Dienstag, 30. Januar 2007

Tell Bush that his change of tactics for Iraq, to escalate the number of troops, is not the will of the people



Networks' Sunday shows ignore public opposition to war


Informant: David Swanson

From ufpj-news


Christianists On the March

Chris Hedges writes: "Dr. James Luther Adams, my ethics professor at Harvard Divinity School, told his students that when we were his age - he was then close to 80 - that we would all be fighting the 'Christian fascists.' The warning, given 25 years ago, came at the moment Pat Robertson and other radio and television evangelists began speaking about a new political religion that would direct its efforts toward taking control of all institutions, including mainstream denominations and the government. Its stated goal was to use the United States to create a global Christian empire."



Bush's presidency and his 'legacy' are in ruins, so he imagines he has nothing to lose


Hendrik Hertzberg writes: "Rather than looking for a policy that might be within our means and might mitigate the disaster, Bush is betting all his chips - all our chips - on the only choice that allows him the fantasy that in the end people will say: 'Bush was right.' He is sending twenty thousand because twenty thousand is all he has. Next to nothing in the way of ground forces remains for other contingencies. His presidency and his 'legacy' are in ruins anyway, so he imagines he has nothing to lose."



Let's talk about the courage it takes to live the rest of your life after you have buried your only son

Honor. Duty. Country.

"Let's talk about the courage it takes to live the rest of your life after you have buried your only son, who died so needlessly in this fool's war," writes Gold Star Mother Amy Branham. "At first you do not believe that the person you spent the majority of your adult life rearing is dead. But you have to pick out the casket. You have to find a funeral home and a cemetery and make funeral arrangements. You have to write an obituary and make terrible phone calls that you know will crush the person on the other end of the line. And then you have to figure out how in the h... to make sense out of something that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever."



US-Regierung soll Berichte über Klimawandel manipuliert haben


FBI turns to broad new wiretap method


Informant: Kev Hall


Schwedische Lauschangriffe

Schwedische Regierung will Polizei und Militär besser mithören lassen und plant eine Art schwedisches Echelon.


Apotheke der Armen in Gefahr



Erfolg für den Zugang zu Medikamenten: Novartis verliert

Es gibt erfreuliche Nachrichten aus Indien: Der Gerichtshof in Chennai hat die Patentsrechtsklage von Novartis abgewiesen. Damit können Patienten und Ärzte in ärmeren Ländern, die auf kostengünstige Medikamente aus Indien angewiesen sind, endlich aufatmen. Mehr als 420.000 Menschen haben in den vergangenen Monaten unsere Petition unterschrieben – wir möchten uns ganz herzlich für Ihre Unterstützung bedanken!

Ausführlichere Informationen zur Patentrechtsklage erhalten Sie unter http://www.aerzte-ohne-grenzen.de/Medikamentenkampagne/Aktuelles/Online-Kampagne-Novartis.php

Ihr Team von Ärzte ohne Grenzen


Special alert: Speak out to protect Native American sacred springs from destructive coal mining

Comments are due February 6th, so send yours today at http://www.nrdconline.org/campaign/nrdcaction_013007


Help set the global warming agenda for the 110th Congress: prioritize some of the potential global warming solutions today!


Flip-flopping of John McCain


Source: http://ga3.org/ct/Tp20pgF13moa/


Cheney To The Stand

by John Prados, TomPaine.com

The Libby trial details chilling efforts to manipulate the media and the president.



Giant loo brush plan for city's beauty spot

A plan to 'plant' a fake 25-metre tall cypress tree disguising a mobile phone mast close to Chichester's most popular walking and cycling route has provoked a wave of protest.

Conservationists, residents and city councillors are queueing up to condemn the scheme, with claims that it will damage the landscape close to Centurion Way, which is used by thousands of people.

One said it would look like a giant loo brush. And some residents living nearby are expressing concerns about possible health risks from the mast.

But the company behind the scheme maintains the mock tree will be 'more visually amenable' than a conventional mast.

Orange is applying to the district council for permission to replace an existing 15m high mast with the 10m higher fake tree mast, on the west side of the way near Warren Farm Lane.

Report in January 25 issue of the Observer

30 January 2007

All rights reserved © 2007 Johnston Press Digital Publishing.


