Mittwoch, 30. Mai 2007

Act Now: BLM Approves Plan for Road Construction through Furnace Creek and White Mountains

Dying for an Iraq That Isn't

Harold Meyerson writes, "Of all the absurdities attending our unending war in Iraq, the greatest is this: We are fighting to defend that which is not there."

Netroots Furious at Dems Over Iraq Vote

Furious that Congressional Democratic leaders did not fight harder to pass a supplemental spending bill with a timeline to end the war in Iraq and tougher benchmarks, liberal online activists have ripped party leaders and threatened to halt contributions to Democratic lawmakers.

Advisers Fault Use of Torture in Interrogation

As the Bush administration completes secret new rules governing interrogations, a group of experts advising the intelligence agencies are arguing that the harsh techniques used since the 2001 terrorist attacks are outmoded, amateurish and unreliable.

CEOs vs. Slaves

Barbara Ehrenreich writes: "Recent findings shed new light on the increasingly unequal terrain of American society. According to a just-reported study by Carola Frydman of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Raven E. Saks at the Federal Reserve, 30 to 40 years ago, the CEOs of major companies earned 80 percent more, on average, than the third-highest-paid executives. By the early part of the twenty-first century, however, the gap between the CEO and the third-in-command had ballooned up to 260 percent."

Bush's Iraq Talking Points

Robert Parry writes, "It's an old military adage that bad intel can get soldiers killed, but it now turns out that false talking points may be even more lethal, a lesson that George W. Bush and Dick Cheney continue to teach the world as the death toll mounts in Iraq."

DGB fordert Regulierung von Hedge-Fonds

Der Deutsche Gewerkschaftsbund (DGB) fordert eine Regulierung von Hedge-Fonds und Private-Equity-Gesellschaften. Von ihnen gehe unmittelbare Gefahr für Arbeitsplätze aus, sagte Sommer am 30. Mai in Berlin. Bei den Private-Equity-Firmen will der DGB vor allem das "Ausschlachten" von Firmen verhindern. Hiervon sei rund jedes vierte Unternehmen betroffen, in dem solche Gesellschaften engagiert seien. Nötig seien daher etwa gesetzliche Beschränkungen bei der Kreditfinanzierung von Unternehmenskäufen, bei kreditfinanzierten Sonderausschüttungen sowie Einschränkungen bei steuerlichen Verlustrechnungen. Denkbar sei auch, die Stimmrechte an die Haltedauer der Aktien zu knüpfen, um Unternehmen vor aggressiven Investorenstrategien zu schützen.

How CMI will tap phones

IT-Aufträge schnurlose Systeme zu deinstallieren und dafür Kabelgebundene Systeme zu installieren schnellten auf 40% aller Aufträge in die Höhe



Obwohl BBC einen Rückzieher gemacht hat und das Panoramaprogramm der Panikmache und Fehlinformation bezichtigt, hat die Sendung (eine Aufzeichnung liegt mir vor) seine fantastische Wirkung nicht verfehlt.

In Folge der Sendung schnellten in London die IT-Aufträge schnurlose Systeme zu deinstallieren und dafür Kabelgebundene Systeme zu installieren auf 40% aller Aufträge in die Höhe. Das gab es noch nie.

Pers. Bemerkung: Dieses konsequente Verhalten kann ein Indiz dafür sein, dass schon viele Londoner Symptome des Mikrowellensyndroms (Hochfrequenzkranheit, Mikrowellenneurose) haben.

Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Phys. Volker Schorpp
Alte Rathausstr.9
D-76467 Bietigheim
PULS-SCHLAG e.V. Karlsruhe

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, May 26, 2007 10:59 PM
Subject: Panorama Programme's Impact on Wireless Industry

Hi, Even though the BBC is retracting and accusing the Panorama programme of scaremongering and misinformation, the impact of the programme has been phantastic! Look a this article on the IT contractor website. It actually says that last week, following the programme, 40% of all service calls were to take wireless out and cable systems up! This has never happened before!


Überlagerung von EMF durch Rauschfelder



Volker Hartenstein, MdL a.D. 28-05-07

Sehr geehrter Herr Prof. König,

nach einer vierteljährlichen Wartezeit auf eine Antwort von Ihnen erlaube ich mir, Sie zu erinnern. Da meine Fragen im Zusammenhang mit der Diskussion um Schädigungsmechanismen von Hochfrequenzstrahlung und um die Festlegung von Grenzwerten (nur thermische oder auch athermische Wirkung von Hochfrequenzstrahlung) von Interesse sind, bitte ich zum zweiten Mal um "baldige" Antwort.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Dr.-Ing. Hans Schmidt

Von: Lucia und Hans Schmidt
Gesendet: Sonntag, 18. Februar 2007 19:14
An: BfS (
Betreff: Fragen im Zusammenhang mit dem Bericht von Dr. Ruzicka zur Überlagerung von EMF durch Rauschfelder

Sehr geehrter Herr Prof. König,

im Anhang finden Sie einen Bericht von Dr. Ruzicka aus dem Bereich Elektrobiologie, den ich Ihnen nicht vorenthalten möchte. Dr. Ruzicka frägt nach der biologischen Relevanz von Störfeldern, wenn Zellen oder im Tierexperiment ohne diese Störfelder durch EMF (von ELF über 50/60 Hz bis zu Hochfrequenzfeldern) bestrahlt werden und Schädigungen zeigen. Er führt eine große Anzahl von Studien mit Tier- und Zellexperimenten an, die belegen, dass diese EMF zu Zellschädigungen und Gedächtnisstörungen bei Ratten verursachen. Diese Effekte konnten bei fast allen betrachteten Studien durch ein Störfeld ("Rauschen") rückgängig gemacht werden.

In diesem Zusammenhang bitte ich um Beantwortung folgender Fragen:

1) Sind dem BfS die angeführten Studien bekannt?

2) Wie beurteilt das BfS die Versuchsanordnung dieser Studien, d.h. den Befund, dass diese EMF zu einer Schädigung von Zellen und Gedächtnisleistung bei Tieren führen?

3) Wie beurteilt das BfS die weitere Versuchsanordnung, dass diese Schädigungen durch elektromagnetische "Rausch"-felder rückgängig gemacht werden konnten?

4) Sieht das BfS Handlungsbedarf für Revision der Grenzwerte im Bereich EMF (Nieder- und Hochfrequenz) bei diesen Befunden, die doch recht eindeutig auf Zellschädigungen und Störung der Gedächtnisleistung bei Ratten hinweisen?

Für eine baldige Antwort bedanke ich mich im Voraus und verbleibe

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Dr.-Ing. Hans Schmidt
Gebhardtstr. 2d
D-82515 Wolfratshausen

Iran: US attack equals world war III

Informant: Corey

The horrors of the War on Terror

Informant: Corey

WLAN: Vorsicht im Klassenzimmer!

