Freitag, 21. September 2007

Petraeus failed at doing just part of the job in Iraq, how can he succeed at the whole job?


A Conservative's Garden of False Narratives

By Phil Rockstroh

A generation has inherited power who are devoid of the concept of causation and consequence. Ergo, we have developed a political class who rule by narratives of denial and shallow self-justification. An example of this is the blaming of the people of Iraq for the blood-drenched debacle that has resulted from the illegal and immoral invasion of their nation.

Run away the ray-gun is coming : We test US army's new secret weapon

Boeing announces DEW weapon

Informant: Susan Clarke

Next-up News n°312

Alzheimers .....exercise "moving elec appliances not being promoted...."

Outsourcing Foreign Policy

Olbermann to Bush: ‘Your Hypocrisy is so Vast’

Glued to Our Seats in the Theater of War

Record Sea Ice Melt This Summer Larger Than Texas and Alaska

Jena Six Case Raises Questions of Bias in US Justice


The Jena Six

The Jena 6 taken from

Informant: Cal


Judge Denies Request to Free Jena Teen

According to The Associated Press, "A judge on Friday denied a request to release a teenager whose arrest in the beating of a white classmate sparked this week's civil rights protest in Louisiana. Mychal Bell's request to be freed while an appeal is being reviewed was rejected at a juvenile court hearing, effectively denying him any chance at immediate bail."

White Supremacist Backlash Builds Over Jena Case

Howard Witt reports for The Chicago Tribune: "Rev. Jesse Jackson told the Tribune that he had grown so concerned about white extremists' threats against the Jena 6 families and perceived injustices in the town that he called the White House over the weekend to ask for immediate federal intervention. Jackson said the acting head of the US Justice Department's civil rights division phoned him Monday to say that the agency had begun investigating the Jena situation."

The Jena Six and US History

In an Opinion piece for Truthout, Paul Ortiz writes: "in Jena, as throughout the rest of the US, we are supposed to believe that 'race is no longer an issue' and that justice is colorblind. California fits the pattern perfectly. Out here, Martin Luther King Jr. commemorations have become exercises in remembering how bad racism used to be [in the South] but thank God almighty we are free at last! I am really, really glad that tens of thousands of demonstrators who descended on Jena on behalf of the six young black men ignored what has embarrassingly become the 'common sense' position on race relations in this nation."


Preventing Another Jena 6

by Alan Jenkins,

Here are some ways to address racial inequality in our criminal justice system.


Is Jena America?

Making a Killing: How Private Armies Became a $120 Billion Global Industry


Ohio Republicans have blocked a proposal to test electronic voting machines prior to the 2008 presidential primary.

Informant: NHNE

Please Support Romanian Communities' Right to Determine Their Natural Resources' Development

Der Präsident des Bundesverfassungsgerichts, Hans-Jürgen Papier, kündigt strenge Prüfung bei Online-Durchsuchungen an

Der Präsident des Bundesverfassungsgerichts, Hans-Jürgen Papier, hat mit Blick auf das bevorstehende Verfahren zu Online-Durchsuchungen eine strenge Prüfung angekündigt. Es spiele auch die Frage eine Rolle, ob und inwieweit der "Kernbereich privater Lebensgestaltung" durch solche heimlichen Durchsuchungen von Computern tangiert werde, sagte Papier der "Neuen Osnabrücker Zeitung". Das Gericht verhandelt am 10. Oktober über mehrere Verfassungsbeschwerden gegen das Verfassungsschutzgesetz von Nordrhein-Westfalen. Nach der Neuregelung vom 30. Dezember 2006 darf der Landes-Verfassungsschutz im "Kampf gegen den Terrorismus" über das Internet heimlich auf private Computer zugreifen.

