Samstag, 26. Mai 2007

Young officers leaving service at 'alarming' rate

Informant: Corey

DOJ Made Immigration Judgeships Political

The Justice Department considered political affiliation in screening applicants for immigration court judgeships for several years until hiring was frozen in December after objections from department lawyers, current and former officials said.

Government-Sponsored Terrorism Plans Revealed in Pentagon Documents

Informant: Corey

Leahy, Specter Ask Rove's Lawyer for More E-Mails

The chairman and ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee Friday asked the lawyer of top White House aide Karl Rove to hand over more of Rove's e-mails as they continue to investigate the controversial firings of several US attorneys.

Senate to Hold No-Confidence Vote in June

President Bush said Thursday he would address any wrongdoing uncovered by congressional or other investigations related to the firings of eight federal prosecutors, but added that new allegations have not swayed his support for Attorney General Alberto Gonzales.

US Show of Force in Gulf "Greatly Alarming"

A US navy show of force on Iran's doorstep is "greatly alarming" for the region and the United States risked a bloody quagmire if it invaded Iran, a state-run Afghan newspaper said on Saturday.

New wars require new weapons

Informant: Doctor Plum

Das Bad im verseuchten Fluss und andere Katastrophen

Irak: die Feinheiten der Zerstörung unter Saddam Hussein und zu Zeiten der Amerikaner.

Der G8-Gipfel als Höhepunkt von Politik-Inszenierung


Anwaltlicher Notdienst des RAV zum G8 Gipfel eingerichtet – Nummer des EA jetzt eingerichtet

Zur Sicherung rechtsstaatlicher Verfahren in der Zeit der Proteste rund um den G8-Gipfel haben RAV und die Vereinigung der Strafverteidiger Mecklenburg Vorpommern einen anwaltlichen Notdienst eingerichtet. In diesem Rahmen arbeiten wir eng mit dem in dieser Zeit vorhandenen Ermittlungsausschuss (EA) zusammen und sind über diesen für alle DemonstrantInnen 24 Stunden erreichbar. Die Nummer des EA lautet: 038204 – 768111 ist ab dem 28.Mai erreichbar.

G8 2007 - Es gibt Alternativen. Internationaler G8 Alternativkongress Rostock 5. - 7. Juni 2007: Das Programm für den alternativen G8-Kongress in Rostock steht:

G8-Testlauf in Hamburg:

Ticker-HH vom 28.05.07 (und den vorigen Tagen) bei indymedia

ASEM Demo in Hamburg bei

G8-07 > Die Show beginnt… Repressionen im Vorfeld des G-8-Gipfels 07

Postdurchsuchung: Konken fordert Aufklärung

„Der Bundesvorsitzende des Deutschen Journalisten-Verbandes Michael Konken hat die Generalbundesanwältin beim Bundesgerichtshof Monika Harms schriftlich aufgefordert, umgehend darüber zu informieren, ob in Hamburg tatsächlich an Redaktionen gerichtete Post durchsucht worden ist. Aktuellen Meldungen zufolge sollen Beamte der Staatsschutzabteilung seit Tagen systematisch Post durchsuchen, die an Hamburger Zeitungen adressiert ist. Die Polizisten seien auf der Suche nach Bekennerschreiben nach Anschlägen militanter G8-Gegner…“ djv-Pressemitteilung vom 25. Mai. 2007[tt_news]=863&tx_ttnews[backPid]=18&cHash=a77b2a1bd8

Europäische Märsche gegen Prekarisierung zum G8-Gipfel nach Heiligendamm

Treffpunkt der Europäischen Märsche: 2. Juni 2007 um 11:00 Uhr in Rostock, Schutower Straße/Hamburger Straße

Für weitere Berichterstattung siehe ab sofort die Homepage Euromarsch 2007 als "Untermieter" des LabourNet Germany

