Montag, 25. Mai 2009

Powell Fires Back at Limbaugh, Cheney

Jonathan Martin, Politico: "In the latest round of the increasingly heated intra-GOP feud, former Secretary of State Colin Powell Sunday defended his Republican credentials and fired back at radio host Rush Limbaugh and former Vice President Dick Cheney, saying the party had to expand beyond its conservative base."

Iraq Body Count

The Awful Sound of Silence

'Universal Jurisdiction': Spain's Judges Target Torture


Spain's Judges Cross Borders in Rights Cases

Craig Whitlock, The Washington Post: "Spanish judges are boldly declaring their authority to prosecute high-ranking government officials in the United States, China and Israel, among other places, delighting human rights activists but enraging officials in the countries they target and triggering a political backlash in a nation uncomfortable acting as the world's conscience."

60 Jahre Grundgesetz, Grund zum Feiern?

60 Jahre Grundgesetz (1949 - 2009) - kein Grund zum Feiern! Die herkömmlichen Formeln und Formen von Politik und Ökonomie sind verbraucht

Pressemitteilung und Thesen des Grundrechtekomitees vom 20.05.2009

Gedenken ans Grundgesetz

„Unsere Regierenden und die vielen beflissen Mitregierenden sind entschlossen, die Bundesbürgerinnen und Bundesbürger in diesem Jahr 2009 monatelang in ein nationales Stärkungsbad zu tauchen – mit Geruchsstoffen, an denen wir uns künftig alle gemeinsam unterbewußt, aber um so wirksamer orientieren werden…“ Artikel von Eckart Spoo in Ossietzky 10/2009

»Das ist ein Wettlauf um den niedrigsten Standard«. Die staatlichen Attacken auf die Grundrechte treffen aber auf immer mehr Widerstand. Ein Gespräch mit Rolf Gössner

Interview von Claudia Wangerin in junge Welt vom 19.05.2009

Ein greises Nervenbündel

Kommentar von Roberto J. De Lapuente vom 24. Mai 2009 im ad-sinistram-blog

60 Jahre Grundgesetz und Protestaktionen

„Sechs Jahrzehnte gibt es nun das deutsche Grundgesetz, die Bundesregierung hat aus diesem Grund ein gut besuchtes Bürgerfest am Brandenburger Tor in Berlin veranstaltet. Doch es gab auch einige Gegenaktionen zum Jubiläumstag, einige seien in diesem Artikel genannt…“ Bericht von Oskar die Supermaus vom 23.05.2009 bei indymedia

Jenseits der Menschenrechte – Die europäische Flüchtlings- und Migrationspolitik

„Wer trägt die Verantwortung für die über 200 afrikanischen Migranten, die allein Anfang April diesen Jahres auf dem Weg nach dem „Europa der Menschenrechte“ vor der libyschen Küste ertranken? Für die glücklich Geretteten, die nun in europäisch mitfinanzierten libyschen Lagern auf ungewisse Zeit ihrer Deportation harren? Die europäische Migrationspolitik zielt wesentlich darauf ab, die wirtschaftlich erwünschte von der unerwünschten zu scheiden. Das führt im Innern der EU zur menschenrechtswidrigen Ausgrenzung der Flüchtlinge in Lager und an den Außengrenzen zur todbringenden Abschottung. Die Autorinnen und Autoren nehmen u.a. Akteure von Migrationspolitik und -kontrolle in den Blick, zeichnen Linien des Widerständigen und der Solidarisierung mit Migrationsbewegungen nach und reflektieren Aspekte wie Kulturrassismus oder „Ausländerfeindlichkeit““ So die Informationen des Komitee für Grundrechte und Demokratie zum Jahrbuch 2009 (Verlag Westfälisches Dampfboot, Münster 2009, 280 S., € 19,90 ISBN 978-3-89691-760-7). Siehe dazu:

