Donnerstag, 10. Mai 2007


From Linda H.


Pentagon Moved to Fix Iraqi Media Before Invasion

In the run-up to the March 2003 invasion of Iraq, the Pentagon planned to create a "Rapid Reaction Media Team" (RRMT) designed to ensure control over major Iraqi media while providing an Iraqi "face" for its efforts, according to a "white paper" obtained by the independent National Security Archive.

Clarke: Time to Undo Iraq Mistake

Richard Clarke, former national security adviser to four presidents including President Bush, said the United States will deal with Iraqi "revenge terrorists" on American soil for the remainder of his years and for the lifespans of many who attended his Clark College appearance on Monday evening. "Al-Qaida terror cells have multiplied much faster since the 9/11 terror attacks and subsequent American offensive in Afghanistan," Clarke said. "The United States let al-Qaida off the ropes to invade Iraq."

Pentagon Restricting Testimony in Congress

The Pentagon has placed unprecedented restrictions on who can testify before Congress, reserving the right to bar lower-ranking officers, enlisted soldiers and career bureaucrats from appearing before oversight committees or having their remarks transcribed, according to Defense Department documents.

Number of Fired Prosecutors Grows

Former US Attorney Todd Graves was asked to step down from his job by a senior Justice Department official in January 2006, months before eight other federal prosecutors were fired by the Bush administration. The former prosecutor's disclosure reveals that the administration began moving to replace US attorneys five months earlier than was previously known. It also means that at least nine prosecutors were asked to resign last year, a deviation from repeated suggestions by Gonzales and other senior Justice Department officials in Congressional testimony. a phone mast

10 May 2007

A village famous for toads and turbines is at the centre of a rumpus over telecommunications and a tower.

Mobile phone mast opponents are rallying against a proposal to site masts and equipment inside Winterton Parish Church's 132ft high flint-flecked tower - one of the tallest in the county.

Rising magnificently over seven levels, the tower has been targeted by QS4 whose offer is being considered by church officials who are having to balance local feeling and its accounts.

But the proposal has sparked concern and a petition with opponents saying they were mainly worried about health issues and fears about harmful emissions close to homes and a school.

However, agents for QS4,

the Church of England's approved telecommunications installer, have told borough planners they do not need consent to install the four 29m antennae, which involves swapping the existing flagpole with a T-Mobile one, because there is already something there.

The phone company's proposal, which is thought to offer annual rents worth thousands of pounds, is believed to be the first made to a church in the borough.

Last night Father Adrian Ling, priest in charge at Holy Trinity and All Saints, said: “It's all very much in its early stages. We have been approached to house a mobile phone mast in the tower. It is something we have been asked to think about and we are considering it.”

He added he had been assured that 200m was a safe distance away for the local school and stressed the proposal did not threaten plans to reopen the tower which was closed around 10 years ago amid mounting health and safety legislation.

Senior borough planner Dean Minns said: “There is no formal application at the moment. What these companies do is make a pre-application consultation. This is a Grade 1 listed building so we have to look at that in context.”

Central heating engineer Bob Bolch who lives nearby said QS4 had distributed a “very limited” number of letters and given an “unreasonably short” deadline of May 18 for public consultation.

He said: “A large number of residents in Winterton are extremely concerned and feelings are running high regarding the proposal.

“Many residents are still unaware of the proposal and the potential health risks associated with such an installation.”

The company is being pressed for a public meeting.

Copyright © 2006 Archant Regional. All rights reserved.

Das Verhältnis zwischen Bürgern und Politik ist angekratzt

Theatergruppe Bundestag

Das Verhältnis zwischen Bürgern und Politik ist angekratzt. Politik gilt als selbstbezogen, als narzisstisches Schauspiel. Die Kritik am Narzissmus der Politik ist zwar berechtigt, sie zeugt aber zugleich vom eigenen Narzissmus.

Der "Kampf gegen den Terror" bedroht die Demokratie, auch in Deutschland

Die repressive Regel

The Empathetic Presidency Is Back

President Bush said politicians should not "insert themselves" into "emotional and volatile events." But times have changed.

Bid to put a phone mast by play area

May 10 2007

by Lyndsay Young, Formby Times

A MOBILE phone giant wants to put a mast next to the children’s play area at Duke Street Park a year after a previous application was refused.

T-Mobile wants to install a 2G/3G pylon on the grass verge at the corner of Duke Street Park near the roundabout.

It comes a year after mobile phone company O2 had its plans for a mast at the same site refused by the planning inspectorate.

Residents are being notified of the proposal by T-Mobile for the 11.7m high mast with three antennas and two cabinets.

The end of the notification period will be Tuesday, May 22, which is the earliest date a decision can be made and people have until then to voice an opinion on the proposal.

An earlier application by O2 had been refused by Sefton’s Planning Committee after the plans caused outrage among residents.

An appeal was dismissed in June last year. The planning inspectorate said the effects it would have on the appearance of the area outweighed the benefits of 3G coverage.

Councillor Barry Griffiths, who joined the campaign against O2’s plans, opposes the current application: “I’m totally against it because it’s adjacent to the children’s play area and opposite the library.

“It is on the grass area near the pavement so it can’t be covered.

“Particularly if you drive down over the hill down Kirklake Road it’s there in front of you.

“I think with the problems at the park the box will be damaged and there will be graffiti on it.

“We need to get a body together in Formby to fight all these masts as and when they come up – a central group that could tackle all these issues on behalf of the residents.”

© owned by or licensed to Trinity Mirror North West & North Wales Limited 2007

‘No danger’ from mast?

May 10 2007

by Nick Moreton, Crosby Herald

MOBILE phone giant O2 has denied that a mast placed near to a baby’s bedroom puts residents in danger.

The mast, which was turned on in March, went up on a roof in Coronation Road, earlier this year.

But the property backs on to Second Avenue and the structure is just metres from houses there.

Joan Jenkins, who lives on Second Avenue, is concerned the mast is sending harmful rays into her house, particularly a bedroom in which her seven-month-old grandson regularly stays.

She said: “The phone mast is far too close to the bedrooms.

“My seven-month-old grandson stays in that room when my daughter comes and I’m worried about the effects of the mast on him.

“I have to tell her not to stay too long because I am worried about him being exposed to the mast while he’s here.”

Another resident, Nikki Burns, said: “I object to the mast totally - I can’t believe that something like that can go up without any consultation with local people.

“It seems to be cleverly sited to avoid the need for planning permission.

The mast is subject to a Government regulation called a General Permitted Development Order, which means it does not need planning permission because its height is less than six metres above the highest part of the building it is situated on.

The order means that although O2 has to tell Sefton Council of its intentions, the authority does not have the power to refuse the mast, provided it falls within the height restrictions.

A council spokesperson said: “Sefton Council was unable to grant or deny planning permission for this particular mast.

“This is because it is regarded as ‘permitted development’ under national legislation.

“In this case, the company informed us of their intentions merely out of courtesy and we were unable to raise any objections.”

O2 regional communications manager Tom Powell reassured residents the mast does not pose any health problems.

He said: “The houses actually fall outside the exclusion zone because the signal goes over the property, and people really need to take comfort from that.

“I accept the apparatus looks like it’s very close but the actual signal goes well above the houses.

“We do not have to get full planning permission because of the size of the structure.

“The World Health Organisation monitors what’s going on globally with phone masts and it says that all evidence to date shows there is no risk to health in living in close proximity to phone masts.”

Omega this is not true. See under:

© owned by or licensed to Trinity Mirror North West & North Wales Limited 2007

Deaths of New Zealand sea lion mothers and pups caused by squid fishing practices

Take action:

Arbeitnehmer sind keine Versuchskaninchen

#Die Linkspartei.PDS: Pressemitteilungen

10. Mai 2007

Zu neuen Vorschlägen der CDU, den Kündigungsschutz "probeweise auszusetzen" erklärt der Bundesgeschäftsführer Dietmar Bartsch:

Der Kündigungsschutz darf nicht zum Experimentierfeld für profilierungssüchtige CDU-Ministerpräsidenten werden. Der Vorschlag, den Kündigungsschutz probeweise für drei Jahre auszusetzen und abzuwarten, was passiert, ist in höchstem Grade unseriös. Er bedient nur das Bedürfnis der Arbeitgeber nach einem beliebigen "Heuern und Feuern" und erhöht gleichzeitig die Erpressbarkeit der Beschäftigten. Mehr Arbeitsplätze sind so nicht zu erreichen, dafür aber eine höhere Fluktuation in den Betrieben und ein größeres Beschäftigungsrisiko. Der Kündigungsschutz ist ein positiver Standortfaktor. Mit den neuen absurden Vorschlägen zur Lockerung des Kündigungsschutzes geht der Koalitionspoker zwischen Union und SPD um Mindestlöhne und Kündigungsschutz offenbar in eine neue Runde. Es ist schon erstaunlich, mit welchem Nachdruck und Kraftaufwand die Union nach fadenscheinigen Argumenten für die Lockerung des Kündigungsschutzes und gegen die Einführung eines gesetzlichen Mindestlohnes sucht. Sie sollte ihre Kraft besser für den Kampf gegen die Arbeitslosigkeit und gegen Niedriglöhne verwenden. Arbeitnehmer sind keine Versuchskaninchen.

11-Year-Old Assault Victim's Arrest Angers Minnesota Tribe

An 11-year-old boy was led from his school in handcuffs, held overnight in a juvenile detention center, and hauled into court in shackles and an orange prison jumpsuit. His crime? Missing a court date to testify as the victim of an assault. The treatment of the boy, a member of the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe, has reignited a decades-old feud between the tribe and officials from the surrounding county in central Minnesota.

Politics Could Cloud Election Panel's Work

The six-person Federal Election Commission, which enforces campaign-finance laws, is entering the presidential election season with three temporary commissioners who have not been confirmed by the Senate, two commissioners whose terms have expired but who have not been replaced, and one vacancy. As a result, most of the commissioners who are now passing judgment on campaign-finance fights will also be looking ahead to their own confirmation battles - a process that threatens to intensify the politics surrounding an agency that was set up to resolve disputes over election rules in a bipartisan manner.

Former US Attorneys: "Charges May Result From Firings"

Two former US attorneys said today they believe ongoing investigations into the dismissals last year of eight federal prosecutors could result in criminal charges against senior Justice Department officials.

