Donnerstag, 24. Mai 2007

Oppose New Nuclear Weapons

Informant: Ed Ward

MAD At Congress? Why Don't You TELL Them?

Sure we're angry about the failure of the Democrats to stand up for ending the Iraq occupation. But what is the root cause of that anger, and where do we productively DIRECT our anger so that the REAL problem is impacted? It's not just this latest Iraq supplemental. This is just the latest example of the failure of Congress to actually confront the MANY Constitutional outrages of the Cheney administration.

That's right, we said the Cheney administration.


Bush is nothing more than a stooge . . . a hapless, snickering, stubborn stooge perhaps, but a stooge nonetheless, who couldn't complete a logical sentence in the English language without the talking points they give him to rehearse and read from.

It is Cheney who dragged the country into invading Iraq, who was the master chef in cooking the intelligence, who pushed for torture as accepted U.S. foreign policy, who was the driving force behind the illegal wiretaps, the unprecedented expansion of executive power, the outing of Valerie Plame, who ordered the stand down of our air defenses on 9/11, and is even now working overtime to plunge us into an even more monumental debacle in Iran. It's been all Cheney, all the time, since day one of this disastrous administration.

So why won't Congress (with the exception of Kucinich and the other 3 sponsors of H.R. 333) even talk about impeaching someone who has committed every Constitutional high crime in the book?

Have you voted in the National Cheney Impeachment Poll yet? More that 50,000 of your friends and neighbors have, but what about you?

Maybe there's your complete answer. Why would we expect Congress to act on what we want them to do unless we TELL them what we want them to do? Why should we accuse them of not listening to the people, unless we are actively talking to them. Why should we be mad at them for not acting, UNLESS we force them to act.

A lot of people are calling their members of Congress right now to yell at them about the Iraq supplemental surrender. And we should join them in that too. But it's kinda like trying to put out a fire on one side of a room with someone pouring on more gasoline from the other side. Unless we confront the REAL problem, Dick Cheney, and remove him from power soon, the flames may be so high over our heads that we may no longer be able to do anything about it. We are that close to a military holocaust right now.


So DO call your members of Congress. And let them know they have ZERO chance of getting elected again themselves if they continue to vote for funding the Iraq sinkhole without accountability. But the same time, and most importantly, demand that they step up and confront the Cheney impeachment imperative. As long as Cheney is in the White House, Bush will just continue to arrogantly parrot the words Cheney feeds him, and we are in greater peril each successive day.

It's Cheney, folks. The problem is Cheney.

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.


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Vote in the National Cheney Impeachment Poll

Add this text to your own email and blog signatures!

Income Inequalities Harm the Environment

The greater the social inequalities in a country, the fewer efforts that country devotes to the environment: That's what CNRS [(French) National Center for Social Research] economists observe. Similarly, policies more attentive to redistribution should be less harmful to the environment.

Witness for the Prosecutors

The editors of The New York Times write: "Ms. Goodling was an odd witnesses. The only people odder than Ms. Goodling were the House Republicans who rushed to praise her. Even in these partisan times, a Justice Department official who admitted to her level of wrongdoing ought to draw bipartisan condemnation."

A Great but Broken Promise

Bill Moyers writes: "Think it over: In 1960, the gap in wealth between the top 20 percent of our country and the bottom 20 percent was 30 fold. Now, it is 75 fold. Stock prices and productivity are up, and CEO salaries are soaring, but ordinary workers aren't sharing in the profits they helped generate. Their incomes aren't keeping up with costs. More Americans live in poverty - 37 million, including 12 million children. 12 million children! America's a broken promise. America needs fixing."

The Entire Government Has Failed Us on Iraq

Keith Olbermann presents a special comment on betrayal saying, "For the president - and the majority leaders and candidates and rank-and-file congressmen and senators of either party - there is only blame for this shameful and bi-partisan betrayal."

Schöne Worte über die Begrenzung von Managergehältern

Vize-Kanzler Franz Müntefering hat die Millionengehälter von Topmanagern kritisiert. Es müsse nicht nur über Mindestlöhne, sondern auch über Maximallöhne geredet werden, sagte Müntefering am 23. Mai auf dem Kongress des Europäischen Gewerkschaftsbundes (EGB) im spanischen Sevilla. Der Bundesarbeitsminister verwies auf Managergehälter, die nicht selten um das 1000-fache höher lägen als bei normalen Beschäftigten. Das müsse eine Grenze haben, sagte der SPD-Politiker. Der Parlamentarische Geschäftsführer der Linksfraktion sieht eine deutliche Diskrepanz zwischen den Worten und den Taten Münteferings. Im Bundestag habe die SPD einen Gesetzentwurf zur Begrenzung von Managergehältern abgelehnt. Auch bei der Abstimmung über die Unternehmensteuerreform am 25. Mai könne man sehen, welche Interessen die SPD vertritt.üntefering

Progressive Democrats For America Angry with Failure of Democratic Leaders on Iraq

Iraq Veterans, Activists for Peace

In Opposition to the Iraq Supplemental Conference Report

Join Russ Feingold to help end the war

The latest version of the Iraq Supplemental Appropriations Bill is scheduled to come to a vote this week and I will not support it. It is a toothless measure that gives a blank check to the President and does nothing to end our involvement in Iraq.

We've made great strides in recent weeks and months in our combined effort to end one of the biggest mistakes in the history of our country and redeploy our brave men and women out of Iraq. That said, the President and some members of Congress, from both sides of the aisle, still haven’t acknowledged the message the American people sent last November.

Last week the Feingold-Reid bill that would use Congress's 'power of the purse' to end the war in Iraq was voted on in the Senate. The procedural vote was another step forward in our effort. It put the majority of Senate Democrats on record calling for a firm end date for this misguided war, and I'm already looking for the next opportunity to push this important legislation forward. I'm continuing to fight every step of the way and today I'm asking you once again to help spread the message that the time for the war in Iraq to end is now.

Today, the Progressive Patriots Fund is launching a new online effort to promote awareness of my legislation and encourage individual initiative in reversing the reckless leadership President Bush has demonstrated through his Iraq policy.

