Sonntag, 14. Januar 2007

Save Whales from Navy Sonar deployment

Informant: Adriana R.

Departures up at Ft. Lewis, limits on service down, echoes of Vietnam

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Watada packs hall in Seattle, appeals to American people

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

It Happened Quite Suddenly

Informant: ranger116

Now Donald Trump is ripping Condoleezza Rice

Informant: ranger116

Shock and Oil: Iraq's Billions & the White House Connection

The American company appointed to advise the US government on the economic reconstruction of Iraq has paid hundreds of thousands of dollars into Republican Party coffers and has admitted that its own finances are in chaos because of accounting errors and bad management.

He's in the Bunker Now

Frank Rich writes: "President Bush always had one asset he could fall back on: the self-confidence of a born salesman. Like Harold Hill in 'The Music Man,' he knew how to roll out a new product, however deceptive or useless, with conviction and stagecraft. What the world saw on Wednesday night was a defeated Willy Loman who looked as broken as his war. His flop sweat was palpable even if you turned down the sound to deflect despair-inducing phrases like 'Prime Minister Maliki has pledged ...' and 'Secretary Rice will leave for the region. ...' Mr. Bush seemed to know his product was snake oil, and his White House handlers did too."

Choices Dwindle If Iraq War Plan Fails

If the revamped Iraq war plan fails, it will be time to withdraw most US troops. Or send more in. The United States is seen as having a limited number of options, all grim, if President Bush's "new way forward" hits a wall. The pressure for US disengagement will be immense. Yet a further escalation, however unimaginable now, may not be out of the question.

Why Do We Need a National Conference for Media Reform?

"Bush just connected Iraq to 9/11 again, and the media will not tell you it was a lie," says David Swanson. "Bush just gave a list of reasons why this time his escalation of the war will work. A minute later, Bush told us there will still be IED attacks and suicide bombings. The media will not point out that such actions ought really to count as interference."

Breaking Ranks: Troops Call for Iraq Withdrawal

On Wednesday, January 10, President George W. Bush announced that he would be sending 21,500 more troops to Iraq as early as Monday. "The escalation of this war is very disappointing," said Mass Communications Specialist Third Class, Jonathan Hutto, 29, a sailor stationed aboard the aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt. Ironically, as the additional troops begin arriving in Iraq, Hutto and other active duty troops will travel to Washington to present the Appeal for Redress of Grievances from the US Congress to US Representative Dennis Kucinich.

Bush Administration "Aggressively" Expanding Domestic Spying

The Pentagon has been using a little-known power to obtain banking and credit records of hundreds of Americans and others suspected of terrorism or espionage inside the United States, part of an aggressive expansion by the military into domestic intelligence gathering. The CIA has also been issuing what are known as national security letters to gain access to financial records from American companies, though it has done so only rarely, intelligence officials say.

Real existierender Lobbyismus

Die Großindustrie ist seit Jahren in deutschen Ministerien vertreten und hat dort Einfluss auf die Gesetzgebung.


Einblick in die schmutzige Trickkiste der Pharmaindustrie

Strahlungsarme Telefone stark gefragt

In danger of extinction: Gorilla Gorilla Gorilla

Informant: binstock


Save the Gorillas from ourselves

From Pilvi M.

Melting glaciers will destroy Alpine resorts within 45 years,,1989999,00.html?gusrc=rss&feed=travel

Informant: binstock

Bush Breaks 150-Year History of Higher US Taxes in Wartime

It was once considered Americans' patriotic duty: enduring extraordinary tax increases in wartime to help finance the fight. Not today. Iraq is the only major US conflict, except for the 1846-48 Mexican-American War, in which citizens haven't been asked to make a special financial sacrifice. President George W. Bush opposes tax increases, even as the costs escalate far beyond predictions and he calls for more troops.

Opposition to Iraq Plan Leaves Bush Isolated

The bipartisan opposition to President Bush's troop-increase plan has proved more intense than his advisers hoped and has left them scrambling to find support, but the White House is banking on the assumption that it can execute its "new way forward" in Iraq before Congress can derail it.


Belief is widespread among experts that aggression against Iran is impending

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Military Is Expanding Its Intelligence Role in U.S.

Informant: ranger116

Secretary of the state would make Connecticut national model for election security

Informant: Kathy Dopp

Ende des Widerstands gegen Mobilfunkmasten in Sicht?

Diese Einschätzung kann ich für Oberbayern absolut nicht bestätigen.

Wir (Kreis Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen und angrenzende Bis in Schäftlarn, Seeshaupt und Penzberg) befinden uns deutlich im Aufschwung – vor allem, seit die Gesundheitsuntersuchungen im Umkreis der MF-Sender deutliche Krankheitsbilder zeigen.

