Mittwoch, 20. Juni 2007

Call for Clemency for Elijah Page in South Dakota

Britain's Environment Agency: Go Vegetarian to Stop Climate Change

And the Times, They Are A-Changin'

You Say You Want a Revolution?

Attack On Mothers

As Glaciers Melt and Rivers Dry Up, Coal-Fired Power Stations Multiply

Law gives Military Access to Student Data

'Just Security': US as Global Partner, Not Global Boss

Curbing the Imperial Presidency

From ufpj-news


The Imperial Presidency

Nuclear Power Is Not the Answer to Global Warming or Anything Else


Summary of the Current Stoning Cases and Recent Victims

Libby Seeks Delay of Prison Term

Former White House aide I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, who faces prison soon in the CIA leak case, asked a federal appeals court on Tuesday to step in and delay the sentence. The former chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney, Libby was sentenced to two-and-a-half years in prison for lying and obstructing an investigation into the leak of a CIA operative's identity.

Clash Nears in the Senate on Legislation Helping Unions Organize

Senate Democratic leaders moved on Tuesday to force a vote on organized labor's top legislative priority: a bill that would make it far easier to organize workers. But Republican leaders vowed to kill the measure, voicing confidence that they could defeat a motion cutting off debate and bringing it to a vote this week. The bill, already approved by the House but facing the threat of a veto by the Bush administration, would give employees at a workplace the right to unionize as soon as a majority signed cards saying they wanted to do so.

Wife of US Soldier Missing in Iraq Faces Deportation

The wife of a soldier missing in Iraq could face deportation, her lawyer told a television station. Army Specialist Alex Jimenez, who has been missing since his unit was attacked by insurgents in Iraq on May 12, had petitioned for a green card for his wife Yaderlin, whom he married in 2004, Boston's WBZ-TV reported on Tuesday.

Rove Aide Details Broad Political Abuses

In January 2002, at a retreat in West Virginia, Karl Rove gave a PowerPoint presentation to at least 50 managers at the Department of the Interior to discuss polling data, and emphasized the importance of getting Oregon Senator Gordon Smith, a Republican, reelected that year.

Could you live without your mobile phone?

ACTORS Neil Morrissey, Joe McGann and Cliff Parisi join MP Lynne Featherstone on a protest in Stroud Green.

THERE are at least five within 100 metres of the Clock Tower on Crouch End Broadway. The rooftops along Muswell Hill Broadway and Wood Green's town centre are also lined with them.

And on the streets below everyone is jabbering into a mobile phone.


Residents go barking mad over mobile phone mast disguised as tree

A new mobile phone mast has been put up - disguised as a tree.

Locals are furious after town mayor, Councillor Vernon Whitlock, suggested the bizarre scheme in an off-the-cuff comment. And telecoms giant O2 took him at his word.

Now residents in Rosemount Lane, including a former mayor, have slammed the pole, encrusted with a dark brown, textured coating that resembles bark.


Local citizens fight a proposed NATO radar in Pécs, Hungary

From Global Network

Hillary Clinton Booed Again at Take Back America

Kucinich Comes to Take Back America

From ufpj-news

Ready for Dicamba Ready GM crops?

The Hidden Agenda: The Fluoride Deception

The Dangerous Fluoride Deception You Need to be Aware Of

EHS and radioactivity

Informant: Dorothee Krien


Consider the history of excellent and amazing products - Asbestos, Lead additive in petrol, tobacco.

Yes, they all owed their long and massively profitable existences to the solid efforts of establishment 'sound' science to reassure the public to keep using and buying.

The denigration of dissent and marginalising of critics were of course key strategies.