Click here to get your "Help Russ End the War" Widget

We've created a widget, a graphic that you can place on your website, MySpace page, blog, or other social networking site to let your friends know where you stand and help recruit others to support this important legislation.

Make no mistake about it, our effort is gaining ground. Where once I was the lone voice advocating binding timelines for redeploying our troops, last week the majority of Democratic Senators voted with me. Of course no one ever said this was going to be easy, but we must keep the pressure on and continue to build strong grassroots support for ending this war.

Click here to get your "Help Russ End the War" Widget

Using the latest Web technology, you can help me spread the word and expand the Progressive Patriots' reach. All you need to do is copy and paste the provided code on your website. When your friends and family click on this graphic, or widget, they are automatically sent to a page where they can join you in co-sponsoring my important legislation.

Together, we can harness the power of the online community and force Congress to use its constitutional power to end this disastrous war.

Thank you for all of your support and for standing with me time and time again.


Russ Feingold
United States Senator
Honorary Chair, Progressive Patriots Fund

Deadly Illusions, Rest in Peace

Sacrifice The Troops Bill

Vote Alert: Dick Cheney Dems Plan to Hide Votes On Iraq

Poll Shows Opposition to Iraq War at All Time High

Kucinich Claims War Masks the Real Objective: Iraqi Oil

Anti-War Activists Attack Democrats over Iraq Bill

The Human Stealth Virus and Its Animal Origin

Lauschangriff auf Internetbenutzer

Microsoft entwickelt ein Programm, um aus dem Such- und Surfverhalten persönliche Daten des Internetbenutzers abzuleiten.


Lauschangriff aufs Handy

On what the Democrats' "compromise" on Iraq really means

A Comment About Betrayal

Keith Olbermann on what the Democrats' "compromise" on Iraq really means.


Who Are 'These People'?

President Bush lets his bigotry show at his Thursday press conference

Our Shadowy Iraq Air War

by Nick Turse, TomDispatch

Did the U.S. lie about cluster bomb use in Iraq, and what are the real human costs?

No More Compromise

by Bill Scher,
The Democrats' dealmaking has left us with little to show for it. It's time to get tough.

PLUS: What's happening to our agenda?

Battle Heats Up Over Emissions

At a hearing yesterday, officials from California and other states urged the Environmental Protection Agency to grant California a waiver from federal controls so it could apply its stringent emissions standards. In New York, Mayor Bloomberg took his own action to curb emissions from his city's 13,000 taxis by proposing a plan to replace the entire taxicab fleet with hybrid vehicles by 2012.

Gonzales Reviewed Attorney Firings With Goodling

Monica M. Goodling, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales's senior counselor, told House investigators yesterday that Gonzales tried to review his version of the prosecutor firings with her at a time when lawmakers were homing in on conflicting accounts. In a day-long appearance before the Democratic-led House Judiciary Committee, Goodling, 33, also acknowledged crossing a legal line herself by considering the party affiliations of candidates for career prosecutor jobs - a violation of law.

Go-ahead for phone mast near railways

By Staff Reporter

A MOBILE phone mast will be erected in Westhoughton after plans by O2 were approved on appeal.

The company had been refused permission by Bolton Council's planning and highways committee to build the 12.5 metre (40ft) high mast on land in Wigan Road.

The committee said specified details of external finishes, including colours, needed to be submitted.

The firm appealed against the decision and sought permission from the Planning Inspectorate. The inspector, Elizabeth Ord, has now approved the plans to site the mast between a disused and a working railway line.

She said: "The proposal would form a simple, uncluttered feature which, although noticeable on the highway, would be seen as part of the urban fabric, blending in to the street scene."

© Copyright 2001-2007 Newsquest Media Group

Residents to fight phone giant's mast appeal

May 24 2007

DESPITE being told that it would be "visually intrusive", a mobile phone company has appealed against the refusal of planning permission to extend its phone mast.

Orange had applied to increase the height of its phone mast on the roof of Calbrook Cars, in Eastwick Road, Bookham, from 15 metres to 20 metres.

The reason for the original application, which was lodged last December,was that it was intending to share the mast with two other mobile phone operators, Hutchison 3G and T-Mobile, and the mast would therefore need to be bigger.

However, the plans were refused by the district council on February 9 because of they were considered to be an eyesore both by the council and by Bookham residents.

Clive Smith, head of planning at Mole Valley District Council, in refusing the application said: "The proposed telecommunication column, by reason of its height and prominent siting,would be a visually intrusive feature, detrimental to the appearance of the locality and outlook from nearby residential properties."

But the grounds of Orange's appeal, which was lodged this month, were that there has already been a mast in place for the past 10 years which has become part of the scenery.

It also appealed on the grounds that planning permission for a 20-metre mast in the same location had been granted in 1999 but that the permission had since expired.

Bookham Residents' Association has said that the site has already become overdeveloped and that masts could be put up in less conspicuous areas.

Peter Seaward, chairman of the association, said: "There are a number of local residents who have complained to us and we are supporting their concerns on this matter.

"We think making the mast larger will make it even more intrusive and we feel as far as this site is concerned that enough is enough."

As well as the size of the mast, residents have been worried about health issues as the mast would be sending off stronger signals than before.

Sandra Rigby, of Eastwick Road, said: "We as residents are very strongly against this development and will oppose the appeal as well.

"It is the possible health effects that these masts might have that I am concerned about, especially as I suffer from migraines and I don't know whether the masts and the signals they send off are aggravating the problem or not."

© owned by or licensed to Trinity Mirror Southern Limited 2007

Mast plan angers residents

by IH

ANOTHER row over the siting of a mobile phone mast is brewing in the town. Plans by O2 for a 15-metre mast on Crackley Lane have angered Kenilworth Town Council and neighbours, who have swamped Warwick District Council with objections. It comes just a matter of months after a bitter fight over Hutchinson 3G's plan to place a 12-metre mast right in the heart of the town outside the De Montfort Hotel. The Planning Inspectorate in Bristol is set to make the final decision on the application. Now O2 wants to put a mast near the Crackley Woods nature reserve and the historic area of common land Parliament Piece, and close to both Crackley and St Augustine schools. The district council plans sub-committee is set to consider the application on May 29. • Objections are also set to be heard into T Mobile's bid for a 15-metre mast at the Birmingham Road petrol station at Budbrooke. The parish council and British Waterways both object.

