Montag, 3. Mai 2010

Expelled congressman Traficant returns to politics

A former Democratic congressman from Ohio who served seven years in prison on racketeering and bribery charges is hoping to reclaim his old seat in the House of Representatives.

From Information Clearing House

Hidden toll of US wars: 18 veterans commit suicide daily

The stunning figure was reported last week by the Army Times, citing officials in the US Veterans Affairs Department.

From Information Clearing House

Was There A Plan to Blow Up The Economy?

Suicide by Regressivism

By David Michael Green

Sometimes bad things happen to countries, and people suffer. Other times, people suffer because countries are stupid and bring bad things upon themselves.

The Subprime Conspiracy: Was There A Plan to Blow Up The Economy?

By Mike Whitney

Many people now believe that the financial crisis was not an accident. They think that the Bush administration and the Fed knew what Wall Street was up to and provided their support. This isn't as far fetched as it sounds.

Elitism and Empathy in American Presidents: Who Cares for the Suffering Children

By William Cox

Earning millions of dollars a year from salaries, bonuses, investments and fraud, the individuals and their families who control major financial institutions, foundations and corporations are the new royalty and, like the kings and queens of old, they have little care or concern for anyone other than themselves, their own, and their profits.

"You'll Pry My Car out of my Cold-Dead Hands"

By Cindy Sheehan

You know one of the major reasons we are addicted to war in this country is because we are addicted to petroleum. Our cars are precious (Freudian?) extensions of ourselves and their use is encouraged by the relative cheapness of gas-the average price for a gallon of gas is about 50 cents lower than a gallon of milk.

Out of Sight, Out of Mind: We Make Excuses for the Clear Injustices of Our Age

By Julian Baggini

We know slavery was an abhorrence, and that sexism and racism are wrong. Does that make our society more ethical? Not at all.

Even One of These Little Ones...

By Sheila Samples

Do you ever wonder what Jesus would say about the sadistic cesspool that is swirling throughout the Catholic dysfunctional structure at tsunami speed?

T-Mobile USA mobbt Beschäftigte

„Die Telekom-Tochter T-Mobile USA verletzt massiv die Rechte ihrer Beschäftigten und erzeugt ein „Klima der Angst“. Die Folgen sind hohe Mitarbeiter-Fluktuation, schlechte Service-Qualität und Kundenunzufriedenheit. Bei der Hauptversammlung der Telekom am Montag fordert der Dachverband der Kritischen Aktionäre den Vorstandsvorsitzenden René Obermann auf, Arbeitnehmerrechte auch in den Vereinigten Staaten zu respektieren und weiteres Mobbing zu unterbinden. (…)„Die Geschäftsleitung von T-Mobile USA muss in Zukunft ein kooperativeres Verhältnis zu den Beschäftigten suchen“, forderte Dufner. Dazu gehört, deren legitimes und in der Sozialcharta der Deutschen Telekom AG garantiertes Interesse nach gewerkschaftlicher Vertretung uneingeschränkt anzuerkennen.“ Der Dachverband begrüße den Zusammenschluss von Ver.di und Communication Workers of America (CWA) zur bi-nationalen Gewerkschaftspartnerschaft TU...“ Pressemitteilung des Dachverbandes der Kritischen Aktionärinnen und Aktionäre vom 02.05.2010 (pdf)

The Real T-Mobile

Die (englischsprachige) Kampagnenseite der Communications Workers of America, AFL-CIO

Ist dies das wahre Gesicht der Deutschen Telekom?

T-Mobile USA - that hip cell phone company - is also engaging in a brutal union avoidance campaign against its own employees. Check out this video of union intolerance at a call center in Oakland, Maine. Das Video auf YouTube vom 28.04.2010 ist mit deutschen Untertiteln versehen

Lowering the Bar or Setting the Standard: Deutsche Telekom's U.S. Labor Practices."

