Mittwoch, 2. Mai 2007

Residency Clause Adds Fuel to Dispute Over US Attorneys

On November 10, 2005, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales sent a letter to a federal judge in Montana assuring him that the US attorney there, William Mercer, was not violating federal law by spending most of his time in Washington as a senior Justice Department official. That same day, Mercer had a GOP Senate staffer insert into a bill a provision that would change the rules so that federal prosecutors could live outside their districts to serve in other jobs. Congress passed the provision several months later as part of the USA Patriot Act reauthorization bill, retroactively benefiting Mercer and a handful of other senior Justice Department officials who pull double duty as US attorneys and headquarters officials.

Generals to President: You've Failed Us

Today, Generals Eaton and Batiste, who led troops in Iraq, expressed outrage at the president's veto of the US Troop Readiness, Veterans' Health and Iraq Accountability Act.

Tenet Battled With the Office of Special Plans

According to Tenet, White House officials tried to prevent the CIA from publishing its own analysis of the relationship between Iraq and al-Qa'ida. A draft report of the CIA analysis of that relationship was sent to the White House in December 2002, resulting in "a series of calls from the White House" that asked the CIA to "revise or withdraw the paper."

Don't let drilling destroy the Upper Green

Keep the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem GREAT for future generations.

Speak up before the public comment deadline!

Click here now.

Das prekäre Leben

Wird Deutschland zum Billiglohn-Sektor mit befristeten Perspektiven? Junge Akademiker zwischen Praktikum und Prekariat.

Drogerie-Chef Götz Werner erklärt Vollbeschäftigung zur Utopie und fordert ein bedingungsloses Grundeinkommenötz+Werner

Democrat Demands White House Student Loan Records

The Democratic head of the US House of Representatives' Education Committee said on Tuesday that investigators probing the Bush administration's management of federal student loan programs had found "serious oversight failures by senior officials."

Student Loan Probe Expands to Include Alumni Associations

The New York attorney general has broadened his investigation into the student loan industry to discover whether university alumni associations are steering graduates toward a major loan company in exchange for payments from the lender.

Waxman May Cast Wider Net Into Niger Uranium Probe

Following a subpoena to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and a letter to former CIA Director George Tenet last week, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee may cast an even wider net in its probe into why the administration made false pre-war claims that Iraq was seeking to acquire uranium from Niger.

Embattled Interior Official Abruptly Resigns Post

Julie MacDonald, deputy assistant secretary for fish, wildlife and parks, submitted her resignation letter to Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne, a department spokesman said on Tuesday. MacDonald resigned a week before a House Congressional oversight committee was to hold a hearing on accusations that she violated the Endangered Species Act, censored science and mistreated staff of the US Fish and Wildlife Service.

Government Watchdog Faces Three Investigations

Johnnie Frazier, the inspector general of the Department of Commerce and watchdog charged with rooting out wrongdoing at the agency, is himself the subject of three separate government investigations into allegations that he misspent his budget and retaliated against employees who raised concerns about his actions.

Feinstein Proposes Plan to Close Gitmo

Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-California) introduced legislation on Monday that would close the US military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. "Guantanamo Bay has become a lightning rod for international condemnation," Feinstein said. "Rather than make the United States safer, the image projected by this facility puts us at greater risk."

Mast campaigners set for pay-out

CAMPAIGNERS who protested against a mobile phone mast could gain compensation after a report slammed the council.

The findings into the O2 mast in Arnison Avenue said Wycombe District Council (WDC) failed to meet a deadline for its planning application and did not inform residents about what was happening.

People living near the mast, who complained could now be in line for compensation after the report recommended they should be given £550 each.

The O2 telecommunications pole was put up in Arnison Avenue in February 2006 after the mobile phone company used a legal loophole to install the mast when the district council failed to respond within the 56 day deadline.

The mast remained in place for six months before being taken down.

In a report by local government ombudsman Tony Redmond, published last Friday, findings showed that WDC not only failed to meet the deadline for a decision on the mast but also did not tell residents what had happened once it was built.

This led to a number of criticisms to the ombudsman, who investigates complaints of injustice arising from inefficient administration by local authorities.

Complainants who lived near the mast said that they had been left stressed by its installation, the uncertainty over whether it would remain as well as time and trouble in pursuing the matter with WDC.

In the report Mr Redmond said: "It seems to me that the council was at fault because it delayed unreasonably in informing residents what had happened. It was aware on June 23, 2005, that the applicant had deemed consent to erect the mast lawfully at any time.

"It was also aware that a number of residents had objected to the initial application and that the Planning Inspectorate had agreed with its decision to refuse it."

However, Mr Redmond acknowledged that the council had been trying to negotiate with the applicant about the mast. He added: "I welcome the council's proactive attempts to do this. However, it is my view that the council should have notified residents of the situation as soon as it was sure that the applicant had deemed consent as they claimed."

WDC spokesman Catherine Spalton said: "WDC accepts the decision made by the ombudsman and would like to apologise to the residents affected for any distress caused. The council has since carried out a comprehensive review of its systems to ensure that any similar application is dealt with in a timely and accurate manner.

"The telecoms mast has now been removed by the operator."

© Copyright 2001-2007 Newsquest Media Group

The price of remedying the China trade imbalance keeps compounding

China Costs Keep Piling Up

by Thomas I. Palley,

Missile Defense: a weapon that doesn't work for a threat that doesn't exist

Again With The Missile Defense?

by William D. Hartung,

By his aggressive veto, Bush proves he cannot admit, much less fix, his Iraq blunder

Sealing His Eyes And Ears

by Robert C. Byrd,


A Veto Inked in Blood

William Rivers Pitt writes: "Four years after a humiliating strut across the flight deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln, four years after declaring major combat operations in Iraq ended and the mission accomplished, four years and more than three thousand dead American soldiers later, four long years to the day, George W. Bush delivered a veto that only ensures more wretched and bloody carnage."


