Dienstag, 2. Januar 2007

Wyoming targets wolf packs

Star-Tribune environmental reporter
Sunday, December 31, 2006


JACKSON -- As they move toward delisting, many of the wolf packs in northwest Wyoming may be in the crosshairs.

There are estimated to be 23 wolf packs outside Yellowstone National Park, with three packs in the park. Under federal guidelines, Wyoming needs to maintain a minimum of seven packs outside the park, in addition to three inside, to ensure that wolves will not become endangered again.

Wyoming representatives have said they would like the federal government to eliminate the extra packs -- about 16 -- before removing wolves from federal protection and turning over management to the state.

The prospect of eliminating wolf packs has been mentioned in recent discussions between state and federal officials about a possible new approach to wolf management in Wyoming. The state's wolf management plan has been rejected by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service because it would subject the animals to unregulated killing in areas except Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks and surrounding wilderness.

A new proposal aimed at resolving the dispute would increase the area where wolves would be treated as "trophy game," meaning they could only be killed with permission from the Wyoming Game and Fish Department.

Regardless of which management plan prevails, Gov. Dave Freudenthal said reducing packs has always been on the table.

"In terms of reducing the packs, that's always been a state objective from the outset," Freudenthal said. "Frankly, it's essential for both wildlife and domestic livestock that we do that."

Meredith Taylor of the Wyoming Outdoor Council called the idea "a recipe for relisting."

"Why would we waste all the wildlife conservation success that we've invested by killing up to 16 wolf packs now?" she asked. "Wyoming took a big step forward with wolf recovery 10 years ago, but this shift in management by the (Fish and Wildlife Service) is a giant step back into the dark ages of wolf slaughter that got the wolves listed in the first place."

She also said managing for the minimum number of wolves would be more costly for the state -- through extensive monitoring and killing -- than letting wolves live as long as they don't get into trouble.

State Rep. Pat Childers, R-Cody, who has been working with federal officials on possible negotiations, said nothing is definite and any plan will have public input.

Mitch King, regional director for the Fish and Wildlife Service, said there has been "some discussion about moving more aggressively with wolf control." He said attorneys are looking at that possibility.

"I'm not overly optimistic, but I want to hear what the lawyers say," King said. He said his optimism was "measured" because there would likely be outcry over the wolf killings.

"Although it sounds like a lot of bloodshed, that's more of an emotional argument," King said. "Experts said for wolves to be fully recovered, all we needed to do was have 10 breeding pairs and 100 wolves, and wolves would survive that way. It does not mean wolves will be heading again toward extinction."

Ed Bangs, wolf recovery coordinator for the lower 48 states for the Fish and Wildlife Service, said in the last 10 years, about 550 wolves have been killed because of predation on livestock. He said how many wolves a state chooses to maintain, as long as it meets the federal standard, is at that state's discretion.

Environmental reporter Whitney Royster can be reached at (307) 734-0260 or at royster @tribcsp.com.

Copyright © 1995–2007 Lee Enterprises

Informant: binstock


Your Affirmation of Nuclear Freedom

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

You will probably have signed one of our Affirmations of Nuclear Freedom which we hope to take to the World Court in support of a request for the judges to rule on whether negotiations to abolish nuclear weapons are being carried out in good faith. You can read more about the Affirmations on http://www.abolition2000europe.org/index.php?op=ViewArticle&articleId=4&blogId=1

It would be a great help if you could pass on news about the Affirmations to friends, family or colleagues, and the way people can sign one online you can get in touch with me if you want more information about this.

So far we have Affirmations in several languages which I list below. However, if you are a born speaker of any other language, or know someone who is, would you be able to help by providing a translation into any languages not listed? We just a need translation of the following with the line endings in the same place:


Signed by .................................................................................


Address .....................................................................................


I do not accept that nuclear weapons can defend me, our country, or the values I stand for


We already have Affirmations in


Thanks and best wishes

George Farebrother

Kriegsvölkerrecht: Schäuble will Flugzeugabschuss doch erlauben


Bundesinnenminister Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) will mit einer Verfassungsänderung den Abschuss eines gekaperten Zivilflugzeugs doch möglich machen. Durch die Einführung eines Quasi-Verteidigungsfalls im Grundgesetz soll bei einem drohendem Terroranschlag das Kriegsvölkerrecht angewendet werden können, sagte Schäuble der "Süddeutschen Zeitung". Das Bundesverfassungsgericht hatte am 15. Februar 2006 eine Passage im Luftsicherheitsgesetz für verfassungswidrig erklärt, das den Abschuss eines Passagierflugzeugs erlaubte.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet: http://www.ngo-online.de/ganze_nachricht.php?Nr=15014