This behavior has been well documented by an American Rights at Work report, "Lowering the Bar or Setting the Standard: Deutsche Telekom's U.S. Labor Practices." You can find it here (pdf)

Aus: LabourNet, 3. Mai 2010

Zeitarbeit in Deutschland hat sich dynamisch entwickelt

Im internationalen Vergleich spielt die Beschäftigungsform jedoch eine untergeordnete Rolle - Ergebnisse einer Arbeitsmarkt-Studie der Bertelsmann Stiftung

„Die Zeitarbeit in Deutschland hat sich im letzten Jahrzehnt dynamisch entwickelt und zwischen 2000 und 2007 rund verdoppelt. Dennoch spielt diese Beschäftigungsform entgegen der öffentlichen Wahrnehmung immer noch eine untergeordnete Rolle. Der Anteil der Zeitarbeit an der aktiven Erwerbsbevölkerung liegt im internationalen Vergleich im hinteren Mittelfeld. Lediglich 1,6 Prozent aller geleisteten Arbeitsstunden sind nach den letzten verfügbaren Daten in Zeitarbeit erbracht worden. Das zeigt eine aktuelle Arbeitsmarkt-Studie zum internationalen Vergleich atypischer Beschäftigungsformen der Bertelsmann Stiftung in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit…“ Pressemitteilung der Bertelsmann-Stiftung vom 27.04.2010

Dort auch die Studie "Atypische Beschäftigung und Niedriglohnarbeit" (pdf)

Befristete Verträge: Lebenslänglich Zeitarbeit

Die Chance von Zeitarbeitern auf eine dauerhafte Anstellung liegt bei nur sieben Prozent. Der Ausbruch aus dem System ist schwierig. Kommentar von Thomas Öchsner in Süddeutsche Zeitung vom 27.04.2010

„Heute fand zum zehnten Mal in der ARGE Mitte in Köln die „Markttage Zeitarbeit - eine Chance für sie!” statt. Bericht vom 28.04.2010 bei indymedia

Welt-Erwerbslosen-Mahn-Tag 2. Mai: Am 1. Mai ist das Motto des DGB "Wir gehen vor! Und am 2. Mai die Erwerbslosen, " Wir bleiben zurück!"

„Am 2. Mai findet wieder der Erwerbslosen-Mahn-Tag gegen fünf nach 12 Uhr vor dem Rathaus in Münster statt. Aufstocker, Zeitarbeit, befristete Jobs, Praktika und Ein-€urojobber stehen mit Existenzminimum in der Armut. Bedarfsgemeinschaften werden durch die ARGE getriezt, Vollverdiener müssen ihren Urlaub genehmigen lassen, werden vorgeladen, werden Darlehen für ganz normale Familienfeiern versagt. Werden durch Psychoterror als "Kunden" letzter Klasse behandelt und so in die Armut getrieben. Andererseits arrangieren sich Arbeitslosenzentren mit der ARGE und werden finanziell ruhiggestellt…“ Aus dem Aufruf bei indymedia

Aus: LabourNet, 3. Mai 2010


IG Metall-Initiative gegen Leiharbeit: Initiative gleiche Arbeit – gleiches Geld

„Leiharbeit wird immer häufiger und massiver zu Lohndrückerei, zur Verschlechterung der Arbeitsbedingungen und zur Verkleinerung von Stammbelegschaften missbraucht. Aus dem erhofften Klebeeffekt der Leiharbeit in feste Beschäftigungsverhältnisse ist ein Schleudersitz in Unsicherheit und Arbeitslosigkeit geworden. Leiharbeitnehmer und Leiharbeitnehmerinnen sind heute Beschäftigte zweiter Klasse, denen gleicher Lohn und gleichwertige Arbeitsbedingungen für gleiche Arbeit verweigert werden…“ Aus der Gründungserklärung der Initiative auf der Sonderseite der IG Metall

Siehe dazu:

Entwicklung der Leiharbeit: Mehr Leiharbeit heißt mehr Unsicherheit

„Nach der Krise könnte es bis zu 2,5 Millionen Leiharbeiter in Deutschland geben. Das ergab eine Prognose der Bundesagentur für Arbeit. Für Arbeitnehmer bedeutet das immer mehr unsichere Jobs, für Unternehmen bedeutet das, dass sie weniger bezahlen und schneller feuern können. Deshalb hat die IG Metall die Initiative für faire Leiharbeit ins Leben gerufen..“ PM der IGM vom 05.05.2010

Ortstermin Das Monster Leiharbeit

„Moritz Honert trifft Norbert Blüm, Herbert Ehrenberg und irgendwie auch Walter Riester - ein Ortstermin mit zweieinhalb ehemaligen Arbeitsministern zum Thema Leiharbeit…“ Bericht von Moritz Honert im Tagesspiegel vom 05.05.2010