Watch Chris Bryson's 28 minute video clip covering the history of toxic technologies -

The Fluoride Deception - history of the bogus safety claim for fluorides, from same people who defended asbestos, lead and tobacco - 'buried science - buried workers' . marginalising critics, denigrating dissent


From Mast Sanity/Mast Network

Independent Scientist Leuren Moret and International Lawyer Alfred Webre to call for International Citizen’s 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal

Informant: Doctor Plum

Videotaping police

Fox News
by Radley Balko


Last month, Brian Kelly of Carlisle, Pa., was riding with a friend when the car he was in was pulled over by a local police officer. Kelly, an amateur videographer, had his video camera with him and decided to record the traffic stop. The officer who pulled over the vehicle saw the camera and demanded Kelly hand it over. Kelly obliged. Soon after, six more police officers pulled up. They arrested Kelly on charges of violating an outdated Pennsylvania wiretapping law that forbids audio recordings of any second party without their permission. In this case, that party was the police officer. Kelly was charged with a felony, spent 26 hours in jail, and faces up to 10 years in prison. All for merely recording a police officer, a public servant, while he was on the job...,2933,284075,00.html

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

US losing ground through tribal allies

Asia Times
by Ali al-Fadhily


The US military’s attempts to win hearts and minds of tribal leaders in Iraq’s bloody al-Anbar province with armor, arms, vehicles and cash have taken a deadly toll. Instead of reducing violence, the divide-and-conquer strategy has increased resistance to the US occupation and increased tensions within the local community...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Congress set to battle over “gouging”

Christian Science Monitor


Oil-price gouging -– specifically, whether the US needs a new federal law that would prohibit such profiteering -– has emerged as one of the most controversial aspects of the energy legislation the Senate is considering this week. Many Democrats think price gouging should be a federal crime. They’ve included a provision in the energy bill that would make it illegal to reap ‘excessive’ profits at the pump in times of a national energy emergency. But the White House says the proposed new law is so vague that it’s unenforceable -– and that antigouging efforts are really backdoor price controls. President Bush will veto the broad energy bill if it contains the provision, according to administration officials...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Army again considers longer combat tours

Defiance Crescent News


The Army is considering whether it will have to extend the combat tours of troops in Iraq if President Bush opts to maintain the recent buildup of forces through spring 2008. Acting Army Secretary Pete Geren testified Tuesday that the service is reviewing other options, including relying more heavily on Army reservists or Navy and Air Force personnel, so as not to put more pressure on a stretched active-duty force...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

NYC mayor Michael Bloomberg leaves GOP

Statesville Record & Landmark


New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg on Tuesday switched his party status from Republican to unaffiliated, a stunning move certain to be seen as a prelude to an independent presidential bid that would upend the 2008 race. The billionaire former CEO, who was a lifelong Democrat before he switched to the GOP for his first mayoral run, said the change in voter registration does not mean he is running for president...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


On 7th July there will be 'Live Earth' concerts all around the globe to bring attention to climate change. The tickets are all sold and the perfomers are already chosen.

But at an alternative concert is already underway- a concert which welcomes all visitors and performers. The online concert is the brainwave of a small non-profit organisation in Oxford England which felt that the mega concerts were not doing enough to support a wider range of voices on climate change.

One day after the launch there are already nearly 60 performances in the alternative concert- mostly music, but including comedy and poetry. We welcome postings of all kinds of performances- big and small, amateur and professional, in the Hollywood Bowl and in the bedroom. We invite entries to be as angry, happy, whimsical, political, or bizarre as they like providing that they have something to say about climate change, accept the reality of the science and are not offensive.

On 7-7-07 the performances that receive the most votes and hits will be compiled on the site for the full alternative concert. It won't be live, it will be ALIVE!

And, because this concert will be on the web, there will be no executive jets, no cars, no floodlighting, no air conditioning, no paper, no plastic, no cans. Truly low carbon.

This project is independent of the Live Earth concerts. It wishes them every success.

If you like this idea please post up your performance, send this announcement to everyone you know, put a link or button on your on your site and share your favourite performances with your friends.

Alive Earth

The Climate Outreach Information Network

Informant: Ted Glick

From ufpj-news

Corporate Media Entertains but Fails to Inform

By Peter Phillips and Kate Sims

“Paris Hilton's Symptoms Said to be from Prescription Drug Withdrawal,” was the headline news on Fox News Network on June 13, 2007. This was the 56th headline on Paris Hilton covered by Fox in the previous 30 days. Even the New York Times got in on the Paris Hilton hoopla with a front-page story June 9 entitled “Celebrity Justice Cuts Both Ways for Paris Hilton. “

Regular readers of Project Censored are familiar with our annual list of Junk Food News – in which we select a list of the dumbest, least important, most overplayed stories of the year. Almost certainly, the incarceration of Paris Hilton will feature prominently in our next years Junk Food edition, but it will have to wait until then to be considered.

