Freitag, 8. Juni 2007

Help Save Grizzlies and Other Forest Wildlife

Woe for Wyoming Wolves

Speak Out for Northern Rockies Wolves

Help Stop Aerial Gunning in Alaska

The Gore Door

Amnesty International Applauds Council of Europe's Report on Renditions

Bush Traveling With An Old Script

At Gitmo, It All Hinges On A Word

Democrats Face Off Over Emissions Bill

UN Official Calls for No More G8 Summits

The 'Good Guys' Chastise the G8 'Villains'

Separate and Not Equal: The G8 Reveals Our Apartheid Style Democracy

Greenpeace Brands G8 Summit a Climate Failure, and Calls For Real Action at UN

Auf dem Weg zum Cyborg

Amerikanischen Forschern ist es gelungen, lebende Zellen derart mit Silizium-Nanodrähten zu verschmelzen, dass die Zellen in ihrem Wachstum nicht gestört werden.

Rising Mortgage Debt, Weak House Prices

Dean Baker reports: "The inventory of unsold new and existing homes both stand at record highs. The 4,200,000 stock of unsold existing homes is more than a year's supply at the pre-bubble sales rates of the mid-90s. Furthermore, the surge in foreclosures ensures that a large additional supply will be entering the market well into 2008."

Lies, Sighs and Politics

Paul Krugman writes, "If early campaign reporting is any guide, the bad media habits that helped install the worst president ever in the White House haven't changed a bit."

The Great American Disconnect

Tom Engelhardt writes, "Iraq has always been 'South Korea' for the Bush administration."

Bush in "Fantasyland"

Katrina vanden Heuvel writes, "While many in the mainstream media swallow the Bush administration talking points on Russian President Vladimir Putin as if once again being spoon-fed pre-war intelligence, other experts on arms control and foreign policy suggest Putin has real reason to worry about the Bush administration's moves."

Blackwater Sues Slain Employees' Families to Silence Them

After filing its suit against the dead men's estates, Blackwater demanded that its claim and the families' existing lawsuit be handled in private arbitration. By suing the families in arbitration, Blackwater has attempted to move the examination of their wrongful conduct outside the eye of the public and away from a jury. This comes at the same time Congress is investigating Blackwater.

Democrats May Subpoena NSA Documents

Senior House Democrats threatened Thursday to issue subpoenas to obtain secret legal opinions and other documents from the Justice Department related to the National Security Agency's domestic wiretapping program. If the Democrats take that step, it would mark the most aggressive action yet by Congress in its oversight of the wiretapping program, and could set the stage for a constitutional showdown over the separation of powers.

Senate Judiciary Committee Subpoenas NSA Spying Documents

The Senate Judiciary Committee just voted 13-3 to authorize chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont) to issue subpoenas for documents related to the NSA warrantless surveillance program. Senators Arlen Specter (R-Pennsylvania), Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) and Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) voted with the Democrats on the committee to authorize the subpoenas for any legal opinions and advice the Bush administration has received regarding the NSA program.

CDU-Politiker Teubner wirft Kanzleramtsminister de Maizière Rechtsbruch vor

In der Affäre um angebliche Verbindungen sächsischer Politiker und Justizbeamter in kriminelle Netzwerke hat der Chef der Parlamentarischen Kontrollkommission (PKK) im sächsischen Landtag, Gottfried Teubner, schwere Vorwürfe gegen Kanzleramtsminister Thomas de Maizière (beide CDU) erhoben. De Maizière habe als früherer Innenminister in Sachsen und oberster Dienstherr des Landesamtes für Verfassungsschutz die Vorschriften "nicht für ganz voll genommen", zitierte die "Leipziger Volkszeitung" Teubner. De Maizières Handeln sei "glatter Rechtsbruch". Als Dienstherr des sächsischen Geheimdienstes war de Maizière nach Ansicht von Teubner laut Gesetz verpflichtet, die PKK über rechtstaatlich bedeutsame Hinweise zur Organisierten Kriminalität (OK) zu informieren. "Dies ist nicht geschehen", sagte Teubner. De Maizière wollte sich zu den Anschuldigungen nicht äußern.


Kanzleramtschef de Maiziere möchte nicht zurücktreten

Der Aufarbeitung der Korruptionsaffäre in Sachsen sieht der frühere Landesinnenminister und heutige Kanzleramtschef Thomas de Maizière (CDU) angeblich gelassen entgegen. Er habe mit dieser Affäre kein Problem und sich auch nichts vorzuwerfen, sagte der CDU-Politiker am 11. Juni im ARD-"Morgenmagazin". Die Vorgänge würden jetzt von der Justiz aufgearbeitet. Dabei gehe es um die Frage, wann er als Innenminister wen informiert habe. Einen Rücktritt lehnt er ab. "Selbstverständlich" bleibe er Kanzleramtschef, sagte de Maiziére. Der Chef der Parlamentarischen Kontrollkommission (PKK) im sächsischen Landtag, Gottfried Teubner (CDU), hatte de Maiziére Rechtsbruch vorgeworfen. Der parlamentarische Geschäftsführer der Linksfraktion im Bundestag, Ulrich Maurer, forderte den Kanzleramtschef zum Rücktritt auf.