Schäubles Vorkrieg


Krücken haben Tücken


Innenminister hält an Plänen zum Bundeswehreinsatz im Innern fest


In der Debatte um den Abschuss von entführten Zivilflugzeugen hat Bundesinnenminister Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) seinen Vorstoß für eine Verfassungsänderung verteidigt. Wenn etwa ein Kernkraftwerk Ziel eines terroristischen Angriffs würde, "möchte ich auf der Grundlage des Grundgesetzes handeln", sagte Schäuble am Mittwoch. Eigentlich geht es Schäuble aber offenbar keineswegs nur um Flugzeuge, sondern generell um die Möglichkeit des Einsatzes der Bundeswehr im Innern. Der Innenminister will im Grundgesetz eine Passage einführen, wonach bei einem "sonstigen Angriff auf die Grundlagen des Gemeinwesens" das Kriegsvölkerrecht anwendbar und somit ein Bundeswehreinsatz möglich sein soll.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet: http://www.ngo-online.de/ganze_nachricht.php?Nr=15036


Terrorismusbekämpfung und Grundrechte

Schäuble erklärt den Krieg. Der Abschuss entführter Flugzeuge soll durch eine Grundgesetzänderung ermöglicht werden

„Anfang 2006 hatte das Bundesverfassungsgericht erklärt, dass der Abschuss von Flugzeugen als "fliegende Bomben" nach dem Grundgesetz unzulässig ist, wenn sich Unschuldige darin befinden. Nun wartet Bundesinnenminister Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) mit einem neuen Vorschlag auf, um für den Fall eines "terroristischen Anschlags" durch ein Flugzeug gewappnet zu sein. Seine einfache Lösung: Wenn die gegenwärtigen Verfassungsbestimmungen keine "effektive Sicherheitspolitik" ermöglichen, dann muss wohl die Verfassung geändert werden…“ Artikel von Matthias Lehnert in ak - analyse & kritik - Zeitung für linke Debatte und Praxis vom 19.1.2007 http://www.akweb.de/ak_s/ak513/23.htm

Unkontrollierte Ausdehnung der Europol-Befugnisse befürchtet

„Der britische Rechtsprofessor Steven Peers kritisiert scharf den Vorstoß der EU-Kommission, den Tätigkeitsbereich der europäischen Polizeibehörde deutlich zu erweitern und ihre vertragliche Grundlage aufzuweichen. In einer Analyse für die britische Bürgerrechtsorganisation Statewatch schreibt das Mitglied des Human Rights Centre der Universität Essex, dass durch das Vorhaben "die Macht nationaler Parlamente zur Kontrolle der Europol-Entwicklung eingeschränkt und die Ausdehnung der Befugnisse und Kompetenzen Europols beschleunigt wird." Die in Den Haag ansässige Behörde würde in eine Art Bundespolizei für die gesamte EU verwandelt, die auf nationale Datenbanken frei zugreifen und die darin gespeicherten Informationen in eigene Systeme einbauen könnte. Zugleich würde Europol mehr operative Eingriffsmöglichkeiten erhalten…“ Artikel von Stefan Krempl in heise news online vom 29.1.07 samt Link zur Studie http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/84430

Aus: LabourNet, 30. Januar 2007


Einige Innenminister wollen noch immer Abschuss von Zivilflugzeugen ermöglichen

Die Innenminister einiger Bundesländer fordern ein "handhabbares Luftsicherheitsgesetz" bis hin zur Neuregelung eines möglichen Abschuss eines Zivilflugzeuges. Nach dem Urteil des Bundesverfassungsgerichts - das eben dies untersagte - habe der Staat "die Verantwortung, ein solches Verfahren zu regeln", sagte Bayerns Innenminister Günther Beckstein (CSU) am Mittwoch auf dem 10. Europäischen Polizeikongress in Berlin.



Handwerksverband lehnt Job-Programm für Langzeitarbeitslose ab


Der Zentralverband des Deutschen Handwerks (ZDH) hat sich entschieden gegen Pläne der Bundesregierung gewandt, schwer vermittelbare Langzeitarbeitslose mit öffentlich geförderten Jobs zu versorgen. "Die Handwerksbetriebe leiden zunehmend darunter, wenn kommunale Dienstleistungen nicht mehr an reguläre Unternehmen vergeben werden", sagte ZDH-Präsident Otto Kentzler der Chemnitzer "Freien Presse" zur Begründung. Mit der inzwischen auf 313 000 gestiegenen Zahl der Ein-Euro-Jobber würden bereits jetzt immer mehr Tätigkeiten über das staatlich geförderte Lohndumping aus dem ersten Arbeitsmarkt gedrängt.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet: http://www.ngo-online.de/ganze_nachricht.php?Nr=15015

"Hemmungslose Atompolitik": "Dinosaurier 2006" für RWE-Chef Roels


Der Vorstandsvorsitzende des Energiekonzerns RWE, Harry Roels, ist Ende Dezember mit dem ungeliebten Umweltpreis "Dinosaurier des Jahres" ausgezeichnet worden. Der Präsident des Naturschutzbundes Deutschland (NABU), Olaf Tschimpke, sagte zur Begründung, Roels habe sich die Trophäe "mit seiner hemmungslosen Atompolitik und dem provozierenden Antrag auf Laufzeitverlängerung für Deutschlands ältesten und störanfälligsten Reaktor Biblis A" mehr als verdient. Roels habe einen erneuten Streit um die Fortführung der Kernenergie ausgelöst und durch die Hintertür versucht, den Weg für den Ausstieg aus dem Ausstieg zu ebnen.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet: http://www.ngo-online.de/ganze_nachricht.php?Nr=15023

