Montag, 11. Juni 2007

Outflanking The Kakistocracy

by Dr. Edwin Vieira, JD., Ph.D

Americans are witnessing a political vortex accelerating before their very eyes: an intensifying consolidation of power in the General Government, an increasing concentration of that power in the Executive Branch, and an expanding militarization of that Branch. These developments manifest themselves not only in hyperbolic, if not utterly hysterical, official propaganda and agitation saturated with references to an endless global “war” with “Islamo-fascism,” but also in actual field operations in which common criminals (so-called “terrorists”) are verbally transmogrified into “enemy combatants,” so that they......

Illegals/NAU: A Hot Summer Coming

by Devvy Kidd

Americans who are following the rapid and calculated destruction of these sovereign united states of America are fully aware of what the North American Union means along with it's enforcement maze deceptively titled the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America. For those who are unfamiliar with this major push to integrate America with Mexico and Canada......

The political economy of wartime Iraq analyzed

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Mobile giants versus you and bees

Former Justice Department Official Calls Gonzales's Actions "Appalling"

Dan Metcalfe says he thought he had seen it all as a former senior Justice Department lawyer whose career stretches back to the Watergate scandal of the Nixon administration. Over the years, Metcalfe says, he has taken pride in being able to work with Republican and Democratic administrations as director of the department's Office of Information and Privacy, which he co-founded in 1981. But he says he has never seen anything quite like Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales.

US Arming Sunnis in Iraq to Battle Old Qaeda Allies

With the four-month-old increase in American troops showing only modest success in curbing insurgent attacks, American commanders are turning to another strategy they acknowledge is fraught with risk: arming Sunni Arab groups that have promised to fight militants linked with al Qaeda who have been their allies in the past.

Bush lacks the power to detain an immigrant as an enemy combatant without charge

Appeals Court Orders "Enemy Combatant" Free

President Bush lacks the power to detain an immigrant as an enemy combatant without charge, a federal appeals court ruled Monday.


Man labeled 'enemy combatant' wins US court case

"The government cannot subject al-Marri to indefinite military detention. For in the United States, the military cannot seize and imprison civilians -- let alone imprison them indefinitely," Judge Diana Gribbon Motz wrote.

From Information Clearing House


Guantánamo takes a hit

Tom Paine
by Frida Berrigan


Colonel Peter Brownback III, a military judge, dealt a serious blow to Guantánamo — and by extension, the ‘global war on terrorism legal system’ — this week. He ruled that because the military had failed to classify two men as ‘unlawful’ enemy combatants, as required by the Military Commissions Act passed last year by Congress, he did not have jurisdiction over their cases. The procedural flaws that Colonel Brownback discovered point to much larger defects in the Bush administrations’ whole legal architecture. Omar Khadr and Salim Ahmed Hamdan are the only two detainees at Guantánamo (out of about 380 men currently detained) who were facing trial by the military tribunal when Brownback ruled in the cases. Administration officials must now appeal the decision and seek to reclassify the two men in order to reopen the case…. While they are doing that, a spotlight is on ‘justice’ at Guantánamo...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Protect the Yellow-billed Loon

Two urgent cases of environmental defenders at risk

Please help us put a stop to intimidation and attacks against environmentalists in Mexico and Nigeria.

Recently, Amnesty International has learned of two new cases where environmental defenders have been threatened and harmed - one shot dead - in retribution for their efforts to protect their communities from environmental damage tied to natural resource industries. It will take only a few minutes of your time to send online appeals to demand investigations and greater protection for these activists.

In Nigeria: On May 19th, armed men attacked the wife and children of Bari-ara Kpalap, a staff member of the Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People (MOSOP). MOSOP is a community organization that campaigns to ensure that oil companies and the Nigerian government address environmental pollution linked to oil exploitation. Amnesty believes that Bari-ara Kpalap's life and the lives of his family may be at risk.

In Mexico: On May 15th, environmentalists fighting against illegal logging were attacked, allegedly by a group of illegal loggers, in Santa Lucia, Mexico State. Aldo Zamora was shot dead, and his brother Misael was seriously wounded. Their father, Ildefonso Zamora, who has been filing complaints about illegal logging in the area for many years, and organizing demonstrations against it, is now in grave danger, as are his colleagues.

Take a stand today to help protect these activists who put their lives on the line to defend their land and communities.