Military targets in Iran


Informant: Kev Hall

Big Brother linst Passanten unters Hemd


Überwachung bis auf die Haut


In the Rockies, Pines Die and Bears Feel It


Informant: binstock

Mindestlohn ist nicht Gift, sondern Mitgift für Arbeitsmarkt und Binnennachfrage

#Die Linkspartei.PDS: Pressemitteilungen

30. Januar 2007

Zum nicht enden wollenden Trauerspiel der Koalition um Mindestlöhne erklärt Bundesgeschäftsführer Dietmar Bartsch

Es ist schon erstaunlich, mit welchem Nachdruck und Kraftaufwand Union und Arbeitgeberverbände nach fadenscheinigen Argumenten gegen die Einführung eines gesetzlichen Mindestlohnes suchen. Sie sollten ihre Kraft besser für den Kampf gegen die Arbeitslosigkeit und gegen Niedriglöhne verwenden. Kanzlerin Merkel als EU-Ratspräsidentin braucht sich nur in der EU umsehen und kann feststellen, dass sie mit ihrer Verhinderungstaktik allein auf weiter Flur steht. Mindestlöhne sind in Europa der Normalfall. Sie sind keine Jobvernichter sondern stabilisieren das Einkommen von Geringverdienern und schützen vor Sozialdumping. Wenn es die SPD ernst meint mit Mindestlöhnen, sollte sie das Thema nicht ewig vertagen, sondern schleunigst einen entsprechenden Antrag in den Bundestag einbringen.



Soziokulturelles Existenzminimum: wie der Staat die von ihm und seiner Wirtschaft produzierte Massenarmut organisiert

Das sogenannte "soziokulturelle Existenzminimum": Wie der Staat die von ihm und seiner Wirtschaft produzierte Massenarmut organisiert. Text der Sendung vom 27. November 2006 http://www.gegenstandpunkt.de/radio/2006/ga061127.htm

Teil 2: Die Mindestlohndebatte: Eine Handvoll Euro überm Existenzminimum, damit der Staat seine Sozialkassen schont. Text der Sendung vom 4. Dezember 2006 http://www.gegenstandpunkt.de/radio/2006/ga061204.htm

Aus: LabourNet, 30. Januar 2007


Don't Let Torture Become the Norm

Phillip Butler, retired Navy Commander, begins: "Many peace and justice organizations have been promoting and demonstrating lately for awareness of torture and related issues. I'm amazed and profoundly disappointed that this has apparently become necessary in our country. I spent eight years as a prisoner of war in Vietnam, from 1965 to 1973. During that time, I and more than 90 percent of my fellow POWs were repeatedly tortured for the extortion of information to be used for political propaganda and sometimes just for retribution. We were not recognized by Vietnam as POWs, but as criminals, because the Vietnamese had not signed the 1949 'Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War.'"



Leave Iraq or Face Nightmare Scenario

Rupert Cornwell writes, "The US must draw up plans to deal with an all-out Iraqi civil war that would kill hundreds of thousands, create millions of refugees, and could spill over into a regional catastrophe, disrupting oil supplies and setting up a direct confrontation between Washington and Iran."



Are you the terrorist next door?

Frontiers of Freedom
by Charlotte Laws


I was an ordinary American until November 27, 2006 when I became a terrorist or more accurately what I call a ’stand-by terrorist.’ Perhaps I cannot truly own this newfound nickname until the government decides to prosecute me for word crimes, if that day ever arrives. Until then, I just think of myself as being on stand-by, just as are most — if not all — Americans, whether they realize it or not...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The black gold rush

Mother Jones
by James Ridgeway


The biggest story out of Iraq so far this year may not be the surge, or the latest mass bombing, or the escalating sectarian violence; it might, instead, be a decision that further complicates all of the above. Over the next few weeks, a law to reform Iraq’s oil industry — essentially the only source of income the country has aside from U.S. subsidies — is expected to move toward implementation, and the consequences could be enormous. Coverage of the proposal has focused on the fact that it doesn’t break up the country’s oil resources, as some had suggested, to various ethnic groups — a piece for the Kurds, a piece for the Shiites, etc. But the real story may be that once the proposal is put into place, international oil companies will have a far better shot at Iraq reserves than ever before...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