Ein aktueller Artikel vom K-Tipp, zum Thema „WLAN: Vorsicht im Klassenzimmer“ finden Sie am Anfang der Homepage-Seite „Aktuelles/Wichtiges“, hier anklicken:

Freundliche Grüße

i. V.

Why the Pentagon censors Soldiers’ access to the Internet

Informant: Corey

Former Enron Board Member to Replace Wolfowitz

Bush is expected to nominate Robert Zoellick - a former government official with close links to corporate America - to take over as head of the controversy-stricken World Bank. He is currently the head of investment bank Goldman Sachs and previously served on the board of Enron, the world's largest oil company.

Fitzgerald Says Plame Was a Covert Agent

In new court filings, Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald has finally resolved one of the most disputed issues at the core of the long-running CIA leak controversy: Valerie Plame Wilson, he asserts, was a "covert" CIA officer. Fitzgerald cites Wilson's covert status as part of his argument, advanced in two strongly worded memos filed in recent days, that I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney's former chief of staff, should be sentenced for up to three years in prison.

Cheney's Lawyer Had Visitor Log Eliminated

A lawyer for Vice President Dick Cheney told the Secret Service in September to eliminate data on who visited Cheney at his official residence, a newly disclosed letter states.

For the Love of Whales

Kelpie Wilson writes, "Once again, in what has become an annual rite, Japan, Iceland and Norway will try, at the meeting of the International Whaling Commission this week, to overturn the international ban on hunting whales, while a global coalition of whale lovers urges governments to stand firm against the move."

An Interview With David Iglesias

Jason Leopold interviews former US attorney for New Mexico, David Iglesias, one of eight US attorneys fired in December for reasons that appear to have been motivated by partisan politics. Iglesias says he believes a "smoking gun" exists that will lead directly to Karl Rove and blow the scandal wide open.

So-called vulture funds are buying up the loans of the world's poorest nations and demanding extortionate payment

Poverty Scavengers

by Danny Glover and Nicole Lee,

A leading business lobby's crusade against regulation has deep and sinister roots

Rigging The Marketplace Of Ideas

by Rick Perlstein,

A date with destiny in July

A Deeping Gate woman will discover her destiny on 12 July, after two years of anxiety and worry.

The High Court will decide that day whether she can stay in her home of eight years, or whether she will be forced to sell up and move away from her friends and the village life she loves.

Because of a rare medical complaint, Pam Harris needs to spend seventeen hours hooked up to a machine every other day, just to stay alive.

If an 80-foot mobile phone mast is built near her home, that machinery will stop working and she could die. But that is exactly what mobile phone giant 3G wants to do.

Peterborough City Council rejected the application to build the mast at Mumby’s Yard on Suttons Lane, but that was overturned by Planning Inspectors. Now it is all down to the High Court.

Ludicrously, British law says that Pam’s medical condition can not be used in evidence. Solicitors will therefore argue that there were flaws in the Planning Inspectors’ methods.

Generous neighbours in Deeping Gate have raised an incredible £16,000 to help Pam fight her battle and keep the eyesore from being built.

They are now inviting anyone with an interest to attend one final public meeting to highlight her plight.

The meeting will be in Northborough Village Hall at 8pm on Wednesday, 13 June and they hope to have a guest speaker.

Deeping Mast Action Group coordinator Tony Wheatcroft said: “We are nearly there and support is valued more than ever!

“People’s generosity has already raised more than £16,000 and has given our campaign momentum and direction.

“Now we’re on the finishing straight.”

Pam Harris was first diagnosed with electromagnetic sensitivity in 1983 and is believed to be one of just 17 sufferers in the country.

She is also allergic to wheat and gluten products. If she briefly passes a phone mast in her car, her blood pressure levels alter dramatically and her heart skips a beat.

She and husband Johnny have had to spend thousands of pounds converting their house to accommodate the specialist equipment.

Tony Wheatcroft is available on 01778 344916 or 07710 090056.

May 2007 - Peterborough UK Community Website


Pam's hopes for mast hearing

EMERGENCY ACTION! Slaughter of Buffalo Calves Planned by Montana

Dear Buffalo Friends,


This afternoon, Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer and Yellowstone National Park held a joint press conference in Helena, Montana, to announce that they WILL NOT SLAUGHTER any wild buffalo that remain in Montana come Monday! All those buffalo babies, their moms, and their families will live on!

This is a major victory for wild buffalo and their advocates worldwide! THANK YOU!

While the larger issue is far from being resolved, we should all take a deep breath and give thanks for this incredible news that we all helped make happen. The power, prayers, energy, spirit, love, and ACTION of all the people who care about the buffalo made this happen!

Here are the buffalo you helped save:

The word from Montana and Yellowstone is this: any wild buffalo found in Montana come Monday would be transported (captured and hauled in trailers) into Yellowstone National Park. They would be taken north, to Stephens Creek, and let go. This transport could be very hard on the buffalo, especially the small calves, so we are hopeful that it will not have to occur at all.

The long-term solution for wild buffalo is year-round HABITAT! Yesterday approximately 200 buffalo were forcefully pushed out of Montana (off of our National Forest lands), back into Yellowstone National Park. The agents used horsemen and a helicopter to conduct this operation. Today, the same thing happened, with about 50 buffalo (moms, babies, families) being pushed off of Horse Butte, deep into Yellowstone. Sadly, the buffalo were pushed extremely hard - especially by the helicopter - and they were shot with orange paint balls by the agents on horseback. It almost looked like a re-enactment from the shameful buffalo hunts of the 1800s. You can see footage from yesterday at

During today's operation, a baby buffalo collapsed from exhaustion and possible injury. BFC patrols stayed with this little calf and its mom until they were able to be strong enough to resume their trek to catch up with their family members who had been chased out of Montana. They made it!

This great victory is not without its shadow, as wild buffalo should be allowed to roam freely in Montana, especially on our public lands. We will keep fighting for the buffalo until they are wild and free. But we will celebrate that these buffalo will not be sent to slaughter and that is because you made it happen! Thank you all so much! You flooded them with calls, emails, faxes and IT WORKED! The governor and Yellowstone made the right decision.

ACTION NEEDED: Please take the time to call and say THANK YOU to Governor Brian Schweitzer and Yellowstone Superintendent Suzanne Lewis for choosing to let these buffalo live. Encourage them to work to acquire year-round habitat for wild buffalo in Montana!

* Governor Brian Schweitzer: 406-444-3111
* Yellowstone Superintendent Suzanne Lewis: 307-344-2002

From the bottom of our hearts and for all the wild buffalo ~ THANK YOU!!

