Montag, 18. Mai 2009

War and Torture: Subterfuge and the Science of Repeating Lies

The 13 People Who Made Torture Possible

America's 'Three Holy Wars'

Scathing Watchdog Report Blasts Securities and Exchange Commission Oversight

Darren Barbee, The Fort Worth Star-Telegram: "The Securities and Exchange Commission abandons investigations for lack of resources, allows corporate wrongdoers to skip fines and drops cases because of a bureaucratic culture of risk aversion, according to a recent federal report. The list goes on: A lack of support staff is so severe it forces SEC attorneys to send confidential documents to nonsecure copy shops. One attorney spent a day putting together document boxes instead of pursuing cases, according to the scathing report by the US Government Accountability Office."

The Disease of Permanent War

CHRIS HEDGES — The embrace by any society of permanent war is a parasite that devours the heart and soul of a nation. Permanent war extinguishes liberal, democratic movements. It turns culture into nationalist cant. It degrades and corrupts education and the media, and wrecks the economy.

Pentagon needs new electronic-war plan

United Press International - USA ... and one of them is that in the information age, if you can't control the electromagnetic spectrum, then you probably can't win wars. ...

Pipelinistan: die wahren Ziele der NATO am Hindukusch

Armut zerlegt Deutschland

taz - Germany

Das heißt, dass 14,3 Prozent der Menschen am oder unter dem EU-weit anerkannten Grenzwert für Armut leben. Dieser beträgt 60 Prozent des mittleren ...


18. Mai 2009

Armutsatlas offenbart verheerende soziale Verhältnisse in Ostdeutschland

"Für die Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik der verschiedenen Bundesregierungen von schwarz-gelb über rot-grün bis schwarz-rot stellt dieses Ergebnis im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes ein Armutszeugnis dar", so der stellvertretende Parteivorsitzende Klaus Ernst zum heute vorgestellten Armutsatlas des Paritätischen Wohlfahrtsverbandes. Er erklärt:

20 Jahre nach der Herstellung der deutschen Einheit zeigt der heute vorgestellte Armutsatlas: Die Menschen in den östlichen Bundesländern leben zu fast 20 Prozent in Armut. Die Armutsquote in Ostdeutschland liegt damit fast doppelt so hoch wie in Süddeutschland. Aber auch in Westdeutschland gibt es Regionen mit dramatischen Armutsquoten. Die Versprechungen auf die Herstellung einer sozialen Einheit mit vergleichbaren Lebensverhältnissen – ein Verfassungsgebot – klingen zunehmend hohl. Selbst in Zeiten der Wirtschaftskonjunktur sind die sozialen und regionalen Verwerfungen nicht tatkräftig bekämpft worden. Die Ursache des Versagens liegt in dem Irrglauben, der Markt – sofern sich selbst überlassen – werde es schon richten. Dieser neoliberale Irrglaube hat sich gründlich blamiert. Jetzt muss allen Menschen klar sein: Sozial und regional gerechte Verhältnisse entstehen nicht von allein, es bedarf des lenkenden und umverteilenden Eingriffs durch den Staat. Dazu braucht er die entsprechenden Steuermittel, die von den Nutznießern des entfesselten Finanzkapitalismus eingetrieben werden müssen. Die Vorschläge der LINKEN liegen auf dem Tisch.


Armutsatlas für Regionen in Deutschland

Armutsgefährdung in den Bundesländern unterschiedlich

„Die Armutsgefährdungsquote ist in Deutschland in den Bundesländern unterschiedlich. Gemäß der Definition der Europäischen Union ist die Armutsgefährdungsquote der Anteil der Personen, die mit weniger als 60% des mittleren Einkommens (Median) der Bevölkerung auskommen müssen. Während in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern knapp ein Viertel (24,3%) und in Sachsen-Anhalt gut ein Fünftel (21,5%) der Bevölkerung weniger als 60% des mittleren Einkommens in Deutschland zur Verfügung hat, trifft dies in den südlichen Bundesländern Baden-Württemberg (10,0%) und Bayern (11,0%) nur auf rund ein Zehntel zu. Dies geht aus Berechnungen des Mikrozensus für das Jahr 2007 hervor, die von den Statistischen Ämtern des Bundes und der Länder im Rahmen des Projekts „Sozialberichterstattung der amtlichen Statistik“ erstmals durchgeführt wurden…“ Pressemitteilung des Statistischen Bundesamtes vom 18.05.2009,templateId=renderPrint.psml

