (NAALPO) remains in jail on a hunger strike in Charlottetown, PEI. He was jailed Monday in protest of the unjust conviction stemming from last year's seal slaughter in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the egregious massacre of the seals that are right now being mercilessly killed for greed and profit. Arrested in March of last year, Dr. Jerry Vlasak and ten other anti-sealing activists were charged with and convicted of violating the blatantly inappropriately named "Canadian Seal Protection Act" after approaching within a half a nautical mile in an attempt to film a seal killer. They refused to pay the fine and were sentenced.

March 31st, 2005, eleven activists went out onto the ice floes in the Gulf of St. Lawrence to attempt to film the futility and cruelty of killing baby seals killed, ostensibly for their negative impact on the codfish population- but in reality to pander to the European fur trade and the Asian market for aphrodisiacs; Dr. Vlasak was punched in the nose and 10 others were violently assaulted by the captain and crew of the Brady Mariner from Newfoundland. Despite extensive video documentation of the assault, none of the seal killers were ever arrested or charged.

A worldwide boycott of Atlantic Canadian seafood products supported by a number of conservationist groups has cost the Canadian economy tens of millions of dollars - far in excess of the value of the skins and penises sold to drape narcissistic Russian princesses or to facilitate the erections of impotent men in Asia. But the Canadian government continues to subsidize the slaughter by providing spotter planes and icebreakers, which cut the deadly swath through the floes directly to the baby seal nursery. This support continues despite the fact that the majority of Canadian citizens oppose the hunt and are embarrassed by the worldwide publicity engendered by the likes of Sir Paul and Lady Heather McCartney.

Dr. Vlasak said from Charlottetown before his incarceration on Monday: "Three-fourths of all newborn seals may have already perished in the Gulf of St. Lawrence due to record warm weather's melting the ice from beneath them. Meanwhile, the violent barbarians are bludgeoning the survivors to death at this very moment. The pathetic murderers of Newfoundland must be stopped.

For more information- to be added to the NAALPO list serve- or to obtain footage and photographs of the seal kill - please call or e-mail the North American Animal Liberation Press Office. 21044 Sherman Way #211 Canoga Park CA 91302 phone: 818.932-9997 fax: 818.932-9998 press@animalliberationpressoffice.org http://www.animalliberationpressoffice.org

National Press Officers: Lindy Greene-Southwest
Camille Hankins-New York
Jerry Vlasak MD-Los Angeles

What you can do:

CALL THE JUDGE. The (Provincial Court) Judge Nancy Orr is at Phone: 902.368.6740 or 6741

Jail Phone: 902.368.4590 direct extension to the ward is x 5837 (Gary Trainer is the assistant warden.) The Provincial Court: 902.368.6741

CALL/CONTACT Prime Minister Stephen Harper Phone 613.992.4211 Fax 613.941.6900

(All numbers are in Canada)

1. Please call and voice your outrage at the jailing of someone who is simply trying to expose what really happens to those young seals on the Canadian ice floes.

2. Demand the court release him with time served and the REAL CRIMINALS be jailed instead!



Ms. Pamela Wallin Canadian Consul General New York The Canadian Consulate General, 1251 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10020-1175 <>Tel: 212-596-1628 Fax: 212-596-1790 e-mail: pamela.wallin@international.gc.ca

Pamela's Executive Assistant, Heather: heather.ursu@international.gc.ca

An interesting fact from their website, please consider referring to this in your correspondence:

"Annual trade between the three states (NY, NJ and Connecticut) and Canada has soared to almost $50 billion (U.S.). That's up almost 300 per cent over a 12-year period and would, if this region were a country, be enough to make it Canada's second-largest trading partner."


Tell GNP (Great Northern Seafood Products), a U.S. Company, that specializes in the importation of Canadian Seafood that you are boycotting all Canadian products.

For more information about GNP (Great Northern Products) visit: http://www.northernproducts.com/

Great Northern Products Ltd. PO Box 7622 Warwick, Rhode Island USA 02887 Phone: 401-821-2400 Fax: 401-821-2419 e-mail: info@northernproducts.com

For more info contact Win Animal Rights at: centcom@war-online.org or visit our website at: http://war-online.org

Informant: Ima Vegan


The Seal Hunt Has Begun - Now We Need Your Friends' Help!

Thank you for signing the petition telling Canada to speak the truth about the seal hunt.

But we still need more support!

Please send your friends this link to the petition to help even more: http://go.care2.com/e/JoI/Jt/n5lW

The seal hunt has begun - yet the Canadian government still hasn't come clean with the truth: that the hunt has little economic benefits and horrific cruelty to seals.

As reported in the BBC, the hunt's resurrection in recent years is mainly tied to fashion - where seal fur has become politically acceptable to wear again in countries like China, Russia and Norway.

Which is why we need as many voices as we can muster to get the truth out about the hunt. Consumers need to be informed about the horrific cost of life involved in purchasing a non-essential fashion item like seal fur. Send this link to your friends to demand that Canada come clean to the world about the true nature of the seal hunt: http://go.care2.com/e/JoI/Jt/n5lW

Thanks for your help saving baby seals today.

Lauren Alvarez Care2 and ThePetitionSite Team


Please visit and send your friends this link to the petition to help even more: http://go.care2.com/e/JoH/Jt/DIXj

As you know, the seal hunt has begun - yet the Canadian government still hasn't come clean with the truth: that the hunt has little economic benefits and horrific cruelty to seals.

As reported in the BBC, the hunt's resurrection in recent years is mainly tied to fashion - where seal fur has become politically acceptable to wear again in countries like China, Russia and Norway.

Which is why we need as many voices as we can muster to get the truth out about the hunt. Consumers need to be informed about the horrific cost of life involved in purchasing a non-essential fashion item like seal fur. Send this link to your friends to demand that Canada come clean to the world about the true nature of the seal hunt: http://go.care2.com/e/JoH/Jt/DIXj

Thanks for your help saving baby seals today.

Lauren Alvarez
Care2 and ThePetitionSite Team.


ProtectSeals update: HSUS teams harassed by sealers in Canada


Latest on Canada's seal hunt

Sign Pam Anderson's Canadian Seal Petition

Seal Slaughter: Canada, Tell the Truth!

Right now on the sparkling ice floes of Eastern Canada, hundreds of thousands of baby seals are about to die.

In just a few short days, seals as young as 12 days of age will be clubbed and beaten. Others will be shot with a rifle in open water, fighting for their lives … many left to suffocate under the ice or be pulled onto boats with sharp metal hooks.

95% of the seals killed will be less than three months old. Some will even be skinned alive. But there’s still time to help.

If you were to witness the seal hunt personally, your heart would break.

There is no economic or environmental reason to justify Canada’s commercial seal hunt. This is a cruel and unnecessary hunt, opposed by the majority of Canadians. This government supported hunt isn’t designed to promote science or meaningful employment for Newfoundlanders, it’s designed to gain votes for politicians.

Most seal pups lay on the ice alone and helpless, crying in anguish before they are violently cut down. During the past 30 years, IFAW hunt observers have continued to witness and document severe cruelty at the hunt.

All this to produce less than one percent of the Newfoundland GDP and, by the government’s own calculations, about $1,000 per sealer per year. A hunt that is nationally and internationally offensive is of no use to today’s Newfoundland and a progressive Canada trying to build a reputation for first-class environmental tourism.

Canada’s government is counting on your silence

World-leading marine scientists agree that the current high quotas for killing seals are putting the harp seal population at serious risk of being depleted. As many seals are killed today as during the 1950’s and 60’s when commercial sealers significantly reduced the seal population.

You helped raise a global outcry that stopped the killing of whitecoat baby seals in the 1980’s. But baby seals as young as 12 days old are still being left to suffer a lingering death besides piles of seal bodies rotting on the bloody ice after their fur is removed.

Read further under:


Take Action! Tell Canada to Put an End to the Seal Hunt


A message from Eleanor:

Has gone up from 56% to 59% for the vote to ban the slaughter in just the last while! So please sign and forward!!!!

Lots of love!


Original Message:




A message from Abid


Original Message:

Subject: Candlelight Vigil for Seals TOMORROW!

Old friends and new friends:

Austin's animal advocacy group, ACTION FOR ANIMALS, will be holding a candlelight vigil on Wednesday, March 15, from 7-9 PM on the southside of the Capitol (11th and Congress) to protest the cruel and senseless Canadian seal hunt. ACTION FOR ANIMALS will be joining other animal and environmental protection groups all over the world for the International Day of Protest against the Canadian seal hunt.

Beginning March 29, sealers will take to the ice of the North Atlantic wielding clubs, hakapiks, and guns clubbing and shooting to death over 300,000 seals just days or weeks of age, skinning them alive and their corpses left to rot on the bloody ice of Canada.

Don't let this hunt happen! Join us for a peaceful candlelight vigil to mourn the seals who will be murdered solely for their fur/pelt to be sold in the European fashion industry.

The press release has been sent to the local media. Now, the effectiveness of this vigil will depend on a great attendance! If there is only one function you attend this year to make a huge impact in ending the senseless cruelty to defenseless animals, let ACTION FOR ANIMAL's candlelight vigil to protest the Canadian seal hunt be that one!

Please contact Timothy at tverret@earthlink.net or 719-4374 if you have any questions and/or to lend your support by responding "yes, I will attend this important vigil for the seals!" If you cannot make it, please make a decision to boycott Canadian seafood until this hunt is abolished.

Please forward this information to all your friends and colleagues!

The seals are counting on us!


Timothy J. Verret

The lives of animals are woven into our very being-closer than our own breathing-and our souls will suffer when they are gone. -Gary Kowalski http://www.actionforanimalsaustin.org


The international campaign to stop the merciless killing of newborn seals has now reached a stage where there is a very good chance of success. Along with the huge support it has achieved across the globe, it has also drawn in two of the worlds best known people: Paul McCartney and his wife Heather.

Our online petition has now reached 78,000 signatures. It is easy to sign, hosted on the web by the Humane Society of the United States. Our target before the end of this month is 150,000 signatures. Please can you help us by forwarding this mail to as many of your friends as possible?

To make it easier for you the Humane Society of the United States has an online petition, which you can read and sign, spending only a few minutes of your time. Today, the 15th of March, 2006 we have reached over 78,000 signatures and our target is 150,000. Please, could you take the time to visit this site and read the petition and sign it if you agree with us?


Please visit this site to read more: http://www.hsus.org/

Sincerely, For All that is Good in the World, Keith Varady. (Founder) http://www.care2.com/c2c/group/EarthForceUnited "With Knowledge comes Power. With Power comes the Responsibility to use it Wisely." Keith Michael Varady.


From Eleanor

Original Message:





Seals are Crying

Dear Friends

I thought I had signed everything and done everything for the seals this year but I hadn't signed this particular petition and I hadn't e-mailed the PM. And I have still to contact the Canadian Embassy! So please check in case the same thing is with you! Thanks Altug for forwarding this!!


Please sign:

Please contact Prime Minister Harper to put an end to this brutal hunt:


Canadian Embassies:


Thank you for signing the petition telling Canada to speak the truth about the seal hunt.

But we still need more support!

Please send your friends this link to the petition to help even more: http://go.care2.com/e/j4Y/ji/n5lW

The seal hunt is slated to begin in a matter of days and the Canadian government has still not come clean with with truth: that the hunt holds little economic benefit for Canada and demonstrates horrific cruelty towards seals.