In solidarity,

Amy O'Meara
Amnesty International Corporate Action Network (CAN)

The Woeful Gonzales Record

This piece will appear on the Huffington Post later today.

Demand Accountability: With Attorney General Alberto Gonzales at the helm, the United States Justice Department has become a contradiction in terms. Under his leadership the Constitution and the rights of Americans have been consistently undermined. Sign the petition to Restore Our Constitutional Rights to send a loud and clear message to Congress: it's time to restore the Constitution and respect for the rule of law.

On June 26th, we'll be delivering our petitions in person during our Day of Action. We've already collected nearly 70,000 signatures -- help us reach our goal of 100,000 signatures. Sign the petition today.

The Woeful Gonzales Record

By Anthony D. Romero

An Open Letter to Members of the Senate:

As you move towards the debate and no-confidence vote on Attorney General Alberto Gonzales I hope you will carefully review his woeful record and its recurring theme: Alberto Gonzales as George W. Bush’s Number One “Yes” Man.

From the beginning, Gonzales has sought to shape the law according to the president's wishes. Through his legal maneuvering, he has authorized criminal behavior as White House counsel and refused to prosecute that same criminal behavior as attorney general. He created and navigated legal avenues for the president and his administration to use torture and indefinite detention. And now, as attorney general, he has refused to investigate those programs.

As the ACLU details in a newly updated report on the Attorney General’s civil liberties record, he has abdicated his responsibility to protect the rights of Americans, and exercises a cynical view of what he seems to consider petty matters like the rule of law and the Constitution. Calls for Congressional oversight yield only uncooperative and misleading testimony.

But the testimony of others has been far more revealing. Take the riveting words of former Deputy Attorney General James Comey, who described how, like in a scene out of a bad novel, then-White House counsel Gonzales and then-White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card paid a March 2004 nighttime visit on a gravely ill and heavily sedated Ashcroft, lying in his intensive care unit hospital bed. Gonzales and Card tried unsuccessfully to persuade Ashcroft to reauthorize President Bush’s domestic surveillance program, which the Justice Department had just determined was illegal. Is browbeating a gravely ill man in pursuit of a lawless policy the action of a responsible and upright office holder? Of course not -- although it does yield the startling nugget that, for a brief shining moment, Attorney General John Ashcroft was actually on the ACLU’s side of an issue.

And consider how Gonzales has repeatedly stood up in favor of the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, a facility where the denial of habeas corpus and harsh, indefinite detention has shamed the U.S. internationally. Look too at “yes” man counsel Gonzales, writing a 2002 memorandum that referred to some Geneva Convention restrictions as “quaint” and the portion on questioning enemy prisoners “obsolete.” That’s exactly the sort of attitude that led him -- in both the White House and at Justice -- to subordinate and twist the law that permitted actual torture and abuse on America’s watch, while allowing high-level government officials to get off scot-free.

There’s much more. Under Gonzales, the Justice Department has failed to pursue violations of civil rights and voting rights laws. He has failed to investigate and prosecute criminal acts committed by civilians in the torture or abuse of detainees, failed to investigate and prosecute criminal acts and violations of the law resulting from the warrantless spying program, and championed renewal of the Patriot Act despite widespread bipartisan civil liberties concerns. His department’s own inspector general discovered that the FBI underreported, misused and otherwise abused the Patriot Act’s National Security Letter provisions.

The attorney general failed to investigate possible perjury by a top general about abusive interrogation techniques, his department reversed the findings of its panel of experts that a Georgia voter identification law would discriminate against minorities, and further failed to uphold his duties as attorney general by forcing out experienced career attorneys in Justice’s Civil Rights Division and replacing them with less experienced, political loyalists.

This didn’t just start in Washington, of course. Back home in Texas, Gonzales drafted the infamous clemency memos for Governor Bush, which failed to mention key factors in each case including evidence of innocence that supported clemency for death row inmates.

The president and the attorney general are a tight-knit crew. The attorney general provides tailor-made legal support for the president; the president reciprocates with unwavering political support. It’s a cozy relationship for those two, but disastrous for our nation and its rule of law. “No confidence” doesn’t even begin to cover it.

© ACLU, 125 Broad Street, 18th Floor New York, NY 10004

Nuclear Weapons Programs Are about Regime Survival

What Makes Us Think We Can Entrust The Future of The Human Race to These People?

