Freitag, 15. Juni 2007

Help End the Use of Child Soldiers

New Presidential Debate Site? Clearly, YouTube

The quadrennial ritual of presidential debates has long followed a tried-and-true format. A guy in a suit asks mostly predictable questions of other suits. The voter is a fixture in the audience, motionless until he or she gets to address the candidate briefly and respectfully. Everything is choreographed. Now imagine a kid in jeans and a T-shirt asking a question, less reverentially, more pointedly and using powerful visual images to underscore the point. The presidential debates are about to enter the world of YouTube, the anything-goes, home-video-sharing web site that puts the power in the hands of the camera holder.

Court Rules Former Detainee Can Sue Ashcroft and Others

A Pakistani man who says he was abused in detention after the 9/11 attacks can name the FBI director and a former US attorney general in his lawsuit against the government, an appeals court ruled on Thursday.

Sign our pledge to stop puppy mills


Watch our exclusive undercover video exposing the dirty secret behind the puppies sold by Pets of Bel Air

War and Occupation in Iraq

Informant: John Burroughs

From ufpj-news

Agents Provocateurs: Attac sieht parlamentarischen Klärungsbedarf nach G8

Das globalisierungskritische Netzwerk Attac fordert eine intensive parlamentarische Aufklärung unter anderem des Vorgehens der Polizei während der G8-Proteste. Gefragt seien die Abgeordneten sowohl des Bundestages als auch der Landtages von Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, sagte Werner Rätz vom Attac-Koordinierungskreis am 15. Juni in Frankfurt am Main. Erforderlich sei vermutlich die Einrichtung von parlamentarischen Untersuchungsausschüssen.

Humanitärer Deckmantel für Öl-Interessen: Kritik an Verlängerung des Bundeswehr-Einsatzes im Sudan

Am 14. Juni hat der Deutsche Bundestag mit überwältigender Mehrheit einer Verlängerung des deutschen Militäreinsatzes im Sudan zugestimmt - vorbehaltlich einer verbindlichen Resolution der Afrikanischen Union, die noch aussteht. Für den Bundeswehr-Einsatz stimmten 564 Bundestagsabgeordnete der Union, der SPD, der FDP und der Grünen. Gegen den Einsatz stimmten 40 Abgeordnete, überwiegend Abgeordnete der Linksfraktion, wobei sich 15 Links-Abgeordnete wie beispielsweise der verteidigungspolitische Sprecher der Fraktion, Paul Schäfer, sowie Gregor Gysi der Stimme enthielten. Nach Auffassung der Sprecher des Bundesausschusses Friedensratschlag, Lühr Henken und Peter Strutynski, dient der Bundeswehreinsatz vermutlich dazu, Präsenz in der erdölreichen West-Provinz Darfur zu zeigen. Die vermeintliche "humanitäre Hilfe" sei möglicherweise nur ein "Deckmantel, unter dem nationale Energie-Interessenpolitik" betrieben werde.

The radiation in our high streets


We Have Always Been At War With Eastasia

Jon Stewart unpacks the "logic" behind the idea that our enemy's enemy is our friend.


Irish Green party now in power plus given environment portfolio

Terrific news from here. Just click on for today's front page Irish Times coverage plus photo of our new Minister for the Environment, former Green Party spokesman on health, John Gormley. Now that the Greens form part of the new Irish coalition government, our expectations have soared that something really will get done about all this dreadful electrosmog and our EHS health issue.

Best, Imelda, Cork

Villagers unite to battle phone mast proposals

By Kirsty Nicolson

Deeping Gate residents fighting against a mobile phone mast have met to draw up battle lines against the proposal.

Residents of Deeping Gate will be visiting the High Court on July 12 in a bid to quash a decision to establish the 80ft mast in Mumby's Yard, Suttons Lane.

They fear that the device could have dire consequences for electo-magnetically sensitive Pam Harris whose home will lie under its shadow.