Please forward this link to your friends to help stop the hunt before it's too late: http://go.care2.com/e/j4Y/ji/n5lW

Thanks for your help saving baby seals today.

Lauren Alvarez Care2 and ThePetitionSite Team


By David Ljunggren
With additional reporting by Deborah Gembara
March 22, 2006


OTTAWA - French film star turned animal rights campaigner Brigitte Bardot tearfully begged Canada on Wednesday to stop the annual harp seal hunt, during which about 325,000 young seal pups will be shot or beaten to death.

"Before I die I want to see this massacre ended," she told a news conference, sitting in front of a poster that showed a giant seal clubbing a blood-covered human baby.

The hunt, which takes place on ice floes off the coast of eastern Canada, is due to start on Friday or Saturday. Ottawa denies the hunt is cruel and says it helps the local economy while keeping the seal population healthy and in check.

To try to stop the hunt each year, activists release gory pictures of hunters crushing seal skulls with big clubs. Anti-hunt campaigners are calling on some major U.S. restaurant chains to boycott Canadian seafood until the hunt stops.

Bardot, who started campaigning against the hunt some 30 years ago, cried quietly as aides played a video showing graphic shots of young seals screaming in agony and drowning in their own blood after being attacked by hunters.

"Canada is a rich country. It doesn't need to sell skin, oil, fat and powdered seal penises to make aphrodisiacs for countries in Asia ... you cannot continue a genocide of animals like this," said the 71-year-old actress, who peppered her comments with expletives.

Harp seals can be legally hunted once they shed their white coats at about two weeks, though they are not usually hunted until at least a week later.

Canada says the seal population is almost six million, nearly triple the level of the 1970s.

"For outsiders to come and tell sealers that they don't need to participate in an activity that feeds their families shows a deep misunderstanding of the issues," said Phil Jenkins, a spokesman for Canada's federal fisheries ministry.

Earlier this month, former Beatle Paul McCartney and his wife ventured out on to an ice floe and posed with young seals to try to persuade Prime Minister Stephen Harper to scrap the hunt.

Harper turned down a request to meet Bardot, who wrote him an open letter in which she said "Only imbeciles don't change their minds."

Officials and sealers say the ice in the Gulf of St. Lawrence is so poor this year that hunters will not be able to kill many seals with clubs and will have to shoot them instead.

"We are kind of worried because the ice is not too good and they are drifting outside the Gulf," said seal hunter Jean-Claude LaPierre.

"We flew over it in a helicopter and there are quite a few seals that went out on the Atlantic," he told Reuters Television in Prince Edward Island.

Informant: NHNE


Re: "I am so disturbed by the upcoming Canadian Seal Hunt..." (TAKE ACTION NOW!!!)




Jack Topel

Elizabeth wrote:

Dear friends,

Although I don't usually send out these types of e-mails, I am so disturbed by the upcoming Canadian Seal Hunt, I can barely sleep at nights just thinking about those poor baby seals.

If you don't know much about this senseless massacre, please educate yourself now, join me and millions of others, in the fight against this slaughter.

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, TAKE ACTION, SIGN THIS PLEDGE: https://community.hsus.org/campaign/protectseals/?qp_source=gabaoi

EDUCATE YOURSELF, CLICK HERE: https://community.hsus.org/campaign/protectseals/?qp_source=gabaoi

I hope that after reading through this material, you too, will be moved to do put an end to this cruelty.

Thank you for your support.



A message from Eleanor:

Ten mins ago - 56% Yes to 38% No - it's improving!!!!! Thanks to you Ria, for sending this on!

As I send this, the poll is showing 47% for us and 46% for the sealers from
4888 votes. Please take a moment to vote on this


Please vote YES to ending the seal hunt. Please sign this and pass it along to all with whom you may be acquainted. Thanks.




Canada's cruel seal slaughter begins today More than 300.000 animals to be killed for their fur.

"A sealer near us quickly clubbed every seal within a small radius, to immobilize each of the pups, and then dragged the bodies to the center of his circle. One by one he flipped a seal on its back and skinned it. If the seal flipped around or fought against the skinning he'd flip it back to its stomach, club it several more times and then finish the skinning."

IFAW Seal Hunt Monitor International Fund for Animal Welfare

Seal Hunt Photos: http://www.hsus2.org/slideshow-seal-hunt/sealhunt.html



http://www.hsus2.org/slideshow-seal-hunt/sealhunt.html http://www.petatv.com/tvpopup/Prefs.asp?video=canada_seal_hunt http://stream.realimpact.net/?file=realimpact/hsus/e-community/seal-hunt-press-conference.wmv&type=wmv http://www.hsus.org/marine_mammals/protect_seals/a_time_to_mourn_and_to_fight.html

TAKE ACTION: http://www.ProtectSeals.org https://community.hsus.org/campaign/harper_protectseals_2/

Trouble with links or images? View this message online: http://hsus.ga4.org/humane/notice-description.tcl?newsletter_id=3741739

The cruel hunt has begun.

At daylight this morning, the first baby seal was killed for her fur on Canadian ice. It was heartbreaking to watch, but bearing witness to this cruelty -- and exposing it to the world -- is essential if we are finally to end this slaughter.

I am now in Canada, leading a skilled team of experts from The Humane Society of United States to the ice floes in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. We are here once again to document the horrifying abuses inflicted by sealers, abuses that violate Canada's own laws.

We are also here to bear witness to the brutality that is perfectly legal and acceptable in the eyes of the Canadian government: the bludgeoning, shooting, and skinning of hundreds of thousands of baby seals. Just two weeks ago, I was on the ice with Heather and Paul McCartney, watching these same seals nursing and playing with their mothers. Heather and Paul were so moved by their beauty and innocence that they made a public plea to the Canadian government to ban the hunt forever.

The hunt has begun. Take action today.

Help save the baby seals by contacting Canada's Prime Minister and urging him to put an end to the hunt. Your simple act could help end the seal hunt forever. Even if you've previously written to him, please email him again today.

We can make the Canadian government stop this hunt. But it will require unrelenting pressure from people like you and me, who constantly tell Canada that we will not stand idly by while hunters kill these baby seals. On this tragic day, I urge you to join me in stopping the seal hunt forever. Take action now.

Tell Prime Minister Harper to stop the seal hunt. Say that you will not buy Canadian seafood. Click here. With the recent election of Prime Minister Harper we have a new chance to convince the Canadian government that the price of continuing the seal hunt is too high to pay. Your message to the Prime Minister, urging him to stop the hunt and letting him know that your dollars will not support the slaughter of baby seals, is critical to the success of our fight to protect seals. Even if you've previously written to him, I ask you to write him again today.

Donate to put an end to the hunt for good. Your generous donation today will bring us closer to ending this hunt forever. It will exclusively support our ProtectSeals Campaign. With that support we can go head to head with the fishing industry and the Canadian government as we create a public outcry so loud -- and an international boycott so effective -- that Canada will no longer be able to ignore it. Simply click here to make a donation to our ProtectSeals campaign today.

I want to thank you so much for your commitment to saving the seals. Remember that you can stay in touch with the campaign with up-to-the-minute news, videos, and actions throughout the hunt at http://www.ProtectSeals.org.

Your action and donation today truly make a difference in our ongoing efforts to end the seal hunt.


Rebecca Aldworth
Director of Canadian Wildlife Issues
The Humane Society of the United States

P.S. Please don't forget to tell all your friends and family about how they can help seals today. Simply click here to spread the word.

Copyright © 2006 The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) |
All Rights Reserved. The Humane Society of the United States | 2100 L Street, NW | Washington, DC 20037 Protect-Seals@hsus.org | 202-452-1100 | http://www.hsus.org


Seal Hunt Ecologically Irresponsible




Hello friends,

I join Coreen and Agnes in raising my voice in this campaign. Request you too join, sign this and also cross post. Thanks.

Thanks Coreen.
Thanks Agnes.

Light and peace


Original Message:


Original Message:

HELP! http://www.savesandiegoseals.com





Stop the Killing of Seals in Canada

Canadian Seal Hunt

From Linda H.


Stars and seals


5. Rheinland-Pfälzisch-Hessisches Mobilfunksymposium der BUND Landesverbände Rheinland-Pfalz und Hessen



Jutta Schreiner BUND 10.03.2006

Veranstaltung Mobilfunksymposium Mainz:

Veranstalter: BUND Landesverbände Rheinland-Pfalz und Hessen,
Tel.: 06131 / 231973, E-Mail: mobilfunksymposium@bund-rlp.de

Mitveranstalter: Verband Baubiologie (VB)

In Kooperation mit: Bistum Mainz, Referat für Gerechtigkeit und Frieden

5. Rheinland-Pfälzisch-Hessisches Mobilfunksymposium der BUND Landesverbände Rheinland-Pfalz und Hessen

Samstag, 22. April 2006 im Erbacher Hof in Mainz

09:30 – 10:00 Eröffnung und Begrüßung: Bistum Mainz und BUND Rheinland-Pfalz

10:00 – 10:45 Dr. med. Gerd Oberfeld, Amt der Salzburger Landesregierung, Landessanitätsdirektion, Referat Gesundheit, Hygiene und Umweltmedizin: Gesundheitliche Wirkungen von Sferics

10:45 - 11:00 Pause

11:00 – 11:45 Priv. Doz. Dr. med Wilfried Bieger, ANT OX Verwaltungs GmbH & Co. KG

Die Rimbachstudie: Labormedizinische Ansätze zum Nachweis biologischer Wirkungen

11:45 – 12:05 Dr. Guido Zimmer, Klinikum der Johann Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität (Frankfurt am Main):

Zusammenführung von epidemiologischen und Tier-/Zellexperimenten

12:05 – 13:00 Mittagspause

13:00 – 13:25 Dr. Dietrich Moldan, Dr. Moldan Umweltanalytik:

Wirksamkeit von Abschirmmaterialien

13:25 – 13:45 Heike-Solveig Bleuel, Naturorientierte Vorsorge und Schadstoffberatung, NaVoSCH:

Didaktisch und methodische Tipps zum Thema Handys im Unterricht

13:45 – 14:40 Dr. H.-Peter Neitzke, ECOLOG-Institut für Sozial-Ökologische Forschung und Bildung:

Die Grenzwertfrage im NF/HF-Bereich

14:40 – 15:00 Pause

15:00 – 15:45 Dr. med. Gerd Oberfeld, Amt der Salzburger Landesregierung Landessanitätsdirektion Referat Gesundheit, Hygiene und Umweltmedizin:

Ausgewählte epidemiologische und experimentelle Untersuchungen bei Mobilfunksendeanlagen

15:45 – 16:30 Dr. med. Andreas Roche, Britta Glaß, Joachim Gertenbach, BUND und Verband Baubiologie

Dosis und Wirkung: Medizin, Statistik und Meßtechnik

16:30 -17:00 Podiumsdiskussion (17:00 Veranstaltungsende)


Tel. 06131 / 231973
FAX 06131 / 231971


Aus organisatorischen Gründen wird um frühzeitige Anmeldung gebeten – mit beigefügter Postkarte oder per Tel. / Fax /

E-Mail. Teilnahmegebühr: € 15,00 (BUNDmitglieder 10,00)
inkl. Pausengetränk und Tagungsband. Es besteht die Möglichkeit zur Verpflegung im Erbacher Hof (Mittagessen, 8€). Bei Interesse bitte Vorbestellung! Bitte überweisen Sie den Gesamtbetrag auf das Konto 63630 bei der Wormser Volksbank, BLZ 553 900 00, Stichwort: Mobilfunksymposium.

