Sonntag, 6. Mai 2007

Gitmo Detainess Are Still Stuck Down There

The Bush administration this February won a court victory denying habeas corpus to alien detainees. Now, it is trying to deny the detainees the effective assistance of counsel. None of this should come as a surprise. Ever since President George W. Bush declared his "war on terror" in the wake of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, he has claimed unlimited and unlimitable power under the commander-in-chief provisions of Article II of the Constitution. Since then, government lawyers have persisted in trying to prevent any judicial scrutiny of the president's actions in conducting this "war."

Handystrahlung: Infos für Kinder gefordert

"Eine Studie hat gezeigt, dass die Bevölkerung ungenügend über die Gefahren von Handystrahlen informiert ist.

Das ist bedenklich", sagt die Berner SP-Großrätin Danielle Lemann. Mit einem politischen Vorstoß wollte sie deshalb den Kanton dazu verpflichten, Kinder und Jugendliche über die gefährliche Strahlung aufzuklären. Der Regierungsrat hat ihre Forderung jetzt aber abgelehnt. Begründung: Das Informieren der Bevölkerung sei Aufgabe des Bundesamts für Gesundheit (BAG).

Für Lemann ist dies unverständlich: "Der Bund macht nichts." Er stelle zwar Infos auf der Website des BAG zur Verfügung, doch würden diese kaum genutzt. Auch mit dem Vorhaben der Regierung, das Anliegen allenfalls im neuen Lehrplan zu berücksichtigen, lässt sie sich nicht abspeisen. "Die Information ist Aufgabe des Kantons." (sab)


Können Handys Krebs auslösen?

The Ongoing Iraq Intel Fraud

"Bush has never stopped making statements about the Iraq War that are untrue, illogical or irrelevant. Yet, the Washington press corps remains almost as lax today about holding Bush accountable as it was in 2002 and 2003. So, when Bush mocks Democratic "politicians in Washington" who supposedly seek to substitute their judgments for those of experienced commanders on the ground, the national news media stays silent on Bush's hypocrisy. It's almost never mentioned that he was the Washington politician in December who overruled the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the two top generals in Iraq on the escalation of the war," says Robert Parry.

Stress on Troops Adds to US Hurdles in Iraq

The detailed mental health survey of troops in Iraq released by the Pentagon on Friday highlights a growing worry for the United States as it struggles to bring order to Baghdad: the high level of combat stress suffered during lengthy and repeated tours. The report suggested that extended tours and multiple deployments, among other policy decisions, could escalate anger and increase the likelihood that soldiers or marines lash out at civilians, or defy military ethics.

Ex-US Attorney Clashed With Bosses Over Murder Probe

A US attorney in Seattle was singled out for dismissal in part because he clashed with senior Justice Department officials over the investigation of a federal prosecutor's murder, and he was recommended for removal 18 months earlier than was previously known, according to newly disclosed documents and interviews.

Folter für die Freiheit

Ein halbes Jahr nach seiner Freilassung berichtet Murat Kurnaz ausführlich über seine Erlebnisse.

With New Clout, Antiwar Groups Push Democrats

Over the last four months, the Iraq deliberations in Congress have lurched from a purely symbolic resolution rebuking the president's strategy to timetables for the withdrawal of American troops. Behind the scenes, an elaborate political operation, organized by a coalition of antiwar groups and fine-tuned to wrestle members of Congress into place one by one, has helped nudge the debate forward.

Keep Idaho's National Forests Pristine

From Linda H.

Leading Alternative Health Group Speaks Out on FDA Suppression of Complementary & Alternative Medicine

Informant: binstock

Natural wonders feel the heat

From the Amazon to the Himalayas, ten of the world’s greatest natural wonders face destruction if the climate continues to warm at the current rate, warns WWF.

Climate change: poor suffer as world gets hotter

Cities Key to Tackling Poverty, Climate Change

In 2008, half of the Earth’s population will live in urban areas, marking the first time in history that humans are an urban species.

Climate change: poor suffer as world gets hotter

Friends of the Earth International has demanded steep emissions cuts by all rich countries and more funding for climate change adaptation in developing countries, after the world's leading scientific experts today warned that the world's poor - who have done least to pollute the atmosphere - will suffer most as the planet heats up.

Was uns Lebensmittelkonzerne auftischen

Studie bewertet Unternehmensverantwortung der Lebensmittelbranche.

Atomkraft kein Beitrag gegen Klimawandel

Aktueller Greenpeace-Report: unwirtschaftliche Kraftwerke und sehr lange Bauzeiten.

Einzigartiges Abkommen zur Rettung der Wälder

15 Jahre nach der Umweltkonferenz von Rio 1992 gelang damit auf der 7. Sitzung des Waldforums (UNFF) der Vereinten Nationen in New York erstmals der Durchbruch zu einem internationalen Waldübereinkommen.

Indonesien hat 72 Prozent seines Regenwaldes abgeholzt

Indonesien hat einen traurigen Rekord aufgestellt, der ins "Guinnessbuch der Rekorde" Eingang findet.


