Montag, 7. Mai 2007

Next-up News n°246

Our Pets Deserve Safe Food

American Dream Sours as Housing Market Collapses

The explosion in defaults began last autumn, but many Americans are now realizing that the contagion is spreading.

GOP Convention Papers Ordered Opened

The city cannot prevent the public from seeing documents describing intelligence that police gathered to help them create policies for arrests at the 2004 Republican National Convention, a judge said on Friday.

Will Doolittle Do Time?

"Whether Doolittle used his office and performed specific acts in exchange for monies paid to his wife's company," writes Ralph Brave, "is the central legal issue at hand. But whatever the resolution of the question, nothing can wash the stink off a clearly corrupt arrangement."

The Struggle Over Iraqi Oil: Eyes Eternally on the Prize

"The date when the struggle for Iraqi oil began is less critical than our ability to trace the ever-growing willingness to use 'any means necessary' to control such a 'vital prize' into the present," writes Michael Schwartz. "We know, for example, that before and after he ascended to the vice-presidency, Dick Cheney has had his eye squarely on the prize."

The Economic Costs of the Iraq War

Dean Baker writes: "President Bush is right to be concerned about economic growth. It provides a basis for rising living standards. But his concern that reducing greenhouse gas emissions may slow growth is inconsistent with his apparent lack of concern about the economic damage done by the war in Iraq."

The Cost of War

Bill Moyers Journal addresses the cost of the Iraq war. Moyers tells us: "As Democrats and Republicans in Washington wrangle over a strategy, there is speculation that no matter what agreement they reach ... American troops will be in Iraq at least a decade to come. We are not finished with the costs of this war."

The Soft Bigotry of Iraq

The editors of The New York Times write: "Whether out of blind loyalty or blind denial, most Congressional Republicans are prepared to back up President Bush's veto of the Iraq spending bill. It is now essential that the revised version not back away from demanding that Iraq's prime minister, Nuri Kamal al-Maliki, finally deliver on the crucial national reconciliation measures he has spent the last year dodging. And it must make clear that American support for his failures - and Mr. Bush's - is fast waning."


The Hard Bigotry of the New York Times

Informant: David Swanson

From ufpj-news

DOJ Hired Lawyers Based on Political Affiliations

Congressional investigators are beginning to focus on accusations that a top civil rights official at the Justice Department illegally hired lawyers based on their political affiliations, especially for sensitive voting rights jobs.

Flugdatenübermittlungen und innere Sicherheit

Datenschutz auf der "schiefen Ebene" oder doch eher im freien Fall? Der Stand des Datenschutzes nach dem 21. Tätigkeitsbericht des Bundesdatenschutzbeauftragten.

Brüssels Sündenfall und der Datenschutz bei der modernen Kommunikation

Datenschutz auf der "schiefen Ebene" oder doch eher im freien Fall? Der Stand des Datenschutzes nach dem 21. Tätigkeitsbericht des Bundesdatenschutzbeauftragten - Teil 2

Blackwater: Shadow Army

Informant: Wilford Bates

Take action for mothers

Injury, Death, The American Worker and George Bush

by Dick Meister,

The Bush administration has done much to undermine worker safety. Can Democrats bring it back?


Injury, Death, the American Worker and George Bush

"Despite the enormous loss of lives and millions of serious injuries and illness caused by workplace hazards, the Bush administration continues to blatantly disregard its legal obligation to curtail the needless dying and suffering," says Dick Meister. "Past experience guarantees that unless the administration acts swiftly and decisively, the number of workers dying on the job this year will reach almost 6,000. More than two million will be seriously injured. Another 50,000 or more will die from cancer, lung and heart ailments, and other occupational diseases caused by exposure to toxic substances."

Here's what Pelosi is up against and how she can prevail in her battle to end congressional lobbying scandals

The Cleanest Congress in History?

by Craig Holman,

The Gipper would be proud of how much the conservatives running for president are divorced from reality

Monochrome Candidates, Stale Ideas

by Robert L. Borosage,

Peru's rainforest: oil and gas run through it

Informant: binstock

Bring Them Home

Los Angeles Times laments: "This newspaper reluctantly endorsed the US troop surge as the last, best hope for stabilizing conditions so that the elected Iraqi government could assume full responsibility for its affairs. But we also warned that the troops should not be used to referee a civil war. That, regrettably, is what has happened."