LET THE BUFFALO ROAM! ~Buffalo Field Campaign

Media & Outreach Buffalo Field Campaign
P.O. Box 957
West Yellowstone, MT 59758

BFC is the only group working in the field every day to defend the last wild herd of buffalo in America.


SAVE THE HERD ~ SPREAD THE WORD!! Please pass this alert on to everyone you know! Thank you!!

Montana intends to capture and slaughter wild buffalo, starting this week. Please take a moment to read this alert and contact the three decision-makers listed below, demanding that they cease plans to capture and slaughter approximately 300 wild buffalo, including little calves, their moms, and families.

The Montana Department of Livestock (DOL) has set up a bison trap near the West Yellowstone airport, on state land and they intend to begin capturing approximately 300 wild buffalo - including tiny newborn babies and their whole families - starting Thursday.

Click here to see photos of the beautiful buffalo babies and their families that are slated for execution:

At an "emergency" Board of Livestock meeting in the Governor's office Tuesday, the decision was made by Montana's acting state veterinarian Jeanne Rankin: the agents will capture and ship all the buffalo to slaughter without testing for brucellosis exposure. Little buffalo calves between one month to a week old will be captured, separated from their moms, and join their family members at the slaughterhouse.

Yellowstone Superintendent Suzanne Lewis was asked at the meeting Tuesday if capturing and transporting the buffalo deeper into Yellowstone would be feasible. While (ironically) the DOL said it is feasible, Suzanne Lewis shot down this option. Apparently Suzanne Lewis would rather forfeit the lives of America's last wild buffalo. She said, "it has never been a policy of the Interagency Bison Management Plan to haul bison into the Park." In other words, she's attempting to wash her hands of this atrocity, handing the fate of these buffalo over to Montana, who intend to haul them all to slaughter.

These buffalo are being charged with the "crime" of trying to live wild and free; in other words, they didn't "stick in the Park" (as if they were velcro) and they are not "responding to hazing" (as if they should behave as cattle). The decision to trap and slaughter comes hot on the heels of brucellosis being discovered in a Montana cattle herd, far to the north and east of Yellowstone, far from any migration route of wild buffalo, far from Yellowstone National Park. There are no cattle currently in the West Yellowstone area and the majority of the bison to be captured and slaughtered pose NO risk of bacteria transmission. Because the bacteria can only be transmitted through contaminated reproductive materials, bison bulls, yearlings, non-pregnant females, calves, and mothers with calves CANNOT transmit the bacteria. Bison are not to blame. Wild bison have never transmitted the livestock disease brucellosis to cattle, and this incident is not their fault either. But the cattle industry wants to blame someone, and as always, they set their sights on wildlife.

These agencies are correctly concerned about the black eye they will receive for committing this act against the nation's last wild buffalo, and with your help, they will get it.

HERE'S WHAT YOU CAN DO: PLEASE CONTACT these three decision-makers TODAY demanding that they cease plans to capture and slaughter the buffalo who are trying to live wild and free! Contact each by phone, fax, and email and let's not let them forget that the world is watching!

* MONTANA GOVERNOR BRIAN SCHWEITZER: Demand that Schweitzer keep his campaign promise to provide tolerance for bison in Montana.
(406) 444-3111 (phone)
(406) 444-5529 (fax) (email)

* MONTANA ACTING STATE VET JEANNE RANKIN: Urge her to withdraw her decision to slaughter Yellowstone bison calves and family groups. Remind her you are boycotting beef and your friends are joining you!
(406) 444-1895 (phone)
(800) 523-3162 (phone)
(406) 444-1929 (fax) (email)

* YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK SUPERINTENDENT SUZANNE LEWIS: Ask her if it's really worth the lives of 300 wild buffalo, including newborn calves, to have Montana ship them to slaughter rather than deeper into the Park.
(307) 344-2002 (phone)
(307) 344-2005 (fax) OR (email) It's crucial that we flood these offices today! Capture could begin as soon as Thursday, with transport to slaughter beginning Friday. Read BFC's press release from Tuesday at:

Media & Outreach Buffalo Field Campaign P.O. Box 957 West Yellowstone, MT 59758

BFC is the only group working in the field every day to defend the last wild herd of buffalo in America.

BOYCOTT BEEF! It's what's killing wild buffalo.

Speak Out! Contact politicians and involved agencies today:

Write a Letter to the Editor of key newspapers:


State to capture, kill 300 bison

Press Release- 5/29/07

Department of Livestock to Capture and Slaughter Yellowstone Bison

Exclusive BFC Video & Photos Available Upon Request

For Immediate Release: Tuesday, May 29, 2007 Contact: Dan Brister 406-646-0070

WEST YELLOWSTONE, MONTANA. Montana Department of Livestock agents are currently erecting a bison trap near the West Yellowstone Airport, located just outside the western boundary of Yellowstone National Park. According to statements made by the agents and the Montana governor's office, the state plans to capture and slaughter any bison in Montana starting as soon as tomorrow.

According to Bill Queen of the Hebgen Ranger District of the Gallatin National Forest, Forest Service lands and airport lands near the trap site will be closed to the public. However, members of the media and the public will be allowed to view operations from a nearby hillside.

There are approximately 250 bison grazing on National Forest lands in the area near the Madison River and Hebgen Reservoir. While the purported reason for the bison slaughter is to protect Montana's livestock industry from the European livestock disease brucellosis, at no time of the year do cattle occupy these public lands. There has never been a documented brucellosis transmission from wild bison to livestock.

"Governor Schweitzer campaigned on promises of providing greater tolerance for bison in Montana," said Dan Brister of the wild bison advocacy group Buffalo Field Campaign, "yet he bends to the irrational will of the Stockgrowers whenever they demand more dead bison. Since Governor Schweitzer has been in office, 1,177 Yellowstone bison have been killed."

Brucellosis has been receiving great attention in the state since last week when seven members of a Bridger, MT cattle herd tested positive for antibodies to the disease. Because Yellowstone bison never came anywhere near these cattle, it is certain that they are not the source of infection and likely that cattle are responsible for the transmission.

Wild bison are native to Montana yet ecologically extinct everywhere outside of Yellowstone National Park. Bison management currently falls under authority of the Montana Department of Livestock, an agency which manages them as a nuisance animal. Wild bison are never allowed in the state without being subject to harassment, slaughter, or shooting.

Buffalo Field Campaign calls on the state to provide year-round habitat for wild bison and allow bison to restore a viable population on public lands in Montana.

American Bison once spanned the continent, numbering between 30 and 50 million. The Yellowstone bison are America's only continuously wild, genetically unique herd, numbering fewer than 4,000 animals, less than .01 percent of their former population.

