Donnerstag, 25. Januar 2007

"Schlussverkauf": Versteigerung indonesischer Urwälder


Nach Angaben der Umweltschutzorganisation Greenpeace will das indonesische Forstwirtschaftsministerium über eine Million Hektar Urwald versteigern. Es handele sich um zehntausend Quadratkilometer, was etwa elfmal der Fläche Berlins entspreche. "Damit beginnt quasi der Schlussverkauf", so Greenpeace. Schon jetzt seien 72 Prozent der ursprünglichen intakten Urwälder des Landes zerstört. Nirgendwo sonst seien so viele Tier- und Pflanzenarten akut bedroht, so Greenpeace. Die Arten verlören mit dem Wald ihren Lebensraum.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Bush Has Done "Far Greater Damage" Than Nixon

In an online chat at yesterday, Carl Bernstein, the famed Watergate reporter at that paper and now writing articles for Vanity Fair, took several hard shots at the current Bush administration - almost every time he was asked about the Nixon era. It came just as news of the death of former Watergate ringleader E. Howard Hunt was circulating widely. "In the current administration, we have seen from the President down - especially Vice President Cheney, Attorney General Gonzales, Condoleezza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld - a willingness to ignore the great constitutional history of the United States," said Bernstein.

We're going to go out there and finish this thing right

Huddle Up!

David Swanson writes: "You think you're tired and worn down and you got beat bad, right? Is that what you think? When you pulled off the most powerful offensive attack in league history on February 15, 2003, putting millions of people in the streets against this war, you think no points went up on the board, right? You need to understand that you sidelined three-quarters of their lineup ... Now, I'm going to talk about the second half, and we're going to go out there and finish this thing right."

Attorney: "Libby Sacrificed to Protect Rove"

In Wells's two-hour presentation to jurors on the first day of Libby's trial, he explains that Rove was the official most responsible for leaking Plame's identity to reporters, time and again, and that Libby "was concerned about being the scapegoat for this entire Valerie Wilson controversy."


Libby Sacrificed to Save Rove?

Gesundheitsreform: Sieg der Lobbyisten

Im Streit um die Gesundheitsreform wurden viele der sozialen Elemente wieder rückgängig gemacht.


Fraktionszwang: Struck prüft disziplinarische Schritte gegen SPD-Bundestagsabgeordnete


SPD-Fraktionschef Peter Struck erwägt Disziplinarmaßnahmen gegen Kritiker der Gesundheitsreform in den eigenen Reihen. Möglich ist laut Strucks Sprecher Norbert Bicher eine Abberufung der SPD-Sozialexperten Karl Lauterbach und Wolfgang Wodarg aus dem Gesundheitsausschuss. Der linke SPD-Flügel warnte den Fraktionschef vor dem Schritt, der auch in der Links-Fraktion Empörung auslöste.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


#Die Linkspartei.PDS: Pressemitteilungen

31. März 2007

Eine Reform, die krank macht

Morgen tritt die Gesundheitsreform in Kraft. Dazu erklärt das Mitglied des Parteivorstandes Elke Breitenbach:

Die Risiken und Nebenwirkungen der von der Großen Koalition beschlossenen Gesundheitsreform sind bekannt: Beitragserhöhung bei Einschränkung und Aufweichung des Leistungskatalogs, Mehrbelastung für Geringverdiener, Manifestierung der Zwei-Klassen-Medizin, Unübersichtlichkeit für Kassen, Patienten und Ärzte ... Die Linkspartei.PDS lehnt das Reform-Flickwerk ab. Mit den neuen gesetzlichen Regelungen werden die Finanzierungs- und Effizienzdefizite des Gesundheitssystems nicht behoben. Durch die Einführung von Wahl- und Sondertarifen die Kostenerstattungen, Selbsterhalt und Beitragrückerstattungen vorsehen werden den Krankenkassen Mittel für notwendige Behandlungen fehlen, die dann letztlich die Patienten selbst aufbringen müssen. Die Konsequenz: Wer arm ist, muss früher sterben. Die Einführung eines "Selbstverschuldungsprinzips", dass zunächst nur Folgekosten von Piercing, Tätowierung oder Schönheitsoperationen einbezieht, ist der erste Schritt in zukünftige Leistungsausgrenzungen, wie beispielsweise bei Freizeitunfällen. Schon jetzt sollen Krebskranke, die nicht zur Vorsorge gegangen sind, höheren Zuzahlungen leisten. Die morgen in Kraft tretende Reform löst keins der existierenden Probleme, schafft dafür aber jede Mende neue. Eine wirkliche Gesundheitsreform muss zuerst die Einnahmeseite stärken. Alle Menschen sollten in die gesetzliche Krankenversicherung einbezogen werden. Im Sinne des Solidarsystems müssen die Beitragsbemessungsgrenze aufgehoben und alle Einkünfte einbezogen werden. Der Versicherungsanteil von Arbeitgebern und Arbeitnehmern muss wieder paritätisch erbracht werden. Die gesundheitliche Prävention muss einen viel größeren Stellenwert als bisher bekommen.