Missouri Attorney a Focus in Firings

The firing of US Attorney Todd Graves in Missouri, and his replacement, Bradley Schlozman, are emerging as focal points of the investigation into the firing of eight US attorneys last year - and as a symbol of broader complaints that the Bush administration has misused its stewardship of law enforcement to give Republicans an electoral edge.

Clarke, O'Neill Accounts Support Tenet's Claims

Former CIA Director George Tenet joins a growing list of former Bush administration officials who have written books accusing the White House of cooking intelligence immediately after 9/11 to win support for a US-led invasion of Iraq. Tenet is the highest-ranking administration official to level such charges against senior White House members. The ex-CIA chief's assertions support similar claims over the past few years by other, former high-ranking officials.


In this episode of Hometown Baghdad, we return to Ausama's grandmother's home, which has been raided by US forces. We get a tour of the ransacked home. The family pictures scattered everywhere, the bullet holes, the shattered glass. "We are the people they should be protecting," Ausama says, "I will never trust any security forces."


Iraqi blogger 'Still Alive' left Baghdad recently to study in the United States. In this short diary, she captures the wrenching pain of being separated from her home, her friends and her family as her country deteriorates. 'A few days ago I looked at 300 news pictures from Iraq,' she begins. 'The next morning I talked to my family in Baghdad. A few hours later I was sick.'


While Republicans have remained disciplined during the most recent legislative battle over the imposition of a deadline for the withdrawal of US combat troops, most analysts appear to agree that, absent measurable progress on the ground in stabilizing Iraq, they will begin deserting Bush in droves by September.

The 'danger' next to our schools

Dossier Téléphone Mobile et Sécurité Routière

- France : Dossier Téléphone Mobile et Sécurité Routièr.
- Conduire ou Téléphoner, il faut choisir (la réalité des chiffres, les vidéos).
- Sciences et Avenir: L’alerte à la pollution électromagnétique pour les professionnels.
- Irradiation en CEM des habitacles : 60 Voitures passées au crible . . .

Wolfowitz & Riza: How sweet it is!

The Nation
by David Corn


At the start of the scandal triggered by the revelation that World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz had helped arrange generous pay boosts for his girlfriend Shaha Riza, Wolfowitz declared, ‘I made a mistake, for which I am sorry.’ Two and a half weeks later, Wolfowitz had readjusted his rhetoric. ‘The ethics charges are unwarranted’ and ‘bogus,’ he said. On Friday, the Bank’s board of directors was working to complete its report on the Wolfowitz affair and pondering whether to reprimand or even remove Wolfowitz. But regardless of the outcome of the official deliberations … the Wolfowitz and Riza tale is one of Washington insiderism, a story in which a powerful player was able to guarantee that his companion would make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year and be entitled to a lucrative pension while working at a fledgling foundation with a friend of his. This is not how most public servants in Washington live...

Saved by the bomb

Guardian [UK]
by Terry Jones


Campaigning in Oklahoma the other day, the Republican senator John McCain was asked what should be done about Iran. He responded by singing, ‘Bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran,’ to the tune of the Beach Boys’ Barbara Ann. (Join the hilarity and see for yourself on YouTube.) How can any thinking person disagree? I mean, any country with a president who doesn’t shave properly and never wears a tie deserves what’s coming to it — a lot of American bombs, with a few British ones thrown in to ensure we don’t miss out on the ensuing upsurge in terrorism. The problem is how to unload enough bombs on Iran before next year’s US election to bring about enough flag-waving to get the Republican party re-elected...,,329810658-103677,00.html

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

'Over obtrusive' Burnham-On-Sea phone mast to go this week

US to sell $500m of arms to Iraq

The US government has told congress of its plans to sell around $500 million of military arms and equipment to Iraq.

From Information Clearing House

Iraq radicalised British Muslims, says Church

British Muslims have been radicalised by the Government's disastrous policies in the Middle East, claims the Church of England.

