The Destabilization Game
"In 'The New American Cold War,' the cover story of the most recent issue of the Nation, Russia specialist Stephen F. Cohen finally catches the essence of that ever-degrading relationship [between the US and Russia]," writes Tom Engelhardt. "What Cohen points out is that, after the USSR unraveled, the Cold War never actually ended, not on the American side anyway, and today it not only continues at nearly full blast, but the Russians have finally re-entered the game."
The Destabilization Game
This is the new, American-driven cold war -- a striking feature of our landscape, almost utterly ignored by the mainstream media -
By Tom Engelhardt
In the wake of the collapse of the Soviet empire, the United States was the sole military power of significance left standing. It had, as they saw it, enough excess power to ensure a Pax Americana into the distant future, in part by ensuring that no future or resurgent superpower or bloc of powers would, in any foreseeable future, arise to challenge the United States. As the President put it in an address at West Point in 2002, "America has, and intends to keep, military strengths beyond challenge."
This is a must read
The Destabilization Game
This is the new, American-driven cold war -- a striking feature of our landscape, almost utterly ignored by the mainstream media -
By Tom Engelhardt
In the wake of the collapse of the Soviet empire, the United States was the sole military power of significance left standing. It had, as they saw it, enough excess power to ensure a Pax Americana into the distant future, in part by ensuring that no future or resurgent superpower or bloc of powers would, in any foreseeable future, arise to challenge the United States. As the President put it in an address at West Point in 2002, "America has, and intends to keep, military strengths beyond challenge."
This is a must read
rudkla - 5. Jul, 22:32