Plant trees, lots of them, you can never plant enough!

Klimaschutz kostet, kein Klimaschutz kostet die Zukunft

Fazit des dritten Weltklimaberichtes der UNO: Jetzt ist genug geredet, jetzt muss endlich gehandelt werden. Die Welt ist noch zu retten. Klimaschutz ist weit preiswerter als die Zerstörung des Weltklimas.

Dritter UN-Klimabericht wirbt für Umdenken in Energiepolitik

Schnelle Reduzierung von Treibhausgasen bringt auch wirtschaftliche Vorteile.

UN-Klimabericht: Europäische Kommission fordert schnelle Maßnahmen

Industrie- und fortgeschrittene Entwicklungsländer sollen ihre Treibhausgasemissionen deutlich reduzieren und dabei keine Zeit verlieren.

Städte entscheiden über die Zukunft der Welt

Der "Bericht zur Lage der Welt 2007" analysiert den globalen Trend zur Urbanisierung und dessen Auswirkungen auf Umwelt, Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Politik.

Städte als Schlüssel zum Klimaschutz

Sie sind am meisten bedroht und können am flexibelsten reagieren.

Schleswig-Holstein: 100 Prozent erneuerbar bis 2020

Bis 2020 will Schleswig-Holstein weit mehr Strom erneuerbar produzieren als das Land selbst verbraucht.

Bedrohte Zukunft: "Schwarzbuch Wasser"

Das "Schwarzbuch Wasser" von Karo Katzmann zeigt in umfassender Weise die drohenden Probleme rund um die Versorgung mit dem kühlen Nass auf. Die Autorin ruft zu raschem Handeln auf.

Trocknet Deutschland aus?

"Wassernotstand in Frankreich", "Wassermangel in Italien", "Versteppung in Spanien" und "Deutschland trocknet aus".

Dürre in Italien

Hoher Wasserverbrauch in der Landwirtschaft trocknet die Mittelmeerregion aus.

Deutsche haben Angst vor Klimawandel

Zwei Drittel der Deutschen sind besorgt wegen des Klimawandels. Laut einer Studie der Allianz befürchten 68 Prozent der Deutschen befürchten die weltweiten Folgen der Veränderungen.

We are very angry about the lies, deception, and cruel treatment of the bison during hazing operations

Informant: smileycoyote

Town rejects mast to save bees after IoS report


Here are the letters from the IoS:-


Wi-Fi sets the sparks flying

Instead of comparing time on a mobile phone with Wi-Fi use, it is more relevant to compare a full day in a class-room with Wi-Fi access points (transmitters) with sitting in the main beam from a phone mast. People are unaware that the transmissions are continuous whether or not the laptops are being used. We are talking of day long whole-body exposure not short-term exposure directed to the head, as with a mobile phone. Surely there must be some ethical guidelines that are being broken here, since parents have not given their consent for their children to be irradiated?

Sue Wright

Dr Campbell is tight (Letters, 29 April). There are not "thousands of scientific articles [showing] the adverse effects of Wi-Fi radios". I never said that I said that to the best of my knowledge there are no published scientific papers regarding possible adverse health effects of Wi-Fi systems or their safety. But there are thousands of reports going back to the 1940s, demonstrating biological and medical effects of the kind of microwaves and power-frequent magnetic fields used for Wi-Fi I have never mentioned nuclear radiation, and internal lighting and TV fields do have biological side-effects.

Olle Johansson

Eastbourne council

In todays daily telegraph there is a small piece about bees producing early rape seed honey because of the hot weather and at the end it mentions that Eastbourne council have also turned down a mast because of bees.

sue g

Bees - Planning

These are the two planning application rejections I have on file which have specifically mentioned bees.


From Mast Sanity/Mast Network


Re: Town rejects mast to save bees after IoS report

This was supported yesterday by Ferdinand Ruzicka, emeritus professor at the University of Vienna. He revealed that two-thirds of the beekeepers he surveyed who had a mobile phone mast within 300m had suffered "unexplained colony collapse". Professor Ruzicka believes the radiation may increase the insects' vulnerability to disease.

It is a wonder that none of these so-called experts have ever suspected that the radiation "May Increase A Human Being's Vulnerability to Disease" - in spite of the fact that there are about 80 immune-system disorders today that we didn't have 20 years ago. Well, at least the pharmaceutical companies are raking it in. "If it is good for the economy, then it must be good." NOT!

But Councillor Barry Taylor, the chairman, said the threat to bees was "an important issue" and permission for masts should be refused unless they could be "proved" to be safe for the insects.

And previously the threat to human beings was not apparently "An Important Enough Issue and Permission for Masts Were NOT Refused Until They Could Have Been 'Proven' Safe (which they can't by the way) for Humans." Tell this to all the mothers and fathers out there with children suffering with leukemia, brain tumors, and autism. And tell this to all the m... b... out there paying the cell phone companies to harm us all - and just because they are unconscious and it is "convenient."



Are mobile phone masts killing bees?


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