Euromarschankunft in Köln

„Am Samstag den 26.Mai, gegen 15 Uhr erreichten 50 bis 70 „Euro-MarschiererInnen“ Köln und zogen mit einer kleinen aber feinen Demo den Roncalliplatz. Obwohl Kölner Erwerbslose, MigrantInnen, GewerkschafterInnen und das Kölner Anti-G8-Bündnis (Attac, Bund, Radikale Linke[IL],... ) dazu aufgerufen hatten sie dort zu empfangen, waren leider nur sehr wenigen gekommen. Nachdem es heute noch eine Veranstaltung über "Soziale Kämpfe in Europa" im Kalker Naturfreundehaus gibt, findet am noch eine Party im Bürgerhaus Kalk. Morgen geht es dann weiter nach Leverkusen und Düsseldorf. Der „Marsch“ findet in Form eines Autokorsos statt…“ Bericht vom 26.05.2007 bei indymedia

G8-Gipfel 2007: Gewerkschaftliche (De)Mobilisierung

An DGB, Ver.di, IGM… Jetzt erst recht – Mobilisierung gegen G8-Gipfel verstärken

„Am 9. Mai veranlasste die Bundesanwaltschaft die Durchsuchung von mindestens 40 linken und alternativen Büros, Projekten und Wohnungen (…) Wir fordern deshalb den DGB und seine Einzelgewerkschaften auf:
1. Die Polizeimaßnahmen und Schäuble-Äußerungen eindeutig öffentlich zu kritisieren.
2. Jede Einbindung in den offiziellen Gipfel durch Treffen mit Politikern abzulehnen
3. Durch Diskussionen in den Gremien und Massenflugblätter Gewerkschaftsmitglieder und Belegschaften für die G8-Proteste zu mobilisieren
4. Mit Streiks den Gipfel lahmzulegen. Am 2. März zeigte der Streik von NGG-KollegInnen im Wiesbadener Nobelhotel Dorint, in dem gerade das EUVerteidigungsministertreffen stattfand, dass solche Proteste nicht nur die Gipfelteilnehmer in ihrem schädlichen Tun hindern, sondern auch ein exzellentes Druckmittel zur Durchsetzung der gewerkschaftlichen Forderungen sind. Ver.di kann z.B. durch Streiks die gesamte Telekommunikation des Gipfels lahm legen und sollte dies auch tun…“ Aufruf der TeilnehmerInnen der Veranstaltung der Vernetzung „Stuttgart gegen G8“ am 16. 5. 2007 im Stuttgarter DGB-Haus (pdf)

Aktionen: Migrationsbezogene Aktivitäten gegen G8

Kurz vor G8: Aktionstage in Berlin gegen die Verschärfung des Zuwanderungsgesetzes und zur Innenministerkonferenz ab 31. Mai 07 in Berlin: Aktionstage gegen Verschärfung des Zuwanderungsgesetzes und zur Innenministerkonferenz – Siehe Infos beim Flüchtlingsrat Berlin

Für Globale Bewegungsfreiheit und Gleiche Rechte für Alle!

Gesamtprogramm Flucht und Migration im Rahmen der Anti-G8-Woche, darin u.a.:

Siehe für das vollständige Programm und weitere Infos die Aktionshomepage und das Noborder-Netzwerk

Überflüssige und prekäre Superheldinnen: Die Unschlagbaren

Gemeinsam mit zehntausenden Anderen werden sich Überflüssige und prekäre Superheldinnen an der Großdemonstration und an den Massenblockaden während des G8-Gipfels beteiligen. Aufruf zum gemeinsamen Block bei der Großdemonstration in Rostock am 2. Juni 07 und bei den Massenblockaden gegen den G8-Gipfel in Heiligendamm von FelS vom 16.05.2007

