Why Obama Refuses To Release Torture Pictures
By Yvonne Ridley
While some Republican red necks would probably just scoff at pictures of olive skinned men being brutalised, I'm not so sure they would shrug off so easily pictures of women and young children being tortured.
The Road To Guantanamo
Three young British Muslims tell the story of how they came to be in US custody at Guantánamo for over two years, and discuss the Kafkaesque horrors that awaited them there, until finally they were released without charge or apology.
Drugged and Dangerous
U.S. Military: Heavily Armed and Medicated
By Melody Petersen
Prescription pill dependency among American troops is on the rise.
Obama defends withholding abuse photos
In his speech Thursday at the National Archives, Obama said he has an obligation to protect Americans who are serving in harm's way, and that the release of the photos would endanger them by inflaming anti-American opinion.
Senate OKs war funding, blocks release of detainee pictures
The Senate late Thursday easily passed a $91 billion spending bill for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. After stripping it of funds to close the military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and placing restrictions on the transfer of its detainees, the bill was adopted 86 to 3. The Senate included an amendment to prevent the public release of photographs that reportedly document the mistreatment of post-Sept. 11 detainees in U.S. custody.
From Information Clearing House
Media Ignores Real Controversy Behind Torture Photos; They Show Prison Guards Raping Children
Former Governor Jesse Ventura: Let Me Judge Torture Photos On Behalf Of The American People
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Thursday, May 21, 2009
The real reason behind Obama’s reversal of a decision to release the torture photos has been almost completely ignored by the corporate media - the fact that the photos show both US and Iraqi soldiers raping teenage boys in front of their mothers.
While some Republican red necks would probably just scoff at pictures of olive skinned men being brutalised, I'm not so sure they would shrug off so easily pictures of women and young children being tortured.
The Road To Guantanamo
Three young British Muslims tell the story of how they came to be in US custody at Guantánamo for over two years, and discuss the Kafkaesque horrors that awaited them there, until finally they were released without charge or apology.
Drugged and Dangerous
U.S. Military: Heavily Armed and Medicated
By Melody Petersen
Prescription pill dependency among American troops is on the rise.
Obama defends withholding abuse photos
In his speech Thursday at the National Archives, Obama said he has an obligation to protect Americans who are serving in harm's way, and that the release of the photos would endanger them by inflaming anti-American opinion.
Senate OKs war funding, blocks release of detainee pictures
The Senate late Thursday easily passed a $91 billion spending bill for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. After stripping it of funds to close the military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and placing restrictions on the transfer of its detainees, the bill was adopted 86 to 3. The Senate included an amendment to prevent the public release of photographs that reportedly document the mistreatment of post-Sept. 11 detainees in U.S. custody.
From Information Clearing House
Media Ignores Real Controversy Behind Torture Photos; They Show Prison Guards Raping Children
Former Governor Jesse Ventura: Let Me Judge Torture Photos On Behalf Of The American People
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Thursday, May 21, 2009
The real reason behind Obama’s reversal of a decision to release the torture photos has been almost completely ignored by the corporate media - the fact that the photos show both US and Iraqi soldiers raping teenage boys in front of their mothers.
rudkla - 21. Mai, 10:18