Meanwhile, here are the Junk Food News stories of Project Censored’a annual April-to-April listing for 2006-07:

1.Brittany Spears has a meltdown
2. Anna Nicole has a baby
3. Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie have a baby and adopt others
4. Jon Benet “killer” is a fraud
5. The rise and fall of OJ Simpson’s book
6. The feud between the Donald and the O’Donnell
7. Miss USA “party girl” drinks and takes drugs
8. Paul McCartney’s Divorce
9. An astronaut wears a diaper to attack her romantic rival
10. Madonna adopts an African baby

Moving up from number seven last year to number one on this year’s Junk Food list is none other than Britney Spears. On February 17, Ms. Spears was photographed in a Los Angeles salon receiving a buzz cut. The corporate media went into frenzied overdrive, offering incessant speculation on why poor Britney might be coming unglued. While undeniably important to thirteen-year-olds, adults might have been interested to hear about the newly released analysis of 2005 census figures showing that nearly 16 million Americans are currently living in deep or severe poverty. Mainstream news anchors had enough time to wonder if Ms. Spears was too young and immature for the pressures of motherhood. Yet, they weren’t able to squeeze in the fact that female-headed families with children account for the lion’s share of the severely poor. During the recent Paris Hilton exposition the Senate Judiciary Committee passed the Habeas Corpus Restoration Act, without a peep from Fox or the New York Times. Apparently the corporate media is too busy entertaining us to cover the most serious civil liberties issue in America. The Military Commissions Act of last October made it legal for the President to suspend Habeas Corpus for any person, citizen or not. While Democrats in the Senate are trying to restore this basic legal right, the corporate media seems more concerned with keeping us up-to-date on how much phone time Paris gets while in jail.

On September 7, 2006, Anna Nicole Smith gave birth to a baby girl and everyone held his or her breath for the ultimate piece of the puzzle, who was the father? For those of you who missed it, the birth certificate listed none other than Anna Nicole’s personal attorney Howard K. Stern. Now, for those of you who didn’t miss the Anna Nicole goings-on, here’s what you did miss: A September 2006 report found that the Iraq violent death toll for August was three times larger than the preliminary count. The final tally disproved official US and Iraqi claims that a “security crackdown” had led to a drop in the number of deaths that month.

In the early afternoon of February 8, 2006, Anna Nicole Smith was found unresponsive in her hotel room, rushed to the hospital, and pronounced DOA at 2:49 pm. While this story filled the corporate media in the US, that same week, the former US Ambassador of Iraq failed to explain what happened to $12 billion in newly printed, shrink-wrapped, $100 bills that he had flown to Baghdad, and had since been misplaced.

We are now, in an era, of witnessing corporate media’s complete failure to keep us informed on powerful issues, which concern all Americans. We deserve better and must remedy this situation by building tax supported independent media and returning investigative reporting to the American people.

Peter Phillips is a Professor of Sociology at Sonoma State University. Kate Sims is a staff researcher with Project Censored. SSU students Jocelyn Thomas, Toni Faye Catelani, Jenni Leys, and Christina Carey assisted with research on this op-ed. The full report can be seen at: .

Hip Hop Comes to Take Back America

From ufpj-news

With Rise in Radiation Exposure, Experts Urge Caution on Tests

Advances in radiology have radically transformed medical practice, but the downside is that Americans are being exposed to record amounts of ionizing radiation, the most energetic and potentially hazardous form of radiation.

When Dollars Trump Compassion

Bob Herbert writes: "You won't see these stories on television, but Marian Wright Edelman and Dr. Irwin Redlener could talk to you all day and all night about children whose lives have been lost or ruined because they didn't have health insurance. This is not a situation one associates with a so-called advanced country. That you can have sick children wasting away in the United States, the wealthiest nation on the planet, because medical treatment that could relieve their suffering is withheld by men and women with dollar signs instead of compassion in their eyes is beyond unconscionable."