Pelosi: Congress Will Not Give the President a Blank Check

Speaker Nancy Pelosi responded to President Bush's veto of the Iraq supplemental bill: "Earlier today, the leader and I sent to the president a bill that made a strong commitment to support our men and women in uniform, and a strong commitment to honor our promises to our veterans. This was a bill that was worthy of the sacrifice of our men and women in uniform. It was a bill that honored and respected the wishes of the American people to have benchmarks, to have guidelines, to have standards for what is happening in Iraq.... The president vetoed the bill outright and, frankly, misrepresented what this legislation does."

Urgent alert: Help keep whale champion Sara Wan on the California Coastal Commission

Natural Resources Defense Council's


NRDC's California Activist Network was formed to mobilize and provide action tools to Californians and others concerned with protecting the state's extraordinary wealth of natural treasures and the health of its citizens.

May 2, 2007

Urgent alert for California Activist Network Members: Help keep whale champion Sara Wan on the California Coastal Commission Take action now at

California's breathtaking coastal waters -- and the gray, humpback and blue whales, dolphins and other marine mammals that make their home there -- are vulnerable to nearly constant threats, from pollution to ear-piercing sonar to oil and gas drilling. That's why we need state leaders who understand the importance of protecting our coast and marine mammals.

Sara Wan is one of California's top crusaders on behalf of whales and other marine mammals. For years she has advocated tirelessly to safeguard coastal resources as a member of the California Coastal Commission, the primary state body charged with coastal management. Commissioner Wan has voted against harmful industrial projects, pushed for the protection of wetlands, improved public access to beaches and demanded that the Navy keep its sonar away from key whale habitat, including the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary.

But this month Commissioner Wan's four-year term is up for review, and state Senator Perata, chair of the Rules Committee, is about to decide whether to reappoint her to the commission for another term. Although NRDC and other environmental organizations have given Commissioner Wan our strongest endorsement, others who don't appreciate her steadfast work to protect the coast from overdevelopment and industrial use that threatens marine life are lobbying hard to have her removed. That's why Senator Perata -- who is expected to make his decision this week -- needs to hear from concerned Californians that Commissioner Wan is the best person for this job and that her record has earned her another term as a champion of our coast.

== What to do == Send a message right away urging Senator Perata to reappoint Sara Wan to the California Coastal Commission for another term.

== Contact information == You can send a message directly from NRDC's Earth Action Center at or use the contact information and sample letter below to send your own message.

Senator Don Perata State Capitol, Room 205 Sacramento, CA 95814
Fax: (916) 327-1997

== Sample letter ==

Subject: Reappoint Sara Wan to the California Coastal Commission

Dear Senator Perata and members of the Rules Committee,

I urge you to reappoint Sara Wan to the California Coastal Commission. Our coast and marine life are among our most precious resources, but they are increasingly jeopardized by industrial development, global warming, water pollution and other threats. The Coastal Commission appointment currently before you will help determine whether our coast is vigorously protected in the years to come.

It is crucial that we have state leaders who understand the importance of our coast and of protecting marine mammals. For years, Commissioner Wan has advocated tirelessly to safeguard coastal resources, including whales and other marine life. As a member of the commission, she has been a true champion of our coast, voting against harmful industrial projects, demanding that the Navy keep harmful sonar away from key whale habitat, pushing for the protection of wetlands and improving public access to beaches.

Commissioner Wan has provided unparalleled leadership on the Coastal Commission, and her record has clearly earned her another term. Again, I urge you to reappoint Sara Wan.


[Your name and address]

Please also forward this message to your friends and co-workers who live in California, and urge them to contact Senator Perata as well.

Thank you!

Aufrechterhaltung des internationalen Fangverbotes und Vergabe von kommerziellen Fangquoten für den japanischen Küstenwalfang

Save America's Wolves Time is running out!

Watch the Video. Save Our Wolves.

We have just 8 days left to reach our goal of 200,000 signatures to save hundreds of wolves in the Greater Yellowstone area and elsewhere in Idaho and Wyoming. Please take action now…

What’s at Stake

* Idaho officials want to kill more than 80% of the wolves within the state, allowing a wolf to be killed for as little as $9.75.

* Wyoming wants to kill as many as 2/3 of the wolves within its borders.

* Yellowstone wolves, which bring millions of tourist dollars to the area, could be shot on sight if they leave the safety of the park’s borders.

Help spread the word… Forward this message to at least 5 friends.

We have just one week left to prevent the slaughter of hundreds of wolves in the Northern Rockies. Unless we stop them, federal officials could eliminate vital protections for these magnificent animals and spark the biggest wolf massacre in the lower 48 state to occur in decades.

Watch our video online, and then take action to oppose the Bush/Cheney Administration’s proposal to remove protections for wolves, which could lead to the slaughter of wolves in the greater Yellowstone area and the rest of the Northern Rockies.

Wolves were eliminated from this area in the last century -- trapped, poisoned, hunted and harassed. Their re-introduction to Yellowstone National Park and Central Idaho in the mid-1990s was a major conservation accomplishment.

Now that achievement is at risk as officials in Idaho and Wyoming gear up to kill hundreds of wolves.

In February, officials in the Bush/Cheney Administration proposed removing gray wolves in the Northern Rockies from the Endangered Species List… and turning over management of wolves to Idaho and Wyoming -- two states more concerned with eliminating wolves than managing them.

