Phone mast appeal rejected by Orange likely to appeal
30 July 2009
Tan Parsons
RESIDENTS in Hampstead have won a landmark victory after planning bosses refused permission for Orange to build a mobile phone mast near 10 schools.
The company had planned to set up the seven-metre pole in Fitzjohn's Avenue, but Camden Council was swamped by more than 800 objections and on Tuesday permission to build the mast was finally refused.
Parents, teachers and residents had objected over safety fears, claiming there is still no definitive proof that radio waves from mobile phone masts are not harmful, especially to children.
Tan Parsons
RESIDENTS in Hampstead have won a landmark victory after planning bosses refused permission for Orange to build a mobile phone mast near 10 schools.
The company had planned to set up the seven-metre pole in Fitzjohn's Avenue, but Camden Council was swamped by more than 800 objections and on Tuesday permission to build the mast was finally refused.
Parents, teachers and residents had objected over safety fears, claiming there is still no definitive proof that radio waves from mobile phone masts are not harmful, especially to children.
rudkla - 31. Jul, 05:48