From Information Clearing House

An innocent old man, yet they shot him

So far US forces in Iraq have paid out $32m for 'wrongful deaths'. Karzan Sherabayani went back to Kirkuk to ask why his uncle had to die.,,2073472,00.html

From Information Clearing House

Is this a sick joke? No!

John Bolton, Receiving Award, Thanks Rogue Nations and Liberals

Bolton was honored for his dedication to the principles of the America's founding, including freedom and human liberty. The award carries a stipend of $250,000.

From Information Clearing House

Blair's disastrous war in Iraq has made Britain a prime target for Islamist terrorists

A bloody legacy

Blair's disastrous war in Iraq has made Britain a more dangerous place: Francis Elliott reports on how the PM's crusades overseas have made Britain a prime target for Islamist terrorists.

Labour lose more than 460 seats

Tony Blair insisted today Labour had "a perfectly good springboard to go on and win the next General Election," despite taking a battering by voters from the South-East to Scotland.

From Information Clearing House

Child soldiers: "A four-foot tall killing machine"

From Sierra Leone to Congo, from Afghanistan to Kosovo, child soldiers are the war weapon of choice, "easily manipulated, intensely loyal, fearless and, most important, in endless supply".

From Information Clearing House

The world is returning to the law of the jungle, thanks to Bush and Blair

The Emperor has no clothes

From Information Clearing House

The US$564 billion war for profit

This year's proposed US spending on the Iraq war is larger than the military budgets of China and Russia combined. The combined spending requests would push the total for Iraq to US$564 billion, according to the non-partisan Congressional Research Service.

From Information Clearing House

Propaganda Fear Cited in Account of Iraqi Killings

Recently unclassified documents suggest that senior officers viewed the killings of 24 Iraqi civilians in Haditha in late 2005 as a potential public relations problem that could fuel insurgent propaganda against the American military.

From Information Clearing House

"I saw my fiancé and father killed on my wedding day"

When Rana Jalil, 22, wed her fiancé, 25-year-old engineer Ahmed Adnan on 23 March, after four years of engagement, she did not expect her dream would turn into a nightmare on her wedding day.

From Information Clearing House

EU/US Merger: New Global Order By Stealth

By Steve Watson

In a sweeping move that has garnered surprisingly little attention this week the United States and the European Union have signed up to a new transatlantic economic partnership that will see regulatory standards "harmonized" and will lay the basis for a merging of the US and EU into one single market, a huge step on the path to a new globalized world order.

US And EU Agree 'Single Market'


The United States and the European Union have signed up to a new transatlantic economic partnership at a summit in Washington.

When Will The American People Be Told The Truth About Iraq?

By Michael Goodwin

The president's promise to "complete the mission" is a triumph of a tired slogan over reality, just as the Dems' pledge to "end the war" is riddled with loopholes. It's time to cut the bull and be realistic about where we're going.

America's Deadly "Love" Embrace

By William Blum

"If the United States leaves Iraq things will really get bad." This appears to be the last remaining, barely-breathing argument of that vanishing species who still support the god-awful war. The argument implies a deeply-felt concern about the welfare and safety of the Iraqi people.

Battle against cell towers includes health concerns

By JULIE ANN GRIMM | The New Mexican
May 6, 2007

Panel explores dangers of wireless technology; local officials wrestle with other tower issues

A widely known doctor and neural therapist who formerly practiced in Santa Fe is among those who want more doctors and scientists across the globe to recognize what they argue are devastating health effects from electromagnetic fields and wireless technology.

“This is a huge problem,” said Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, speaking Saturday at the Eldorado Hotel during the annual meeting of the World Congress of Integrated Medicines, called “Electromagnetic Factors in Health: An Invisible Pandemic.”

“It’s bigger than mercury. It’s bigger than Lyme disease. It’s bigger than anything we’ve dealt with in medicine, yet physicians, some of whom are in the room, are not looking into this,” Klinghardt said.

Klinghardt pointed to his work at the Seattle-based Institute for Neurobiology that treats autistic children by lessening exposure to electromagnetic fields including certain electric wiring in their homes.