Antimilitarismus zum G8-Gipfel

1. Juni 2007 (Neuruppin): Auf zum Bombodrom im Heidesand um 14 Uhr, in der FREIen HEIDe

In Brandenburg, 80 km nördlich von Berlin, zwischen den Städten Wittstock und Neuruppin, liegt ein 142 Quadratkilometer großes Gelände, das die Sowjetarmee 40 Jahre lang als Bombodrom benutzt hat. Seit 1992 versucht die Bundeswehr, dieses Gelände weiter zu nutzen. Ihr Ziel, Europas größten Luft-Boden-Schießplatz für Bundeswehr, EU- und NAO-Truppen einzurichten scheitert bislang an einem seit 15 Jahren aktiven, breiten Widerstand. Gemeinsam mit internationalen AntimilitaristInnen soll das Gelände „neubesiedelt“ werden ... Siehe Details zur Bombodrom-Besiedelung

Gegen Militarismus, Krieg und Folter G8 blockieren, Kriege verhindern! Aufruf zum Aktionstag am 5. und 6.06.2007 in Rostock-Laage

5. Juni 2007 (Rostock): Antimilitaristische Stadtralley. Start um 11 Uhr Camp Rostock

Im Rahmen der Anti-G8-Aktionstage gegen Krieg, Militarisierung und Folter wird es am Dienstag, den 5. Juni einen interessanten und aktionsreichen Stadtrundgang mit verschiedenen Stationen geben. Eine dieser Stationen ist die Arbeitsagentur und Hanse-Kaserne in Rostock um 14 Uhr in der Kopernikusstraße 1a/ Ecke Tschaikowskistraße – Kommt zahlreich!

6. Juni 2007 (Flughafen Rostock-Laage): Gegen Militarismus, Krieg und Folter G8 blockieren, Kriege verhindern!

Der Flughafen Rostock-Laage ist Teil der Infrastruktur des G8-Gipfels und der militaristischen Politik der G8-Staaten. Hier ist das Jagdbombergeschwader 73 stationiert. Hier wird mit Eurofightern der nächste Krieg vorbereitet. Von hier sollen demnächst die Kriegsflugzeuge zum Bombodrom starten, und hier wollen am 6. Juni die TeilnehmerInnen der G8-Konferenz von Heiligendamm einfliegen. Auch wir werden an diesem Tag massenhaft vor Ort sein, denn mit ihrer Kriegspolitik können sie bei uns nicht landen. Das wollen wir mit vielfältigem Protest und aktivem Widerstand gegen Krieg und G8 gebührend zum Ausdruck bringen. Voraussichtllich ab 10 Uhr überall am Flughafen.

Aus: LabourNet, 29. Mai 2007


Grundinformationen vom Gipfel

G8 Ticker bei indymedia

Proteste gegen den G8-Gipfel in Heiligendamm Sonderseite bei indymedia



Repressionen im Vorfeld des G-8-Gipfels 07

Bereitschaftspolizist verletzt Rechtsanwältin nach Demonstration gegen ASEM-Treffen in Hamburg und hindert sie an Ausübung ihrer anwaltlichen Tätigkeit - RAV fordert Stellungnahme des Hamburger Polizeipräsidenten zum Vorfall

RAV-Pressemitteilung vom 30.5.07

Europäische Märsche gegen Prekarisierung zum G8-Gipfel nach Heiligendamm

Der lange Euro-Marsch. Euromarschierer machen Station und setzen Köln in Bewegung

„Am Samstag, den 26. Juni kamen sie in Köln an: Rund 70 Globalisierungskritiker, „Euromarschierer“ aus Frankreich, Belgien, den Niederlanden und Japan auf ihrem Weg zum diesjährigen G8-Gipfel in Heiligendamm. Und sie wurden empfangen: zuerst, wie es sich gehört, im Kölner Rathaus – bemerkenswerter Weise ausschließlich von der Linksfraktion – und anschließend von etwa 200 heimischen Teilnehmern bei der zentralen Kundgebung auf dem Roncalliplatz…“ Artikel von Carl H. Ewald in Neue Rheinische Zeitung - Online - die Nr. 97 vom 30.5.07

Siehe auch:

„Solidarisch im Kampf". Fotos des Euromarschs durch Köln von H-D. Hey, C. Schmidt und R. Willy in Neue Rheinische Zeitung - Online - die Nr. 97 vom 30.5.07