Mrs Harris has to be hooked up to a machine for 17 hours every day to have essential nutrients pumped into her body.

She says if the mast goes ahead she will be forced to move house because of fears emissions from it may make the machine malfunction – with dire consequences.

She met with other residents at Northborough Village Hall to discuss the case – and encourage people to help fund their campaign.

She said: "The support we have had has been tremendous. We just decided to bite the bullet and fight this thing."

At the meeting, the chief executive of the Samworth Brothers, which owns the pastie group Ginsters, Brian Stein, talked about his experiences as a person who is electro-magnetically sensitive.

He says he developed the condition after using a mobile phone for 15 years and now gets cramps or even internal bleeding if exposed to emissions for too long.

In an inspirational talk, he told how he cannot use computers, modern cars or watch television without feeling very ill and he warned that people still do not yet know the long-term effects mobile technology has on health.

He said to guests: "These things may not have an effect on you, but they might your children.

"Don't stop your fight."

At the meeting villagers were urged to continue to raise funds to fight their cause.

They have so far mustered together £11,500, but they still need another £5,500 to cover fees which may be incurred if they lose the case.

Richard Thomas, who was chairing the meeting, said he was confident villagers could win the battle. He added: "However, I would urge people to help us raise the funds in case we need them.

"There is every chance you will get the money back."

John and Debs
Parsonage are two people who will live near the proposed mast.

Mrs Parsonage said: "This is all about money.

"We don't what the health effects of this mast are. We have two young children and we are concerned."

A spokesman for Hutchinson 3G said: "A claim has not been made against Hutchison 3G. The case has been brought by Pamela Harris against the Treasury Solicitor to challenge Peterborough City Council's planning decision. Therefore, Hutchison 3G is currently not in a position to comment on the actual case."

The company said there is little proven scientific evidence to support the idea of electromagnetic hypersensitivity and, according to the World Health Organisation's (WHO) fact sheet on electromagnetic hypersensitivity, base stations and mobile phone telophony have not been shown to cause such symptoms.

[ Omega read "Base Stations, operating within strict national and international Guidelines, do not present a Health Risk?" under: and
"Competing interests, conflicts of interest: Who's funding WHO?"under:

If you would like to make a donation to the cause, call 07710 0900 56.

All rights reserved ©2007 Johnston Press Digital Publishing

Chaos Computer Club ruft zum Boykott der biometrischen Vollerfassung auf

Freitag letzter Woche wurde das neue Passgesetz im Bundesrat durchgewunken. Damit werden ab dem 1. November zusätzlich zum digitalen Gesichtsbild die Abdrücke zweier Finger in den Reisepass aufgenommen. Erneut wurde trotz der Kritik aller Experten [1] eine teure Sicherheitssimulation ohne Nutzen beschlossen.

Unter den Beteiligten ist längst klar, dass die Einführung der Fingerabdrücke in den Reisepass kein Mehr an Sicherheit bringt. Stattdessen wird die gesamte Bevölkerung nun auf den Meldeämtern erkennungsdienstlich behandelt. “Wie Kriminelle werden die Bürger gezwungen, ihre Fingerabdrücke beim Staat abzuliefern, ohne dass die Bundesregierung jemals sinnvoll begründet hat, warum diese biometrische Vollerfassung nötig ist”, sagte der CCC-Sprecher Andy Müller-Maguhn.

Der Grund für die biometrische Überwachungsmaßnahme liegt im immer weiter wachsenden Interesse des Staates an der Erfassung aller Daten seiner Bürger. Ganz nebenher wird aber auch die Biometrie- und RFID-Industrie gefördert. Die Interessenverquickung zwischen Politikern, wie z. B. Ex-Innenminister Schily [2], und der Industrie ist äußerst anrüchig. Hier wird offensichtlich nicht im Sicherheitsinteresse der deutschen Bevölkerung gehandelt, sondern direkt in die eigenen Taschen gewirtschaftet.