O2 back down in phone mast row

14 March 2006 10:04

Families have breathed a collective sigh of relief after a telecommunications company pulled out of plans to build a mobile phone mast right next to a planned primary school.

Communications company O2 had submitted plans for a 12.5m mast with ground-based equipment in Dussindale Drive, Thorpe St Andrew.

The choice of site caused outrage among people living in the area as it was just yards from a plot of land at Vane Close, off Dussindale Drive, earmarked as the site for a new £4 million 420-pupil primary school.

But today a spokeswoman for Broadland District Council confirmed they had received a letter from the agent working on behalf of O2 to withdraw the application.

Roy Francis, 52, from Vane Close, who started a petition against the mast, said he was delighted: “Common sense prevails,” he said. “And thank you to the Evening News for raising it because when I went round with a petition it was frightening the amount of people who had no awareness of it at all.”

Mr Francis, who works as an aircraft engineer, said he collected 175 signatures against the mast from neighbours in just a couple of streets alone.

“Knocking on doors on a cold winter's night I was amazed at the level of support. Obviously I'm delighted, but I suppose the essence of it is you can't believe it would have gone ahead. There would have been an outcry.”

Another person relieved the mast will not be going up near to the school is Dr Ian Gibson, Norwich North MP. Last month, the Evening News reported how families living near to the site of the proposed mast reacted with anger and disbelief that it could be put anywhere near a school.

Experts have warned of a radiation risk to the brains of young children caused by radiowaves from mobile phone technology with the signal strongest between 50m and 200m from the masts.

The Evening News has campaigned against the installation of mobile phone masts near homes and schools until it is proved they are safe through our Put Masts on Hold campaign.

A spokeswoman for O2 said: “We will be withdrawing this site because there will be a school built in that area. We've consulted with the council and they've informed us it won't be an appropriate site.”

However, the spokeswoman said the company would now be looking for an alternative site in the area.

Are you battling a mobile phone mast application where you live? Telephone Evening News reporter Peter Walsh on (01603) 772439 or email peter.walsh@archant.co.uk

Copyright © 2006 Archant Regional. All rights reserved.


Deja Vu All Over Iran

by Robert Dreyfuss, TomPaine.com

If you feel like you've seen this movie before, you have. Welcome to Operation Regime Change II.


The exhaustion of the international order

The American Spectator
by James G. Poulos


Across the board, on all the major issues of the day, international consensus has disappeared. Sometimes even individual crises and cases cannot meet the basic standard of unity required of the planet by the post-World War Two international order. The case of Iran is as close to that unity as we have come since the first Gulf War. But the dance of doom in which we are presently engaged over a nuclear Tehran illustrates how unpopular the status quo has become -- even this status quo, which is brimming with contradictions and lacunae. How bad is it? The experts, as is their wont, differ -- we even lack consensus on how much consensus we've got...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

President Bush's metamorphosis in foreign policy

Independent Institute
by Ivan Eland


President Bush is now warning against a retreat into 'isolationism' and has begun recommending international engagement. This from a man who morphed a campaign pledge of adopting a 'more humble foreign policy' into virtually unilateral invasion of Iraq -- another sovereign nation posing little threat to the United States. In the past six years, the president has undergone an interesting metamorphosis: from 'isolationist' to muscular unilateralist to advocate of international engagement. The root of the president's change of heart has been a defensive reaction to the debacle in Iraq...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

More, meaner and faster

by Charles H. Featherstone



Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Iraq drives Bush's rating to new low



Growing dissatisfaction with the war in Iraq has driven President Bush's approval rating to a new low of 36 percent, according to a CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll released Monday. Only 38 percent said they believe the nearly 3-year-old war was going well for the United States, down from 46 percent in January, while 60 percent said they believed the war was going poorly...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

CO2-Konzentration auf Rekordniveau


(SPON) Der Kohlendioxid-Gehalt in der Erdatmosphäre ist so hoch wie seit mindestens einer Million Jahren nicht mehr. Und die Konzentration des Treibhausgases steigt weiter, wie globale Messungen zeigen.

Link zum Beitrag / Hintergrundinfo oder Pressehinweis: http://www.hh-online.com?lid=23739 und http://links.net-hh.de?lid=23739

Infopool / metainfo hamburg http://www.hh-online.com

Der "American Way of Life" gefährdet zunehmend das ökologische Gleichgewicht des Planeten und seine natürlichen Resourcen. Besonders die Amerikaner greifen weit überdurchschnittlich auf diese knapper werdenden Ressourcen zurück... http://www.jjahnke.net/umwelt.html

Einwendungen gegen Freisetzungsversuche mit gentechnisch veränderten Kartoffeln - Marsch für ein gentechnikfreies Europa in Wien am 5. April

Umweltinstitut München e.V. – Newsletter vom 14. März 2006

Inhalt: - Einwendungen gegen Freisetzungsversuche mit gentechnisch veränderten Kartoffeln - Marsch für ein gentechnikfreies Europa in Wien am 5. April - Info-Veranstaltung zu Mobilfunk am 15. März in München um 19 Uhr - Vortrag von Maya Graf, grüne Nationalrätin in der Schweiz, über GEN-freie Landwirtschaft

Die Technische Universität (TU) München und die Universität Rostock planen Freisetzungsversuche mit gentechnisch veränderten Kartoffeln. Die Kartoffeln der TU enthalten einen erhöhten Anteil des Carotinoids Zeaxanthin und sollen angeblich vor Augenleiden schützen, die nach zu geringem Konsum von Gemüse auftreten können. Die Uni Rostock experimentiert an mit Genen aus dem Cholera-Bakterium, mit einem Virus, der die hämorrhagische Kaninchenkrankheit (Chinaseuche) hervorruft, und mit einem bakteriellen Gen, das die Produktion von Plastik ermöglichen soll. Das Umweltinstitut München hat Mustereinwendungen gegen diese Freisetzungsversuche erstellt. Sie können die Einwendungen von unserer Homepage herunterladen und unterzeichnen. Dabei spielt es keine Rolle, wo in Deutschland Sie leben. Bitte schicken Sie die unterschriebenen Einwendungen bis 13.4. bzw. 20.4.06 an uns zurück. Details und Mustereinwendungen zum Herunterladen: http://www.umweltinstitut.org/genkartoffel

Vom 4.-6. April findet in Wien die EU-Konferenz über „gentechnisch veränderte, konventionelle und biologische Feldfrüchte“ statt. Es geht um Rahmenbedingungen für die so genannte Koexistenz – also das Nebeneinander von Gentechnik- und gentechnikfreier Landwirtschaft. Der „Marsch für ein gentechnikfreies Europa“ soll Zeichen des europaweiten Widerstands gegen gentechnisch veränderte Organismen sein. Am Mi, 5. April marschieren GentechnikgegnerInnen daher zu einer Großdemonstration am Konferenzort. Treffpunkt ist 8 Uhr, Wien-Praterstern (Station der Linien U1, S-Bahn). Mehr Informationen gibt es im Internet: http://www.gmofree-europe.org

Im letzten Newsletter haben wir die Uhrzeit vergessen: Die morgige Mobilfunk-Info Veranstaltung in München findet um 19 Uhr statt. Ort: Gaststätte der Bezirkssportanlage, Meyerbeerstr. 115, Bus 160 (Menterstr.)

Ende 2005 entschieden sich die Schweizerinnen und Schweizer in einem Referendum für eine gentechnikfreie Landwirtschaft. Maya Graf, grüne Nationalrätin in der Schweiz, berichtet über ihre Arbeit, die mit zu dem Erfolg dieses Referendums geführt hat.

Veranstalter: Förderkreis für Umweltgesundung, Tel. (089) 340 12 23 Termin: Do, 6. April, 20 Uhr Ort: Schweisfurth-Stftung, Südliches Schlossrondell 1 in München. Tram 17, Haltestelle Schloss Nymphenburg.

Hans Ulrich-Raithel, Dipl.- Ing. (FH) Vorstand
Umweltinstitut München e.V.



18. März 2006 weltweiter Aktionstag: „Stoppt den Krieg gegen den Iran, bevor er beginnt!“

Iran - Kriegsvorbereitungen

Weltweiter Aktionstag gegen den Krieg am 18. März 2006 anlässlich des 3. Jahrestages des Irakkrieges

Unter dem Motto „Stoppt den Krieg gegen den Iran, bevor er beginnt!“ findet am 18. März 2006 weltweit ein Aktionstag statt. Siehe dazu:

Only the People will stop the war: Tell Bush and congress: Stop the war on Iran before it starts!

Die von international bekannten Persönlichkeiten zusammen mit der US-Friedensbewegung herausgegebene Petition ist eine wichtige Initiative zu einer gemeinsamen weltweiten Mobilisierung gegen die Kriegsgefahr. Auf der (englischen) Seite gibt es die Möglichkeit zu einer Online-Petition: http://www.stopwaroniran.org/petition.shtml

Demo-Termine in Deutschland

Auf der Termine-Seite des Netzwerkes Friedenskooperative sind die Termine der deutschen Demonstrationen in den verschiedenen Städten aufgeführt. Aktionen finden u.a. in Berlin, Bonn, Bremen Duisburg, Hamburg, Heidelberg, Köln, Nürnberg, Stuttgart… statt! Im Kalender durchscrollen bis zum 18.März!! http://www.friedenskooperative.de/termdat.htm

Der Countdown läuft: Eskalationsschub –Deutschlands willfährige Handlangerdienste für einen neuen US-Krieg

„Vor über einem Jahr enthüllte Seymour Hersh die Taktik der US-Neokonservativen im Atomkonflikt mit dem Iran, sie würden zur Tat schreiten, "sobald die EU-Diplomatie scheitert". Nun ist es soweit, die EU-Diplomatie war laienhaft genug, um in diese längst offensichtliche US-Falle hinein zu tappen. Sie hat Ende Januar die Initiative an den Sicherheitsrat, im Klartext an die USA, weiter gegeben. Nun liegt El Baradeis angekündigter Bericht vor, in dem Teheran ganz im Sinne der USA aufgefordert wird, sich dem "Willen der Weltgemeinschaft", richtiger dem Diktat einer US-Führung zu unterwerfen, die für Abu Ghraib und Guantanamo mit 14.000 Gefangenen die Verantwortung trägt. Für die US-Neokonservativen ist damit ihr Ziel zum Greifen nah. Jetzt kann und will George Bush handeln: Zunächst ein befristetes Ultimatum, dann Sanktionen mit dem Ziel, Iran in eine Eskalationsdynamik zu treiben, die schließlich in einen Luftkrieg münden könnte…“ Artikel von Mohssen Massarrat in Freitag vom 10.03.2006 http://www.freitag.de/2006/10/06100101.php

Sonstige Aktionen und Proteste gegen den Irakkrieg

Weltweiter Aktionstag gegen den Krieg am 18. März 2006 anlässlich des 3. Jahrestages des Irakkrieges

