Published Date: 30 April 2009
OPPONENTS of a mobile 'phone mast on Carlogie Road, Carnoustie, are rejoicing that Vodafone's appeal against refusal has been rejected.
Angus Council threw out the initial application on September 2.
The telecommunications giant was adamant that its application site, near the junction with Newton Road, was the correct one.
However, whilst the Scottish Ministers' Reporter, Janet McNair, accepted that Vodafone wished to improve its service, she said that it is impossible to conclude with certainty that a more visually satisfactory alternative site is not available.
Miss McNair continued: "Street lighting columns, overhead power lines, signs, and a bus shelter are already part of the streetscape of this part of Carlogie Road, which is the main approach into Carnoustie from the A92.
OPPONENTS of a mobile 'phone mast on Carlogie Road, Carnoustie, are rejoicing that Vodafone's appeal against refusal has been rejected.
Angus Council threw out the initial application on September 2.
The telecommunications giant was adamant that its application site, near the junction with Newton Road, was the correct one.
However, whilst the Scottish Ministers' Reporter, Janet McNair, accepted that Vodafone wished to improve its service, she said that it is impossible to conclude with certainty that a more visually satisfactory alternative site is not available.
Miss McNair continued: "Street lighting columns, overhead power lines, signs, and a bus shelter are already part of the streetscape of this part of Carlogie Road, which is the main approach into Carnoustie from the A92.
rudkla - 1. Mai, 08:27