The Silence of the Bombs


The Perfect (Sine) Wave

Informant: Kev Hall

Global Military Spending Hits $1.2 Trillion, Study Says

Sudan Is Secret Partner of US

U.S. Relies on Sudan Despite Condemning It


Sudan Is Secret Partner of US

Sudan has secretly worked with the CIA to spy on the insurgency in Iraq - an example of how the United States has continued to cooperate with the Sudanese regime even while condemning its role in the killing of tens of thousands of civilians in Darfur.

US-Geheimdienste erhalten jährlich 60 Milliarden US-Dollar

Die genauen Budgets der US-Geheimdienste sind ein gut gehütetes Geheimnis, aus einem versehentlich veröffentlichten Vortrag ließ sich jetzt auf die Gesamtsumme schließen, die wesentlich höher als bislang vermutet wäre.

A woman who lost her brother in Iraq had a simple question for John McCain: ABC did not help her get an answer

Weekend Watchdog: McCain Still Dodging

Fixing inequality is easier and more effective than trying to stop immigration by force

Ordering The Tides To Stop

by Deepa Fernandes,

How a GOP vendetta sowed the seeds of the Attorneygate scandal

Out To Get ACORN

by John Atlas,

Lying Down With Hyenas

by Alec Dubro,

If corporations are mean, domineering beasts, why do so many people accept corporate rule?

Belgische ePässe ohne Autorisierung auslesbar

E-Pässe sind ohne Autorisierung auslesbar

Belgische ePässe ohne Autorisierung auslesbar

Globalization Protesters Riot in Rome

Riot police used tear gas last night against demonstrators who donned face masks and threw bottles, smoke bombs, and other objects after President George Bush's first meeting with the Pope in Rome.

CIA Plans Cutbacks, Limits on Contractor Staffing

Acting under pressure from Congress, the CIA has decided to trim its contractor staffing by 10 percent. The Bush administration had not adequately funded growth in the intelligence community by allowing agencies to add personnel, so agencies turned to contractors to avoid personnel caps. A government civilian employee costs, on average, $126,500 a year while the annual cost of a core contractor is $250,000.

Immigration Judges Often Picked Based on GOP Ties

The Bush administration increasingly emphasized partisan political ties over expertise, in recent years, when selecting the judges who decide the fate of hundreds of thousands of immigrants, despite laws that preclude such considerations. Immigration judges are considered civil service employees who may not be chosen based on political factors, unlike judges in federal criminal courts.

Code Pink: Protesting for Peace

Code Pink was founded in 2002 as a women-run, women-led peace organization with a creative approach to protest. There are at least 250 chapters, mostly in this country. In recent months, the group's focus has coalesced around lobbying Congress to end the Iraq war.

First Strike against Russia: The Real Danger behind US ABM Deployment in Eastern Europe

From: Boyle, Francis
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2007 9:11 AM
Subject: Article >from Global Research

First Strike against Russia: The Real Danger behind US ABM Deployment in Eastern Europe.

Read the article at

Warring councillors call a truce

By Justin Dunn

TWO warring Tory councillors who were heading to court after an internal party row have agreed to bury the hatchet.

Moreton and Saughall Massive Cllr Chris Blakeley has publicly apologised for not recognising the efforts of colleague David Kirwan in trying to expose a council blunder over mobile phone masts.

In return, Cllr Kirwan - a solicitor - has said he will no longer pursue libel action against Cllr Blakeley.

However, Cllr Kirwan resigned the Tory whip last week and said on Monday he would remain in the council as an Independent Conservative serving the Hoylake and Meols ward.

Wirral Council was forced to apologise to residents after four mobile phone masts - turned down for planning permission - were allowed to go ahead because a council employee had failed to issue the relevant decision notice to T-Mobile.

“I am delighted that Cllr Blakeley has issued his statement ".
Cllr David Kirwan

Cllr Blakeley accused the Labour-led planning committee - which includes Cllr Kirwan - of trying to keep the blunder under wraps.

Cllr Blakeley said: "I deeply regret any misunderstanding that I may have caused.

"I am happy to make clear that Cllr Kirwan was a vociferous opponent of any moves to keep the mobile phone mast blunder out of the public domain.

"Cllr Kirwan has worked tirelessly for the Conservative Party cause during the past couple of years and it is a great shame that he has chosen to resign from the party.

"My wish is that we can continue working together for the good of all residents in Wirral."

Cllr Kirwan said: "I am delighted that Cllr Blakeley has issued his statement making clear the role that I played in bringing the phone mast blunder into the public domain.