Deutschland in der Zerreißprobe: Paritätischer legt Ersten Regionalen Armutsatlas für die Bundesrepublik vor

Pressemeldung des Paritätischen Wohlfahrtsverbandes vom 18.05.09[tt_news]=2673&cHash=9de1921545

Der erste Armutsatlas für Regionen in Deutschland

Armes Deutschland. Nach dem Armutsatlas liegen die deutschen Speckgürtel im Süden, im Osten ist die Armutsgefährdung am höchsten

Artikel von Florian Rötzer in telepolis vom 18.05.2009

"Armut wird normal"

„Herr Butterwegge, laut Paritätischem Gesamtverband ist in Teilen Deutschlands jeder vierte arm. Dabei hat die Krise noch gar nicht voll durchgeschlagen. Wie viel schlimmer wird es noch?...“ Interview mit Christoph Butterwegge von Nadja Erb in Frankfurter Rundschau vom 18.05.2009

Aus: LabourNet, 19. Mai 2009

Next-up News Nr 961+962

- Irradiation artificielle HF micro-ondes : Faire éclater la vérité.
- Barcelone Action de sensibilisation dans les rues : "Santé Oui, Antennes Relais Non"
- Distribution de documents informatifs, signatures de pétitions, conférences débats dans les rues, dénoncer nominativement les négationnistes et dire la vérité à ceux qui se réfèrent à l'OMS.
- OMS : Faire éclater la vérité = Associated Press : "'OMS accusée de négligence".

- BARCELONA (Spain) Publicity campaign in Barcelona: Health YES, Relay Antennas NO.
Taking the information into the street. Giving out documents and getting people to sign petitions.

- WHO: make the truth known
- Associated Press: "WHO criticized for neglecting evidence"

Bilderberg is about positions of control

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news


Bilderberg Fears Losing Control In Chaos-Plagued World

Investigative journalist Daniel Estulin reveals Bilderberg's plan to destroy world economy, lower global population by two thirds

Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, May 18, 2009

Investigative journalist Daniel Estulin, whose information from inside Bilderberg has routinely proven accurate, states that the global elite’s plan to completely destroy the economy and ultimately lower global population by two thirds has stoked fears even within Bilderberg itself that the fallout from such chaos could ultimately result in the globalists losing their control over the world.

Guardian Writer Hounded And Threatened Over Bilderberg Reporting

Police refuse to cooperate as Charlie Skelton demands answers over his harassment

Steve Watson
Monday, May 18, 2009

London Guardian writer Charlie Skelton has further detailed the constant harassment and stalking he has been forced to endure for daring to cover the 2009 Bilderberg meeting near Athens.

Skelton: Stop Bilderberg's Nightmare Future At All Costs

London Guardian journalist warns of horrendous future of spot checks, harassment and subjugation if population accepts ID cards, microchips

Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

London Guardian journalist Charlie Skelton, who began his coverage of the 2009 Bilderberg conference in a jovial and mocking manner, is now warning that the horrendous treatment dished out to him by both police and undercover spies is just a taste of what we can expect in our daily lives if we allow Bilderberg’s agenda, and specifically ID cards and implantable microchips, to be implemented.

Billionaire: Elite Want Two-Thirds Of The "Dumb People" Wiped Off The Planet

Kevin Trudeau personally spoke with Bilderberg members who brazenly advocated mass culling of human population

Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Billionaire entrepreneur Kevin Trudeau, who has been constantly harassed and sued by the FTC for promoting alternative health treatments, told The Alex Jones Show yesterday that elitists and Bilderberg members who he had personally conversed with spoke of their desire to see “two thirds of the dumb people” wiped off the planet.


Bilderberg 2009 Attendee List

The cost of Obamanomics

The Weekly Standard
by Irwin M. Stelzer


In the days when it was still necessary to explain to one’s parents just what an economist does, my first job was to crank out a forecast of economic activity in the coming quarter. Get it wrong often enough, and you were gone. More senior employees assigned themselves the longer-term outlooks: their forecasts would be long forgotten by the time actual data became available. That was then and this is now. So I will exercise the prerogative of seniority and shorten my comments on the current economic outlook to make room for a longer-range look at the post-Obama world in which we Americans will be living...

