Mittwoch, 9. Mai 2007

Rep. Maxine Waters Speaks Out for Impeachment

By David Swanson,

Informant: David Swanson

From ufpj-news

Iraq War General: "Mr. President, You Did Not Listen"

The anti-war veterans group,, which has been influential with Capitol Hill Democrats, is launching a half-million-dollar TV ad campaign featuring Major General John Batiste (Ret.), former commanding general of the first infantry division in Iraq. The ad begins with a clip of President George Bush saying, "I have always said that I will listen to the requests of our commanders on the ground." Batiste then appears, saying, "Mr. President, you did not listen."

Bitte fordern Sie: Keine Kahlschlag-Energie in Uelzen !

Urwaldrodung für Palmölplantagen auf Borneo

Die letzten Regenwälder Südostasiens sind die einzige Heimat der Orang-Utans. Diese Wälder werden rasend schnell für Tropenholz und Ölpalmplantagen abgeholzt. Jetzt wird der Bedarf an Palmöl gigantisch ausgeweitet, weil Palmöl immer häufiger in deutschen Kraftwerken verbrannt wird. Uelzen ist ein Beispiel, dort erzeugt ein Blockheizkraftwerk aus billigem Palmöl Strom und Wärme. Damit macht sich Uelzen zum Komplizen der Regenwaldvernichter. Protestieren Sie noch heute dagegen! (Start: 09.05.2007)


Plant trees, lots of them, you can never plant enough!öl

Online-Petition - Demonstration für Zugang zu lebensnotwendigen Medikamenten

U.S. Carrier Armada Aims At Iran

by Michael T. Klare,

Bush hopes the largest carrier fleet since the Iraq War began will force Iranian concessions.

A World Of Katrinas

by Desmond Tutu, Black Agenda Report

Climatic events can undo decades of development for the world's poor.

Students to Pelosi: immediate withdrawal from Iraq

Informant: Charles Jenks

From ufpj-news

Action Alert: Send a Text for Healthy Water

GRN's Earth Month Partner, Aveda Salons, is supporting our work for healthy water here in the Gulf region, and they are working throughout the globe. You can participate by sending a text message to the United Nations asking them to make clean water a basic human right. Visit this webpage for more information.

TEST-Schnurlostelefone: endlich strahlungsarme Geräte?



Betr. Meine Info über Herrn Hans Bello vom 1.05.2007 an Familie Ernst

TEST - Schnurlostelefone - endlich strahlungsarme Geräte

ÖKO-TEST Ausgabe Nr. 05/ Mai 2007.

Auf Seite 114-117 werden fünf neue Geräte getestet:

2 mit befriedigend und 4 mit ausreichend.

Der Test stellt keine Entwarnung dar - es wird auch für diejenigen, die strahlungsfrei telefonieren wollen, ausdrücklich darauf hingewiesen, "daß ohne Funkstrahlung nur über ein kabelgebundenes Telefon telefoniert werden kann."

Die jetzt getesteten Geräte haben lediglich den Vorteil, dass die Basisstation, wenn das Gerät darin liegt, abschaltet. Die jetzige Lösung wird auch als "beileibe keine Großtat" und lediglich als "kleiner Beitrag zur Verringerung der Strahlungswerte´" bewertet.

Die Basisstationen strahlen aber immer, wenn die Gerät herausgenommen wurden, je nach Fabrikat zwischen 9300 - 25400 Mikrowatt/qm im Abstand von 1 m, also weiterhin viel zu hoch, weil biologische Wirkungen nicht auszuschließen sind.

Damit liegen sie auch im Leistungsbereich wie all die anderen ohne Abschaltung!!!

Im Bericht heißt es auch u.a., das die jetzigen Ausführungen eine erste Verbesserung darstellen, den gedankenlosen Umgang mit dieser Technik erlauben sie jedoch nicht.

Weiterhin wird auch empfohlen, daß DECT- Telefone mit Abschaltfunktion nicht in Wohn- und Schlafbereiche gehören. Je größer der Abstand, desto geringer die Exposition. Unproblematisch wird die Technik allerdings mit der Abschaltung auch nicht - liegt das Mobilteil nicht in der Station sondern irgenwo in der Wohnung, dann geht die Basis wieder auf Dauersendung, um den Kontakt zum Hörer aufrecht zu halten.

Auch wenn nicht telefoniert wird, werden wir dann unnötiger elektromagnetischer Strahlung ausgesetzt.

