Exxpose Exxon

This month, the Exxpose Exxon campaign celebrates its one year anniversary, and you've helped us accomplish so much!

On our anniversary, we're very close to another milestone – mobilizing half a million people to take action to stop ExxonMobil's dirty tactics! We are just a few thousand activists from our goal so please celebrate our anniversary by helping us reach our goal of 500,000 Exxpose Exxon activists. With your help, we can reach 500,000 Exxpose Exxon activists by the end of July!

Click here now to spread the word about the Exxpose Exxon campaign to at least three friends, family members, or co-workers, and encourage them to sign up!


Thanks to you, the campaign has already been a great success. We've mobilized consumers against ExxonMobil, and are actively exposing them for what they really are – a short-sighted, profit-hungry company with little regard for America's citizens or its environment.

The campaign is pressuring ExxonMobil to do the following:

* Stop blocking progress on the reduction of global warming pollution;

* Stop funding global warming skeptics;

* Invest in alternative renewable energy

* Pull out of Arctic Power, the lobby group trying to open the Arctic Refuge; and

* Pay the punitive damages owed to the victims of the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill.

Most of all, we demand that ExxonMobil start helping our nation secure a renewable energy future that will strengthen our economy, create jobs, and protect our health and our environment.

Please help us reach half a million activists by the end of July!

Click here to forward a message to your friends asking them to stand up to ExxonMobil and demand a secure and sustainable energy future.


We never expected victory overnight, but our progress has surpassed all our expectations - see the list of accomplishments below.

We need just a little more of your help to push us over the top and set a new precedent as the fastest growing environmentally-focused corporate campaign ever. Click here to tell three friends to join the campaign to Exxpose Exxon!


Thank you again for your dedicated support and your commitment to demanding a clean energy future for this and future generations.


Shawnee Hoover
Campaign Director

We're proud to report that:

- Close to 500,000 activists have joined the campaign and over two million online actions have pressured ExxonMobil to change its ways.

- Over 50 Exxpose Exxon protests have taken place across the country and over 250 Exxon or Mobil gas stations are being "adopted" by activists to pressure station owners to join our effort and to educate local communities and reporters.

- Over 2,300 people tied up ExxonMobil’s phone lines on the anniversary of the Exxon Valdez oil spill in March to ensure it wasn’t just another day at corporate headquarters and to demand the company pay the spill victims what they owe.

- Over 2,000 letters to the editor were sent to newspapers across the country exposing the dirty tactics of ExxonMobil.

- Exxpose Exxon activists made a visible presence in the halls of Congress before policy makers and the press as ExxonMobil’s CEO and others testified before the Senate.

- Over 100 protesters captured the attention of ExxonMobil's CEO, shareholders, and the national press outside ExxonMobil's shareholder meeting in May.

- Fortune Magazine's 2006 feature of ExxonMobil as the Fortune 500 Company of the Year dedicated part of its story to the Exxpose Exxon campaign.

- The campaign has successfully exposed ExxonMobil in news stories by the New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, Associated Press, Reuters, CBS News, ABC News, USA Today, numerous radio and TV stations and other major newspapers across the country.

We couldn't have done any of this without your help!



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