Kanzleramtsminister de Maizière soll Amt ruhen lassen

In der Korruptionsaffäre in Sachsen gerät die Arbeit von Kanzleramtsminister Thomas de Maizière (CDU) immer mehr in den Blickpunkt. Die Grünen forderten am 12. Juni, das Parlamentarische Kontrollgremium (PKG) des Bundestages für die Geheimdienste solle sich mit de Maizière im beschäftigen. Vertreter von FDP und Linkspartei forderten, der frühere sächsische Innenminister solle sein Amt als Geheimdienst-Koordinator ruhen lassen. Einem Medienbericht zufolge soll auch Sachsens Ministerpräsident Georg Milbradt (CDU) schon länger von der Affäre gewusst haben, ohne eine förmliche Untersuchung der Vorgänge zu veranlassen.


Regierung bestätigt Strafanzeige gegen Kanzleramtschef de Maizière

Die Bundesregierung sieht derzeit keinen Anlass für personelle Konsequenzen aus der sächsischen Korruptionsaffäre. Der Parlamentarische Justizstaatsekretär Alfred Hartenbach (SPD) bestätigte am 13. Juni im Bundestag in Berlin zwar, dass es eine Strafanzeige gegen den heutigen Kanzleramtschef und früheren sächsischen Innenminister Thomas de Maizière (CDU) wegen Strafvereitelung im Amt gebe. Doch beruhe diese Anzeige allein auf Medienberichten und Gerüchten. Daher sehe die Regierung derzeit "keine Notwendigkeit für Konsequenzen". Abgesehen von Medienberichten gibt es offenbar umfangreiche Akten des Verfassungsschutzes zu den Vorgängen.

Hedgefonds bleiben von G8 unbehelligt

Die Staats- und Regierungschefs der G8-Staaten wollten sich nicht auf eine Vereinbarung über einen Verhaltenskodex für die risikoreichen Hedgefonds einigen. In einer gemeinsamen Erklärung zu Wachstum und Verantwortung in der Weltwirtschaft räumten die Staats- und Regierungschefs der sieben führenden Industriestaaten und Russlands am 7. Juni lediglich die wachsenden Risiken solcher Fonds für das Weltfinanzsystem ein. Angesichts des Wachstums dieser Fondsart und der zunehmenden Komplexität der Handelsinstrumente müsse man weiter "wachsam" bleiben, hieß es in der Erklärung. Andererseits betonten die Politiker, dass Hedgefonds wesentlich zur "Effizienz des Weltfinanzsystems" beitragen würden.

Deutschland ist Schlusslicht bei Rentenleistungen für Geringverdiener

Deutschland präsentiert sich selbst gerne als "Vorreiter" für alle guten Dinge auf dieser Welt. Der Blick von außen ist manchmal etwas anders. In internationalen Vergleichen ist Deutschland immer wieder Schlusslicht. So warnt die Organisation für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (OECD) vor einer steigenden Altersarmut in Deutschland. Einer am 7. Juni in Paris vorgestellten Vergleichsstudie zufolge liegt Deutschland bei den gesetzlichen Rentenleistungen für Geringverdiener unter den 30 OECD-Staaten an letzter Stelle. Grund sei, dass die Leistungen im Gegensatz zu den meisten OECD-Ländern linear an das Einkommen gekoppelt seien. Deutschland solle "der Rentenentwicklung für Geringverdiener besondere Aufmerksamkeit schenken und einem Anstieg der Altersarmut vorbeugen", sagte die Rentenexpertin der Organisation, Monika Queisser.

Bundesrat fordert Ausweitung der TK-Überwachungüberwachung

Tell Congress and the Dead Zone Taskforce: It's Time to Make the Dead Zone a Priority


Dear Buffalo Friends,

WE HAVE BEEN LIED TO. Your calls are needed now.

Approximately 50 wild buffalo are in the trap near West Yellowstone's airport right now. After all their quotes in papers worldwide promising not to slaughter any buffalo left in Montana, the agencies have back-tracked on their word to the American people and others throughout the world.


A Montana Department of LIEStock press release stated they will capture and slaughter any bull bison that are in the small group of approximately 50 still in Montana. They claim the bison trap cannot handle bulls, which is another lie because, as you know, they've captured and sent to slaughter hundreds of bull bison over the years. Intent to slaughter bull bison was confirmed by officials with Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks.

Bull bison pose no risk of brucellosis transmission. With calving season over, none of the buffalo pose any risk of brucellosis transmission to cattle. There are no cattle on the public lands that wild bison are migrating to. There has never been a confirmed case of wild bison transmitting brucellosis to cattle.

Agencies might also send yearling buffalo to the Corwin Springs quarantine facility, where they will be raised like livestock and used in scientific experiments. Half of all the yearlings sent to Corwin Springs will be slaughtered.

Apparently, the agencies will still transport the buffalo mothers and calves they capture in West Yellowstone to the Park's Stephens Creek bison trap near Gardiner. Transport is going to be a living hell for these moms and calves who will be separated for the over 150-mile long journey. They will hold the bison captive for a few days before releasing them.