Lawmakers and anti-wolf extremists in Idaho and Wyoming have already announced plans to kill hundreds of wolves, putting the gray wolf’s future in the American West at risk.

More than 111,000 Defenders supporters have already taken action. Please help us reach our 200,000 signature goal by May 9th.

Help save wolves. Watch this video and take action to prevent the slaughter.

There are just 8 days remaining in the public comment period on this awful proposal. Please take action now!


Rodger Schlickeisen,
Defenders of Wildlife

© Copyright 2007, Defenders of Wildlife

Defenders of Wildlife is a national, nonprofit membership organization dedicated to the protection of all native wild animals and plants in their natural communities.

Defenders of Wildlife can be contacted at:
1130 17th Street, NW Washington, DC 20036

Bush’s farewell tantrum

Rocky Mountain News
by Paul Campos


Whatever one thought of the original decision to invade Iraq, the political question the nation now faces could not be clearer: Should we ask our troops to continue to fight this war, and our children to pay for it through future tax increases? (The option of paying for it ourselves would require some sacrifice on the part of the average voter, so it never seems to have been considered seriously). The American people have already answered that question, and their answer is ‘No.’ The Republicans lost 30 Congressional seats in last fall’s election, while the Democrats lost none, largely because the American people were voting against the war. Every opinion poll shows that, by large majorities, Americans support the efforts of Democrats to force President Bush to begin withdrawing our troops. … That pressure will only grow. As increasingly panicky Republicans are all too aware, this is still a democracy, which means America will begin to withdraw from Iraq no later than January of 2009, even if bringing this about requires an electoral rout of the Republican Party in November of next year...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Getting Iraq war funding wrong again

Hawaii Reporter
by US Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX)


This week, Congress finalized the controversial $124 billion Iraq emergency supplemental spending bill, with the House and Senate both voting in favor of final passage. The majority of my Republican colleagues and I voted against this measure, and the president has vowed to veto the legislation. In this final version, the House leadership retained billions of dollars in pork meant to attract skeptical votes, retained a watered-down version of the problematic ‘benchmarks’ that seek to micromanage the war effort, and continued to play politics with the funding of critical veterans medical and other assistance. In other words, this final version was even worse than the original in almost all respects...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Last refuge of the scoundrel

by Gary Kamiya


Bush supporters have been labeling war critics defeatists, appeasers and surrender monkeys ever since 9/11. Chickenhawk conservatives discovered they could attack even decorated war veterans with impunity, as the shameless smearing of triple amputee Vietnam War vet Max Cleland proved. Who could forget that glorious day when newly elected Rep. Jean Schmidt, R-Ohio, attacked Rep. John Murtha, a war hero, by saying, ‘Cowards cut and run, Marines never do?’ Congress and the media’s gutless reaction to these attacks is one of the main reasons they rolled over during the run-up to the war in Iraq. But those who live by bogus patriotic fearmongering die by bogus patriotic fearmongering. Having cast its lot irrevocably with Bush, the GOP is now condemned to play out the dismal endgame in Iraq by his all-or-nothing rules. They have no choice but to pretend victory is at hand, attack those who say otherwise, and make up apocalyptic scenarios about what al-Qaida will do to us if we don’t stay the course. The problem is, no one believes any of this anymore — probably not even the people who are saying it...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The Guantanamo hunger strike

In These Times
by H. Candace Gorman


Guantanamo is in the grips of a hunger strike — an age-old form of protest that marked such world events as the fight for women’s suffrage and Indian and Irish independence. The U.S. military’s response to the hunger strike is not surprising: punitive force-feeding, a dangerous and painful approach. In March I was treated to a grisly demonstration of this procedure at a conference of Guantanamo attorneys in London and Oxford. We also met with members of the British Parliament and ambassadors from our clients’ countries of origin (as well as ambassadors of countries that might be willing to offer asylum to former prisoners). But one of the main topics of the discussion was the current hunger strike, which is only now being discussed in the press. The hunger strike coincided with the fifth anniversary of the opening of Guantanamo, as well as the opening in late December 2006 of the maximum security complex, Camp 6, constructed by Kellogg, Brown and Root, then a subsidiary of Halliburton...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Scientists sign Endangered Species Act protest

Santa Barbara News-Press

More than three dozen scientists have signed a letter to protest a new Bush administration interpretation of the Endangered Species Act, saying it jeopardizes animals such as wolves and grizzly bears. The new reading of the law proposed by Interior Department Solicitor David Bernhardt would enable the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to protect animals and plants only where they are battling for survival. The agency wouldn’t have to protect them where they’re in good shape...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Help protect civil rights and free speech: urge your representative to vote YES on H.R. 1592

Take action on forced labour in Bolivia

Thousands of people from the indigenous Guaraní people community are in forced labour on private ranches in southern Bolivia. The new Government is taking some steps to address this problem, but it remains important to keep up the pressure on this important issue.

Please click here to write to the Bolivian Government and the European Commission to raise your concerns. Do send us copies of any replies you receive.

You can read background information on forced labour in Bolivia here .

Phone mast turned down

WEALDEN planners have refused permission for an 11 metre high mobile phone mast in Polegate.

Phone company T-Mobile wanted to install the mast in Station Road to improve its coverage in the Polegate area for both 2G and 3G, usage which is currently insufficient.

However, at a meeting of the planning committee at Wealden District Council, councillors refused permission for the mast as they felt the opportunity for mast sharing hadn't been properly investigated as there is already an existing Vodafone site at Polegate train station.

Councillor Andy Long said, "A suitable site owned by another company has been found in another location and whatever the commercial considerations are it is not our concern.

"I think that the council is far too weak in its policy on this and think that we should be stricter on site sharing."