Arab Nations Say "No Thanks" to American Democracy Promotion

William Fisher reports: "The US war to bring democracy to Iraq has caused a large majority of Middle Eastern Arabs to reject any similar American campaigns in their countries.... In almost every case, Arabs still admired American values, people, culture and products. But they did not like US policies. And it was this that drove down America's overall favorable ratings and drove up US negatives."

11 Republicans Berate Bush Over Iraq In Private

11 Republican members of Congress gave Bush a blunt warning on his Iraq policy at a private White House meeting this week, explaining candidly that conditions needed to improve markedly by fall or more Republicans would desert him on the war.

Tigris River becoming a graveyard of bodies

The River Tigris has long been a symbol of prosperity in Iraq but since the US-led invasion in 2003, this amazing watercourse has turned into a graveyard of bodies. In addition, the water level is decreasing as pollution increases, say environmentalists.


Robbers, Terrorists, insurgents, militiamen...'call them what you want,' says Adel in this episode of Hometown Baghdad. 'It's like a standard job now, to kill people.' Talking about people you saw or heard were killed today, he adds, is 'something really ordinary.' Iraqis will suffer civil war, says another Hometown Baghdad contributor, Saif, 'Until each side will lose. In civil war, nobody wins.'


According to the UN, in terms of raw numbers, the nearly two-and-a-half million Iraqi refugees displaced because of the war is a bigger crisis than Darfur. Listen to Jerome McDonnell interview Electronic Iraq contributor Noah Merrill on the Iraq refugee crisis. Merrill recently spent six weeks in Jordan, where the refugee crisis is acute. He will return this summer.

Phone mast plan fury

Rustington residents and school children protesting about the proposed mobile phone mast in North Lane

FAMILIES are fighting a proposed mobile phone mast yards from a children's play area and close to two Rustington primary schools.
No official application has been made to Arun District Council, and the first anyone knew of the plan was when a notice appeared on the gate of a Southern Water pumping station next to the Brickfields recreation area, off North Lane.

More than 100 people have signed a petition against the mast and Rustington Parish Council will discuss it as an emergency item at its meeting on Monday night.

Mary-Ann Wood, of North Lane, one of the organisers of the petition, said: "With the children's park and the schools nearby, we don't want this. The park is used by so many children, it's just irresponsible to even think of having a mast there.

"If it hadn't been for our 12-year-old grand-daughter, Laura, we wouldn't have seen the notice. It was white, rather than orange, like the Arun planning notices, and so small you couldn't see it from any distance. She said to us: 'Look. Nana, what they are doing.'

"Apart from the play area, the pumping station backs on to four gardens, including ours, and would be only yards from our home.

"I've written to the company on the notice and we are getting as many people to sign the petition as we can. I feel very strongly about this. There's no proof that these masts don't cause cancer."

Government guidelines say schools must be notified if applications are submitted for sites nearby, but it's not known whether Rustington Community Primary School or Summerlea Primary Schools, which is further away, would be within the distance required.

Rustington Parish Council recently objected to plans for a mast in The Street because there are several nurseries and pre-school groups within a short distance.

Tara Holmes, a parent at Rustington Primary, said she was concerned about the long-term effects of radiation from phone masts. "I don't know what emissions it would be giving out. I just don't think it's safe.

"These masts should be in the middle of nowhere, or at least well away from residential areas and definitely away from children, while their brains are developing.

"There are a lot of worried mums talking about this at the school gates."

Neither T-Mobile not its telecommunications consultant W H P Wilkinson Helsby was available to comment on the families' concerns.

An Arun planning spokeswoman confirmed no formal application for the mast had been received. She suggested letters should be sent directly to the address on the white site notice. Arun will not consider any comments until an application has been received.

All rights reserved ©2007 Johnston Press Digital Publishing

If you haven't signed these...

Thank you for all your hard work, Cate. WELCOME BACK!- will forward...Linda H.

Original Message

...please do so if inclined! Cate

Anger at plans for phone mast near school

By News reporter

PLANS to put up a mobile phone mast have angered parents of children at the Prebendal School and the Chichester Society. T-Mobile wants a 12-metre mast on a grass verge to the north of the Avenue de Chartres roundabout in the city centre next to the school's playing fields.

Parent Mary Lacey said: 'To put a mast like that so close to a school is irresponsible.'

All rights reserved ©2007 Johnston Press Digital Publishing

Ausgrenzung und soziale Spaltung: Über den Zusammenhang von Prekarisierung und Aktionärsherrschaft

Oppose the "FISA Modernization Act" being pushed by the Bush administration

New secret FISA legislation. Not good stuff. JVB

D o w n s i z e r - D i s p a t c h Please share with concerned friends . . .

Subject: Legalizing illegal spying using secret legislation

Here's what we don't know . . .

* The name of the bill
* The bill's number
* The bill's wording

Apparently, if Congress told you any of these "top secret" things they would then have to kill you. But this is no joke.

Here's what we do know . . .

* There is an unclassified version of the bill that you can read, but no one really understands the full ramifications.
* There is almost certainly a classified version of the bill that's even worse.
* This secret legislation has a code name: the "FISA Modernization Act"
* The President seems to consider the old version of the FISA law "primitive," and in need of "modernizing," because it contains a few meager protections for the American people
* The "modernized" version of this law would probably allow the government to monitor all of your phone calls without a warrant, and with no meaningful limitations.

Here's what we're going to do . . .

We're going to oppose this nameless, numberless, secret legislation.

Need we say more to justify our opposition?

Someone reading this is probably thinking that of course the government needs secrets in order to protect us. We would encourage anyone who thinks that to please think a little deeper.

Terrorists may be evil, but they're not stupid. They're smart enough to assume that all of their calls are being monitored, with or without a "FISA Modernization Act."

Please remember that the terrorists responsible for the 9-11 attack always spoke in code when they used the telephone. They knew their calls were being monitored! We highly doubt that there is anything in the classified version of this secret FISA bill that the terrorists don't already know, and take into account.

So who is Congress trying to fool by keeping this legislation secret?

They are trying to fool you, of course, because they're certainly not fooling the bad guys.

Some in Congress are trying to exploit public fear and patriotism to usurp the power to monitor your phone calls and Internet traffic without the need for a warrant. Don't let them get away with it.

Here is the first requirement for responsible citizenship: stop trusting your government.

That is worth repeating. Here is the first requirement for responsible citizenship: stop trusting your government.

Our government has repeatedly and relentlessly shown itself to be untrustworthy and incompetent.

Big Monopoly Government deserves the penalty of the doubt at all times, because its power is so great, and its track record is so abysmally, horrendously bad.

Blind acceptance of government claims is not patriotism. It is foolishness.

Tell your elected representatives to kill the so-called "FISA Modernization Act."

We have more to say about this bill at our website. If you need more information to act, please click on the link and read for yourself.

Then, pass this message on to several of your friends, family, and colleagues.

Thank you for being a DC Downsizer.

Jim Babka President, Inc.
D o w n s i z e r - D i s p a t c h is the official email list of, Inc. & Downsize DC Foundation

From ufpj-news

Bundeswehr: Armee der Arbeitslosen - Gegen die Militär-Werbeshows in Arbeitsämtern

Trainingspiele für Bundeswehrnachwuchs vor allem aus dem Erwerbslosenbereich Gewaltoperationen optimiert

“Anhaltend hohe Jugendarbeitslosigkeit sichert der Bundeswehr den Nachwuchs für deutsche Militäroperationen im Ausland. Mehr als ein Drittel aller im Auslandseinsatz befindlichen Soldaten wurde in den ostdeutschen Ländern mit der höchsten Arbeitslosenquote der Bundesrepublik rekrutiert, bestätigt das Berliner Verteidigungsministerium. Auch in Westdeutschland sind bis zu einem Drittel der neuen Soldaten Freiwillige, die in den Militärdienst eintreten, um der Erwerbslosigkeit zu entkommen…“ Artikel von Hans Georg in Neue Rheinische Zeitung - Online Nr. 94

Militarisierung und die Bundeswehr

Rüstung für den Angriff

Vorabdruck. »Schwarzbuch zur Sicherheits- und Militärpolitik Deutschlands«. Teure Projekte für globale Machtprojektion in der jungen Welt vom 10.05.2007

Aus: LabourNet, 10. Mai 2007


Bundeswehrwerbeoffizier in Wuppertal getortet

„Am Donnerstag, den 10.05.07 sollte im BIZ (Berufsinformationszentrum) eine Propagandaveranstaltung für Berufsanfänger stattfinden. Diese sollen fürs Töten auf Befehl als Beruf werben. Der Stabsoberbootsmann Heinrichs konnte seinen Vortrag jedoch nicht halten, da er zuvor gezielt eine Torte ins Gesicht bekommen hat. Damit setzt sich die Reihe der Störungen von Bundeswehrveranstaltungen in Arbeitsämtern fort, nachdem schon in Köln und Bielefeld antimilitaristische Aktionen stattgefunden haben…“ Meldung der Initiative "Bundeswehr wegtorten" vom 10.05.2007 bei indymedia

Bundeswehr-Werber kommen erneut in Kölner Arbeitsagentur

Das Hausverbot für die Bundeswehr in der Kölner Arbeitsagentur ist aufgehoben. Am Donnerstag den 24.Mai 2007 wollen Bundeswehr-Werber erneut im Berufsinformationszentrum (BIZ) der Arbeitsagentur in der Luxemburger Straße in Köln junge Erwerbslose fürs Militär und seine Auslandseinsätze zu werben. GegnerInnen treffen sich um 11:30 Uhr vor der Arbeitsagentur Luxemburger Str.