Die unter „Krieg > Iran – Kriegsvorbereitungen“ aufgeführten Demo-Termine und Resolutionen kombinieren den Protest gegen den drohenden Krieg gegen den Iran und dem bereits seit 3. Jahren andauerndem Krieg gegen den Irak. Auf der Seite der „Irakkoordination“ finden sich nun spezielle Dokumente und Aufrufe bezüglich des Iraks. Siehe dazu:

Irakkoordination Deutschland: Für eine starke Bewegung gegen Krieg und Besatzung

Am 20. März 2003 begann trotz weltweiter Proteste der US-geführte Überfall auf den Irak. Auf einem bundesweiten Treffen am 28. Januar 2006 in Berlin verständigten sich verschiedene Gruppen und Organisationen der Friedens- und Solidaritätsbewegungen darauf, zu regionalen Aktionen am dritten Jahrestag dieses Angriffs aufzurufen. Auf der Seite der Irakkoordination finden sich u.a.: „Unterzeichnen Sie den Aufruf “, „Aufruf zum Aktionstag am 18. März 2006“, „Download des Aufrufs (auch in Türkisch)“, „Unterzeichnerinnen und Unterzeichner“ sowie „Aktionen zum Jahrestag des Irakkrieges“ http://www.irakkoordination.de/2006jahrestagirakkrieg.htm

Rüstung und Krieg – Kapitalismus und Globalisierung: Drei apokalyptische Reiter

Treffen von EU-Verteidigungsministern wie dasjenige vom 5. März 2006 in Innsbruck – oder kurz zuvor, Anfang Februar, das Stelldichein von Vertretern des militärisch-industriellen Komplexes bei der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz – sind Treffen von Schreibtischtätern, von Leuten, die das Zerstören, das Sengen und Brennen, das Foltern, Quälen, Töten und Morden als Handwerk diskutieren und oft auch praktizieren. Bob Dylan hat in seiner frühen, guten und politischen Zeit diese Leute als “the masters of war” besungen… Referat von Winfried Wolf auf dem „Gegengipfel“ zum Treffen der EU-Verteidigungsminister in Innsbruck vom 04.03.2006 (pdf) http://www.labournet.de/krieg/wwolf0306.pdf

Aus: LabourNet, 14. März 2006

Baden-Württemberg testet die Integration per Gesinnungsbogen

Appell "Kein Wahlkampf auf dem Rücken von Migrantinnen und Migranten"

„…Die Unterzeichnerinnen und Unterzeichner dieses Aufrufs fordern Politiker und Parteien deshalb dazu auf, die bevorstehenden Kommunal- und Landtagswahlkämpfe nicht auf dem Rücken von Migrantinnen und Migranten auszutragen. Wir, die Unterzeichnerinnen und Unterzeichner dieses Aufrufs, fordern ferner die Rücknahme des Fragebogens in Baden-Württemberg, der vorherrschende Ressentiments gegen Menschen muslimischen Glaubens bedient….“

Siehe dazu:
den Appell http://www.appell-gegen-gesinnungstest.de/apel.htm

die bisherigen Unterzeichner (u.a. das LabourNet) http://www.appell-gegen-gesinnungstest.de/unterzeichner.htm

Unterschreiben online http://www.appell-gegen-gesinnungstest.de/unterschreiben.htm

Übrigens: Unter dem Motto "Ja zur Integration - Nein zur Gesinnungsschnüffelei" hat die IG Metall eine Postkartenaktion gegen den Gesinnungstest in Baden-Württemberg gestartet. http://www.appell-gegen-gesinnungstest.de/igmetall2.htm

Aus: LabourNet, 14. März 2006

NASA Puts Its Weight Behind Warming Signs

A new study by NASA confirms accelerated global warming and predicts an irreversible decline of the Greenland ice sheet by the end of this century. A NASA researcher also said: "A few months ago this press release might have been seriously edited or not approved." The Bush administration recently changed its policy of censoring climate change news.


Harper's Magazine Panel on Case Bush Impeachment

Harper's Magazine hosts a panel


“Is There a Case for Impeachment?”, discussing President Bush and his policies. Forum speakers include Lewis H. Lapham, Editor of Harper’s Magazine; Rep. John Conyers (D-MI), Ranking Member of U.S. House Judiciary Committee; and Michael Ratner, President of Center for Constitutional Rights.



The Secret Government


U.S. Torture: Top commanders approved use of dogs at Abu Ghraib

When Army Sgt. Michael J. Smith faces a court-martial today on charges that he used his military working dog to harass and threaten detainees, one of the prime examples of that alleged misconduct will be a photograph of Smith holding the dog just inches from the face of a detainee.


From Information Clearing House

Bush’s Roadblock at the Security Council

Surveys were conducted months before the war on Iraq which showed that the American people would only support the conflict if there was a danger that Saddam was developing nuclear weapons.


Troops from Iraq suffer the 'Vietnam effect'

BRITISH veterans of the Iraq war are suffering a "Vietnam effect" after returning home to face a hostile public, according to one of Britain's foremost experts on post-traumatic stress disorder.


From Information Clearing House

EPROS-Schlafstudie: Grund zur vorsichtigen Entwarnung ?


The next few weeks could decide the fate of America's most endangered wildlife


American Civil Liberties Union Calls on U.N. Human Rights Committee to Hold U.S. Government Accountable


Bio-Safety Protocol Must Prevent Developing Countries from Becoming An Illegal GMO Dumping Ground


The administration of President Bush poses an unprecedented test for U.S. democracy


Mobilfunkantennen beschäftigen die Gemüter

Fachleute, Betroffene und der Wiler Stadtrat informierten eine große Zuhörerschaft


Ernst Inauen

In der voll besetzten Aula der Lindenhofschule Wil ließen sich besorgte Wiler Bürgerinnen und Bürger sowie auswärtige Besucher über das brisante Thema Mobilfunk und seine möglichen Gefahren aufklären. Gesprächsleiter Daniel Tönz, Busswil konnte als kompetente Referenten den Luzerner Umweltanalytiker Jürg Zimmermann, die Wiler Ärztin Yvonne Gilli und Stadtrat Beda Sartory begrüßen.

Die Hauptziele der Initianten, durch den Informationsabend den Kenntnisstand über das Thema Mobilfunk und seine Gefahren zu erhöhen, die Bevölkerung zu sensibilisieren und die politischen Instanzen zu unterstützen, seien erfüllt worden, meinte ein Besucher der Veranstaltung. ¨

Im Spannungsfeld von wirtschaftlichen Interessen, Gesundheit und Politik sei eine grundlegende Information wichtig. Am Podiumsgespräch beantworteten die Referenten Fragen aus dem Publikum.

Vier Gegenkommitee, keine Betreiber

Schade nur, dass die Problematik nur einseitig beleuchtet wurde, weil Exponenten der Betreiber fehlten. Sie seien zwar eingeladen worden, hätten aber durchwegs abgesagt, gab Gesprächsleiter Daniel Tönz bekannt. Auch Stadtrat Beda Sartory bedauerte, dass die Gegenseite fehlte und daher die Informationen und Stellungsnahmen nur von den Gegnern der Mobilfunkantennen kamen.

Vier Wiler Aktionskomitees gegen Mobilfunkantennen organisierten gemeinsam den spannenden und interessanten Informationsabend. Sie wehren sich gegen die vier geplanten Mobilfunkantennen im Wohngebiet der Stadt. In Wil und in unmittelbarer Nähe der Stadt sind bereits sieben bestehende Anlagen in Betrieb. Nachdem sich schon über 1000 BewohnerInnen Wils einer Unterschriftensammlung gegen den weiteren Ausbau des Antennenwaldes anschlossen, durfte auch für die Informationsveranstaltung mit einem Grossaufmarsch gerechnet werden. In der Tat war denn auch die Aula im Lindenhof voll besetzt.

Risiken des Elektrosmogs

Der Luzerner Umweltanalytiker Jürg Zimmermann befasst sich seit Jahrzehnten mit Elektrobiologie, Elektrosmog und der Strahlungsproblematik. Er zeigte in seinem umfassenden Referat die Auswirkungen von Elektrosmog auf die Gesundheit von Mensch und Tier auf. Bei der hochfrequenten Strahlung einer Mobilfunkantenne betrage die Reichweite bis zu 50 Kilometer.

Die in der Bundesverordnung festgelegten Grenzwerte von 4 bis 6 V/m betrachte er als viel zu hoch. Sensible Personen könnten bereits bei Belastung im Bereich von 0,04 V/m Symptome gesundheitlicher Beeinträchtigung zeigen. Die Aussage von Swisscom „Wir halten die Grenzwerte ein, für die Gesundheit sind wir nicht zuständig“ hätten ihm zu denken gegeben und sagten alles.

Ein Netz würde genügen Zimmermann erklärte die Zusammenhänge des körpereigenen Melatonin- und Serotin-Haushalts. Die Strahlungen würden Licht simulieren und somit zu einer Destabilisierung des Immunsystems führen. Eine ganze Reihe gesundheitlicher Beeinträchtigungen bei Mensch und Tier könne auf den Elektrosmog zurückgeführt werden. Neben den gesundheitlichen Risiken sei auch der Wertverlust von Wohneigentum in der Nähe von Mobilfunkantennen mit 25 bis 50 % bedeutsam.

Der Referent machte auch auf die wirtschaftliche Bedeutung des Mobilfunks aufmerksam. Nirgends werde soviel Werbung betrieben wie bei Handys. Handys für die unbeschränkte Kommunikation, für Spiele, als Wegweiser und vieles andere mehr. Die drei Betreiber Swisscom, Orange und Sunrise hätten im Bereich Mobilfunk 6,7 Milliarden Franken umgesetzt und dabei 2,4 Milliarden Gewinn erzielt. Weil drei Netze betrieben würden, sei eine Abdeckung von beinahe 300 % vorhanden. Eigentlich wäre ein einziges Netz genügend.

Abschließend meinte der Referent, dass eine Verbesserung der gesundheitlichen Risikofaktoren sinnvollerweise mit einer massiven Reduktion der Grenzwerte erzielt werden könnte. „Die kritische Sichtung der wissenschaftlichen Literatur lässt keinen Zweifel an den Risiken zu. Die Problematik ist aktueller denn je“!


In einem Dialog mit der Wiler Ärztin Yvonne Gilli berichtete der elektrosensible Theo Keller, Hemberg über seine Erfahrungen. Etwa sechs Wochen nach der Aufschaltung einer Mobilfunkantenne, die 100 Meter von seinem Wohnhaus stehen, hätten die gesundheitlichen Störungen begonnen.

„Besonders wenn am Wochenende der Mobilfunkverkehr anstieg, verstärkten sich auch meine Beschwerden. Sie äußerten sich in Kopfschmerzen, Schweißausbrüchen und Schlafstörungen“, erzählte Keller. Auch seine Frau und ein Kind hätten solche Symptome aufgewiesen. Messungen ergaben einen Wert von 0,52 V/m, bei einem in der Schweiz zulässigen Grenzwert von 5 V/m. Mit kostspieligen Abschirm-Maßnahmen konnten die gesundheitlichen Störungen reduziert werden.

