A date with destiny in July

A Deeping Gate woman will discover her destiny on 12 July, after two years of anxiety and worry.

The High Court will decide that day whether she can stay in her home of eight years, or whether she will be forced to sell up and move away from her friends and the village life she loves.

Because of a rare medical complaint, Pam Harris needs to spend seventeen hours hooked up to a machine every other day, just to stay alive.

If an 80-foot mobile phone mast is built near her home, that machinery will stop working and she could die. But that is exactly what mobile phone giant 3G wants to do.

Peterborough City Council rejected the application to build the mast at Mumby’s Yard on Suttons Lane, but that was overturned by Planning Inspectors. Now it is all down to the High Court.

Ludicrously, British law says that Pam’s medical condition can not be used in evidence. Solicitors will therefore argue that there were flaws in the Planning Inspectors’ methods.

Generous neighbours in Deeping Gate have raised an incredible £16,000 to help Pam fight her battle and keep the eyesore from being built.

They are now inviting anyone with an interest to attend one final public meeting to highlight her plight.

The meeting will be in Northborough Village Hall at 8pm on Wednesday, 13 June and they hope to have a guest speaker.

Deeping Mast Action Group coordinator Tony Wheatcroft said: “We are nearly there and support is valued more than ever!

“People’s generosity has already raised more than £16,000 and has given our campaign momentum and direction.

“Now we’re on the finishing straight.”

Pam Harris was first diagnosed with electromagnetic sensitivity in 1983 and is believed to be one of just 17 sufferers in the country.

She is also allergic to wheat and gluten products. If she briefly passes a phone mast in her car, her blood pressure levels alter dramatically and her heart skips a beat.

She and husband Johnny have had to spend thousands of pounds converting their house to accommodate the specialist equipment.

Tony Wheatcroft is available on 01778 344916 or 07710 090056.

May 2007 - Peterborough UK Community Website



Pam's hopes for mast hearing



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