Dienstag, 12. Juni 2007

And Justice For All?


'Forced Disappearances': It Can Happen Here



FBI Data Mining Program Raises Eyebrows in Congress



Cheney's Iran-Arms-to-Taliban Gambit Rebuffed



Cheney's Iran-Arms-to-Taliban Gambit Rebuffed

A media campaign portraying Iran as supplying arms to the Taliban guerrillas fighting US and NATO forces in Afghanistan, orchestrated by Cheney and his allies who advocate for a more confrontational stance toward Iran in the Bush administration, appears to have backfired last week when Defense Secretary Robert Gates and the commander of NATO forces in Afghanistan, General Dan McNeil, issued unusually strong denials.



Prosecutor Wants Libby Imprisoned Now

Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald urged a federal judge on Tuesday not to delay former White House aide I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby's two-and-a-half-year prison sentence in the CIA leak case.



Public Relations Expert's Role in Attorney Firing Probed

Matt Renner reports, "Recent documents released to Congressional investigators revealed that public relations expert Mark McKinnon engaged in high-level consultation with the White House after the US attorney firing situation began to boil over."



Schweiz ermöglicht "Patentierung auf Vorrat"

Das neue Patentrecht zum Schutz biotechnologischer Erfindungen erfüllt die Wünsche der Konzerne und sichert alle möglichen Anwendungen von patentierten Gensequenzen.


US-Raketenabwehrsystem spaltet Europa und schürt Konflikt mit Russland

Russland und die USA werden sich nicht einigen können und wollen, die Frage allerdings ist, warum das Raketenabwehrsystem nicht in Israel anstatt in Polen und Tschechien installiert wird.



Eine Person ohne Weiteres verschwinden lassen

Der Fall al-Marri und der Marty-Bericht


Satellitengestützte RFID-Tag-Technologie



Stop Blaming The System

by E. J. Dionne, TruthDig

Complaints that Congress can't meet in the middle on issues like immigration are simplistic and dangerous.



Conservative pols booted out of office have a way of hanging around Washington

And Still They Rise

by Bill Berkowitz, TomPaine.com


Protesting U.S. losses in Iraq is not enough when our ordnance continues to kill large numbers of Iraqis

The Silence Of The Bombs

by Norman Solomon, TomPaine.com


Manipulierbarkeit von Wahlcomputern gutachterlich belegt

„Eine Untersuchung des Chaos Computer Club beweist, dass die in Deutschland eingesetzten Wahlcomputer einfach zu manipulieren sind. Die Zulassung der Computer für deutsche Wahlen muss schnellstmöglich widerrufen werden. In einem umfassenden Bericht für das Bundesverfassungsgericht hat der Chaos Computer Club Wahlcomputer der Firma NEDAP getestet. Die heute veröffentlichte Analyse widerlegt die vom Bundesinnenministerium und dem Hersteller aufgestellten Behauptungen über die Sicherheit des Systems. Im Rahmen der Untersuchungen wurden Angriffe gezeigt, die in der Praxis eine einfache und nicht entdeckbare Wahlfälschung ermöglichen…“ CCC-Presseerklärung vom 09. Juni 2007 samt Gutachten und Bildmaterial http://www.ccc.de/press/releases/2007/20070609/

Aus: LabourNet, 12. Juni 2007


Risk of Nuclear Warfare Rising

In its annual report on military forces around the globe, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute says the world's top military powers are gradually dismantling stockpiles of nuclear arms, but all are developing new missiles and warheads with smaller yields that could increase the risk of atomic warfare, and the rising number of nations with nuclear weapons is raising the risk that such arms could be used.


Senators Want DOD to Explain Web Limits

A key Senate committee wants a full explanation by September 1 about why Internet access has been limited for deployed troops, including such popular web sites as MySpace and YouTube. The Senate Armed Services Committee did not, however, go so far as to order Internet access restored.


Suicide Risk Double Among Male US Veterans

A study in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health reports that male US vets are twice as likely as non-vets to die by suicide. Researchers followed more than 300,000 men for 12 years. Those at biggest risk were white, college-educated and experiencing activity limitations.


Approval of Congress Lowest in a Decade

Fueled by disappointment at the pace of change since Democrats assumed the majority on Capitol Hill, public approval of Congress has fallen to its lowest level in more than a decade, according to a new Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll.