In der Praxis hat die Aufnahme der Fingerabdrücke für den Reisenden unangenehme Auswirkungen. Großflächige statistische Untersuchungen zeigen, dass 3 bis 5 Prozent der Bevölkerung keine ausgeprägten Fingerabdrücke aufweisen. Besonders häufig werden hier ältere Menschen diskriminiert. Auffallen werden die damit verbundenen Probleme erst beim Versuch eines Grenzübertrittes außerhalb der Schengen-EU. Die Konsequenzen für den Reisenden reichen nach Auskunft des Bundesinnenministeriums von gesonderter Behandlung mit verschärfter Kontrolle bis zur Rückweisung. Das gleiche gilt bei defektem RFID-Chip.

“Mit dem sofortigen, schrankenlosen Online-Abruf der Passbilder schon bei Ordnungswidrigkeiten wird eine neue Dimension des staatlichen Biometrieterrors gegen die Bürger erreicht. Kombiniert mit Verfahren zur automatischen Gesichtserkennung sind der permanenten Alltagsüberwachung nun keine Grenzen mehr gesetzt”, sagte CCC-Sprecher Andy Müller-Maguhn.

Der Chaos Computer Club ruft daher alle Bürger auf, die Abnahme der Fingerabdrücke zu boykottieren. Bereits wenn sich ein kleiner Teil der Bevölkerung der erkennungsdienstlichen Behandlung verweigert, kann die Totalüberwachung noch verhindert werden.





Zentrale Schnüffeldatei

Der Bundestag hat ein biometrisches Fotoregister für Ausländer beschlossen. Auch Polizei und Geheimdienst bekommen einen Zugang. Artikel von Christian Rath in der taz vom 14.06.2007

Register für Ausländer: Schäubles Fingerabdruck-Offensive provoziert Protest

„"Sicherheitsstaat", "unverhältnismäßig", "wie potentielle Terroristen behandelt": Innenminister Schäuble will Fingerabdrücke von den meisten Ausländern in Deutschland nehmen - und provoziert damit Protest in SPD und Opposition….“ Artikel im Spiegel online vom 10.6.07,1518,487729,00.html

Aufgerüstete Reisepässe

Boykottaufruf gegen die Abnahme von Fingerabdrücken für Reisepässe

„Der Chaos Computer Club (CCC) rät den Bürgern zum zivilen Ungehorsam bei der beschlossenen Einführung der zweiten Generation von Reisepässen mit biometrischen Merkmalen. Konkret ruft die Hackervereinigung dazu auf, bei der Beantragung eines neuen Passes von November an die dann startende Abnahme von Fingerabdrücken bei den Meldeämtern zu boykottieren. Auch weitere Bestimmungen des jüngst vom Bundestag verabschiedeten und vor einer Woche vom Bundesrat abgesegneten "Gesetzes zur Änderung des Passgesetzes und weiterer Vorschriften" stoßen den Sicherheitstestern unangenehm auf. "Mit dem sofortigen, schrankenlosen Online-Abruf der Ausweisbilder schon bei Ordnungswidrigkeiten wird eine neue Dimension des staatlichen Biometrieterrors gegen die Bürger erreicht", warnt CCC-Sprecher Andy Müller-Maguhn. Kombiniert mit Verfahren zur automatischen Gesichtserkennung seien der permanenten Alltagsüberwachung damit keine Grenzen mehr gesetzt….“ Artikel von Stefan Krempl in heise news vom 15.06.2007

Siehe dazu

den Aufruf von und bei ccc

Novelle des Passgesetzes als Bundestagsdrucksache 16/4138 (pdf)überwachungückeäuble

Al Gore: G8 Agreement on Climate Change a "Disgrace"

Former US Vice President Al Gore denounced a deal by world leaders on curbing greenhouse gases as "a disgrace disguised as an achievement," saying the agreement struck last week was insufficient. Nobel chemistry laureate Mario Molina has called for a Post-Kyoto Treaty.