BFC patrols are in the field documenting everything and doing a lot of community outreach near the capture facility.

PLEASE TAKE ACTION and attempt to save the lives of these bulls and yearlings. We've done it once, let's do it again. Please spread the word to save this herd!

* MONTANA GOVERNOR BRIAN SCHWEITZER: Ask him why he lied. Demand that Schweitzer keep his promise to not slaughter any buffalo! Tell him the solution is in year-round habitat for wild buffalo in Montana.
(406) 444-3111 (phone) * (406) 444-5529 (fax) * (email)

* MONTANA ACTING STATE VET JEANNE RANKIN: Urge her to withdraw her decision to slaughter Yellowstone bison bulls who pose NO RISK of transmitting brucellosis. Remind her the whole world is watching!
(406) 444-1895 (phone) * (800) 523-3162 (phone) * (406) 444-1929 (fax) * (email)

* YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK SUPERINTENDENT SUZANNE LEWIS: Ask her why she is part of the lie? Do not allow Montana to slaughter bulls or put yearlings in quarantine! These are AMERICA'S last wild buffalo, not Montana's. Tell her you know the Stephens Creek trap could hold bulls, so there's no reason that Montana should slaughter them!
(307) 344-2002 (phone)* (307) 344-2005 (fax) * OR (email)

Thank you for keeping the pressure on these officials! These wild buffalo are the country's last. They have never transmitted the cattle-disease brucellosis back to the cows they got it from. They are native to all of Montana and have a right to roam, especially on our public lands.


Media & Outreach Buffalo Field Campaign
P.O. Box 957 West Yellowstone, MT 59758

BFC is the only group working in the field every day to defend the last wild herd of buffalo in America.


Stephanie Seay of the Buffalo Field Campaign on the Slaughter of Wild Buffalo

George Cadman of Free Radio Santa Cruz 101.1 fm interviews Stephanie Seay, media coordinator of the Buffalo Field Campaign about the Montana state and the federal government practice of capturing wild buffalo on public lands and slaughtering them or transporting them hundreds of miles in trucks or trains. In Montana in the last two weeks state and federal authorities planned to slaughter 300 wild buffalo, including calves and their mothers. It was stopped by the BFC and public outcry, but this is not the first time this has happened. In the last 7 years the government has trucked 2,000 wild buffalo to slaughter, 1,000 last year alone. Stephanie also talks about the cattle industry, the power they hold in Montana and how they influence decision making on the treatment of wild buffalo, the huge subsidies that the industry receives, and their access to public lands. And she discusses what concerned citizens can do to help defend the last remaining wild buffalo in North America.

Listen to the Audio:

Informant: Eric Stewart


Special Update: Bull Bison Spared; Hazing Continues

All of the buffalo captured in West Yellowstone on Friday - 52 total - were released Sunday morning. This includes the 16 bulls that the Montana Department of Livestock and Yellowstone National Park had intended to slaughter.


In less than two weeks, your calls and emails to Governor Schweitzer and Yellowstone National Park saved the lives of hundreds of buffalo and have brought an incredible amount of media attention to the issue.

While there is a relatively happy ending, these 52 buffalo endured an ordeal. Not only was their migration forcefully choked, they were captured, moms and calves were separated, family groups were broken apart, they were loaded onto livestock trailers, unloaded at the Duck Creek bison trap, re-loaded onto livestock trailers and hauled over 150 miles to the northern boundary of Yellowstone National Park. Then they were placed in the Stephens Creek bison trap where they spent a few days before being hazed deeper into Yellowstone. Agents released them at 5:30 in the morning. Starting that early indicates that there was something they didn't want the public to see. You can see a short BFC video clip of the capture on our home page:

Over the weekend and up through today, the agents have been continuously harassing wild bison in Montana and Yellowstone National Park. Park visitors witnessed the shameful spectacle of the Interagency Bison Management Plan participants hazing wild bison from horseback and with a helicopter inside Yellowstone's boundaries. One Park ranger explained to outraged tourists today that they were witnessing "a buffalo drive." Welcome to the world's first national park.

Wild buffalo are being managed like livestock and treated as vermin under pressure from Montana's cattle industry. The agencies and media have been describing wild, migrating buffalo with words like "renegade," "wandering" and "recalcitrant." These same terms never apply to migrating whales, salmon, birds or other animals; why does Montana insist on such misnomers for wild bison? Native to nearly the entire North American continent, wild buffalo roam. Buffalo are doing exactly what they evolved to do. They are attempting to naturally restore themselves and while this should be cause for enormous celebration, government and industry punish them.

Year-round habitat for wild buffalo in Montana is the solution.

Keep the pressure on the decision-makers and the vision of wild, free-roaming buffalo alive. We will make it happen.

Roam Free!

Media & Outreach Buffalo Field Campaign P.O. Box 957 West Yellowstone, MT 59758

BFC is the only group working in the field every day to defend the last wild herd of buffalo in America.

BOYCOTT BEEF! It's what's killing wild buffalo.

Speak Out! Contact politicians and involved agencies today:

Write a Letter to the Editor of key newspapers:

Rachel's News #910

Tell the Senate: 15% Clean Energy By 2020!