‘Impeachment’: The missing word at the anti-war demo

by Dave Lindorff


The largely unstated word at the massive anti-war demonstration and march in Washington on Saturday was ‘impeachment.’ Not that it wasn’t on demonstrators’ lips and signs, but it wasn’t coming from the podium. The march, organized by United for Peace and Justice, was instead deliberately focused narrowly on the issue of ending the war in Iraq and preventing an invasion of Iran. But clearly, behind that was the sense that the US government is in the hands of a cabal of warmongers and anti-democratic usurpers who are intent on broadening the war in the Middle East, not ending it, and that the Democrats in the 110th Congress haven’t got the spine to stop them (a group from Seattle actually addressed this with a giant white spine float emblazoned with the words ‘investigate, impeach, indict’)...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Sean Penn: “WE are the deciders”

The Nation
by John Nichols


Actor Sean Penn summed up the new energy — and the new focus — of the anti-war movement Saturday, when he turned George Bush’s own words against the president. Just hours after the president had again reasserted his false claim to authority to pursue a war that is not wanted by the American people or the Congress, Penn told anti-war demonstrators gathered in Washington that Bush would be wise to review the Constitution. ‘In a democracy,’ the actor told the cheering crowd, which organizers said numbered in the hundreds of thousands, ‘we are the deciders.’ Saturday’s anti-war demonstrations, which filled the streets of cities from San Francisco to Washington, marked a return to form for an anti-war movement that had trouble building momentum during the three years that followed Bush’s decision to launch a preemptive war against a country that posed no serious threat to the United States or its allies...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Going for broke

The American Conservative
by Andrew J. Bacevich


What can we say of this proposal? Simply this: to imagine that 170,000 troops will accomplish what 140,000 troops failed to do in nearly four years or that marching a handful of additional combat brigades into the maw of Baghdad will snatch victory from the jaws of defeat qualifies as pure fantasy. Kagan’s ’surge’ is the first cousin to Kenneth Adelman’s more famous ‘cakewalk.’ It is ideology dressed up as strategy. Marketed as the product of careful analysis, the surge should be seen for what it is: a naked gamble. Tacitly acknowledging the point, some proponents even refer to it as the ‘double down’ option. That in places like AEI and the editorial offices of The Weekly Standard Kagan himself has emerged as the man of the hour testifies to the depth of neoconservative desperation...


Going for broke

The American Prospect
by Reid Cramer


In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, which struck the Gulf Coast with such ferocity in late August 2005, Americans were shocked by the broadcast images of desperately poor people left to fend for themselves. The depth and consequences of poverty in America, normally hidden from public view, had once again become the subject of debate and national soul-searching. And yet, a year and a half later, the subject of poverty has fallen so far off the public’s radar screen that President Bush did not give it a mention in his recent State of the Union Address. How can our prosperous nation continue to tolerate such deep pockets of despair as were seen in New Orleans? It’s easy to blame the public’s infamously short attention span, limited budget resources, or our preoccupation with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan for this state of affairs...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Not this time

The Weekly Standard
by Fred Barnes


[T]he painful lesson of Vietnam applies in Iraq: Don’t give up when victory is at hand. Those in Congress who advocate retreat in Iraq refuse to acknowledge this lesson. And they may have their way, whatever Petraeus accomplishes. With their calls for troop withdrawals and fund cutoffs and their antiwar resolutions, they have put America on a slippery slope in Iraq. And we know where it leads: to defeat while victory remains quite possible... [editor’s note: As I’ve predicted a number of times, a particular ghost of Vietnam is coming back to haunt us: The old “we could have won in Vietnam if it hadn’t been for those damn liberals and politicians” myth. Reality check: If the US had continued fighting in Vietnam until it achieved “victory,” the US would still be fighting in Vietnam today — and thirty years from now when people are still grumbling about how “we could have won in Iraq if it hadn’t been for …” the same thing will be true. Bottom line: Barnes and Co. are willing to sacrifice American blood by the gallon for no greater purpose than to evade the necessity of admitting that they’ve been wrong from the beginning - TLK]