Fired US Attorney John McKay Speaks Out

In a wide-ranging, exclusive interview with Truthout, John McKay, the US attorney for western Washington state, who was fired in December, said he believes that he was ousted because he did not convene a federal grand jury to pursue allegations of voter fraud related to the 2004 governor's election in the state in which Democrat Christine Gregoire defeated Republican Dino Rossi by a margin of 129 votes. McKay said Republicans in his state with close ties to the White House demanded that he launch an investigation into the election and bring charges against Democrats for voter fraud despite the fact that there was no evidence to support the claims of vote-rigging.



Go-ahead for mobile phone mast


EHS TV News: Informations locales Drôme législatives 2007


EHS TV News: Réponses aux mails et extrait Direct8 sur les ondes électromagnétiques

Next-up News n°251 + Next-up News n°252

Deutsches Lohndumping: Arbeitskosten in Deutschland steigen am langsamsten

„Arbeit ist in der Europäischen Union im vergangenen Jahr deutlich teurer geworden. Vor allem in den osteuropäischen Ländern machte sich der Anstieg bemerkbar. Deutschland blieb die große Ausnahme. Trotz des kräftigen Aufschwungs sind die Arbeitskosten in Deutschland 2006 so moderat wie in keinem anderen EU-Land gestiegen…“ Artikel in der Financial Times Deutschland vom 9.06.2007 http://www.ftd.de/politik/europa/:Arbeitskosten%20Deutschland/210673.html

Bis zu 41 Prozent Lohngefälle zwischen Ost und West

„Auch 17 Jahre nach der Wiedervereinigung wird im Osten deutlich weniger verdient als im Westen. Die Löhne im Osten liegen einer Umfrage zufolge im Schnitt gut 20 Prozent unter denen im Westen - bei vielen Jobs ist die Ungleichheit noch größer…“ Artikel in Spiegel online vom 11. Juni 2007 http://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,487761,00.html

Vom staatsgefährdenden Klassenkampf zum gewerkschaftlichen Ritual. Die Lohnfrage – einst und heute

„Um den Lohn haben Mitglieder der Klasse, die von ihm leben muss, einmal gekämpft. Sie verweigerten – spontan und punktuell, manchenorts aber auch schon gewerkschaftlich organisiert – ihre Bereitschaft, zu den Bedingungen weiterzuarbeiten, zu denen man sie in den Fabriken gegen einen Lohn in Dienst und ihre Arbeitskraft in Anspruch nahm, weil sie dabei unter die Räder kamen. Sie rotteten sich, immer wieder, gegen die Macht des Eigentums zusammen, um den Kapitalisten, die ihnen als Leuteschinder und Ausbeuter vertraut waren und die sie auch so nannten, gewaltsam elementare Rücksichtnahmen auf ihr Interesse aufzuzwingen: Wollten die Fabrikherren weiter von ihrer Arbeitskraft Gebrauch machen, hatte dieser Gebrauch auch seine Schranken zu haben. Vom Lohn, von dem sie leben mussten, wollten sie auch leben können. …“ Artikel in Nummer 2-07 der politischen Vierteljahreszeitschrift GegenStandpunkt http://www.gegenstandpunkt.com/gs/07/2/lohnfrage.htm

Aus: LabourNet, 12. Juni 2007


Der Skandal der Kinderarbeit

Welttag gegen Kinderarbeit 2007

Kleine Hände – Krummer Rücken - 132 Millionen Kinderarbeiter schuften in der Landwirtschaft

Pressemitteilung der UNICEF zum Welttag gegen Kinderarbeit am 12.6.07 vom
11.6.2007 http://www.unicef.de/4648.html

Der Skandal der Kinderarbeit

Bei Kinderarbeit stehen Erwachsene im Hintergrund, die organisieren und profitieren. Zum Weltkindertag der Vereinten Nationen

Kommentar von Karl Zawadzky bei der Deutschen Welle vom 12.06.2007 http://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,2144,2585019,00.html

Kinder fordern ein Recht zu arbeiten. Das Für und Wider des Verbots der Kinderarbeit

„Mit der zunehmenden Verarmung insbesondere von Kindern geht auch der "stumme Zwang" einher, sie von der Schule wegzunehmen und arbeiten zu schicken, damit sie zum Unterhalt der Familie beitragen. Häufig genug werden sie als Lohndrücker gegen die Erwachsenen eingesetzt. Diese reagieren darauf mit Entsetzen und fordern vielfach das Verbot der Kinderarbeit. Kinder sehen dies anders…“ Artikel von Manfred Liebel in der SoZ - Sozialistische Zeitung vom Juni 2007 http://www.vsp-vernetzt.de/soz-0706/070603.htm