Can't Anyone Stop This War?

David Sirota is skeptical of the Democrats' claims that their hands are tied.


The avarice of the richest 1 percent requires a movement to curb corporate power

Taming Corporations Gone Wild

by Ralph Nader,

CIA Agents Go on Trial in Italy Before Bush Visit

Hours before Bush visits Italy, 26 US citizens will go on trial in absentia in Milan on Friday, accused of carrying out one of Washington's most controversial policies in its "war on terrorism." Almost all of the accused, believed to be CIA agents, have been charged with the 2003 kidnapping in Milan of a Muslim who was on Washington's list of terrorist suspects, flying him to Egypt and torturing him under interrogation.

Senate Begins Real Push on Habeas Corpus

The Senate Judiciary Committee passed an important bill to restore habeas corpus, the sacrosanct constitutional right to challenge government detention in court, by a vote of 11 to eight. The vote means the habeas bill can now be brought to the Senate floor at any time. Majority Leader Harry Reid may bring the bill to a vote within the month.

Bush Agrees Only to "Consider" Cutting Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The United States agreed Thursday to "consider seriously" a European plan to combat global warming by cutting in half worldwide greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. However, the agreement did not alter the Bush administration's refusal to accept binding targets for emissions reductions.

It's Subpoena Time

"For months, senators have listened to a parade of well-coached Justice Department witnesses claiming to know nothing about how nine prosecutors were chosen for firing. This week, it was the turn of Bradley Schlozman, a former federal attorney in Missouri, to be uninformative and not credible. It is time for Senator Patrick Leahy, the chairman of the Judiciary Committee, to deliver subpoenas that have been approved for Karl Rove, former White House Counsel Harriet Miers, and their top aides, and to make them testify in public and under oath," says The New York Times.

Political Hiring in Justice Division Probed

Karen Stevens, Tovah Calderon and Teresa Kwong had a lot in common. They had good performance ratings as career lawyers in the Justice Department's civil rights division. And they were minority women transferred out of their jobs two years ago - over the objections of their immediate supervisors - by Bradley Schlozman, then the acting assistant attorney general for civil rights. Schlozman ordered supervisors to tell the women that they had performance problems or that the office was overstaffed. But one lawyer, Conor Dugan, told colleagues that the recent Bush appointee had confided that his real motive was to "make room for some good Americans" in that high-impact office, according to four lawyers who said they heard the account from Dugan.

John Edwards: Statement on Fighting Terrorism

John Edwards begins: "For six years, George Bush has used the language 'war on terrorism' to force through an ideological agenda that undermines our values and does nothing to undermine terrorism. The Bush 'Global War on Terror Doctrine' is a political slogan - a political slogan that the president has used to stifle opposition to the biggest abuses and worst mistakes of his administration: Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, spying on Americans, torture. None of this has made us safer, and all of it has undermined American values and the perception of American values around the world."

Losing Iraq, Nuking Iran

Informant: John Fitz

Protests planned over church mast bid

By Peter Dewhurst

St Bede The Venerable Church, which is the proposed site of the mobile telephone mast

FEARS over plans to install a mobile phone mast on a Pendle church have led to a campaign to oppose it – including possible protests at services on Sunday.

The proposal is to add the mast – disguised as a flagpole – to St Bede's Church in Railway Street, a residential area of Nelson. Initial permission will be needed from a consistory court, which deals with planning issues within Anglican churches.

Chairman of Pendle Council's Nelson Committee Coun. David Foster has called on residents to turn up at the church on Sunday to object.

A campaign was mounted in February, 2006, after letters were sent to residents. The response to applicants QS4 was that householders did not want a phone mast in or on the church, says ward councillor Gary Bird.

He added: "I am appalled at the way these people have treated our Clover Hill community on this issue – firstly attempting to gain the residents' confidence in 2006 by claiming no development would proceed without their opinions being taken into account, then seemingly disregarding these opinions by proposing a further development in 2007 without any resident consultation whatsoever."

Coun. Foster added: "I am disgusted with the Church of England after residents of Clover Hill objected to these proposals for a mast on St Bede's, highlighting the health hazards.

"The health of the residents must be paramount before coppers into the church funds.

"By urging all residents to attend the church services of St Paul's and St Bede's this Sunday to voice their disapproval we will make it clear that we, the residents of Clover Hill, are against the proposals for the new 3G telephone systems, so telling QS4 that they are not wanted here in Clover Hill."

Coun. Bird urges all residents and churchgoers to make their objections to the scheme in writing, by Friday, June 15th, to: The Diocesan Registrar, Diocesan Offices, Cathedral Close, Blackburn, BB1 5AA.

The Vicar said: "I would encourage anyone to write to the Registrar with their opinions. I feel it is important everyone's views are considered.

"I would encourage people to make their views known but would ask them not to disrupt the worship."

Anne McMillan of QS4 said: "We have complied with the local planning authority regulations by submitting a licence notification, which has since timed-out with no comment from the local authority. Running in parallel with this is the petition for faculty, which is with the registrar of the Diocese of Blackburn awaiting completion of the citation period as per the laws of the Church of England.