Dr. Yvonne Gilli erwähnte, dass Strahlungen auch unterhalb der festgelegten Grenzwerte Wirkungen zeigen können. Allerdings spiele die Summe aller Einflüsse eine Rolle. „Wenn sich ein elektrosensibler Mensch betroffen fühlt, soll er etwas unternehmen. Die gesundheitlichen Folgen sind nicht zu unterschätzen“, empfahl Frau Gilli.

Stadtrat aktiv Stadtrat Beda Sartory, zuständig für das Ressort Bau, Umwelt und Verkehr, klärte über das Vorgehen des Stadtrates auf. „Wir nehmen das Anliegen einer breiten Bevölkerungsschicht und die Verunsicherung ernst. Wir werden alles unternehmen, um den größtmöglichen Schutz der Bevölkerung zu gewährleisten“. Das vom Stadtrat erarbeitete neue Baureglement sei vom Parlament genehmigt worden, müsse aber auch noch vom Kanton akzeptiert werden.

Mobilfunkantennen seien nicht vollständig verhinderbar und der Spielraum der Behörde sehr klein. Sartory versprach aber, jede Möglichkeit zu nutzen. Auch werde das Gespräch mit den Betreibern gesucht, um akzeptable Lösungen oder Kompromisse zu finden. Er kündigte ebenfalls Grenzwertkontrollen an.

In seinen sachlichen, überzeugenden Ausführungen befasste sich Sartory auch mit grundsätzlichen Überlegungen. „Die Wirtschaft und die Bevölkerung verlangen in der Kommunikation größtmögliche Mobilität und optimale Verbindungen. Aber niemand will Antennen. Allein in der Stadt Wil sind über 10'000 Handys angemeldet“. Für den Laien sei es sehr schwierig, die Risiken und Gefahren richtig einzuschätzen. Es bestünden keine übereinstimmenden Aussagen. Nach seiner persönlichen Meinung ist die Eigenverantwortung jedes Handy-Benutzers gefordert. Erst die starke Ausbreitung des Mobilfunks und die übermäßige Benutzung haben ja zu einem Ausbauanspruch des Netzes geführt.

© IWP 1999-2006


RFID Implants Could Chip Away At Your Health, Identity


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Informant: NHNE







Bush Has Nothing To Lose

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Informant: Lew Rockwell

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Paul Hein on the notion that more government schooling means more success.


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Informant: Lew Rockwell

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As a cover for US defeat in Iraq, says Charles H. Featherstone.

Das Imperium der Schande: der Kampf gegen Armut und Unterdrückung

Buchbesprechungen zu:
Jean Ziegler „Das Imperium der Schande“
unter: http://tinyurl.com/jnyxd


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Mobilfunksenderstrahlung und Agro-Gentechnik

345 Euro sind schon Armut per Gesetz, weitere Kürzungen führen zur Verelendung

#Die Linkspartei.PDS: Pressemitteilungen

13. März 2006

Verschiedenen Berichten zu Folge soll der Regelsatz für das Arbeitslosengeld II zu hoch sein. Dies würde die jüngste Auswertung der Einkommens- und Verbrauchsstichprobe (EVS) 2003 ergeben. Die EVS bildet die Grundlage für die Festlegung der Regelsätze nach dem Sozialgesetzbuch II, aber auch der Grund- und Kinderfreibeträge in der Einkommensteuer. Dazu erklärt Katja Kipping, stellvertretende Vorsitzende der Linkspartei.PDS und sozialpolitische Sprecherin der Fraktion Die Linke. im Deutschen Bundestag:

Sonst geht Müntefering gern und sehr schnell mit Botschaften an die Öffentlichkeit. Diesmal hält er sich ganz gegen seine sonstige Gewohnheit zurück. Es liegt also der Verdacht nahe, dass SPD und CDU Angst haben, öffentlich über eine geplante Absenkung des Arbeitslosengeldes II und der Steuerfreibeträge vor den am 26. März anstehenden Landtagswahlen zu reden. Es ist zu befürchten, dass die jüngst erfolgte Kürzung der Regelsätze für Jugendliche unter 25 Jahren schon als Testballon für Kürzungen des Regelsatzes bei allen Alterstufen fungierte.

345 Euro sind schon Armut per Gesetz, weitere Kürzungen führen zur Verelendung. Statt Menschen weiter in Armut und Elend zu treiben, fordern wir die sofortige Anhebung der Regelsätze. Angesichts der Kürzungsdebatten wird einmal mehr deutlich, dass das repressive Verarmungsprogramm Hartz IV durch eine soziale Grundsicherung, die gesellschaftliche Teilhabe ermöglicht, ersetzt werden muss.


Iran-USA, beginning of a major world crisis

BEST ARTICLE OF THE WEEK: Iran-USA, beginning of a major world crisis Written by LEAP/E2020 Saturday, 25 February 2006

March 20 to 26, 2006: Iran-USA, beginning of a major world crisis, or «the End of the Western World we have known since 1945».

The Laboratoire européen d'Anticipation Politique Europe 2020, LEAP/E2020, now estimates to over 80% the probability that the week of March 20-26, 2006 will be the beginning of the most significant political crisis the world has known since the Fall of the Iron Curtain in 1989, together with an economic and financial crisis of a scope comparable with that of 1929. This last week of March 2006 will be the turning-point of a number of critical developments, resulting in an acceleration of all the factors leading to a major crisis, disregard any American or Israeli military intervention against Iran. In case such an intervention is conducted, the probability of a major crisis to start rises up to 100%, according to LEAP/E2020.

An Alarm based on 2 verifiable events

The announcement of this crisis results from the analysis of decisions taken by the two key-actors of the main on-going international crisis, i.e. the United States and Iran:

- on the one hand there is the Iranian decision of opening the first oil bourse priced in Euros on March 20th, 2006 in Teheran, available to all oil producers of the region ;

- on the other hand, there is the decision of the American Federal Reserve to stop publishing M3 figures (the most reliable indicator on the amount of dollars circulating in the world) from March
23, 2006 onward[1].

These two decisions constitute altogether the indicators, the causes and the consequences of the historical transition in progress between the order created after World War II and the new international equilibrium in gestation since the collapse of the USSR. Their magnitude as much as their simultaneity will catalyse all the tensions, weaknesses and imbalances accumulated since more than a decade throughout the international system.

A world crisis declined in 7 sector-based crises LEAP/E2020's researchers and analysts thus identified 7 convergent crises that the American and Iranian decisions coming into effect during the last week of March 2006, will catalyse and turn into a total crisis, affecting the whole planet in the political, economic and financial fields, as well as in the military field most probably too:

1. Crisis of confidence in the Dollar
2. Crisis of US financial imbalances
3. Oil crisis
4. Crisis of the American leadership
5. Crisis of the Arabo-Muslim world
6. Global governance crisis
7. European governance crisis

The entire process of anticipation of this crisis is described in detail in coming issues of LEAP/E2020's confidential letter - the GlobalEurope Anticipation Bulletin, and in particular in the 2nd issue to be released on February 16, 2006. These coming issues will present the detailed analysis of each of the 7 crises, together with a large set of recommendations intended for various categories of players (governments and companies, namely), as well as with a number of operational and strategic advices for the European Union.

Decoding of the event "Creation of the Iranian Oil Bourse priced in Euros" However, and in order not to limit this information to decision makers solely, LEAP/E2020 has decided to circulate widely this official statement together with the following series of arguments resulting from work conducted. Iran's opening of an Oil Bourse priced in Euros at the end of March 2006 will be the end of the monopoly of the Dollar on the global oil market. The immediate result is likely to upset the international currency market as producing countries will be able to charge their production in Euros also. In parallel, European countries in particular will be able to buy oil directly in their own currency without going though the Dollar. Concretely speaking, in both cases this means that a lesser number of economic actors will need a lesser number of Dollars [2]. This double development will thus head to the same direction, i.e. a very significant reduction of the importance of the Dollar as the international reserve currency, and therefore a significant and sustainable weakening of the American currency, in particular compared to the Euro. The most conservative evaluations give ?1 to $1,30 US Dollar by the end of 2006. But if the crisis reaches the scope anticipated by LEAP/E2020, estimates of ?1 for $1,70 in 2007 are no longer unrealistic.

Decoding of the event

"End of publication of the M3 macro-economic indicator" The end of the publication by the American Federal Reserve of the M3 monetary aggregate (and that of other components)[3], a decision vehemently criticized by the community of economists and financial analysts, will have as a consequence to lose transparency on the evolution of the amount of Dollars in circulation worldwide. For some months already, M3 has significantly increased (indicating that « money printing » has already speeded up in Washington), knowing that the new President of the US Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke, is a self-acknowledged fan of « money printing »[4]. Considering that a strong fall of the Dollar would probably result in a massive sale of the US Treasury Bonds held in Asia, in Europe and in the oil-producing countries, LEAP/E2020 estimates that the American decision to stop publishing M3 aims at hiding as long as possible two US decisions, partly imposed by the political and economic choices made these last years[5]: . the 'monetarisation' of the US debt . the launch of a monetary policy to support US economic activity. . two policies to be implemented until at least the October 2006 « mid-term » elections, in order to prevent the Republican Party from being sent in reeling. This M3-related decision also illustrates the incapacity of the US and international monetary and financial authorities put in a situation where they will in the end prefer to remove the indicator rather than try to act on the reality.

Decoding of the aggravating factor

"The military intervention against Iran" Iran holds some significant geo-strategic assets in the current crisis, such as its ability to intervene easily and with a major impact on the oil provisioning of Asia and Europe (by blocking the Strait of Ormuz), on the conflicts in progress in Iraq and Afghanistan, not to mention the possible recourse to international terrorism. But besides these aspects, the growing distrust towards Washington creates a particularly problematic situation. Far from calming both Asian and European fears concerning the accession of Iran to the statute of nuclear power, a military intervention against Iran would result in an quasi-immediate dissociation of the European public opinions[6] which, in a context where Washington has lost its credibility in handling properly this type of case since the invasion of Iraq, will prevent the European governments from making any thing else than follow their public opinions. In parallel, the rising cost of oil which would follow such an intervention will lead Asian countries, China first and foremost, to oppose this option, thus forcing the United States (or Israel) to intervene on their own, without UN guarantee, therefore adding a severe military and diplomatic crisis to the economic and financial crisis.

Relevant factors of the American economic crisis

LEAP/E2020 anticipate that these two non-official decisions will involve the United States and the world in a monetary, financial, and soon economic crisis without precedent on a planetary scale. The 'monetarisation' of the US debt is indeed a very technical term describing a catastrophically simple reality: the United States undertake not to refund their debt, or more exactly to refund it in "monkey currency". LEAP/E2020 also anticipate that the process will accelerate at the end of March, in coincidence with the launching of the Iranian Oil Bourse, which can only precipitate the sales of US Treasury Bonds by their non-American holders.

In this perspective, it is useful to contemplate the following information[7]: the share of the debt of the US government owned by US banks fell down to 1,7% in 2004, as opposed to 18% in 1982. In parallel, the share of this same debt owned by foreign operators went from 17% in 1982 up to 49% in 2004. ? Question: How comes that US banks got rid of almost all their share of the US national debt over the last years?

Moreover, in order to try to avoid the explosion of the "real-estate bubble" on which rests the US household consumption, and at a time when the US saving rate has become negative for the first time since 1932 and 1933 (in the middle of the "Great Depression"), the Bush administration, in partnership with the new owner of the US Federal Reserve and a follower of this monetary approach, will flood the US market of liquidities.