Anmerkung von WL in den Hinweisen des Tages der Nachdenkseiten vom 5. Mai 2010: „Ob es allerdings zur Glaubwürdigkeit dieser Initiative beiträgt, dass ausgerechnet Walter Riester als Schirmherr hinzugezogen wurde, ist unwahrscheinlich. Walter Riester hatte als Arbeitsminister die Kommission „Moderne Dienstleistungen am Arbeitsmarkt“ eingesetzt, auf deren Grundlage dann nicht nur die Hartz-Gesetze durchgesetzt, sondern auch der Leiharbeit Tür und Tor geöffnet wurde; u.a. wurde auch das Prinzip der gleichen Bezahlung aufgegeben. Das Video-Statement von Riester ist auch dementsprechend wie Wackelpudding. Interessant ist, dass die Ausführungen von Herbert Ehrenberg, Bundesminister für Arbeit und Sozialordnung a.D. (1976 – 1982), nicht als Video angeboten wurden. Im Radio habe ich gehört, wie massiv er Gerhard Schröder und Wolfgang Clement angegangen ist. Das scheint den Initiatoren wohl doch zu weit gegangen zu sein. Leider ist auch nicht zu erkennen, was nun aus dieser Initiative folgen soll.“

Bock als Gärtner

Ehemaliger Arbeitsminister Walter Riester wird Schirmherr für neue IG-Metall-Kampagne gegen Leiharbeit. Keine konkreten Aktionen geplant. Artikelvon Johannes Schulten und Lukas Wolf in junge Welt vom 05.05.2010

Aus dem Text: „… Wer von der IG Metall allerdings die Ankündigung konkreter Aktionen gegen Leiharbeit erwartet hatte, wurde enttäuscht. Das Thema werde in Betriebsräten und ihren Organisationsbereichen »verstärkt beworben«, so Wetzel. Außerdem wolle man »auf jeden Fall« auf dem kommenden Gewerkschaftstag des DGB und dem ökumenischen Kirchentag Mitte Mai mit einem Stand vertreten sein. Ob sich Regierung und Unternehmer davon sonderlich beeindrucken lassen?“

06.05. Berlin: Aktionen gegen Zeitarbeit!

„Am Donnerstag, 6.Mai ist in Berlin ein Sklavenmarkt der besonderen Art geplant. Bei einem "Informationstag `Zeitarbeit´" wollen sich "etwa 20 namhafte Unternehmen der Branche präsentieren". Und das Amt verschickt Drohbriefe an "Arbeitslose" um genug Sklaven zur Auswahl vor Ort zu haben - Menschen die nicht kommen werden mit Sanktionen rechnen müssen…“ Artikel von Initiative gegen Zeitarbeit Berlin vom 05.05.2010 bei indymedia

Aus: LabourNet, 6. Mai 2010


4. Mai 2010

Leiharbeitssumpf endlich trocken legen

Als "unverantwortlich und destruktiv" kritisiert der stellvertretender Parteivorsitzender der LINKEN, Klaus Ernst, die massive Ausweitung von Leiharbeit nach der Krise. Zugleich lobte er die heute von der IG Metall gestartete "Initiative faire Leiharbeit". Es sei richtig, dass gerade jetzt die Gewerkschaften den Druck verstärkten. Ernst erklärt:

Während die Wirtschaft massiv auf Ausweitung von Leiharbeit setzt, bleibt die Bundesregierung untätig. Seit Wochen tönt Bundesarbeitsministerin von der Leyen, dass sie rigoros gegen den Missbrauch von Leiharbeit vorgehen wird. Passiert ist nichts. Damit wird der Missbrauch von Billig-Jobs, schlechten Arbeitsbedingungen und die Spaltung ganzer Belegschaften wissentlich von ihr in Kauf genommen. Frau von der Leyen bestätigt damit ihren Ruf als Ankündigungsministerin. Wenn vier von fünf Wahlberechtigten aller Parteien nach einer Umfrage der IG Metall Leiharbeit als moderne Form der Ausbietung beurteilen, dann ist das auch ein klares Signal gegen CDU und FDP für die Landtagswahlen in NRW. Der Leiharbeitssumpf muss endlich trocken gelegt werden. DIE LINKE fordert deshalb gleicher Lohn für gleiche Arbeit, mehr Mitbestimmungsrecht für Betriebsräte bei Leiharbeit sowie die Begrenzung der Überlassungshöchstdauer auf drei Monate.