Gonzales Meeting With Goodling Scrutinized

The Justice Department is investigating whether Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales sought to improperly influence the testimony of a departing senior aide. The Senate Judiciary Committee said their inquiry into the firings of nine US attorneys includes an examination of a meeting Gonzales held in mid-March with his then Aide Monica M. Goodling, who testified last month that the attorney general's comments during the session made her feel "a little uncomfortable."

Neue Strafanzeige gegen US- Verteidigungsminister

UN-Sonderberichterstatter für die Unabhängigkeit von Richtern und Staatsanwälten fordert eine unabhängige Untersuchung der Anzeige gegen US-Verteidigungsminister Rumsfeld u.a. wegen Folter und Kriegsverbrechen. Antrag auf erneute Prüfung der Anzeige durch Generalbundesanwältin.

Pressemitteilung des RAV vom 14. Juni 2007

Aus: LabourNet, 15. Juni 2007

Das Kriegsunternehmen Irak: Eine Zwischenbilanz

Alle von den USA genannten Kriegsgründe haben sich als Lügen erwiesen. Der irakischen Bevölkerung hatte die US-Regierung Demokratie, Freiheit und Menschenrechte versprochen. Doch heute befindet sich das Land in einer nicht enden wollenden Gewaltspirale. Die permanenten militärischen Auseinandersetzungen verdecken den von Besatzerseite zielgerichtet betriebenen Nation-Building-Prozeß, mit dem v.a. für die künftige Wirtschaftsordnung schwer widerrufliche Fakten geschaffen werden. Das große Plündern hat begonnen. Im Irak überlagern sich heute viele Konflikte, die eine differenzierte Analyse erfordern. Der breiten Unterstützung des Widerstandes gegen die Besatzung steht eine ebenso weite Ablehnung des Terrors gegen die Zivilbevölkerung gegenüber. Die zunehmende Islamisierung der Gesellschaft bedroht den bisherigen säkulären Konsens und hat dramatische Auswirkungen auf die Rechte und Lebenbedingungen von Frauen. In dieser ersten aktuellen Analyse nach dem Einmarsch der USA in den Irak geht Brigitte Kiechle darüberhinaus ausführlich auf den hier wenig beachteten Widerstand von Gewerkschaften, Arbeitslosen- und Frauenorganisationen sowie Selbstorganisationsstrukturen ein.

Siehe zum Buch von Brigitte Kiechle:

Das Kriegsunternehmen Irak - Eine Zwischenbilanz von Brigitte Kiechle
Das Buch ist 2006 erschienen, kostet 16.80 EUR und hat die ISBN 3-89657-569-4. Siehe die Verlagshomepage des „Schmetterling Verlages“ aus Stuttgart mit Bestellmöglichkeit und weiteren Informationen zum Download (Inhaltsverzeichnis; Vorwort; Textprobe und Hörprobe)

Aus: LabourNet, 15. Juni 2007

Tell the Bush/Cheney administration to put an end to their plan to drill off the coasts of Alaska, Virginia and Florida!

You own yourself and have natural human rights!

Liberty For All
by Donna Mancini


I am all for legalization of drugs, not because I use them or think they are good, but because it is our natural right as human beings to ingest whatever we please; and, doctor ourselves as we see fit. It is nobody’s business what you honestly and voluntarily choose to put in your body, and pay for it with your own, honestly-earned money...

From Information Clearing House

Takin’ it to the streets

Hawaii Reporter
by Brandon Bosworth


I wonder sometime what protesters hope to accomplish. They certainly aren’t trying to engage in debate. Walking around carrying signs and making speeches is not a very effective form of discourse. Do they actually suppose they are going to change people’s minds about issues? If so, the protesters are divorced from reality...