"As a result, I have today decided to withdraw the libel action against the councillor.

"However, I stand by my decision to resign the party whip and will continue to represent residents in Hoylake & Meols as an Independent Conservative.

"Cllr Blakeley is a highly regarded councillor who, like myself, fights tirelessly to improve the lives of people in Wirral. I look forward to joining forces with him on many issues in the future."

© Copyright 2001-2007 Newsquest Media Group

Objectors rally to block mast on green site

MORE than 50 people have formally objected to plans for a new mobile phone mast in the Capital.

The proposed mast would be built on greenfield land at Malleny Bing, near Harlaw Road, in Balerno.

A campaign group called SOS Balerno was established to protest against the mast being built and believe mobile companies should be forced to "mast share".

Fifty-six formal objection letters were sent to the city council's planning department.


Keep troops in Iraq permanently

Christian Science Monitor
by Daniel Schorr


President Bush used to be fond of saying that American troops would stay in Iraq as long as needed and not a day longer. He isn’t saying that anymore. The new word from the White House is that American troops would be stationed in Iraq permanently on the ‘Korean model.’ The analogy is a little strained. The United States has helped to mend the rift between North and South Korea since 1953. But South Korea has had no internal insurgency to worry about. The plan for permanent bases in Iraq must have been long in the making. The president ignored a recommendation of the Baker-Hamilton Commission that he state that America seeks no permanent bases in Iraq. At one point last year, the Senate and House passed an amendment to the military-spending bill banning the establishment of permanent bases in Iraq. The bill went to conference and then the ban on bases, adopted by both chambers, mysteriously disappeared...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

A White House plan to erode our liberties

The Nation
by Aziz Huq


Early this week, judge advocates halted two prosecutions in the Guantánamo military commissions established under the 2006 Military Commissions Act (MCA). This is not the first setback the Administration’s second-tier court system has hit; the Supreme Court invalidated an earlier iteration of the commissions in 2006. And it won’t be the last. But while this week’s setback likely will be speedily surmounted, it casts an unexpected light on the MCA’s real purposes, and what’s at stake when the Bush Administration plays politics with national security. Understanding the significance of this week’s ruling means delving into a bit of procedural arcana. The devil in the MCA is, almost literally, in the details — and unless we attend closely to the rococo details of the statute, we’ll miss the ways in which the Administration intends to slowly erode our liberties...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Suppressing free speech

Common Dreams
by Barry Payne


‘There’s a problem. It’s called Net Neutrality,’ Whitacre told the heirs to AT&T’s telecommunications empire on June 5. ‘Well, frankly, we say to h... with that. We’re gonna put up some toll booths and start charging admission.’ See for Whitacre’s full comments. As the greatest suppression of free speech ever seen in the US coupled with potential economic costs in the hundreds of billions of dollars, ending net neutrality is equivalent to yanking the soapbox from most ideas that ever percolated from the bottom up since 1990...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Arrested, imprisoned and dumped

Classically Liberal
by CLS


In 2001 the United States dropped bombs on the village sending the residents fleeing over the border into Pakistan. Here the Uighurs were arrested by the security police of the Pakistani dictatorship, which is allied with the United States — yes, the US really is getting into bed with some odious ‘friends’ under the Bush administration. And then the men were turned over to the Bush security police who whisked them off to the US concentration camp in Cuba — a land free of such things as human rights which interfere with government power. After four years of imprisonment, with no charges ever filed against them, five of the men were released. But to return to China means torture and possible execution. The US won’t return them to Afghanistan so instead they got the Albanians to accept them as refugees. False imprisonment is normally compensated in some way. But then the Bush Administration has never made a mistake — just ask them. The idea of compensating people for false imprisonment implies they have rights and that is a concept that the Bushites insist does not apply to anyone that the US labels a terrorist. Even when the US admits that the ‘terrorist’ was never a ‘terrorist’ he is still a ‘terrorist’ when it comes to compensating him for the horrors that were unjustly inflicted on them...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Senate Dems to force Gonzales “no confidence” vote

Fox News


Majority Democrats in the Senate are forcing their Republican colleagues on the record about whether embattled Attorney General Alberto Gonzales should keep his job. No one is predicting that a symbolic resolution expressing no confidence in Gonzales will survive even the test vote Monday. Most Republicans are likely to vote no, dismissing the whole exercise as a ploy to embarrass President Bush. … Still, few of the Senate’s 100 members are rushing to defend Gonzales. What goodwill remained toward him after the firings of eight federal prosecutors over the winter seemed to fade after the attorney general told a Senate committee dozens of times that he could not recall key details...,2933,280292,00.html

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Why Edwards Scares The NY Times

Informant: bigraccoon

Mikrowellenherd Erde

Schäuble ein Daten-Messie?