"This 28-day period finishes on Thursday, June 14th, and thereafter the papers, including the public notice, will be forwarded to the Chancellor of the Diocese of Blackburn for his consideration. The public notice is currently on display at the church. The form contains details as to how the public can comment on the proposal directly to the registrar.

"We have followed all the ecclesiastical and secular guidelines in respect of the proposal, and would willingly meet with Couns Bird and Foster at a mutually-convenient time should they wish to do so."

Nelson police chief Insp. Russ Procter said: "We would encourage any persons wishing to protest to seriously consider the congregation in the church and their right to worship in private.

"They should also consider that there are possible public order offences involved in protesting within a church or its grounds. We would ask them to consider carefully their actions."

l Protesters at the church need to be careful, of course. Under the Ecclesiastical Courts Jurisdiction Act 1860, people "guilty of riotous, violent or indecent behaviour" in any cathedral, church or chapel, or even in the grounds, can be fined or even jailed.

All rights reserved ©2007 Johnston Press Digital Publishing

G8-Gipfel in Heiligendamm - "Klein-Guantanamo" in Rostock


G8: Gewalt und Berichterstattung


Polizei bestätigt Einschleusen von Zivilbeamten,1518,487487,00.html


#Die Linkspartei.PDS: Pressemitteilungen

08. Juni 2007

Protest ist in, G8 sind out

Zum Abschluss des G8-Gipfels erklärt die stellvertretende Parteivorsitzende Katja Kipping:

Die Gipfelproteste waren abgesehen von den Ausschreitungen am Samstag

- ein Erfolg der Vielfalt und Kreativität. Die zahlreichen friedlichen Aktionen und Diskussionsrunden haben dem G8-Gipfel zu Recht die Show gestohlen. Das Signal war eindeutig: Eine andere Welt ist möglich! DIE LINKE war Bestandteil der Gipfelproteste und hat zu deren Gelingen beigetragen. Wir waren als LINKE sichtbar, gleichzeitig haben wir vertrauensvoll mit einem breiten Bündnisspektrum kooperiert und eigene gut besuchte Diskussionsangebote eingebracht. Eigentliche Ergebnisse des Gipfels in Heiligendamm sucht man vergeblich. Es wurde als Erfolg verkauft, was ohnehin schon verabredet war. Unterm Strich gibt es:

* keine wirklichen Zielvorgaben oder verbindlichen Selbstverpflichtungen beim Kampf gegen den Klimawandel,

* windelweiche Erklärungen zur Transparenz von Hedge Fonds ohne Konsequenzen,

* keine politischen Vorgaben für Investitionen in den Schwellenländern,

* viel Betroffenheit statt aktiver Politik in Krisenregionen.

Auf die wirklichen Fragen unserer Zeit, wie Klimawandel und Armut in Afrika, hat der Gipfel keine Antworten gegeben. Die G8 als interner Machtzirkel hat sich überholt, es wird Zeit, dass die Regierungschefs von ihrem Gipfel herabsteigen und eine Politik auf Augenhöhe betreiben auch mit den Entwicklungsländern. Nach dem Gipfel ist vor dem Gipfel - der globalisierungskritische Protest geht weiter. Die Linke muss weiterhin organischer Bestandteil sozialer Bewegungen bleiben, um gesellschaftliche Kräfteverhältnisse zu verändern und Spielräume für linke Politik auszuweiten.


Mutmaßlicher Polizist der Polizei übergeben
Polizei soll vermummte Zivilbeamte als Provokateure eingesetzt haben

Während sich die G8-Teilnehmer in Heiligendamm hinter verschlossenen Türen treffen, tobt draußen vor dem Sperrzaun ein verbissener Kampf. Sicherheitsbehörden und Demonstranten liefern sich nicht nur ein Katz-und-Maus-Spiel, sondern ringen sodann auch um die Deutungshoheit über das Geschehen bei den Protesten. Geht die Polizei zu brutal vor oder setzt sie gar Agents Provocateurs ein? Stand ein Sabotageakt unmittelbar bevor? Werden Zahlen von Verletzten manipuliert? Schwaden von Behauptungen und Gerüchten umziehen den Gipfel. Die Wahrheit ist nicht klar auszumachen. Manchmal allerdings scheinen Details eine deutliche Sprache zu sprechen. Der Anwaltliche Notdienst wirft der Polizei vor, Zivilbeamte als Provokateure eingesetzt haben.


Kontrolle von Briefsendungen wegen G8-Gipfel soll unrechtmäßig gewesen sein

Nach der systematischen Kontrolle von Briefsendungen von G8-Gegnern hat die Bürgerrechtsorganisation Humanistische Union Beschwerde bei der Bundesanwaltschaft erhoben. "Bei den Kontrollen wurden die gesetzlichen Vorgaben gleich mehrfach außer Acht gelassen", sagte deren stellvertretender Bundesvorsitzender Fredrik Roggan am 7. Juni in Berlin. Eine Kontrolle sämtlicher Briefe daraufhin, ob sie eventuell verdächtigen Aussehens sind, sei mit den gesetzlichen Vorgaben unvereinbar. Ein Ermittlungsrichter des Bundesgerichtshofs (BGH) hatte die Maßnahme nach den Paragrafen 99 und 100 der Strafprozessordnung angeordnet, um Bekennerschreiben von militanten G8-Gegnern frühzeitig aus dem Postgang aussortieren zu können.