From Information Clearing House

Democratic dinosaurs in DC are holding us back

by Arianna Huffington


With each passing day, Washington, D.C. is turning into the Land That Time Forgot. While the rest of the country is dealing with the here and now — exemplified by Bush’s puny approval ratings and this new poll showing rural voters turning against the GOP’s handling of Iraq — the Beltway’s Democratic dinosaurs are acting like it’s 2002. For them, Bush still has credibility on Iraq, Democrats still need to tread lightly in opposing the war for fear of alienating red state and swing voters, and Iraq is still a right vs left issue...

From Information Clearing House

America’s undisclosed vice president

Christian Science Monitor
by Daniel Schorr


Dick Cheney, he of the undisclosed location, is at it again. He’s keeping secrets. You may recall that early in the Bush administration, the vice president refused to disclose which energy companies he had consulted on energy policy. He fought that issue up through the courts and won. Recently, we learned that Mr. Cheney sought to override the Justice Department’s objections to a secret surveillance program. The vice president’s office even blocked the promotion of a senior Justice Department official who had opposed the surveillance operation. It turns out that Cheney and other White House officials attended a secret meeting in March 2004. They wanted Attorney General John Ashcroft, from his hospital bed, to approve the continuation of the possibly illegal surveillance program. To his credit, Ashcroft refused. And we learned about another of Cheney’s furtive ways this past week. The Secret Service recently ended the practice of keeping logs of visitors to the president and the vice president...

From Information Clearing House

Shattered Dreams: One Hundred Stories of Government Abuse

National Center for Public Policy Research

Shattered Dreams: One Hundred Stories of Government Abuse gives a hundred reasons why government left unchecked can harm even innocent, law-abiding citizens. With a foreword by Ted Nugent and an introduction by Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, Shattered Dreams serves a cautionary note against those who would expand government’s powers and increase its scope over our lives and livelihoods.”

[Download a free PDF copy of Shattered Dreams Fifth Edition (2007)] (06/07)

From Information Clearing House

From Katrina to Gonzales: Incompetence reigns

by Marie Cocco


Now that there will be no vote of “no confidence” in Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, we must ask an impertinent question: What, exactly, are we supposed to have confidence in?

From Information Clearing House

Gitmo inmate told: You can’t return to UK, you’ve been away too long

Independent [UK]


Gordon Brown is being urged to intervene to stop the Home Office banning a British resident from returning home after more than four years at the Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba. Campaigners expressed fury after ministers said Jamil el-Banna’s permission to stay in Britain had lapsed during the four-and-a-half years he has been held without charge at the US detention camp. They warned that Mr Banna, a refugee whose wife and five children live in north London, could face detention or torture if he is sent back to his native Jordan when he is released...

From Information Clearing House

ACLU presses case to unseal Bush papers

Columbus Ledger-Enquirer


The American Civil Liberties Union renewed its challenge Thursday against the Bush administration’s filing of secret materials to a federal appeals court that will rule on its warrantless surveillance program. The government has filed the papers with the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, and the ACLU wants those documents unsealed...

From Information Clearing House

4 months into crackdown, security eludes Iraq



The struggle to regain control of Baghdad crossed into its fifth month Thursday with the last of 30,000 additional U.S. soldiers about to join an increasingly bitter fight. The security operation has failed to curb violence nationwide, and the number of American troops killed in the capital is on the rise. But some potential bright spots have emerged in Baghdad’s most lawless districts and troubled regions outside the capital: among them, a U.S. gambit to arm and train Sunni insurgents as proxy fighters against groups inspired by al-Qaida...

From Information Clearing House

Reid: Pace Failed on Iraq War Assessment

Roseburg News-Review


Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid caused a stir Thursday when he said Gen. Peter Pace failed in his job of providing Congress a candid assessment on the Iraq war and that he was concerned Gen. David Petraeus might be guilty of the same. Democrats typically have shied from stinging comments on military officers, instead focusing on President Bush and administration policies in Iraq. Republicans responded vigorously to the change against Pace, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Petraeus, the top U.S. commander in Iraq...