Aus: LabourNet, 12. Juni 2007


Sen. Clinton Wants Troops in Iraq for at Least 10 Years


From ufpj-news


Forget Iran

TCS Daily
by Gregory Scoblete


While the 2008 presidential candidates are busy fielding questions about how they would confront Iran’s nuclear ambitions, few seem interested in addressing a much more pressing issue: Pakistan. It’s understandable, of course. Pakistan is an infinitely more difficult challenge for a would-be president to tackle. Unlike Iran — which can be ‘bombed,’ ‘contained,’ ‘deterred,’ or ‘ignored’ — Pakistan does not lend itself to sound bite solutions. It’s much easier for candidates to simply ignore our ostensible ally and hope to pass through the campaign without being called on it. But events will almost certainly conspire to deny us the luxury of living in denial for very long. The truth is Pakistan represents a far greater danger to the U.S. than Iran, at least for the foreseeable future...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Fool me thrice

by Vox Day


It is hard to condemn conservatives for supporting Bush in 2000, even if his ‘compassionate conservative’ language sent a clear signal that he did not consider himself a proper conservative. And, if his disavowal of nation-building and advocacy of a humble foreign policy were misleading, it must be recalled that the vast majority of conservatives initially supported Bush’s neocon-inspired world democratic revolution; indeed many still support it today. Nevertheless, Bush was portrayed as a conservative by the entire conservative commentariat — many of whom described him as the second coming of Ronald Reagan — and any blame for being fooled by Bush lies with Bush, his propagandists and his apologists. There is no similar excuse for having supported Bush in 2004. … This time, however, the nominal Reagan cum Messiah is the laconic actor, Sen. Fred Thompson. Like President Bush, the younger Sen. Thompson gives off conservative vibes. And as with Bush, those vibes are largely, if not entirely, misleading...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


The war on journalists

by Patrick Cockburn


Sahar al-Haideri, an Iraqi journalist, had received 13 death threats before she was murdered in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul last week. Her killing brings to 106 the number of journalists, almost all Iraqi, murdered in the country since the US invasion in 2003 along with 39 support staff. Mrs al-Haideri, a 45-year- old mother of three who worked as a freelancer for many publications, knew she was likely to die but refused to stop working. ‘We know we will be killed soon,’ she told fellow journalists on the Journal Iraq online newspaper. She had even stopped using a nom de plume and wrote under own name with her picture. She said: ‘I was kidnapped and threatened while using a pen name, so I decided to write … with my real name’...



In light of the horrible escalation of violence and war, it is outrageous that every church is not a “peace church"

Eating cake and playing tag

Common Dreams
by Karen Horst Cobb

I have said all I have to say with words and I’m tired. Like Cindy, I thought that by now things would be drastically different than they were in 2004. I did not place my hopes in a political party but I placed my hopes in the goodness of Americans and especially Americans who profess to be followers of Jesus and his teachings. I had visions that many Christians would recognize and repent from the violence of war and religious hubris and hold their leaders accountable. I believed they would reject the violent church/state religion and again show the face of love to the world.It seems many/most Christians agree with what I write but deep inside are unwilling to make waves, stand up, or take a risk. …. In light of the horrible escalation of violence and war, it is outrageous that every church is not a “peace church.” I have been preaching to the choir but the choir is more interested in pageantry and pretty cakes than in authentic service...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Restoring the Republic: Foreign Policy & Civil Liberties

Scary things

The Libertarian Enterprise
by James Glaser


I just got home from the Future of Freedom Foundation’s conference on “Restoring the Republic: Foreign Policy & Civil Liberties.” I was looking over my notes, and one thing that really jumped out at me was the pessimism with which almost every speaker held for the future of our country...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Leaving Iraqi refugees in the lurch

Consortium News
by Ivan Eland


The Iraq War has made refugees of millions of Iraqis. They have been ethnically cleansed or displaced to other locations both inside the country, to neighboring countries, and overseas. Yet the Bush administration, the creator of the chaos and mayhem in Iraq, has done little to help them...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Ron Paul: the GOP’s lonely anti-war candidate