The age of debt

by Veronique de Rugy

Beware when politicians promise ‘fiscal responsibility.’ It’s pretty much a guarantee that every word that follows the phrase will be a lie. President Barack Obama’s first budget, entitled An Era of New Responsibility: Renewing America’s Promises, is no exception to this rule. Every page comes with a promise to end budget tricks and save money by reforming procurement and cutting various types of waste, but the actual plan boosts spending and deploys gimmicks galore. If this is a new era, it’s one made of debt... (for publication 06/09)

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Swine or swindle?

Freedom's Phoenix
by Dave Hodges


The Flu virus is lethal as it is responsible for more than 35,000 deaths in the United States in any given year. The ‘H’ refers to the viral hemagglutinin protein, and the ‘N’ refers to the neuraminidase protein enzyme. There are H1N2, H3N1, H3N2, and H2N3 strains of swine flu endemic in pig populations. Suddenly, from seemingly nowhere, there is the H1N1 Swine Flu virus from the harbinger of mankind’s demise? [sic] Or, is this as some have suggested, a bioweapon designed to frighten the masses into accepting widespread vaccinations in a classic example of the Hegelian Dialectic in which the problem is created and then the omnipresent profitable cure is brought into play?

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

What recovery?

Ayn R. Key
by Ayn R. Key


The economic news this year was already going to be bad. Those who did foresee hard times last year also foresaw that this year would have a commercial real estate bust. Those who own strip malls still have to pay the mortgage, even if there are no stores renting space in the strip mall. The commercial real estate bust is on top of the continuing residential real estate bust. But now it appears that matters are going to get much worse. Some people appear to think that the economy is recovering. Stocks are up somewhat and therefore everything should be better soon. This is according to officials in the Treasury and the Federal Reserve, the very same officials who failed to see the recession coming in the first place...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Government run amok

Foundation for Economic Education
by Sheldon Richman


The ‘federal’ government, particularly the executive branch, can do almost anything it wants. The limits are few, and those that survive can often be gotten around through chicanery. Much of what government does is out of public view, thanks to off-budget accounting and other dubious methods that would get the rest of us prosecuted. Even if the average person had the time to monitor what government is up to — a tall order for sure — much of it is so esoteric for a layman as to be nearly incomprehensible...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

A different type of trade war

Wendy McElroy.Com
by Wendy McElroy


I am sorry to see the following development. Before 9/11, the trend was toward a mutually beneficial co-operation between the U.S and Canada; now, there is a death of goodwill in trade, at borders, in employment, in consumer preferences …. How does converting a friend into an enemy make either nation safer or more prosperous?… The xenophobia gripping the U.S. will almost guarantee that, in the near future, anyone who buys foreign goods or hires a foreign worker will be seen as unAmerican, unpatriotic … a traitor to decent hard-working folk who deserve his/her money and will use the force of law to make sure they get that entitlement...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

ACLU: Obama tribunals revival strikes blow to rule of law

Agence France-Presse


Human rights groups reacted with anger and disappointment Friday to President Barack Obama’s revival of special military trials of terror suspects, saying the system was flawed beyond repair. In announcing the return of the military commission system devised by former president George W. Bush, Obama also proposed reforms that he said would restore them ‘as a legitimate forum for prosecution, while bringing them in line with the rule of law.’ But human rights organizations almost in unison called it a bad idea, insisting that even with changes the special military tribunals would provide substandard justice and meet with delays and legal challenges...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Vorsicht, Funkchips! - Germany

Von Alfred Krüger

Von der Wirtschaft allseits gepriesen, von Datenschützern kritisch beäugt: Intelligente RFID-Funkchips sind auf dem Vormarsch. ...,3672,7588440,00.html

Only Cure for a Dying Earth May Be a Stewardship Revolution


May 17, 2009 By Dr. Glen Barry, Ecological Internet Earth Meanders come from Earth's Newsdesk,

If Gaia, the Earth System, is alive, then it stands to reason she can die. And the fact Gaia has not yet succumbed in past mass extinctions is no indication, and certainly no guarantee, that when hit simultaneously, in a geological flash of time -- with climate change, deforestation, toxics, soil loss, scarce freshwater, dead oceans and more; caused primarily by over-population and inequitable consumption -- that Gaia will not pass from being.