Herr Dr. Martin H. Virnich schreibt hierzu:

Ich verfolge die Entwicklung der "LR" bzw. "ECO-Mode" DECT-Telefone seit über einem Jahr und habe einen Beitrag dazu auf der Internetseite des Berufsverbandes Deutscher Baubiologen VDB e.V. eingestellt, der auch eine regelmäßig aktualisierte Telefonliste enthält: --> Schnurlostelefone --> DECT "light" - Die ersten DECT-Schnurlostelefone mit Sendepause.

Ich füge Ihnen die aktuelle Version hiermit im Anhang bei.

Dr.-Ing. Martin H. Virnich
Ingenieurbüro für Baubiologie und Umweltmesstechnik
Dürerstraße 36
D-41063 Mönchengladbach
Tel.: 02161 - 89 65 74
Fax: 02161 - 89 87 53
Email: virnich.martin
VDB - Berufsverband Deutscher Baubiologen VDB e.V.

Hiring Process Was Bypassed for Prosecutor

When he was counsel to a House subcommittee in 2005, Jay Apperson resigned after writing a letter to a federal judge in his boss's name. As an assistant US attorney in Virginia in the 1990s, he infuriated fellow prosecutors when he facetiously suggested a White History Month to complement Black History Month. Yet when Apperson was looking for a job recently, four senior Justice Department officials urged Jeffrey Taylor, the top federal prosecutor for the District of Columbia, to hire him without the usual vetting process. Taylor did.

Powell Resignation Spurs New Doubts About US Public Diplomacy

The departure of Dina Habib Powell, one of the few Bush administration appointees with "some 'native' familiarity" of the Middle East - coupled with the release of a new survey revealing growing doubts among Americans about their country's reputation in the rest of the world - is triggering yet another round of criticism of US public diplomacy efforts.

Guard Faces Shortages in Dealing With Natural Disasters

With much of its equipment in Iraq and Afghanistan, the National Guard is facing profound shortages in responding to natural disasters, particularly as it gets ready for hurricane season, which begins June 1.

Pelosi Threatens to Sue Bush Over Iraq Bill

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-California) is threatening to take President Bush to court if he issues a signing statement as a way of sidestepping a carefully crafted Iraq war spending bill compromise.

House War Bill Conditions Funding on Benchmarks

A House Democratic proposal was introduced yesterday that would give President Bush half of the money he has requested for the war effort, with a vote in July on whether to approve the rest, which will hinge on progress in meeting political benchmarks that Iraq has thus far found difficult to achieve.

Protections and Faraday Cage - Protections et Cage de Faraday

Protections et Cage de Faraday

Someone hears me?

Attached is a translated interview with me to the magazine "Alternative Life", on the WHO & other things that are impossible to insert into the mainstream media.

Iris Atzmon.

Electric Cabaret

There's a great anti mobile article in this months Ecologist with a chance to email comments:



The problem of Iraqi refugees and internally displaced Iraqis is a humanitarian crisis, writes Kristele Young of Refugees International, and 'The US must show the world that it is taking this matter seriously and willing to set a positive example for the international community’s efforts in the region.'


Iraq: U.S. response to displacement remains inadequate

Syria hosts more than one million Iraqis, and Jordan more than 700,000. The burden posed by these large numbers of people is enormous. Hospitals and schools are overcrowded, and prices for food, oil and rent have increased dramatically since 2004.

From Information Clearing House


by Patrick Cockburn

In Iraq, writes the intrepid Patrick Cockburn, 'Stability will not return until the occupation has ended. The Iraqi government, penned into the Green Zone, has become tainted in the eyes of Iraqis by reliance on a foreign power. Much of what has gone wrong has more to do with the US than Iraq. The weaknesses of its government and army have been exposed. Iraq has joined the list of small wars that inflict extraordinary damage on their occupiers.'


Superpower Undone By Small War

by Patrick Cockburn, TomDispatch

A careful lack of planning, and an obtuse ideology, enabled the Bush administration to thoroughly destabilize Iraq.

Corn Ethanol is Not the Answer

Don't be fooled by the wrong biofuel.

Stand up to a misguided Senate bill today!