Euromärsche erreichten Berlin

„Am vergangenen Mittwoch hat ein Teil der Euromärsche Berlin erreicht und sich am Aktionstag Berliner Erwerbsloser gegen G8 beteiligt, der von AktivistInnen von Erwerbsloseninitiativen, dem Berliner Sozialforum, der Internationalen KommunstInnen getragen wurde. Der Aktionstag begann mit einen Ein-Euro-Job-Spaziergang im Stadtteil Neukölln. Eine Gruppe von 10 Menschen besuchte verschiedene Ein-Euro-Job-Projekte und sprach mit den betroffenen über ihre Arbeitsbedingungen. Die Ein-Euro-Job-SpaziergängerInnen trafen sich dann vor dem Jobcenter Neukölln mit den EuromarschiererInnen…“ Bericht von „lesender arbeiter“ vom 31.05.2007 bei indymedia

Siehe dazu auch:

Prekäres Zusammentreffen vor dem Bundestag - polizeiliche Abschiebung zum nächsten Bahnhof

„Seit dem 26. Mai finden wieder die Europäischen Märsche gegen Erwerbslosigkeit, ungeschützte Beschäftigung und Ausgrenzung statt. Auch aus Dresden haben sich 30 Menschen unter dem Motto „Arbeit und Einkommen für alle - überall“ mit Fahrrädern auf den Weg nach Rostock gemacht und am 30. Mai Station in Berlin eingelegt. Dort gab es ein Zusammentreffen mit Akteuren des Berliner Mayday-Bündnisses. Der Besuch der Hauptstadt endete vor dem Bundestagsgebäude mit der Aufnahme der Personalien und einer polizeilichen Begleitung zum Bahnhof…“ Pressemitteilung des Social Forum Berlin vom 30.5.07

Aus: LabourNet, 31. Mai 2007


Das Briefgeheimnis auf dem Weg ins Abseits?

Humanistische Union erhebt Beschwerde gegen Postdurchsuchung in Hamburg

Artikel von Sven Lüders in den Mitteilungen der Humanistischen Union, Zeitschrift für Aufklärung und Bürgerrechte, Nr. 197

Aus: LabourNet, 19. Juli 2007

What Congress Really Approved: Benchmark No. 1: Privatizing Iraq's Oil for US Companies

Retired Army Colonel Ann Wright says the supplemental bill Congress passed to continue funding the Iraq war is really about "stealing Iraq's oil - the second largest reserves in the world. The "benchmark," or goal, the Bush administration has been working on furiously since the US invaded Iraq is privatization of Iraq's oil. Now they have Congress blackmailing the Iraqi Parliament and the Iraqi people: no privatization of Iraqi oil, no reconstruction funds."


Congress voted for 'stealing Iraq's oil'

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Representative Confronts American Empire on House Floor

Informant: Debi Clark

Eastleigh: Phone mast turned down

Just to let you know and pass on to those who need to know that last night the local area committee of Eastleigh Council overturned the recommendation of their officers and refused Hutchison consent for a 25 metre mast in some local woods. We got the support of our local MP, Chris Huhne, got 1200 signatures on a petition, had the local schoolchildren do posters, organised protest letters from Natural England, the Woodland Trust, the local Wildlife Trust and got help from Planning Aid, the pro bono arm of the Royal Town Planning Institute. The result was covered favourably on the late night BBC TV regional bulletin and by local radio and the local print media. It was probably more about local politics than planning law but at least we're over the first hurdle. Just thought you should know.



Suffocated by Wi-Fi electrosmog

The following item appears in June's issue of the radical activist Worthing newsletter The Porkbolter, which is an excellent mouthpiece against microwave technology. The link at the end can be used for getting stuff in future issues.


Suffocated by Wi-Fi electrosmog

A DANGEROUS modern "electrosmog" is putting our health and our environment at risk, it is rapidly emerging.

