Even as he was being nominated for president, it was known by those pushing him forward that George W. Bush was entirely inadequate to the job, a perennial screw up, good for nothing more than swagger and strut. So it was that Dick Cheney was allowed to install himself as the erstwhile caretaker of Mr. Not Ready To Be President. But what those gaming our election system failed to appreciate was the extent that Cheney would mutate into an even more dangerous and scary screw up that Bush himself, after he took over the entire White House process in a bureaucratic palace coup.
Evidence that even hard right wing conservatives are as petrified as the rest of us about what Cheney might try to do next comes in the form of a four part expose published this week in the Washington Post, detailing the criminal conspiracy that Cheney has made his office the heart of. It is not long ago that such a piece would have been quashed entirely. And you will find a link to this devastating indictment in the "Arguments" section of the action page above where you can vote whether Cheney should be impeached or not
Bruce Fein is a former Reagan deputy attorney general, and an alumni of the Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute. It doesn't get more right wing than that. Yet, he wrote a piece for Slate Magazine his week calling for the immediate impeachment of Cheney, saying "the vice president has run utterly amok and must be stopped." Go to the action page and follow the link to this article as well.
Some have floated the trial balloon that Cheney may step down for health reasons in the face of all this. We consider it unlikely that Cheney will loosen his death grip on the power he has seized without being forced out. But even if he were to try to stage a voluntary retirement, for the integrity of our constitutional system we must all speak out to make sure he that when he does leave it is under the darkest possible cloud. The faster we get people to speak out the bigger and darker that cloud will become.
Sy Hersh reiterated this week he is convinced that Cheney is obsessed with launching an unprovoked attach on Iran, and is still the driving force behind such a lunatic move. He said in as many words that every day Cheney remains in office, he himself has to grab his butt with both hands every morning to make sure it's still there. The video clip is linked from the action page too. See how it strikes you.
And if there were not enough reasons already to impeach Cheney, more and more keep piling up like dead fish, literally. We now learn that Cheney was the primary villain in wiping out the Coho salmon run, by diverting water to buy the support of a couple rich ranchers in Oregon to swing a race in the Senate there. For your debating illumination, one of our own participants, Professor of Law Emeritus Leonard R. Jaffee, has produced an extensive analysis of grounds for Cheney impeachment which you can read for yourself on the action page along with everything else.
In the third section of his piece Professor Jaffee goes through each and every ground for impeachment of Dick Cheney we can already prove, including the latest scandals. Of ALL votes in the National Cheney Impeachment Polls so far, 99.18 percent have been Yes to impeach. All we have to do is get everyone to speak out who has an opinion, and Congress will change gears even faster than they did on the immigration bill this week, which proves, if nothing else, that if we the people speak out in sufficient numbers, they absolutely WILL act.
Help to build those numbers by casting your vote in the National Cheney Impeachment Poll now.
Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.
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