A New Force in Detroit: The Soldiers of Solidarity

Gregg Shotwell is one of the founders of the Soldiers of Solidarity movement, a group of dissident UAW members who feel let down by both their union and their employers. They've picketed auto shows and corporate headquarters, held rank-and-file meetings that challenged union leadership and openly talked about striking.

Powerful Interest Groups Complicate Swift Action on Energy

Three powerful lobbying forces - automakers, electric utilities and the coal industry - are confounding Democrats' efforts to forge a less-polluting energy policy.

Senators Demand Inquiry Into RNC Vote Caging Allegations

Senators Kennedy and Whitehouse have sent a letter to US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, demanding a probe by the DoJ's Office of the Inspector General and Office of Professional Responsibility into "allegations that the Republican National Committee engaged in 'vote caging' during the 2004 elections."

Panel Tracks Down Witnesses for Iraq Probe

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee's probe into prewar intelligence has again postponed a hearing, scheduled for today, with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, who refuses to testify publicly despite a panel subpoena.

Rudy Missing in Action for Iraq Panel

Rudolph Giuliani's membership on an elite Iraq study panel came to an abrupt end last spring after he failed to show up for a single official meeting of the group, causing the panel's top Republican to give him a stark choice: either attend the meetings or quit, several sources said.

The Earth today stands in imminent peril

Informant: NHNE

Arme Sau: Das Geschäft mit dem Erbgut


Bei Monsanto sieht man genau, wie eine Zulassungsbehörde (FDA) unterwandert wurde um die Gentechnik ohne wirkliche Risikoabschätzung eingeführt wurde. Parallelen nicht nur zeitlich ergeben sich zu dem Komplex Mobilfunk, Siemens, Alcatel und der Privatisierung der POST zu Telekom und RegTP in Deutschland.

Bernd Schreiner
Landesverband Thüringen

Wiederholung z.B. morgen 19. 6 2007 , 14.15 Uhr, SWR 3

Arme Sau - Das Geschäft mit dem Erbgut

Sendung am 18. Juni 2007

Landwirt Christoph Zimmer traut seinen Augen nicht. In drei unauffälligen Aktenordnern schlummert brisantes Material - ein Patentantrag auf Schweine. Genforscher des großen amerikanischen Biotechnologie-Konzerns Monsanto haben bestimmte Abschnitte des schweinischen Erbgutes entschlüsselt und beschrieben. Diese wollen sie nun weltweit als Patent anmelden. Im Falle einer Erteilung wäre Schweinezucht nur noch mit der Genehmigung des Konzerns möglich. Das alarmiert die deutschen Züchter.

Christoph Zimmer befürchtet, dass auch bei seinen Sauen und Ferkeln diese Gene längst vorhanden sind. betrifft folgt ihm auf seinem Weg durch deutsche Schweineställe. Mit DNA-Tests will er beweisen, dass in den Patentanträgen keine Erfindungen stehen, sondern dass hier ein Teil Natur, nämlich das ganz normale Schwein, in die Hände einer einzigen Firma fallen soll. Die Konsequenz für die Bauern: Würde das Patent genehmigt, müssten sie für jedes Schwein, das diese Genmarker trägt, Geld an Monsanto überweisen. Bei Futtermitteln, wie z.B. dem Genmais, ist das längst der Fall.

Aber es ist nicht nur die Frage des Geldes, der betrifft nachgeht, sondern auch die Frage, welche Risiken diese Nahrungsmittel für den Verbraucher haben. In Amerika gibt es bereits Fälle von Unfruchtbarkeit bei Tieren, die mit dem entsprechenden Genmais gefüttert wurden. Was geschieht mit dem Menschen, wenn er das Schwein isst?

Die Prognose von deutschen Genforschern lautet: Kleine Züchter werden wohl bald aufgeben müssen, weil weltweit nur noch ein paar große Konsortien im Wettstreit um ein marktgerechtes Schwein erfolgreich sein werden.

Im SWR Fernsehen

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Gabriel: Neue Erkenntnisse zur Wirkung der Strahlung auf den Menschen stärker berücksichtigen

Die internationale SSK tagte in Berlin, hier die Pressemitteilung.

