Urgent: Do you use these marine areas?


Please contact msakoh@ifaw.org today if you can help!

IFAW needs your help in carrying out a very important next step in a lawsuit to protect marine wildlife from mid-frequency active sonar used by the U.S. Navy. This sonar is known to cause the death of and seriously injure whales and other marine mammals.

If you have spent and plan to spend time in the future boat touring, deep-sea fishing, scientific study, whale watching, underwater diving, or engaging in any other recreational activity out on ANY of the bodies of water listed below, your participation is urgently needed:

* The North Coast of Scotland;

* The Gulf of Lyon, mainly off France, in the northern Mediterranean Sea;

* The coast of Queensland, Australia, home to the Great Barrier Reef;

* The Navy’s Marianas Islands Operating Area: the southern part of a submerged mountain range that extends 1,565 miles (2,519 km) from Guam to near Japan and the northernmost islands of a larger island group called Micronesia.

Please send an email to msakoh@ifaw.org or call 1-202-296-3860 today if you can help!

In order to maintain this case in court, IFAW needs to show that it has members who are harmed by the Navy exercises we are challenging. This is called the “standing” requirement.

Once you respond, IFAW will conduct a brief interview with you to create a statement explaining which bodies of water you use and how you use them, your concerns about the threats posed by the use of mid-frequency sonar, and the ways that your enjoyment of these areas is diminished by harm to the area’s marine wildlife.

IFAW will file your signed statement in U.S. Federal Court along with others as part of our Opposition to Defendants Motion to Dismiss. Rest assured, you would NOT become a party to this lawsuit. The whole process is quick and easy and will bring us one step closer to saving countless whales and other marine mammals.

Please consider taking a few minutes to help me out with this. I would really appreciate your help!

For the whales,

Fred O’Regan
President and CEO



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