The American Prospect
by Zack Pelta-Heller


Surely one of the highlights of the presidential primary debates held so far occurred back in mid-May, during the Republican debate in South Carolina: Ten-term Texas Congressman Ron Paul … told Fox News correspondent Wendell Goler that the attacks of 9/11 occurred primarily as a response to U.S. foreign policy over the past few decades…. Congressman Paul is the only Republican presidential contender who opposes the war in Iraq; in 2002, he was one of six House Republicans who voted against authorizing the use of military force. And he opposes our military involvement with such vehemence — both on the campaign trail and on the House floor — that critics have suggested he ought to run as a Democrat. (Paul was unbowed in the second Republican debate last week, using the word ‘empire’ to describe American engagements abroad and invoking his training as a doctor in offering up his assessment: ‘If we made the wrong diagnosis, we should change the treatment … We’re not making progress there and we should come home.’)...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


No signs of phaseout for Gitmo

Boston Globe


The Bush administration has transferred three suspected terrorists to the Guantanamo Bay prison since March, despite recent legal setbacks and President Bush’s statement that he would like to close the controversial facility. The three detainees are the first to arrive in Guantanamo Bay since 2004, with the exception of those who were abruptly transferred last fall when Bush closed secret CIA prisons in Europe after their existence became known. Two of the recent transfers were captured in a sweeping counterterrorism operation in Somalia. The third is Iraqi. The lack of new arrivals — and the large number of detainees who were being sent home — had led many human rights advocates to believe the Guantanamo Bay prison was being phased out amid widespread international outrage. But now, new detainees are arriving and the flow of releases has slowed significantly — from 102 last year to 15 this year...


Gitmo at home

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


UK troops receiving “trigger happy” drug

The Scotsman [UK]


British troops are being prescribed with a controversial drug which has been blamed for making US pilots ‘trigger-happy’ and causing friendly fire deaths. The Ministry of Defence has admitted that it prescribes the amphetamine dexedrine, which is capable of keeping users awake for as long as 60 hours. While the MoD has refused to say what it uses the Class B drug for, leading narcotics experts say that the main purpose is to keep soldiers awake during special operations. However, they have warned that the substance can be highly addictive. In addition, the MoD has admitted that it permits soldiers to take a drug called kava-kava, from the South Pacific, which is known to be linked to severe liver damage...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

GOP blocks Gonzales no-confidence vote

Shreveport Times


Republicans blocked a Senate no-confidence vote on Attorney General Alberto Gonzales Monday, rejecting a symbolic Democratic effort to force him from office amid blistering criticism from lawmakers in both parties. The 53-38 vote to move the resolution to full debate fell seven short of the 60 required...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Alzheimer's Cases May Quadruple by 2050

More than 26 million people worldwide have Alzheimer's disease, and a new forecast says the number will quadruple by 2050. At that rate, one in 85 people will have the brain-destroying disease in 40 years, researchers from Johns Hopkins University conclude.



Alzheimers and EMF/EMR toxicity

Abnormal melatonin synthesis in autism spectrum disorders



New Labor Strikes Deals With "Private Equity Guys"

The Steelworkers Union has an investment banker working down the hall from its president. A Service Employees International Union organizer is becoming an expert on leveraged buyouts. The Machinists are loading up their research department with MBAs. The embattled labor movement is learning to think like capitalists, but not by choice.


Industrial Logging Gobbling Up Africa's Tropical Forests

Industrial logging is increasingly gobbling up Africa's tropical forests, researchers have said after analyzing 300 satellite images covering more than 1.5 million square miles of dense and humid forest in the continent's central region.



Plant trees, lots of them, you can never plant enough!


The Democrats Lag on Warming

The New York Times writes: "When Americans elected a Democratic Congress last November, they were voting to end politics as usual and special-interest legislation. On the vital issues of energy independence and global warming, they are not only in danger of getting more of the same, but also, unless Nancy Pelosi and other Democratic leaders step forward, winding up in worse shape than they were under the Republicans."



Specter to Vote "No Confidence" on Gonzales

The top Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee said Monday he will vote for a no-confidence resolution against Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, after long questioning the leadership and independence of President Bush's longtime friend.



Rebellion in the British Army


Informant: Frank Gonzalez


Bio-Äpfel vom Ende der Welt, eine Ökosauerei?


U.S. Army misses recruiting goal in May

The active-duty Army, severely strained by wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, recruited 5,101 new soldiers last month, short of its 5,500 goal for May.


From Information Clearing House

Media Matters with Bob McChesney


Interview with documentary filmmaker and author John Pilger.

From Information Clearing House


The Colbert Report: Are We Rome?


Colbert invites the comparisons from one genocidal empire to another, even suggesting that we borrow certain other ideas - such as crucifixion. In that light, I guess pro-torture Neocons aren't really bad Americans afterall, they're just good Romans.