Evidence of global warming is here, regulators say

Informant: binstock

Live Blogging House War Funding Debate

From ufpj-news

The Dixie Chicks were right

Bring it on!
by Amy Branham


Last night, while surfing for something to watch on the television, my husband ran across the show ‘Austin City Limits.’ The Dixie Chicks were playing, so he stopped his surfing and we watched them perform. It was good to see them up on stage performing again, especially in a Texas venue, though I do believe the show was a rerun from about a year ago. As I listened to the songs they performed, I thought of what the Dixie Chicks had been through because they dared to voice an opinion contrary to that George Bush and the war in Iraq. They have had death threats, nearly lost their careers, and have virtually been blacklisted in country music. Their patriotism and right to life have been called into question time and time again, their CD’s burned. Yet they came back, full of defiance, to sing and perform for us again, to a new crowd and fans that were happy to see them back. I couldn’t help but think, as I sat there listening to them, that the Dixie Chicks were right — They dared to speak the truth...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Why Ron Paul’s answer terrifies them

Future of Freedom Foundation
by Jacob G. Hornberger


In one short answer to a moderator’s question in the South Carolina debate in which Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul suggested that U.S. foreign policy motivated the 9/11 terrorists, Paul produced an earthquake that is shaking the Republican establishment. The chairman of the Michigan Republican Party proposed banning Paul from future debates. Besieged by adverse public reaction, however, he quickly backed down...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Patriotism is the effort to resist oppressive state power


by US Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX)


Madam Speaker, for some, patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel. For others, it means dissent against a government’s abuse of the people’s rights. I have never met a politician in Washington or any American, for that matter, who chose to be called unpatriotic. Nor have I met anyone who did not believe he wholeheartedly supported our troops, wherever they may be. What I have heard all too frequently from various individuals are sharp accusations that, because their political opponents disagree with them on the need for foreign military entanglements, they were unpatriotic, un-American evildoers deserving contempt. The original American patriots were those individuals brave enough to resist with force the oppressive power of King George. I accept the definition of patriotism as that effort to resist oppressive state power...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Giuliani is delusional

Liberty For All
by Jonathan David Morris


I’m not saying Giuliani’s a liar. I’m sure he honestly thinks he’s never heard the blowback theory of 9/11 before. But since we know that’s not true, that means he’s heard it and decided to forget it. In one ear, out the other. The facts weren’t worth entertaining. I can’t help but wonder if this is the kind of guy we want running our country. It’s hard to believe there are still people in 2007 who believe 9/11 happened in a vacuum. But it’s even harder to believe there are presidential candidates who believe that...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Torture: Crime against Civilization

Rational Review
by George Phillies


What is the libertarian answer to the torture question? It’s the American answer, the answer the American people have already given. Torture is a crime against civilization, reviled by all patriotic Americans. Let’s take it from the top. First, there is nothing for a President to decide. Inside the United States, torture is a felony. If you are anywhere in the United States, and you torture someone, you are committing more crimes than I care to list. There is no exception in those laws for government officials. If you are an American abroad and torture someone, it’s a felony. If your victim dies, you have earned the death penalty. There is no exception in those laws for government officials. Second, those laws reflect the wisdom of the American people. Torturers are the filth of the earth, properly grouped with child molesters and mercenaries...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Police spy cam takes to the skies

This is London [UK]


It looks more like the latest in saucepan technology than the future of crime fighting. But police are confident that this miniature remote-controlled helicopter will be an invaluable weapon in the war against wrongdoers. The Microdrone, measuring only 2ft between the tips of its eight rotor blades, was originally designed for military reconnaissance. When it takes to the skies above Liverpool this summer, it will be the first time such a device has been put to civilian use in this country...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bush’s consumer nominee withdraws

USA Today


President Bush’s pick to head the Consumer Product Safety Commission withdrew his nomination Wednesday amid strong opposition from some Senate Democrats because of his career as a manufacturers’ lobbyist. The White House said it was reluctantly accepting the decision by Michael Baroody after ’some members in the Senate rushed to judgment.’ Baroody is a lobbyist for the National Association of Manufacturers, and his critics on Capitol Hill said he would not provide the leadership the agency needed in order to protect consumers. Democrats also had raised questions about a $150,000 payment that Baroody would have received from the manufacturers’ lobbying group when he left...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Amnesty report condemns US “war on terror”



The United States is treating the globe like a giant battlefield in its war on terrorism, eroding rights worldwide, a leading human rights group said Wednesday. Amnesty International’s secretary-general, Irene Khan, said the United States’ and its allies’ behavior was setting a destructive example for other nations, and that other countries were using the war on terrorism as an excuse to violate human rights and stifle dissent...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Clinton campaign plays down Iowa memo

Washington Post


Aides to Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) scrambled late yesterday to control the fallout from a leaked memo advocating that she pull her campaign out of Iowa’s first-in-the-nation caucuses, where she is trailing in polls. The memo, written by Clinton deputy campaign manager Mike Henry, exposed a rift among Clinton advisers over her approach to the first real test of the presidential campaign. Henry advocated focusing the senator’s resources on the Jan. 22 New Hampshire primary and the wave of states that follow with contests on Feb. 5. … Clinton campaign officials quickly dismissed any suggestion that she would pull out of the state, characterizing the memo as ‘one person’s opinion.’ The memo, Clinton campaign spokesman Phil Singer said, ‘reflects the thoughts of one person on the staff.’ ‘It is not the opinion of the campaign or of Senator Clinton,’ Singer said...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Mobilfunk: reale Gefahr oder irreale Diskussion?