1,912 bison have been killed since 2000 under the Interagency Bison Management Plan. Last winter Federal and State agencies killed or authorized the killing of more than 1,010 bison. Since September of 2006 two bison have been captured and sent to slaughter by Montana Department of Livestock agents and hunters killed 58.

Buffalo Field Campaign (BFC) is the only group working in the field, every day, to stop the slaughter of the wild Yellowstone buffalo. Volunteers defend the buffalo and their native habitat and advocate for their lasting protection.

For more information, video clips and photos visit:

View Slideshow of the Yellowstone Bison Sentenced to Slaughter

Informant: binstock



Dear Buffalo Friends,

Your calls, emails and faxes to decision-makers are making a difference! The buffalo are not going to be killed tomorrow. The agencies are responding to you and have made the decision to give the buffalo a reprieve until Monday.

Now is the time to KEEP THE PRESSURE ON!

The decision buys the buffalo a little time, so we need to keep the pressure on and let everyone we know know what is happening and encourage them to take action for the buffalo. It is making a difference. There is still time to save these buffalo from Montana's death sentence.


* Share this link with your friends, colleagues, web sites, email lists, any and everyone you can think of: This page contains the BFC Emergency Alert with decision-maker contacts, a beautiful photo gallery of the baby buffalo and their families who are in danger now, recent video footage of the buffalo moms and babies, and a BFC press release.

* The Great Falls Tribune is currently holding an online poll in which they ask, "Do you agree with the decision to slaughter 300 bison and their calves?" Please cast your vote today!

We will have more information to share in tomorrow's Update from the Field . Thank you for being a friend to the last wild buffalo. Stay strong and KEEP THE PRESSURE ON!

Roam Free,

Buffalo Field Campaign
Media & Outreach Buffalo Field Campaign
P.O. Box 957
West Yellowstone, MT 59758

Earth nears tipping point on climate change

Informant: binstock

Abandon all unwinnable wars

Ludwig von Mises Institute
by Gary M. Galles


Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid triggered a flurry of partisan attacks and counterattacks with his statement that ‘this war is lost, and this surge is not accomplishing anything.’ Perhaps most striking about his assertion that we ought to abandon rather than escalate a war that cannot be won is how inconsistently it is applied. There are a host of government sponsored domestic ‘wars’ to which that same argument applies, yet they get escalated rather than ended...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

War is a racket

Free Market News Network
by Anthony Wile


Western elites are giving everything they have to the task of whipping up war hysteria in the United States and abroad. As presidential candidate Ron Paul (R-Tex) (and the 9-11 report itself) has pointed out, the violent foreign policy that America has pursued, especially as regards the Middle East, is yielding bitter fruit. The enemies the United States has assiduously cultivated over the last half century and more will haunt the country — and probably the West itself — for years to come. Of course if the leadership in the United States changes drastically, then the enmity that the West has earned will probably diminish. This could well happen as the Internet reveals more and more about how the elite’s most vicious racket actually operates...

War is a racket

Liberty For All
by Melinda Pillsbury-Foster

War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small ‘inside’ group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


US Lawmakers Have As Much As $196 Million Invested In "Defense" Companies

By The Associated Press

Members of the U.S.Congress have as much as $196 million collectively invested in companies doing business with the Defense Department, earning millions since the start of the Iraq war, according to a new study by a nonpartisan research group.


War is a racket

Does “the decider” decide on war?

by Pat Buchanan


So the questions come. Where is the Congress, which alone has the power to take us to war? Why are the Democratic candidates parroting the ‘all-options-are-on-the-table!’ mantra, when as ex-Sen. Mike Gravel noted in the first Democratic debate, this means George W. Bush is authorized to attack Iran. Why does Congress not enact the resolution Nancy Pelosi pulled down, which declares that nothing in present law authorizes President Bush to launch a pre-emptive strike or preventive war on Iran — and before launching any such attack, he must get prior approval from both houses of Congress?

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Government’s lies and coercion are wearing thin

Liberty For All
by Ed Lewis


There is hardly any part of our lives that isn’t touched by government lies. In fact, our very liberty has been taken through lie after lie. And the vote has meant absolutely nothing in stopping the advance of government tyranny over the people of this country. If it isn’t the federal government removing or diminishing rights, it is the State governments...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

How Democrats can save America

Strike the Root
by Glen Allport


Last week’s column was aimed at Republicans; this week, Democrats. These are not the expected topics for a libertarian/market-anarchist site. As I pointed out last week, making progress towards a more free and compassionate world will require that many more people begin to consider and to reject the evils of coercion. We need more than just a small group to support elimination of the use of force and violence to run society. We’ve had a small group and it hasn’t been enough. What we need, clearly, is a large group of people who overtly support both love and freedom, and who understand that love and freedom require each other. If we want to stop not only the current war but the entire, ongoing push for endless war and other aggression, then we need love and freedom to go mainstream. In short, we need outreach. You can help by forwarding this column to your Democrat friends (and by sending last week’s column to your Republican friends)...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


How Republicans can save America

The monster mast

By Richard Bean

A new phone mast erected at the heart of a community has stunned local residents.

Councillors have been besieged by complaints over the height, design and location of the O2 structure in Winstanley.

Coun Rona Winkworth, who lives near the mast, says scores of neighbours have complained.

She is demanding that Metro director of development Martin Kimber comes to view the site on Tan House Drive, behind The Poacher pub, so he can grasp the impact of the mast.

The mast has been put up next to shops and between two primary schools, St Aidan's and Winstanley County Primary.

Coun Winkworth believes there will be even more furore when other residents, who have not yet recognised it as a phone mast, realise what it is. Many are not aware as it looks very different to older masts.

She said: "I don't think the scale of this thing, by our village green, was properly represented on maps that went before the committee.

"I think it looks absolutely dreadful for Winstanley."

Coun Winstanley said residents were concerned about the possible effects to children at the schools.

Community activist Con Reardon, who lives in nearby Chiltern Drive, said the Government has started a three-year study into possible health effects from masts, and claims O2 should have been banned from erecting this one until that had been concluded.

He said: "How many more mobile phone masts are going to be located in and around Winstanley, which is already the most densely populated area of Wigan?

"This one has been sited right alongside our village green, our shopping centre, between our two schools, and right in the middle of hundreds of houses, who will be under the signal beaming in and out of these masts.

"Who knows what effect these signals have on our health?"

An 02 spokesman said that health concerns remained paramount and added: "All our base stations comply with international guidelines, typically by a factor of 100 times or more where the public have access.

Exposure from mobile handsets is higher, but well below international guidelines and with a significant safety margin.

Omega this is not true. See under:

"We are reassured by all available current research and international bodies, including the World Health Organisation (WHO), are clear that there is no convincing evidence that mobile technology poses a risk to health.