Inhaltsverzeichnis, weitere Informationen zum Buch und Bestellmöglichkeit beim Grundrechtekomitee

weitere Informationen zum Buch und Bestellmöglichkeit beim Verlag Westfälisches Dampfboot

Migrationen im Sozialen Weltkrieg

„Über die Straße von Gibraltar hinweg reicht der Blick bis ans andere Ufer. Afrika, Europa. Übersetzen müsste so leicht sein. Aber dieser Meeresgrund birgt das größte Massengrab der europäischen Nachkriegsgeschichte. An die Bilder der erschöpften Boat People haben wir uns fast schon gewöhnt. Die Bilder der Ertrunkenen rufen nur noch ein mattes Entsetzen hervor. Sicher in Europa, wird der kurze Aufschrei des Gewissens nur zu rasch von der Alltagsroutine eingeholt. Man lebt hier trotz allem nicht schlecht, in einer Gesellschaft, deren Grundlagen von einer Millionenzahl verschleppter Schwarzer und von Hunderttausenden asiatischer Kulis in Sklaverei und unter Zwang produziert wurden. Ob nun die Schwarzen ertrinken, verhungern oder ob sie sich gegenseitig umbringen – es erscheint dies als marginales, ohnehin kaum beeinflussbares Phänomen…“ Artikel von Eberhard Jungfer aus dem Jahrbuch 2009 (S. 16-27)(pdf) – exklusiv im LabourNet Germany

Aus: LabourNet, 25. Mai 2009


60 Jahre Grundgesetz

Gibt es überhaupt etwas zu feiern?

Secretive Rich Cabal Met To Discuss Population Control

Reports spin elitist confab as benign philanthropic plan, yet population reduction agenda is firmly rooted in eugenics and social Darwinism

Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, May 25, 2009

Our speculation that the “secret billionaire club” meeting at the beginning of the month was primarily focused around population control. a cause célèbre embraced by David Rockefeller, Ted Turner and Bill Gates, has been confirmed by a London Times report.

Europe's Uprising Against GMOs and Patents on Life

ISIS Report 25/05/09

The unstoppable groundswell of opposition to GMOs in Europe

Dr. Mae-Wan Ho

The recent call for a moratorium on GMOs in Europe [1] (see Europe Holds the Key to a GM-Free World, 5th Conference of GM-Free Regions, Food & Democracy, SiS 43) reflects an unstoppable groundswell of opposition to GMOs from both European citizens and governments.

An online poll [2] on the question: “Should GMOs be banned in Europe?” conducted in April 2009 returned a 79 percent yes, 18 percent no and 3 percent don’t know. Days earlier, Germany outlawed the cultivation of Monsanto’s GM maize MON810, a surprising move that delighted campaigners. Germany became the sixth EU country to introduce a provisional ban on the GM maize, after France, Austria, Hungary, Luxembourg and Greece [3]. A source close to the EC said the German ban might bring a revision of the European legislation on GM crops. Germany also voted with the majority in March when the European Commission (EC) attempted to force Austria and Hungary to reverse their bans, and its ruling was overturned by a big majority [1].

Ban by Germany the tipping point

Germany’s move was broadly welcomed by its news media [4]. German Agriculture Minister Ilse Aigner said she had legitimate reasons to believe that MON 810, posed “a danger to the environment,” a position which she said the Environment Ministry also supported. Aigner is taking advantage of a clause in EU law which allows individual countries to impose such bans. The left-wing Frankfurter Rundschau wrote: “Genetically modified corn is a risk to our environment, is totally superfluous in farming, represents industrial agriculture, causes pointless costs to food production in Germany and can even ruin beekeepers.” The left-wing Berliner Zeitung wroes: “The new studies don't show any new risks - they simply prove that the old warning about the risks was justified. It's a scandal that the subsequent ban was even necessary because the farming of genetically modified plants had been permitted without a thorough examination of all the possible dangers.”