Obrigkeitsstaat: Schaar warnt vor Internet-Überwachungsstaat


Der Bundesdatenschutzbeauftragte Peter Schaar warnt vor einer generellen Internet-Überwachung durch die Polizei. "Eine generelle Internet-Überwachung darf es nicht geben", sagte Schaar im Interview mit der "Berliner Zeitung". Polizisten dürften nicht alle möglichen im Internet geäußerten Meinungen kontrollieren und speichern. Vielmehr müssten die Sicherheitsbehörden auch im Internet ihr Handeln rechtsstaatlich begrenzen. "Nur wenn es konkrete Anhaltspunkte auf Straftaten oder Gefährdungen gibt, dürfen sie im Internet fahnden", sagte Schaar.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet: http://www.ngo-online.de/ganze_nachricht.php?Nr=15012

Iraq War Lie Detector Test

Dean Baker writes: "There has been no shortage of deceptions surrounding the prosecution of the Iraq war, beginning with the original justification - Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. Unfortunately, supporters of the war continue to use deception to advance their agenda. The latest lie is that Congress doesn't have the ability to end the war, because if they cut off funding they would jeopardize the safety of our troops."


Speak Out Against Five Years of Lawlessness



Der Trend zum "functional food" birgt mehr Risiken als Vorteile

Das Essen der Zukunft

Der Trend zum "functional food" zeigt die Virtualisierung der Ernährung und birgt mehr Risiken als Vorteile.


PNR-Daten als Ausgangspunkt zum Ausspionieren

Die EU-Kommission war trotz angeblichen Unwissens spätestens Anfang
2004 mit der Verknüpfung der Flugpassagierdaten von Europäern mit weiteren Daten für eine Risikobewertung durch US-Behörden einverstanden.


The Endgame, Homeland Security’s Detention Plan, and PNAC’s Role in all this


Informant: Neo Mulder


Nancy Pelosi's politics and style are not revealed by looking at her clothes

A Speaker, Not A Model


November voting was not enough: Progressives must continue to pressure lawmakers

Round-The-Clock Voting


Activists seek bolder approach to war, spying

Washington Post


Democratic leaders set to take control of Congress tomorrow are facing mounting pressure from liberal activists to chart a more confrontational course on Iraq and the issues of human rights and civil liberties, with some even calling for the impeachment of President Bush. The carefully calibrated legislative blitz that Democrats have devised for the first 100 hours of power has left some activists worried the passion that swept the party to power in November is already dissipating. A cluster of protesters will greet the new congressional leaders at the Capitol tomorrow. They will not be disgruntled conservatives wary of Democratic control, but liberals demanding a ban on torture, an end to warrantless domestic spying and a restoration of curbed civil liberties...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Communitarianism: The Dictatorship of Everything

by Nancy Levant

Consider ourselves lucky to be living in the most frightening and fascinating time in American history. We are experiencing the exact moment in time where America stands or permanently falls to pure and unadulterated treason and betrayal by the elected. With a whole lot of us and a smidgeon of them, we have to make the determination as to the kind of lives we choose to live. Today, and as we speak, you must.....



Human liberty trumps any religion

Orange County Register
by Tibor R. Machan


Islam is not explicitly a political system but it has strong implications about political economy, as most religions do. Something will be forbidden in a human community where Islam dominates, while something else will be seen as acceptable by those in charge. This is so with Christianity, too, of course, as well as with any other religion. Some religions, however, do not aspire to rule everyone, not at least by coercive force. Islam, as it is apparently understood by many Muslims, does consider the use of coercive force acceptable for certain vital purposes, notably the purpose of converting people to Islam. Now the real community value that we all should prize, regardless of our faiths, is allowing people to live a freely chosen moral life. But this is something impossible if coercive force is used in any realm of human affairs. Only in defense of liberty is the use of force justified -- because in such cases the force is defensive, not coercive...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Executive pay: Corporate scandal

Seattle Post-Intelligencer
by staff


This is the way it works for you and me: You buy a stock and hope it goes up. If not, you might cuss a bit, but ultimately you take the loss. Such is life. But this is the way it has worked for some company chief executives: They bought a stock, it went down, so they went back and found a better date. If you think about it, any stock (or more accurately, an option to buy a stock) can be profitable if you manipulate the date of purchase. Such a deal. What's troubling about this year's option scandal is that it began as a 'reform' measure; the idea was to tie executive performance to the price of the stock. That way the interests of shareholders and managers would be aligned. 'At many companies, options morphed into the biggest executive bonanza yet, pouring out cash like a stuck ATM, sorely disappointing those who thought options would moderate executive pay,' The Wall Street Journal said last week...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Find freedom friend