He also urged people to investigate data about how communications towers for cellular telephones cause abnormal EKG readings in children as far away as 1.6 miles. Each person in the United States is affected by as many as 50 such towers — including those now commonly hidden in church steeples or made to look like trees — in any given location, he said.

Other speakers said cell phones and wireless technology are the cause of myriad disorders including cancer, insomnia, fatigue, immune system problems, low sperm count and high blood pressure.

People in Santa Fe are already up in arms about the potential health hazards of wireless devices and communication towers, with a handful of people affected with electromagnetic sensitivity leading a charge against a city plan to employ wireless Internet in government buildings and perhaps at large in the downtown area.

An informational presentation by Wi-Fi opponent Arthur Firstenberg is planned for 7 p.m. May 14 at the Santa Fe Woman’s Club, 161 Old Pecos Trail. Firstenberg regularly speaks out against projects including cell towers proposed for erection.

Local elected officials, however, indicate federal rules about communication devices don’t allow them to impose much authority. Santa Fe County, for example, has had recent challenges in dealing with a company that wants to erect new communications towers and with neighboring landowners who oppose the idea.

While Edgewood residents dropped an appeal of a New Cingular Wireless tower earlier this spring, the county commission is set to deliberate a proposed tower in Madrid again in the coming months.

The board first denied the company permission to build a tower on a hilltop on private land in Madrid, south of Santa Fe. When Cingular filed a District Court appeal, the board then voted in December to reconsider the case. Commissioners have not discussed the case in a public meeting since then, and it is not listed on an agenda for Tuesday’s regular board meeting.

In the meantime, the county and Cingular met with people in Madrid who opposed the siting of the tower.

Heather French, who lives near the proposed site, was one of several community members on the committee. French said efforts to negotiate another site failed when Cingular refused to change its proposal.

French said she’s also been frustrated that federal rulings prohibit much local decision-making power based on health concerns. Plenty of other problems with the proposed site make it objectionable, she said, chief among them is that the location is in a historic district.

Set to expire next week is a second court-approved delay in the county’s deadline to respond to the appeal, but county spokesman Stephen Ulibarri said state District Judge James Hall has already agreed to allow another stay.

In Edgewood, it was local residents acting without an attorney who appealed the county’s decision in October 2006 to allow a 36-foot cell tower on land near an elementary school. But by this spring, two of the three plaintiffs, Ellen and Lynette Curley-Roam, had dropped the appeal and moved away; the third didn’t want to continue alone. The Curely-Roams were not available for comment.

Contact Julie Ann Grimm at 986-3017 or jgrimm@

Informant: James River Martin

Getarnte Handy-Antennen: Es strahlt aus dem Holzkreuz

Leuchtreklamen, Fahnenstangen und sogar Holzkreuze: In der Zentralschweiz stehen immer mehr getarnte Handy-Antennen. Gegner sprechen von einem «fiesen Spiel».

«Viele Antennen werden schon beim Bau eingepackt, damit es keine Klagen gibt», sagt Bruno Amrhein vom Komitee gegen Hochleistungsantennen in Kriens. Dort stehen gleich mehrere Exemplare: auf dem Schappe-Center und auf dem Gebäude der Pilatus-Bahnen. Sie sind entweder als Kamin oder als Fahnensockel getarnt. Für Amrhein erfüllen diese Verkleidungen nur einen Zweck: «Die Leute sollen nicht auf kritische Gedanken kommen.» Dem widersprechen die Betreiber: Antennen würden nicht versteckt, sondern nach Möglichkeit «in die bestehende Umgebung integriert», sagt etwa Orange-Sprecherin Therese Wenger.

Der Berner Antennengegner Hans-Ueli Jakob von der schweizerischen Organisation Gigaherz bezeichnet solche Tarnungen als «fieses Spiel». Ob sich hinter einer Verkleidung wirklich eine Antenne versteckt, kann man auf überprüfen. Dort ist jede Antenne der Schweiz verzeichnet. Für Jakob befindet sich das haarsträubendste Beispiel in der Zentralschweiz am Straßenrand bei Sihlbrugg: «Aus einem großen Holzkreuz strahlt dort nicht etwa der heilige Geist, sondern eine Mobilfunkantenne.»