Aus: LabourNet, 14. Mai 2007


Bundeswehr bricht Werbeveranstaltung in Arbeitsagentur nach Protesten ab


Bundeswehr darf vorerst nicht mehr werben


Bochum: Keine Kriegsdienstpropaganda in der Arbeitsagentur

„Die Bundeswehr hat heute erneut versucht, in der Bochumer Arbeitsagentur Nachwuchs zu rekrutieren. Das Bochumer Friedensplenum hatte zum Protest dagegen aufrufen. In einem Flugblatt wurde darauf hingewiesen, dass die Bundeswehr große Probleme hat, Nachwuchs zu finden, der sich zum Töten ausbilden lässt. Die Bundeswehr hat deshalb eine Offensive gestartet, wie sie die Massenarbeitslosigkeit nutzen kann, um Menschen, denen unsere Gesellschaft keine andere Perspektive bietet, die Ausbildung zum Töten akzeptabel machen kann. Mehrere Demonstrantinnen und Demonstranten legten sich mit weißen Tüchern bedeckt vor den Eingang der Arbeitsagentur, um gegen diesen Bundeswehreinsatz zu protestieren…“ Pressemitteilung des Bochumer Friedensplenums vom 14. Juni 2007 mit Bildern und dem Text des Flugblattes

Totaler Kriegsdienstverweigerer erneut bei der Bundeswehr inhaftiert. KDV-Organisationen fordern Beachtung der Gewissensfreiheit und sofortige Beendigung des Arrestes

„Der Totale Kriegsdienstverweigerer Jonas Grote wurde am gestrigen Nachmittag erneut für 21 Tage bei der Bundeswehr inhaftiert. Bereits vom 23. Mai bis zum 12. Juni war der 19-Jährige bei der Heeresfliegerstaffel 269 in Roth bei Nürnberg wegen seiner konsequenten Ablehnung der Wehrpflicht und der Verweigerung aller Befehle mit Arrest bestraft worden…“ Gemeinsame Presseerklärung vom 14.6.07 von Zentralstelle für Recht und Schutz der Kriegsdienstverweigerer aus Gewissensgründen e.V. (Zentralstelle KDV), Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft - Vereinigte KriegsdienstgegnerInnen e.V (DFG-VK) und Kampagne gegen Wehrpflicht, Zwangsdienste und Militär

Aus: LabourNet, 15. Juni 2007


Giessen: Bundeswehr unerwünscht

„Heute fand in der Bundesagentur für Arbeit an der Giessener Nordanlage eine Werbeveranstaltung der Bundeswehr statt. Ein Rekrutierungsoffizier aus Marburg wollte die Vorzüge und die Angebote der Bundeswehr an junge Menschen darstellen, doch dazu sollte es nicht kommen…“ Bericht von Lukas Bakalar vom 21.06.2007 bei indymedia

Köln: Hausverbot für die Bundeswehr in der Arbeitsagentur !

„Am Donnerstag, den 28. Juni wollen Bundeswehr-Werbeoffiziere erneut im Berufsinformationszentrum (BIZ) der Arbeitsagentur in der Luxemburger Str. junge Erwerbslose fürs Militär und seine Auslandseinsätze werben. Begleiten wir die Bundeswehr bei ihrem Reklameeinsatz! Treffpunkt 11:30 Uhr vor der Arbeitsagentur“. Aufruf von Bundeswehr wegtreten

Aus: LabourNet, 25. Juni 2007


Köln: Bundeswehr ist kein normaler Arbeitsgeber
Am 28. Juni erneute Proteste vor Kölner Arbeitsagentur

„Der Initiative Bundeswehr-Wegtreten liegen Hinweise vor, wonach erneut Erwerbslose zur Teilnahme an einer Bundeswehrwerbeveranstaltung im Hause der Kölner Arbeitsagentur verpflichtet wurden. Der Maßnahmenträger TERTIA Training und Consulting GmbH & Co. KG schickte am 24. Mai 2007 mehrere unter 25-jährige Erwerbslose im Rahmen einer bei Ihnen geführten Maßnahme zur Beratungsveranstaltung der Bundeswehr im Berufsinformationszentrum der Arbeitsagentur Köln-Mitte. Die jungen Erwachsenen erklärten, dass Ihnen ganz konkrete Sanktionsandrohungen in Form von Leistungskürzung bei Nicht-Teilnahme ausgesprochen wurden. TERTIA und die Agentur für Arbeit erklären, es habe keine „rechtsverbindliche Einladungen“ gegeben. Gleichzeitig betont die Pressestelle der Arbeitsagentur, dass es sich bei der Bundeswehr um „einen Arbeitgeber wie jeden anderen“ handele. (…) Für Donnerstag, den 28 Juni sind erneut Proteste vor dem Berufsinformationszentrum in der Luxemburger Str. 121 angekündigt. „Diesmal werden potenzielle Rekrutinnen und Rekruten aktiv miteinbezogen!““ Pressemitteilung der Initiative Bundeswehr-Wegtreten vom 26. Juni 2007 (pdf)


Köln: Hausverbot für die Bundeswehr im A-Amt

„Mehr als 60 BundeswehrgegnerInnen belagerten [am 28.6.07] das blutrot-verschmierte Berufsinformationszentrum der Kölner Arbeitsagentur. Dessen Sicherheitskräfte und die Polizei waren überrascht von der Anzahl der BundeswehrgegnerInnen und verriegelten nach deren erstem Stürmungsversuch vorsichtshalber alle Zugänge. Draußen wurden potenzielle RekrutInnen vermessen und durften im Sarg probeliegen. Letztes Geleit für den Kölner Kameraden Jan Schmitz, dessen Tod im Kampf für eine neoliberale Weltordnung nicht umsonst war. (…) Traurige Bilanz des heutigen Tages: Während draussen die Rebel Clown Army für einen durchaus werbewirksamen Einsatz sorgte, war die Ausbeute für BundesArmy und BundesAgentur eher mau. Ganze zwei junge Frauen hatten es als interessierte Soldatinnen ins Berufsinformationszentrum geschafft. Ebenfalls bemerkenswert: Die Bundeswehr hat in Köln bisher keine weiteren Veranstaltungstermine angekündigt. Natürlich wird es weiterhin den Versuch von Reklameeinsätzen auch im Arbeitsamt geben - und wir werden Euch rechtzeitig informieren. Dennoch erreicht der Kölner Bundeswehrstandort derzeit kein "Laufpublikum" per Internet oder über die bisher üblichen Aushänge und Handzettel.“ Bericht von bundeswehr-wegtreten vom 29.06.2007 bei indymedia

Siehe dazu:

Demonstrationen und Farbbeutel

„Mit einem inszenierten Begräbnis wendet sich die Initiative "Bundeswehr-Wegtreten" gegen Werbeveranstaltungen der Bundeswehr bei arbeitslosen Jugendlichen…“ Video vom 28. Juni 2007 beim Kölner Stadtanzeiger – Vorsicht: nur einige Tage verfügbar!

Neues von „Bundeswehr wegtreten“

Die Homepage von „Bundeswehr wegtreten“ ist umgezogen, zu einer werbefreien Adresse:

Neue e-mail-Adresse:

Nächstes Treffen in Köln: 12. Juli um 20 Uhr, Allerweltshaus, Körnerstr. 77, Köln-Ehrenfeld

Bundeswehreinsätze in Bochum und Herne

„Die Bundeswehr hat für nächsten Donnerstag, den 5. Juli ab 13.00 Uhr einen erneuten Einsatz in der Bochumer Arbeitsagentur geplant. Ein Hauptfeldwebel informiert über die Ausbildung zum Kriegshandwerk. Mit einer Protestaktion des Friedensplenums und befreundeter anderer Gruppen darf gerechnet werden. Am 6. August, dem Jahrestag, an dem die erste Atombombe Hiroshima zerstörte und mehr als Hunderttausend Menschen umgebracht wurden, will die Bundeswehr eine Werbeshow in der Herner Innenstadt durchführen. Das Bochum Friedensplenum ruft dazu auf, die Protestaktionen der Herner Friedensbewegung zu unterstützen und an die Opfer von Hiroshima zu erinnern.“ Bericht bei bo-alternativ

Aus: LabourNet, 2. Juli 2007


Bochum: Gegen die Militarisierung des Alltags

„Mitglieder des Bochumer Friedensplenums und anderer Initiativen demonstrierten heute trotz strömenden Regens gegen den erneuten Bundeswehreinsatz in der Arbeitsagentur. Die Bundeswehr versucht einmal im Monat, mit einem Hauptfeldwebel in den Räumen der Agentur für Arbeit Arbeitslose für den Kriegsdienst zu werben. Die Ausbildung zum Töten wird dabei als ganz normaler Beruf dargestellt….“ Bericht vom 05.07.07 bei bo-alternativ

Dort auch ein Flugblatt der DFG-VK, das während der Aktion verteilt wurde (pdf)

Köln: „Helm ab, Hirn rein". Erneuter Widerstand gegen zweifelhafte Rekrutierungen

Artikel und Bilder von Hans-Dieter Hey in NRhZ-Online - Neue Rheinische Zeitung, Online-Flyer Nr. 102 vom 04.07.2007

Aus: LabourNet, 9. Juli 2007


Gegen die Militär-Werbeshows in Arbeitsämtern

Bundeswehr wegtreten. Bunter Protest gegen die Werbeveranstaltung der Bundeswehr in der Arbeitsagentur Berlin-Mitte am Donnerstag 06.09.2007

Am Donnerstag, den 6. 9. 2007, findet pünktlich um 15 Uhr vor dem Arbeitsamt Berlin-Mitte, Friedrichstr. 39 (U-Bhf. Kochstraße), ein bunter Protest gegen die Werbeveranstaltung der Bundeswehr in der Arbeitsagentur Berlin-Mitte statt. Siehe dazu das Flugblatt bei Indymedia (pdf)

Köln: „Super jeile zick“ bei der Luftwaffe – Kölschrocker BRINGS auf der Bundeswehrbühne politisch „gereift“

„Die Bundeswehr hat am Sonntag, den 12. August das 50-jährige Jubiläum ihrer Luftwaffenkaserne in Köln-Wahn gefeiert. Hier konnten die BesucherInnen, sowohl den neuen Eurofighter als auch die Hochleistungsoptik bestaunen, mit der Tornados Anfang Juni in Heiligendamm den G8-GipfelgegnerInnen nachgespürt haben. „Selbst aus höherer Flughöhe können wir damit Auto-Kennzeichen lesen“, so die Erläuterung des Offiziers. Der „KarriereTreff“ der Bundswehr nutzte derweil die Volksfeststimmung zur Anwerbung neuer Rekrutinnen und Rekruten. Zur Abrundung der Leistungsschau für Jungs und technikbegeisterte Erwachsene hatten sich die Kölschrocker von BRINGS auf die Hauptbühne geschwungen und rund 3.000 ZuhörerInnen eine unbeschwerte und superjeile zick beschert – allen Aufforderungen im Vorfeld, diesen Auftritt auf der Bundeswehrbühne aus politischen Gründen dringend abzusagen, zum Trotz…“ Pressemitteilung von Bundeswehr-wegtreten vom 14. August 2007 (pdf)