"Gesetzlicher Mindestlohn erforderlich": Dreibus sieht bei Branchenmindestlöhnen Schwächen

Der gewerkschaftspolitische Sprecher der Linksfraktion, Werner Dreibus, hält weiterhin einen gesetzlichen Mindestlohn für erforderlich, um einer breiten "Armutsbeschäftigung" zu begegnen. Branchenmindestlöhne seien zwar gut für die Beschäftigten der jeweiligen Branche. Wer aber wie die Regierung allein auf diese setze, ignoriere "die Dimension des Problems" und die "hohen Hürden für Branchenlösungen". Und selbst dort, wo die Voraussetzungen – ein bundeseinheitlicher Tarifvertrag und eine Tarifbindung über 50 Prozent – gegeben seien, "springen die Schwächen von Branchenmindestlöhnen ins Auge: Bei den Briefzustellern konnte sich Verdi nicht mit der Forderung nach gleichen Löhnen in Ost und West durchsetzen." Auch sei es nicht gelungen, den Widerstand der Arbeitgeber gegen die Einbeziehung von Paketzustellern und Zeitungsboten in den Mindestlohn-Tarifvertrag zu brechen. "Hier hilft nur ein Existenz sichernder gesetzlicher Mindestlohn."

Terror-Hysterie: "Freiheit statt Angst, Stoppt den Überwachungswahn"

Zahlreiche Bürgerrechtler und Bürgerrechtsorganisationen haben die Nase voll vom täglichen Gerede über Terror, den ständig neuen Ankündigungen über die Einschränkung von Freiheitsrechten. Sie rufen auf zu einer Demonstration am 22. September "gegen die ausufernde Überwachung durch Wirtschaft und Staat". Ihr Motto: "Freiheit statt Angst - Stoppt den Überwachungswahn". Ihre Kritik: "Egal, was wir tun, mit wem wir sprechen oder telefonieren, wohin wir uns bewegen oder fahren, mit wem wir befreundet sind, wofür wir uns interessieren, in welchen Gruppen wir engagiert sind" - der "große Bruder" Staat und die "kleinen Brüder" aus der Wirtschaft wüssten es immer genauer. Es werde registriert, überwacht und kontrolliert.Überwachung

Ex-Politiker Schröder & Co: wie beschäftigen sich Polit-Rentner?

Records of Ex-DeLay Aide Sought

Erica Werner reports for The Associated Press: "A federal grand jury has subpoenaed House records connected to a one-time aide to former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay who has been caught up in the Jack Abramoff influence-peddling scandal....A House official said that the subpoena sought payroll records and e-mails written by Buckham when he was DeLay's chief of staff."

Head of Firm Paid to Track Iraq Spending Investigated

Robert Raggio quit his $97,000-per-year government job as a financial manager for the Iraq reconstruction effort in September 2005. That same day, Raggio's newly formed company, Reviewer Management International, received a US contract to audit $7.3 billion in Iraqi reconstruction spending, according to Army documents obtained by USA Today under the Freedom of Information Act. The $1.5 million contract was designed to help investigators fight fraud in Iraq. Now, Raggio is under investigation.

Telling the Truth

From ufpj-news

US/Iran Confrontation: Intensified Diplomacy and Adherence to International Law

John Burroughs, Executive Director
Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy
U.S. affiliate of International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms
675 Third Avenue, Suite 315
New York, NY 10017-5704 USA
tel 212 818 1861; fax 212 818 1857

From ufpj-news

Amazon Indian leader travelling to UK: ‘Our people are dying, and so is the planet’

Vote YES on HR811 and NO on any amendment which would delay the 2008 implementation of manual election auditing

Stephanie Singer of PA created a great one-pager supporting "The Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act" (HR811) which you can fax to your US House Representative:

Don't Let This Happen to You

along with these other one-pagers I've mentioned previously:

Response to National Assoc. of Counties Concerns About HR811

Common Sense Voting

Find your Rep's fax number here You can always send a fax at a copy center if you do not have access to one.

If you cannot fax something, simply take a few minutes to call your Representative's office and tell a staffer that you want your Rep to "Vote YES on HR811 and NO on any amendment which would delay the 2008 implementation of manual election auditing."

The groups opposing HR811 are partially supported (and some were founded) by their corporate members, including voting system vendors:

Thank you. Below is Stephanie Singer's email.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Stephanie Singer's PA Politics List
Date: Sep 19, 2007 8:40 AM
Subject: Action Alert: call your Congressional Rep today

It looks as if HR 611, the Voter Confidence & Increased Accessibility Act of 2007, will likely be up for a vote tomorrow. Please CALL or FAX your Congressional Rep today to urge a "YES" vote on HR611.