Email Congress: Support Senator Harkin's bill to close the Guantanamo prison

Help Close Guantanamo and End Indefinite Detention Without Charges

An Agenda for Labor - Labor Wielding Clout in US Presidential Race

"The recent assertion in the New York Times that Hillary Clinton, while on Wal-Mart's board of directors, was 'largely silent' on the topic of that notorious company's 'vehement anti-unionism' highlights the information deficit facing progressive voters who are trying to figure out which of the Democratic presidential candidates would actually be best for the labor movement," says Dmitri Iglitzin.

Labor Wielding Clout in US Presidential Race

With a weakened Republican president and Democrats given a solid chance to win, US labor unions see next year's presidential election as a chance to revive their clout, experts and activists say.

Health Care Crisis Squeezes Working Families

While many industrialized countries provide care for all, the United States covers only the elderly and the poor. Some 45 million, or 15 percent, of people in the world's richest nation lacked health insurance in 2005, up 3 percent on the previous year.

Ecuador Seeks Aid Not to Exploit Amazon Oil

A novel proposal by Ecuador is testing world leaders' commitment to fight global warming and preserve the biodiversity of the Earth.

California Urges EPA to Change Greenhouse Gas Rules

California presented its case Tuesday for permission to impose tough new limits on greenhouse gas emissions by cars and trucks, pressing a campaign that state officials hope will set the stage for aggressive action nationwide on a major contributor to global warming.

Human Activities Wiping Out Three Species Every Hour

Human activities are wiping out three animal or plant species every hour. "Biodiversity is being lost at an unprecedented rate," UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said in a statement. Global warming is adding to threats such as land clearance for farms or cities, pollution and rising human populations.



Informant: NHNE

"Cowboy Up," Alberto Gonzales

"What happens in a presidential administration when loyalty, to borrow a phrase from 'Star Trek,' becomes the 'prime directive'? What happens when its all-encompassing fog obscures all other values - such as fealty to the Constitution, the rule of law or simple humanity?" asks David C. Iglesias.

Feingold: "Congress Should Have Stood Strong"

Failing to muster enough votes to override an ensured veto from President Bush, Democrats have decided to withdraw their bid to include a timetable in the Iraq supplemental appropriations bill.

Villagers victory over phone mast plan

By Duncan Eaton

Members of the Enviromental Club at Stoke Park Junior School celebrate defeating the mast plan.

VILLAGERS who campaigned to get the plug pulled on a plan to put a mobile phone mast in the heart of a Hampshire woodland have scored a major victory.

Bishopstoke was buzzing with joy last night (Wednesday) as Eastleigh borough councillors kicked out an application to put a radio base station with 81 ft high mast in Stoke Park Wood.

It was an amazing turnabout because earlier planning officers had recommended that Hutchison 3 G (UK) should be given the go ahead.

But in less than 45 minutes the many months of campaigning, spearheaded by Guardians of Stoke Park Wood, ended in a sweet victory.

Before they took their seats members of the Bishopstoke, Fair Oak and Horton Heath Local Area Committee, had to walk past a collection of drawings by local schoolchildren who had graphically put over their own "stop the phone mast" message.

Councillor Anne Winstanley had called for the planning application to be refused on the grounds of environmental impact. There were also health concerns.

FOR the full story and reaction from last night's meeting see today's Daily Echo.

© Copyright 2001-2007 Newsquest Media Group

Militarisierung und die Bundeswehr

Militarismus in den Gräben um die G8

IMI-Standpunkt 2007/042 von Christoph Marischka, erschienen in Friedensblätter Mai/Juni 2007

Vom Staatsbürger in Uniform zur Armee der Unterprivilegierten

IMI-Standpunkt 2007/043 von Jürgen Wagner vom 22.5.2007

Aus: LabourNet, 24. Mai 2007


Armee der Arbeitslosen

Bundeswehr-Wegtreten ready to enter G8

„Bundeswehr wirbt während der Gipfelproteste am Arbeitsamt am 31.Mai 2007 um 13 Uhr, Kopernikusstraße 1a, Rostock. Das klingt sehr selbstbewusst. Das kann aber auch in die Hose gehen. Unmittelbar vor der antimilitaristischen Besiedelung des Bombodroms und der internationalen Großdemonstration will die Bundswehr in Rostocks Innenstadt am Arbeitsamt neue RekrutInnen werben. Hunderte von GipfelgegnerInnen sind schon vor Ort ... Treffpunkt: 13 Uhr vor dem Arbeitsamt, Kopernikusstr. 1a, Rostock“. Siehe dazu:

Bundeswehr-Wegtreten ready to enter G8. Rostock: Gipfelgegner werden Werbeveranstaltung der Bundeswehr am Arbeitsamt nicht hinnehmen

Pressemitteilung vom 28.5.07 (pdf)

Aufruf „Bundeswehr-Wegtreten ready to enter G8“ vom 28.05.2007 bei indymedia

Aus: LabourNet, 29. Mai 2007


Prüfsteine für Auslandseinsätze

Gibt es Terrorwarnungen, wird die Stationierung der Bundeswehr in Afghanistan oder im Libanon in Frage gestellt. Das bietet die Gelegenheit, Manöverkritik zu betreiben. Dokumentation von Auszügen der Kommission "Europäische Sicherheit und Zukunft der Bundeswehr" am "Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik" in der FR vom 27.06.2007

Siehe auch

Kommission „Europäische Sicherheit und Zukunft der Bundeswehr“ am IFSH: Auslandseinsätze der Bundeswehr: Viele Bedingungen müssen erfüllt sein. Die Langfassung beim IFSH (pdf)

Das Geschwader »Immelmann« kämpft stets in der vordersten Reihe. Artikel von Otto Köhler in junge Welt vom 29.06.2007


Soldatengottesdienst im Kölner Dom

Bericht von bundeswehr-wegtreten vom 10.01.2008 bei indymedia

Siehe dazu auch:

Soldatengottesdienst im Kölner Dom und der Protest dagegen am 10.1.2008 – Fotoreportage bei der Arbeiterfotografie

Kardinal Meisners Soldatenvergatterung für die Ziele der Bundeswehr - Mit NATO und Kirchensteuer in das nächste Abenteuer