The committee agreed to refuse the mast on grounds of siting and that the possibility of site sharing hadn't been properly explored.

All rights reserved ©2007 Johnston Press Digital Publishing


A Telephone mast has been put up in Llanelli even though planning permission was refused.Council planning officers took too long to tell O2 about the rejection - and the telephone company built the mast regardless.

Swansea Road residents are furious.

Town and county councillor Bill Thomas said: "Residents objected to the plans for a mast in Swansea Road as they were worried it was too close to local schools.

"They went to work one morning and found it there when they came back.

"They are furious and shocked, they feel as if their opinion just doesn't matter to the council."

The telephone company first submitted plans for a 15-metre mast in June, which were rejected by Carmarthenshire Council.

In November, an application was made for a 12.5-metre mast.

Six letters of objection expressed fears it was too close to Penygaer and Ysgol Dewi Sant schools and residential properties.

There were also health and safety concerns.

Carmarthenshire Council's planning department refused the plans, but failed to meet a 56-day deadline to notify O2.

Carmarthenshire Council head of planning Eifion Bowen said: "The application was for prior approval and is unlike ordinary planning applications as approval is deemed to be granted after a 56-day period.

"The agent was informed of this decision during a telephone conversation either on November 30 or the following day, and formal notification was sent out within the 56-day period.

"O2 was of the view that the notice received was incorrectly worded and that the revised notice subsequently sent out was outside the specified period.

"The authority is disappointed the matter progressed in full knowledge of its concerns.

"The authority is reviewing its processes."

O2 community relations manager for Wales Angela Johnson said: "The planning law stipulates that if we do not receive notice in 56 days then we have deemed consent to put a mast up.

"We need the mast there for coverage for the area.

"The masts are very low powered radio transmitters.

"The World Health Organisation has looked at research and come to the conclusion that there is no evidence of any health risk."

Reader comments

So O2's Angela Johnson assures us that the World Health Organisation happy for them to plant their harmful radiation emitting phone masts next to schools and housing. Well lets's see........ The World Health Organisation?s Radiation Health Protection Committee is responsible for the subject of Cellular Technology and Powerlines health effects. This committee?s eight representatives are all mobile phone operator ex employees. The chairman of this committee, Dr Michael Repacholi has recently resigned under a cloud after it was revealed that he received 150,000 dollar a year directly from the cellular phone industry for meetings and travels. This means he broke the rules of the WHO which bars receipt of money directly from the industry. In addition Dr. Repacholi is documented to have invited power industry representatives in order to review scientific work and participate actively in evaluating health standards of electromagnetic fields emitted by power lines. The names of the power line industry representatives are all documented. Dr. Repacholi systematically downplayed and ignored for years many scientific findings with one common ground: the findings which show that the cellular technology is not safe and cannot be freely distributed without a health price for the world population. Dr. Repacholi?s sharp bias threatens world health. He now works for the nuclear industry and was recently seen on a Panorama programme on nuclear power telling viewers that small amounts of radiation does you good!

J Elliott, Swansea

Only Global Unions Can Stop the Race to the Bottom

"At no time in history has there been a greater urgency or opportunity to form real global unions whose goal is to organize tens of millions of workers to win economic and social justice by counterbalancing global corporations on the world stage even as the power of the state declines," says Stephen Lerner.

A Global Democratic Movement Is About to Pop

Paul Hawken writes: "I have given nearly one thousand talks about the environment in the past fifteen years, and after every speech a smaller crowd gathered to talk, ask questions, and exchange business cards. The people offering their cards were working on the most salient issues of our day: climate change, poverty, deforestation, peace, water, hunger, conservation, human rights and more. They looked after rivers and bays, educated consumers about sustainable agriculture, retrofitted houses with solar panels, lobbied state legislatures about pollution, fought against corporate-weighted trade policies, worked to green inner cities, or taught children about the environment. Quite simply, they were trying to safeguard nature and ensure justice."

UN Facing a Backlash on Emissions Action Plan

This week the world's leading climate change experts will outline highly controversial plans to save the world from global warming. Their proposals - which include a major expansion in nuclear power, the use of GM crops to boost biofuel production, and reliance on unproven technologies, including underground storage of carbon dioxide - will put the UN's climate group on a collision course with a host of environmental groups.

Thousands of Protesters Press for Path to Citizenship

Angry over recent raids and frustrated with Congress, thousands of people protested across the country Tuesday to demand a path to citizenship for an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants. Organizers say immigrants feel a sense of urgency to keep immigration reform from getting pushed to the back burner by the 2008 presidential elections.


Immigration rally disrupted by police


It was a dramatic and chaotic end to what was otherwise a peaceful day here in Los Angeles. Police started to move and disperse the crowd and fired rubber bullets, dozens of rubber bullets, into the crowd. People went running and fleeing, trying to get out of their way.

From Information Clearing House


LA Police Attack Crowd at Pro-Immigration Rights Rally

One day after several reporters and camera operators were injured while covering an altercation at an immigrant rights rally in MacArthur Park, news organizations condemned the Los Angeles Police Department for its use of batons and riot guns against members of the media, and some said they were considering legal options.


The LA police riot - 5/1/07

Invisible Iraqis

"'Mohammed' (not his real name) brought his family to Amman to find medical care for his son, and a life removed from the violence of Baghdad. In his prior life, he earned a living as a truck driver, but here in the city he and his four children live out their time inside the dimly lit room so they won't be arrested as illegal refugees," says Charlie Jackson.