Strike the Root
by Retta Fontana


There's a tremendous temptation to falter in the face of the truths of life in America today. Some days it's almost more than I can bear. It's painful as h... to see the rule of law disintegrate and the erosion of our civil liberties march off like buckets of water that the sorcerer's apprentice put irrevocably in motion...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bush: best friend of instability and Islamism

Independent Institute
by Ivan Eland


As 2006 comes to a close, the world is in flames and George W. Bush's foreign policy is both directly and indirectly to blame. He has caused a civil war by invading Iraq, continued an occupation of Afghanistan that motivated a revival of the deposed radical Islamist Taliban movement, pushed for elections in Palestine that elected the Islamist group Hamas, cooperated with Israel's failed attack on Lebanon that enhanced the status of the Islamist group Hezbollah in that country's politics, and created an al Qaeda-friendly Islamist threat to Somalia by supporting unpopular warlords. What other foreign policy disasters can George W. Bush perpetrate in his last two years in office?


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Will America go the way of Mongolia?

The Price of Liberty
by Doug Newman


Empires don't last. The Mongol Empire was a case in point. The Babylonian, Persian, Assyrian, Greek, Egyptian and Roman Empires are all gone. Spain is no longer a world power. Neither is Portugal. The Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian Empires were carved up after World War I. The French, Italians, Dutch and Belgians have cut their colonies loose. What is left of Britain's overseas possessions has a combined population of about 200,000. The Soviet Empire is a goner. Japan got into the empire business in 1931 and got out of it aboard the USS Missouri in 1945. Hitler's Thousand Year Reich came up 988 years short. America -- 'the last superpower' -- has all the trappings of an empire. Our troops are stationed in 130 countries. We act as if we have the right to determine how other countries must govern themselves. We have no inhibitions about bombing the crap out of countries to enforce our will. If this is not an empire what is?


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Reyes: US intelligence was "manipulated"



Incoming House Intelligence Chairman Silvestre Reyes says he'd rather figure out how to stabilize Iraq and bring the troops home than get bogged down investigating what went wrong. Despite that pledge, he does plan to revisit one bit of history: What he sees as the government's improper classification of a letter he wrote during the congressional debate on the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Ohnmacht gegenüber der Entsozialisierung unserer Lebensräume

Durch die Verschmelzung der Gewerkschaften mit dem Unternehmertum, verlieren wir den Gewerkschaftsschutz.

“Angesichts der Ohnmacht gegenüber der Entsozialisierung unserer Lebensräume, sollte man den Sinn von Partnerschaften untersuchen. Beginnen wir mit der Zeit, in der die Idee der Sozialpartnerschaft aufkam…“ Ein Diskussionsbeitrag von Gilbert Karasek, Personalvertreter bei Wienstrom, nicht nur an österreichische GewerkschaftskollegInnen http://www.labournet.de/internationales/at/karasek.html

Aus: LabourNet, 2. Januar 2007

Unsichere berufliche Zukunft drückt auf die Seele

Krankenstand und Anwesenheit im Krankheitsfall

2006 erstmals wieder leichter Anstieg der Krankentage - nach wie vor Zunahme psychischer Störungen

„Laut Erhebungen des BKK Bundesverbandes sind die Krankentage der beschäftigten BKK Versicherten in den ersten zehn Monaten des Jahres 2006 leicht gestiegen. In diesem Jahr fehlten die Beschäftigten von Januar bis Oktober durchschnittlich 10,6 Kalendertage. Im gleichen Vorjahreszeitraum waren es 10,3 Tage und im Jahr 2004 fehlten sie 10,7 Tage in zehn Monaten…“ Pressemitteilung des BKK Bundesverbandes vom 22.12.2006 http://www.bkk.de/bkk/pressemitteilungen/powerslave,id,338,nodeid,15.html

Siehe dazu:

BKK Gesundheitsreport 2006 - Demografischer und wirtschaftlicher Wandel - gesundheitliche Folgen (pdf, 4 MB) http://www.bkk.de/ps/tools/download.php?file=/bkk/psfile/downloaddatei/13/BKK_Gesund452cf8e90332b.pdf&name=BKK%20Gesundheitsreport%202006.pdf&id=1103&nodeid=1103

Stress und psychische Belastungen

Unsichere berufliche Zukunft drückt auf die Seele. Gesundheitsrisiken jenseits des "Normalarbeitsverhältnisses"

„"Flexibilität" ist Hauptanforderung und Hauptbelastungsfaktor für Beschäftigte, die als Zeitarbeiter, Teilzeitkräfte oder mit befristeten Verträgen unter besonderem Stress stehen. Sie müssen Arbeitgeber, Tätigkeitsbereiche oder Einsatzorte mehr oder weniger regelmäßig wechseln. Dabei ist davon auszugehen, dass Brüche in der Berufslaufbahn, fehlende Karriereperspektive und unklare Zukunftspläne spezifische Belastungen darstellen. Ziel eines von der Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin (BAuA) initiierten Forschungsprojekts war, ein Fragebogen-Instrument zu entwickeln, um solche Fehlbelastungen zu erfassen. Damit sollen sich die charakteristischen Beanspruchungen in so genannten atypischen Beschäftigungsformen abbilden und vergleichen lassen…“ Pressemitteilung der Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin vom 01.12.2006 http://idw-online.de/pages/de/news?print=1&id=187697