Flights reach record levels despite warnings over climate change,,2075288,00.html

Informant: binstock

Mobilfunkanlagen in Deutschland extreme Energiefresser


Neue Studie von Prof. J. Lutz: „Mobilfunkanlagen in Deutschland extreme Energiefresser“

Eine Studie der Technischen Universität Chemnitz kommt zu dem Schluss, dass die Mobilfunknetze in Deutschland extreme Energiefresser sind. Der Fortschritt in Sachen Klimaschutz bei der Energieerzeugung durch Solarenergie werde vom zunehmenden Ausbau der Netze komplett aufgezehrt, erklärte Josef Lutz, Professor für Leistungselektronik und elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit, heute in Chemnitz gegenüber Der Studie liegen Angaben des Mobilfunkbetreibers O2 zugrunde. Demnach verbraucht eine Sendeanlage bis zu 2 Kilowatt. Im Normalbetrieb, den die Chemnitzer Stadtwerke maßen, waren es 1,3 Kilowatt!

Lesen Sie hier die komplette Meldung

Aus: Kurzmittteilung Nr.7 der Bürgerinitiative gegen den Mobilfunkmast Bismarckstr.57, Stuttgart

The imperial overreach

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Conservative assault on America’s families

Tom Paine
by Beth Shulman


Conservatism historically has seen government as a problem to overcome, an albatross. President Reagan stated it succinctly when he said, ‘we need to get government off our backs.’ Conservatives usually justify this negative view of government in the name of freedom. They conflate freedom with unregulated markets, anti-unionism, low taxes and a rabid individualism. Without so-called government interference, people would be free to make their own choices. But what has this restricted view of government and the notion of freedom it embraces meant for America’s families today? In one word: disaster. The ‘you are on your own’ notion of government and freedom has meant that American families must live with stagnant wages at a time of high profits and productivity without a way to get ahead no matter how hard they try...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Unconstitutional legislation threatens freedoms

Hawaii Reporter
by US Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX)


Last week, the House of Representatives acted with disdain for the Constitution and individual liberty by passing HR 1592, a bill creating new federal programs to combat so-called ‘hate crimes.’ The legislation defines a hate crime as an act of violence committed against an individual because of the victim’s race, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability. Federal hate crime laws violate the Tenth Amendment’s limitations on federal power. Hate crime laws may also violate the First Amendment guaranteed freedom of speech and religion by criminalizing speech federal bureaucrats define as ‘hateful’...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The rising antiwar tide in the GOP

by Justin Raimondo


The realization that the neocons are doing to the Republican Party what they’re doing to the U.S. military — driving it into the ground — is now widespread in GOP circles. In an appearance on Fox News this past Sunday, House Minority Leader John Boehner of Ohio stated, ‘By the time we get to September or October, members are going to want to know how well this is working, and if it isn’t, what’s Plan B.’ Trent Lott agrees. Rep. James Walsh, an upstate New York Republican facing pressure from his constituents to disavow the president’s position on the war, issued an open letter in which he stated that, if the ’surge’ isn’t successful by autumn, ‘we should be prepared to begin withdrawing our soldiers.’ Republicans facing problematic reelection prospects, such as Minnesota’s Norm Coleman, are giving the ’surge’ and the ‘Petraeus is our savior’ strategy a second look: ‘There is a sense and a reality that there is a lot we have to see by September,’ says Sen. Coleman, and it doesn’t take special powers to hear the anxious undertone...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Homeland Security: a costly mess

by Cindy Williams


In January 2003, the Bush administration drew 22 disparate agencies and some 170,000 employees into a new Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Proponents of the reorganization hoped a single department under a single cabinet secretary would foster unity of effort across a substantial portion of the federal activities related to domestic security. A key tool would be the department’s budget. With all the agencies beholden to him for their money, the secretary could promote and reward much-needed integration across the department. He could wield the budget tool to expand high priority activities, eliminate or defer the less important or redundant ones, and reallocate the workforce to fill gaps in high-risk areas. A look at budgets since the department was established reflects little in the way of realignment, however. Department funding rose by more than 40 percent between 2003 and 2007, but there has been only minimal reallocation of budgets from areas of lower risk or priority to functions the department says are more important...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

It’s not just about fired attorneys anymore

Christian Science Monitor


Pundits for weeks have been predicting his resignation is imminent, and lawmakers from both parties have called on him to quit. But so far Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has defied critics — and shows no signs of packing his bags. The clamor over the firings of eight US attorneys may yet force Mr. Gonzales out. Members of Congress will have another chance to publicly press for his ouster at his scheduled appearance Thursday before the House Judiciary Committee. But even if Gonzales leaves, uproar about management at the Department of Justice is unlikely to subside. A steady stream of revelations — from allegations about partisan hiring in the Civil Rights Division to possible White House involvement in the US attorney dismissals –- has seen to that. ‘Congress now is sufficiently concerned that, even were he to resign, I don’t think it would change things very much,’ says Carl Tobias, a law professor at the University of Richmond in Virginia...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Don't let radiation run riot

Two items in Brighton's local press.