Germany, the most populous country in the European Union
(EU) ranking fourth in land area, is also its most influential and economically powerful member nation. Monsanto applied for an emergency ruling to overturn the ban to allow for its 2009 planting [5], saying its ban is arbitrary and goes against EU regulations.

But the court in Braunschweig in north Germany rejected Monsanto’s application [6]. Significantly, a statement from the court said Germany’s law on GMOs does not require that a ban on a new plant variety is justified by proven scientific research which showed without doubt the crop to be dangerous; it was sufficient when research showed there were indications that the crop could be dangerous.

Read the rest of this article here

No way to "win" in Afghanistan

Porter: The United States doesn't understand the forces it unleashed in Afghanistan.

The birth of "collectivism" and interventionism

Blood, sweat and development

Adam Smith Institute
by Andrew Hutson


The latest high-profile BBC show, ‘Blood, Sweat and Takeaways,’ is a series of documentaries looking at how consumerism in the west is leading to poverty and exploitation within the Asian food industries, the first episode focussed on the Indonesian tuna industry. As can be expected with the BBC this show only presents half the debate. It puts across a very tainted view of the situation; it implies that we are demanding cheaper and cheaper food in greater quantities than before. In order for this food to be produced, workers in foreign countries need to be exploited. It hints at a neo-colonialist world where Asian producers are at the beck and call of our demands at whatever human cost. The evidence in the show is worrying, but the arguments are not conclusive...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Admiral: Anti-drug effort in Afghanistan a failure

Agence France-Presse


NATO has failed to stem the vast opium trade in Afghanistan that helps finance Taliban insurgents despite an eight-year effort, the top US military officer said on Thursday. Countering narcotics networks is crucial to weakening the Taliban and allied insurgent groups, Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, told a Senate hearing. ‘Strategically my view is it has to be eliminated,’ Mullen said. ‘We have had almost no success in the last seven or eight years doing that, including this year’s efforts,’ he said. Afghanistan produces 90 percent of the world’s opium, the raw material for heroin across Europe, Central Asia and the Middle East while cash from the trade helps insurgents buy weapons, according to officials...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Another $7.5 billion bailout for GMAC



The Obama administration announced Thursday that it has invested $7.5 billion in GMAC, aiming to prop up the troubled lender and boost its ability to make loans to Chrysler dealers and customers. GMAC is the main source of financing for General Motors (GM, Fortune 500) customers and was recently tapped by the administration as the main lender for Chrysler...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

"Verhaltenswechsel des Regimes" statt "Regimewechsel"

Falls der bisherige Politikansatz des Westens gegenüber dem Iran so weiterverfolgt wird, könnte die iranische Atombombe zu einer selbsterfüllenden Prophezeiung werden.

Good and Bad Government

US Holds Journalist Without Charges in Iraq

Liz Sly, The Los Angeles Times: "'Where is the journalist Ibrahim?' one of the Iraqi soldiers barked at the grandparents, children and grandchildren as they staggered blearily down the stairs. Ibrahim Jassam, a cameraman and photographer for the Reuters news agency, stepped forward, one of this brothers recalled. 'Take me if you want me, but please leave my brothers.' The soldiers rifled through the house, confiscating his computer hard drive and cameras. And then they led him away, handcuffed and blindfolded. That was September 2nd. Jassam, 31, has been in US custody ever since."

Fixing America, Erasing Bush

William Rivers Pitt, Truthout: President Obama gave a speech on Thursday praising the excellence of the American experiment, and claimed his own life was made possible by the promise of the documents and the ideals that founded this nation. As usual, his delivery and diction was perfect. Unfortunately, his behavior of late has fallen far short of the ideals he has given such eloquent lip service to. Two thousand pictures of Americans performing acts of savage torture on prisoners will not be released to the general public if Mr. Obama gets his way. Military commissions will continue to try prisoners outside the scope of American law, and will be free to use brazen hearsay as "hard" evidence against defendants. Mr. Obama continues to cleave to the most abhorrent aspects of Bush-era secrecy policies."


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