The degree to which humanity has changed Gaia's balance ecologically is clearly known by global change and ecological science, yet it is not well appreciated by most of the masses and ruling elite. Until it is, humanity and our sister species are careening towards global ecosystem collapse, where one day soon we will wake up on a toxic, largely lifeless planet and it will be too late.

If all entreaties to power to pursue necessary policies to avoid global ecosystem collapse continue to be rebuffed, there is a long tradition of protest culminating in revolution to draw upon as inspiration for a Stewardship Revolution. We need to steel ourselves to the possibility that environmentalism in the face of continued neglect by the ruling elite has become a battle for shared survival of our and all being.

Can the Earth System Collapse into a Lifeless and Uninhabitable Biosphere?

It is now generally accepted that the Earth System -- the sum total of natural life-giving ecosystems into the one biosphere, sometimes referred to as Gaia -- can in some important aspects be viewed as alive. This includes the ability as a super-organism to self-regulate its internal environment. Thus nutrients and energy flow between seas and forests, from water to oceans, and back again, in the (until now) seemingly endless rhythms of natural life. This habitat is our and all life's home.

When you study, research and observe these issues for decades, as I have, it becomes apparent that like any biological system, the Earth can die, and is already needlessly and prematurely dying now. I will not review the voluminous ecological science that indicates that uniformly global ecosystems are in decline and have already started to collapse. Google searches on "ocean dead zones", "water scarcity", "ecosystem collapse" to say nothing of "deforestation extinction" and "abrupt climate change", make this abundantly clear. I have spent a lifetime building environmental search and news tracking portals including that catalogue and make accessible what is known about Gaia's looming demise.

Or you can walk outside and note how many native plants you see, what percentage of your landscape is intact ecosystem, what is required to make your water drinkable, and note changing seasonality. And if you are truly interested in your and your children's survival you may even read! Start with "Limits to Growth", move towards the "Millennium Ecosystem Assessment", and continue by getting a degree in ecology and/or global change. Most of what is necessary to diagnose Gaia's condition and propose sufficient, transformative ecological policies is already known.

I am frequently derided for saying the Earth is dying, as doing so will only cause despair. My response is that ecological truth exists, and it will be impossible to solve merging global eco-crises without an accurate assessment of the severity of the matter. Those that resist this ecological knowledge do so out of dogmatic ideologies, of which they may not even be aware. They are cut off from the web of life and unaware of the essentially ecological nature of being.

It is particularly troubling that so many people find comfort in the far from certain notion that "Earth will survive" no matter what after humanity's own demise. Given evolution is not guided by purpose, there is no such guarantee. Any one of the past five mass extinctions could have ended with a loss of complex or even all life. Because life has survived mass extinction to evolve again into ever greater diversity and complexity does not mean it necessarily will do so.

This is particularly so when, as now, not only are species becoming extinct, but the biogeochemical nature of Earth's environment is fundamentally shifting and may move outside the bounds of what is habitable. Gaia is now being bombarded by major biological and ecological change, in a never before seen barrage in all manners of ecological decline, and at an unheard of rate of change.

Both lands and seas have been, and continue to be, scoured of their unique life. The current atmospheric composition is historically unprecedented, threatening long-established climatic patterns. Gaia's lifeblood, water, is treated as a bottomless sewer. Ancient soils are eroding, countless species passing, remaining ecosystems are accumulating dangerous nitrogen; and all this is occurring within a toxic soup of untested chemicals that may have unknown deadly synergies.

Most of these profound biogeochemical changes have occurred in a mere 300 years. Today's Earth system is struggling under the pressure of 7 billion super-predators and their billions of livestock, which have and continue to grow at a super exponential rate. Under the dominant growth paradigm, each of these unique individuals want and expect ever more consumption, procreation and money/power; which can only come at the expense of more ecosystem loss. At some point, like a shirt having pieces cut from it, this will prove to be too much, and the fabric of being will fall apart.