Democrats Send Iraq Timeline to Bush

Defying veto threats, Democratic Congressional leaders on Tuesday sent President Bush legislation setting timetables for US troop withdrawals from Iraq. Tuesday was the fourth anniversary of his "Mission Accomplished" speech on the war. "The president has put our troops in the middle of a civil war. A change of course is needed," said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

Call on Gonzales to resign

Informant: ranger116

Fears over mast plan

By Jo Lafferty

PLANS to put a mobile phone mast on top of a Redditch office block have been approved, despite some workers' fears that it could affect their health.

Orange has been granted permission to install the mast on top of Grosvenor House, Prospect Hill by Redditch Council officers under delegated powers, meaning the plans did not go before a planning committe.

Several people working for the Redditch Advertiser's advertising department, based on the building's fifth floor, objected to the plans and said they would leave their jobs if the mast went up.

Jane Huxley said: "I'm not prepared to work here. I want to see my children grow up and I don't want to be exposed to any unnecessary risks."

Michelle Buckley said: "They said 50 years ago that cigarettes weren't dangerous- there's not enough research there."

Suzanne Smith said she could not see why people were asked for their opinions on the mast if it going up was a foregone conclusion, while Yvonne Sealey said she did not think it was properly publicised.

A council spokesman explained that Government legislation gives telecommunications operators certain development rights to erect telecommunications equipment without needing to apply for normal planning permission.

For the erection of telecommunication masts under 15m, the telecom operator applies to the local planning authority for Prior Approval' for the siting and appearance of the mast.

As the council has just 56 days to rule on the prior approval, the normal way such applications are dealt with is by officer-delegated powers so that time limits are met.

"Any local planning authority, planning committee (and its officers) must decide any application on its planning merits, not upon the number of public objections to any proposal," the spokesman said.

"A proposal for a telecommunications mast is not an application for planning permission as such."

Any proposal submitted with an International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection certificate is deemed to comply with standards regarding public exposure to emissions, so the council cannot refuse it on health grounds.

"We could possibly object on visual grounds, the question of whether there is a need or whether it could be combined with an existing installation," added the spokesman.

© Copyright 2001-2007 Newsquest Media Group

Concerns over Southwick development

AN elderly resident fears a bid to put a mobile phone mast opposite her home will also pave the way for a major housing development nearby.

A plan to build 74 new homes on land at Overhill, north Southwick, was put on hold in February following concerns from residents that they would be overlooked and their own properties could be devalued.

Adur District Council believes the land near, Southwick cemetery, would be suitable for two, three and four-bedroom family homes, a mix of private and affordable housing.

The site is currently used for grazing, but has a 1936 covenant on it, stating the land is for cemetery use only.

Building on it would breach this, as does the current grazing use.

Now Shirley King, who lives in Overhill, says she believes if the T-Mobile mast is put up then the area will be a free-for-all for further development.

Mrs King, a 70-year-old widow, is planning to speak against the 8.5m mobile phone mast application when it goes before Adur council's planning committee on Monday.

But as it is under 15m high, it does not need planning permission unless planners decide otherwise.

Mrs King said: "The mast will be opposite my bungalow and near the access to the land where the council wants to build on.

"The new housing is supposed to be for families, so what about the health risks to young children living there?

"I have also discovered that the council has an embargo on any masts on its own land within 50m of a home or school, but obviously this mast wouldn't be on its land."

The council says it has received seven letters of objection from residents in Overhill to the mast but planning officers believe they don't have enough grounds to refuse the application.

All rights reserved ©2007 Johnston Press Digital Publishing

Eaton Park phone mast battle latest

02 May 2007 09:39

Families who have battled to stop a mobile phone mast from being built close to a city park today spoke of their disappointment after their fight came to an end.

After months of hard work to stop telecommunications giant 3 putting a 15 metre high phone mast on the corner of Parmenter Road and South Park Avenue, the company has won on appeal.

Families living close to the proposed site had hoped they had seen the last of the application when it was turned down by Norwich City Council in December. But 3 appealed the decision and it has now been overturned.

Mike Nichols, of Sotherton Road, helped lead the campaign against the proposal. He said: “Everybody is very, very surprised. I believe that this was the most objections ever received for a phone mast application. The council rejected it and there were good grounds.

“The only chance we have now is to find something wrong in the appeal acceptance.”

A petition of more than 200 names was collected and sent to the planning inspectorate.

Families cited a number of reasons for their objections.

They were concerned about the possible health risks the mast would pose, being close to homes as well as four schools and a community centre. They were also worried about the visual impact and its impact on the value of their homes. Mr Nichols said: “I think that mast will turn out like asbestos or smoking in the future in terms of the health risks. People here are hugely disappointed.”

The Evening News has been running a Put Masts On Hold campaign, which calls for no more masts to be placed near homes or schools until it is proved they are safe.

Last month the Evening News reported how a scientific study commissioned by telecoms operator T-Mobile had suggested mobile phones cause cancer.

William Comery, corporate affairs manager for Erickson Services which applied for the mast on behalf of 3, said: “The health and safety of mobile phone base stations has been established by the government and other health bodies. A recent World Health Organisation report found no long term or short term health risks.”

Omega this is not true. See under:

Are you worried about plans for a mobile phone mast in your area? Contact Dominic Chessum on 01603 772428 or e-mail

Copyright © 2007 Archant Regional. All rights reserved.


Phone mast battle for Eaton families

10 May 2007 12:01

Furious families are fighting to stop a mobile phone mast from being moved to outside their homes and have collected more than 250 signatures in protest.

Following a public outcry from people living in Newmarket Road the city council has requested that mobile phone company O2 removes a mast there.

But the telecoms giant has instead applied for permission to put a 17.5 metre mast a short distance away in Eaton Street, to the fury of families living nearby.