#Die Linkspartei.PDS: Pressemitteilungen

11. Juni 2007

Zu Schäubles Plänen für ein zentrales Fingerabdruck-Register für Ausländer erklärt die stellvertretende Parteivorsitzende Katina Schubert:

Der Bundesinnenminister zeigt zunehmend typische Symptome des Messie-Syndroms. Er sammelt alle ihm bislang zugänglichen Daten auch unbescholtener Bürgerinnen und Bürger und lässt kein Weg versucht, um ständig an neue zu gelangen. Es vergeht kaum ein Tag, an dem er nicht verkündet, was er alles so zu sammeln gedenkt. Dazu gehört das Ausspähen von Computern ebenso wie das verdachtsunabhängige Speichern von Telefonaten, Mails und SMS. Nachdem der Versuch eine Geruchtsproben-Sammlung aufzubauen am öffentlichen Widerstand bislang gescheitert ist, sollen nun auch Migrantinnen und Migranten unter Generalverdacht gestellt werden. Nichts anderes wäre der Aufbau eines zentralen Fingerabdruck-Registers für Ausländer. Das ist nicht nur diskriminierend für die Betroffenen und passt zu den Verschärfungen des Aufenthaltsgesetzes, die jetzt dem Bundestag vorliegen, sondern führt Veranstaltungen wie den Integrationsgipfel der Bundeskanzlerin ad absurdum. Denn ein Generalverdacht gegenüber Ausländern ist desintegrierend. Schäuble bleibt sich treu und versucht weiterhin, Schritt für Schritt die totale Überwachung zu etablieren. Ein Stoppzeichen des Koalitionspartners SPD sucht man bislang vergebens. Die Linkspartei-PDS fordert die Kanzlerin auf, der Sammelwut des Bundesinnenministers Einhalt zu gebieten. Alle Bürgerinnen und Bürger haben das Recht, über ihre eigenen Daten und deren Erhebung und Verwendung zu bestimmen. Das schließt auch das Recht ein, zu wissen, wer welche Daten wo und zu welchem Zweck erhebt, speichert und verwendet.äuble

Telekom im freigelassenen Kapitalismus

„Als am 3. September 1993 im Bundestag auch die damals noch oppositionelle SPD durch ihre Zustimmung zu einer weiteren Grundgesetzänderung mit entschied, dass nach der Bahn auch die Deutsche Bundespost privatisiert und anschließend – zerlegt in Deutsche Post AG, Deutsche Postbank AG und Deutsche Telekom AG – den ungehinderten Marktkräften ausgeliefert werden konnte, ahnten wohl die wenigsten, was sie damit anrichteten. Das heutige Desaster eines international agierenden, hochverschuldeten Großkonzerns, der sein hierzulande in zwölf Jahren fast halbiertes Personal dazu zwingen will, bis zu 40 Prozent Lohnkürzungen zu akzeptieren, und damit droht, ansonsten ein Übernahmekandidat für Hedgefonds zu werden, war vielleicht nicht absehbar, aber es gab auch damals schon genügend Stimmen, die davor warnten, öffentliche Dienste privaten Gewinninteressen auszusetzen und wesentliche Teile der nationalen Infrastruktur der demokratischen Willensbildung und Kontrolle zu entziehen…“ Artikel von Otto Meyer in Ossietzky, veröffentlicht bei Linksnet vom 08.06.2007

Wir hatten euch gewarnt

Publik- Extra zum Streik bei der Deutschen Telekom AG (pdf)

Aus: LabourNet, 11. Juni 2007

Fields of screams for irate motorists

This was in the B.O.S. this weekend. This mast appears to have everything on it including police communication.


Phone mast for Holy Trinity

Jun 11 2007

by Kerry Beadling

ONE of Coventry's famous three spires could soon be housing a mobile phone mast.

A phone company wants to use the city centre's landmark Holy Trinity Church, which dates back to the 12th century.

The plan involves putting four antennas and other equipment within the tower at the Priory Row church so that it is not visible.

But some people are worried about health issues surrounding the application.