Siehe dazu:

Atypische Erwerbsverläufe und wahrgenommene Fehlbelastungen

Studie von D. Hecker, N. Galais, K. Moser (pdf) http://www.baua.de/nn_38666/sid_A0326A713E09BC21A1A55A24B6026A75/nsc_true/de/Publikationen/Forschungsberichte/2006/Fb1075,xv=lf.pdf

Burnout. Stillstand im Hamsterrad

Das Risiko an Burnout zu erkranken, nimmt dramatisch zu. Besonders gefährdet sind die engagierten Mitarbeiter, die mit Spaß bei der Arbeit sind. Artikel von Nicola Holzapfel in Süddeutsche Zeitung vom 20.12.2006 http://www.sueddeutsche.de/,mucm5/jobkarriere/erfolggeld/artikel/662/95567/

"Initiative für eine neue Qualität der Arbeit"

Eine bessere Arbeitswelt ist machbar

Mehr als 300 Teilnehmer diskutierten Anfang Dezember 2006 auf dem Kongress des IG Metall-Modellprojekts "Gute Arbeit" über Perspektiven einer humanen Gestaltung der Arbeitswelt. Die IG Metall hat jetzt die Themen und Diskussionsergebnisse der Foren online gestellt. http://www.igmetall.de/cps/rde/xchg/SID-0A342C90-0B727220/internet/style.xsl/view_15518.htm

Aus: LabourNet, 2. Januar 2007


Burnout-Syndrom: Die Selbstverbrenner

„Die 60-Stunden-Woche: kein Problem. Noch ein Projekt durchziehen: auch kein Problem. Alles zu schaffen, befriedigt schließlich auch. Magenschmerzen und Schlafstörungen können ausgeblendet werden, solange bis die Psyche streikt. Viele Berufstätige merken erst viel zu spät, dass sie ihre Grenzen überschritten haben. Die Diagnose lautet dann: Burnout-Syndrom…“ Artikel von Christine Hunger im Handelblatt vom 26. Januar 2007 http://www.handelsblatt.com/news/Karriere/Arbeit-Geld/_pv/_p/200813/_t/ft/_b/1214914/default.aspx/die-selbstverbrenner.html

Aus: LabourNet, 30. Januar 2007

Zielvereinbarung«, Partizipatives Management, Balanced Scoreboard, der Trend hat viele Namen

Partizipativer Januskopf

„»Zielvereinbarung«, »Partizipatives Management«, »Balanced Scoreboard« – der Trend hat viele Namen. Seit etwa 15 Jahren halten auch in deutschen Betrieben neue Personalmanagement-Systeme Einzug, die darauf zielen, die Kreativität der Arbeiter zu nutzen und ihre Motivation zu steigern. (…) Es ist löblich, dass Oskar Lafontaine kürzlich den Vorschlag machte, einen Gesetzentwurf gegen die »schleichende Individualisierung von Arbeitnehmerrechten« im Bereich sogenannter Zielvereinbarungen zu entwickeln. Auch die Gewerkschaften sollten sich an der weitereren Diskussion beteiligen.“ Artikel von Dr. Rolf Geffken in ND vom 29.12.06 http://www.nd-online.de/artikel.asp?AID=102654&IDC=42

Aus: LabourNet, 2. Januar 2007

Klimawandel: Brief von Frank Bsirske an Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel

„Klimawandel - dein Brief an Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel vom 11.12.2006“

„Lieber Kollege Bsirske, mit tiefem Bedauern, ja großem Erschrecken haben wir als Gewerkschafts-Mitglieder dein Schreiben (pdf) http://www.soerenjanssen.de/media/2006-12-12-merkel-zuteilungsgesetz-2012.pdf
an Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel zum Thema "Emissionshandel, Zuteilungsgesetz 2008-2012" gelesen. Du forderst die Bundesregierung darin auf, sich den Auflagen der EU-Kommission, den deutschen Allokationsplan nachzubessern, zu widersetzen. Die Argumentation, die du in dem Brief zum Ausdruck bringst, ist nicht nur falsch, sie ist auch gefährlich. Denn einmal lässt du den alten Hut des angeblichen Widerspruchs zwischen Ökonomie und Ökologie wieder aufleben, und zweitens treibst du einen Keil zwischen Gewerkschaften und Umweltbewegung. Aus diesen Gründen halten wir dein Vorgehen für inhaltlich haltlos und strategisch verheerend. Wir fordern dich dringend zu einer Kurskorrektur auf…“ Offener Brief von Gewerkschaftern an den Vorsitzenden der Vereinigten Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft, Frank Bsirske, vom 20. Dezember 2006 (pdf) http://www.soerenjanssen.de/media/Klima-Brief-verdi.pdf