Something has to break under such a scenario, and unfortunately it is global ecosystems which are required to make Earth habitable. Systems theory shows definitively that exponentially growing systems in positive feedback eventually tear themselves apart and collapse. Technology extends but does not eliminate limits to growth. Given widespread dismantling of the ecosystems that have made Earth livable for eons, who is to say that Earth dying is not a distinct possibility? As a Conservation Biologist, I could spend my life writing scientific papers to illustrate these points, typing as Earth burns, knowledge that already exists, and will not be much read. Alternatively, I could join with other scientists in a controlled experiment on our one shared biosphere -- essentially what is proposed by geo-engineering solutions to climate change -- and see if dismantling ecosystems one by one and haphazardly eventually leads to destruction of the biosphere.

Or as a Political Ecologist, I can trust a lifetime of ecological learning and intuition, and the findings of thousands of eminently more qualified scientists, and work together with others that have been similarly ecologically enlightened to promote the sufficient social change and personal transformation necessary to reverse ecological decline. I have chosen the latter. Please join us.

Can We Discuss Escalating Earth Protest and If Necessary a Stewardship Revolution?

I strongly believe we need to steel ourselves to the possibility that Earth has been so buffeted by humans that it is dying. And if this is the case, then we are in a fight for our lives and need to act with the requisite courage and resolve to ensure Earth and all creatures' existence continue. Once having realized a state of ecological awareness, together we can will a just, equitable and sustainable Earth and society into being.

My scientific prediction that Earth is dying could be wrong. Regardless, clearly there is going to be mass starvation, chronic water shortages and major flooded cities as a result of climate change and attendant ecological crises. This is established fact that is indeed already happening. The death of hundreds of millions if not billions in the coming century is bad enough and should warrant some serious policy changes. Whether Gaia and humanity actually die, or just wish they had; clearly profound changes in birth rates, equitable consumption and use of natural resources -- a Stewardship Revolution -- is required if Gaia is to be stabilized and restored, and descent into an apocalyptic dystopia avoided.

Americans, the French and much of the world have a long and illustrious history of revolutionary thought and action that is celebrated to this day. Revolutionary wars were fought to establish liberty and freedom, that however incomplete, nonetheless largely banished monarchial tyranny (excepting the last U.S. President). There are periods in history where questions of survival and justice required conflict for what was just and true, and sometimes just what was necessary to survive.

Both Gandhi and King brought a powerful new tactic of non-violent struggle to social movements. And indeed we should use these tactics, but not necessarily exclusively as these are different times with different imperatives and constraints. The extent of the necessary social change, intransigence of ruling elite, and severe time constraints whereby past certain tipping points it is too late, are unprecedented.

What I am proposing is a serious dialogue to consider whether escalating protest actions may be required to transform and, if necessary, overthrow the global political and economic systems that are liquidating life-giving ecosystems for a throw-away consumer society for some. It is possible to envision a radicalized ecological sustainability movement that would move through an escalating series of protest actions -- from civil disobedience, through sabotage, and if need be violent acts of revolution -- until necessary changes for our shared survival like ending coal, tar sands and old forest logging occur.

The seeds for such a movement are already there as increasingly creative, and at times militant, protest is occurring globally, for example against coal and whaling. This would need to be grown as a movement as rapidly as possible, helping distraught and soulless consumers to reconnect with Earth. This is where the non-violent mass sit-ins, occupation of buildings, obstruction of loggers, whalers and miners would occur. We all hope mass mobilization of global citizens solves the problems.

Yet, global ecological crises are so acute, and so immediate, that it could be made known that if initial peaceful protest fails to immediately achieve ecologically sufficient action, that some in the protest movement would escalate to sabotaging equipment and property used to dismantle ecosystems. It would seem evident that surgical strikes against property of known people and organizations profiting from and causing a dying Earth would be far preferable to any sort of indiscriminate terrorism, which should be avoided.

Clearly global ecological sustainability rises to the level of inalienable rights and duties that must be defended at all costs. No ecology, and there is no economy, art, sport or anything else. An Earth insurgency with the globe as its battlefield may become necessary, and should be planned for along with other tactics. Industrial society is far more fragile than it appears. The history of past and ongoing insurgencies shows that a couple tens of thousands of dedicated Earth insurgents -- after due warning that continued governmental failure would be met with resistance -- could certainly find a plethora of soft targets in the industrial growth machine.