Omega read "Base Stations, operating within strict national and international Guidelines, do not present a Health Risk?" under: and
"Competing interests, conflicts of interest: Who's funding WHO?"under:

"We also support current research programmes with data and funding."
He added that 02 also draws on strict codes of practice and expert advice to formulate policy and to guidelines.

All rights reserved ©2007 Johnston Press Digital Publishing


The monster mast

It was a mast,
It was a monster mast,
It was a mast,
They upped it really fast
It was a mast,
It was a monster mast,
It gave a blast
And health concerns came last.

It was a mast
It was a monster mast,
It was a mast,
The harm it caused was vast
It was a mast
It was a monster mast
It was a mast
But this is not the past...


The monster mast

We don't need no radiation
We don't get no planning control
No microwaves across the classroom
Government leave our kids alone

Hey Government, leave our kids alone

All in all you know we'll fight the masts 'til they fall
All in all you know we want no Wi-fi at all


Here another Pink Floyd themed one

You'd better make you face up in your favourite wire net
with your elcotrosmog proof jacket and your tin foil hat.
With a knowledge of the truth and the dangers set
They might laugh at your claims but they'll find out yet.
When they're diagnosed with cancer they'll remember you.
Trying to save them from this menace when you knew the truth
they'd better run...
they'd better run like hell...


From Mast Sanity/Mast Network

Belohnung für Lohndrücker - Lohndumping durch Leiharbeit

Zweifelhaftes Heilrezept. Ein verbindlicher Mindestlohn ist mittlerweile vom Tisch - ein Kombilohn soll darüber hinweg trösten. Artikel von Berthold Paetz in Freitag vom 25.5.07

Lohndumping durch Leiharbeit. Die Branche boomt und verzeichnet Zuwächse – auch auf Kosten des Staatssäckels

„»Gleicher Lohn für gleiche Arbeit« hieß 2003 das Motto der rot-grünen Bundesregierung und der Gewerkschaften. Durch Tarifverträge sollten Leiharbeiter davor geschützt werden, weniger zu verdienen als die Stammbeschäftigten…“ Artikel von Haidy Damm im ND vom 25.05.07

Aus: LabourNet, 30. Mai 2007

Arbeit macht krank: arbeitsbedingte Erkrankungen

»Viele steigern sich in ein Durchhaltesyndrom«

Leistungsdruck und Konkurrenzkämpfe am Arbeitsplatz führen immer häufiger zu Depressionen. Ein Gespräch von Jan Eisner in junge Welt vom 29.05.2007 mit Wolfgang Hien, Lehrbeauftragter der Universität Bremen für Public Health und Autor der Zeitschrift Gute Arbeit.

Arbeitsunfälle bald neu versichert

„Ministerium will Leistungen bei Berufskrankheiten verändern. Gewerkschaften kritisieren, dass viele Betroffene weniger Geld erhalten sollen. Außerdem droht eine Verjährungsfrist von zehn Jahren. Den Arbeitgebern geht die Reform nicht weit genug…“ Artikel von Lars Klaassen in der taz vom 30.5.2007

Siehe dazu auch:

DGB zur Reform der Unfallversicherung: Prävention statt Leistungskürzung

„Zur Kritik der BDA an der Reform der gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung erklärte DGB-Vorstandsmitglied Annelie Buntenbach am Dienstag: "Die Reform der Unfallversicherung darf kein Kürzungsgesetz werden. Die von der BDA beklagte angebliche Überversorgung ist pure Stimmungsmache, um weitere Entlastungen für Arbeitgeber zu erreichen und die Risiken von Arbeits- oder Wegeunfällen auf die Beschäftigten abzuwälzen. Es sind vielmehr die Arbeitgeber aufgefordert, die betriebliche Prävention auszubauen, um Arbeitsunfälle und arbeitsbedingte Erkrankungen zu vermeiden…“ DGB-Pressemitteilung vom 29.05.2007

Gesundheit trotz(t) Arbeit > Arbeit macht krank - arbeitsbedingte Erkrankungen

Japaner arbeiten sich immer öfter zu Tode. Im vergangenen Jahr haben sich in Japan erneut mehr Arbeitnehmer zu Tode geschuftet als im Jahr zuvor.

„Der Tod durch Überarbeitung hat in Japan einen Namen: Karoshi. Zwischen März 2006 und März 2007 sind auf dem Inselreich 355 Berufstätige durch Überarbeitung schwer erkrankt oder gestorben. Das sind 7,6 Prozent mehr als in der Vorjahresperiode, wie das japanische Gesundheitsministerium mitteilt…“ Artikel von Claude Weill vom 17.5.07 bei

Aus: LabourNet, 30. Mai 2007


Noch ’ne Schippe drauf. Druck durch »Freiheit«: Neue Managementmethoden erhöhen gesundheitliche Belastungen für Beschäftigte

Artikel von Marcus Schwarzbach in junge Welt vom 16.06.2009

Aus dem Text: „… Ein großer Teil der deutschen Unternehmen führt seine Beschäftigten über Zielvorgaben oder -vereinbarungen. Der Vorgesetzte gibt die Ziele vor, indem wiederum Anforderungen der höheren Ebenen nach unten »heruntergebrochen« werden. In der Folge arbeiten Beschäftigte unter ständigem Zeitdruck. Zentrales Erfolgskriterium sind oft wirtschaftliche Kennzahlen. Es könne zwar theoretisch zu mehr Zufriedenheit führen, wenn das Management den Beschäftigten bei der Umsetzung freie Hand läßt, betonen die Wissenschaftler. Doch in der Praxis stand in den untersuchten Betrieben nicht genug Personal und Zeit zur Verfügung, um die vorgegebenen Ziele zu erreichen…“

Aus: LabourNet, 16. Juni 2009

Finanzmarktkapitalismus: Gewerkschaften und Sozialdemokratie im schrecklichen Dilemma gefangen

Finanzmarktkapitalismus: Gewerkschaften und Sozialdemokratie im schrecklichen Dilemma gefangen - oder auch eine Aufforderung an Europa das Sozialmodell im Kontext von Corporate Governance neu und umfassender zu begreifen

„Ein paar Gedanken angeregt durch einen kleinen Aufsatz von John W. Cioffi und Martin Höpner über "Das Parteipolitische Paradox des Finanzmarktkapitalismus" (in : PVS - Politische Vierteljahresschrift - ,September 2006, Heft 3,S.419 ff.) oder auch ein kleiner Überblick über die aktuelle Literatur (siehe den Schluß) zum Finanzmarktkapitalismus - einer aktuellen "Variation" des Kapitalismus mit Präferenzen im angelsächsischen Raum…“ Artikel von Volker Bahl

Aus: LabourNet, 30. Mai 2007

Long Tours Extend Heartaches for Military Moms

US Army Captain Wendy Bernard, in the middle of a one-year deployment in Iraq, came home for two weeks' leave in the summer of 2004 to find that her year-old daughter, Clark, wouldn't speak to her after six months of separation. Extended deployments and abbreviated family leaves are among the difficulties probed by a May 11 Congressional report by the Joint Economic Committee concerning the difficulties of deployed mothers - who typically are young parents with lower incomes.