Nach dem Gipfel

Erfolgreiche Blockaden, ein großes Konzert, Einigkeit der Protestbewegung, die Rolle der Medien und von Polizisten in Zivil.

Der "Riesenerfolg" von Merkel

Wie schon vermutet, ist die Erklärung zur Klimapolitik ein unverbindliches Dokument zur Gesichtswahrung geworden.


jW online: G 8 spezial

Enttäuschung in Heiligendamm,1518,487417,00.html

Journalists, you’re in the army now

TCS Daily
by Robert Haddick


The days of the independent, neutral war correspondent, objectively reporting from a war’s front lines, are quickly coming to an end. In the future, a war correspondent will either effectively be a soldier for one faction of a conflict, or he will literally not survive in the war zone. In today’s media age, the requirement for combatants to shape perceptions about the nature of a conflict, and the necessity of denying that ability to the enemy, are more crucial than firepower and logistics, the traditional measures of battlefield dominance. Successful media operations energize a faction’s supporters and demoralize its enemies. When effective, this is more important than squadrons of fighter-bombers or train-loads of assault rifles. Whether they like or not, journalists are in the army now...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

They all really are corrupt, aren’t they?

Free Market News Network
by Mike Landfair


On a day that Scooter Libby is sentenced to 30 months in jail for doing something, nobody knows what, the sentencing judge, U.S. District Judge Reggie B. Walton said.: ‘People who occupy these types of positions, where they have the welfare and security of nation in their hands, have a special obligation to not do anything that might create a problem.’ On this day, with that in mind, Ron Kessler of NewsMax, informs us that the son of the third most powerful person in the U.S. government, Paul Pelosi Jr., has been placed on the payroll of InfoUSA – even though he has no experience in the company’s main business activities at a salary of $180,000 per year...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

If the public is to be kept obedient, it must be kept in a constant state of fear

Whither the remnant?

by Butler Shaffer


Political systems do not like to resort to any more coercive practices than are necessary to sustain their power over people. Threats and the exercise of force are the resources upon which the state depends, and — like the wealth that private persons spend in conducting their peaceful, marketplace transactions — political authorities are not inclined to waste their usage. But when state power is no longer respected; when men and women engage in basic social practices outside the supervision of the state; and when all of politics comes to be seen as nothing more than an elaborate self-serving racket benefiting those who control the machinery of the state, the herd must be shepherded back to its appointed confinements. If the public is to be kept obedient, it must be kept in a constant state of fear...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

How do you justify and explain “I don’t care”?

Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
by Rusty White


This is America, either we are free or we are not. Which is it? A vote to end this known failure called the war on drugs, and replace it with Regulation and Legalization is not a vote for or against drugs. It is a vote to save our kids lives and the very values and principals this great nation was founded upon. So there you have it, you can continue to follow a known failure, or get back on the path our ancestors demanded, adhering to truth, facts, logic and common sense...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

NY electronic tagging device bill: an Orwellian measure

Liberty For All
by Jeffery M. Leving and Glenn Sacks


Assembly Bill 5424, recently introduced by State Assemblyman Felix Ortiz (D-Brooklyn), is a draconian measure which will victimize many innocent New York men and fathers. The bill requires ‘any person against whom an order of protection is issued … to wear an electronic monitoring device.’ The device will allow pinpoint tracking of the wearer, and tampering with the device will be a felony...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Destroying freedom one piece at a time

Classically Liberal
by CLS


Certain neighboring, friendly nations have routinely been open to Americans for visits without the need of federal travel documents known as passports. Canada, Mexico and some Caribbean nations have always welcomed Americans provided they have some form of ID. They still do. It is the United States government that is restricting the ability of US citizens to travel without being screened by the federal government first. This is entirely a roadblock imposed by DC and not by foreign governments. One of the hallmarks of the Bush administration has been utter incompetency at any task it has set out to do. They knew for months that these new restrictions on travel freedom were being imposed. And yet they were unprepared for it. Thousands and thousands of citizens who had travel plans are finding the US government is screwing them up. Thanks George. Passport appliations that were filed months ago are still being processed and people are missing their planes. The State Department blames the long delays on ‘unprecendented demand.’ Bs... These people are not flocking for the documents because they are a new fad. They are there because George Bush is forcing them to be there. No one is clamouring for federal approval for their vacation plans...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Once the prisoner starts hallucinating …

Unqualified Offerings
by Thoreau


I don’t know which is more disturbing: That they’re willing to inflict psychosis on somebody, or that they think a psychotic, hallucinating inmate is a reliable source of information. Even if one had no moral objections to torturing ‘bad guys,’ and no pragmatic concerns about whether the government can reliably distinguish ‘bad guys’ from ‘guys caught in the wrong place at the wrong time on a hunch,’ there’s still the issue of reliability. With methods that inflict physical pain, there’s the possibility that somebody will say anything to make it stop. With fanatics, there’s the possibility that they’ll deliberately lie to buy time for the alleged ticking time bomb to go off. And now we add a new concern to the list: That we put the inmate into a state where he can’t grasp reality, and hence his statements are unreliable...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Climate of fear, hate