After the evidence in our last issue about passive mobile phone use, the national spotlight has now fallen on Wi-Fi, the microwave fields that allow people to log on to the internet without being plugged into a phone line.

Reported The Independent on Sunday (April 22): "Britain's top health protection watchdog is pressing for a formal investigation into the hazards of using wireless communication networks in schools amid mounting concern that they may be damaging children's health." It added: "Virtually no studies have been carred out into Wi-Fi's effects on pupils, but it gives off radiation similar to emissions from mobile phones and phone masts. Recent research has linked radiation from mobiles to cancer and to brain damange. And many studies have found disturbing symptoms in people near masts."

After we sent a link to this story to readers on our email list (just ask if you want to be included on it!), we had response from a woman in East Worthing. She wrote: "That's interesting about the Wi-Fi - I got a wireless set up at home about four months ago and have had to stop using it because after about 20 minutes it gives me headaches, and after that I get pins and needles in my feet and hands and I start to feel really light headed and sick. I've gone back to a wired connection. I could feel when it was on or off, even when not in the same room.

"The headache feels like there's a sort of electrical thing going on between my ears, and it's very painful between the eyes, like there's pressure building there. It's actually very similar to a problem a friend of mine had a few years ago with a Nokia phone, she had the same headaches and also a metallic taste in her mouth, when she changed phones it was OK again.

"It's a very strange thing because it's not all Wi-Fi that does this to me, I can sit in a hot spot and feel fine, but my home set up is really unpleasant, maybe because it's at such close range. I do also get the same symptoms if I visit Lyons Farm Sainsbury's so maybe there's some kind of Wi-Fi thing going on up there too - I went there a few months ago for the first time in a about a year and had to leave sharpish.

"When I can feel it, it's like the air is heavy and thick, and I find it hard to think clearly, it's quite hard to put into words. I heard on the news today that some expert is recommending that children don't hold Wi-Fi devices on their lap, there's definitely something very wrong with Wi-Fi."

Meanwhile, it has also emerged that both bees and birds are being affected by the electrosmog from mobile masts, as it is believed they use electromagnetism to navigate (Independent on Sunday, April 29). This has already led Eastbourne's council to block a new mast because of fears about the bees (IoS, May 6). Any chance that Worthing will wake up to this as well?

Have you had any experiences of Wi-Fi or other types of radiation? Let us know via porkbolter or porkbolter

Attac zur Unternehmensteuer: "Es ist ein Skandal"

WiFi worries scare off Londoners

I just saw this article.


Fears about ill-effects from using wireless internet technology have prompted an unprecedented number of Londoners to dismantle their systems.

A City-wide computer call-out service yesterday reported that almost half of its recent enquiries were from people wanting WiFi removed.

The news comes after a televised probe by the BBC found WiFi frequency radiation levels in some schools emit three times the intensity found in the main beam of mobile phone masts.

The findings, from the broadcaster’s Panorama programme, have since been disputed by leading scientists, who claim BBC journalists failed to employ a sound methodology.

Yet for the chairman of the Health Protection Agency, which reports of‘no consistent evidence’ of health risks to WiFi users, the Beeb's findings are grounds for closer scrutiny.

Sir William Stewart, a senior advisor to the government, said: "I believe that there is a need for a review of the WiFi and other areas... I think it's timely for it to be done now."

Scientists generally agree that WiFi should be safer than mobile phone radiation because WiFi devices transmit over shorter distances, and so can operate at lower power.

A survey cited by the World Health Organisation shows the RF exposures from base stations range from 0.002% to 2% of the levels of international exposure guidelines, depending on factors such as the proximity to the antenna and the surrounding area.

This is lower or comparable to RF exposures from radio or television broadcast transmitters.

However the consensus that WiFi ought to be safer than mobile phone radiation is based only on “current knowledge,” the HPA said.

The caution comes as an aggressive roll-out of the technology continues nationwide: in London, the fear of what the WHO calls ‘unknown hazards’ has compelled users to act.