Some anticipated effects of this systemic rupture

According to LEAP/E2020, the non-accidental conjunction of the Iranian and American decisions, is a decisive stage in the release of a systemic crisis marking the end of the international order set up after World War II, and will be characterised between the end of March and the end of the year 2006 by a plunge in the dollar (possibly down to 1 Euro = 1,70 US Dollars in 2007) putting an immense upward pressure on the Euro, a significant rise of the oil price (over 100$ per barrel), an aggravation of the American and British military situations in the Middle East, a US budgetary, financial and economic crisis comparable in scope with the 1929 crisis, very serious economic and financial consequences for Asia in particular (namely China) but also for the United Kingdom[8], a sudden stop in the economic process of globalisation, a collapse of the transatlantic axis leading to a general increase of all the domestic and external political dangers all over the world.

For individual dollar-holders, as for trans-national corporations or political and administrative decision makers, the consequences of this last week of March 2006 will be crucial. These consequences require some difficult decisions to be made as soon as possible (crisis anticipation is always a complex process since it relies on a bet) because once the crisis begins, the stampede starts and all those who chose to wait lose. For private individuals, the choice is clear: the US Dollar no longer is a "refuge" currency. The rising-cost of gold over the last year shows that many people have already anticipated this trend of the US currency.

Anticipating. or being swept away by the winds of history

For companies and governments, it is crucial to integrate now action plans in today's decision-making processes, which can contribute to soften significantly the "monetary, financial and economic tsunami" which will break on the planet at the end of next month. To use a simple image - by the way, one used in the political anticipation scenario « USA 2010 »[9] -, the impact of the events of the last week of March 2006 on the "Western World" we have known since 1945 will be comparable to the impact of the Fall of the Iron Curtain in 1989 on the "Soviet Block".

If this Alarm is so precise, it is that LEAP/E2020's analyses concluded that all possible scenarios now lead to one single result: we collectively approach a "historical node" which is henceforth inevitable whatever the action of international or national actors. At this stage, only a direct and immediate action on the part of the US administration aimed at preventing a military confrontation with Iran on the one hand, and at giving up the idea to monetarise the US foreign debt on the other hand, could change the course of events. For LEAP/E2020 it is obvious that not only such actions will not be initiated by the current leaders in Washington, but that on the contrary they have already chosen "to force the destiny" by shirking their economic and financial problems at the expense of the rest of the world. European governments in particular should draw very quickly all the conclusions from this fact.

For information, LEAP/E2020's original method of political anticipation has allowed several of its experts to anticipate (and publish) in particular : in 1988, the approaching end of the Iron Curtain; in 1997, the progressive collapse in capacity of action and democratic legitimacy of the European institutional system; in 2002, the US being stuck in Iraq's quagmire and above all the sustainable collapse of US international credibility; in 2003, the failure of the referenda on the European Constitution. Its methodology of anticipation of "systemic ruptures" now being well established, it is our duty as researchers and citizens to share it with the citizens and the European decision makers; especially because for individual or collective, private or public players, it is still time to undertake measures in order to reduce significantly the impact of this crisis on their positions whether these are economic, political or financial.

LEAP/E2020 Franck Biancheri, Director of Studies

Informant: Scott Munson

Logging roads ruin rivers

A Plague on All Your Forests

Fly Rod & Reel Magazine April 2006 by Ted Williams

Country roads may take you home, but logging roads ruin rivers

If you want to locate the best fishing in our national forests, find the logging roads; then go somewhere else. Road building is the federal government's single most destructive land-management practice. Roads are mortality sinks for all manner of fish and wildlife. They fragment habitat; they cause landslides; they block fish migration with their frequently impassible culverts; they serve as delivery systems for silt that bleeds off clearcuts; they provide conduits for invasions of cowbirds and invasive exotic plants.

Consider Deer Creek in Idaho's Caribou-Targhee National Forest. Because it is in part of the forest that, until recently, was officially roadless Deer Creek runs cold and clear, and it ripples with big Yellowstone cutts-one of the most beautiful and ephemeral essences of the American West and recently petitioned for listing under the Endangered Species Act. So pristine was Deer Creek that, in August 2003, a Forest Service survey crew determined that it should be used as the standard of excellence, "a reference area for comparison to streams impacted by various land uses." The survey team went on to recommend "that activities not be allowed which would reduce the quality of fish and amphibian habitat in the drainage."

That recommendation certainly is in keeping with the Forest Service's stated "fish mission" for the 150,000 stream miles and 2.5 million lake acres we've entrusted it with: "World-class fishing depends on world-class habitats, and the US Forest Service together with other federal, state and local partners, is working hard to protect, restore and enhance your streams and lakes." Well, not really.

Deer Creek, along with other pristine trout streams in the Sage Creek Roadless Area, had been protected by President Clinton's roadless rule. Last August-two months after the Bush administration rescinded that rule-Deer Creek became the first victim of the administration's substitute, which relies on "local control" for roadless-area management. In Idaho, dominated by timber and mining interests and with more roadless national forestland than any state other than Alaska, that's like asking two racoons and a hen to vote on what to have for lunch. A major road was punched into the Deer Creek watershed for the benefit of J.R. Simplot Company, which will now drill 25 exploration holes and, if it finds the phosphate its geologists say is there, will expand its open-pit strip mine for another 6.5 miles-through the Deer Creek drainage and the drainages of Manning, Wells Canyon, and upper Crow creeks, all prime cutthroat habitat.

"The Sage Creek Roadless Area, which protected the headwaters of what I consider some of the best cutthroat trout streams in the state, is no longer a roadless area," laments Pete Zimowsky in The Idaho Statesman. "It was a place where many big game hunters packed in on horseback to hunt trophy mulies and elk. It was a place where you could wander through groves of aspen on fall hikes and be amazed by the colors. . . .Will [the area] be the same for my grandson, as it was for my kids? No, it won't."

How did we get from a "roadless rule" that protects trout streams to one that sacrifices them? The story starts in the late 1990's when a young, utterly aberrant bureaucrat was running the US Forest Service. His background was not in timber extraction but in fishing, guiding, teaching and fisheries biology. His name was Michael Dombeck, and he understood what no chief before or since has understood-that the most valuable resource produced by our national forests is water. Dombeck also understood that the best of that water comes from the healthiest woods, woods undefiled by roads, and that there aren't a lot of that kind left. In fact, only 58.5 million acres-two percent of the American landscape-were designated by his agency as "roadless," meaning they were greater than 5,000 acres and lacked the major, high-speed logging-truck highways taxpayers buy for timber companies. There were all kinds of smaller roads that allowed vehicular access by sportsmen.

If you just count major roads, the Forest Service has built or paid timber companies to build 383,000 miles worth-222,000 miles more than exist in all of our national highway system. You and I got to pay for these roads twice-first, with our fish, wildlife, plants, soil and water; then with our tax dollars. And we're paying for them still because the Forest Service can't begin to maintain them and, as a result, they're sloughing into the lakes and streams it claims to be "working hard to protect." The road-maintenance backlog is now $10 billion. Meanwhile, we're paying for new national-forest roads. Roads are the main reason sales of the public's timber cost the public about $400 million a year.

Roadless areas are roadless for an excellent reason; they were the places Big Timber didn't want to go-the steep, infertile, icy, fragile, water-rich, trout-filled places. In fact, the national forests themselves were acquired because the timber industry didn't want them. Even today, after the industry has high-graded its own holdings, the national forests contribute less than five percent of the nation's lumber and pulp. If all national-forest logging ended tomorrow, our economy wouldn't flinch, and private-land operators would be spared subsidized timber sales that drive down fair-market value of their logs.

Dombeck, like every other thinking conservationist, concluded that the last thing our national forests needed was more major roads, especially in areas greater than 5,000 acres where none exist. So in January 1999, as part of a modern "transportation policy" for his agency, he proposed an 18-month moratorium on road building in 130 national forests. The industry, accustomed to doing whatever it pleased on our national forestland, was apoplectic. In separate, ultimately unsuccessful, actions the State of Idaho and the Wyoming Timber Industry Association sued in federal district court.

In the most extensive and wide-ranging environmental review in the history of federal rule making, the Forest Service held 600 hearings in
37 states and collected 2.5 million public comments, 96 percent supportive. A poll by Responsive Management of Harrisonburg, Virginia, revealed that 84 percent of America's hunters and 86 percent of America's anglers favored keeping roads out of roadless areas. It was by far the most popular rule ever hatched by a federal resource agency.

On January 12, 2001, largely on the strength of that public commentary, President Clinton issued the Roadless Area Conservation Policy directive that ended virtually all logging, roadbuilding and coal, gas, oil and other mineral leasing in 58 million acres of our last best forestland.

Then George W. Bush became president. To run the Forest Service as undersecretary of agriculture, he selected Mark Rey who, as a timber-industry lobbyist and later as a staffer for forest subcommittee chair Sen. Larry Craig (R-ID), had dedicated himself to increasing the cut on our national forests.

Immediate revocation of an initiative as popular as the roadless rule would have been politically costly. So the Bush White House set about administering daily drops of arsenic. First, it put the rule on hold for two months; then it refused to defend it in court. It even aided and abetted the plaintiffs by gushing about the timber industry's imagined woes-this despite the pledge to Congress by John Ashcroft, taken under oath during his confirmation hearings as attorney general, that he would defend the rule as the "law of the land."

In July 2001, in one of Rey's most cynically brilliant moves, the Forest Service issued an "interim directive" to local agency brass instructing them that the decision on whether or not roadless areas should be protected would now be in their hands. No longer would Forest Service officials committed to roadless protection be able to blame it on federal law; now they'd have to confront their neighbors, the powerful, well-connected timber executives who employed them, and the legislators who vote Forest Service appropriations and say: "Sorry, I've decided those trees are off limits." The directive also proclaimed that there would be no roadless protection for Alaska's Tongass and 11 other national forests. In September Rey proposed exempting major activities in roadless areas from the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). In December he issued a directive that relaxed standards for road construction in roadless areas.

As Rey chipped away at Clinton's rule he launched concurrent attacks on the roadless areas themselves and on national forests in general. To circumvent the inconvenience of the Endangered Species Act, which requires federal agencies to consult with professional scientists of the Fish and Wildlife Service or NOAA Fisheries on projects that would destroy habitat of listed species-timber sales, for instance-the Bush administration now proposed "self-consultation" by agencies like the Forest Service, which, under Rey, functions as a wholly owned subsidiary of the timber industry. Rey did away with the wildlife liability regulations, implemented under President Reagan, which required the Forest Service to maintain viable populations of fish and wildlife across each planning unit. In its place he imposed a standard that requires managers merely to think about fish and wildlife sustainability. As part of the administration's "Healthy Forest Initiative," Rey tried (and is trying still) to categorically exclude timber sales and forest plans from environmental review and cut the public out of forest-management decision making.

The Bush administration officially killed the roadless rule on May 5,
2005, replacing it with a rule that gives Rey power to decide what roadless areas, if any, get protected but meanwhile invites the governors of each state to do the Forest Service's work for it-that is, commit to an expensive, tedious and perhaps ultimately pointless exercise in which state employees gather data, do inventories, dispense information and hold public hearings. Forest supervisors and regional foresters have been quietly contacting governors and urging them to forget about making recommendations for roadless-area protection and just let the Forest Service deal with it in its planning process.