Next-up News Nr 1332

- Objectif Santé : Malades des irradiations micro-ondes
- France 3 : "Témoignages Danielle et Bénédicte EHS"
- Interview Dr Pierre Le Ruz CRIIREM
- Exposition itinérante Arts & Ondes à Angers

Joint F-35 electronic warfare squadron stands up


Electronic warfare is "any military action involving the use of electromagnetic and directed energy to control the electromagnetic spectrum or to attack the ...

The trillion-dollar fraud

by John R. Talbot


Commercial banks, by law, have to hold a certain percentage of their deposits as cash at the Federal Reserve. From January 1959 until August 2008, the total of these reserves held by the commercial banks at the Fed grew from $11.1 billion to $46.2 billion. At no time during this almost 50-year period did the total bank reserves held at the Fed exceed the minimum required by law by more than $2 billion. But since August 2008, these bank reserves held at the Fed have exploded to more than $1.2 trillion (as of March 2010), even though only $65.6 billion was required to be deposited by law. … What is going on here? Why would commercial banks hold $1 trillion more than they legally had to in reserves at the Fed, earning only 0.25 percent interest per year, and why would the Fed buy more than $1 trillion of mortgage securities of undisclosed quality in the marketplace?

US deficit spending and why governments CAN go broke

Freedom's Phoenix
by Bill Bonner


The private sector is de-leveraging … as near as we can tell. Private businesses cut their payrolls. They trimmed expenses. They protected their profit margins — generally. But the public sector figures it has a different role to play … a countercyclical role. While the private sector eases off, the public sector puts the pedal to the metal. That’s been the story for the last year and a half. The government pays more. Hires more. And floats deeper in the water. Walter Wriston once commented that the ‘government can’t go broke.’ But that just shows you why the banking sector is in such trouble; Wriston ran Citibank …

The Tea Party and big spending on war

by Charles V. Pena


[E]ven though the various Tea Party groups pay lip service to ‘Constitutionally limited government’ and copies of the Constitution are often handed out at Tea Party rallies, they seem to have forgotten (or never read) Article 1, Section 8 that gives Congress the power to declare war. Otherwise, they would at least bother to point out that both Afghanistan and Iraq are unconstitutional (as has been every U.S. military intervention overseas since World War 2). Constitutionality aside, the cost of military intervention in Iraq and Afghanistan is hardly trivial. The National Priorities Project’s Cost of War counter is currently (as this is written) at $987 billion-plus for both wars (remember when former White House economic adviser Lawrence Lindsey opined that the Iraq conflict would cost $100 billion to $200 billion and then Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld later called his estimate ‘baloney?’)

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Revisiting freedom in Iraq

Future of Freedom Foundation
by Jacob G. Hornberger


How often have we heard proponents of the unlawful war of aggression against Iraq say that the real purpose of their invasion (after U.S. troops and the CIA failed to find those infamous and scary WMDs that were about to fired at the United States) was to bring freedom and democracy to Iraq? How many times have they attempted to justify the deaths of almost 4,400 U.S. soldiers and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis on that basis? How often have they reminded us that Saddam Hussein was a brutal dictator who tortured, killed, and jailed his own people?

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Not just Arizona

Information Clearinghouse
by Bill Quigley


While people protest the terrible Arizona state law that uses local law enforcement to target immigrants, the federal government is expanding its efforts to use local law enforcement in immigration enforcement and has launched a major PR campaign to defend it. One example of the out of control federal program occurred last week in Maryland. Florinda Lorenzo-Desimilian, a 26 year old married mother of three, lives in Prince George’s County Maryland. Last week she was arrested in her home by local police on a misdemeanor charge of selling $2 phone cards out of her apartment window without a license. Ms. Lorenzo-Desimilian was booked at the county jail. During booking, she was fingerprinted. Local police sent her prints to the FBI who in turn notified ICE (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement) that she had overstayed her work visa. Even though her three children are U.S. citizens, ICE kept her in jail for two days and is now trying to deport her. This is the result of a federal ICE and Homeland Security program called ‘Secure Communities’ which is supposed to be targeting violent criminals. Instead, this program is really operating a dragnet scooping up and deporting tens of thousands of immigrants, like Ms. Lorenzo-Desimilian, who are no security risk to anyone...