A leaderless movement of autonomous cells committed to defending their bioregion would be virtually impossible to stop, could significantly raise the price of ecocide, and just may pull the Earth eating growth machine down. What a life to be had: by day agrarian, relocalized democracy; and at night ruthlessly destroying the destroyers. This could not be merely tokenism; it would be about ending the disease of tar sands, coal, old forest logging and elite rule and inequity based upon plundering of natural ecosystems.

As a last ditch effort to save Gaia and ourselves, a Stewardship Revolution would need to be swift, lethal, relentless and uncompromising to succeed. As with any insurgency, people could choose to partake to the level with which they feel comfortable. If conditions continue to worsen ecologically and the Earth slaying elite remain intransigent, some may choose to carry out targeted, well-conceived violent actions. Others may limit themselves to providing support and comfort for those carrying out the fight, as well as helping those displaced from industrial society to reconnect to the land.

I do not condone nor do I mean to imminently incite such actions, but the point is the Earth is dying, and there is no sufficient plan to stop the ecocide. The idea of a Stewardship Revolution deserves at least to be considered. The time may be now to issue a warning to governments that failure to aggressively and ambitiously act on climate change at Copenhagen at the end of 2009 will mean radicalization of resistance to the status quo Earth destroying economic and political systems.

Earth and humanity, both of which I love very much, are dying; and all free thinking men and women of good faith should be willing to consider all alternatives necessary to save our and posterity's being. And thank Gaia for previous revolutions, which in my country give me the freedom to academically think and write these thoughts. Discussing requirements for actions to achieve global ecological sustainability is not a thought crime. It may be the only way home to global ecological sustainability.

Gaia willing, Dr. Barry will be further elaborating on these ideas in the forthcoming book "New Earth Rising" coming soon. Discuss this essay at:

Econet gets base station reprieve

The Herald - Harare, Zimbabwe

When the base station was erected, residents were not consulted in regard of the dangers posed by the electromagnetic radiation, especially to their ...

Rumsfeld's Renegade Unit Blamed for Afghan Deaths

By Jerome Starkey in Kabul

Special Forces group implicated in three incidents that claimed the lives of hundreds of innocent civilians / MarSOC was set up by former defence secretary despite opposition from within the Marine Corps.

Obama says Iran war not off the table

President Barack Obama says the US has not taken military action against Iran over its nuclear program off the table ahead of the Israeli premier's trip to Washington.

ElBaradei: Israel strike on Iran would be 'insane'

"It would be completely insane to attack Iran," ElBaradei told Germany's Der Spiegel magazine. "That would turn the region into one big fireball, and the Iranians would immediately start building the bomb - and they could count on the support of the entire Islamic world."

From Information Clearing House

Critics Call Obama's Tribunals "Bush Lite"

In an apparent reversal, President Barack Obama is reviving the Bush administration's much-criticized military tribunals for Guantanamo Bay detainees, shocking those who expected the president to end them completely.

Lawyers, Rights Groups Outraged by Gitmo Decision

Human rights advocates are furious at President Barack Obama's decision to prosecute some Guantanamo detainees through the same military commissions he criticised during his campaign as a "flawed" system that "has failed to convict anyone of a terrorist act since the 9/11 attacks".

From Information Clearing House

"We Are Escalating War, We Are Less Safe"

Video By Ron Paul

Click to view

Obama Takes Over Where Bush Left Off

By Mike Whitney

Barack Obama is aggressively stepping up the war in Afghanistan. He's intensified the cross-border bombing of Pakistan and he is doubling the number of U.S. troops to 68,000 by 2010. He's also a strong proponent of pilotless drones even though hundreds of civilians have been killed in bombing raid blunders.

Changing Obama's Mindset

By Howard Zinn

Where progress has been made, wherever any kind of injustice has been overturned, it's been because people acted as citizens, and not as politicians. They didn't just moan. They worked, they acted, they organized, they rioted if necessary to bring their situation to the attention of people in power. And that's what we have to do today.

U.S. Stirs a Hornet's Nest in Pakistan


If this continues, at some point patriotic Pakistani soldiers may rebel and shoot the corrupt generals and politicians on Washington's payroll. Equally ominous, a poor people's uprising spreading across Pakistan -- also mislabelled "Taliban" -- threatens a radical national rebellion reminiscent of India's Naxalite rebels.