When Common Sense Is Not All That Common

"In an attempt to rush a deal through, the US Senate has begun to debate the Secure Borders, Economic Opportunities and Immigration Reform Act of 2007 - the so-called comprehensive immigration reform. This is another clear example of how rhetoric, labels and partisanship are getting in the way of common sense. I guess in today's American politics, common sense is not all that common," says Dr. Wilmer J. Leon III.

Bush's Role in Wiretapping Debate Probed

According to Newsweek, President Bush's role "has remained shadowy throughout the controversy over the eavesdropping program. But there are strong suggestions that he was an active presence. On the night after [former AG John] Ashcroft's operation, as Ashcroft lay groggy in his bed, his wife, Janet, took a phone call. It was Andy Card, asking if he could come over with [Alberto] Gonzales [now attorney general] to speak to Ashcroft. Mrs. Ashcroft said no, her husband was too sick for visitors. The phone rang again, and this time Mrs. Ashcroft acquiesced to a visit from the White House officials. Who was the second caller - one with enough power to persuade Mrs. Ashcroft to relent? The former Ashcroft aide who described this scene would not say, but senior DOJ officials had little doubt who it was - the president."

Oil companies salivating over U.S. reserves

Colorado and Utah have as much oil as Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Venezuela, Nigeria, Kuwait, Libya, Angola, Algeria, Indonesia, Qatar and United Arab Emirates combined. Trapped in limestone up to 200 feet thick in the two Rocky Mountain states is enough so-called shale oil to rival OPEC and supply the United States for a century.

From Information Clearing House

Probe Finds 'Rendition' Of Terror Suspects Illegal

New Swedish Documents Illuminate CIA Action

An Extraordinary Violation of International Law

Some say lack of due process in kidnappings and detention at secret prisons amounts to war crimes.

From Information Clearing House

Iraq begins to export Islamist fighters

The war in Iraq, which President George W. Bush said was necessary to combat Islamic extremism, is beginning to export guerilla fighters to neighboring countries and beyond.

From Information Clearing House

Clinton didn't read 2002 Iraq report

U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., is among several presidential candidates who didn't read a 2002 intelligence report on Iraq before voting for war. Members of Congress had to read the report in a secure location but The Washington Post said in 2004 only six senators registered and read it before the vote authorizing the invasion.

From Information Clearing House

Iraq: it's worse than you can possibly imagine, and worse than we can possibly know

Worse than the worst

Desperate Iraqi Refugees Turn to Sex Trade in Syria

Back home in Iraq, Umm Hiba's daughter was a devout schoolgirl, modest in her dress and serious about her studies. Hiba, who is now 16, wore the hijab, or Islamic head scarf, and rose early each day to say the dawn prayer before classes.

From Information Clearing House

Celebrating the Rule of Force, Not Freedom

By William L. Anderson

Shrinks and the SERE Technique at Guantanamo

By Stephen Soldz

Psychologists were central to the development of the abusive interrogation paradigm developed at Guantanamo and migrated to Abu Ghraib and other Iraqi prisons.

What Military Service Qualifies Bush To Lead Iraq War

By Evelyn Pringle

This country is now paying a heavy price for Bush's lack of military experience, and his taunting invitation of "bring it on," that has resulted in a never ending stream of challengers traveling to Iraq to teach our loudmouth President a lesson.

Who Killed The Honeybees?

Let's Keep Fighting for Cindy Sheehan

'Good-bye America: Casey did indeed die for nothing'

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news


Let's Keep Fighting for Cindy Sheehan


"Why Casey Died For Nothing"

By Cindy Sheehan

This is my resignation letter as the "face" of the American anti-war movement. This is not my "Checkers" moment, because I will never give up trying to help people in the world who are harmed by the empire of the good old US of A, but I am finished working in, or outside of this system. This system forcefully resists being helped and eats up the people who try to help it. I am getting out before it totally consumes me or anymore people that I love and the rest of my resources.


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Die Sorgen des Herrn Schäuble

Selenz` Kommentar 29. Mai 2007

Minister Schäuble ist in großer Sorge. Der Mann kann einem leid tun. Seine Mitarbeiter von den Sicherheitsdiensten halten ihn stets auf dem Laufenden. Von morgens bis tief in die Nacht. Er blickt von einem Abgrund in den nächsten. Das hinterlässt Spuren. Kurz vor dem G-8-Gipfel in Heiligendamm sehen seine Dienste und er die Republik in ihren Grundfesten erschüttert. Der Minister schreitet besorgt zur Tat. Bereits bei Vorgänger Schily hatten die Dienste ganze Arbeit geleistet. Aus einem RAF-Anwalt machten sie binnen Kurzem einen veritablen Polit-Rambo. Schily wollte sogar vollbesetzte zivile Flugzeuge zum Abschuss freigeben. Zur Abwehr von Terrorangriffen - versteht sich. Dem Bundesverfassungsgericht ging das eindeutig zu weit. Eine wehrhafte Demokratie darf sich in der Tat nicht von ihren Feinden überrumpeln lassen. Sie sollte ihre Bürger jedoch schützen und nicht schikanieren und schon gar nicht vorsätzlich töten.

Insbesondere die deutsche Geschichte liefert besorgten Politikern Anschauungsmaterial und Vorbilder aller Art. Und zwar in Hülle und Fülle. Dies zeigen aktuell einige kühne Griffe des Innenministers in die historische Gruselkiste. Ein eigens für den Gipfel errichteter anti-demonstrativer Schutzwall schirmt nicht nur das Tagungshotel ab. Die gesamte Gegend um den Tagungsort wird gleichzeitig weiträumig befriedet. Zur Zeit allerdings noch ohne Wachtürme und Selbstschussanlagen. Kein Demonstrationslärm soll das milde Rauschen der Ostseewellen übertönen. Die Proteste gegen diesen Schutzwall seien durchsichtig, meint der Minister. Herr Schäuble bezeichnet sie gar als „hysterisch“. Während er das sagt, greift der Minister tiefer und tiefer in die Stasi-Kiste. Er bereichert das gesamtdeutsche Polizei-Instrumentarium um so wunderbare Errungenschaften wie die Schnüffel-Probe. Damit soll es fürderhin möglich sein, Täter nach einer Demo an Hand ihrer Rückstellprobe zu überführen. Schnüffelnd! Wenn das kein Fortschritt ist? Von der Stasi lernen, heißt eben auch für Minister Schäuble siegen lernen. Neuerdings sollen geschredderte Stasi-Akten per Computer wieder lesbar gemacht werden. Da lässt sich sicher noch mehr in Erfahrung bringen. Aus der Praxis einer exzellent organisierten Bürgerüberwachung. Und wenn man schon mal so richtig in Schwung ist, kann man es auch mit dem Briefgeheimnis halten, wie es einst die Stasi tat. Deren Motto: Vertrauen ist gut - Kontrolle ist besser. Die Globalisierung ist eh nicht aufzuhalten. Herr Schäuble nutzt sie auf seine Weise.