Aus: LabourNet, 16. August 2007


Bündniss gegen die Bundeswehr-Werbeshow in Duisburg

Am 14.09.07 will die Bundeswehr eine Werbeveranstaltung im Bertolt-Brecht Berufskolleg durchführen, um dort die Ausbildung und den Dienst beim Militär als mögliche Berufschance für junge Menschen zu präsentieren. Das Bündniss gegen Bundeswehr-Werbeshow in Duisburg 21.08.2007 hat daraufhin einen Brief an die Schulleitung und das Kollegium versandt. Siehe dazu den Beitrag auf Indymedia vom 21.08.2007

Aus: LabourNet, 23. August 2007


Bunter Protest gegen die Werbeveranstaltung der Bundeswehr in der Arbeitsagentur Berlin-Mitte am Donnerstag 06.09.2007

»Wir wollen Werbeshows der Bundeswehr verhindern«

Antimilitaristen demonstrieren in Berliner Jobcenter gegen Rekrutierungsversuche der Armee. Interview von Markus Bernhardt in junge Welt vom 04.09.2007 mit Roland Wohlgemuth, Sprecher der Kampagne Bundeswehr wegtreten

Überflüssig: Bundeswehr in Arbeitsagenturen

Ankündigung der Überflüssigen (pdf)

Aus: LabourNet, 4. September 2007


Berlin: Bundeswehr im Arbeitsamt gestört

„Erneut wurde in Berlin gegen die Werbeveranstaltungen der Bundeswehr in Arbeitsagenturen demonstriert. Nachdem im März, April und Mitte Mai die Veranstaltungen von Bundeswehr und Arbeitsamt abgesagt wurden, fand nun nach der Sommerpause die Rekrutierungsshow unter Polizeischutz statt. Aber nicht ohne Proteste…“ Bericht von Hans Dampf vom 07.09.2007 bei indymedia

Die nächsten Termine in Berlin sind angekündigt für

BIZ Berlin-Mitte, Friedrichstraße 39, 10969 Berlin am 11.10.2007, 15-18 Uhr (?) und 22.11.2007, 15-18 Uhr

BIZ Hellersdorf, Janusz-Korczak-Str. 32, 12627 Berlin am 11.10.2007
15-18 Uhr; 06.12.2007 15-18 Uhr; 14.02.2008 15-18 Uhr

Bundeswehr: Armee der Arbeitslosen: Köln

13. September 2007 Köln: Bundeswehr raus aus der Arbeitsagentur!

Die Bundeswehr versucht erneut, in der Arbeitsagentur in der Luxemburger Str. junge Erwerbslose fürs Militär zu ködern und für ihre „Auslandsreisen“ zu werben. Nachdem sich die Werbeoffiziere im Juni wegen des überraschend „großen Ansturms“ einschließen mussten, „begleiten“ wir sie auch diesmal bei ihrer Rekrutierungsshow! - Keine Ausbildung zum Krieg! Treffpunkt 13:30 Uhr vor der Arbeitsagentur. Dazu gint es eine Kopiervorlage für einen Miniflyer (pdf)

Bundeswehr: Armee der Arbeitslosen: Duisburg

Rekrutenwerber unter Druck. Duisburger Bündnis will Bundeswehrauftritte verhindern.

Artikel von Henning von Stoltzenberg in junge Welt vom 8.9.2007

Keine Bundeswehr-Werbeshow in Duisburg!

Im Rahmen ihrer aktuellen Werbetour, die sich im Moment durch das ganze Bundesgebiet zieht, hat die Bundeswehr auch in Duisburg Veranstaltungen geplant, um freiwillige Kriegshelfer_innen anzuwerben.Am 14.09.2007 will sie eine Werbeveranstaltung im Bertolt Brecht Berufskolleg durchführen, um dort für Miltarismus und das „Soldatentum“ zu werben und Kriegseinsätze als ganz normale Jobs darstellen. Da aber Kriege keine Jobalternative für junge Leute sind, haben mehrere Gruppen und Einzelpersonen eine Offenen Brief verfasst, um sowohl darauf hinzuweisen, dass schon Kurt Tucholsky Soldaten für Mörder hielt, als auch dass Krieg beim Namensgeber der Schule nicht gerade Hoch im Kurs stand. Der Offene Brief an das Kollegium des Bertolt-Brecht Berufskolleg bei der FAU

Bundeswehr-Besuche auch in Duisburg unerwünscht!

Der Aufruf (pdf)

Afghanistan: Bundeswehr raus aus Afghanistan! Demonstration am 15. September 2007 in Berlin

"Kein Frieden mit der Bundeswehr"

Aufruf von Bundeswehr-Wegtreten (pdf)

Aus: LabourNet, 11. September 2007


Köln: Bundeswehr versucht Proteste abzuschütteln

„Für gestern hatten Bundeswehr und Arbeitsagentur in Köln wieder einen ihrer Rekrutierungseinsätze angekündigt. Nachdem sich der Wehrdienstberater samt Bullenbegleitung beim letzten Protesttermin vor dem "großen Ansturm" im Berufsinformationszentrum eingeschlossen hatten, erschien die Bundeswehr heute gar nicht…“ Bericht von bundeswehr-wegtreten vom 14.09.2007 bei indymedia

13.9.: Bundeswehr wegtreten in Düsseldorf

„Heute haben 20 Menschen erfolgreich an der Agentur für Arbeit gegen eine Werbeveranstaltung der Bundeswehr protestiert…“ Bericht von Protestierer vom 13.09.2007 bei indymedia

Bundeswehr-Aktion in Dortmund am 20.09.2007

„…Am 20. September ist die Bundeswehr in Dortmund beim Jugendkongress der DASA, einer Berufsfindungsveranstaltung mit ca. 10.000 erwarteten Besuchern aus ganz NRW (…)Am Donnerstag den 20. September stehen wir von 10 - 14 Uhr vor der DASA (Friedrich-Henkel-Weg 1-25, Dortmund-Dorstefeld, S-Bahn S1 bis DO-Dorstfeld-Süd) mit Transparenten, Infoblättern und am besten noch einigen "Leichen" unter weissen Leichentüchern. Für all das brauchen wir noch dringend Unterstützung!..“ Aufruf der Montagsdemo Dortmund

Aus: LabourNet, 17. September 2007


Duisburg: Aktion gegen Bundeswehr-Werbung

„Nachdem am 14.09 die Bundeswehr-Werbeshow am Bertolt-Brecht-Berufskolleg auf unbestimmte Zeit verlegt worden war, kam heute, 17.09., die Bundeswehr mit ihrem Propaganda-Truck in die Duisburger Innenstadt. Vor Ort waren auch zahlreiche AntimilitaristInnen, die die Werbe-Show nicht ohne eine kritische Kommentierung gewähren lassen wollten…“ Bericht von bla vom 17.09.2007 bei indymedia

Weitere Termine gegen die Bundeswehr in Duisburg: Noch bis zum 19.9 in der Innenstadt; In der Arbeitsagentur(BIZ) in Duissern jeweils immer um 14:00h (ohne Voranmeldung) am 20.09, 11.10, 22.11, 20.12

Aus: LabourNet, 18. September 2007


Bundeswehr raus aus der Uni!

Potsdam: Bundeswehr raus aus der Uni!

„Dieses Semester startet an der Uni Potsdam der neue Masterstudiengang "Military Studies" unter Beteiligung des Militärgeschichtlichen Forschungsamtes (MGFA) und des Sozialwissenschaftlichen Insitutes (SOWI) der Bundeswehr. Diese Form der Kooperation und der Studiengang sind bisher einmalig in Deutschland. Die "feierliche" Begrüßung der Studienanfänger_innen und Eröffnung des Studienganges wurde gestern erfolgreich gestört…“ Bericht von „egal“ vom 14.10.2007 bei indymedia

Bundeswehr: Armee der Arbeitslosen > Köln

Nächste BW-Veranstaltungen in Köln finden statt am 24.10. und 21.11. sowie 18.12. 2007, jeweils von 14-16:30 Uhr, Arbeitsagentur Luxemburger Str. 121, statt.

In Köln versuchen Bundeswehr und Arbeitsamt derzeit, ihre Termine kurzfristig umzulegen, um den Protesten auszuweichen. Überprüft daher die Termine in Eurer Stadt regelmäßig unter „Veranstaltungen am Arbeitsamt“

Aus: LabourNet, 16. Oktober 2007


Aschaffenburg: Bundeswehr? Wegtreten!

„Nachdem bekannt wurde, das die Bundeswehr mit ihrem KarriereTreff auch Aschaffenburg besuchen würde, organisierte das Aschaffenburger Friedenskomitee ein Kundgebung um öffentlich klar zu stellen das Soldaten und ihre Propaganda in dieser Stadt unerwünscht sind…“ Bericht von beobachter vom 18.10.2007 bei indymedia

Aus: LabourNet, 23. Oktober 2007


Bundeswehr Antreten im November?