Jane Rolph, one of the protesters, said: “We understand the need for technology, and are asking for masts to be placed in a safe zone, 500 metres away from populous areas. We already have two masts within a hundred metres of the proposed site.

“We have a choice to smoke or drink yet in today's health and safety conscious world, how can we have this health risk imposed upon us?

“It is unforgivable that health risks are not being taken into consideration with phone mast sitings.

“Everyone I have spoken to voiced concern for the future.”

The paper has been running a Put Masts On Hold campaign which calls for no more masts to be placed near homes or schools until it is proved they are safe.

A petition against the Eaton Street application has been placed in the local Post Office and has already attracted more than 250 signatures.

Malcolm Fuller, who has run the Post Office as a family business for the past 22 years, said: “I am shocked at the choice of the proposed site particularly as the Post Office, like the rest of Eaton Street, is a conservation area. A 57 foot mast would look totally out of place.

“Nobody wants the mast at all but it is already up and running. People just cannot understand why it is being moved.

“There is always going to be a conflict of interest.”

Heather Harris, who lives near the proposed new site, said: “I am very concerned over the increasing evidence of health risks, especially now that so many studies show links to cancer for people living close to phone masts.

“It's all very worrying. Phone companies should be more responsible in choosing sites that do not affect the community's health. We need councils and Government to support us.”

Jim Stevenson, community relations manager for O2 said: “What we are trying to do is to move a mast which is currently a problem for the local planning authority. We are currently consulting residents on what will be right for the area and what they think.”

Are you fighting proposals for a mobile phone mast in your area? Contact reporter Dominic Chessum on 01603 772428 or email

Copyright © 2007 Archant Regional. All rights reserved.

Child Slavery


Around 8.4 million children around the world are enslaved today. Now, in a remarkable journey across three continents, five of them tell their stories. This documentary is presented by reporter Rageh Omaar.

From Information Clearing House

FBI outsourced dirty work to secret Ethiopian prisons

While we have been awash in news stories about the firing of U.S. attorneys, Don Imus and the Virginia Tech horror, how many Americans know that the FBI and, to a lesser extent, the CIA have been interrogating suspected terrorists in secret prisons in Ethiopia?

From Information Clearing House

The US and its allies allowed Pakistan to clandestinely acquire most of the technology for its nuclear program from abroad

'They sold out the world for an F-16 sale'

The US and its allies allowed Pakistan to clandestinely acquire most of the technology for its nuclear program from abroad, unwittingly facilitating the spread of nuclear weapons technology to Iran, North Korea and Libya over the past several decades.

From Information Clearing House

Coalition statement in support of impeachment

A group of prominent Americans gathered at the U.S. Capitol to speak in support of beginning impeachment proceedings against President George W. Bush and Vice President Richard B. Cheney.

How Rumsfeld Micromanaged Torture

From Information Clearing House

Some straight talking: but is anyone in America listening?

According to a recent poll, one in four Iraqis has personally experienced or witnessed the murder of a family member as a result of violence since the US-led invasion.

Baghdad up close and personal

Pepe Escobar, is back in Iraq and in the Red Zone - that is, outside "Fortress USA", the Green Zone. This is the first of his unembedded, non-Kevlar-protected, bodyguardless reports.

Everywoman: Iraqi women

Video explores the lives of 4 Iraqi women living under U.S. occupation.

Few Iraqi refugees allowed into U.S.

The United States admitted 68 Iraqi refugees in the six months through March, a tiny percentage of those fleeing their homes because of the war, State Department figures show.

From Information Clearing House

U.S. Military wife tells off neocon Kristol


On a C-Span morning call-in show, a military wife took issue with William Kristol's disconnect from the personal strains of military families. Kristol was almost speechless.

Bush vetoes troop withdrawal bill

US President George W Bush has vetoed a Congressional bill that would have linked war funding to a timetable for withdrawal of US troops from Iraq.

From Information Clearing House

Post Mortem for the Stock Market

By Mike Whitney

The real estate market is crashing faster than anyone had anticipated. Housing prices have fallen in 17 of 20 of the nation's largest cities and the trend lines indicate that the worst is yet to come.

Our freedoms and working conditions were won by the suffering and sweat of our fathers and grand fathers in their struggle against commercial interests

H a r l a n C o u n t y USA


Least we think that America was built by the starched shirts and expensive suits featured on FOX News and CNN. This documentary will help to remind us that our freedoms and working conditions were not won by U.S. soldiers in foreign lands but through the suffering and sweat of our fathers and grand fathers in their struggle against commercial interests.

Don't Steal, Don't Lie and Don't Be Lazy

Evo Morales and the New Wave of Democracy in Latin America

Audio Report

Democratically elected with 54% of the vote, he is soft-spoken, honest, mature, humble and trying to balance a history of oligarchic elitism with the growing needs on his people. A new breed of government which has the Bush Administration perplexed and unable to put in their pocket.

Enter the Empire

By Manuel Valenzuela

The wealthiest nation-state the world has ever seen has for the last sixty years been standing atop the upper crust of humankind, basking in the splendor of unfathomable richness, enjoying unprecedented standards of living, accumulating power and control at tremendous speed and becoming, at the expense of the planet and its inhabitants, the latest incarnation of Rome.

The War Party


Panorama investigates the "neo-conservatives", the small and unelected group of right-wingers, who critics claim have hijacked the White House. They brought us war against Iraq - what do the hawks in Washington have in store for us now?

Siemens machte Beschuldigten zum Chef-Aufklärer,1518,480483,00.html

MOBILFUNK: Der Hamster ist Zeuge

Im Anhang finden Sie den Mobilfunk-Artikel:
"Der Hamster ist Zeuge", Der Spiegel Nr. 18/30.4.07 S. 154 - 159.