In Sachsen sind derweil die Erfolge der Globalisierung unübersehbar. Darin verwickelt heimische Prominenz und die italienischen Mafia. Deren vertrauensvolle Zusammenarbeit mit Größen aus Politik und Justiz soll bis Anfang der 90er Jahre zurückreichen. Es geht um Organisierte Kriminalität und mafiöse Strukturen in Chemnitz, Dresden, Leipzig und Plauen. Die Themen: Mord, Erpressung, Bestechung und mehr. „Wenn man sich mit diesem Komplex beschäftigen muss, ist man angewidert von dem, was man liest“, so Sachsens Innenminister Buttolo.

Der Verfassungsschutz kennt die kriminellen Politiker und Beamten seit Jahren. Sammelte Tausende Dokumente mit belastendem Material. Enthüllungsautor Jürgen Roth machte das Thema öffentlich. Die Frage derzeit: Durfte der Verfassungsschutz das Material sammeln? Darf man kriminelle Politiker, Staatsanwälte und Richter ausforschen, ohne sie vorab darüber zu informieren? Mit der Aufklärung hat man es mithin nicht sonderlich eilig. Man stelle sich vor, der Bürger erführe, Staatsanwalt X und Richter Y hätten kriminelle Taten begangen. Taten, die zudem lange bekannt sind. Beim Bürger könnte glatt der Verdacht aufkommen, die Feinde des Rechtsstaates stünden bereits innen. Der Staat wäre demnach stärker bedroht von denen, die ihn schützen sollen als von den „üblichen Verdächtigen“? Dies könnte das Vertrauen der Bürger in Justiz und Verwaltung nachhaltig erschüttern. Doch wo kämen wir hin, wenn nun auch deutsche Richter und Beamte sich der gesetzlichen Verfolgung kriminellen Tuns zu stellen hätten. Auch da hat man von der Stasi gelernt. Die Stasi schredderte bekanntlich belastende Akten - soweit man sie nicht verbrannte. Derartige Schutzmaßnahmen sind jetzt auch in Sachsen geplant. So kann der Bürger weiter ruhig schlafen. Für Herrn Schäuble eine Sorge weniger. Hat der Minister nicht Recht, wenn er trotzig behauptet: „Wir sind kein Land, in dem Geisteskranke unterwegs sind!“?

Peine, den 29. Mai 2007
gez. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Joachim Selenz

Nachricht von Dr. Angelika Schrodt


#Die Linkspartei.PDS: Pressemitteilungen

30. Mai 2007

Wer Sympathie äußert, muss Deeskalation betreiben

Bundesinnenminister Schäuble hat offenbar seine Sympathie für friedliche Proteste gegen den G8-Gipfel entdeckt. Dazu erklärt die stellvertretende Parteivorsitzende Katja Kipping (MdB):

Bundesinnenminister Schäuble versucht eine Woche vor Beginn des G8-Gipfels die Wandlung vom Saulus zum Paulus. Nachdem er durch rigide polizeistaatliche Maßnahmen versucht hat, Globalisierungskritiker einzuschüchtern und zu kriminalisieren, lädt er jetzt förmlich zu friedlichen Protesten gegen den Gipfel ein. Rechtzeitig hat er jedoch dafür gesorgt, dass den G8-Chefs der Anblick von Demonstranten erspart bleibt. Der 12 Kilometer lange und 2,50 Meter hohe Zaun, der den Charakter einer Mauer hat, wird die Chefs der G8 vor unliebsamen Begegnungen mit der Öffentlichkeit schützen. Was hätte man mit diesen 12,5 Millionen Euro für Afrika erreichen können, für die dringendsten Probleme sowie die HIV- und AIDS-Bekämpfung, die Kanzlerin Merkel voranbringen möchte. Der Zaun macht das Legitimitätsproblem der G8-Regierungschefs sichtbar. Insgesamt repräsentieren sie nur 13 Prozent der Weltbevölkerung. Die Beschlüsse aber, die sie treffen, betreffen am Ende rund 6 Milliarden Menschen, also die gesamte Weltbevölkerung. Insofern stellen die G8 auch eine kalte Entmachtung der UNO dar. Der Zaun von Heiligendamm ist eine deutliche Abgrenzung der Reichen dieser Welt gegen die Armen, der Globalisierungsgewinner gegen die Globalisierungsverlierer. Ich sage ganz klar: Die Gefahr für die Demokratie beim G8-Gipfel geht nicht von Demonstranten aus, sondern von der Bundesregierung, die im Vorfeld versucht hat, das Grundrecht auf Demonstration nach Gutdünken einzuschränken. Wenn es der Bundesinnenminister ernst meint mit seinem Verständnis für friedliche Demonstrationen, dann sollte er schleunigst seine Strategie wechseln und die Sicherheitskräfte auf Deeskalation einschwören. Wir werden uns an den Protesten und an den Veranstaltungen der Globalisierungskritiker des G8-Gipfels beteiligen und bereits am Samstag, dem 2. Juni, zur Großdemonstration in Rostock das erste Mal erleben, wie glaubwürdig die Sympathiebekundungen von Bundesinnenminister Schäuble sind.