Bericht von Hans-Peter Keul (pdf)

Aus: LabourNet, 31. Januar 2008


Bundeswehr weltweit

„Die Militarisierung der deutschen Außenpolitik soll durch EU- und NATO-Kriegseinsätze selbstverständlich werden. Der Rüstungshaushalt sieht Umstellungskosten für die Angriffsfähigkeit der Bundeswehr in Milliardenhöhe vor…“ Artikel von Claudia Haydt aus junge Welt vom 9. Februar 2008, dokumentiert beim Friedenspolitischen Ratschlag

Aus: LabourNet, 11. Februar 2008


Die Transformation der Bundeswehr. Dimensionen des Paradigmenwechsels von der Verteidigung zur Intervention

IMI-Analyse 2008/009 von Tobias Pflüger , erschienen in Ausdruck vom Februar 2008

Aus: LabourNet, 18. Februar 2008


"Es lebe das heilige Deutschland!"

Gibt es bei der Bundeswehr "Offiziere einer neuen Generation, die handeln werden, wenn es die Zeit erforderlich macht"?

„Hassmails zu bekommen ist nichts Ungewöhnliches. Wenn jedoch der Absender bei einer Organisation tätig ist, in der er viel über das Töten lernt und jederzeit Zugang zu Waffen hat, dann bekommt solch eine Mail einen anderen Stellenwert. Jürgen Rose vom Arbeitskreis Darmstädter Signal erhielt solch eine Hassmail – gezeichnet mit Namen und Titel eines Mannes, der nicht nur bei der Bundeswehr tätig ist, sondern bei der Elitetruppe KSK, deren genaue Aktivitäten das Verteidigungsministerium weitgehend geheim hält…“ Interview von Peter Mühlbauer mit Hans-Jürgen Rose in telepolis vom 27.03.2008

Aus: LabourNet, 1. April 2008


Transformation der Bundeswehr und Widerstand

„Dieser Artikel soll aufzeigen weshalb eine vermehrte Auseinandersetzung mit der Bundeswehr von linksradikaler Seite nötig ist. Dazu werden zunächst die sog. Transformation der Bundeswehr und ihrer Hintergründe erläutert. Im Anschluss sollen einige antimilitaristische Interventionsmöglichkeiten im allgemeinen und der geplante Aktionstag gegen Krieg und das Sommerbiwak der 1. Panzerdivision Hannover am 22. August 2008 näher beleuchtet werden…“ Artikel von Antimilitaristische Infotour aus Hannover vom 01.08.2008 bei indymedia

Widerstand gegen Bundeswehrgelöbnisse

Dossier bei indymedia ab 02.08.2008

Siehe dazu auch die Antimilitarismus-Homepage

Sicher ins Finale. Der Einsatz von Soldaten bei der Fußball-EM

IMI-Analyse 2008/026 von Uwe Reinecke vom 6.8.08

10. September 2008 Köln: „Bye-Bye Bundeswehr“ - Verabschiedung am Arbeitsamt

„So lautet das Motto unserer Abschiedsparty für die Bundeswehr an der Kölner Arbeitsagentur. Heute versucht die Bundeswehr erneut an der Arbeitsagentur junge Erwerbslose für das Kriegshandwerk inklusive einem Jahr Auslandseinsatz anzuwerben. Ihren letzten Werbeversuch mussten die Wehrdienstberater im Juni ausfallen lassen, da ein antimilitaristisches Empfangskomitee sie mit rosa eingefärbtem Mehl und einem Eimer dreckigem Putzwasser so stürmisch begrüßt hatte, dass ihre sommerliche Ausgehuniform nicht mehr diensttauglich war. Auch diesmal wird es für die Kanonenfutter-Werber eine kleine Überraschung geben. Um festliche Kleidung wird gebeten. Konfetti, Musikinstrumente, Luftballons, Girlanden, Partydekoration u.ä. sind erwünscht! Für Kaffee, Kuchen und Sekt sorgen wir…“ Siehe den Ankündigungsflyer von und bei Bundeswehr wegtreten (pdf)

Die Aktion findet statt: Mittwoch, 10. September 2008 um 13 Uhr in Köln, Arbeitsagentur Luxemburger Str.

Jonna Schürkes / Heiko Humburg / Bundeswehr Wegtreten: Sozialabbau und Rekrutierungsstrategien der Bundeswehr

„In Zusammenarbeit mit Bundeswehr Wegtreten und der Informationsstelle Wissenschaft und Frieden hat die IMI soeben das Dossier Nr. 58 der Zeitschrift Wissenschaft und Frieden mit dem Titel "Sozialabbau und Rekrutierungsstrategien der Bundeswehr" veröffentlicht. Das Thema "Sozialabbau und Militarisierung", beschäftigt uns schon seit längerer Zeit. Dabei haben sind wir insbesondere der Frage nachgegangen, wie sich die Bundeswehr die soziale Situation Jugendlicher zu Nutze macht, um an neue Rekruten zu kommen und wie die Arbeitsagenturen dabei mit dem Militär kollaborieren. Nun haben wir einige der bislang dazu erschienen Texte erweitert, aktualisiert und in einer einheitlichen Publikation veröffentlicht.“

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20.9.2008 Demonstration in Berlin und Stuttgart: Dem Frieden eine Chance, Truppen raus aus Afghanistan. Nein zur Verlängerung der Mandate für den Bundeswehreinsatz in Afghanistan

Siehe Aufruf und Infos auf der Demoseite. Der Aufruf kann dort noch unterzeichnet werden!