First one is Sarah's letter which appears in this months Brighton "Whistler" newsletter, and which also appeared in the Sussex Argus and Kemptown rag a few weeks back:

"I was very surprised to read in The Argus 3/3/07 that the new eco flagship Brighton library has installed DECT (digital cordless) phones on every floor. People seem not to realise that the base unit of these phones emits microwave radiation all the time whether or not one is on a call. Both DECT and Wifi use the same technology as mobile phone masts. The intensity inside the library will be the same or higher than from a phone mast outside. There is evidence coming to light that these systems are less than safe. The frequency is the same as used in a microwave oven. The Times recently covered the fact that schools which are also installing Wifi are having to dismantle it at the request of parents and teachers who experience serious adverse health effects. Librarians in the USA are resigning over this issue. There is a lot of research into the effects and many people made ill from exposure to the radiation emitted by these systems as highlighted on the Richard and Judy show. It is possible to cable in computers for internet access. Wifi is not necessary. Info can be found from" .

Second one in todays Sussex Argus readers letters from a "Graham Chainey" headed "Don't let radiation run riot". Extracts:

"A growing number of people - up to three per cent of the population already - suffer from electromagnetic hypersensitivity, which can be a highly disabling condition"

"Surrounded by gadgets and equipment in our homes and offices, we live amid an invisible but all-pervasive electrosmog. No one knows what this may do to us in the long term"

"In recent years we have been bombarded with mobile phone radiation. Every company apparently has to have its own network of masts"

"And now this fad for wi-fi. Schools have rushed to instal the system, so convenient for internet access. Whole cities are installing it, so people can use their laptops wherever they go."

"I believe if the radiation from these systems was made visible, they would all be banned."

"I would beg those considering city wide wi-fi to think again"

Send letters to . When none of the letters sent by MS members were published several weeks ago, the editor told me they were too technical and to keep them short.


Bush Takes Big Oil Back to the Beach

Oil Rig in the Gulf of Mexico, MMSLast week, officials in the Bush/Cheney Administration announced plans to allow Big Oil to drill in tens of millions of acres of environmentally sensitive waters off the coasts of Virginia, Florida, and Alaska, including Alaska's salmon-rich Bristol Bay, an area closed to drilling after the disastrous Exxon Valdez oil spill.

These waters are home to imperiled whales, sea otters and other wildlife that could be devastated by drilling. Congress has just 60 days to object to this awful plan, so please urge your Senators and Representative to oppose harmful new drilling right now.

Take Action red

Bighorns on the Edge


Der Fernsehtipp vom W-F-Z:

Das Erste | Mittwoch, 16.05.07 | 23:15 Uhr


Film von Dörte Schipper und Gregor Petersen

Wegen einer Behinderung hatte Herr P. sein Leben lang zu Hause bei seiner Mutter gelebt, die hatte alles für ihn geregelt. Doch nach dem Tod der alten Dame war plötzlich alles anders. Rudolf P. kam alleine nicht klar, erst recht nicht mit dem beträchtlichen Vermögen, das ihm seine Mutter hinterlassen hatte. Darum entschied das örtliche Amtgericht, dem mittlerweile 64-Jährigen einen Rechtsanwalt als Betreuer zur Seite zu stellen. Im juristischen Alltag ein ganz normaler Vorgang. Für Rudolf P. hatte die Entscheidung freilich dramatische Folgen. Denn innerhalb kurzer Zeit schwand sein Vermögen, 140.000 Euro, auf rätselhafte Weise. Inzwischen ist Herr P. völlig mittellos, lebt nur von einer kargen Rente. Der Betreuer musste sich zwar - wegen Untreue - vor Gericht verantworten; doch das Geld von Herrn P. bleibt bis heute verschwunden. Vom Betreuer regelrecht ausgeplündert - immer wieder machen solche Fälle Schlagzeilen. Wer es als amtlich bestellter Helfer darauf anlegt, kann seinen "Schützling" nur allzu leicht ausnehmen. Denn der oder die Betroffene ist in allen Lebensbelangen vom Betreuer abhängig. Ist erst einmal eine "Rundum-Vollmacht" vom Amtsrichter ausgesprochen, kann der Betreuer über das Vermögen, die Gesundheitsversorgung und den Aufenthaltsort seines Schützlings bestimmen. Ein Leichtes, da auch mal fremdes Geld in die eigene Tasche verschwinden zu lassen. Und die betreute Person so von der Außenwelt abzuschotten, dass Hilfe von Dritten nur schwer möglich ist. Mehr und mehr Menschen werden in Deutschland gesetzlich betreut. Anlass für Dörte Schipper und Gregor Petersen, den Betreuungsdschungel unter die Lupe zu nehmen. Ihr Ergebnis: düstere Aussichten in einer immer älter werdenden Gesellschaft...