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The biggest loser

by Bill Boyarsky


There’s a direct line from Nixon to Bush. Nixon wiretapped. Bush approved illegal electronic eavesdropping. Bush defied congressional requests for testimony and documents dealing with a variety of matters, invoking the Nixon doctrine of executive privilege. And both of them cost the nation thousands of lives without purpose.Who’s the worst? What a dumb question...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Voyage to the top of the trees

by Jeanne Carstensen


A science writer for the New Yorker known for his ‘dark biology’ series of books about biological warfare and killer viruses, Richard Preston has written extensively about the fearful power of nature, especially when unleashed by human ignorance, arrogance and greed. ‘The Wild Trees,’ which began as a story in the magazine, is also a cautionary tale, about the destruction of the forests, and especially forest canopies, where half of all species on earth are thought to exist. But really it’s a love story — about love of nature and discovery, of tree climbing, and of botanists for each other. It’s so beautifully written that I found myself reading it out loud...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Plant trees, lots of them, you can never plant enough!

FDA Collaboration With Big Pharma Raises Eyebrows

by Byron Richards, CCN

Plainly stated, the FDA is set on becoming a drug company involved in every aspect of drug development for the next century. This pipe dream involves using sophisticated FDA software and related technologies to set the standards for the future of medicine, which will soon require your DNA in an FDA-owned supercomputer if you would like medical care. The FDA will help design all drugs from the ground up. The FDA, through the.....

Time is running out for the elephants

Your Voice against Trade of Ivory

Take action now

Creating Economic Opportunity in Mexico

"For all the talk about immigration reform on the Hill, there has been notably little discussion about what is driving Mexican immigrants to pour over the border into the US, let alone any debate about measures that might go to the root of the problem," writes James Ridgeway in his introduction to what's missing from the immigration debate.

California Standards Could Crimp Canadian Oil Boom

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has signed environmental agreements with two Canadian provinces that commit Ontario and British Columbia to adhere to California's low-carbon fuel standard. This will cut the use of petroleum sources, such as Alberta's, that cause high levels of global-warming emissions.

Auto Execs Visit Congress to Try to Head Off Higher Fuel Economy Standards

Congress has avoided upgrading fuel efficiency standards for new vehicles during the past three decades. With $3-plus gasoline prices and global warming, however, there may be a new outlook on Capitol Hill.

Overpaid Airline Execs?

Beginning to trade on the NYSE last week, Northwest Airlines dodged the bankruptcy bullet. But while a $1.4 billion a year cut in labor expenses has ensured lower costs, why are airline executives still flying high on salaries, stock options and benefits, while workers and retirees see cuts in pay and compensation?

Doolittle Opposes House Ethics Probes for Indicted Members

As the House late Tuesday voted overwhelmingly to launch speedy ethics investigations of any member indicted for criminal conduct, Rep. John Doolittle of California voted against two measures on the matter. The Roseville Republican is under federal investigation for political corruption in connection with his relationship with imprisoned lobbyist Jack Abramoff.

US Toll Tops 3,500 in Iraq

Another US soldier was killed by a roadside bomb in Iraq, the military said Thursday, pushing the four-year death toll for American forces there to 3,501, including 23 deaths in the first six days of June.

Double, Double, Toil and Trouble

June 14 is going to be a big day, says William Rivers Pitt, referring to the date that I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby will hear the outcome of his appeals process. Bush's decision on whether to pardon Libby presents, "perhaps the most dangerous tipping point facing the Bush administration," declares Pitt. Does Bush pardon Libby to avoid "the kind of terminal public backlash Nixon absorbed after the firing of Archibald Cox during the Watergate scandal," or should he avoid pardoning Libby and risk Libby's decision to "escape prison time by telling Fitzgerald what he knows?"

Restoring America's Standing in the World and Security Begins with Restoring Constitution, Habeas Corpus

Help Repeal Bush's Mock Trials Law

Did you know that last year President Bush signed a law that dishonors our obligations under the Geneva Conventions and allows unreliable statements gained by torture or coercion to be used as evidence against defendants. This is just one more nail in America's international reputation, that has already suffered terribly because of the Bush war of choice against Iraq. The international good will toward America that existed after the al Qaeda attacks of September 11, 2001 has been squandered by the Bush Administration.

Chris Dodd is seeking to restore America's moral authority and rebuild international respect for our country. Earlier this month Chris Dodd introduced a bill that would stop President Bush's troop escalation in Iraq, and now he has introduced legislation that overturns the sham trials and admissibility of tainted evidence made possible by the Military Commissions Act. Read the legislation:

Sen. Dodd is asking for citizen co-sponsors of the bill, so please visit the link below and sign on!


Corey Mondello


Restoring America's Standing in the World and Security Begins with Restoring Constitution, Habeas Corpus


Petition to repeal the Patriot Act

Take Action:

Informant: ranger116


Please support the "Restoring the Constitution Act of 2007"- Bill S.576

Contact your Senators today!