„Bundeswehr wirbt weiter in Arbeitsagenturen, ein Berliner Novembertermin rückt näher und es besteht Grund zur Sorge um den Fortlauf der Proteste…“ Artikel von anna panek vom 30.10.2007 bei indymedia

Aus: LabourNet, 2. November 2007


Junge Arbeitslose als »Kanonenfutter«. Bundeswehr und ARGE Leipzig kooperieren

„Die Bundeswehr darf bei der Leipziger ARGE junge Arbeitslose auch für Auslandeseinsätze werben. Die Zusammenarbeit stößt auf scharfe Kritik…“ Artikel von Hendrik Lasch im ND vom 18.12.2007

Aus: LabourNet, 18. Dezember 2007


Zwangsverpflichtung von Erwerbslosen zur Teilnahme an Rekrutierungsveranstaltungen der Bundeswehr

Die Antwort der Bundesregierung auf die Anfrage von Abgeordneten der Fraktion DIE LINKE zur Bundeswehrrekrutierung in Jobcentern (pdf)

Köln: 14. Februar 2008: Prozess gegen Clownsarmee: Hausfriedensbruch am Arbeitsamt (14 Uhr, Amtsgericht Köln, Luxemburger Straße 101, Raum 246)

„In tiefer Dankbarkeit und in Erwartung der gerechten Vergeltung unserer Sünden gegen die Ordnung der Herrschenden freuen wir uns deshalb, wenn am 14.02.08 von Richter Wiegelmann über unsere Verfehlungen geurteilt wird. Auf dem Papier steht geschrieben, dass drei Angehörige der Kölner Clownsarmee wegen Hausfriedensbruch im Zusammenhang mit einer antimilitaristischen Aktion im Kölner Arbeitsamt angeklagt werden. Aber wir wissen es besser: Es geht um den Kampf von Gut gegen Böse, und der Sieg der heiligen herrschenden Ordnung über das Querulantentum einiger Uneinsichtiger wird ein weithin sichtbares Zeichen für die Menschheit sein. Wir würden uns deshalb freuen, wenn viele Menschen an diesem erhebenden Schauspiel gerne auch aktiv teilhaben würden.“

Frankfurt/M: Widerspruch gegen Berufsberater in Uniform. Wenig Interesse an Bundeswehrwerbung in Arbeitsagentur. Kriegsgegner protestierten in Frankfurt/Main

Bericht von Gitta Düperthal in junge Welt vom 8.2.08

Aus: LabourNet, 11. Februar 2008


Bernau: Kundgebung gegen Bundeswehr aufgelöst

„Eine Kundgebung gegen den Auftritt der Bundeswehr in einem Bernauer Gymnasium wird von der Polizei aufgelöst. Am Freitag fand am Paulus-Praetorius Gymnasium in Bernau (bei Berlin) die jährliche Ausbildungs- und Studienbörse statt. Wie in den vergangenen Jahren sorgte auch in diesem Jahr die Anwesenheit der Bundeswehr für Protest. Mit Flyern, einem Transparent und Megafon kritisierten ca. 20 Bundeswehrgegner_innen das Auftreten der Bundeswehr als vermeintlich „normaler“ Arbeitgeber…“ Bericht von BernauerIn vom 12.04.2008 bei indymedia

HH: antimilitaristische aktion an schule

„am samstag, den 12. april 2008 begab sich ein kleiner haufen antimilitaristischer aktivistinnen zum gymnasium buckhorn in hamburg-volksdorf, um vor der schule gegen die beteiligung der bundeswehr an der "infobörse beruf und ausland" zu protestieren…“ Bericht und Flugblatt von bundeswehr wegtreten vom 12.04.2008 bei indymedia

Aus: LabourNet, 14. April 2008


Jobmesse Dresden: AKtion zum BND-Stand

„Zur Firmenkontaktmesse im Hörsaalzenturm Dresden stellen sich 2008 175 Unternehmen vor. So reihen sich auch Bundeswehr (Bundesamt für Wehrtechnik und Beschaffung) und BND (Bundesnachrichtendienst) in die Riege der "normalen" Arbeitgeber im Buhlen um die Gunst der Studis ein…“ Bericht von Mirek Steffens vom 26.05.2008 bei indymedia

22. Mai 2008 Gütersloh: Clowns entstauben Bundeswe(h)rber beim Karriere-Treff

Gegen 13 Uhr marschierte eine Gruppe von AktivistInnen der „Clowns-Army“ auf den Schulhof der R.Mohn-Berufsschule, wo im Rahmen des Landesturnfestes ein „Karrieretreff“ der Bundeswehr stattfand. Gemeinsam mit etwa 20 „zivilen“ Kriegsgegnern sorgten die zehn bunt uniformierten Clowns für verdutze Soldatengesichter und interessierte Besucher. „Wir fordern, dass Schulen und Arbeitsämter nicht länger mit der Bundeswehr kooperieren, die dort für ihre scheinbaren Karrierechancen werben. Karrierechancen, die auf Tod oder töten hinauslaufen!“ erklärte David W., während seine schrillen Kameraden Krieger und Kriegsgeräte entstaubten: „Die müssen ja auch von solchen veralteten, eingestaubten Kriegsgedanken befreit werden. Wir tun das mit Staubwedel und Wasserpistole.“ Siehe Bericht mit Fotos bei indymedia

19. Mai 2008 Kassel: Abbruch für NATO-Vortrag an der Uni-Kassel

„Vorlesungsfreie Zeit für Kriegstreiber von NATO und EADS. Im Vorfeld wurde, scheinbar schon in der Nacht, von Unbekannten ein großes Transparent am "Turm" der Universität (einem Schlot der ehemaligen Henschel-Werke) angebracht. (...) Ein Teil der Gegenversammlung strömte in den Hörsaal. Die Begeisterung der DemonstrantInnen, einen echten Oberstleutnant zu Gesicht zu bekommen äußerte sich in minutenlangen Applaus und lautem Rufen, so dass dieser seinen Vortrag immer wieder unterbrechen musste.... Letzten Endes blieb der Veranstalterin nichts anderes übrig, als die Vorlesung für beendet zu erklären und den mittlerweile auf einem Auge stark zuckenden Oberstleutnant Jens C. Fehler mitsamt seinem Adjutanten nach Hause zu schicken…“ Siehe Bericht und Fotos bei indymedia

Aus: LabourNet, 27. Mai 2008


Köln: Bundeswehr Wegputzen

„„Es ging alles ganz schnell, und es kamen immer mehr von denen.“ Die schnell eingreifende Putztruppe hatte tatsächlich nicht lang gefackelt. Mit großen Mülltüten, Schürzen und Kitteln, Handschuhen und Kopftüchern ausgestattet kamen die 20 Reinigungskräfte aus den Toilettenräumen direkt zum Messebreich der Bundeswehr herüber und haben den ganzen Hochglanz-Bundeswehr-Werbemist einfach komplett eingesackt…“ Bericht von bundeswehr wegputzen vom 17.02.2009 bei indymedia

Siehe dazu:

Bundeswehr wegputzen!

„Immer häufiger taucht die Bundeswehr an Schulen, Messen und Arbeitsagenturen auf. Ihr Ziel ist dabei, mittels ‚Nachhilfeunterricht’ mehr Zustimmung zu ihren Kriegseinsätzen zu erhalten und vor allem Jugendliche als Soldaten zu rekrutieren. Denn der Arbeitgeber Bundeswehr hat Imageprobleme. Zu hierarchisch und zu gefährlich finden viele BerufsanfängerInnen die Bundeswehr und bei denen, die die Bundeswehr am dringendsten braucht, den OffiziersanwärterInnen mit Abitur, sind die Bewerberzahlen im letzten Jahr rapide zurückgegangen. Gut die Hälfte der BerufssoldatInnen würde laut bundeswehrinterner Umfrage potenzielle BewerberInnen nicht zum Eintritt in die Bundeswehr ermuntern und sich nicht noch einmal für den Job entscheiden…“ Das Flugblatt zur Aktion (pdf)

Aus: LabourNet, 18. Februar 2009


Hanau: Go-In bei Wehrberatung in ARGE

„`Wehrberater` Mattias Riddler, der einmal im Monat in der Hanauer Arbeitsagentur versucht, Jugendliche und Erwerbslose für die Bundeswehr zu rekrutieren, hat am heutigen Donnerstag kurzen unangemeldeten Besuch erhalten. Ein antimilitaristisches Abrüstungsteam hatte zunächst Transparente und Plakate am Eingang und im Foyer aufgehängt sowie einige Flugzettel verteilt, danach fand ein kurzes Go-In im Zimmer des Wehrberaters statt. Da der „Wehrberater“ etwas verloren und ganz alleine in seinem Saal saß – was wir ja ziemlich gut fanden - und auch ansonsten die Arge eher leergepustet war, beendeten wir das Go-In nach einigen Minuten…“ Bericht von „Hanauerin“ vom 26.03.2009 bei indymedia

Siehe auch den Flyer zur Aktion (pdf)

Aus: LabourNet, 31. März 2009

»Normaler« Kapitalismus

Beispiel NXP Böblingen: Werksschließungen und Entlassungen sind keinesfalls ein besonderes Merkmal sogenannter Heuschrecken. Artikel von Theo Wentzke in der jungen Welt vom 08.05.2007

Aus: LabourNet, 10. Mai 2007

Ein-Euro-Jobs, Zusatzjobs, MAE: Synonym für eine gescheiterte Reform

Sozialgericht Ulm: Hält Ein Euro-Jobs für rechtswidrig. Wöchentliche Arbeitszeit darf bei Hartz IV-Betroffenen max. 15-20 Stunden betragen

„Mit Beschluss vom 24.04 2007 Aktenzeichen S 11 AS 1219/07 ER hält das Ulmer Sozialgericht sogenannte Ein-Euro-Jobs für rechtswidrig, wenn die wöchentliche Arbeitszeit über 15 Wochenstunden, im Höchstfall 20 Wochenstunden beträgt…“ Meldung beim ELO-Forum vom 30.04.2007

Ein-Euro-Jobs, Zusatzjobs, MAE … Synonym für eine gescheiterte Reform

Broschüre herausgegeben von der Arbeitsgruppe »Ein-Euro-Jobs« beim Bezirkserwerbslosenausschuss von ver.di Berlin (pdf)

Erwerbslosigkeit als Alltag

Werden Bezieherinnen und Bezieher von staatlichen Fürsorgeleistungen künftig ihre Rechte noch verfolgen und wirksam durchsetzen können?

