Pelosi Draws Response From CIA
David Espo, The Associated Press: "The head of the CIA defended the agency Friday against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's charge that she was misled in 2002 about the use of waterboarding but said it ultimately is up to Congress to decide where the truth lies. 'Let me be clear. It is not our policy or practice to mislead Congress,' CIA Director Leon Panetta wrote in a message to agency employees that was released to the public. 'That is against our laws and our values.'"
The tortuous logic of Nancy Pelosi
by Justin Raimondo
Even I — quintessentially cynical when it comes to politics and politicians — was shocked (shocked!) by the ease with which the Democratic talking heads and their blogger auxiliary took up the defense of Nancy Pelosi. Her obvious culpability in the unfolding story of how torture was legitimized in the eyes of seemingly reasonable people is such a challenge to supposedly anti-torture Democrats that one’s response to it represents a veritable litmus test of one’s honesty, integrity, and ideological consistency. It’s sad, but true, that not many alleged progressives with a public platform are earning a passing grade. As might be expected, the worst is MSNBC ranter Keith Olbermann, who used to be a reasonable person — long ago and far away — but has, since the election, turned into the worst sort of party-lining hack and all-around hatchet-man, a kind of Bizarro World version of Sean Hannity...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
The tortuous logic of Nancy Pelosi
by Justin Raimondo
Even I — quintessentially cynical when it comes to politics and politicians — was shocked (shocked!) by the ease with which the Democratic talking heads and their blogger auxiliary took up the defense of Nancy Pelosi. Her obvious culpability in the unfolding story of how torture was legitimized in the eyes of seemingly reasonable people is such a challenge to supposedly anti-torture Democrats that one’s response to it represents a veritable litmus test of one’s honesty, integrity, and ideological consistency. It’s sad, but true, that not many alleged progressives with a public platform are earning a passing grade. As might be expected, the worst is MSNBC ranter Keith Olbermann, who used to be a reasonable person — long ago and far away — but has, since the election, turned into the worst sort of party-lining hack and all-around hatchet-man, a kind of Bizarro World version of Sean Hannity...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
rudkla - 16. Mai, 09:31