Riskante Machtspiele am Persischen Golf

Aufsteigender (Kriegs)Nebel?

Fall Kurnaz: "Die Vorwürfe sind gravierend"

Der grüne Abgeordnete Wolfgang Wieland, Mitglied im BND-Untersuchungsausschuss, über den Fall Kurnaz und die Rolle des amtierenden Außenministers Frank-Walter Steinmeier.


"Rechtsstaatswidriges Konzept": Union geht auf Distanz zu Außenminister Steinmeier


Die Union geht im Fall des ehemaligen Guantanamo-Häftlings Murat Kurnaz auf Distanz zu Außenminister Frank-Walter Steinmeier (SPD). Hintergrund ist die Aussage des ehemaligen Kanzleramtschefs, er würde wieder so handeln. Die Opposition kritisierte am Montag Steinmeier scharf und forderte dessen zügige Aussage vor dem BND-Untersuchungsausschuss. Der Außenminister wies erneut alle Vorwürfe zurück, die rot-grüne Administration habe 2002 nur unzureichend auf ein Freilassungsangebot der US-Seite reagiert. "Angesichts der dramatischen Schilderung von Murat Kurnaz über seine Leidenszeit erschreckt mich Steinmeiers Formulierung, er würde heute wieder genau so handeln", sagte der Unions-Obmann im BND-Untersuchungsausschuss, Hermann Gröhe (CDU).

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

To escalate the number of troops is not the will of the people

RAINFOREST ALERT: Brazil Approves Deforestation of Important Amazon Reserve

New Jersey may Crackdown on Cell Phone Talking Cyclists

Informant: Mark G.

The anti-war movement was right from the start

We Gave War A Chance

Bush had his say. Now the stage belongs to the anti-war movement which was, after all, right from the start.

An ethics law change still enables oil companies to snatch over a billion in tax dollars

Big Oil To Keep Its Loot

Stop Freedom-Frying The Planet

by Frank O'Donnell,

Let's replace Bush's global warming strategy with a French one.

The Twisted Scooter Trail

by David Corn,

You need a road map to navigate the politics of this trial.

The New Saddam

by Issandr El Amrani,

Bush borrows foreign policy tricks from another fierce opponent of the Shia regime in Tehran.

Double mobile phone mast success

25 January 2007

APPLICATIONS for two new mobile phone masts were snubbed by councillors at a planning meeting.

O2 (UK) Ltd felt were turned down by members of the Development Control Board, who refused both their plans to fix controversial communication poles and boxes in two separate spots.

Both were 12.5 metre-high poles complete with three antennas and an equipment box.

The first was destined for the junction of Bennett's Castle Lane and Wood Lane in Dagenham - 140 metres from St Teresa Primary School.

Resident's objections coupled with the board's refusal blew the application out of the water, as recommended by planning officer Hugo Marchant.

His report to the board claimed O2 submitted no evidence to show a mast was needed at the location.

It further showed the company had not looked into the possibility of sharing a site with an existing mast - of which there are four in the area - something they are encouraged to do.

The second proposal, dealt with at the same meeting on Wednesday, January 17, hoped to place a mast on the Heathway junction with Connor Road, Dagenham.

Members refused this, in line with a report by Development Control officer Matthew Gallagher, which claimed the proposed pole would be an eyesore and detrimental to residents view from houses in the area.

O2 can appeal the decision.

Copyright © 2007 Archant Regional. All rights reserved.