Bernd Schreiner

Landesverband Thüringen

Nr. 176/07 Berlin, 19.06.2007

Gabriel: Neue Erkenntnisse zur Wirkung der Strahlung auf den Menschen stärker berücksichtigen

Strahlen wirken möglicherweise stärker auf Menschen ein als bisher angenommen. Auf einer Konferenz über neue Erkenntnisse zur Wirkung ionisierender Strahlung in Berlin hat Bundesumweltminister Sigmar Gabriel die schnelle Umsetzung des neuen Wissens in das Strahlenschutzrecht und den praktischen Vollzug gefordert. "Es geht darum, jeden der neuen Sachverhalte eingehend zu prüfen und klare Antworten auf die Frage zu geben, ob unsere bestehenden Schutzsysteme den Stand des Wissens noch richtig und angemessen abbilden. Wo dies nicht der Fall ist, muss unverzüglich gehandelt werden", so Gabriel. Dies sei der grundsätzlichen Verpflichtung der Umweltpolitik zur rechtzeitigen und angemessenen Vorsorge gegen Umwelt- und Gesundheitsrisiken geschuldet und gelte sowohl für das europäische wie auch für das nationale Strahlenschutzrecht. Gabriel: "Die Schutzstandards dürften dem Wissensstand nicht hinterherhinken. Gleiches gilt für den praktischen Vollzug." Die Strahlenschutzkonferenz findet heute in Berlin im Rahmen der deutschen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft statt. Vorgestellt und diskutiert wurde die neue Grundsatzempfehlung der Internationalen Strahlenschutzkommission (ICRP) zum Strahlenschutz (Dr. Lars-Erik Holm). Über diese Empfehlung hinausgehend wurden aktuelle wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zu strahlenbedingten Krebserkrankungen bei Kernkraftwerksarbeitern (Dr. Elisabeth Cardis), zum Lungenkrebsrisiko durch Radon (Dr. Margot Tirmarche) und zu Besonderheiten der Strahlenempfindlichkeit, insbesondere der Frau und des Ungeborenen (Prof. Dr. Wolfgang-Ulrich Müller), vorgetragen. Die neuen Erkenntnisse wurden intensiv mit Wissenschaftlern und mit Vertretern von Regierungen verschiedener europäischer Staaten und der Europäischen Union diskutiert. Es wurde deutlich, dass Erkenntnisse auf dem Tisch liegen, auf die der Strahlenschutz in nächster Zeit reagieren muss. Obwohl die bestehenden Strahlenschutzkonzepte nicht grundsätzlich in Frage gestellt werden, muss über Präzisierungen, Anpassungen und Korrekturen nachgedacht werden. Im Zentrum der Debatte standen folgende Aspekte: Krebserkrankungen bei Kernkraftwerksarbeitern. Die Wirkung niedriger Expositionen wird bisher zweifach unterschätzt. Das relative Strahlenrisiko im Bereich der beruflichen Strahlenexposition ist durchaus vergleichbar mit dem bei hohen Expositionen. Bereits bei Beruf-Lebenszeit-Dosen, die mit den derzeit geltenden Grenzwerten verträglich sind, werden erhöhte Krebsraten beobachtet. Eine Senkung der Grenzwerte muss dringend geprüft werden. Lungenkrebs durch radioaktives Radon in Wohnräumen: Das radonbedingten Lungenkrebsrisiko in Wohnungen steigt um ca. 8 % pro 100 Becquerel pro Kubikmeter (Bq/m³). Bereits zwischen 100 und 200 Bq/m³ werden zusätzliche Krebserkrankungen beobachtet. Jährlich sterben in Deutschland etwa 1.800 Menschen an Radon, also alle vier Stunden ein Mensch. Möglicherweise trägt Radon auch zur kindlichen Leukämie bei. Es besteht dingender Handlungsbedarf, die Radonexpositionen zu senken. Zielwert für Neubauten: 100 Bq/m3, Orientierungswert für Sanierungsentscheidungen an Altbauten: 200 Bq/m3. Strahlenempfindlichkeit: Die Strahlenempfindlichkeit des Ungeborenen ist besonders hoch und die Strahlenempfindlichkeit der Frau scheint etwa doppelt so hoch zu sein, wie die des Mannes. Zudem ist die Strahlenempfindlichkeit der Augenlinse höher als bisher angenommen. Die Forschungen sind fortzusetzen und zu intensivieren, eine Senkung des Grenzwerts für die Augenlinse muss dringend geprüft werden. Bundesumweltminister Gabriel sprach sich dafür aus, die Kompetenz im Strahlenschutz zu erhalten und gezielt weiter zu forschen. Mit der Gründung des "Kompetenzverbundes Strahlenforschung" in Deutschland, der eine enge Kooperation zwischen Forschungszentren und Hochschulen gewährleiste und wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs fördere, werde dieses Ziel angestrebt. Kompetenzerhaltung beziehe sich aber auch auf die Vollzugsbehörden, denn der praktische Vollzug werde nur bei ausreichender Personalausstattung und guter Qualifikation Schritt halten können. Besonders begrüßte Gabriel, dass der Gedanke der Nachhaltigkeit des Schutzes der Umwelt nun auch von der ICRP für den Strahlenschutz aufgegriffen werde. Die Umwelt auch unabhängig vom Menschen zu schützen, sei ein wesentliches Element nachhaltiger Umweltpolitik.