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


… and I didn’t speak up

No Force, No Fraud
by Bob Smith

“I want to talk about the important lessons of the Niemoller poem/sermon. It’s a guilt-ridden poem, and Niemoller was guilty, in his own eyes. He had been a submarine commander in WWI, and had initially supported Hitler. Niemoller, however, was explaining the widespread guilt of Germans in ignoring what their own government was doing … until it actually affected them … until it was too late to stop. It’s important for all of us to recognize when we’ve been wrong, take responsibility for it, take action to change our ways, and to try to make amends for any harm our wrongness caused. I’m not much of a believer in ‘evil,’ but if there is human evil, I suspect the worst examples are those people who know they’re wrong, but will use all sorts of trickery to keep from admitting it and to prevent anyone else from knowing... (originally published 12/30/03; posted 01/28/07)


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Demagoguery posing as scholarship


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Inflation: The hidden cost of war

by US Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX)


The Pentagon recently reported that it now spends roughly $8.4 billion per month waging the war in Iraq, while the additional cost of our engagement in Afghanistan brings the monthly total to a staggering $10 billion. Since 2001, Congress has spent more than $500 billion on specific appropriations for Iraq. This sum is not reflected in official budget and deficit figures. Congress has funded the war by passing a series of so-called ’supplemental’ spending bills, which are passed outside of the normal appropriations process and thus deemed off-budget. This is fundamentally dishonest: if we’re going to have a war, let’s face the costs — both human and economic — squarely. Congress has no business hiding the costs of war through accounting tricks...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Our diseased democracy

Liberty For All
by Lady Liberty


You see, there’s a cancer in this country. The primary malignant tumor is centered in a place called Washington, DC. Just like cancer, it’s comprised of those who have little in common with the rest of the body, but who never-the-less insist on running things their way and who employ out-of-control growth to achieve their ends. The sickness has spread everywhere as the cancer of government has sent its tendrils into places the Constitution never intended...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Potshot at Guantanamo lawyers backfires

Boston Globe


Two weeks after a senior Pentagon official suggested that corporations should pressure their law firms to stop assisting detainees at Guantanamo Bay, major companies have turned the tables on the Pentagon and issued statements supporting the law firms’ work on behalf of terrorism suspects. The corporate support for the lawyers comes as law associations and members of Congress have expressed outrage at the remarks of Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Detainee Affairs Charles D. ‘Cully’ Stimson on Jan. 11. In a radio interview, Stimson stated the names of a dozen law firms that volunteer their services to represent detainees, and he suggested that the chief executives of the firms’ corporate clients would make the lawyers ‘choose between representing terrorists or representing reputable firms’...


Democrats and the McCarthyite attack on detainee lawyers

by Glenn Greenwald

Recall that Bush Pentagon official Cully Stimson was actually forced to apologize for suggesting that lawyers who represented Guantanamo detainees were engaged in disloyal and improper acts. Yet with the Democrats in control of Washington, a provision grounded in exactly that rotted premise has now been unanimously reported out of a major House Committee...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Bush escalates Iran sabre-rattling

Longview Daily News


Deeply distrustful of Iran, President Bush said Monday ‘we will respond firmly’ if Tehran escalates its military actions in Iraq and threatens American forces or Iraqi citizens. Bush’s warning was the latest move in a bitter and more public standoff between the United States and Iran. The White House expressed skepticism about Iran’s plans to greatly expand its economic and military ties with Iraq...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

What's it Going to Take? Bush must go to stop this war


Informant: Mitchel Cohen

From ufpj-news


On Course for Iran


Informant: binstock

Bush Directive Increases Sway on Regulation


Informant: binstock

On childhood lead poisoning and how the state is responding to it


Informant: binstock

The grim reality of e-waste burden


Informant: binstock

Ban on seal products brings new hope - Canadian Government Muzzles Protest, Censors Cruelty



Canadian Government Muzzles Protest, Censors Cruelty

From Linda H.


Amnesty issues urgent web appeal amid fears that men deported from UK to Algeria may be tortured


From Eleanor B.

Electrical rest for the planet The 1st of February 2007

Participate in the biggest mobilization of Citizens Against Global Warming! The Alliance for the Planet [a group of environmental associations] is calling on all citizens to create 5 minutes of electrical rest for the planet.

People all over the world should turn off their lights and electrical appliances on the first of February 2007, between 1.55 pm and 2.00 pm in New York, 18.55 for London, and 19.55 for Paris, Bruxelles, and Italy. 1.55 pm in Ottawa, 10.55 am on the Pacific Coast of North America.