Next-up News n°164

Say NO to coal mining in grizzly habitat

The Cline Mining Corporation wants to gouge a heavily polluting coal mine out of the Flathead River Valley, a thriving Rocky Mountain habitat for grizzly bears that straddles the border of Montana and British Columbia.

We need your immediate action to block this dangerous open-pit mining scheme, which would poison the headwaters of the Flathead River and jeopardize the survival of downstream populations of imperiled grizzly bears, wolves, cutthroat trout and other wildlife.

Please go to and urge the British Columbia government to protect the spectacular wildlands and wildlife of the Flathead basin by rejecting the Cline Mining Corporation's reckless plan.

Cline's mining proposal calls for removing mountain tops and building waste dumps and settling ponds right on top of the headwaters of the Flathead River in British Columbia.

Hazardous pollution from the mine would travel downriver into Montana, putting the endangered grizzlies and other wildlife of Glacier National Park at even greater risk.

Please go to and join Governor Brian Schweitzer and Senator Max Bauchus of Montana in speaking out against this scheme.

Thank you for helping to protect grizzly bears and other imperiled Rocky Mountain wildlife.


Frances Beinecke
President Natural Resources Defense Council

Executive Order Expands Presidential Power Over Agencies

The White House has quietly amended a key executive order to tighten the president's grip on federal agencies that enforce health, safety and environmental protections. The new order, issued last Thursday, gives the White House's Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs enhanced tools to oversee and interfere with federal regulations on everything from warning labels on medicines to safety standards for construction work-sites.

Election Staff Convicted in Recount Rig

Two election workers, Jacqueline Maiden, elections coordinator of the Cuyahoga County Elections Board, and ballot manager Kathleen Dreamer, were convicted Wednesday of rigging a recount of the 2004 presidential election to avoid a more thorough review in Ohio's most populous county. Ohio gave President Bush the electoral votes he needed to defeat Democratic senator John Kerry in 2004.

Bush's War on the Republic

Robert Parry writes, "From the beginning of the 'war on terror,' George W. Bush has lied to the American people about the goals, motivation and even the identity of the enemy - a propaganda exercise that continued through his 2007 State of the Union Address and that is sounding the death knell for the Republic."

New Orleans Not Part of Bush's Speech

New Orleans is still a mess and the pace of recovery across the Gulf Coast from Hurricane Katrina's strike remains achingly slow after 17 months. But none of this captured President Bush's attention on the year's biggest night for showcasing policy priorities.

Were we misled then, or now?

Orange County Register
by Steve Chapman


Is President Bush surrendering in the war on terror? For more than a year, the administration has insisted that preserving its ‘terrorist surveillance program,’ which involves unfettered and unauthorized wiretapping of Americans suspected of communicating with al-Qaida operatives abroad, was, in the words of former press secretary Scott McClellan, ‘a vital tool’ for us ‘to stay a step ahead of a deadly enemy that is determined to strike America again.’ Now, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales says the program will not be renewed. Before, we were told it was impossible to combat terrorism within the rules of the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), which places such investigations under the review of a special intelligence court — a process Gonzales portrayed as cumbersome and obsolete...

Speaking of freedom

Frontiers of Freedom
by Lady Liberty


It never ceases to amaze me how many people will say one thing but do another. For politicians, of course, that’s almost a job requirement. More and more often these days, the same seems to be true of certain religious leaders. Unfortunately, though we typically condemn these people for their hypocrisy, we are ever more frequently engaging in some harmful double standards of our own. The case in point: Freedom of speech and religion, something long cherished by most Americans, is becoming ever more endangered, sadly with the all too enthusiastic backing of the much-touted majority...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Reporters Without Borders today welcomed the international warrant issued by a Madrid judge yesterday for the arrest of three US soldiers for the "murder" of Spanish cameraman Jose Couso of the privately-owned television station Telecinco, who was killed on 8 April 2003 when a US tank fired a shell at a Baghdad hotel used by the international media. "We hope that judge Santiago Pedraz's decision to issue an international arrest warrant for the three US soldiers responsible for firing the shell that killed Couso means they will finally be required to explain their actions before a court," the press freedom organization said.