Strahlung und die Wirkung auf Menschen

Stop Biometric Social Security Cards


Senator Chuck Schumer wants to amend the immigration bill to require you to get a new Social Security card with biometric information embedded in it. Creating this new card would . . .

* Cost $9 billion (before the usual government cost over-runs)

* Require the Social Security administration to hire an additional
60,000 employees

* Require you to spend time getting the new card

* Require you to give the central government sensitive personal information

*In the past, only criminals had to supply the state with things like* fingerprints, DNA, or retinal scans. Now, if Schumer gets his way, law abiding citizens will have to do it too, just for the privilege of earning a living. Meanwhile . . .

The people this card is supposed to control will continue to live underground, work on the black market without papers, or forge documents. The real control will be over you, not them.

So why does Schumer want this Biometric Social Security card on top of the REAL I.D.?

It could be because the REAL I.D. Act is in big trouble and the politicians are looking for an alternative that doesn't require the cooperation of state governments. After all ...

New Hampshire just voted to NOT COOPERATE with the REAL I.D. requirement!

This New Hampshire decision is a big victory for our side, but a real challenge to Big Brother politicians like Schumer. Biometric Social Security cards may soon take the place of the REAL I.D., unless we stop the whole thing dead in its tracks, right now.

This Biometric Social Security card is evidence that the politicians are going to come at us from all angles. If they can't come in through the door (REAL I.D.), then they'll try to come in through a window (Biometric Social Security cards). We need to use the same tactic to defeat this tactic, fighting fire with fire.

We need to attack these Big Brother proposals from all angles. That's why we're devoting the entire week to defeating the immigration bill. We need for you to send a new message about this each day. Every message will ask the Senate to oppose the immigration bill as a whole. But then . . .

In your personal comments we want to ask you to add a specific objection -- a different one for each day. Yesterday, we asked you to tell your Senators that ...

You've heard rumors that earmarks are being offered in return for voting yes on the immigration bill, and you're going to be very ANGRY if that turns out to be true. If you sent this message yesterday, thank you. If you did not, please do so now HERE:

Today, send another message, and use your personal comments to ask your Senators to oppose Senator Schumer's Biometric Social Security Card amendment. You can do so HERE:

Tomorrow, we'll be back with another message for you to send on this issue. In the meantime, could we ask you to put in a little extra effort today, and also send a message calling for the repeal of the REAL I.D. Act. Tell them you know New Hampshire has refused to participate, and you think it's time to just repeal REAL I.D. entirely. You can send that message HERE.

This is important because the more objections the Senate receives to national I.D. card schemes the more likely it is that the REAL I.D. Act will be repealed, that provisions related to it will be stripped from the immigration bill, and that Schumer's Biometric Social Security Card amendment will also be defeated.

You can send your "Repeal the REAL I.D. Act" message HERE:

PLEASE SHARE THIS MESSAGE WITH SEVERAL OTHER PEOPLE. Almost no one is going to like the idea of a Biometric Social Security card, and we need everyone's help to defeat them.