This is not just about saving 5 minutes worth of electricity; this is about getting the attention of the media, politicians, and ourselves. Five minutes of electrical down time for the planet: this does not take long, and costs nothing, and will show all political leaders that global warming is an issue that needs to come first and foremost in political debate.

Why February 1? This is the day when the new UN report on global climate change will come out in Paris. This event affects us all, involves us all, and provides an occasion to show how important an issue global warming is to us. If we all participate, this action can have real media and political weight.

Please circulate this message to everybody you know who might participate.

And thank you for doing so!

Repeating the times:
10:55 a.m. USA Pacific
11:55 a.m. USA Mountain
12:55 a.m. USA Central
01:55 p.m. USA East
19:55 p.m. Western Europe

Informant: Bob Banner

Agribusiness's Endless Appetite for Profit

In recent years, the United States of America has morphed into what one writer calls "the United States of Arugula." The rise of the celebrity chef, of the 24-hour Food Network, and Martha Stewart's do-it-all perfectionism has brought on a similar yearning for all things gourmet, for fine cooking and finer dining, mache and foie gras alike. During the same time, a number of notable books have shined a light on the darker side of our new food obsession.


Climate Change Front and Center at World Economic Forum

Senator John McCain told the closing session of the World Economic Forum Sunday that he expects the US Congress to take action on climate change very soon, and predicted that the Bush administration will follow suit. "I admit that it is very late, and it may not be enough," said McCain, "but I think that for the first time you are going to see some action on this compelling issue."


The Sum of All Ears

Paul Krugman writes: "For those hoping for real action on global warming and energy policy, the State of the Union address was a downer. There had been hints and hopes that the speech would be a Nixon-goes-to-China moment, with President Bush turning conservationist. But it ended up being more of a Nixon-bombs-Cambodia moment. Too bad: the rumors were tantalizing."



Police Detain Nine in Capitol Hill Antiwar Protest

Nine antiwar protesters were arrested Monday when they gathered in a House office building to read off the names of American and Iraqi war dead.


Pete Seeger: Bring Them Home

A blast from the past! - Live from 1969..

China Says Major Shift on Dollar Policy Coming


Informant: Alan Dicey


Abdullah Says Malaysia Has Shifted Reserves Away From Dollar

Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said his country has shifted some of its $82 billion of currency reserves away from the dollar and that potential foreign-exchange volatility may hurt exporters.


From Information Clearing House


An atomic threat made in America

How the U.S. spread bomb-grade fuel worldwide — and failed to get it back

From Information Clearing House


Part I: An Atomic Threat Made in America

Sam Roe of the Chicago Tribune writes a two-part series to chronicle America's failed quest to retrieve uranium. Roe obtained exclusive access to the government archive provided by scientist Armando Travelli, which contained thousands of records never before publicly reviewed. Roe reviewed Congressional testimony, previously classified records, foreign and US research papers, and reports by government agencies and the International Atomic Energy Agency. Roe also interviewed Travelli and others for this report.


Shell defies US pressure and signs £5bn Iranian gas deal

Shell has signed an important deal to help Iran develop a major gas field, ignoring growing pressure from George Bush to isolate the country for being part of what he alleges is an "axis of evil".


From Information Clearing House

War pimp alert: Iran giving weapons to kill troops

The White House says there has been growing evidence over the last several months that Iran is supporting terrorists inside Iraq and is a major supplier of bombs and other weapons used to target U.S. forces.


From Information Clearing House

Former U.N. envoy Bolton says U.S. has 'no strategic interest' in united Iraq

Bolton, who resigned last month from his temporary appointment as U.N. ambassador, also told the French daily Le Monde that U.S. President George W. Bush's administration acted too slowly to hand power over to Iraqis after toppling Saddam Hussein in 2003.


From Information Clearing House


A Power Governments Cannot Suppress


Howard Zinn discusses his latest collection of essays at Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts. " A Power Governments Cannot Suppress" critiques America's response to 9/11, examines the current state of democracy and government responsibility in America and cites examples of when government has overstepped throughout American history.