American Capitalism Gone With a Whimper

The Decline and Fall of the Globalist Empire

Change We Can’t Believe In

Jim Rogers: Economic Advice to My Children (and You)

Buy Real Asset


Rogers Echoes Warning Of "Sucker's Rally"

Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Veteran financial guru Jim Rogers warned CNBC viewers today that the stock market has yet to hit a bottom despite people ploughing their money back into a sucker's rally, as the Bilderberg Group's plan to pull the rug out from under euphoric investors draws closer.

Health Care Lobby Won Billions in Stimulus

Robert O'Harrow Jr., The Washington Post: "When President Obama won approval for his $787 billion stimulus package in February, large sections of the 407-page bill focused on a push for new technology that would not stimulate the economy for years. The inclusion of as much as $36.5 billion in spending to create a nationwide network of electronic health records fulfilled one of Obama's key campaign promises - to launch the reform of America's costly health-care system. But it was more than a political victory for the new administration. It also represented a triumph for an influential trade group whose members now stand to gain billions in taxpayer dollars."


Health Care's Enigma in Chief

By David Sirota

The most stunning and least reported news about President Obama's press conference with health industry executives this week wasn't those executives' willingness to negotiate with a Democrat. It was that Democrat's eagerness to involve those executives in a discussion about health care reform even as they revealed their previous plans to pilfer $2 trillion from Americans.

U.S. Health Care Lies About Canada

Greed, U.S. Politics, Dysfunction

By Diane Francis

I am an American who has lived in Canada for more than 35 years. I can vouch that the system is more than adequate and is not run by civil servants but by doctors who are able to treat everyone, rich or poor.$787'Harrow

The Failure of the Economy and the Economists

Benjamin M. Friedman, The New York Review of Books: "By now there are few people who do not acknowledge that the major American financial institutions and the markets they dominate turn out to have served the country badly in recent years.... But despite the universal agreement that no one wants any more such failures once this one has passed, there is a troubling lack of attention to reforms that might prevent such a crisis from recurring."

Afghan Civilian Deaths: Who Is to Blame?

Laura King, The Los Angeles Times: "Local people are adamant that bombardment caused the civilian deaths; the U.S. military asserts that at least some were inflicted by the Taliban, and it sharply disputes the toll of 140. Whatever emerges as something akin to truth, the events that took place in this desolate patch of western desert stand as a microcosm of the Afghan war, a stark illustration of the enormous obstacles faced as the new American administration commits greater numbers of U.S. troops than ever before to confront an increasingly powerful Taliban insurgency."


U.S. Attack Killed 140 Villagers - Afghan Probe

By Hamid Shalizi and Peter Graff

A copy of the government's list of the names, ages and father's names of each of the 140 dead was obtained by Reuters earlier this week. It shows that 93 of those killed were children -- the youngest eight days old -- and only 22 were adult males.

Villagers in Afghanistan Describe Chaos of U.S. Strikes

Villagers, including two girls recovering from burn wounds, described devastation that officials and human rights workers are calling the worst episode of civilian casualties in eight years of war in Afghanistan.

Record bombs dropped in Afghanistan in April

In the past month, warplanes released 438 bombs, the most ever. April also marked the fourth consecutive month that the number of bombs dropped rose, after a decline starting last July.

From Information Clearing House

Our President, Our War?

Steve Weissman, Truthout: "Obama campaigned vigorously in favor of fighting an aggressive war in Afghanistan and Pakistan. He chose as his National Security Adviser Gen. Jim Jones, one of the leading advocates of a major American push in Afghanistan and Pakistan. And the entire administration has endlessly repeated that they intend to stay in the region for the long haul. Yet, 51 Democrats in the House stood up against the insiders and refused to go along."


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rudkla - 4. Mär, 05:38
Georgia Republicans Are...
https://www.commondreams.o rg/views/2022/02/14/georgi a-republicans-are-delibera tely-attacking-voting-righ ts
rudkla - 15. Feb, 05:03
Now Every Day Is January...
https://www.commondreams.o rg/views/2022/02/07/now-ev ery-day-january-6-trump-ta rgets-vote-counters
rudkla - 8. Feb, 05:41


Mai 2009


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Zuletzt aktualisiert: 22. Jun, 05:09


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