"If you're not going to have a nationwide policy, why create a special process like this?" asks the Sierra Club's Sean Cosgrove. The answer, of course, is that it sounds better than just announcing you've killed the roadless rule.

Some states, however, understand that "local control" is a euphemism for business as usual. Local control, after all, is why our national forests are already sliced and diced with 383,000 miles of roads-enough to circle the globe 15 times. The attorneys general of California, New Mexico and Oregon responded to Rey's subterfuge by suing the Bush administration, charging that by replacing the roadless rule with a state-by-state petition process the Forest Service violated NEPA.

"When the 2005 Rule was announced, I made it clear that the federal government's actions placed an unfair and unnecessary burden on states that would amount to a price tag of millions of dollars and result in piecemeal management of federal forest land," declared Oregon governor Ted Kulongoski. "The 2005 Rule turns back the clock on years of work, including public input and taxpayers' dollars, and the end result is greater uncertainty about the protection of our special roadless areas-not greater security." In November the Bush administration rejected Kulongoski's request for a rule amendment that would give states greater assurance that fish, wildlife and clean water be protected in roadless parts of national forests.

New Mexico's attorney general Patricia Madrid said: "Our water supply comes from our forests and depends upon those forests remaining healthy . . . The federal government acknowledges that road-building and timber harvest will result in decreased water quality, increased sediment and pollutants; yet they refuse to protect our state's few remaining pristine areas. They have also refused to follow federal law that requires them to look at the impacts of their actions on the environment . . . When the Bush administration refuses to obey the law, we have no choice but to sue them."

"I am filing this lawsuit because the Bush Administration is putting at risk some of the last, most pristine portions of America's national forests," announced California's attorney general, Bill Lockyer.

On the other hand, Idaho's elected officials-most notably Sen. Larry Craig and Governor Dirk Kempthorne-are positively giddy about the demise of roadless protection. This seems odd because the state's
9,322,000 acres of roadless national forestland is keeping imperiled fish and wildlife vital to the state's economy on the planet and, at least in some cases, off the Endangered Species List. For example, Idaho's roadless areas contain 68 percent of the state's remaining bull trout habitat, 74 percent of the chinook salmon habitat, 74 percent of the steelhead habitat, 58 percent of the cutthroat habitat, and 48 percent of the redband rainbow trout habitat. And these areas produce the biggest and most elk and deer. After construction of new logging roads on the Targhee half of Idaho's Caribou-Targhee National Forest, the Idaho Department of Fish and Game cut the elk rifle season from 44 to five days.

Idaho is also home of the most tireless and pernicious of all roadless-protection opponents-a wise-use, timber-mining front called the BlueRibbon Coalition. Here's an example of how it operates: In 2004 the Forest Service asked for local input in preparing a new travel plan for the Caribou half of the Caribou-Targhee, as if locals owned the forest. Accordingly, Marv Hoyt, Idaho director of the Greater Yellowstone Coalition, sat down with virtually all invested non-motorized user groups-such diverse outfits as the Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, the Eagle Rock Backcountry Horsemen, the Idaho Conservation League, the Southeast Idaho Recreation Alliance, the Western Watersheds Project, and the Southeast Idaho Mule Deer Foundation-and hashed out an eminently fair compromise over a period of about three months. "We had some 50 individuals and organizations," Hoyt recalls. "We went over the maps of the whole forest, and we put together a balanced alternative that left 50 percent of the routes open to motorized use. Everybody signed it, and we sent it to the Forest Service. The BlueRibbon Coalition went after and obtained the document via a Freedom-of-Information-Act request, then mailed threatening letters to the organizations and individuals who had signed it, even boycotted businesses. They went after people in a really nasty way."

The BlueRibbon Coalition's letter, signed by its director, Clark Collins, read in part: "As representatives of recreation interest groups who enjoy the trails on the Caribou National Forest, we are offended by many of the recommendations you apparently support. . . . We would like to know what level of involvement you had with this document. We want to accurately represent your position to our readers. . . . A lack of response on your part will leave us no choice but to assume that you are in total agreement with the document, and we will so inform our members."

The Forest Service responded to the alternative offered by the non-motorized users with a draft travel plan that completely blew them off and gave the motorheads all sorts of new ATV and snowmobile roads. "So the message is this," says Hoyt, "'If you intimidate people and stymie public comments, you'll get rewarded.'"

With a few notable exceptions America's sportsmen have been strangely silent on roadless-area protection, despite the fact that about 85 percent of them want it. Unfortunately, many of these exceptions are among the 15 percent who don't want it. They include officials of make-believe conservation organizations such as the Ruffed Grouse Society (who obtain major financing from the timber lobby by whooping it up for roads and clearcuts at every opportunity) and outdoor writers who imagine that Clinton's rule was a conspiracy to separate their butts from their four-wheelers (despite the fact that roadless areas have plenty of off-road-vehicle access) and thereby allocate to predators the game they otherwise would have shot.

Burt Carey, president of Western Outdoor Writers and editor of Rocky Mountain Game & Fish, California Game & Fish, and Washington-Oregon Game & Fish magazines, complains about what he calls "the Clinton administration's thirst for creating wilderness and de facto wilderness
(roadless areas) during Slick Willy's second term, and his zeal in repopulating the American West with wolves, linx, grizzlies and other carnivores, and portions of the Southeast with wolves and panthers."

According to Jim Shepherd of The Outdoor Wire-which bills itself as "the Outdoor Sports Industry's Daily Transaction Newsletter"-the effort to limit roads on public land is really a plot by the antis. "To keep hunting alive in America," writes Shepherd, "it's critical that hunting become easier, rather than more challenging. Anti-hunting forces recognize that fact. They've already changed their tactics from their failed full-on assault on firearms to a 'kinder, gentler' approach to eliminating hunting: protecting the environment by increasing 'protected' wilderness areas. As more and more federal lands fall under the ever-broadening definitions of 'protected' areas, hunters and the hunting industry must recognize the fact that what some perceive to be diminished efforts to eliminate hunting is, in fact, a retrenching of the efforts to a more subtle-but equally fatal-outcome."

In a rambling harangue delivered to conferees of the Outdoor Writers Association of America in June 2004-a year before the Bush administration officially killed Clinton's roadless rule-Kayne Robinson, then president of the NRA and formerly GOP chairman of Iowa, railed against such imagined slights to sportsmen as their alleged eviction from roadless areas. "The Clinton administration closed millions of acres to hunting and shooting," Robinson proclaimed. "Every acre should be reexamined."

Mike Dombeck, the architect of the roadless rule (which didn't close a single square foot of national forestland to hunting or fishing) happened to be sitting in the audience next to OWAA board member Tony Dean. Dombeck poked Dean in the ribs and asked him what the hell Robinson was talking about. (At a press conference later that day Robinson was unable to come up with a single example of land closed to sportsmen by Clinton's rule.) The following week Rich Landers of The Spokane Spokesman-Review offered this commentary: "The NRA's campaign to 'propel hunter rights into the public arena' stinks of opportunism. Robinson is trying to recruit uninformed hunters with the same big talk and promises a pimp uses to lure vulnerable girls into his realm. Some 12 million to 15 million American hunters are not NRA members, and this is no time for them to change their minds. Now, more than ever, a sportsman who is not an environmentalist is a fool."

In the early 1980's, when Bill Geer of the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership was directing the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, he instructed his biologists to look for environmental factors that limited the size and number of deer. They found that the most important factor by far was road construction. "And in those days," he recalls, "we promoted as many roads as the Forest Service." So Geer had his agency do an about face and start closing roads. It proved to be the best thing he could have done for anglers and hunters.

I asked Geer why sportsmen keep working against their own interests-letting groups like the NRA and the Ruffed Grouse Society speak for them on roadless protection, voting in a president and legislators who cheerfully sacrifice fish and wildlife for the convenience of their campaign contributors. He couldn't answer the question, but I liked his response: "I've had this theory ever since I was director in Utah. You could tell hunters and anglers that 'tomorrow we're going to round you up and shoot you,' and they'd piss and moan about it all night long, and next morning they'd be lined up waiting to get shot."


-- Tim Hermach Native Forest Council PO Box 2190 Eugene, OR 97402 541.688.2600 541.461.2156 fax web page: http://www.forestcouncil.org DEFENDING LIFE, LAND & LIBERTY * Honest & Fully Costed Accounting, * Voices of Integrity, Hope & Reason * Honest & Uncompromised Education, Advocacy & Litigation * Real Protection for 650 Million Acres of Federal Land, Rivers & Streams

See for yourself at: http://forestcouncil.org/learn/aerial/index.html

Informant: Scott Munson

California Enacts Resolution Critical of PATRIOT Act

(87 Mil Agree)

(Pass it on - It is more than catching on)

Sacramento, CA. On Thursday, February 16, the California Senate voted
23-10 in favor of Senate Joint Resolution 10 relative to the USA PATRIOT Act, making California the 404th government entity and the largest of eight states to have done so.

The other seven are Alaska, Colorado, Hawai'i, Idaho, Maine, Montana, and Vermont.

Beginning in 2002, eleven California counties and 53 cities have passed resolutions. The combined populations of states and communities that have enacted resolutions is now nearly 87 million—roughly one in three U.S. residents. The California Assembly passed the resolution on January 3, 2006. The Bill of Rights Defense Committee (BORDC) commends State Senator Liz Figueroa, who introduced the resolution last year, and her colleagues in the Senate and Legislature for their principled stand in defense of Californians' civil liberties. Republicans Tom McClintock and Sam Aanestad were among those who voted for the resolution. Said BORDC's director, Nancy Talanian, "The California resolution sets a standard we hope Congress will follow as it considers reauthorizing several controversial sections of the PATRIOT Act and the administration's approval of warrantless wiretaps. The resolution states that no state resources will be used to collect information based on residents' activities that are protected by the First Amendment, or to scoop up personal records without a direct connection between the records sought and suspected criminal activity." California's resolution also observes that government security measures "should be carefully designed and employed to enhance public safety without infringing on the civil liberties and rights of innocent persons in the State of California and the nation." The BORDC congratulates Hazem Kira of the California Civil Rights Alliance, which spearheaded the California effort, and its 23 member groups such as California's three ACLU chapters, the Green Party and Libertarian Party of California, peace and justice groups, several interfaith organizations and local Bill of Rights Defense groups throughout California. Amnesty International Western Region, Asian Law Alliance, American Muslim Voice and people in many California ethnic communities also wrote letters and did grassroots organizing throughout the campaign.

The passage of the California resolution has the potential to affect the PATRIOT Act debate well beyond California's borders, as Congress considers the PATRIOT Act reauthorization.

Congress members with more civil liberties resolutions in their districts tend to be willing to take a strong stand in defense of civil liberties. BORDC data show that the 174 representatives who opposed a PATRIOT Act reauthorization compromise bill on December 14, 2005, were four and a half times as likely to have one or more resolutions passed in their districts as the 251 members who voted in favor. The Senate filibustered over that compromise bill's inadequate civil liberties safeguards. Talanian explains, "If you go further, and compare the vote of the House of Representatives in October 2001, when only 66 representatives voted against the PATRIOT Act, to December 2005, when 174 representatives voted against the reauthorization, it is clear we're making progress in turning our government's attention towards our fundamental liberties. So we expect continued positive results now that the most populous state in the union has come to the defense of the Bill of Rights."