” I have never seen such a reaction,” a spokesman for Scooter Computer, a PC repair service, told the Evening Standard yesterday.

“More than 40 per cent of enquiries from hundreds of customers in the last three days were from people worried about WiFi.”

Speaking before the BBC probe, the World Health Organisation cited “media announcements” about WiFi as adding to a “perception” of “undiscovered hazards.”

But it reassured: “Considering the very low exposure levels and research results collected to date, there is no convincing scientific evidence that the weak radio frequency signals from base stations and wireless networks cause adverse health effects.”

And the Health Protection Agency has braved a wider endorsement:” There is no consistent evidence of health effects from radio frequency exposures below guideline levels and therefore no reason why schools and others should not use WiFi equipment.”

Omega read and
"Competing interests, conflicts of interest: Who's funding WHO?"under:

May 25, 2007

All content © Contractor UK Limited


Plans for WiFi covering London from 2004!!!

The state of wireless London!

Protection from the radiation coming from wireless equipment

Victoria Boutenko is one of the world's leading authorirties on living on raw vegan foods. She does a regular e-letter. In this month's, the following appears.


Radiation Protection

I would like to share with you my personal negative experience with cordless phones. Several months ago, I spent four hours participating in a teleconference using the cordless phone in my office. Later that night, as I got ready for bed, I experienced a distinct pressure inside my ear. A few days thereafter, I noticed an unusual growth on lobe of the same ear. Another week later, I happened to take part in a morning TV show directly after a professional dermatologist. I asked her about the growth which by that time had become the size of a pea, had turned red, and was painful to touch. She explained to me that a keloid scar had formed probably due to the excessive use of the wireless phone. To my dismay, she told me to immediately take out my earrings and permanently stop wearing them.

Since then I became a lot more careful. I went to store and bought two corded phones with 25 feet of additional cord, and use my cell phone only for emergencies. I am not going to get any “convenient” wireless devices for my home or office. By now, the growth on my ear is almost gone.

There is constantly more research available on the internet about the radiation these devices emit. I thought you might enjoy these pictures of what some creative Europeans are doing to protect themselves and their families from the rays coming from wireless equipment.

Follow this link to see the images:

The Future of America Has Been Stolen

Informant: Quechick Barnyard

For Some Vets, No Way Out of the War Zone

The widow of an Afghanistan War veteran discusses her husband's Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, which was magnified by his anticipation of deployment to Iraq and led to his death as a result of excessive police force.

Big Pharma Targets Women for Drugs They Don't Need

The pharmaceutical industry spent much of its $4.2 billion direct-to-consumer advertising budget in 2005 on ads targeting healthy, upper-income, middle-aged people. A common underlying message was this: you appear to be healthy, but a deadly heart attack, hip fracture or other medical catastrophe could occur at any time.

Castoff E-scrap Holds Hidden Treasure

Valuable resources in every discarded product with a battery or plug are being trashed in rising volumes worldwide, and unless countries start recycling more of this high-tech scrap, they will soon face serious shortages, experts say.

US Bluntly Rejects G8 Climate Draft

The United States has rejected Germany's bid to get the Group of Eight industrialized nations to agree to tough cuts in climate-warming carbon emissions, according to a draft of the statement to be presented at next month's meeting.


Greenpeace Posts Leaked US Objection to G8 Climate Statement


US 'to reject' climate change proposals

The United States is preparing to reject new targets on climate change at a Group of Eight summit next month, dashing German and British hopes for a new global pact on carbon emissions, according to comments on a document released by the environmental group Greenpeace.

From Information Clearing House

US Appeals Court Tells Exxon to Pay Fishermen

A federal appeals court on Wednesday denied Exxon Mobil Corp.'s request for another hearing, letting stand its ruling that the energy giant owes $2.5 billion in punitive damages for its 1989 oil spill in Alaska.

Up to Three Years for Libby

Former White House aide I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby betrayed the public's trust and deserves to spend two to three years in prison for obstructing the CIA leak investigation, Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald said Friday.