DER SPIEGEL (18/2007) - 30.04.2007 (16434 Zeichen)

Hunderte Bürgerinitiativen kämpfen gegen die Gefahr, die ihrer Meinung nach von Handy-Strahlung ausgeht. Sie werden unterstützt von überraschend vielen Medizinern. Eine praktische Ärztin aus Bamberg stieg zur Schutzpatronin des Widerstands auf.

Link auf diesen Artikel im Archiv:,4906,15222,00.pdf

Die Anschrift für Leserbriefe an die Spiegel-Redaktion lautet:

Alfred Tittmann




Leserbrief von Dr. Wolf Bergmann 2-05-07

Im Anhang ein Leserbrief von mir zu dem Spiegelartikel.

Wolf Bergmann

Dr. med. Wolf Bergmann Facharzt für Allgemeinmedizin

Reichsgrafenstr. 28
79102 Freiburg
Tel. 0761 – 55 611 41
Fax 0761 – 50 36 78 17

Herrn Manfred Dworschak
Redaktion Wissenschaft und Technik
Oberlinden 80
60323 Frankfurt / Main

Freiburg, den 02.05.2007

Betr.: Ihr Artikel „Mobilfunk. Der Hamster ist Zeuge“ (Spiegel 18/07)

Sehr geehrter Herr Dworschak,

als einer der von Ihnen interviewten Ärzte frage ich mich und hiermit Sie:

Wie ist es Ihnen möglich, nach all dem, was Sie wissen, einen solchen Artikel zu schreiben? Oder wissen Sie wirklich so wenig? Oder dürfen Sie nichts wissen? Haben Sie selber als Journalist und Benutzer der Mobilfunktechnologie Angst? Warum sind Sie so ironisch und zynisch? Was ist Ihr Motiv, was Ihr Auftrag und von wem?

Was ich Ihrem Artikel entnehme:

--- Die Interessen der Mobilfunkindustrie sind für Sie unantastbar oder müssen unausgesprochen bleiben oder existieren gar nicht.

--- eine unabhängige, seit über 7 Jahrzehnten etablierte Wissenschaft von reproduzierbaren schädigenden biologischen Wirkungen von Mobilfunkfrequenzen auf lebende Organismen existiert für Sie nicht.

--- Die ärztliche Beobachtung von Menschen, die subjektiv und objektiv unter Mobilfunkbelastung erkranken und unter Entlastung gesunden, existiert für Sie nicht oder zählt nicht wirklich.

--- Die Erfahrungen und Schilderungen von Betroffenen ist für Sie im zu belächelnden Reich des Glaubens angesiedelt.

--- Die von Ihnen flapsig beschriebene Möglichkeit der Projektion von anderen Leiden auf den Mobilfunk und die Möglichkeit der Retraumatisierung von durch Mobilfunk Traumatisierten ist real und ein sehr sehr schwieriges menschliches und wissenschaftlich-ärztliches Problem. Für Betroffene. Und für Behandler, an die es sehr hohe Anforderungen an Ausbildung, Erfahrung, Menschenkenntnis und Einfühlungsvermögen stellt. Sie lassen hinter diesem realen Problem die realen Probleme der schweren und schwersten Gesundheitsschäden durch Mobilfunk verschwinden und leisten damit der Diffamierung von Elektrosensiblen Vorschub ebenso wie der Unterlassung von dringend notwendiger Hilfeleistung und Schutz. Sie dienen damit der Mobilfunkindustrie und einer Verdrängung durch die Konsumenten.

--- Daraus folgend vermisse in Ihrem Artikel menschliche Betroffenheit und Anteilnahme. Im Telefonat mit mir erklärten Sie, weder auf der einen noch der anderen Seite in diesem Konflikt zu stehen. Ich vermisse Ihre journalistische Unabhängigkeit.

--- Sie beteiligen sich als Journalist eines weit verbreiteten Magazins an der Verbreitung und Verharmlosung einer Technologie, die über Resonanzphänomene tief in biologische Regelkreise als permanenter Störsender eingreift und technische Information zu biologischer Desinformation werden läßt. Auf diese Weise werden Sie selbst Teil einer gewollten Desinformationskampagne und fördern gesundheitsschädliche Gewohnheit, Verdrängung und Resignation. Möglicherweise ungewollt.

--- Falls Sie sich nicht in Ihrem persönlichen Bereich ganz anders verhalten als aus Ihrem Artikel zu schließen ist, schaden Sie Ihrer eigenen Gesundheit.

--- Das Wissen über diese Zusammenhänge ist da und steht Ihnen zur Verfügung. Die Erfahrungen dazu ebenfalls. Wenn Sie den Mut haben hinzuschauen, haben Sie reichlich Möglichkeit dazu. Das erfordert allerdings u.a. kritisches und unabhängiges Hinsehen und etwas Civilcourage.

--- Davon wünsche ich Ihnen sehr viel mehr, als ich in Ihrem Artikel erkennen kann.

Über eine Antwort würde ich mich sehr freuen.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Dr. Bergmann an Spiegel

Fwd: Spiegelartikel

Lieber Herr Dr. Bergmann,

schade, dass es dieser Dworschak immer wieder schafft, sich in das Vertrauen ehlicher Leute zu schleichen, mit dem Ziel, das Vertrauen gründlich zu missbrauchen. Auch ich darf mich als sein Opfer fühlen und kann als Spiegel-Geschädigter aus leidvoller Erfahrung einige Beiträge beisteuern.