Media Advisory:

California resolution text: http://info.sen.ca.gov/pub/bill/sen/sb_0001-0050/sjr_10_bill_20050418_introduced.html

Bill of Rights Defense Committee: Home page at http://www.bordc.org
List of resolutions by state (PDF) at http://www.bordc.org/resources/Alphalist.pdf

To Visit:

"Sunset the Patriot Act/Diebold" http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SunsetThePatriotAct_Diebold/

"California Sunsets the Patriot Act" http://groups.yahoo.com/group/CaliforniaSunsetThePatriotActGroup/

"Colorado Sunsets the Patriot Act" http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ColoradoSunsetsThePatriotAct/

"Connecticutt Sunsets the Patriot Act" http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ConnecticuttSunsetsThePatriotAct/

"District of Columbia Sunsets the Patriot Act" http://groups.yahoo.com/group/DCSunsetThePatriotActGroup/

"Florida Sunsets the Patriot Act" http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FloridaSunsetThePatriotActGroup/

"Kentucky Sunsets the Patriot Act" http://groups.yahoo.com/group/KentuckySunsetsThePatriotAct/

"Massachusetts Sunsets the Patriot Act" http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MassachutettsSunsetsThePatriotAct/

"Michigan Sunsets the Patriot Act" http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MichiganSunsetsThePatriotAct/

"New Hampshire Sunsets the Patriot Act" http://groups.yahoo.com/group/NewHampshireSunsetsThePatriotAct/

"New Mexico Sunsets the Patriot Act" http://groups.yahoo.com/group/NewHampshireSunsetsThePatriotAct/

"New York Sunsets the Patriot Act" http://groups.yahoo.com/group/NewYorkSunsetsThePatriotAct/

"Oregon Sunsets the Patriot Act" http://groups.yahoo.com/group/OregonSunsetThePatriotActGroup/

"Pennsylvania Sunsets the Patriot Act" http://groups.yahoo.com/group/PennsylvaniaSunsetsThePatriotAct/

"Texas Sunsets the Patriot Act" http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TexasSunsetThePatriotActGroup/

"California Sunsets the Patriot Act" CaliforniaSunsetThePatriotActGroup-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

"Colorado Sunsets the Patriot Act" ColoradoSunsetsThePatriotAct-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

"Connecticutt Sunsets the Patriot Act" ConnecticuttSunsetsThePatriotAct-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

"District of Columbia Sunsets the Patriot Act" DCSunsetThePatriotActGroup-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

"Florida Sunsets the Patriot Act" FloridaSunsetThePatriotActGroup-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

"Kentucky Sunsets the Patriot Act" KentuckySunsetsThePatriotAct-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

"Massachusetts Sunsets the Patriot Act" MassachutettsSunsetsThePatriotAct-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

"Michigan Sunsets the Patriot Act" MichiganSunsetsThePatriotAct-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

"New Hampshire Sunsets the Patriot Act" NewHampshireSunsetsThePatriotAct-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

"New Mexico Sunsets the Patriot Act" NewMexicoSunsetsThePatriotAct-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

"New York Sunsets the Patriot Act" NewYorkSunsetsThePatriotAct-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

"Oregon Sunsets the Patriot Act" OregonSunsetThePatriotActGroup-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

"Pennsylvania Sunsets the Patriot Act" PennsylvaniaSunsetsThePatriotAct-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

"Texas Sunsets the Patriot Act" TexasSunsetThePatriotActGroup-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

Buy Hydrogen/Hybrid (1,000+mpg) or a Hydrogen fueled only (100+mpg) or Hybrid only Vehicles (45-50mpg), not a Hummers ( 4 - 9 mpg). The government and the NEWS should reflect, not determine, the desires of the people.The cable news is a melodrama of constant trivia. Government is always corrupt, civil liberties only protect us from them. The people must lead to survive corrupt governments. Read the constitution.

Informant: Scott Munson

Stop The Experimental Weather Modification Bill

PROTEST DEMONSTRATION - THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 2006 - TIME: 9 A.M. - 2:00 P.M. LOCATION: 312 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, California 90012 - Senator Barbara Boxer’s Office

http://www.venusproject.com/ethics_in_action/Weather_Modification_Bill.html CONTACTS: Rosalind Peterson info@californiaskywatch.com (707) 485-7520 Post Office Box 499, Redwood Valley, California 95470 Bridget Conroy bcolemanconroy8@yahoo.com K. Ornstein - - Right to Breathe Healthy Air - - kathyornstein@hotmail.com


- By Rosalind Peterson U.S. Senate Bill 517 and U.S. House Bill 2995, a bill that would allow experimental weather modification by artificial methods and implement a national weather modification policy, does not include agriculture or public oversight, is on the “fast track” to be passed early in 2006. This bill is designed to implement experimental weather modification. The appointed Board of Directors established by this bill does not include any agricultural, water, EPA, or public representatives, and has no provisions for Congressional, State, County, or public oversight of their actions or expenditures. Weather Modification may adversely impact agricultural crops and water supplies. If the weather is changed in one state, region or county it may have severe consequences in another region, state or county. And who is going to decide the type of weather modification experimentation and who it will benefit or adversely impact? This experimental weather modification bill will impact residents across the United States not just in California. Many current and ongoing weather modification programs (47 listed by NOAA in 2005), including the one in Wyoming that is designed to increase the snowpack, may be diverting rainwater away from Oklahoma and Texas, two states that are currently fighting fires caused by a lack of rainfall. We have no idea what the unintended consequences of the Wyoming action or other experimental weather modification programs might be now or in the future. In addition to the experimental weather modification programs listed by NOAA, there are both private and ongoing government sponsored atmospheric testing and heating programs underway in Alaska and across the United States. Alaska Senator Stevens recently received $50 million in funding for Alaska’s atmospheric heating program. All of these unregulated, private, government, and public weather modification programs, may also have unintended synergistic effects. Senate Bill 517 does not address these issues but intends to implement more experimental weather modification programs without a national debate or public oversight. Artificial weather modification can impact all of us by reducing water supplies, changing agricultural crop production cycles, reducing crop production, and water availability. Since most experimental weather modification programs use chemicals released into the atmosphere the public could be subjected increasingly toxic or unknown substances that could adversely impact agricultural crops and trees. Trimethyl Aluminum (TMA) and barium are just two of the toxic chemicals used in recent atmospheric heating and testing programs according to NASA. The Alaska H.A.A.R.P. atmospheric heating program may have the capability of changing the Jet Stream which could also change our weather. Many private weather modification companies admit that precipitation effects may be positive or negative. Fog dispersal programs, using dry ice, liquid nitrogen, liquid propane or silver iodide may improve visibility while adversely impacting Redwood Trees along the California coast by depriving them of needed water they derive from the fog. The increasing use of varied chemicals like aluminum (coupled with increasing air pollution), can severely impact tree health by depriving trees of water and nutrients normally absorbed through their root systems. The December 2005 Popular Science Magazine discussed a plan to use an oil slick to stop hurricanes without noting the adverse environmental impacts of the oil used to cover the ocean. Popular Science also noted that a private company, Dyn-O-Mat, plans to purchase jets to drop thousands of pounds of a water absorbing chemical powder (unknown substance), into hurricanes to absorb moisture that may dissipate hurricanes. There is no agriculture oversight or public hearings to determine the consequences of this and other actions or to monitor or prevent adverse impacts of this chemical once it falls on the surface of the ocean or on land. Alaska and other areas across the United States are beginning to feel the impacts of climate change. Enormous changes are being seen in the declining health of native plant and tree communities in many areas across the United States. NASA noted in an October 2005 newsletter that increasingly persistent contrails are “…trapping warmth in the atmosphere and exacerbating global warming…” NASA goes on to note that: “…Any increase in global cloud cover will contribute to long-term changes in Earth’s climate. Likewise, any change in Earth’s climate may have effects on natural resources…” Global dimming and the persistent contrails, that produce man-made clouds, may have serious impacts on crop production. A recent corn crop study in Illinois shows that cloud cover reduces corn crop production while direct sunlight increases production. In addition, increasing man-made clouds may reduce the effectiveness of solar panels. Gil Smolin, an Avian Bird Flu expert, noted on the Ron Owens Show on KGO Radio (January 5, 2006), that the flu was spread more quickly in the winter when there was a “lack of sunlight”. Would man-made clouds be contributing to the lack of sunlight which might cause the Avian Bird flu to spread more quickly at other times of the year? Experimental weather modification programs could also exacerbate this problem by changing climate patterns, increasing man-made cloud cover, and changing our weather and climate patterns. Senate Bill 517 does not address any of these important issues. Its sole purpose is to establish an experimental weather modification policy without any agriculture or public oversight of private, military, and government programs. Without oversight or public hearings agriculture, our natural resources, and watersheds may be negatively impacted. And who will be responsible to determine the synergistic effects of these programs or pay for unintended disasters created by this experimentation. If these programs change growing seasons and interrupt the pollination process crop losses could be substantial exacerbating economic losses. Please contact all of your elected local, state and federal officials to stop this bill in its present form. This bill needs to have appropriate agriculture and public oversight, with public hearings included, prior to any more experimental projects. We need a national dialogue on this subject before more experimentation takes place. For more information please contact: Rosalind Peterson Post Office Box 499 Redwood Valley, California 95470 Phone: (707) 485-7520 E-Mail: info@californiaskywatch.com

Rosalind Peterson was born and raised on a working farm in Redwood Valley, California. The weather was the foremost factor in determining whether or not our tree crops produced fruit and nuts. Between 1989 and 1993 Rosalind worked as an Agricultural Technologist for the Mendocino County Department of Agriculture. After leaving Mendocino County she took a position with the USDA Farm Service Agency as a Program Assistant in Mendocino, Sonoma, and the Salinas County Offices. In 1995, she became a certified U.S.D.A. Farm Service Agency Crop Loss Adjustor working in more than ten counties throughout California. Many crop losses throughout the State can be attributed to weather related causes. Rosalind has a BA degree from Sonoma State University in Environmental Studies & Planning (ENSP), with emphasis on agriculture and crop production. Recommended Book: The Dying of the Trees, by Charles Little 1995

Associated Reference Articles:

http://www.popsci.com/popsci/science/c955700641f87010vgnvcm1000004eecbccdrcrd.html http://asd-www.larc.nasa.gov/GLOBE/Count/Oct2005/ConEdNews_p1.pdf http://asd-www.larc.nasa.gov/GLOBE/Count/Oct2005/ConEdNews_p2.pdf http://asd-www.larc.nasa.gov/GLOBE/Count/Oct2005/ConEdNews_p3.pdf http://asd-www.larc.nasa.gov/GLOBE/Count/Oct2005/ConEdNews_p4.pdf http://asd-www.larc.nasa.gov/GLOBE/Count/Oct2005/ConEdNews_p6.pdf http://asd-www.larc.nasa.gov/GLOBE/Count/Oct2005/ConEdNews_p7.pdf http://asd-www.larc.nasa.gov/GLOBE/Count/Oct2005/ConEdNews_p8.pdf

Informant: Scott Munson

Secret Plans for Iraq's Oil


Informant: Martin Greenhut


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