"Take Cheney With You!"
The Heckling of I. Lewis Scooter Libby

Informant: David Swanson

From ufpj-news

Group Threatens to Sue Pentagon Over Military Role in Evangelical Festival

A scheduled three-day celebration of the US Air Force's 60th anniversary, sponsored in part by evangelical Christian organizations, has prompted a military watchdog group to threaten legal action against the Department of Defense.

Mission of Conscience Accomplished: Battle of Baghdad Cover-up Exposed

Informant: Captain Eric H. May

National Endowment for Democracy: Paying to Make Enemies of America

by Ron Paul

Informant: luvmypeterbuilt2

Home prices fall for 9th straight month

Sales of existing homes fell by a larger-than-expected amount in April while the median price of a home sold during the month fell for a ninth straight month as the troubles in the subprime mortgage market acted as a further drag on housing.

From Information Clearing House

FBI Tracked Alleged Russian Mob Ties of Giuliani Campaign Supporter

A prominent commodities trader who acknowledges a business history with a reputed Soviet Bloc crime figure and a notorious arms dealer has been one of New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani's top campaign supporters.

From Information Clearing House

Clinton Aides Being Paid By Colombian Government to Push Trade Deal

The Colombian Government - the government that the Washington Post notes collaborates with paramilitary gangs to execute union leaders - is now paying top aides to Sen. Hillary Clinton hundreds of thousands of dollars in order to help get Congress to pass the U.S.-Colombian Free Trade Agreement.

From Information Clearing House

Byrd: "Bush's war is turning the sands of Iraq blood red"

The image of America has changed. Around the globe, our friends mistrust us, our word is disputed, our intentions are questioned. Instead of reasoning with those with whom we disagree, we demand obedience or threaten recrimination."

From Information Clearing House

Nations Use Fear to Distract From Rights Abuses

"The politics of fear is fueling a downward spiral of human rights abuse in which no right is sacrosanct and no person is safe," said Irene Khan, secretary general of the human rights watchdog. Governments are undermining the rule of law and human rights with "short-sighted fear-mongering and divisive policies."

From Information Clearing House

U.S. navy begins war games on Iran's doorstep

The U.S. navy began war games on Iran's doorstep on Thursday, navy officials said, a day after a large flotilla of U.S. ships entered the Gulf in a dramatic daytime show of military muscle.

From Information Clearing House

U.S. tried sabotage in Iran

CBS News reported that a covert operation involving Iranian exiles and Russian scientists has been selling defective nuclear components or technical drawings to Iran.

From Information Clearing House

US probe of Iraq shooting incomplete

The U.S. military cleared its soldiers in Iraq over the deaths of two journalists in 2004 without considering contradictory witness accounts, a media rights group said on Thursday.

From Information Clearing House

Former Australian army lawyer says Rumsfeld's handling of Iraq almost criminal

Kelly - an expert on the law of occupation and peacemaking operations with experience in Somalia, Bosnia and East Timor - said he offered a plan to stop looting and protect infrastructure soon after former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein was toppled.

From Information Clearing House

Spies 'warned White House' on Al Qaeda rise in Iraq

A congressional panel report says US spy agencies warned the Bush administration before the Iraq invasion that Al Qaeda could make a post-war power grab in Iraq, and that forging democracy would be turbulent task.

From Information Clearing House

Mystery Flights

BBC Video Documentary

Binyam Mohammed, a British resident from Ethiopia was "rendered" to Morocco in a Gulfstream N379P after he was arrested in Pakistan. He says he was tortured there until he agreed to sign a statement his captors had prepared. The statement said that he was a member of al-Qaeda; that he had met Osama bin Laden and that he was part of a plot to explode a radioactive bomb in America.

Real Video

Why Congress Caved to Bush

By Patrick J. Buchanan

The anti-war Democrats are crying betrayal - and justifiably so. For a Democratic Congress is now voting to fully fund the war in Iraq, as demanded by President Bush, and without any timetable for a U.S. troop withdrawal. Bush got his $100 billion, then magnanimously agreed to let Democrats keep the $20 billion in pork they stuffed into the bill - to soothe the pain of their sellout of the party base.