Aus: LabourNet, 2. Januar 2007

Herausforderung für 2007: Armut nicht nur erkennen, sondern bekämpfen

#Die Linkspartei.PDS: Pressemitteilungen


02. Januar 2007

Zu Beginn des Jahres 2007 fordert die stellvertretende Parteivorsitzende Katja Kipping (MdB) die Abgeordneten der anderen im Bundestag vertretenden Parteien auf, sich endlich den realen Auswirkungen ihrer Politik zu stellen. Sie erklärt:

Für 2007 besteht eine zentrale Herausforderung darin, die Ursachen und Auswirkungen von Armut nicht nur zu erkennen, sondern Armut erfolgreich einzudämmen und zu bekämpfen. Die Einführung einer sozialen repressionsfreien Grundsicherung, die jedem ein Leben in Würde ermöglicht, wäre dafür ein wichtiger Schritt. Dieser Schritt böte zudem eine gute Grundlage für die weitere gesellschaftliche Debatte über ein bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen, die 2007 forciert werden muss. Offensichtlich lebt die Mehrheit der deutschen Parlamentarier unter einer Käseglocke, die sie sicher vor den Realitäten der Erwerbslosen und Geringverdienern in diesem Land abschirmt. Anders lässt es sich nicht erklären, dass einer Studie der Bertelsmannstiftung zufolge 60 Prozent aller Parlamentarier die Einkommens- und Vermögensverteilung für gerecht halten. In der Bevölkerung teilt noch nicht einmal jeder Dritte diese Einschätzung. Der Irrglaube, die Einkommen und Vermögen in diesem Land seien gerecht verteilt, deutet auf eine chronische Unfähigkeit hin, sich kritisch mit den Auswirkungen der eigenen Politik auseinandersetzen. Hat doch die Steuer- und Sozialpolitik der letzten Jahre die Umverteilung von unten nach oben beschleunigt. Die Wahrnehmungs-Käseglocke, welche die herrschende politische Klasse vor den realen Problemen und Schicksalen der Erwerbslosen, Geringverdienern und sozial Benachteiligten in diesem Land abschirmt, muss weg! Eine kürzlich erschiene Untersuchung des statistischen Bundesamtes zu Armut besagt, dass 22 Prozent der Armen in diesem reichen Land in einer feuchten, die Gesundheit gefährdenden, Wohnung leben müssen. Und reichlich jeder fünfte Arme konnte sich aus Geldmangel keinen Arztbesuch leisten. Damit werden Krankheiten verschleppt oder sogar chronisch. Armut macht krank!
2006 stand eine Vielzahl von Verschärfungen von Hartz IV auf der Agenda der herrschenden politischen Klasse, für 2007 wurden weitere angekündigt. Dieser Kurs muss gestoppt werden. Die Zumutbarkeitsgrenze für diejenigen, die die unsoziale Politik der Großen Koalition ausbaden müssen, ist längst überschritten.


America's Red Ink

To put the figures in perspective, $50 trillion is $440,000 per American household and is more than nine times as much as the median household income.


From Information Clearing House

Americans Predict Attacks in 2007

Another terrorist attack, a warmer planet, death and destruction from a natural disaster. These are among Americans' grim predictions for the United States in 2007.


From Information Clearing House

US 'licence to snoop' on British air travellers

Britons flying to America could have their credit card and email accounts inspected by the United States authorities following a deal struck by Brussels and Washington.


From Information Clearing House

Americans Want a Rapid Exit from Iraq but Elected Leaders Aren’t Even Considering It

Ending the occupation will reduce violence, immediately save more than $100 billion and respect the wishes of the American people. Why is Washington, DC ignoring the obvious?


From Information Clearing House

Economic Hit Man

Self-Described Economic Hit Man John Perkins

“We Have Created the World’s First Truly Global Empire”: Most of the people in the United States have no idea that we've created this empire and, in fact, throughout the world it's been done very quietly, unlike old empires, where the army marched in.



Accounts Vary Over Deadly U.S. Military Raid In Baghdad

In an interview with Reuters, Al-Mutlaq is quoted as saying a family of four was killed in an adjacent building during the raid, including two children, as well as two of his security guards.


From Information Clearing House


IMPEACHMENT ACTION PAGE: http://www.peaceteam.net/impeachment_now2.php

Before the coming of George Bush and his shadow president Dick Cheney, the greatest military blunder in American History was thought to be Custer's Last Stand. It did not take a lot of hindsight to know that general Custer's vain assault on a much larger force of better-armed native Americans would come to no good end. His own turncoat Indian scouts told him the encampment at Little Bighorn was far too large to be attacked. They were changing back into their native clothes en masse so as not to be associated with the white man. But in his supreme arrogance Custer believed that HE knew better than his own best sources of intelligence. We all know the result of that one.

How uncanny are the parallels to the current situation in Iraq? The neocon ideologues who seized dictatorial control of our government brushed off all contrary advice and manufactured intelligence to support their case. They dismissed any challenge to their vision of the absolute power of American military dominance as a matter of right. They fired any underling who dared to try tell them the truth, that deposing Saddam would lead directly and inexorably to an Islamic theocracy, if not a sectarian civil war. They used the power of their crony associates in the corporate media to smear any public critic. And they are still doing it.