Policing the West

by Mark Hoffman


As they did in the years leading up to the era of fascist and communist totalitarianism, Western governments have attempted to address the problems associated with the transgression of ethno-national identities by delegating sovereign authority to the police as a force of national defense. Laws and decrees encouraging agents of border control to arrest suspected border crossers function to insulate expert guardians of national borders from the political fray. By coordinating national and international policing initiatives, new regimes of border control have produced monstrous networks of relatively autonomous agencies responsible for the protection and purification of Western populations as such...

The audacity of deceit

Las Vegas Review-Journal
by Vin Suprynowicz


Hate speech? Go read the ‘comments’ beneath any moderately conservative or libertarian online blog or newspaper column. You will find any attempt to have a calm discussion of the topics raised by the columnist — including by those ready to marshal some contrary evidence — largely drowned out by a tiny handful of shrieking, post-every-10-minutes collectivist harridans, ridiculing the sanity of anyone who dares question the grow-the-government Obama agenda, let alone calmly cite chapter and verse from Founding Fathers who intended ours to be a government of sharply limited powers...

Immigrants used as scapegoats for problems caused by big government

Liberty For All
by Brian Irving


When times are tough, focusing on illegal immigrants helps distract the people’s attention from the real threats to our economy, a Libertarian Party spokesman said Monday. ‘In an environment of fear, which is where many politicians seem to want to keep us, they use immigrants (both legal and illegal) as scapegoats so they can duck blame for problems caused by too much government,’ said Wes Benedict, LP executive director...

E-mail reveals Arizona law was designed to maximize harassment

by Gabriel Winant


I have no real complaint with lawyers in Washington writing laws for state legislators. Both sides do that kind of thing, and there’s nothing inherently wrong with turning to out-of-state experts. But what Kobach dictated to Pearce here was a recommendation to broaden the scope of police power to maximize the probability of racial profiling. Coates’ point, and Dupnik’s, that police can find a reason to stop someone when they want to stop someone, probably held true for Arizona before the bill’s new amendment. It certainly still does after. The crucial thing that Kobach revealed in this e-mail is that questioning people with brown skin under essentially trumped-up pretexts isn’t just a bug in the law. The legislation doesn’t accidentally risk the possibility of a campaign of harassment. It builds it in. It’s what it was written to do...

Arizona tourism already feeling burn of immigration boycott

New York Daily News


In Arizona, tourism is already taking a hit. The recently passed law that allows local police to question individuals about their immigration status if the cops believe they are not in the country legally has caused a chain reaction of boycotts, canceled hotel reservations and nixed business trips. San Francisco and St. Paul have banned public employees from traveling to Arizona on business. Los Angeles, San Diego and Oakland are considering similar actions...

Mentally challenged

The Libertarian Enterprise
by Rob Sandwell


Everyone is talking about the news out of Arizona. The state legislature has passed a law which allows police to question people they ’suspect’ of being illegally in this country, and arrest anyone who is not carrying documentation proving their legal right to be here. Clearly this is all very sick. This is just guilty until proven innocent...

Interventionism, immigration, and nationalism

Foundation for Economic Education
by Sandy Ikeda


I was born and raised in Arizona, so I’ve been following with particular interest that state’s recently passed immigration legislation as well as the ensuing public uproar. People immigrate to the United States for many reasons, though typically to seek economic opportunity. Those who do so legally are also eligible, like everyone else, for government subsidies for education and medical care...

Arizona law foes’ best weapon is dollars

CNN Opinion
by Julian Zelizer


Pro-immigration groups have started a national boycott against Arizona. The boycott promises to be substantial in scale and scope. San Francisco, California, Mayor Gavin Newsom has announced that he will ban city employees from traveling to the state. Los Angeles officials are considering doing the same. There is growing pressure on Major League Baseball to pull next year’s all-star game out of Phoenix if the law is not changed. In other words, Arizona has a potentially big economic problem on its hands. The economic boycott has been a powerful tool in the struggle for social rights...