Dems cave on Iraq withdrawal

Congressional Democrats cut and ran.

From Information Clearing House


This Shameful, Bi-partisan Betrayal - Democrats sell out troops

Bush's Signing Statement on the Supplemental Surrender Act of 2007

PTSD, Military Mental Health Treatment

CNN Attempts to Smear Ron Paul, Fails

Ron Paul: Warning America About The New World Order

Ron Paul Fears Controlling Cabal Will Use Staged Terror Attacks

Cheney aide clearing path to bomb Iran

Informant: shane_digital

Bush Preparing for Military Strikes on Iran

Informant: Kev Hall

Is Bush Leading Us to Nuclear War?

William D. Hartung and Frida Berrigan write, "The administration is building the case for war against Iran - a job made easier by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's recent announcement that Iran can now enrich uranium on an industrial scale - despite the fact that many Iran-watchers and nuclear experts consider their claims of enrichment capacity to be an overblown boast."

McClatchy Reporters Barred From Defense Secretary's Plane

New York staffers at McClatchy's Washington, DC Bureau - one of the few major news outlets skeptical of intelligence reports during the run-up to the war in Iraq - claim they are now being punished for that coverage. Bureau Chief John Walcott and other current and former McClatchy Pentagon correspondents say they have not been allowed on the Defense Secretary's plane for at least three years, claiming the news company is being retaliated against for its reporting.

CIA Warned of Risks of War in the Mideast

In a move sure to raise even more questions about the decision to go to war with Iraq, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence will on Friday release selected portions of pre-war intelligence in which the CIA warned the administration of the risk and consequences of a conflict in the Middle East.

SPD-Bundestagsfraktion soll Zeitarbeitskräfte zu Armutslöhnen beschäftigen

In der SPD-Fraktion sind laut "Spiegel" seit Jahren Zeitarbeitskräfte zu Löhnen unterhalb des vergleichbaren DGB-Tarifs beschäftigt. So arbeiten nach Informationen der Zeitschrift in der sozialdemokratischen Parlamentsvertretung vier Sekretärinnen eines Berliner Personaldienstleisters für 6,70 Euro pro Stunde. In der Probezeit erhielten sie sogar nur 6,50 Euro. Der vergleichbare Zeitarbeitstarif des DGB liegt nach Auskunft der Gewerkschaftszentrale bei 7,03 Euro. Das von der SPD beauftragte Zeitarbeitsunternehmen macht mit der Fraktion offenbar ein gutes Geschäft.öhne


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Trump and His Allies...
https://www.commondreams.o rg/views/2022/06/21/trump- and-his-allies-are-clear-a nd-present-danger-american -democracy?utm_source=dail y_newsletter&utm_medium=Em ail&utm_campaign=daily_new sletter_op
rudkla - 22. Jun, 05:09
The Republican Party... les/the-republican-party-i s-still-doing-donald-trump s-bidding/?eType=EmailBlas tContent&eId=804d4873-50dd -4c1b-82a5-f465ac3742ce
rudkla - 26. Apr, 05:36
January 6 Committee Says... les/jan-6-committee-says-t rump-engaged-in-criminal-c onspiracy-to-undo-election /?eType=EmailBlastContent& eId=552e5725-9297-4a7c-a21 4-53c8c51615a3
rudkla - 4. Mär, 05:38
Georgia Republicans Are...
https://www.commondreams.o rg/views/2022/02/14/georgi a-republicans-are-delibera tely-attacking-voting-righ ts
rudkla - 15. Feb, 05:03
Now Every Day Is January...
https://www.commondreams.o rg/views/2022/02/07/now-ev ery-day-january-6-trump-ta rgets-vote-counters
rudkla - 8. Feb, 05:41


Mai 2007


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Zuletzt aktualisiert: 22. Jun, 05:09


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