Aus: LabourNet, 7. August 2008



„Unmittelbar vor dem heutigen Antikriegstag hat die Deutsche Post eine PR-Kampagne für die Bundeswehr angekündigt. 8.000 großformatige Post-Plakate, die ab diesem Monat bundesweit geklebt werden, werben mit dem Abbild eines uniformierten Afghanistan-Kämpfers des deutschen Expeditionskorps. Die Plakat-Kampagne soll "den Soldatenberuf in der Gesellschaft präsent machen", heißt es bei der Deutschen Post. Das Unternehmen unterhält einen "Konzernrepräsentanten Military Affairs Bundeswehr/NATO". An der Erstellung der Plakate war ein "Informationsfeldwebel" beteiligt. Die deutschen Streitkräfte beschäftigen ein wachsendes Spezialistenheer für Psychologische Kriegsführung, die in Berlin als "Kommunikation und Information" firmiert. Die Deutsche Post, die sich der deutschen Armee als PR-Partner zur Verfügung stellt, profitiert in zunehmendem Maße von den Gewalteinsätzen der Bundeswehr im Ausland. Allein der Umfang der Feldpost nähert sich dem Postaufkommen einer Großstadt. Hinzu kommen umfangreiche Aufträge in der Militärlogistik, die der weltweit führende Logistikkonzern akquirieren will. Die neue PR-Kampagne der Post - ein Beispiel für die militärische Durchdringung bisher ziviler Gesellschaftsbereiche - startet zu einem Zeitpunkt, da die Bundeswehr über Nachwuchsmangel klagt und die Tötung afghanischer Zivilisten durch deutsche Soldaten die Barbarisierung des Afghanistan-Einsatzes verdeutlicht…“ Ein Bericht bei (Informationen zur Deutschen Außenpolitik) vom 01.09.2008

Aus: LabourNet, 4. September 2008


Die Bundeswehr im Kampf an der Heimatfront

Der Kampf um die "Hearts & Minds" der deutschen Bevölkerung und um neue RekrutInnen für weltweite Militärinterventionen. IMI-Studie 2009/1 von Michael Schulze von Glaßer (pdf)

Bundeswehr „bildet“

"Failing Sciences, Embedded Stakeholders, Wider den SFB 700"

Broschüre gegen die Militarisierung der Freien Universität in Berlin auf der Plattform der Fachschaftsinitiativen (FSI) an der Freien Universität Berlin (pdf)

Aus: LabourNet, 19. Januar 2009


"Amtshilfe" steigt explosionsartig an

“„Die zunehmende Zahl so genannter Amtshilfeeinsätze der Bundeswehr weist auf eine schleichende Militarisierung hin“, kommentiert Ulla Jelpke die Antwort der Bundesregierung auf zwei Kleine Anfragen (BT-Drs. 16/11592 und 16/11813). Die innenpolitische Sprecherin der Fraktion DIE LINKE hatte sich darin nach der Entwicklung der Einsatzzahlen erkundigt. Jelpke: „Gab es bis 1999 gerade mal eine Amtshilfe im Jahr, so waren es 2007 schon 16. Im Jahr 2008 stieg die Zahl dann auf 30. Auch die Zahlen für so genannte Unterstützungsleistungen Dritter steigen rasant an. Im Gegensatz zur Amtshilfe können dabei nicht nur Behörden, sondern auch Privatvereine und beispielsweise Rüstungsfirmen Einsätze der Bundeswehr beantragen. Zwischen den Jahren 2000 und 2007 pendelten die Zahlen zwischen 11 und 32. Im Jahr 2008 waren es 74…“ Pressemitteilung vom 17.02.2009 von und bei Ulla Jelpke

Aus: LabourNet, 18. Februar 2009üger

Wer verhindert noch die Verabschiedung eines rechtstaatswidrigen Gesetzes?

„Mit dem Gesetzentwurf zur Umsetzung aufenthalts- und asylrechtlicher Richtlinien der Europäischen Union, der Ende März 2007 im Kabinett beschlossen wurde, plant die Große Koalition umfangreiche Verschärfungen der asyl-, aufenthalts- und staatsbürgerschaftsrechtlichen Bestimmungen. Unter dem Deckmantel der EU-Richtlinienumsetzung sollen noch bis zur Sommerpause des Parlaments Regelungen durchgesetzt werden, die massiv in Grundrechte der Betroffenen bzw. in das Rechtsstaatsprinzip der Bundesrepublik Deutschland eingreifen…“ Presseerklärung des Grundrechtekomitees vom 18. Mai 2007 zum Regierungsentwurf eines Gesetzes zur Umsetzung aufenthalts- und asylrechtlicher Richtlinien der EU (pdf)

Aus: LabourNet, 24. Mai 2007

Datenschutz auf der "schiefen Ebene" oder im freien Fall?

Von der Wiege bis über die Bahre hinaus nur eine Nummer

„Der 21. Tätigkeitsbericht des Bundesdatenschutzbeauftragten: Datenschutz auf der "schiefen Ebene" oder doch eher im freien Fall? Die einheitliche Steuernummer für jeden wird – trotz der Forderung des Bundesdatenschutzbeauftragten, diese erst bei einer Steuerpflicht einzuführen – schon ab der Geburt vergeben. Der lebenslang als Nummer existierende Bürger wird somit Realität. Und der Datenschutz verliert weiter an Bedeutung bei Gesetzesvorhaben…“ Artikel von Twister (Bettina Winsemann) in telepolis vom 24.05.2007

Siehe dazu:

21. Tätigkeitsbericht 2005 – 2006 des Bundesdatenschutzbeauftragten vom 24.04.2007 (pdf)

Aus: LabourNet, 24. Mai 2007


Bürgerrechtler für Boykott der neuen Steuernummern

Bürgerrechtler rufen zum Boykott der neu eingeführten Steuer-Identifikationsnummern (Steuer-ID) auf. "Ein staatlich verordnetes Personenkennzeichen wie die Steuer-ID ist der Einstieg in die zunehmende Vernetzung staatlicher Datensammlungen", kritisierte der Vize-Vorsitzende der "Humanistischen Union (HU)", Fredrik Roggan, am Montag (25. August) in Berlin. Die Organisation habe beim Finanzgericht Köln eine Musterklage gegen die neuen Steuer-IDs eingereicht. Bis zu einer gerichtlichen Grundsatzentscheidung sollten die Bürger weiter die alten Steuernummern verwenden. Die eindeutige Kennung per Steuer-ID erleichtere es den Behörden, aus verschiedenen Quellen Datenprofile der Bürger zusammenzustellen, bemängelte HU-Geschäftsführer Sven Lüders.