Nachricht vom Werner Fuss Zentrum

Volksschule Obervellach "entstrahlt"

Railway mast on track

By Gordon McCully

MAST: Coun Mark Perks at the site of the proposed railway mast in Euxton

A railway communications mast is to be built in Euxton as part of a scheme to improve train safety.

Plans for the mast, to be sited close to Euxton junction, have been given a cautious welcome by a Chorley county councillor.

Cou Mark Perks, who represents Chorley north, said: "My normal objection to masts has been overridden by the need for improved safety on our local rail network.

"It is a critically important development for the safety of the railway."

Network Rail is investing £1.2bn to build the first national system of direct train driver to signaller communication which involves a railway specific version of the wireless global mobile communications system.

Coun Perks added: "Network Rail have acknowledged they are aware the appearance of a new, tall structure, no matter how carefully designed, can cause for concern for people living nearby.

"Although they are not obliged to obtain planning permission, they do work closely with local planning authorities. I think the most non controversial site has been chosen."

Network Rail public affairs spokesman Simon Brooks, said: "As part of the infrastructure enabling this system, railway communications masts have to be built.

"There might unfortunately be an impact on people who live alongside the railway, as it will not be possible in every case to ensure that masts can be wholly hidden from view."

He confirmed that the masts operate well within the UK safety and international emission guidelines.

Network Rail will write to all residents living within about 100 metres of the site. Residents with concerns can contact the national helpline on 08457 14141.

Plans for a phone mast in Euxton Lane, Euxton, have been rejected by Chorley Borough Council.

Hutchinson 3G submitted plans in February to build a mast on land south of the Bolton Wanderers training ground but planning officers, acting under delegated powers, have objected to the siting and design of the plans.

© Copyright 2001-2007 Newsquest Media Group


Network Rail

Spread of Disease Tied to US Combat Deployments

A parasitic disease rarely seen in United States, but common in the Middle East, has infected an estimated 2,500 US troops in the last four years because of massive deployments to remote combat zones in Iraq and Afghanistan, military officials said.

Driest Year on Record: Flora and Fauna Are Feeling It

Around this time each year, thousands make the pilgrimage to the Antelope Valley to see California poppies shining in the fields around Anne Aldrich's Lancaster home. But not in 2007, as Southern California is poised to experience its driest year on record.

Do Climate Change Experts Agree, Yet?

Marilyn Berlin Snell writes: "Sierra [magazine] invited a handful of luminaries to a daylong roundtable in San Francisco. Their job would be to come up with a practical agenda for the next Congress that would stabilize the climate. It was a tall order, addressed to busy people. Yet their response was immediate, gracious and affirmative. There is urgency in the air."

Pentagon Tells 35,000: Prepare to Deploy in Fall

The Pentagon has notified more than 35,000 soldiers and Marines to be prepared to deploy to Iraq beginning this fall, a move that would allow commanders to maintain the ongoing buildup of troops through the end of the year if needed.

Army Announces Who's Going Next to Iraq

Ten brigade combat teams will begin deploying to Iraq in August as part of the next rotation of forces. The confirmation followed a Defense Department announcement made Tuesday morning and it affects about 35,000 soldiers. This is the first big announcement of brigade combat team rotations since Defense Secretary Robert Gates announced on April 11 that active Army units in the Central Command area of responsibility will serve up to 15 months in theater and 12 months at home.

A Crusade and a Holy War in the US Military

An Orthodox Jew and former petty officer in the US Navy said his civil rights were violated after a chaplain and officials at a Veterans Administration hospital in Iowa City, Iowa, tried to convert him to Christianity while he was under the VA's care.