Local clergy have been asked to consider the scheme by a company called QS4, which looks for well-positioned spaces for antenna installations, on behalf of the T-Mobile network.

Residents and businesses in a 100 metre radius are being consulted on the proposal which will then be looked at by the church committee.

If that approves the plan, then has to go the DAC, which acts as the Church of England's planning authority.

Holy Trinity Church is one of the largest medieval churches in England and was founded in the 12th century for the tenants of the Priory lands which extended over the north of Coventry.

Among its precious artefacts is the Doom painting, which dates to around 1430, and shows Christ in the centre with the stair to heaven above him and below him the souls of the damned being propelled by demons towards the open jaws of hell.

Church warden Sue Wilcox said: "There's been a lot of publicity about recent applications to the Church of England.

"Obviously our congregation and our own church body are concerned about possible health issues. However we understand research shows they are safe."

A spokesman for QS4 hoped if approved the equipment would be in place by the end of the year.

He added: "Churches are normally one of the tallest structures on the skyline and therefore they generally provide an ideal location."

© owned by or licensed to Midland Newspapers Limited 2007

Impeachment on a Roll

Kidnap and Torture American Style


Kidnap and Torture American Style follows the stories of terror suspects. Some of them are British residents, who have been snatched from streets and airports throughout the world before being flown to the Middle-East and Africa. In countries such as Syria and Egypt, they undergo agonising ordeals before being incarcerated, without ever facing an open trial.

Torture is NEVER justified

...and our spineless leaders must find the courage to tell that to Bush.

The tycoon who famously donated £5m to the Tories tells why he now feels compelled to give his money to a very different cause.

From Information Clearing House

The picture that proves 'torture flights' are STILL landing in the UK

The row over CIA 'torture flights' using British airports has deepened following fresh evidence that a plane repeatedly linked to the controversial programme landed in the UK just days ago.

From Information Clearing House

Preacher seized by CIA tells of torture in Egypt

AN EGYPTIAN preacher who was seized by the CIA in daylight on a Milan street has revealed the details of 14 months of torture to which he says he was subjected after his "extraordinary rendition" to Egypt.

From Information Clearing House


Kidnapped by the CIA - Tortured in Egypt

"Barely 44 years old, the man appears to be 60. Egyptian Imam Osama Mustafa Hassan Nasr, better known as Abu Omar, describes himself as 'a broken old man, with my body in ruins,' a man 'who eats too much, no longer desires his wife, gorged on tranquilizers.'" And who expects nothing from the trial of the CIA agents who abducted him in Milan ...

Show Russia more respect

Show Russia more respect

Iran won't be a threat to Europe for a long time, so there's no need for antimissile defense on Russia's doorstep.

Iranian parliament warns against Putin's new missile shield project

'Our diplomatic apparatus should harshly react to this new initiative and not allow Iran to become a tool for settling disputes between world powers,' the spokesman of the parliament's foreign policy and security commission told ISNA news agency.

Bush firm on missile shield plan

George Bush, the US president, has thanked Poland for being ready to host the US missile shield and sent a clear signal he would not scrap the plan in the face of an alternative offer from Russia.

For U.S. Base, Bush Finds Czech Enthusiasm, Polish Reserve

U.S. President George W. Bush this week discussed a U.S. missile base in Eastern Europe with Polish and Czech officials, but the results were merely words, and the two European countries showed some naivety as international players.

From Information Clearing House

Fadlallah accuses US of trying to ruin Lebanon

Senior Shiite cleric Sayyed Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah lashed out at the US Sunday, accusing it of trying to ruin Lebanon politically and sow instability in the country.

From Information Clearing House

Iran to US: We can target your bases

Iran threatens to retaliate with Gulf blitz if US hits nuclear plants

IRAN has threatened to launch a missile blitz against the Gulf states and plunge the entire Middle East into war if America attacks its nuclear facilities.

Iran to US: We can target your bases

"All the American bases in the region are within the reach of our weapons," said the deputy interior minister, Mohammed Baqer Zolghadr, in charge of security issues. "If the United States attacked Iran, US interests would be in danger everywhere in the world," added Mr Zolghadr.