In the first step toward what some believe could eventually lead to a constitutional crisis, a key Congressional committee approved a non-binding resolution here Wednesday formally dissenting from President George W. Bush's plan to send some 21,000 more troops to Iraq. The 12-9 vote in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which came less than 14 hours after Bush appealed in his State of the Union address for Congress to give his plan "a chance to work", sets the stage for a broader debate next week when a majority of the full Senate is also expected to voice its disapproval of the president's course, albeit possibly in a somewhat milder form. Wednesday's resolution, which drew the backing of all the Democrats on the Committee, as well as its one Republican co-sponsor, Sen. Chuck Hagel, declared that deepening U.S. military involvement in Iraq at this time is "not in the national interest of the United States."


Peace activists from around the United States will converge on Washington Saturday for what organizers hope will be the largest demonstration to date against the Iraq war. "We expect a turnout in the six figures," said Tom Andrews, a former Democratic congressman who now runs the group Win Without War, which is organizing the march along with True Majority, Working Assets, the RainbowPUSH Coalition, the National Organization for Women and the national umbrella group United for Peace and Justice (UFPJ). UFPJ's Leslie Cagan told IPS that the level of energy in the antiwar movement has spiked since the November election, when voters ended Republican majorities in both houses of Congress. "The voters of this country figured out that they could use the November elections as a vehicle to voice their opposition to the war," Cagan said. "What happened there was that the voters gave Congress a mandate to end the war in Iraq and bring the troops home." That success at the polls gave antiwar citizens more optimism that a large demonstration might make an impact, she said.

Nicht nur fürs Kochen: Mikrowellen als Waffe gegen Angreifer

US-Militär stellt Mikrowellen-Kanone vor,1518,462187,00.html

Mit Mikrowellen gegen den Feind

US-Militärs entwickeln neue Strahlenwaffe

US-Armee Mikrowellen gegen Angreifer

Schmerzhafte Mikrowellenkanone

US-Militär will Mikrowellen gegen Angreifer einsetzen

"Active Denial"

das gibt zu denken,1

Hitzestrahlen müssen noch warten


Krebs durch Mikrowellenöfen

Ask Denmark not to attend Japan's Commercial Whaling Meeting

Krieg ist keine reine Staatsaffäre mehr

Interview über die Konjunktur privater Militärfirmen

„Dr. Peter W. Singer ist Leiter der "Verteidigungsinitiative 21. Jahrhundert" am Brookings Institut, einer US-amerikanischen Denkfabrik mit Sitz in Washington (D.C.). In seinem jetzt ins Deutsche übersetzten Buch "Die Kriegs-AGs" hat er sich mit privaten Militärfirmen (Privat Military Firms, PMF) und dem Outsourcing militärischer Dienstleistungen beschäftigt…“ Interview und Übersetzung aus dem Englischen von Nina Schulz, erschienen in ak - zeitung für linke debatte und praxis / Nr. 513 / 19.1.2007.

Aus: LabourNet, 25. Januar 2007

Kapitalismus und Korruption: zur politischen Ökonomie des Schwindels

Siemens - global network of corruption

„Der Schmiergeld-Skandal bei Siemens nimmt nahezu täglich neue Dimensionen an. Inzwischen sind auch der frühere Vorstands-Chef und heutige Aufsichtsratsvorsitzende Heinrich von Pierer und sein ehemaliger Finanzvorstand Heinz-Joachim Neubürger in die Schusslinie geraten. Auf der Aktionärshauptversammlung am 25. Januar wird Neubürger nicht entlastet. Nun tritt auch noch Nokia beim geplanten Gemeinschaftsunternehmen mit Siemens auf die Bremse. Der finnische Mobilfunker will nicht in den Bestechungsstrudel gezogen werden. Ein schwerer Schlag für Siemens. Der Münchner Technologiekonzern, einst das Aushängeschild der deutschen Wirtschaft, wird in seinen Grundfesten erschüttert. Wohin das alles führt, ist noch ungewiss…“ Artikel von Michael Huber beim isw - institut für sozial-ökologische wirtschaftsforschung e.V. vom Januar 2007-01-24 (pdf)

Siehe dazu auch:

Kapitalismus und Korruption. Zur politischen Ökonomie des Schwindels

„"Enrichissez vous" - Bereichert Euch! Mit dieser Parole kam das Juste Milieu des Großbürgertums, der Geldaristokratie einst in Frankreich zur Macht. Ein unschlagbares Programm von genialer Kürze. Wer sich bereichert, wie schamlos auch immer, nützt nicht nur sich selbst, sondern erweist dem Vaterland einen unschätzbaren Dienst - diese Botschaft hörten ManagerInnen und KapitaleigentümerInnen nur zu gerne…“ Artikel von Michael R. Krätke in ak - analyse & kritik - Zeitung für linke Debatte und Praxis vom 19.1.2007

Aus: LabourNet, 25. Januar 2007

More Californians at Risk of Losing Homes

The number of Californians defaulting on their mortgage loans is rising rapidly, providing striking evidence that more people are at risk of losing their homes. Default notices jumped 145 percent in the last three months of 2006, accelerating a trend that began in late 2005.

Mercury Found in All Fish Tested in the West

A sweeping study by Oregon scientists has found mercury-contaminated fish throughout the West. In the most widespread survey of mercury in the nation's streams, four Corvallis researchers with the US Environmental Protection Agency and Oregon State University sampled more than 2,700 fish in Oregon, Washington and 10 other Western states. They found detectable - and in some cases high - amounts of mercury in every fish sampled from 626 randomly selected rivers and streams that flow nearly 190,000 miles.

Kerr-McGee Is Found Liable in Lawsuit Over Oil Royalties

A federal jury in Denver agreed Tuesday with a former top auditor for the Interior Department that the Kerr-McGee Corporation had cheated the government out of millions of dollars in royalties on oil it produced in publicly owned coastal waters. The decision is a vindication for the auditor, Bobby L. Maxwell. He became a whistleblower and sued Kerr-McGee as a private citizen after top officials at the Interior Department ordered him to drop his audit findings.

Put a halt to North Carolina executions!

National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty
e - @ b o l i t i o n i s t
Action Alert

Please forward and cross-post this message widely.

Put a halt to North Carolina executions!

30 Members of the General Assembly have asked the Governor to suspend executions immediately until the state can assure its method of lethal injection does not constitute cruel and unusual punishment. In addition, two prisoners have asked the courts to stop their executions because they say there's no guarantee they'll die painlessly. This comes on the heels of a North Carolina Medical Board policy approved last week that forbids the doctor from participating in any way, including the monitoring of an inmate's consciousness. We need your voice heard now. Please call Governor Mike Easley and tell him to suspend these pending executions.

Governor Michael F. Easley
Office of the Governor
20301 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-0301
1-800-662-7952 valid in North Carolina only
(919)733-4240, or (919)733-5811

Gonzales remarks on citizens' right astound the chair of Senate judiciary panel

Gonzales says the Constitution doesn't guarantee habeas corpus

Attorney general's remarks on citizens' right astound the chair of Senate judiciary panel.

From Information Clearing House

EU committee slams Irish complicity in CIA "torture flights"

The Irish Government is coming for more severe criticism today over the use of Shannon Airport by planes involved in the Bush administration's rendition programme.

From Information Clearing House

The Panama Deception


This film shows how the U.S. attacked Panama and killed 3 or 4 thousand people in an invasion that the rest of the world was against. (Sound familiar?). The excuse given was to get the drug lord, General Noriega, who had been on the CIA's payroll for 20 years.

Panama's Noriega set to be released

Noriega, the military ruler toppled by a massive U.S. invasion of his country in late 1989, was automatically eligible for parole after serving close to two-thirds of his 30-year federal sentence.

From Information Clearing House

Iran receives Russian air defense missiles, defense minister says

Iran has received a Russian air defense missile system, the Iranian defense minister said Wednesday.

From Information Clearing House

Manufacturing consent for war with Iran

N Korea helping Iran with nuclear testing

North Korea is helping Iran to prepare an underground nuclear test similar to the one Pyongyang carried out last year.

US says its has proof Iran is interfering in Iraq

The United States said it had proof of Iran's interference in Iraq, promising soon to publish details of Iranian networks in its strife-torn neighboring country.

Bolton: U.S. following flawed Iran plan

Bolton said that contrary to administration claims, the U.N. Security Council U.N. Security Council resolution against Iran that was approved last month is "very weak."

Iran May Have Trained Attackers That Killed 5 American Soldiers, U.S. and Iraqis Say

The officials said the sophistication of the attack astonished investigators, who doubt that Iraqis could have carried it out on their own — one reason a connection to Iran is being closely examined.