Referat von Frank Jäger, Tacheles e.V., bei der Veranstaltung des Sozialforums Hildesheim und des Stadt- und Kreisverbandes der Caritas Hildesheim am 26. April 2007

Hartz IV: Ihre Rechte beim Amt

Infoblatt von Unabhängige Sozialberatung Bochum (pdf)

Arbeitslosenzahlen: Aufschwung ohne Hartz-Empfänger

„Monat für Monat ist die Arbeitslosenzahl der Seismograf für Wirtschaftspolitik. Dabei verschleiert sie, wie viele Arbeitssuchende tatsächlich Hilfe bekommen. Während die Politik feiert, dass nur noch 3,9 Millionen als "arbeitslos" definiert werden, benötigen noch immer weit über sechs Millionen Menschen Arbeitslosengeld…“ Artikel von Matthias Kaufmann im Manager Magazin vom 04.05.2007,2828,480848,00.html

Aus: LabourNet, 10. Mai 2007

Leiharbeit und Hartz: Bundesagentur will Potenziale der Zeitarbeit nutzen

BA und Zeitarbeitsfirmen arbeiten zusammen

Die Arbeitslosigkeit in Deutschland geht zurück und die boomende Zeitarbeitsbranche verspürt bereits einen Mangel an geeigneten Bewerbern. Nun soll eine Kooperation mit der Bundesanstalt für Arbeit Abhilfe schaffen. Artikel in Die Welt vom 25. April 2007

Siehe dazu auch:

Bundesagentur will Potenziale der Zeitarbeit nutzen - Mindeststandards mit Unternehmen vereinbart

Presse Info der BA vom 25/04/2007

Zeitarbeit mit Potenzial. BA und Branche kooperieren

„Die Bundesagentur für Arbeit (BA) will mit Hilfe der Zeitarbeit die Arbeitslosigkeit stärker abbauen. Dazu haben die BA und die 15 größten Zeitarbeitsfirmen Deutschlands eine Kooperation vereinbart. Der branchentypisch kurzfristige Arbeitskräftebedarf der Zeitarbeitsfirmen solle schneller und passgenauer gedeckt werden, sagte BA-Vorstand Raimund Becker. Gleichzeitig will die BA dazu beitragen, Vorurteile gegen die Branche abzubauen und mehr Arbeitssuchende in Beschäftigung zu bringen…“ dpa-Meldung in Frankfurter Rundschau vom 26.04.2007

PSA und andere Sklavenhändler > Widerstand gegen Sklavenhandel

Zeitarbeitstreff München

Am 1. Mittwoch im Monat lädt der KDA zu einem offenen Treff von Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmern aus der Leiharbeitsbranche ein. Bei den Zeitarbeitstreffen finden Betroffene und Interessierte die Möglichkeit, sich in einem offenen Gesprächskreis auszutauschen und von ihren Erfahrungen zu berichten und erhalten Informationen zu aktuellen Themen der Zeitarbeit. Der Zeitarbeitstreff hat nun eine Homepage:

Aus: LabourNet, 10. Mai 2007

Email your Senators to Ask Them to Take a Stand on the Global Tobacco Treaty!

The Tony Blair decade

Christian Science Monitor
by Gerard DeGroot


Last Friday morning, Britain awoke to the devastation of war. The destruction came not in villages leveled and lives destroyed, but in the annihilation of a political party. Though Labour still retains control of Parliament, Tony Blair’s party was reduced to a smoking ruin in nationwide council elections. It’s a sorry end for Mr. Blair, who says he’s ready to step down after a decade as prime minister. The man who re-invented the socialist Labour Party into a modern, third-way political dynamo now sees the Iraq war dismantling one of the most formidable political machines in British history. When anger fades and regret settles in, historians will judge the Iraq war a tragedy of Shakespearean proportions...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The great oil robbery

Free Market News Network
by Dave Lindorff


In case you’re wondering why crude oil prices are down from last year, hanging around at about $60 a barrel, while gasoline prices have soared past $3.10/gallon nationwide, just check out the latest profit reports from the oil companies. They are at record levels. The answer for this seeming contradiction is simple: Americans are being robbed blind by the oil industry. Sure, the oil companies, and their PR and lobbying agency, the American Petroleum Institute, will give you all kinds of reasons for higher gasoline prices at a time of falling crude prices: problems at two refineries in Texas and Oklahoma, rising demand or whatever. But the real answer is that there is simply no competitive market in this industry...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Democrats bear responsibility for restoring habeas corpus

by Glenn Greenwald


On the most important bill of the Bush presidency, Congressional Democrats chose to remain absent from the debate — and allow the fate of habeas corpus to rest on the obvious delusion that Congressional Republicans would protect it — because they were petrified that Karl Rove, in the imminent midterm elections, would call them ‘pro-terrorist’ if they protected habeas corpus. Of course, just as Rove insinuated that they were ‘pro-Saddam’ in 2002 despite half of them voting to wage war against Iraq, Rove suggested they were ‘pro-terrorist’ in 2006 despite Democrats allowing the MCA to pass. … It was a disgraceful performance by Democratic Congressional leaders all the way around — driven by all of the worst elements plaguing our Beltway system — and it resulted in the abolition of one of the most defining and long-standing American liberties: the right not to be imprisoned without charges, due process, and a determination of guilt in a real judicial proceeding...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

10,000 reasons you don’t want a President Obama

The Logician
by David M. Brown


According to an Associated Press story, in a speech on Tuesday presidential aspirant and U.S. Senator Barack Obama overstated the number of persons killed when tornadoes flattened a town in Kansas the other day. ‘Ten thousand people died — an entire town destroyed,’ Obama blurted to the assemblage. … A spokesman later explained that Obama meant to say ‘at least ten,’ not ten thousand. The senator later explained that there ‘are going to be times when I get tired. There are going to be times when I get weary. There are going to be times when I make mistakes.’ It is true. People get tired. People get weary. Make mistakes. Presidential candidates are only human, like the rest of us...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The war on free expression

by Stephen Lendman


In a post-9/11 climate, the right of free expression is under attack and endangered in the age of George Bush when dissent may be called a threat to national security, terrorism, or treason. But losing that most precious of all rights means losing our freedom that 18th century French philosopher Voltaire spoke in defense of saying ‘I may disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.’ Using it to express dissent is what noted historian Howard Zinn calls ‘the highest form of patriotism’ exercising our constitutional right to freedom of speech, the press, to assemble, to protest publicly, and associate as we choose for any reason within the law. Even then, there are times more forceful action is needed, and Thomas Jefferson explained under what circumstances in the Declaration of Independence he authored. When bad government destroys our freedoms, we the people have the right and duty to disobey civilly and resist...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

‘Mr. President, you did not listen, you continue to pursue a failed strategy that is breaking our great Army and Marine Corps’

General discontent

ABC News
by Jack Tapper


In an act of defiance perhaps not seen since President Truman fired Gen. Douglas MacArthur, today the anti-war veterans group, which has been influential with Capitol Hill Democrats, is launching a half-million-dollar TV ad campaign featuring Maj Gen John Batiste (Ret.), former commanding general of the first infantry division in Iraq. The ad begins with a clip President George W. Bush saying ‘I have always said that I will listen to the requests of our commanders on the ground.’ Batiste then appears, saying, ‘Mr. President, you did not listen. You continue to pursue a failed strategy that is breaking our great Army and Marine Corps. I left the Army in protest in order to speak out. Mr. President, you have placed our nation in peril. Our only hope is that Congress will act now to protect our fighting men and women’...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

So maybe I was wrong

Metro Times
by Jack Lessenberry


I have been steadfastly against trying to impeach George W. Bush, even though he is clearly the worst president in the modern history of America. These were my main reasons for feeling that way: 1) Politically, I saw impeachment as absolutely impossible to bring off; 2) As bad as Bush is, I don’t want to see America turn into some kind of parody banana republic, in which the opposition party tries to impeach every president; 3) America knew what the Shrub was selling, and re-elected him, so we got what we deserve. … Yet I am beginning to think I was wrong...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

War is slavery

Common Dreams
by Arnold Stieber


Slavery will never be forgotten — on the one side. The scars are deep, bone deep, generations deep. Like war. On the other side the masters and the foreman and the slave traders and the bankers and the pillars of society and all those who supported and profited from slavery didn’t have bad memories. They didn’t have lo[s]ses. They knew that what they did was ‘right for the country.’ There was nothing to forget. As I thought about slavery over the next months I began to realize that slavery and war are very similar. The one side (the slaves — or in war, the civilians and the lower ranks of the military) suffers. The other side says war is a great and noble thing and the only way the country can survive. War is slavery...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Missile defense erodes security

Independent Institute
by Charles Pena


According to the Bush administration, missile defense is intended to protect against the threat of so-called rogue states — none of which currently have the long-range ballistic missile capability to attack the United States (although some might be able to reach parts of Europe). But if missile defense is not needed to defend against rogue states who do not have the capability to attack America, is missile defense primarily about defending the U.S. homeland, or is it intended to support U.S. interventionist policy using military force — including preventive war — throughout the world?

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Congress has the authority under the Constitution to declare war, the last time it did that was WWII

Never say never again

Fairfield Weekly
by Phil Maymin


On the 50th anniversary of V.E. Day, Sen. Chris Dodd gave a speech filled with sentences starting with ‘never again,’ an indirect acknowledgment of the lesson-myth: ‘Never again will we face such darkness …’ The danger of the third myth is repeating our mistakes; it may be the most troubling because it precludes progress. If we truly ‘never again’ wanted to ask the forces of freedom to lay down their lives in the name of peace and order, why, then, have we spent over one-third of the time since V.E. Day either in Vietnam or Iraq? That’s before accounting for a war in Korea that started in 1950 and never really ended, or any of the dozens of other wars we’ve waged. The only thing that changed after V.E. Day is we never again declared war on anybody. Congress has the authority under the Constitution to declare war, and the last time it did that was WWII. Not a single war since then has been fought with Constitutional authorization, including the current one being fought in Iraq...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Civil Disobedience by Government

Rational Review
by George Phillies


Peaceful or violent, approved or disapproved, acts of civil disobedience are extraordinary political acts. For better or worse, acts of civil disobedience have the intent of causing political change. The opposite of Civil Disobedience is Civil Disobedience by Government. We have Civil Disobedience by Government when the Government chooses to violate the law. The third world army that stages its weekly installation of the President for Life du jour commits Civil Disobedience by Government. Acts of Civil Disobedience by the Bush Republican Party dominate American politics...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Shock and Au

Strike the Root
by Jim Davies


Governments wage war on anything and anyone that interferes with their insane wish to dominate everything in sight; they are only about power, for its own sake. Any regular reader of Strike The Root will know this. Still, it’s amazing to watch it happen. The latest war, and in some ways one of the most sinister, was launched at the end of April. The owners of E-Gold were indicted for the victimless crime of money-laundering...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

GOP pressures Bush on war

Chicago Tribune


A group of congressional Republicans warned President Bush in person this week that their support for the Iraq war could evaporate if conditions don’t improve there by September. Eleven GOP moderates, led by Rep. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.), met with Bush and top administration officials Tuesday to deliver what one participant called a ’strong signal’ about the electoral dangers that ‘war fatigue and war weariness’ pose for Republicans in 2008. … The Republicans told Bush they had little faith in Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki ‘to get his act together’ and expected a ‘very candid report’ from Gen. David Petraeus, the American commander in Iraq, and Ambassador Ryan Crocker, on the progress of Iraq’s government this fall, LaHood said...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Urge Congress to support the Leahy-Specter Privacy bill

An Important Message from John Edwards on Iraq has not endorsed a candidate for President - we'd much rather encourage all the candidates reach out to our 300,000-strong network of "aggressive progressive" activists and compete for our votes, just as they reach out to the good Democrats of Iowa and New Hampshire.