Please support the "Restoring the Constitution Act of 2007"- Bill S.576, co-sponsored by senators Russell Feingold of Wisconsin and Robert Menendez of New Jersey which was introduced by Senator Christopher Dodd of Connecticut on February 13, 2007.

More information

Bill Information:

The ACLU's letter on S. 3930, the Military Commissions Act of 2006, is available at:

Take action

Restoring the Constitution Act of 2007 - Bill # S.576

Dodd, Leahy, Feingold, Menendez Introduce Bill To Restore Habeas Corpus Rights, Ban Torture, And Uphold Geneva Conventions - Reintroduce Bill Correcting Flawed Military Commissions Act

Informant: Corey


The U.S. Constitution: Well Worth the Fight!


Keith Olbermann: Restoring Habeas Corpus

Keith Olbermann applauds the Senate Judiciary Committee's efforts to restore habeas corpus and discusses this issue with Jonathan Hurley, professor of constitutional law at George Washington University.

Ex-spy thinks whole story about 9/ 11 hasn't been told

You wouldn't guess that he once helped engineer a failed coup against Saddam Hussein, that he speaks Arabic and Farsi, that he once prowled the lawless valleys of Lebanon in service to the Central Intelligence Agency, or that George Clooney played him in the movie "Syriana."

From Information Clearing House

Official: Cheney Urged Wiretaps

Vice President Cheney told Justice Department officials that he disagreed with their objections to a secret surveillance program during a high-level White House meeting in March 2004, a former senior Justice official told senators yesterday.

From Information Clearing House

Bush makes mockery of U.S. justice: Now we've bungled our own kangaroo courts

Two military judges, acting separately in the cases of two alleged terrorists, have dismissed war crimes charges against both. The legal reasoning is technical. But this breakdown is no technicality -- it is a farce.

From Information Clearing House

The CIA's favorite form of torture

If the Bush administration forces the CIA to drop "tough" interrogation techniques like waterboarding, the agency will probably fall back on a brutal method that leaves no physical marks.

From Information Clearing House

Terror rendition prisons 'did exist'

Dick Marty, the author of a report for the Council of Europe, told Channel 4's Dispatches programme - 'we can now confirm that there were secret CIA prisons in Poland and Romania.'

From Information Clearing House


Report Confirms CIA Secret Prisons in Europe

The CIA operated secret prisons in Europe where terrorism suspects could be interrogated and were allegedly tortured, a Council of Europe report will conclude today. Despite denials by their governments, senior Polish and Romanian security officials have confirmed to the council that their countries were used to hold America's prisoners in secret.

Resource Wars: Can We Survive Them?

Stephen Lendman

The human species teeters on the edge putting excess personal gratification and living for today ahead of the long-term consequences of bad behavior.

Still playing with fire: Evidence points to US complicity in terror plot

Again and again, the U.S. has used Islamic groups and militants to advance their strategic interests around the globe, and on several occasions these same individuals have attacked and killed innocent civilians in America and across the world.

From Information Clearing House

US military assistance for Beirut paid by Lebanese government

"Most of the deliveries to support the Lebanese Armed Forces over the last several weeks were purchased with Lebanese national funds, rather than US security assistance monies", she affirmed.

From Information Clearing House

Those pro-war "Support Our Troops" car magnets are disappearing faster than the Clinton budget surplus

Ted Rall: Left Turn

Have you noticed? Those pro-war "Support Our Troops" car magnets are disappearing faster than the Clinton budget surplus.

From Information Clearing House

Vietnam Vets Call for Fort Benning Soldiers to Oppose the War in Iraq

Veterans Charlie Litkey and Roy Bourgeois offered, as members of Veterans for peace, to help active duty soldiers oppose the war.

Psychologists responsible for the development and migration of abusive interrogation techniques

Open Letter to the President of the American Psychological Association

We write you as psychologists concerned about the participation of our profession in abusive interrogations of national security detainees at Guantánamo, in Iraq and Afghanistan, and at the so-called CIA "black sites."

Bush Mantra: Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid

By Joseph L. Galloway

The Democrats in Congress wring their hands, gnash their teeth and wail that there was nothing they could do but cave in and vote to continue funding the war in Iraq. After all, that crafty George W. Bush had maneuvered them into a corner and they didn't have the votes to override his veto. Horse manure.

The British Army Rebels Against Propaganda

By John Pilger

An experienced British officer serving in Iraq has written to the BBC describing the invasion as "illegal, immoral and unwinnable" which, he says, is "the overwhelming feeling of many of my peers". In a letter to the BBC's Newsnight and he accuses the media's "embedded coverage with the US Army" of failing to question "the intentions and continuing effects of the US-led invasion and occupation".

"I thank God that at this hour I am dangerous to the war profiteers of this country..."

From Information Clearing House

Not Our Fathers' America

by Pastor Chuck Baldwin

Today, many, if not most, Americans seem eager to surrender practically any freedom upon the promise of protection and security. We no longer cherish the idea of liberty. Liberty seems to be no more valuable than a poker chip to be gambled away if the pot is sweetened with the promise that the government will take care of us.......


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