Officials: White House Holding Back Report Detailing Iran's Meddling in Iraq

A plan by the Bush administration to release detailed and possibly damning specific evidence linking the Iranian government to efforts to destabilize Iraq have been put on hold, U.S. officials told FOX News.,2933,248791,00.html

Officials: General says U.S. has proof Iran arming Iraqi militias

Iran is supplying Iraqi militias with a variety of powerful weapons including Katyusha rockets, the No. 2 U.S. general in Iraq said Tuesday.

Iranian-Made IEDs Are the Most Deadly U.S. Forces Have Seen

The most deadly improvised explosive devices being used against U.S. soldiers in Iraq continue to come from Iran, and Iran continues to provide more tactical training, according to explosive experts working with the U.S. military.

Are the Iranians Out for Revenge?

American forces still hold five members of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. Arrested by American forces in Erbil on Jan. 11, the five are accused by the Administration of helping the Iraqi opposition kill Americans.,8599,1583523,00.html

Air Force's role in Iraq could grow: The heightened role of U.S. air power in the volatile region is the latest sign of tension between President Bush and Iran's leaders.

Report: US plans strike against Iran

The US was drawing up plans to attack sites where Iran is believed to be enriching uranium before President George W. Bush's candidacy comes to an end, the UK-based Times reported on Wednesday.

US strike group transits Suez Canal

A US Navy strike group led by the assault ship USS Bataan steamed through the Suez Canal on Tuesday on its way to join the buildup of American forces in the Middle East.

Europeans fear US attack on Iran as nuclear row intensifies

Senior European policy-makers are increasingly worried that the US administration will resort to air strikes against Iran to try to destroy its suspect nuclear programme.,,2002319,00.html

Senators warn of drift toward war with Iran

Republican and Democratic senators warned against a drift toward war with an emboldened Iran and suggested the Bush administration was missing a chance to engage its longtime adversary in potentially helpful talks over next-door Iraq.

Report Says Iran Could Build Nukes In 2 To 3 Years

Both John Negroponte, the head of national intelligence for the U.S., and Mohamed ElBaradei, director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, have said Iran is perhaps four years from the capacity to produce a nuclear weapon.

US accuses allies of dragging their feet over Iran

Divisions are emerging in the West’s united front towards Iran with fears being voiced over the aggressive military posture adopted by America, while European allies are accused by the US of dragging their feet.,,3-2575797,00.html

Iraqi troops find cache of Iranian-made rockets, other weapons south of Baghdad

The cache was found in one apartment and contained 17 bombs known as explosively formed penetrators, or EFPs, three Iranian-made 107 mm rockets and an assortment of rifles and Iraqi security force uniforms.

Iran Boosts Support for Militias

Iranian support for militias in Iraq has grown, top U.S. defense leaders said Friday, asserting that recent battles in Basra gave the Iraqis an eye-opening view of Iran's increased negative role there.

Spy photos 'show Iran missile site'

The imagery has pinpointed the facility from where the Iranians launched their Kavoshgar 1 "research rocket" on February 4, claiming that it was in connection with their space programme.,25197,23522062-2703,00.html

From Information Clearing House

Japan minister: Iraq war a mistake

Japan's defence minister has called the US war on Iraq a "mistake" and said he never supported it.

From Information Clearing House

Senate Panel Votes Against Bush on Iraq

The Democratic-controlled Senate Foreign Relations Committee dismissed President Bush's plans to increase troops strength in Iraq on Wednesday as "not in the national interest,'' an unusual wartime repudiation of the commander-in-chief. The vote was 12-9 and largely along party lines.,,-6368629,00.html

Text of Iraq Resolution

Following is the text of the non-binding resolution on the Iraq war that the Senate Foreign Relations Committee approved on Wednesday by a 12-9 vote:

From Information Clearing House

The Last Days of the American Republic

Video Interview and Transcript

The largest element in our budget of discretionary spending goes for national security. We are spending today more on national defense, so-called really on war, than all the other nations on earth combined. That’s an astonishing figure. Its also amazing to see that perhaps, 20,000 insurgents in Iraq have fought to a standstill 130,000 of the most-highly trained, heavily equipped troops on earth.