The Asian Destruction Bank?

When one of Asia’s leading institutions says it’s serious about funding the solutions to climate change that makes us happy. But when we discover that this commitment goes no further than a glossy brochure, we can't let that pass.

Groups Slam Japan's Waste Colonialism

Environmental and civil society groups from around the globe today blasted the Japanese government for what they view as Japan's sinister plot to establish waste colonies in Asia by liberalizing trade in toxic wastes via bilateral trade and investment treaties.

Iraqi oil law ‘likely to end as a predictable fiasco’

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Phiser Trolling: New Form of Identity Theft

by Jon Christian Ryter

It is the responsibility of every Internet browser to provider the Internet users who use their service with a secure, relatively hacker-free surfing platform. With the world's cyberthugs preying on the affluent and the stupid, the information superhighway has replaced the corner liquor store as the preferred crime scene. First, it's almost risk free and the opportunity for profit is limitless......

University of California Students and Alumni to Hunger Strike to Demand Nuclear Weapons Lab Severance

Bush Nominee for Product Safety Agency Was Top Lobbyist for Industry Group

How Many "Free Trade" Senators Can Pharma Turn Into Corporate Protectionists?

Our Dysfunctional Democracy

When Property's On The Line, Response To Dissent Turns Lethal

New Fears Over Additives in Children's Food

US Hospitals Charge Uninsured More

Study Says

Comprehensive analysis of the 2008 Iraq war funding request for $145 billion

Have you ever wondered how to respond to the argument that the safety and well being of U.S. troops in Iraq would be further endangered if Congress cuts off war spending?

Voices for Creative Nonviolence is pleased to announce the release of a comprehensive analysis of President Bush's and the military's request for another $145 billion to pay for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan from October 1, 2007 through September 30, 2008 (Fiscal Year 2008).

Please consider hand delivering and/or mailing this analysis directly to your representatives and senators. Visit for contact information. You may also want to send it to the editorial board of your local paper.

You can read "Iraq and Afghanistan Supplemental Spending 2008" on-line or download it from the Voices website in both Word and PDF formats here:

In this comprehensive analysis, you'll find such tidbits as:

* The military is budgeting to maintain essentially the same number of troops in Iraq throughout Fiscal Year 2008.

* An examination of Theater Maintenance versus Reset--and the fact that each is, for the most part, designed to prepare equipment for use by troops that are about to be deployed to Iraq rather than for those currently in Iraq.

* The fact that the Pentagon's procurement process for buying new weapons, ammunition and vehicles is a process of up to three years. This means that the money appropriated today by Congress will not result in these new items being in the hands of soldiers for another 1 to 3 years down the road.

* The fact that May 2008 is the earliest that any ammunition being purchased with these procurement funds will be delivered to the Army. The next earliest is October 2008. Most forms of ammunition won't be delivered to the Army until sometime in 2009 or later.

* Examples of the production schedules for Bradley vehicles, Stryker combat vehicles, installation of armor on vehicles, etc. that shows that items approved for purchase today won't be delivered to the Army for at least one year and often up to three years into the future.

To read and download this resource visit:

--Voices for Creative Nonviolence
1249 W Argyle Street #2, Chicago, IL 60640
Phone: (773) 878-3815
E-mail: info

Beres again beats Iran war drum in name of ‘anticipatory self-defense’

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news


Four years after the invasion and occupation of Iraq, Hometown Baghdad's Adel, Ausama and Saif consider claims of liberation. 'Some people ask, do you feel liberated?' Ausama asks. 'How can you even ask me this?'


'The architects of a new Iraq oil law aim to privatize Iraq's oil and open the doors for American companies to sign long term contracts controlling Iraq's oil resources and infrastructure,' writes Raed Jarrar, who explains that such an arrangement runs counter to recent US legislation and is not in the interest of the Iraqi people.

Tenet-Bush Pre-9/11 "Small Talk"

Robert Parry writes, "In late August 2001, when aggressive presidential action might have changed the course of US history, CIA Director George Tenet made a special trip to Crawford, Texas to get George W. Bush to focus on an imminent threat of a spectacular al-Qaeda attack, only to have the conversation descend into meaningless small talk."

Bush's Top Security Chiefs Leaving in Droves

Top members of President Bush's national security team are leaving in one of the earliest waves of departures from a second-term administration, nearly two years before Bush's time ends.


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