From Information Clearing House

Expect Lobbyist Ed Gillespie to Look Out for Business Interests as White House Counselor

Our Knowledge Has Surpassed Our Wisdom, Which Puts Us in Grave Danger

Keeping An Eye On Transgenic Crops

Wall Street and Workers

On Wall Street, private equity firms are buying up corporations and turning them around for huge profits. What does it mean for America's workers and for the economic gap between average families and the wealthiest Americans?

TV Network Campaign May Increase Latino Voting Bloc

A massive citizenship campaign has begun at Univision, the Spanish-language television giant better known for its newscasts and torrid telenovelas. Univision officials believe helping eligible immigrants to become citizens can help Hispanics realize their significant voting power.

Kokesh to Marines: "This Is Not Going Away"

Marine commander Lt. Gen. John Bergman today announced he had endorsed a review board recommendation that Cpl. Adam Kokesh get a "general discharge under honorable conditions." But the corporal, now a student at George Washington University, said he'll appeal. Truthout's Geoffrey Millard and Scott Galindez reported on Kokesh from a press conference in Washington, DC, on June 1 to his hearing in Kansas City, Missouri, on June 4.

Truthout Speaks to Adam Kokesh

Cpl. Adam Kokesh thought, when he received his discharge papers in November of 2006, that he was a civilian. Then he got a letter from the Marine Corps telling him he was under investigation for wearing a partial military uniform at a political rally. The day before the hearing, Truthout's Geoffrey Millard sat down with Kokesh.

Judge Threatened After Sentencing Libby

A federal judge refused today to delay the start of the prison sentence for I. Lewis Libby Jr. in the CIA leak case while he appeals his conviction. Following the sentencing, the US judge who oversaw the leak trial said that he had received threatening letters and phone calls.

US to China: we will win the cyberwars

Informant: Kev Hall

Cell Phone: FBI can listen even when phone is turned off

The Cry of The Disappeared

Iraq War: Report Calls on UN to End 'Complicity of Silence'

A New General for God's Army?

Secret Surveillance Evidence Unsealed in AT&T Spying Case

More documents detailing secret government surveillance of AT&T's Internet traffic have been released to the public as part of the Electronic Frontier Foundation's (EFF's) class-action lawsuit against the telecom giant.

From Information Clearing House

The Finkelstein Principle

In an era when intellectual freedom is routinely suppressed; and at a time when people of good character and moral integrity have become the unprotected endangered specie, here comes Finkelstein walking self-assuredly like a mammoth of moral rectitude.

The Pentagon v. Peak Oil

How Wars of the Future May Be Fought Just to Run the Machines That Fight


The Pentagon V. Peak Oil

Michael T. Klare writes: "Sixteen gallons of oil. That's how much the average American soldier in Iraq and Afghanistan consumes on a daily basis - either directly, through the use of Humvees, tanks, trucks and helicopters, or indirectly, by calling in air strikes. Multiply this figure by 162,000 soldiers in Iraq, 24,000 in Afghanistan and 30,000 in the surrounding region (including sailors aboard US warships in the Persian Gulf), and you arrive at approximately 3.5 million gallons of oil: the daily petroleum tab for US combat operations in the Middle East war zone.

Obama Says He'll Use Force Unilaterally to Protect "Vital Interests"

"I will not hesitate to use force, unilaterally if necessary, to protect the American people or our vital interests whenever we are attacked or imminently threatened. We must also consider using military force in circumstances beyond self-defense".

Iraq surge a failure, Bush told

TOP US congressional Democrats bluntly told President George W. Bush today that his Iraq troop "surge" policy was a failure, as the Pentagon submitted a report saying early results of the strategy were mixed.,23599,21903136-38198,00.html

From Information Clearing House

A 10-Step Plan for Antiwar Activists

By Bruce K. Gagnon

I often hear from people asking me, "What should we do about all this? How can we stop Bush?"


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