Markus Fehlmann

Bildstrecke: Heimliche Strahler



Getarnte Handy-Antennen

In Kaminen oder Leuchtreklamen versteckt sind die Handy-Masten keine optische Verunstaltung des Ortsbildes mehr. Der Konsumentenschutz verlangt aber Transparenz über die getarnten Natel-Antennen. 1ovor10 war mit...

Switch to Organic Crops Could Help Poor

Informant: binstock

Sacred Buffalo, Holy Cow: The Struggle for the Western Range

Moyers delves into the mystery of the forged yellowcake documents

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Are mobile phone masts killing bees?

Ben Rooth
7/ 5/2007

AN investigation has been launched by Bolton Council to discover whether radiation from mobile phone masts is killing the town's honey bees.

Some scientists blame them for dwindling bee populations believing that it interferes with their ability to find their way back to their hives.

Councillors in Bolton last week agreed to ask their planning improvement working party - made up of two councillors from each of the three parties on the council - to investigate.

Coun Ebrahim Adia, executive member for development, said that the party meets quarterly to look at ways of improving the planning system.

"Our powers in relation to phone masts are limited but here in Bolton we are committed to promoting bio-diversity and ecology as part of the planning process," he said.

"The issue about the impact of mobile phone masts on bees was raised at the last council meeting by Coun Norman Critchley who also said that he had also heard that the radiowaves could also affect birds that are migrating.


"I think that as councillors we have a duty to look at all the evidence to assess the wide impact on radiation from mobile phone masts in regard to our planning policy."

Academics at Landau University in Germany recently discovered that 70 per cent of bees exposed to radiation failed to find their way back to their hive after searching for nectar and pollen.

Last week, research carried out at the University of Vienna in Austria also discovered that two-thirds of the bee-keepers surveyed who had a mobile phone mast within 300 metres had experienced "unexplained colony collapse."

But John Charlton, of the Manchester Beekeepers Association, said that none of their members had noticed any decline yet.

"The association has an apiary in Heaton Park virtually straight under one of these masts and we've not noticed any radical changes there," said Mr Charlton, from Sale, who has kept bees for 50 years.

"I suppose that the masts are still a comparatively new technology but I have to say that I personally have not noticed any evidence of what these studies are finding."

What do you think? Have your say.

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© M.E.N media 2007

Move and More Evidence That It Is Indeed Mobile Phone Radiation from Masts Killing The Bees

If one looks at all the variables, EMR (Electromagnetic Radiation) in the form of microwaves from cell phone masts seems to be the most likely candidate that can really explain why bees - and frogs for a while now - are dying all over the world - especially in places like Costa Rica, which has an environmentally conscious government (except when it comes to electropollution) and quite a pristine environment. So one really cannot blame it totally on pesticides, which have been around for decades, but of course would most likely play a contributing variable. (I eat organically myself as much as is possible.)

So don't you think it is time you raised your consciousness, got rid of your cell phone, and pressured others to do the same? After all, it does say in the bible, "Thou Shall Not Kill" the bees - and I think that includes mass genocide and mass suicide. :) Yes, the Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) may very well indeed be in your pockets.




Town rejects mast to save bees after IoS report

S1082: What is Really Going on at The FDA

by Byron Richards, CCN

A majority of Americans, not informed on current events and unaware of the history involved, are silent. Mainstream media, one of Big Pharma’s largest clients, is silent. Only the power of the internet, which rivals the invention of the printing press in significance, is making it possible for individuals to understand what is going on.......

The IRS, Amero and the Battle Ground for Liberty

by Devvy

Seventeen years ago I began learning the truth about the plans of the Masters of the Game to destroy this country in their quest for a one world government nightmare. Lunatics who have no allegiance to any religion, any country, any form of government. They lust for power and money, period. Once I learned enough, starting with the head of the Hydra (Greek Mythology), the "Federal" Reserve, which led to it's money pipeline, the federal income tax, I gave up my career and have dedicated my life completely to the noble cause of saving this Republic.......

Refutation of war’s illegality refuted

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news


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