From Information Clearing House


Bush to blame if there's war with Syria

Former Israeli Foreign Ministry director general tells Ynet that Syria willing to abandon Iran camp in favor of alliance with moderate Arab nations - but only if supported by the US. Bush meanwhile refuses to talk to Damascus.


From Information Clearing House

UK 'sells' bomb material to Iran

British officials have approved the export of key components needed to make nuclear weapons to Iran and other countries known to be developing such weapons.


From Information Clearing House

Kuwait says won't be launchpad for strike on Iran

Kuwait said on Monday it would not allow its key ally the United States to use its territory to launch any strike on Gulf neighbour Iran if a row over Tehran's nuclear programme escalates.


From Information Clearing House

Military plan against Iran is ready

Predicting that Iran will obtain a nuclear weapon within three years and claiming to have a strike plan in place, senior American military officers have told The Jerusalem Post they support President George W. Bush's stance to do everything necessary to stop the Islamic Republic's race for nuclear power.


From Information Clearing House

Ex-Navy chief 'took private legal advice on Iraq'

The head of the Royal Navy at the time of the Iraq invasion was so worried about the legality of the conflict that he sought his own private legal advice on justification for the war.


From Information Clearing House

Monica Benderman: Fighting Back

The early American revolutionaries did not rely on the efforts of others; they did not wait for a savior to rescue them from their plight. They saw the futility of holding out for the empty promises of the ruling parties in their fatherland and took matters in their own hands knowing the standards and principles on which they based their actions were worthy of the sacrifice.



The Neocon Threat to World Peace and American Freedom



Kapitulation vor einem radikalen Neoliberalismus



Take Action to tell the Forest Service that the Heber horses should be protected and managed humanely



Are America's Elections Fair and Accurate?

http://www.american.edu/ia/cdem/emails/07_0604.htm http://www.american.edu/ia/cdem/usp/np/index.cfm

June 13, 2007
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM National Press Club Conference Rooms (13th floor)
529-14th St. NW., Washington, DC

Dear Colleague:

Inaccurate voting lists, uncounted provisional ballots, electronic voting machines that jam without a paper trail – all these and more have eroded voter confidence in the competence and fairness of America's electoral process. Those problems are compounded by partisan Secretaries of State who conduct the elections, campaign officials with ties to companies providing voting machines, and claims that U.S. Attorneys were dismissed for failing to pursue alleged electoral fraud. A decade ago, it would have been laughable to ask if America's elections were conducted as professionally and impartially as Mexico's. Today, it is no laughing matter; indeed, the answer is that Mexico has a more independent, impartial, and professional system.

American University's Center for Democracy and Election Management
(CDEM) would like to invite you to attend the conference "Change the Way America Runs Its Elections,"at the National Press Club on June 13,
2007 from 9 am-1 pm. The conference will analyze the problems with the current system of electoral administration and offer new proposals for an independent, nonpartisan election commission.

Conference participants include Representative Susan Davis, who recently introduced a bill prohibiting election officials from participating in campaigns; two members of the Carter-Baker Commission on Federal Election Reform, Susan Molinari, former Member of Congress, and Sharon Priest, former Secretary of State of Arkansas; Jean-Pierre Kingsley, President of IFES and former head of Elections Canada; Kevin Kennedy, Executive Director of the Wisconsin State Elections Board; Jamin Raskin, Maryland State Senator, and Mary Margaret Oliver, Member of the Georgia General Assembly.

If you plan to attend, please RSVP to cdem@american.edu with your name and affiliation. For more information about the conference, visit the conference website.

With regards,

Dr. Robert A. Pastor Director, Center for Democracy and Election Management Vice President of International Affairs American University

Kathy Dopp

The material expressed herein is the informed product of the author Kathy Dopp's fact-finding and investigative efforts. Dopp is a Mathematician, Expert in election audit mathematics and procedures; in exit poll discrepancy analysis; and can be reached at

P.O. Box 680192 Park City, UT 84068 phone 435-658-4657


Election Audit Mathematics Bibliography http://electionarchive.org/ucvAnalysis/US/paper-audits/KathyDoppAuditMathBibliography.pdf

Support Clean Elections in 2008 http://electionarchive.org/ucvAnalysis/US/SupportCleanElectionsIn2008.pdf

Important Facts About The Voter Confidence & Increased Accessibility Act (HR811) http://electionarchive.org/ucvInfo/US/FactsAboutHR811.pdf

"Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day," wrote Thomas Jefferson in 1816


Tibetans riot over exploitation of sacred mountain


Informant: Andy

WLAN und WiMax: Freund oder Feind?



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