Finally, the Producers of "9/11 Press for Truth" have given us permission to post the video on our website, where you can watch it, and make your own evaluation of it for free. The video is posted here.

If you would like to have a "9/11 Press for Truth" DVD mailed to your home, here's how to get it . . .

Thank you for being a DC Downsizer.

Jim Babka
President, Inc.

Informant: Alan Dicey

Teachers back TV viewing concerns


TV viewing linked to poor diabetes control in kids

Informant: Mark G.



From A.:

I believe that the current obesity pandemic in the Western world is not solely caused by bad diet and lack of exercise. If you look at the fact that exposure to EMF radiation causes an imbalance of NO in our body and this in turn disrupts the functioning of the mitochondria in our cells, it is not surprising that some of immediate effects of mitochondropathy, which are - amongst others - obesity and diabetes - are on the rise...


I have thought for a long time that the increase in the size of the population in general could be linked to emr. I am constantly amazed when people tell me how heavy they weigh - but don't look it. I believe that there could be swelling of organs, tissue, etc., coupled with fluid retention because of the irritation caused by the pulsed microwaves. I also believe that the lymph system is affected - I find that, what a doctor once described as a "pump" in the calf, just below the knee towards the inside of the leg, is affected when I am exposed for long periods. This results in a swelling of my legs and feet. Goes when I remove myself from the offending environment.


From Mast Sanity/Mast Network

Burning the Planet to Fill Your Fuel Tank

Cellulosic ethanol another chimerical climate "solution" that furthers biological homogenization and ecological collapse

Earth Meanders, by Dr. Glen Barry
June 19, 2007

Humanity's epitaph may well read "Much Potential, but Cut and Burnt Themselves to Death". Nearly every environmental crisis can be traced to burning hydrocarbons for energy, and cutting and clearing vegetation for a variety of reasons. Sadly, even as climate change awareness has grown, an understanding of root causes of environmental crises such as over-consumption remains dreadfully lacking. So now, at this late date in the Earth's decline, it is proposed to cut and burn cellulosic ethanol biofuel produced from biomass including forest and agricultural "waste".

Vain attempts to fuel gluttonous, over-populated humanity -- that is well past the Earth's carrying capacity already -- from biomass may well be the final step in the destruction of Gaia's biosphere and our human habitat.

Everyone is green since the Goracle has spoken. But the fact that half-baked half-measures to try to maintain gluttonous western lifestyles remains the focus means really no one (or very few) truly approach individual ecological sustainability. Our techno-capitalist ideological faith assures us that climate change, forest loss, water scarcity and ocean decline all have technological fixes. We see capitalism's "more is good" ecocidal policy in chimerical promises of untested "clean coal"; the myth that "healthy forests" requires industrial management, and false claims that ancient forests should and can be "certifiably sustainably" logged.

Pie-in-the-sky climate techno-fixes divert attention from reducing individual and societal emissions – the only way to save the climate, the Earth and thus ourselves. Appropriate technologies have a role but their primacy in the discussion diverts attention from the immediate need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions now, yesterday, 10 years ago. Fast, really fast. As climate change becomes a huge fucking business, very little attention is paid to whether a particular product, method or way of addressing the problem will truly be effective. Do something, anything (that does not require real sacrifice), and worry later whether it was the right thing or ultimately caused more problems than it solved.

Burning More Biomass NOT the Climate Answer

Using woody cellulose rich biomass for energy to power industrial societies that have already passed their carrying capacities will spell the death knell for forests, humans and all of life. Cellulosic ethanol fuel is produced from cellulose found naturally in cell walls of plants such as wood, straw and grass. Those that propose producing cellulosic ethanol from these materials state there is a large amount of wasted biomass from agricultural and forestry sources that is currently being discarded and can be drawn upon to fuel our automobile culture in particular. We are about to embark upon fueling our society from woody "waste" that may or may not exist.

Cellulosic ethanol is all the rage these days as a business opportunity to address climate change and surging energy demand. President Bush in his 2006 State of the Union address proposed expanding the use of cellulosic ethanol by some 20 billion gallons per year by 2017. Since cellulose cannot be digested by humans, at least production of cellulose does not compete with the production of food. Biofuels from food sources such as corn, sugar, palm oil and other crops were all the rage just a couple years ago and growth continues apace, but significant problems are emerging and it is unlikely food biofuels have a sustainable and equitable future, are green, or will meaningfully address climate change.