* So kommen zu unseren vierteljährlichen Kreistreffen jedes Mal mehr Interessierte und BIs

* Unsere BI trifft sich nun schon seit mehr als sechs Jahren regelmäßig monatlich (zwischen 10 und 50 Interessierte, je nach aktuellem Thema) und wird neidvoll von den Parteien beäugt (besonders von den GRÜNEN) wegen der Pressearbeit.

* Auch im Allgäu gibt es sehr aktive und offensive Bis, hier sogar Ärzteinitiativen

* So wird gerade eine Musterklage wegen Wertminderung in Schäftlarn vorbereitet bei einer Wohnung, die seit mehr als einem Jahr unverkäuflich ist, weil nach Süden in 40 m Entfernung eine große MF-Sendeanlage steht

* So wurden in WOR und Icking Sammelklagen wegen Körperverletzung eingereicht, in Icking zusätzlich Sammelklagen gegen das Gesundheitsamt des Landkreises wegen unterlassener Hilfeleistung; in Geretsried sind weitere Sammelklagen (wegen Körperverletzung und Wertverlust) in Vorbereitung

* So wurden in Icking und WOR außerordentliche Bürgerversammlungen zum Thema MF und Gesundheitsgefährdung durchgesetzt und abgehalten mit großem Presseecho und deutlichen Anträgen an den Gemeinderat/Stadtrat; weitere in anderen Städten und Orten sind in Vorbereitung

Es kommt unserer Einschätzung darauf an, langen Atem zu behalten und nicht auf kurzfristige Erfolge zu setzen. Wir haben so erreicht, dass z.B.

* Die BNA die installierten Senderleistungen aller in Wolfratshausen gemeldeten HF-Sender mit Adresse herausgegeben hat

* Die BNA sich jetzt bereiterklärt hat, dies für alle Sender in den oben genannten Orten und im Kreis Tölz-WOR zu tun (bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch ohne Adresse, aber da sind wir noch dran)

* Der Stadtrat von WOR seit mehr als drei Jahren eine Veränderungssperre erlassen hat, um eine Sendeanlage auf dem Gelände der Straßenmeisterei (vom Land Bayern großzügig als Standort zur Verfügung gestellt) zu verhindern

Ich selbst bin betroffener Elektrosensibler und weiß daher, worum es geht – dies ist ein zusätzlicher Pluspunkt, der vielleicht verhindert, dass Bis schnell wieder aufgeben.

Also, unsere Parole lautet: dicke Bretter bohren und nicht aufgeben – es gibt immer noch einen Weg.

Gruß und weiterhin Kraft für die Überzeugung der Öffentlichkeit wünscht

Hans Schmidt
Sprecher BI Wolfratshausen zum Schtz vor Elektrosmog e.V.

P.S.: Die Internetadresse sieht nach kurzem Check des Inhalts nach Sponsoring durch die FGF (Forschungsgemeinschaft Funk), also durch die Betreiber aus – wir können uns keine solch professionelle Website leisten.

Auch werden bei den Beurteilungen von Studien (hier: Salford, Blut-Hirn-Schranke) die Stellungnahmen der FGF als Schlussfolgerung gebracht.

He takes his secrets to the grave: our complicity dies with him

From InfoNature.Org

A Storm of Denial

Informant: binstock

Over objections from all 50 governors, Feds snatch National Guard away

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Britons to be scanned for FBI database

Millions of Britons who visit the United States are to have their fingerprints stored on the FBI database alongside those of criminals, in a move that has outraged civil rights groups.,,1984496,00.html

From Information Clearing House

Trapped at Guantanamo

Mustafa, a former karate champion who suffered months of facial paralysis from a brutal beating inflicted by Guantanamo camp soldiers, worries about his ailing mother in Algeria. With each passing day, it becomes more likely that he will never see her again.

From Information Clearing House

NGOs to sue US over WMD claims

30 non-governmental organisations in Niger said overnight they are going to sue the United States for nearly two billion dollars for "unfairly accusing" Niger of selling uranium to the late Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.,20867,21057247-1702,00.html

From Information Clearing House

How many lies can one presidential speech hold?

A critique of Bush's address to the nation

This jargon disease is choking language

From Information Clearing House

U.S. policies have made Israel less safe, experts say

After years of supporting the Bush administration's policy in the Middle East, a growing number of Israelis are openly criticizing the United States for creating more, not less, danger for Israel.

From Information Clearing House

Instead of “al-Qaeda,” U.S. Kills Nomads in Somalia

As usual, it takes a few days for the truth to emerge, not that the corporate media here in America notices.

'Black Hawk Down' pilot: Finish job in Somalia

An Army soldier captured and beaten in Somalia in 1993 said he's not surprised the United States is again militarily involved in the volatile African nation.

From Information Clearing House

China Tells US Not to Interfere in Relations with Iran

China's Foreign Ministry spokesman, Liu Jianchao, says China has every right to do business with Iran, and the U.S. has no right to comment on the two countries' dealings.