The bill is not perfect, but it will put some important safeguards in place, probably in time for the 2008 elections. Passage of this bill is important for Pennsylvania in particular, because our state government has failed to protect us from paperless DRE's.

Here are links to two one-page messages you might like to fax (with your signature) to your US Congressman:

Today is the day!

Stephanie Frank Singer

We are at a very critical turning point in the history of America at this moment and need your help and assistance to protect America's and the world's future. Kathy Dopp The material expressed herein is the informed product of the author Kathy Dopp's fact-finding and investigative efforts. Dopp is a Mathematician, Expert in election audit mathematics and procedures; in exit poll discrepancy analysis; and can be reached at P.O. Box 680192 Park City, UT 84068 phone 435-658-4657

An Analysis of the Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act (HR811)

Amendment Suggestions for the Ballot Integrity Act

Voters Have Reason to Worry - Response to Those Who Encourage Voters to Trust

The Diebold Bombshell - Discovered in Utah

"Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day," wrote Thomas Jefferson in 1816


House Paper-Trail Bill Stalled

"House Paper-Trail Bill Stalled" according to Roll Call:

"House Democratic leaders . . . keep . . . paper ballot bill in the freezer this week . . .continued opposition from local elections officials, . ."

"Other states would have to have a voter-verifiable paper ballot or paper printout by next year's presidential election. That has drawn opposition from state and local elections officials who are concerned about the costs and risks in changing their systems so close to the elections."

Information your House Representatives' staffers may need:

Rebuttal to the argument that "There is not enough time to Replace Paperless Voting Systems"

Rebuttal to National Association of Counties Concerns about HR811

Common Sense Voting

Don't Let This Happen to You

Some Anti-Election Reform Groups (with corporate voting system members)

Short Analysis of HR811

Transcript - CA Secretary Bowen Explains Exploit of Touch-screen DREs

Short list of electronic-ballot DRE voting machine problems:

Some DRE problems, John Hopkins University Computer Scientist Avi Rubin

E-Voting Ballots Not Secret; Vendors Don't See Problem, Princeton Computer Scientist Ed Felten

Cost Comparisons between Optical Scan versus DRE Voting Systems: and select "Voting Systems"

Your US Representative's Contact Information

Please act now at this crucial juncture in history - to protect our future. Contact your US House member.

Kathy Dopp
Executive Director, National Election Data Archive

Please forward this widely. Thank you.

Mother's anger at mobile phone mast

By Juliet Perry

Residents were not given 'appropriate notice' by the council before allowing a mobile phone mast to be put up in Stone Cross, according to a local woman.

Nicola Walker, of Ifield Mill Close, arrived home from work on September 5 to find a mast had been put up near her home, on the junction of Patcham Mill Road and Lion Hill.

The 32-year-old mother is angry because she said she knew nothing about any planning applications.

Nicola says she phoned the council to raise her concerns and was told that 39 properties were sent letters and only seven had objected.


Democrats throw base under the bus, cave to wingnuts

by Joshua Holland


Today, Senate Democrats took the time to join their Republican colleagues in condemning an ad produced by that — accurately — pointed out Petraeus’ previous spin about progress in Iraq and warned that the general would ‘Betray Us.’ The resolution passed by a vote of 72-25. Among the presidential contenders in the senate, Hillary Clinton and Chris Dodd voted against the resolution and Barack Obama and Joe Biden abstained. … The fact that 25 Democratic Senators voted for the resolution is an indication of how deeply disconnected they are from the values that most Americans share. After all, polls taken after General Petraeus’ testimony revealed that his show had barely changed public opinion on Iraq. Before he testified, a majority expected him to paint a rosier picture than reality — to lie before Congress about the effectiveness of the surge, just as the MoveOn ad accused him of doing...

A nation on the edge of the final descent

by Arthur Silber

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Rethinking Democratic strategy on Iraq

The New Republic
by Drew Westen

The way to win the center on national security is not to try to craft centrist positions on national security. Particularly in the post-9/11 era, Americans want leaders who will decisively pull the trigger. But ‘pulling the trigger’ today doesn’t mean rattling our sabers almost as loud as the GOP, or complaining that we don’t have the votes when we have the majority. Americans may not understand the subtleties of cloture, but they get the gist: that they handed the ball off to the party that’s now in the majority, who they expected to run with the ball instead of consistently playing defense. The way to project strength on national security and to win back the Reagan Democrats who voted for Bill Clinton (despite his draft record) and flirted with the Democratic Party again in 2006 is to exude strength, particularly in the face of aggression, whether that aggression is from al Qaeda or from a bully in his bully pulpit...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Can No Child Left Behind get worse?