It is illustrative to further review these problems with food biofuels which were heavily sold as green and sustainable. Yet now we find food prices are soaring globally while actual biofuel production has limited if any benefit for climate change, sustainability, equity or justice. Paramilitary groups are taking land in Colombia for biofuels, Indonesia's rainforests are being cleared for Europe's fuel releasing more carbon than saved by oil palm biofuel, the price of food around the world such as corn in Mexico is skyrocketing. Who was the genius that thought of burning food for energy? Must not have been one of the billions that are poor, hungry or landless.

Cellulose Biofuels Will Destroy Forests and Land Productivity

First let's smash the fallacious myth that cellulose as a raw material is plentiful, readily available with little negative residual impact. Energy from non-food organic biomass is only going to increase pressure on land and forests. It is the next step in the biological simplification and destruction of the Earth.

As with other capitalist environmental failings; the push for cellulosic ethanol is oblivious to limits to growth including finite amounts of land, and solar energy to power terrestrial biomass growth. Already humanity uses the majority of the Planet's arable land and net primary production. Increased demand for cellulose will certainly mean fewer natural forests, reduced land productivity, and increased land conflict.

Cellulose based biofuels will lead to more ill-advised forest thinning projects to fight fires while using woody cuttings for fuel, and to genetically modified plantations of fast-growing cellulose rich trees. Most agricultural waste is ultimately returned to the land to fertilize and build soil structure, or fed to livestock; while much forest waste is in fact nutrients for the next generation of forests. There will be even more pressure upon ancient primary forests to be converted to agriculture and fiber plantations.

Ethanol produced from cellulose ultimately represents a mining of soil nutrients and of the Earth's productive capacity. More pressure upon the land to produce ever more agricultural and plantation products will come at the cost of further deterioration of the Earth's terrestrial ecosystems, as natural ecosystems that are already failing are asked to give yet more. We can expect a whole range of follow-on problems including genetic pollution, water diminishment, and toxic chemicals associated with industrial plantations and agriculture.

As if enough forests have not been lost from Europe's bastard child, the industrial revolution, which commoditized everything, including forest ecosystems; and globally from waves of ecological imperialism as Europeans brought their capitalism, religion, cocks and forest destruction to the Americas and the world. The Earth's forests and land do not have the capacity to power human society while maintaining ecosystem services and species, and land productivity. Cellulose biofuels will kill.

Human Society's Downsizing: Starts with Less Cutting and Burning

Global environmental sustainability depends critically upon reducing the extent and scale of human impact upon natural ecosystems. All remaining primary vegetation must be protected, and large scale restoration of ecological systems where they historically occurred commenced. Humanity's overall population; as well as per capita consumption, energy use and greenhouse gas emissions must be dramatically downsized immediately. Any solutions that propose more biomass cutting and perpetuates burning for energy production exacerbates rather than solves the Earth's ecological crises.

Humanity simply can not maintain excessive energy dependent lifestyles through yet another ill-considered and environmentally damaging energy source -- cellulosic ethanol biofuels -- that further draw upon the biosphere and primary production of biomass. It will not work and will doom the Earth, human habitat and all of Gaia's creatures. Who is going to rise up and fight off the flim-flam, charlatans, con artists selling us biofuels, geoengineering, carbon offsets and more consumption and growth as the keys to a climate change solution?

The only solution to global heating and the myriad of other global ecological emergencies is to immediately begin deintensifying human impacts upon the biosphere and her natural ecosystem patterns and processes. In terms of climate, this requires targets for mandatory national emission cuts while meeting our energy, food and other needs for a reduced human population from permaculture systems and renewable, non- polluting and non-destructive energy sources that are truly ecologically sustainable. There are no easy solutions to save the Earth; they all require sacrifice, as well as changed lifestyles and societies.

Earth Meanders is a series of personal essays that places questions of environmental sustainability within the context of other contemporary issues. Comments can be made, and past writings can be found, at: . Emailed comments will be posted there as well. Permission is granted to reprint this essay provided it is properly credited.


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