Bundesregierung sperrt Journalisten von G-8-Gipfel aus,1518,485984,00.html



#Die Linkspartei.PDS: Pressemitteilungen

01. Juni 2007

Bärendienst für die Demokratie

Zu der Nichtzulassung von 20 Journalisten zur Berichterstattung über den G8-Gipfel und zum Demonstrationsverbot im Umfeld des Tagungsortes erklärt die stellvertretende Parteivorsitzende Katina Schubert:

Die jüngsten Entscheidungen des Bundespresseamtes und des Oberverwaltungsgerichtes sind Ausdruck der Sicherheitshysterie im Umfeld des G8-Gipfels. Sie reihen sich nahtlos ein in die rigide Sicherheitsdoktrin von Bundesinnenminister Schäuble. Mit der seit Wochen anhaltenden willkürlichen Einschränkung von Grundrechten wird der Demokratie ein Bärendienst erwiesen. Alle Maßnahmen haben nur ein Ziel, die geplanten friedlichen Proteste am Rande des G8-Gipfels im Vorfeld zu diskreditieren und zu kriminalisieren, um Gipfelgegner und Globalisierungskritikerinnen und -kritiker einzuschüchtern. Die Einschränkung der Pressefreiheit ist dabei das Tüpfelchen auf dem i. Die Methode ist nicht neu, kritische Journalisten werden so abgestraft. Man grenzt sie von Informationen aus, um eine Berichterstattung zu verhindern - eine subtile Form der Zensur. Das Recht auf Protest und die Pressefreiheit sind ein hohes Gut der Demokratie. Es reicht nicht aus, dass Bundeskanzlerin Merkel in anderen Ländern auf entsprechende Defizite hinweist, sie muss im eigenen Land dafür sorgen, dass die Demokratie nicht durch übereifrige Sicherheitsfanatiker beschädigt wird. Noch hat sie die Chance dazu.


#Die Linkspartei.PDS: Pressemitteilungen

01. Juni 2007

G8-Infopunkt mit Information und Diskussion zum Gipfel

Unter dem Motto "Wie rennt man gegen einen Zaun?" wurde heute im Pavillon auf dem Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz in Berlin ein G8-Infopunkt der Anrainer Volksbühne, Kino Babylon und Karl-Liebknecht-Haus eröffnet. Hier werden im unmittelbaren Vorfeld und der Zeit des G8-Gipfels Informationen und Gespräche rund um die Gipfelproteste angeboten.

Kurz vor ihrer Abreise zur Großdemonstration nach Rostock sagte die stellvertretende Parteivorsitzende Katja Kipping zur Eröffnung des Infopunktes: "Auf der Agenda des diesjährigen Gipfels stehen brennende Themen unserer Zeit, wie Klimawandel und Armut in Afrika. Die bisherige Politik der G8 hat diese Probleme nicht gelöst, sondern immer noch verschärft. Wir wollen nicht nur vor Ort gegen die Politik dieses Clubs der Reichen und Mächtigen protestieren sondern auch über die soziale und politische Auswirkungen informieren. Hier auf dem Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz, wo Kunst und Politik zusammenkommen, ist ein guter Ort, sich gegen Armut, Klimakatastrophe und Krieg zu engagieren und über Alternativen zu diskutieren." Im Infopunkt kann man die Fernsehberichte über den G8-Gipfel und die Proteste verfolgen, es werden Dokumentarfilme früheren Gipfelprotesten gezeigt, es gibt Flyer, Flugblätter und anderes Informationsmaterial. Geöffnet ist der Pavillon am Samstag, 2. Juni, sowie von Montag, 4.Juni, bis Freitag, 8.Juni, jeweils von 12 bis 20 Uhr. Während in Heiligendamm der G8-Gipfel stattfindet, streiten am 7. Juni in der Volksbühne die belgische Politiktheoretikerin Chantal Mouffe, der Soziologe Ulrich Beck, Sven Giegold (attac), Jan Huwald von der Piratenpartei und Katja Kipping von der Linkspartei.PDS um Gesellschaftsentwürfe und neue Strategien der globalen Politik. Kurz vor dem G8-Gipfel publiziert der Suhrkamp Verlag unter dem Titel "Und jetzt?" Texte zur Globalisierung und deren langen, dunklen Schatten wie Arbeitslosigkeit, Lohndumping, Verarmung und Ausgrenzung ganzer Bevölkerungsteile. Anlehnend an die 11. Feuerbachthese von Karl Marx, dass es darauf ankomme, die Welt zu verändern, nicht nur zu interpretieren, geht es darum, die Diskussion erneut in Gang zu setzen und der Ohnmacht und postpolitischen Resignation zu entkommen. Die Podiumsdiskussion ist eine Veranstaltung des Suhrkamp Verlages und der Volksbühne und findet am Donnerstag, dem 7. Juni, um 21 Uhr im Sternfoyer statt.


Polizei stellt wegen G8-Gipfel Kinderfahrräder sicher

Die Polizei möchte offenbar die Mobilität von Gegnern des G8-Gipfels erschweren. So beschwerten sich Gipfelkritiker am Freitag über die Beschlagnahmung ihrer Fahrräder. Auf dem Weg in die Camps seien Fahrzeuge durchsucht und vor allem ältere Räder eingezogen, da sie nicht eindeutig ihren Besitzern zugeordnet werden konnten. Die Polizei habe die Aktion mit dem "begründeten Verdacht, dass bundesweit gestohlene Fahrräder nach Heiligendamm verbracht werden sollen", erklärt. Selbst Kinderfahrräder seien konfisziert worden, sagte eine Sprecherin der Camp AG.


02. Juni 1967 - 2007: 40 Jahre Staatsrepressionen

Gipfel der Scheinheiligkeitäuble

Der 'Schnüffel-Chip': VisuKom zeigt Gefahrenpotenzial von RFID auf

Rep. John Conyers Backs Impeachment

From ufpj-news


Conyers endorses national effort to impeach Bush, Cheney

U.S. Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., said Tuesday he supports a national effort calling for the impeachment of President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, but stopped short of pledging to take action to back it.

From Information Clearing House

China Has a Solution For FDA's Problem

by Byron Richards

Buried within this legislation is an FDA sneak attack on dietary supplements. Dietary supplements are routinely targeted by the FDA as they offer true competition, both safe and effective, to drugs. The FDA acts as a police-force bully to help stamp out Big Pharma competition and keep Americans in the dark on natural ways to prevent and treat disease.....

11 State Legislatures Take Up Impeachment

From ufpj-news

“This is the stupidest American administration in history,” says an old British diplomat, sotto voce

Informant: Wilford Bates

Bush's Fleurs du Mal

Maureen Dowd writes: "Now the Bush administration finds itself at that same hour of shame. It knows the surge is not working. Iraq is in a civil war, with a gruesome bonus of terrorists mixed in. April was the worst month this year for the American military with 104 soldiers killed, and there have been about 90 killed thus far in May. The democracy's not jelling, as Iraqi lawmakers get ready to slouch off for a two-month vacation, leaving our kids to be blown up."

Memento Mori, Gentlemen

Michael Winship writes: "As we marked Memorial Day this week, the Associated Press reported that: 'Americans have opened nearly 1,000 new graves to bury US troops killed in Iraq since Memorial Day a year ago. The figure is telling - and expected to rise in coming months.' So many caskets, so many flags. Too many memorials."

Democrats Prepare for Another Funding Battle

After a contentious, three-month-long battle with the White House over Iraq, Congressional Democrats limped out of Washington on Friday with their sights trained on July for the next round - but anti-war activists are spoiling for a fight far sooner than that.


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