We are delighted that John Edwards is the first candidate to recognize and appreciate the work you do. Even if he is not your chosen candidate at the moment, I hope you'll sign his petition urging Congress to use its funding power to end the war in Iraq.

Bob Fertik

Dear Activist,

I know you are an aggressive progressive and I am thankful for all the good work does to light a grassroots fire under the feet of our representatives in Washington. That's exactly the kind of heat we need right now - and that's why today I'm writing with an urgent request for help.

This week we will deliver a petition to Congress that demands a binding exit plan for the War in Iraq - no more symbolic resolutions, no more extensions, no more delays. We're at about 82,000 signatures now and we need the help of to get over the top. Sign the emergency petition now:

Congress has reached a fork in the road. One direction leads straight to more war with no end in sight. It's a road paved with symbolic deauthorization bills and more temporary extensions that give Bush all the money he needs without ever actually bringing a single troop home.

But in the other direction lies real action - using Congress' funding power right now to pass another binding plan to force George Bush to actually end this war.

Only massive, direct public pressure will get Congress to choose the right path. We need to deliver 100,000 signatures to Congress this week to make sure our voice is heard. Sign the petition now:

My campaign is about far more than just the Iraq War - we must eliminate poverty, combat global warming, and expand health care. But to restore America as the world's moral leader - both at home and abroad - we must end the war in Iraq. That can only happen with you and this week is the moment for us to speak out.

Please sign the petition today:

John Edwards

Doctors Reap Millions for Anemia Drugs

Two of the world's largest drug companies are paying hundreds of millions of dollars to doctors every year in return for giving their patients anemia medicines, which regulators now say may be unsafe at commonly used doses.

Flash Floods, An Ominous Sign

As Tamil militant planes flew sorties over the national capital of Sri Lanka last week, the attention of political leaders was diverted from a worse disaster unfolding on the ground - flash floods, attributed by scientists to climate change.

31 States Target Global Warming

Led by California, 31 states representing more than 70 percent of the US population announced Tuesday that they would measure and jointly track greenhouse gas emissions by major industries. The newly formed Climate Registry is the latest example of states going further than the federal government in taking steps to combat global warming.

Global Rush to Energy Crops Threatens to Increase Food Shortages, Poverty

The global rush to switch from oil to energy derived from plants will drive deforestation, push small farmers off the land and lead to serious food shortages and increased poverty unless carefully managed, says the most comprehensive survey yet completed of energy crops.

Is a Major Oil Company Short-Changing the American Public?

When veteran government auditor Bobby Maxwell learned oil giant Kerr-McGee was not paying the $10 million he says it owed in oil royalties, he prepared an order to Kerr-McGee to pay up. But Maxwell claims his bosses quashed that order. After filing a lawsuit under the False Claims Act, which protects and encourages whistleblowers, Maxwell lost his job. On Friday, May 11, at 8:30 p.m., NOW talks with Maxwell about the personal and professional price he says he paid in pursuit of fairness.

Another Senator Asked White House to Replace US Attorney

Sen. Kit Bond's (R-Missouri) staff, worried about a potential scandal over Missouri's fee offices, suggested two years ago that the Bush administration should consider replacing then-US Attorney Todd Graves.

Majority of Iraqi Lawmakers Now Reject Occupation

On Tuesday, without note in the US media, more than half of the members of Iraq's parliament rejected the continuing occupation of their country. 144 lawmakers signed onto a legislative petition calling on the United States to set a timetable for withdrawal, according to Nassar Al-Rubaie, a spokesman for the Al Sadr movement, the nationalist Shia group that sponsored the petition.

Income Tax Activists Reject Bitter Reality

by Devvy

Dr. Edwin Vieria told me a few years ago and I've never forgotten it: The only hope defendants have now is for their defense attorney to convince the jury their client was too stupid to understand the law. Edwin quit practicing more than a year ago and when he told me, I was shocked and asked, why? Edwin told me he could no longer participate in this farce called our judicial system that is so corrupt, one runs out of words. I was saddened......

Teed-off by mast plans

By Rachel Lamb

FURIOUS residents say they have not been consulted over plans to erect a mobile phone mast just metres from their homes.

Communications giant O2 is in talks with Helensburgh Golf Club bosses about the possible installation of a mast on their land.

If given the green light, the proposed 20metre high structure will be installed on a quiet pathway overlooking Abercromby Crescent. But golf club members and householders in the area claim they have been frozen out of discussions.

Roger Waigh said: "If the golf club is prepared to put up with a mast that’s fine but the golf club members should be putting it to the vote. What I object to is the underhand way it's being done.

"If a mast was put there, I think it’s far enough away from the houses that it wouldn’t pose a health hazard but if people perceive that there is a health hazard, that’s what matters because that’s what affects house values."

Campaigners have vowed to fight the plans, which they say will create an eyesore and pose a health hazard.

Worried residents opposing the plans collected a petition of more than 50 names in just a few hours earlier in the week.

One worried mother, who did not want to be named, said: “They won’t erect phone masts next to a school because of the health risks but I have a four–year–old and a seven–year–old who will be sleeping next to one if these plans go ahead.”

Geraldine Martin, an Abercromby Crescent resident, can see the site from her window.

She said: “I don’t think it’s suitable to build it right beside properties when there is so much space in Helensburgh.

“Twenty years ago, people didn’t know about the dangers electricity pylons posed. Now I certainly wouldn’t buy a house next to one."

Concerned residents from the Abercromby Crescent area held a meeting in the Commodore Inn last night to discuss the proposals which have been submitted to council planning chiefs.

A council spokeswoman said: “It will be referred to the area committee in due course and will be assessed on its own merit.”

A spokesman for Helensburgh Golf Club would not discuss the mast. O2 were unavailable for comment.

Ready for another phone mast fight

By Rachel Lamb

CAMPAIGNERS have vowed to fight plans to put a mobile phone mast in a prominent Helensburgh street – just two years after a similar application for the same spot was rejected.

Communications giant T-Mobile is seeking planning permission to build a 3G phone mast at Helensburgh Bowling Club, on the corner of East Abercromby Street and Sinclair Street.

In 2005, an application by Hutchison 3G to build a 60 foot phone mast at the same location was thrown out by Argyll and Bute Council's Planning Committee following protests from residents.

T-Mobile bosses have arranged a meeting on Friday morning so that residents and members of the community council can find out more about the development.

Campaigner Colin Ward contacted the Advertiser to voice his opposition to the phone mast plan.

He said: “The Planning Committee rejected the last proposal by seven votes to two.

"That should have been the end of the matter but once again we hear that a mobile phone company is considering the same site.

“This is a conservation area, it is cheek by jowel with people’s homes. If you were to try and think of the worst possible space to put one of these masts, it would probably be that site.

“People feel very strongly about this. If it gets to the planning application stage then certainly it will be opposed.”

Kathleen Siddle of Helensburgh Community Council is hosting the meeting at her home.

She said: “It will be an informal, pre–planning application consultation. I think T-mobile are trying to test the water and see what response they would get.

“The community council cannot spearhead a campaign but what we would do is support the neighbours.

"If the people I spoke to while handing out leaflets about the meeting are anything to go by I think there will be a lot of resistance.”

Anyone who wishes to find out more about T-Mobile’s plans can attend the public meeting which will be held at 12 Duchess Park, Helensburgh from 11am on Friday.

Those who are unable to attend but would like their views to be passed on can contact Kathleen Siddle on 01436 678328 or Catriona Malan on 01436 676272.

Sicherheit durch Transparenz?

IZMF-Messreihe über Handy-Strahlung in Sachsen


Messpraxis bei Mobilfunk

Messergebnisse lagen klar unter Grenzwerten

Church porn protest by phone mast objectors - Mobile Mast Row At Church's Highest Court
10 May 2007

PROTESTERS: Councillor Kate Salinger (right) and her Barnet Council colleague Councillor Mukesh Depala

A VICAR is being urged to ditch plans for a mobile phone mast on his church roof because it is claimed the technology would be capable of transmitting pornography.

The moral objection has been put to Father Bruce Bridgewood as objections to the mast at St Peter Le Poer Church, Colney Hatch Lane, Muswell Hill, mount among residents and campaigners.

The question of whether churches are suitable sites for mobile phone masts took a new turn when The Chancellor of the Diocese of Chelmsford refused permission to put a mast in a church in Chingford on the grounds that it could be used to deliver "revolting and damaging pornographic" material.

The decision is now being appealed aghianst by communications firm QS4 - the firm used by Church of England to install mobile phone equipment.

But campaigners hope that the ruling could influence the Chancellor of the Diocese of London when he comes to make a decision on the proposed mast at the Muswell Hill church.

The "porn argument" has won the backing of Councillor Kate Salinger (Conservative), who represents Coppetts ward on Barnet Council, and who has been campaigning against the Muswell Hill mast.

Councillor Salinger, herself a churchgoer, said: "There is no way that the church should be involved with anything to do with pornography.

"I think that the Chancellor is doing what I consider the church should be doing on this issue.If a church is installing this equipment, which it will make money from, which could then be used to transmit disgusting material, well then it is just not right."

A demonstration by around 50 protesters was staged outside the church as the congregation arrived for Sunday service. A petition containing 850 signatures has already been handed to Father Bridgewood, who has in principle agreed for the mast to be erected following discussions with his own church council.

He has been criticised for ignoring public feeling over the proposals, given that such a high number of people have expressed concerns.

Councillor Salinger added: "So far the members of the church have ignored a petition signed by 850 local residents, representations by local councillors and their MP.

"I belong to a church community and we believe in listening to the voices of the people who live around our church building."

Father Bruce Bridgewood described the porn argument as "ingenious". He said: "It is rather like saying we should not have PCs because some people use them to download child pornography. It seems like it is that sort of argument. The argument is true as far as it goes, but I don't think my personal opinion really matters on this."

Father Bridgewood questioned the strength of the petition. He claimed that, after analysis, many names were duplicated or did not live in the area.