In case you had not noticed, the very first act of new secretary of defense was to order more troops to Kuwait to enable sending more of those serving there to guess where . . . Iraq. In other words, the self-anointed "decider" has already decided, to defy the will of the American people, their Congress, and the entire rest of world, for all it matters to him. In his mind, this is another one of those "done deals". The only thing that's taking so long to make the official announcement is the difficulty of yet another con job on us, with public opinion moving ever more forcefully in the opposite direction. Most of the remaining rubber stamp members of Congress are already coming down with a major case of cold feet, thanks to your voices, but George Bush does not care.

They've even had problems this time finding tinfoil hat strategists to sign on to this surge of stupidity. The best they could come up with was some chest pounder talking about "choosing" victory, as if this was just some kind of personal motivation seminar, and the Iraqi people themselves were to have no say at all in the matter. Why don't we have George Custer tell us that the number of Indians was of no consequence? The primary difference between him and what Bush has done is that Custer did not wreck the ENTIRE U.S. Army, Custer did not mortgage our whole economy for generations to come, and unlike Bush, he actually had the courage to enter mortal combat himself even one time.

You see, our child king has already declared that as long as he is president he is not budging an inch from Iraq. Take him at his word. You heard him say it. He is determined to take this country down with him in a pique of stubborn ignorance. He will not go out without a final surge of insanity and horror, and the only thing that can possibly save us all, and our future, is to finally stand up and hold him accountable for his high crimes and misdemeanors, enough to impeach every president who has ever served.

IMPEACHMENT ACTION PAGE: http://www.peaceteam.net/impeachment_now2.php

It is impossible to read the Constitution and not see George Bush's name writ large in every reference to the salvation of impeachment. If the founders had known his actual name it certainly would have been expressly stated there, just as they enumerated the many outrages of their own king George. And all that is required for it to happen is for enough of us to all speak out at the same time, to our members of Congress, in letters to the editor our newspapers, and it WILL be so. When Custer's Crow scouts told him in unison that he was out of his mind he let them go. It's not only time to let George Bush go, we must MAKE him go. NOW.

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours.

Powered by The People's Email Network Copyright 2006, Patent pending, All rights reserved May be reproduced for activist purposes


US practicing guilt by association in Guantanamo kangaroo courts


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news


The poorest deserve the best

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news


"It's not enough to have lived. We should be determined to live for something. May I suggest that it be creating joy for others, sharing what we have for the betterment of personkind, bringing hope to the lost and love to the lonely.": Leo Buscaglia, author and university professor (1924- 1998)

The 'Appeal for Redress' has a rendez-vous with history on Jan. 15


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news


Analysis of Curtis-Feeney race in Florida District 24

IMPORTANT BREAKING NEWS: National Election Data Archive January 2, 2007


Analysis of Curtis-Feeney race in Florida District 24 shows that:

The official Diebold reports of vote counts in the Curtis-Feeney U.S. Congressional District 24 2006 election significantly misreport the number of voters who voted and the number of under-votes. The pattern of votes counted in Florida's US Congressional District 24 is unusual and consistent with a pattern that would be caused by vote fraud or innocent miscount. Further investigation is warranted.


The National Election Data Archive is urging people to contact their U.S. House Representative and ask them to investigate Florida's U.S. Congressional Elections!


On Tuesday, January 3, the U.S. Senate and House will be swearing in new members. Several of the nation's foremost election integrity experts have spent the last several months grappling with some of these issues and have come up with 14 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FEDERAL LEGISLATION TO ENSURE THE INTEGRITY OF OUR DEMOCRACY.

In light of the continuing problem of questionable election outcomes in jurisdictions all over the country, where tens of thousands of votes appear not to have been recorded correctly, these recommendations are crucial to reestablishing trust in U.S. elections. Just five of these recommendations would prevent the wrong candidate being sworn into office as it appears may be happening in Florida's House District 13 election. Due to the untimely release of complete vote count data, investigators are just now turning up statistically improbable vote outcomes and election challenges are still underway. Those five recommendations, with just the briefest of definitions, are:

• Manual Audits, enough votes have to be manually hand counted to ensure that the machine counts are not outcome-altering;

• Auditable Voting Systems, the system must provide a voter-verified permanent paper copy of the vote that is sturdy enough for handling in recounts and/or storage;

• Public Election Records, rapid access to paper and electronic election records, and detailed vote counts in all vote types to ensure that over or under votes in different vote types don't cancel each other out and thereby obscure vote irregularities, before a race is called;

• Public Right to Observe, genuine observation, not just presence in the room is vital to the maintenance of fairness and transparency;

• Teeth in the Legislation, civil and/or criminal penalties or a reduction of funding for failure to live up to the standards of a fair and open election process, do not swear in until election contests are satisfied.