CDU und SPD lehnen Total-Verbot von Datenhandel ab

Die Bundestagsfraktionen von CDU und SPD lehnen ein generelles Verbot des Handels mit personenbezogenen Daten ab. Wenn Bürger grundsätzlich damit einverstanden seien, etwa weil sie Werbeangebote erhalten wollten, dann stelle sich die Frage, warum man das verbieten solle, sagte Unions-Fraktionsvize Wolfgang Bosbach (CDU) am Montag im ZDF-"Morgenmagazin". Auch der Datenschutzexperte der SPD-Fraktion, Michael Bürsch, betonte, seine Fraktion sei gegen ein generelles Verbot des Datenhandels. Bundeswirtschaftsminister Michael Glos (CSU) hatte ein solches Verbot am Wochenende angeregt - die CSU befindet sich derzeit im Landtagswahlkampf.


Einführung der neuen Steuer-ID: Datenschutzrechtlicher Quantensprung

Politik der Angst schadet der Sicherheit und den Menschenrechten

„Regierungen und bewaffnete Gruppen schüren gezielt Ängste und Sorgen, um den Menschenrechtsschutz herunterzuschrauben. Diese Politik der Angst hat sich 2006 verfestigt. Sie schafft eine gefährlich polarisierte Welt, sagte amnesty international (ai) anlässlich der Vorstellung des ai-Jahresberichts 2007. In Deutschland kritisiert ai die Behandlung von Flüchtlingen, insbesondere aus dem Irak…“ Pressemitteilung von amnesty international Deutschland vom 23. Mai 2007

Aus: LabourNet, 24. Mai 2007

How Many More Will Congress Leave to Die?

May 24, 2007

Congress is set to vote within the next 48 hours to give Bush a blank check to pay for continued war and occupation. It is unacceptable that the Democratic leadership has abandoned a timeline for ending the war in this new supplemental funding bill. Call your Representative and Senators today at (202) 224-3121 and insist they stand up to Bush and vote against endless war!

Tell them: Vote NO on the Supplemental funding bill. This money will only continue to support the war and occupation of Iraq. Don't buy Bush's war!

Ask them: How many more fallen soldiers will we have to mourn next Memorial Day?

Make your calls today! Let us know how your Congressperson is going to vote by sending an email to

Click here to ask 5 friends to call their members of Congress as well, or simply forward this email! Together we can defeat the Iraq Funding Bill.

With peace and determination,
Dana, Desiree, Farida, Gael, Gayle, Jodie, Libby, Liz, Lori, Medea, Nancy, Patricia, Rae, Samantha

P.S. Click here to read several articles on the politics of the Iraq Funding Bill.

You are the homegrown terrorist threat

If you're an American reading this, then under expansive definitions being used by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and several states in their counterterrorism training, you just might be a domestic terrorist.

Feds watching anti-immigrant extremists

Authorities see tensions rising as groups grow.

US to focus on homegrown extremists

The US president's new national security strategy will focus on the threat posed by homegrown extremists, his counter-terrorism chief says.

From Information Clearing House

Goodling Accuses Colleague of Misleading Congress

A former top Justice Department aide accused Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty of misleading Congress about the dismissals.

From Information Clearing House


Goodling Broke Law in Some DOJ Hirings, Testimony Reveals

Monica Goodling, the former White House liaison for the Justice Department, testified Wednesday that she used a political litmus test in screening applicants for hire as Justice Department employees, in what appears to be a violation of numerous federal laws.


The Goods on Goodling and the Keys to the Kingdom

This Monica revealed something hotter --- much hotter --- than a stained blue dress. In her opening testimony yesterday before the House Judiciary Committee, Monica Goodling, the blonde-ling underling to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and Department of Justice Liaison to the White House, dropped The Big One....And the Committee members didn't even know it.

Goodling Says She 'Crossed the Line'

A former senior aide to Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales leveled serious new accusations against him and his deputy yesterday, describing an "uncomfortable" attempt by Gonzales to discuss the firings of U.S. attorneys as Congress and the Justice Department were intensifying their investigations of the issue.

From Information Clearing House

Police put 100,000 innocent children on DNA database

The number of innocent children placed on the Government's vast DNA database for life has quadrupled in the past year to more than 100,000, it has emerged.

From Information Clearing House

Leaked British plan would turn doctors, social workers into police informants

The British government is weighing a plan that would require civil servants - including social workers and doctors - to report people deemed likely to commit acts of violence in the interest of stopping crimes before they are committed, according to a leaked official document.

From Information Clearing House

Germans outraged by "scent profiling" ahead of G8

Germany's justice minister added her voice on Wednesday to outrage sweeping the country over 'scent profiling' methods police are using for a looming G8 summit that recall tricks by East Germany's nefarious Stasi.

From Information Clearing House

Weakened Dollar Sends Americans' Investments Overseas

The combination of a weakened dollar and foreign stock markets that consistently have outperformed the American market has given American investors the push to put record amounts of money into overseas securities.

Dollar buying ever less of world's goods

The dollar has fallen 5 percent against the euro and the pound so far this year, the equivalent of a 20 percent annual decline.

Regional currency to replace dollar in Argentina-Brazil trade

Argentina and Brazil, South America's two largest economies, will drop the U.S. dollar in favor of a regional currency in their bilateral trade starting in October 2007, Argentine Economics Minister Felisa Miceli said.

From Information Clearing House

Don't get fooled again: when George Bush's desperate 'surge' in Iraq fails, it's all Tehran's fault

War pimp alert: Iran's "secret plan" for summer offensive to force US out of Iraq

Iran is secretly forging ties with al-Qaida elements and Sunni Arab militias in Iraq in preparation for a summer showdown with coalition forces intended to tip a wavering US Congress into voting for full military withdrawal, US officials say.,,2085192,00.html

War pimp alert: Iranian money found in Baghdad raid-U.S. military

A large quantity of Iranian currency was found when U.S. troops uncovered a cache of bomb-making materials in a raid on a Shi'ite stronghold in western Baghdad on Wednesday, the U.S. military said.