The anti-Arizona

The American Prospect
by Renee Feltz and Stokely Baksh


Washington, D.C., has a long history of resisting collaboration with federal immigration officials. A 1984 memorandum from Mayor Marion Barry Jr. forbids city agencies, officers, and employees from asking about citizenship or residency. So when the District’s police chief quietly signed on to the program last November without consulting the City Council, Graham was outraged. ‘This is the type of thing that there are so many questions about, so many suspicions about, that it’s best that we just not do it,’ he said during a committee meeting in March. One of the main objections to the program is that it targets undocumented immigrants charged with minor offenses — such as disorderly conduct — and longtime legal residents with criminal records who have become productive members of society. ICE claims the program focuses on dangerous felons, but its own data suggest otherwise...

Scenes from Apartheid Arizona

by Roberto Rodriguez


Tucson federal courthouse: Like clockwork, at 1:30 p.m., 70 short, brown men (sometimes a few women) occupy the left side of the courtroom, shackled at the ankles, the waist and the wrists. Within one hour, they are charged, tried and convicted en masse of being illegally present in the United States. After being dehumanized, they are then paraded out of the courtroom. Most have either served or are sentenced to the private detention facility, operated by the Correctional Corporation of America. This drama unfolds everyday here, every weekday of the year. Welcome to Operation Streamline. Its goal is to criminalize every migrant that steps into this kangaroo court, while enriching CCA to the tune of some $15 million per month...

Losing the Hispanic vote

The American Prospect
by Adam Serwer


The Arizona law may not survive a constitutional challenge, because it gives state officials the authority to regulate immigration, which is the province of the federal government. But if Democrats refuse to offer a strong alternative to the GOP on immigration, one that protects Hispanic rights, Democrats may find themselves a few generations from now scratching their heads, wondering how they lost the Hispanic vote to a party that once advocated racial profiling...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Arizona’s Immigration Law Spurs Copycat Legislation


Immigration Laws Put Five Million Children at Risk of Family Separation

Michelle Chen, ColorLines: "Children are the hidden casualties of America's war on immigrants, and the passage of Arizona's new racial profiling legislation could open up countless opportunities for local law enforcement to break up families by putting undocumented parents on the fast-track to deportation."

Chicago and Nation March for Immigration Reform on International Workers' Day

Yana Kunichoff, Truthout: "It was in Chicago in 1886 that a largely immigrant workforce fought, and won, the battle for the eight-hour day. It was in Chicago in 2010 that a modern-day workforce, made up of immigrants and the descendants of immigrants, came out to fight for their latest demand: comprehensive immigration reform."

What Happens in Arizona Is Everybody's Business

Connie Schultz, Truthout: "The argument goes something like this: If you don't live in Arizona, you have no business meddling in its immigration problems. After all, what's it to Midwesterners if Arizona makes it a crime not to carry proof of immigration status? Why should East Coast residents care if a new law in the Southwest targets people of color? What right does anyone living somewhere else have to criticize a law in Arizona that directs police to demand proof of documents from people who trigger 'reasonable suspicion' that they are illegal?"

Forces Align Against Arizona: Four Major Cities Threaten Boycotts; Baseball Flexes Its Muscles; Citizens in Uproar

Liliana Segura, AlterNet: "As calls continue to boycott Arizona over its racist immigration law, many are focusing on Major League Baseball, where nearly a third of the players are Latino. Immediately after Arizona Governor Jan Brewer signed the racist new anti-immigration law, calls for a boycott of her state arose, from La Opinion, the nation's largest Spanish-language newspaper, to Democratic Rep. Raul Grijalva, who called for targeted economic sanctions of his own state, saying that 'good' and 'decent' organizations 'should refrain from bringing their business' to Arizona."


Stripping Citizenship Unconstitutional, Unnecessaryé

Not the "Audacity of Hope," but the Arrogance of Power

By Attorney Jonathan Emord

We cannot be free if we choose to support a government that takes from us the fruits of our labors and presumes to know better than we do how those resources should be spent. We can allow the bureaucratic state to dictate our fates (from each according to his ability, to each according to his need), or we can insist on individual liberty and fend for ourselves......

The Breakup of the US


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