From Information Clearing House

A Neo-Conservative International Targets Iran

A familiar clutch of U.S. hawks took part in the proceedings, including an all-star contingent from the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) consisting of Richard Perle, Michael Rubin, Michael Novak, Joshua Muravchik, and Reuel Marc Gerecht; Herb London, John O'Sullivan, and Anne Bayefsky from the Hudson Institute; Bruce Jackson a former director of the Project for the New American Century (PNAC)

Military Envisions Longer Occupation of Iraq

U.S. military officials here are increasingly envisioning a "post-occupation" troop presence in Iraq that neither maintains current levels nor leads to a complete pullout, but aims for a smaller, longer-term force that would remain in the country for years.

We Got it Wrong, says Former Torturer

By Tim Shipman

A FORMER US Army torturer has described the traumatic effects of American interrogation techniques in Iraq - on their victims and on the perpetrators themselves.

Widespread Lies, An American Woe

By Emily Spence

How could such a sizable portion of US citizens be so easily duped and what agents are responsible for such easy acceptance of erroneous conclusions? In other words, who created these bogus sets of facts and, equally important, were they deliberately crafted?

Putin's Censored Press Conference

The transcript you weren't supposed to see

By Mike Whitney

The Bush administration has carried out an aggressive strategy to surround Russia with military bases, install missiles on its borders, topple allied regimes in Central Asia, and incite political upheaval in Moscow through US-backed "pro-democracy" groups. These openly hostile actions have convinced many Russian hard-liners that the administration is going forward with the neocon plan for "regime change" in Moscow and fragmentation of the Russian Federation. Putin's testimony suggests that the hardliners are probably right.

Lieberman Favors Military Strike on Iran,,-6698742,00.html

Informant: Carol Moore in DC

From ufpj-news


War Pimp Alert: U.S. Senator Says Military Action in Iran Possible

By Reuters

Sen. Joseph Lieberman, a long-time supporter of the Iraq war, said on Sunday military force might be necessary to stop Iran from training and equipping extremists who are killing U.S. troops.


Lieberman Urges Iran Air Strike

CODEPINK: Message to Senator Joe Lieberman: Don't Bomb Iran!


Fightin' words Iran must hear

End border raids or bombs away: Can you believe that Joe Lieberman? Iran has gone to war with us, sending troops across its border with Iraq to kill perhaps as many as 200 of our soldiers, and Lieberman wants to stop them.

Clark slams Lieberman on Iran

Retired Gen. Wesley Clark has slammed Sen. Joe Lieberman, I-Conn., for threatening military force against Iran.

Lieberman asked to resign from his own party

The Connecticut for Lieberman Party is calling on Senator Joseph Lieberman to resign from the U.S. Senate following his remarks made Sunday on CBS' Face the Nation regarding military action against Iran.

From Information Clearing House


Tell Senator Lieberman: No War in Iran!

Das Handy vor der Kirchentür

...Vor dem Riesentor des Stephansdoms habe ich einen Mann gesehen, der auf der Erde kauerte und mit der rechten Hand bettelte, während er mit der linken ein Handy ans Ohr hielt...

EMF-Monitor 2/2007

Jährlich 8000 neue Asbestopfer

Das Ende des Steckers? Wissenschafter erfinden ein drahtloses Gerät, das die Elektrizität durch die Wohnung strahlt

Chronic, prolonged low level "toxic" EMF/EMR exposures

Paul, Thompson, Hunter, Brownback on Real ID, biometrics & Verichip

Informant: shane_digital

Field Test: GPS phones for kids

Now they're pushing parents to push mobile phones on their kids - in order to TRACK them! To "plot their whereabouts"! Horrors!

Susan Clarke

Kucinich on Ring of Fire radio show

Informant: Robin Rae

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The Republican Party... les/the-republican-party-i s-still-doing-donald-trump s-bidding/?eType=EmailBlas tContent&eId=804d4873-50dd -4c1b-82a5-f465ac3742ce
rudkla - 26. Apr, 05:36
January 6 Committee Says... les/jan-6-committee-says-t rump-engaged-in-criminal-c onspiracy-to-undo-election /?eType=EmailBlastContent& eId=552e5725-9297-4a7c-a21 4-53c8c51615a3
rudkla - 4. Mär, 05:38
Georgia Republicans Are...
https://www.commondreams.o rg/views/2022/02/14/georgi a-republicans-are-delibera tely-attacking-voting-righ ts
rudkla - 15. Feb, 05:03
Now Every Day Is January...
https://www.commondreams.o rg/views/2022/02/07/now-ev ery-day-january-6-trump-ta rgets-vote-counters
rudkla - 8. Feb, 05:41


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