A Power Governments Cannot Suppress

An excerpt from Howard Zinn's new book -- a collection of essays on history, class and the strength of ordinary citizens -- explores the unfair trial of Sacco and Vanzetti and the flawed justice system that still haunts us today.


From Information Clearing House


The authority to kill U.S. citizens is granted under a secret finding signed by the President

The Power of One

By Jim Austin

"The authority to kill U.S. citizens is granted under a secret finding signed by the President,,," This cheery note was included in a newspaper article written by John Lumpkin of the Associated Press. The article goes on to say that the CIA will only kill us if they think we are members of Al Qaeda.


Ex-Cheney Aide Details Media Tactics


Informant: ranger116


CODEPINK: To Hillary re Iraq: If You're in to Win, Stop the Spin



From the Middle of the Crowd



Playing The Numbers Game in Iraq: Let’s Do The Math



2, 3, Many Vietnams and Iraqs



Hillary, stuck in 1999, launches politics-as-usual campaign



Join The Parade For We The People



To leave our soldiers in the deathtrap of Iraq is the true abandonment



Veteran Peace Protester Sent to Jail Despite Prisons Crisis


Poor Are Priced out of Healthful Eating


13% of Americans Have Not Heard of Global Warming


New Climate Report Too Rosy, Experts Say


Methodist minister says Bush link would associate church with torture


Informant: NHNE




Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Chancengleichheit fängt bei den Kindern an

#Die Linkspartei.PDS: Pressemitteilungen

30. Januar 2007

Heute findet in Berlin die Eröffnungsveranstaltung für das "Europäische Jahr der Chancengleichheit für alle" statt. Dazu erklärt das Mitglied des Parteivorstandes Rosemarie Hein:

Bildung ist ein unverzichtbarer Schlüssel für die individuellen Lebenschancen von Menschen. In kaum einem Land der Welt ist die soziale Herkunft so prägend für den Bildungserfolg wie in Deutschland. Wenn in Deutschland ca. vier Millionen Analphabeten leben, dann ist das ein Indiz für die reale Verweigerung von Lebenschancen. Das "Jahr der Chancengleichheit" sollte Anlass sein, auch vor der eigenen Tür zu kehren. Es ist ein Armutszeugnis für bundesdeutsche Bildungs- und Sozialpolitik, wenn:

* 17 Prozent der Kinder im frühen Lebensalter dauerhaft im Armut leben,

* in den westlichen Bundesländern nur für ein knappes Viertel aller Kinder zwischen 3 und 6 Jahren Ganztagsbetreuung angeboten werden kann,

* die Aussicht auf einen gymnasialen Abschluss für Kinder aus sozial gut gestellten Elternhäusern um das Vierfache besser als für sozial Benachteiligte ist,

* jedes Jahr etwa neun Prozent der Schulabgänger keinen Schulabschluss erreichen,

* Jahr für Jahr Zehntausende Schulabgänger keine Lehrstelle erhalten,

* Kinder und Jugendliche mit Migrationshintergrund noch schlechtere Chancen auf einen guten Bildungsabschluss und auf Ausbildung haben.

Die Gründe für diesen erschreckenden Befund sind hausgemacht und nicht unabänderlich. Die so genannten Sozialreformen in den vergangenen Jahren haben die Lage von vielen Kindern und Jugendlichen verschlechtert, vor allem in Bedarfsgemeinschaften. Die Linkspartei.PDS fordert deshalb eine eigene Grundsicherung für Kinder und Jugendliche. Die frühzeitige Aufteilung in unterschiedliche Bildungsgänge behindert die Chancengleichheit massiv. Die Linkspartei.PDS fordert deshalb eine bundesweite Gemeinschaftsschule. Gute Ausbildung ist Schutz vor Armut. Die Linkspartei.PDS fordert deshalb, dass endlich die Umlagefinanzierung durchgesetzt wird, damit jeder Schulabgänger eine Ausbildung erhält. Eine Geschäftsstelle für Chancengleichheit einzurichten, reicht nicht. Es muss viel mehr getan werden, dass alle Kinder und Jugendlichen, die in Deutschland leben, endlich gleiche Chancen haben.


The Real Game



Congress bears heavy responsibility for the debacle in Iraq and the ruin of America’s good name around the globe



US Out of Lebanon



Inflation and War Finance



Versuchter Rufmord




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Januar 2007


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