Hawaii Reporter
by Dan Lips and Evan Feinberg


Congress is considering the reauthorization of No Child Left Behind, but parents and taxpayers shouldn’t get their hopes up. An early draft of the new NCLB bill suggests that congressional leaders are working to make the already flawed program worse. The House Education and Labor Committee’s plan would allow states to incorporate ‘multiple indicators’ into their testing systems. Schools that fail to meet state benchmarks on reading and math tests could earn ‘extra credit’ — and escape school reform requirements — if their students perform well in other areas, such as graduation rates and college preparation...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Defend state sovereignty

Liberty For All
by Sergei Borglum Hoff

Each day, they rape the Constitution and molest our unalienable rights. Our disingenuous Legislators, Attorney Generals, and Supreme Court Justices (federal and state) now belittle and dishonor the memory, intent, and integrity of our Founding Fathers. Citizens are quite capable of accurately interpreting the Constitution and Bill of Rights. However, these self-perceived ethical scholars of law have bastardized the Constitution with their convoluted and ambiguous interpretations of our unequivocal Bill of Rights. Virtue by virtue, liberty by liberty, they are eroding our cherished Constitutional Republic... (written 2003; posted 09/20/07)

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Desperately searching for a new foreign policy

by Doug Bandow


Other than an increasingly beleaguered band of administration factotums and neoconservative propagandists, few Americans defend the decision to invade Iraq. The mistakes have been too catastrophic and too many for the rest of us to take seriously more of the same promises about the coming new millennium in Iraq. But the crisis of U.S. foreign policy runs deeper. The neocon cabal’s incompetence was truly astonishing, but its ideas were even worse. The idea that America could reengineer the globe, running roughshod over religions, traditions, ethnicities, nationalities, cultures, and histories turns out to be the foreign policy equivalent of phrenology. Its practitioners should be consigned to the footnotes of international relations texts as the prime example of what not to do. It is not enough for the rest of us to run screaming from the room whenever a neocon armchair warrior walks in, however. We must engage in the burgeoning policy battle over what is to follow Iraq...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Democrats proceed with Iraq legislation

Roseburg News-Review


Senate Democrats defiantly charged ahead Thursday with legislation ordering troops home from Iraq, still lacking the votes to win but armed with the mantra that Republicans, along with President Bush, now own the war. ‘They want this war more than they want to protect our soldiers,’ Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., told reporters. ‘When I say they want the war, they want to protect their president more than they want to protect our troops’...

Long-term US plan for Iraq would cost additional billions



The cost of a long-term U.S. military presence in Iraq similar to the peacekeeping role American troops have played in South Korea would range from $10 billion to $25 billion a year, the Congressional Budget Office said Thursday. A Korea-like presence of 55,000 troops would cost about $25 billion a year in a ‘combat’ scenario similar to the current mission, the nonpartisan CBO said in a report...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Harry Reid: War Now Belongs to GOP

Anne Flaherty reports for The Associated Press: "Democrats are unable to pass legislation that would challenge President Bush on the Iraq war, despite public opinion polls that show the war remains deeply unpopular with voters. Failing to muster the support, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says the war now belonged to Republicans and vowed they would have to go on record again and again as siding with President Bush."

Top Dem fundraiser charged in “massive” scam

USA Today


Federal prosecutors Thursday charged Democratic fundraiser Norman Hsu with violating campaign-finance laws and conducting a fraud scheme that swindled investors out of $60 million. The criminal complaint says that Hsu — a major fundraiser for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton — contributed tens of thousands of dollars to federal candidates in the names of other donors. Under federal law, an individual donor cannot give more than $4,600 to a candidate for the primary and general elections...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Giuliani is Everyone's Worst Nightmare

by Pastor Chuck Baldwin

Yes, Rudy Giuliani is a nightmare all right. But not just for liberals. He is a nightmare for conservatives, Christians, independents, constitutionalists, and for people the world over. Furthermore, Rudy Giuliani is a threat to freedom, constitutional government, the rule of law, traditional morality, and to national sovereignty and independence. As I said, Rudy Giuliani is everyone's worst nightmare.......