China firm close to signing $3.6b deal for Iranian gas field investment

A second Chinese oil company is close to signing a memorandum of understanding to invest $3.6 billion in an Iranian gas field amid U.S. pressure for Beijing to scrap another similar deal, a news report said Friday.

From Information Clearing House

US sends warplanes to Turkey's Incirlik military base

According to Local Cihan News Agency, at least 16 F-16 jets joined by early warning system AWACS airplane, as well as tanker airplanes landed here at Incirlik coming from an American base in Germany.

From Information Clearing House

U.S. Forces Fighting Iranians In Iraq

Pentagon sources tell CBS News the U.S. military has planned covert cross-border raids into Iran — but so far none has been approved.

From Information Clearing House

Bush gave order for raids on Iranians in Iraq

A recent series of American raids against Iranians in Iraq was authorized under an order that President George W. Bush decided to issue several months ago to undertake a broad military offensive against Iranian operatives in the country, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Friday.

From Information Clearing House

New US tactics face ultimate test in Baghdad

Drawing heavily on the lessons of nearly four deadly years in Iraq, the United States' biggest and deadliest war since Vietnam, the new doctrine challenges accepted practice and tactics long honed by the US military.

From Information Clearing House

Housing Bubble Bloodbath

By Mike Whitney

Imagine mortgage payments that suddenly jump from $1,300 per month to more than $2,000 on a $129,000 house. That’s what many people will be facing in 2007 when their loans reset and they are suddenly forced out of their homes and onto the streets.

Culture of War: Source of Human Suffering and Death

By Charles Mercieca, Ph.D.

If the US President was not born and raised in a culture of war, he would have never dreamt in a million years to invade a nation that posed no threat whatsoever to the United States.

Johnny got his gun

By William Blum

Iran apparently believes that American leaders would be so deeply distressed by the prospect of their young men and women being endangered and possibly killed that they would forswear any reckless attacks on Iran. As if American leaders have been deeply stabbed by pain about throwing youthful American bodies into the bottomless snakepit called Iraq.

Bush left little doubt that he means to rule over the people he was ‘elected’ to serve

Reading Bush’

“If you are afraid to speak out, you are not in America any more” - ‘unknown’

By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich

The United States, once known as the beacon of democracy, finds itself in a dilemma. It is faced with a President that is deaf to the people. In his address to the nation on January 10, 2007 he left little doubt that he means to rule over the people he was ‘elected’ to serve.

"Disaster capitalism," or why Cheney thinks Iraq is 'doing well'

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

The silence of the polar bears

Polar bears are becoming ca­naries in the mine, warning of the consequences of global warming.

Das Endspiel: Atom oder Sonne?

Jedesmal wenn Russlands Präsident Putin den Gas- oder Ölhahn zudreht, werden die Atomfreunde hier zu Lande hell wach. Sie reagieren reflexartig und vergessen, dass sie sich vertraglich verpflichtet haben, in den nächsten 15 Jahren aus der Atomkraft auszusteigen.

Für ein wirksames weiterentwickeltes Kyoto Protokoll

Offener Brief an Bundeskanzlerin Dr. Angela Merkel von Prof. Dr. Lutz Wicke, Direktor des Instituts für UmweltManagment (IfUM) / (CDU-Parteimitglied seit 1966).

Klima-Chaos wirkt sich auf Vogelwelt aus

Der überaus milde Herbst und der schon frühlingshafte Winter machen für jeden unübersehbar: Unser Klima ist aus den Fugen geraten.

Mobilmachung zur Rettung der Zivilisation

In seinem neuesten Buch analysiert Lester R. Brown, Gründer und ehemaliger Präsident des Worldwatch Institutes und Träger vieler Umweltpreise, die großen Herausforderungen, denen sich die menschliche Zivilisation in den nächsten Jahren zu stellen hat. Gleichzeitig bietet er fundierte Antworten auf diese Probleme und präsentiert überzeugende Lösungsansätze.

Umweltstaatssekretär: Atomkraft kann Ölstopps nicht ausgleichen

Die Atomkraft kann nach Aussage des Staatssekretärs im Bundesumweltministerium, Michael Müller, kaum etwas zur Sicherung des derzeit mit Erdöl gedeckten Energiebedarfs beitragen.

Land of Enchantment and Impeachment

Informant: ranger116

'Private contractors' in Iraq should be counted with the troops

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

The "Dumb" Party Acts as Predicted

by Tom DeWeese

Truth be told, if the Republican Party had stayed true to its core beliefs, there never would have been an invasion and occupation of a foreign land. That’s not how true Republicans operate. True Republicans don’t use fear to put freedom in chains. True Republicans don’t use patriotic sounding names for laws that destroy liberty. That’s how the other side has always operated. It’s what we fought to stop. Republican betrayal has known no bounds.....

Bush's high-stakes gamble to save 'dollar hegemony'

Informant: Carlos Rovira


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Januar 2007


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