He said that the church's parish council had been guided by the Church of England's own policies on mobile phone masts and Government guidelines.

He added: "This is an opportunity to raise money for the church, which is the only reason were are doing it. We can't run a church on fresh air.

Copyright © 2007 Archant Regional Limited


Church Urged to Reject Mobile Phone Masts Over Porn Concerns


Mobile Mast Row At Church's Highest Court

Thursday, 10th May 2007, 12:56

Churches throughout Britain could lose out on millions of pounds in a landmark legal dispute over mobile phone masts on steeples transmitting pornography.

Campaigner Stephen Turner, who successfully blocked a plan for a new antenna on his local church, told an appeal hearing in the Church of England's highest court today that the church should not "act as a delivery boy for the pornography industry."

Allowing transmitters on its buildings would "profane the church", he said because they would relay "harmful" images of sex and child abuse and allow internet paedophiles to groom young victims.

At least 37 English churches, including Guildford Cathedral, have cashed in on the boom in mobile technology by charging thousand of pounds a year in rent to telecoms companies for allowing masts on their towers and spires.

But if an earlier decision by a diocesan judge is upheld, they could be forced to take the masts down, costing them millions.

Hundreds of other parishes are thought to have applied for permission to put up masts and the result of today's hearing will determine whether they will get the go ahead.

The row started when George Pulman, QC, Chancellor of the Chelmsford Consistory Court, became the first judge in England to refuse an application for an antenna on the grounds it was "wrong in law."

The parish of St Peter and St Paul in Chingford, Essex, stood to earn £10,500 in rent for a T-Mobile base station in its spire, which would have paid for upkeep of the Grade II listed 19th century building and community projects.

Mr Pulman, who was also a deputy High Court judge, agreed with local worshiper Mr Turner and refused permission saying it was no part of the "work or mission" to facilitate or make money from the transmission of "revolting and damaging pornography."

The rector of St Peter and St Paul and mast installation company QF4 have appealed against the decision to the Archbishop of Canterbury's 800-year-old Court of Arches.

Mr Turner, calling for the decision to be upheld, told the court that a transmitter on church premises would "allow child abuse images to be transmitted and also provide the facility for paedophiles to find children to abuse, as well as transmitting legal adult porn."

He added: "I would submit that this is not part of the Church's work or mission.

"It would profane the Church and is both contrary to biblical teachings and inconsistent with ecclesiastical law.

"If, as is stated in the Church of England's child protection policy, the Church is committed to and will champion young people both in society as a whole and in its own community it would not tolerate a facility that would allow the abuse of children."

Geoffrey Tattersall, QC, one of the three judges hearing the appeal, asked Mr Turner if he thought churches should not have computers for the same reason and also if there were not benefits to be had from better mobile phone coverage such as in emergencies.

Mr Turner replied: "It's a clear distinction to be drawn. A church with an antenna in its spire has no control over the fact there would be potentially child abuse images transmitted from that facility.

"It is not the responsibility of the church to provide mobile phone services. The church has the special responsibility which is different from normal secular society and it should follow its principles.

"I do not believe the Church has a duty to act as a delivery boy for the pornography industry."

The hearing at the historic St Mary le Bow Church in Cheapside in the heart of the City of London continues

Copyright © 2006 National News +44(0)207 684 3000


Porn fears over church mast

Global Day of Action Against Procter & Gamble is May 19th

Take part in 11th annual worldwide protest against cruel & unnecessary animal tests.

Tell GUESS to Stop Selling Fur

Let clothing retailer know that cruelty to animals is always out of fashion.

Sony Decapitates Goat to Promote Violent Videogame

Horrific publicity stunt is centerpiece of launch party for PS2's God Of War II.

Access to Justice in Environmental Matters

From: Environmental Law Foundation
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 11:10 AM
Subject: Access to Justice in Environmental Matters - 18 May - King's College

Dear colleague

Please find attached details of the forthcoming half-day conference entitled Access to Justice in Environmental Matters organized by the Centre of European Law at King’s College, London. Please find details below and attached. The Centre of European Law is organising a half-day conference on Friday 18 May 2007 to be held at the Strand Campus.

The conference is co-ordinated by Maria Lee , King's College London. Attendance is free of charge, CPD accredited. The programme Chair: Lord Justice Carnwath, The Court of Appeal
14.00 - 16.00 Environmental justice in England and Wales

* Access to the courts in England and Wales
Sarah Hannett ,
4-5 Gray's Inn Square

* The work of the Environmental Law Foundation and access to justice Martin Polden, President, Environmental Law Foundation

* Modernising environmental justice: Beyond the courts Professor Richard Macrory , Centre for Law and the Environment, University College London

Discussion followed by coffee Chair: Professor Sir Francis Jacobs QC, Jean Monnet Chair ad personam
16.30 - 18.30 Access to environmental justice, England and Wales and beyond

* Access to justice in civil matters for environmental associatons - national paradigms around Europe Danai Papadopoulou, PhD candidate, King's College London

* Access to environmental justice at EU level Kate Cook , Matrix Chambers

* An early evaluation: The Aarhus Convention and access to environmental justice Professor Karen Morrow , University of Swansea Discussion followed by drinks

Friday 18 May 2007
The Council Room Strand Campus
CPD accredited by the Law Society and the Standards Board of the Bar Council

Environmental Law Foundation Suite 309, 16 Baldwins Gardens
London EC1N 7RJ

General Telephone: +44 (0)20 7404 1030
Fax: +44 (0)20 7404 1032

Industry’s Role in Childrens’ Antipsychotics

Informant: Richard

The gambling scam on America's poor

Abetted by Congress, legislatures from 48 states now sponsor gambling operations and lottery monopolies to balance their budgets on the backs of their poorest and most vulnerable citizens - while basking in the virtue of fighting tax increases.

From Information Clearing House

Mayday Immigration Reform Demonstration


Internet Calls Subject To Phone Tapping

Companies that provide Internet phone service have just six days to meet a deadline from the Justice Department. By next Monday, they'll have to make their systems easier to tap. That's right -- make it easier to secretly listen in on your phone calls, or face daily fines of $10,000 dollars.

From Information Clearing House

Feingold Rejects Compromise, Pushes Exit Strategy

Fifty-seven percent of Americans say that Congress should not compromise with President Bush in the Iraq War funding fight. That's the number that, according to a new CNN poll, wants Congress to give Bush another bill with a withdrawal timetable.

Bush to veto new Iraq Bill

THE White House has warned Democrats that President George W. Bush would veto an Iraq funding Bill that would bankroll the war in Iraq for just three months.,22049,21704627-5001028,00.html

Most US.adults back Iraq pullout timetable

Six out of 10 U.S. adults support setting a timetable for pulling U.S. troops out of Iraq, even though a clear majority predict civil war there if U.S. forces withdraw next year, according to a poll published.

From Information Clearing House


Who's Holding up my Bill?

A Republican Senator is trying to derail my campaign finance disclosure bill, and I need your help to figure out who it is. My legislation, the Senate Campaign Disclosure Parity Act (S. 223), requires Senate campaigns to submit campaign finance reports electronically. Sounds simple enough doesn't it? House campaigns, political parties, Presidential campaigns, and even 527's already file their reports online – but that's not the case in the Senate. The Senate has exempted themselves from this requirement and is only required to file paper reports. The public's ability to review these reports in a timely manner is substantially curtailed by these antiquated paper filings. Not only that, it costs taxpayers over $250,000 per year to have these reports scanned and made available online at a much later date. When Senator Feinstein and I sought to pass this legislation by unanimous consent, an objection was voiced on the floor "on behalf of a Republican senator." Senators are within their rights to object to a bill coming to the floor of the Senate, but the objecting senator has not been named, and no one has spoken to me about any objection they may have to this legislation. The use of these so-called "secret holds" has rightly come under attack in recent years, and I need your help to try and determine who may be delaying this common sense reform measure. If you are represented by a Republican senator, please contact them and ask if they're holding up my Senate Campaign Disclosure Parity Act. You can get contact info for your senators here . If you live in a state with two Democratic senators, consider forwarding this email to your friends in states that aren't so lucky. If you learn of anything that may be useful in helping me identify the "Secret Hold Senator," email me at I have no intention of dropping this issue and I appreciate your help in keeping the pressure on to try and identify this anonymous objector.

Russ Feingold
United States Senator
Honorary Chair, Progressive Patriots Fund

Informant: Quechick Barnyard

U-S Embassy workers in Baghdad to wear flak jackets, helmets

The mandate for workers to wear flak jackets and helmets while outdoors or in unprotected buildings follows an increase in mortar and rocket attacks against the heavily protected Green Zone.

From Information Clearing House

Officer 'shocked' to find civilian bodies

THE only Marine Corps officer who was in Haditha, Iraq, when US troops killed 19 civilians in their homes in 2005 testified at a military hearing on Tuesday that he was "shocked" to find only unarmed people, including women and children, among the dead.

From Information Clearing House

Marine Says Urinated on Dead Iraqi at Haditha

By Marty Graham

Sgt. Sanick Dela Cruz, who has immunity from prosecution after murder charges against him were dismissed, also said he watched his squad leader shoot down five Iraqi civilians who were trying to surrender.

Are We Headed For Another Great Depression?

My talks with Elaine Meinel Supkis

By Mike Whitney

Our empire won't retreat from its distant borders but these same borders are bankrupting us for we never recovered from the Vietnam War, we literally papered over the mess which remained and continues to poison our nation. The military/industrial complex is not making us rich, it is making us poorer. And the paper being laid over all this is the same paper the Germans used in 1924 to paper over their own bankruptcy: printed money.

A Nation in Silent Anger

By Manuel Valenzuela

Can you feel the betrayal of millions who for decades have been made to believe in the American myth of a nation benign and altruistic, only to become aware that only wickedness, greed and criminality define the Empire, that beyond the smoke and mirrors America's government is ruthless, corporatist and concerned only for the interests of the elite?

We Soldiers Once Assumed Our political Bosses Would Not Lie To Us, That Is Over

By Leo Docherty

We realised the issue was not replacing tyranny with democracy, but gaining long-term access to oil. Blair, in bowing to American oil-mad energy hunger, had deployed the British Army on a lie, a much bigger lie than the one about WMDs. Today, the appalling sectarian violence killing hundreds of Iraqi civilians every week is the direct result of our invasion and botched occupation.


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