Dobson is Right About Giuliani

by Pastor Chuck Baldwin

It even grieves me to say that should the presidential race next year come down to Hillary Clinton and Rudy Giuliani, many conservative Christians would support Giuliani. This is in spite of the fact that Giuliani is not only as bad as Clinton in virtually every area of significance, but, in many ways, is actually worse. Any Christian who would argue that his or her convictions would not allow them to vote for Clinton would have to turn around and surrender those very same convictions in order to vote for Giuliani. In other words, in a Clinton-Giuliani race, there is no "lesser of two evils."......

Comments needed NOW to save wild horses

Wild horses at the Sheldon-Hart Mountain Wildlife Refuge are again in peril of being captured and removed from their home range. Please don’t wait! Your comments are needed by Wednesday, September 26.

The US Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) has created a revised Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) in an apparent move toward continuing roundups of wild horses at the Sheldon refuge, despite the fact that they still have not justified the necessity or prudence of removing horses at this time, and whose list of alternatives far from assures the safety of the animals during or after capture.

Since before the Refuge was established, the antelope, sheep and other wildlife have shared this area with herds of wild horses and burros. Although the revised report puts the count of wild horses at about half of the number on they based last year's roundup, they want to continue nevertheless.

See the revised EA (PDF).

In Defense of Animals (IDA) recently succeeded in halting this roundup in its tracks by threatening a lawsuit to force the agency to comply with regulations of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Now the agency is again trying to sidestep the NEPA requirement to perform a full EIS.

IDA, along with the Animal Welfare Institute (AWI), has requested that the comment period be extended in order to more fairly accommodate public opinion and consideration, but we can’t count on that—please write today.

Photographs from last year’s Sheldon roundup showed frantic horses being chased by helicopters and trampled. Some foals who couldn’t keep up were tackled, hog-tied, and left behind, alone out on the range for days, and some died in the process. Some members of Congress, including Nick J. Rahall, II, Chairman of the Committee of Natural Resources submitted a letter calling for the roundup to be halted. But the pressure is on once again.

IDA, along with the Animal Welfare Institute (AWI), has requested that the comment period be extended in order to more fairly accommodate public opinion and consideration, but we can’t count on that—please write today.

Please "Take Action" and urge the Fish and Wildlife Service to follow "Alternative A- (no action)" and not round up any more horses at the Sheldon refuge until a thorough, scientific Environmental Impact Statement is performed to determine the sustainable carrying capacity of the Refuge.

Such drastic action as capture and removal should not be allowed, in the absence of an exhaustive, scientific evaluation, after which the public should be fairly allowed the opportunity for input.

Address your comments to:
Paul Steblein, Project Leader
Sheldon-Hart Mountain Wildlife Refuge

Written comments can be e-mailed to:

or mailed to:
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
P.O. Box 111,
Lakeview, OR 97630

Act Quickly! Comments on the revised draft EA need to be submitted no later than Wednesday, September 26th to be counted in the public record.

U.S. Airport Screeners Are Watching What You Read

International travelers concerned about being labeled a terrorist or drug runner by secret Homeland Security algorithms may want to be careful what books they read on the plane. Newly revealed records show the government is storing such information for years.

From Information Clearing House

Case Dismissed?

The nation's biggest telecommunications companies, working closely with the White House, have mounted a secretive lobbying campaign to get Congress to quickly approve a measure wiping out all private lawsuits against them for assisting the U.S. intelligence community's warrantless surveillance programs.

From Information Clearing House

US expert warns of fresh shocks

Subprime Borrowers to Lose Homes at Record Pace as Rates Rise

As many as half of the 450,000 subprime borrowers whose mortgage payments increase in the next three months may lose their homes because they can't sell, refinance or qualify for help from the U.S. government.

US expert warns of fresh shocks

Fresh economic shocks on the scale of the current credit squeeze will occur if US house prices continue to fall, one of the country's leading housing experts warned on Wednesday.