To read the recommendations with details in full go to http://electionarchive.org/ucvInfo/US/EI-FederalLegislationProposal.pdf

This highly qualified group of election integrity authorities is comprised of attorneys, election law specialists, state election officials, computer scientists, mathematicians, a designer of systems for people with disabilities, and a public administration and election policy expert. The complete list of experts, including their qualifications, is available at http://electionarchive.org/ucvInfo/US/ExpertsList.pdf

Kathy Dopp
National Election Data Archive
Dedicated to Accurately Counting Elections

"Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day," wrote Thomas Jefferson in 1816


Election Data Mixed Up Thoroughly in Florida

NOTICE: NEDA may have made a "faux pas".

The previous analysis of Florida's Curtis-Feeney U.S. Congressional District 24 race has been temporarily withdrawn to verify the consistency of the data we were asked to analyze (i.e. were apples [ polling + early votes] being compared to apples [polling + early voters] to calculate number of under-votes?). Information will be released as soon as it becomes available.

We have learned that Florida's election data reporting practices make it impossible to compare its voter history files directly with its official precinct vote count reports because:

1. the two files aggregate different vote types (eg. one combines early Optical Scan and DRE votes by precinct, the other file separates early DRE votes by precinct and combines all early Optical Scan votes in one number for the entire county), and

2. several types of votes are not broken out by precinct in Florida's official precinct vote count reports, but they are broken out by precinct in the voter history file!

Arduous examination of paper records must be performed to obtain basic vote count comparisons!

There is an urgent need for election reform legislation requiring counties to release detailed vote count data like that the experts in its voter history and official vote count files. (See press release below). Without timely data release, it is impossible for the public to exercise oversight over the election integrity until AFTER election results have been certified and "winners" sworn into office. And even that only if resources and time are available. This is unacceptable!

Preliminary examination of Volusia county summary data only shows that there are at least 1,000 phantom votes in the Diebold official vote count files for which no voters are recorded in the voter history file, in addition to at least 1000 under-votes. Obtaining the vote counts needed to thoroughly uncover how many voters were disenfranchised or how many phantom votes exist in FL US House district #24 may take weeks.

Please help us pass these recommendations so that citizens can have effective timely oversight over elections:



January 3, 2007

The question of ensuring an accurate, transparent count of the people's vote has been at the forefront of concerns of many individuals and groups, both private and governmental. How can we guarantee that the actual will of the people is carried out? This week the U.S. Senate and House will be meeting and voting on recommendations to improve the voting system. Several of the nation's foremost election integrity experts have spent the last several months grappling with some of these issues and have come up with 14 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FEDERAL LEGISLATION TO ENSURE THE INTEGRITY OF OUR DEMOCRACY.

In light of the continuing problem of questionable election outcomes in jurisdictions all over the country, where tens of thousands of votes appear not to have been recorded correctly, these recommendations are crucial to reestablishing trust in U.S. elections.

Just five of these recommendations would prevent the wrong candidate being sworn into office as it appears may be happening in Florida's House District 13 election. Due to the untimely release of complete vote count data, investigators are just now turning up statistically improbable vote outcomes and election challenges are still underway.

Those five recommendations, with just the briefest of definitions, are:

• Manual Audits, enough votes have to be manually hand counted to ensure that the machine counts are not outcome-altering;

• Auditable Voting Systems, the system must provide a voter-verified permanent paper copy of the vote that is sturdy enough for handling in recounts and/or storage;

• Public Election Records, rapid access to paper and electronic election records, and detailed vote counts in all vote types to ensure that over or under votes in different vote types don't cancel each other out and thereby obscure vote irregularities, before a race is called;

• Public Right to Observe, genuine observation, not just presence in the room is vital to the maintenance of fairness and transparency;

• Teeth in the Legislation, civil and/or criminal penalties or a reduction of funding for failure to live up to the standards of a fair and open election process, do not swear in until election contests are satisfied.

To read the recommendations with details in full go to http://electionarchive.org/ucvInfo/US/EI-FederalLegislationProposal.pdf

This highly qualified group of election integrity authorities is comprised of attorneys, election law specialists, state election officials, computer scientists, mathematicians, a designer of systems for people with disabilities, and a public administration and election policy expert. The complete list of experts, including their qualifications, is available at http://electionarchive.org/ucvInfo/US/ExpertsList.pdf

Congressional members and their staffs may go over any or all of their concerns on the recommended legislation with these experts and their associates.

This group of experts feels that enacting these recommendations will help to ensure the integrity of our democracy. They urge you to contact your US Senators and Representatives to encourage them to vote for these recommendations.


Kathy Dopp
Dedicated to Accurately Counted Elections


America’s Holy Warriors


Informant: Lew Rockwell

Don't Blame the Euro Blame the Congress and the Fed



The Sway of Interests



Prayer For Peace

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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Informant: Michael Wells Mandeville


"It's not enough to have lived. We should be determined to live for something. May I suggest that it be creating joy for others, sharing what we have for the betterment of personkind, bringing hope to the lost and love to the lonely.": Leo Buscaglia, author and university professor (1924- 1998)


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Januar 2007


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