Fox News is Not a Real News Outlet

By Cenk Uygur

This blog post was put together by a number of people in the progressive movement who believe that journalism matters and that Fox News Channel does great disservice to the institution of the media (perhaps intentionally) by pretending to be legitimate members of the press.

Your Local Police Force Has Been Militarized

Paul Craig Roberts

In recent years American police forces have called out SWAT teams 40,000 or more times annually. Last year did you read in your newspaper or hear on TV news of 110 hostage or terrorist events each day? No. What then were the SWAT teams doing? They were serving routine warrants to people who posed no danger to the police or to the public.

US: Data Retention kommt erst jetzt

Join Jane Fonda, Susan Sarandon in the Streets this Weekend!

Mobile GPS soon to hit Europe

No to phone mast

The World Agrees: Stop Bush


He Is the Nightmare

Le Monde's media chronicler, Dominique Dhombres, stayed up until past 3 a.m. to watch the SOTU speech on CNN ...

Toward a New Moral Majority

Lying and Spying: How the Administration Slip-Slides Away

Jim Webb Offers the Democratic Response to Hillary and Obama

Bush Focus on Oil Imports Marks Failure on Climate

Say Greens

White House Left Out in the Cold on Warming

Military Builds Robotic Insects

Explosive Start to Libby Trial


Former CIA Official Testifies Against Libby

A high-ranking former CIA official testified today that he told I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby in June 2003 that the wife of former ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV worked for the CIA, after an "aggrieved" Libby called seeking information about Wilson's CIA-sponsored trip to Africa. Robert L. Grenier, a former CIA associate deputy director, became the second prosecution witness at Libby's perjury trial to say he had disclosed information about CIA officer Valerie Plame to Libby weeks before Libby claims he learned her identity from a journalist.

End Corporate Control Over Our Media

By Sen. Bernie Sanders

Phone mast on top of the church?

25 January 2007

WEDMORE residents could soon have a clearer mobile phone signal in the village, with a little help from God's house.

Mobile phone giant T-Mobile has written to residents about plans to build a telecommunication mast on top of St Mary's Church in Church Street.

The company wrote to district councillors Jessica Healey and Diana Bayliss. Cllr Healey presented the letter to the parish council on Wednesday.

Some councillors raised concerns about how the mast would look while others were supportive saying it would improve the mobile signal reception in the area, which everyone agreed was poor.

Keeper of the cloth at the church, Michael Gelder, said: "The mast would replace the town flag pole so I imagine it would be similar in appearance.

"I believe they have written to churches in Axbridge and Cheddar as well, because those buildings are usually the tallest in the village. We will be discussing it at the next church meeting."

T-Mobile has written to several other landowners including Isle of Wedmore Golf Club, NatWest Bank, Brick House Farm and Wedmore Scout Hut.

Copyright © 2007 Archant Regional. All rights reserved.

Watada warns against ‘perpetual war’

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Ray gun makes targets feel as if they are on fire

Informant: Bob Banner

Der Kampf gegen die kalte Fusion

There is no war on terror,,1997247,00.html

Informant: Lew Rockwell


There is no war on terrorism

Informant: ranger116

The State Spies on the Union

Is the US Going the Way of Imperial Spain?

Bush continues to resist factual and moral suasion

They're over here because we're over there

The American Way of War

Lessons Bush has taught us: about the nature of government

THE AMERICAN PUBLIC CONTINUES sleepwalking into a future of energy scarcity, climate change, and geopolitical turmoil

Informant: Bob Banner

The US War Machine: Shockingly, Awfully Expensive

Informant: Kev Hall

Mass Movement to End the War Now

Informant: mletwin2001

From ufpj-news


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January 6 Committee Says... les/jan-6-committee-says-t rump-engaged-in-criminal-c onspiracy-to-undo-election /?eType=EmailBlastContent& eId=552e5725-9297-4a7c-a21 4-53c8c51615a3
rudkla - 4. Mär, 05:38
Georgia Republicans Are...
https://www.commondreams.o rg/views/2022/02/14/georgi a-republicans-are-delibera tely-attacking-voting-righ ts
rudkla - 15. Feb, 05:03
Now Every Day Is January...
https://www.commondreams.o rg/views/2022/02/07/now-ev ery-day-january-6-trump-ta rgets-vote-counters
rudkla - 8. Feb, 05:41


Januar 2007


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