From Information Clearing House

U.S. Working to Reshape Iraqi Detainees

The U.S. military has introduced "religious enlightenment" and other education programs for Iraqi detainees, some of whom are as young as 11, Marine Maj. Gen. Douglas M. Stone, the commander of U.S. detention facilities in Iraq, said yesterday.

From Information Clearing House

Iraqi Refugees Flood Into Syria

More then 20,000 Iraqis were pouring across the border every day, compared to 2,000 a day normally.

From Information Clearing House

The $3,850 per second war and its victims

$333 million a day, $14 million an hour, $231,000 a minute and $3,850 a second. Even for the world's richest country, this is serious money.

From Information Clearing House

The Era of Global Financial Instability

By Mike Whitney

The Naked Fist of Empire

By Jim Kirwan

To coordinate this perfect storm of financial turmoil with another illegal pre-emptive strike over something that according to the International Atomic Energy Agency is not even a remote possibility: Is a cynical bid to take down the US monetary system, (for private financial gains) and to cripple our leadership as a power in the world, in one massive single stroke-The clock is ticking and this time there will be consequences!

The Police State Is Right Here, Right Now

By Carolyn Baker

To find redemption

Lose The First War and Win the Second

By Michael Nenonen

The soldiers who descend into this moral hell are dangerous to their victims in foreign countries, but also to themselves and to their own people. Once hatred begins to burn, it's hard to put it out. The violence and rage ignited on foreign shores can immolate families and scorch civil societies back home.

An Endless Occupation?

The Korea Model Rationale for Staying in Iraq

By Zoltan Grossman

This is one of the historic moments when Americans have to decide whether our country will be a republic, or continue to function as an empire. Our failure to make that fundamental decision today will ensure future imperial wars and occupations.

Incentives Offered to Destroy Forests

Julio Godoy for Inter Press Service reports that "Instead of providing positive incentives to tropical nations to conserve their rain forests and so reduce greenhouse gases emissions, the world indirectly gives 'perverse incentives' to destroy them by demanding goods produced by intensive logging, a leading environmental activist says."


Plant trees, lots of them, you can never plant enough!

US Continues Use of Banned Pesticide

Stephen Leahy for Inter Press Service reports that the US continues to use the banned pesticide, methyl bromide, despite the fact that its use in developed countries was supposed to have been completely phased out by January 1, 2005, under the Montreal Protocol on Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer.

A New Approach to Helping the World's Poor

Microfinancing has been hailed as a breakthrough in combating global poverty by giving small loans to impoverished people in the hopes of transforming their lives. But one very profitable Mexican lending program is now under intense scrutiny.

Debate Organizers Feel GOP Brush-off

Ken Herman for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that "organizers of minority-oriented debates are not buying GOP presidential contenders' claims that scheduling conflicts are keeping them away from candidate forums targeted at Hispanic and African-American voters."

Saudis Break With US Over Feared Dollar Collapse

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard for the Telegraph, UK reports: "The Saudi central bank said today that it would take 'appropriate measures' to halt huge capital inflows into the country, but analysts say this policy is unsustainable and will inevitably lead to the collapse of the dollar peg."

First Cholera Case Confirmed in Baghdad

The Associated Press reports that "the World Health Organization on Thursday confirmed the first cholera case in Baghdad, raising fears the disease is spreading."

Ron Paul Slams Bernanke For Dollar Meltdown

Cell Tower Roulette

By: Marilyn Moss, Special to the Bulletin


WOODBRIDGE - Plans to build a new cell phone tower in town continue to generate unrest among residents. At the Sept. 17 Board of Selectmen meeting, residents showed up in force to oppose building a cell phone tower on private land owned by the Arnold family. Verizon has been actively seeking a site for a cell tower to improve local coverage but has made no definite decisions.


Der Anfang einer neuen Bürgerrechtsbewegung?

Resolution Will Ask House To Investigate, Prefer Criminal Charges If Necessary

Congressman Dennis Kucinich: New Study Shows 1.2 Million Iraqi Civilians Died In War; Resolution Will Ask House To Investigate, Prefer Criminal Charges If Necessary.

What If Iraq War Funds Were Spent Here at Home?

Republicans Block Habeas for Gitmo Detainees

2 Million Iraqis Forced To Flee Their Homes


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