Beware the Hate Crimes Bill
by Paul Craig Roberts
A statute’s words do not tell how the law will be interpreted and applied. All laws are expansively interpreted. For example: The Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) was directed at drug-lords. Nothing in the law says anything about divorce; yet it soon was applied in divorce cases. …. With this in mind, consider the Hate Crimes Prevention Act. Opponents criticize the bill for adding a second punishment to existing punishments for acts of violence. Assault, murder, rape are crimes regardless of motivation. The penalties are sufficient, or can be made so, without applying a new crime of motivation that creates specially protected classes, such as homosexuals and minorities. To commit a violent act against a member of a specially protected class will carry a heavier punishment. How will a court know whether a violent act was committed because of hatred or because of sexual lust or the need for money? As case law is made, the likely direction will be to eliminate intent...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
by Paul Craig Roberts
A statute’s words do not tell how the law will be interpreted and applied. All laws are expansively interpreted. For example: The Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) was directed at drug-lords. Nothing in the law says anything about divorce; yet it soon was applied in divorce cases. …. With this in mind, consider the Hate Crimes Prevention Act. Opponents criticize the bill for adding a second punishment to existing punishments for acts of violence. Assault, murder, rape are crimes regardless of motivation. The penalties are sufficient, or can be made so, without applying a new crime of motivation that creates specially protected classes, such as homosexuals and minorities. To commit a violent act against a member of a specially protected class will carry a heavier punishment. How will a court know whether a violent act was committed because of hatred or because of sexual lust or the need for money? As case law is made, the likely direction will be to eliminate intent...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
rudkla - 13. Mai, 10:18