Nine US warships in Gulf for show of force

A large flotilla of U.S. warships sailed through the narrowest point in the Gulf in broad daylight on Wednesday to hold drills off Iran's coast in a major show of force that unnerved oil markets.

Iran 'plans retaliatory attacks on British nuclear plants

Iran is conducting reconnaissance missions on Britain's nuclear power stations in preparation for retaliatory attacks should the West strike against Tehran's nuclear installations, a European security analyst told MPs yesterday.

Commander: Iran's military ready to confront invasions

Dadras made the remarks in the southern province of Fars where a new war game was underway to commemorate the anniversary of the liberation of the southern city of Khorramshahr from the Iraqi occupation in 1982, the report said.

IAEA Report Contradicts Major Media Narrative On Iran

The claims filtering in and out of the media that Iran is one to two years away from producing bomb grade material are, to put it mildly, wildly inaccurate, as the report notes the Iranians are only reprocessing moderate amounts of UF6 to 4.8% U-235, and bomb grade material must be at least 80%.

Most U.S. Adults Oppose War with Iran

A majority of adults in the United States believe their federal administration should not wage war against Iran, according to a poll by Opinion Research Corporation released by CNN. 63 per cent of respondents would oppose the U.S. government if it decides to take military action in Iran.

From Information Clearing House

Democrats give way on deadline for Iraq in showdown with White House

Democrats in Congress have relented on their insistence that a war spending measure set a date for withdrawing U.S. combat troops from Iraq. Instead, they moved toward a deal with President George W. Bush that would impose new conditions on the Iraqi government.

From Information Clearing House


Don't Think of a US Soldier, Unarmed, Abandoned in Iraq's Civil War!

Jeff Cohen writes: "For years, Team Bush has sought to shroud their devastating and deepening Iraq occupation in the myth of troop protection.... The shared pretense of the White House and Democratic leaders is that funding the Iraq occupation is somehow a program on behalf of the troops. Like a subsidy for family farmers.... What Democrats need to be saying, repeatedly, is that it's Bush/Cheney who abandoned several thousand US troops to avoidable deaths in a disastrous occupation, and tens of thousands to horrible injuries. And that they're willing to abandon still more troops to unnecessary death and injury. Democrats also need to talk about polls that consistently show most US troops in Iraq support withdrawal, as do most Iraqis."

In privatized US war, foreigners do most of dying

The war in Iraq is killing nine civilian contractors a week on average, roughly three times the rate of last year, and U.S. government statistics show that non-Americans do most of the dying.

From Information Clearing House

Unmasking of the Authoritarians

By Manuel Valenzuela

Only by understanding the manipulations and the propaganda of our masters, and how they affect us, will we be triumphant. Never in our history has a mirror been more needed.

Malice Toward All, Charity Toward None: The Foundations of the American State

By Thomas J. DiLorenzo

The state funding and control of higher education that have produced the totalitarian regime of political correctness has all but guaranteed that there will be few (if any) publications that illuminate, rather than obfuscate, some of the more devious deeds of the American state throughout its history.

An Examination of the Bush Military Files

The AWOL Project


Informant: Corey

Corporation Patents Deliberately Injured Rabbits

Groups urge the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to revoke patent

Repeal of Chicago's Foie Gras Ban Resurfaces

Chicago residents: speak out NOW to ensure law's preservation

Wi-Fi radiation: is it dangerous to your child?

Brighton protest

Just had the following message - will give more info as soon as I know.

Note: the CPRE of which Bill Bryson is now President is involved against this mast. Did anything come of whoever it was saying they knew someone in publishing who could get his contact details?


Dear Sirs,

For the last few weeks councillors, action groups and residents with help from the South Downs Joint Committee, CPRE and others have been gathering support against a H3G mast on ANOB (and designated National Park) north of Brighton.

A planning application has been made and all objecting parties are writing to the Local Authority.

We would like to bring to your attention that a protest demonstration has been arranged on the site on Sunday 27th May 2007 at 12 noon. Thus far over 300 residences have said they will support with over 1000 residences have been invited. Newspaper, radio and TV networks have been advised. We would be grateful for any support you may be able to lend to this matter to protect the conservation area from this mast.

Yours faithfully
Lee Wares

AOK-Rabatte auf Fettes: Krankenkasse begünstigt Krankmacher,4070,5539885-0,00.html,5587,5001560,00.pdf

Defense Dept. using soldiers as "guinea pigs" for unproven and dangerous vaccines

First hour guest, Gulf War veterans advocate Joyce Riley discussed soldiers being sickened by vaccines. The Dept. of Defense is covertly using soldiers as "experimental guinea pigs" for unproven and dangerous vaccines, she declared. For more, see this report from WLWT in Cincinnati.

To listen to interview, go to first hour segment at:

Jack Topel

Geißler kritisiert "Anarchie im Wirtschaftssystem"

"Wir erleben eine weltweite Anarchie im Wirtschaftssystem, in dem unkontrolliert Hedge-Fonds agieren und bei so genannten Geierfonds verschuldete Entwicklungsländer ausgebeutet werden", sagte der frühere CDU-Generalsekretär Heiner Geißler dem "Handelsblatt" (23. Mai). Er widersprach der These, dass erst die Globalisierung vielen Ländern die Chance für Entwicklung gebe. So sei die Kluft zwischen Arm und Reich in keinem Land so groß wie in China. "Typisch ist die Entwicklung in eine Zweidrittel- oder Vierfünftel-Gesellschaft. Das ist das genaue Gegenteil jener Wirtschaftsphilosophie, die mit der sozialen Marktwirtschaft gemeint war", so Geißler. Nötig sei eine internationale sozial-ökologische Marktwirtschaft. "Ich will den Markt nicht abschaffen, aber er muss sozial verantwortlich werden", meint der CDU-Politiker. Heute gebe es Exzesse, die dem internationalen Terrorismus sozialen und emotionalen Schub gäben.ßler


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