Dworschak hatte sich 2001 in eine Televorlesung eingeschlichen, die ich gerade mit der TU Berlin abhielt. Er wollte über den Inhalt berichten, aber in dem veröffentlichten Beitrag fand sich nichts dergleichen, gerade so, als hätte er schon vorher das Manuskript fertig gehabt. Er wollte es mir auch vor der Drucklegung faxen, aber an seine Versprechungen von gestern kann sich ein Spiegelreporter nicht mehr erinnern! Statt dessen schnüffelte er in den Unterlagen der zufällig neben ihm sitzenden Studenten und notierte heimlich dessen Handy-Nummer. Ohne zu fragen, ob es dem Studenten recht ist, bekam der nach der Vorlesung einen Anruf von Dworschak. Er wollte den Studenten dazu animieren, Schlechtes über mich und meine Vorlesung zu sagen. Er hatte aber keinen Erfolg. Stattdessen hat der Student mir alles geplaudert und seine Empörung über den Spiegel-Redakteur zum Ausdruck gebracht. Danach versuchte er das damalige Dekanat und Rektorat aufzumischen, immer auf der Suche nach Material, um es gegen mich verwenden zu können (1).

Tatsächlich hatte Dworschak eine Vorlage und die hat ihm ein führendes Mitglied der GWUP-Sekte zukommen lassen. Der Ghostwriter hinter dem Reporter gibt sich als Mathematikprofessor der TU Darmstadt aus. Tatsächlich aber existiert dort namentlich kein solcher. "Das muss ein Betrüger sein", hatte mir der Dekan der TU erklärt. Da der Betrüger auch schon zusammen mit einem ehemaligen Kollegen namens Bruhn auf der Seite der TU publiziert hatte wurde bei Bruhn nachgefragt, wer dieser Betrüger sei. Daraufhin hat Bruhn gesagt: er sei es selber!

Fazit: beim Spiegel darf jeder Betrüger zu Wort kommen, wenn die Story am Ende nach dem Geschmack der Redaktion ist. Über ihr Opfer hat sich von denen noch keiner Gedanken gemacht. Immerhin hatte der Spiegel erreicht, dass meine Televorlesung vorübergehend gestoppt worden war und die Skalarwellenforschung für viele Jahre nahezu zum Erliegen gekommen war. Es konnten sogar Zweifler generiert werden, die tatsächlich den Gerüchten von diesem Bruhn Glauben schenkten, in meinen Herleitungen seien Fehler - Fehler, die in Wirklichkeit von Bruhn selber stammen und von ihm kunstvoll in meine Herleitungen eingebaut wurden.

Kurzum, der Spiegel war vorübergehend erfolgreich, Zweifel an meiner Skalarwellenforschung zu generieren, um von meinem Argument abzulenken, dass Mobilfunksender, Handys wie Funkmasten, eine ungenehmigte Strahlung abgeben, für die gar keine Grenzwerte existieren. Meine Gegner verschafften sich Luft, indem sie kurzerhand behaupteten, es gäbe keine Skalarwellen, was gleichbedeutend ist mit dem Leugnen des Antennenrauschens, das jeder kennt. Mit diesem Scheinargument wurde der Antrag auf Erforschung des Skalarwellenanteils in der Strahlenschutzkommission abgelehnt.

Hand in Hand mit Bruhn hat dieser die allgemein anerkannte Definition einer Skalarwelle (gerichtete Ausbreitung skalarer Größen) umdefiniert in eine Bruhnsche Skalarwelle (ungerichtete = skalare Welle), die es in der Tat nicht geben kann und seine Kreation als Beweis hergenommen, dass es keine Skalarwellen gibt. Das ahnungslose Volk hat diesem Ringschluss ein Stück weit Glauben geschenkt. Gemerkt hat den Betrug erst die Staatsanwaltschaft Konstanz, nachdem sie auf Anweisung, mich mit Hilfe des Gerichts zu stoppen, sich plötzlich damit konfrontiert sah, dass sie wegen der biologischen Wirksamkeit und Gefährlichkeit von Skalarwellen aktiv geworden war, die es doch gar nicht geben darf! In der Folge der dpa-Meldung (2) "Handys darf man nicht anfassen!" sind in meinem Umfeld erstaunlich viele Personen ausgewechselt worden, vom Staatsanwalt über den Rektor, Prorektor, Dekan, Prodekan bis zum Kanzler meiner Hochschule.

Die zweiseitige Spiegel-Reportage über mich und meine Arbeit war so zu einer Voraussetzung geworden, um den Mobilfunk mindestens 4 Jahre unbehelligt weiter ausbauen zu können. Von daher gesehen ist sich Dworschak in seiner öffentlichen Meinungsmache tatsächlich treu geblieben. Aber die Spur verbrannter Erde, die diese Reporter hinter sich her ziehen, wird immer breiter ...

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Konstantin Meyl

Prof. Dr. Konstantin Meyl, Hochschule Furtwangen University Robert-Gerwig-Platz 1, D-78120 Furtwangen, Tel.: 0-7723-920-2231 Mail: meyl, Internet:

PS 1: M. Dworschak: Schwarzwälder Kopernikus, Spiegel-Artikel vom 21.5.01, S. 198-199,

PS 2: Mobiltelefone darf man nicht anfassen, Weltweit erstmalig wird Elektrosmog durch deutsche Justiz anerkannt! Staatsanwaltschaft Konstanz widerspricht der offiziellen Meinung der FH Furtwangen,




Leserbriefe zum Spiegel Artikel “Mobilfunk. Der Hamster ist Zeuge” Spiegel Nr. 18 v. 30-04-2007

Gerhard Kampschulte 2-05-07

Zu Ihrem Artikel fällt mir nur ein, was hat der Spiegel dafür kassiert von den Mobilfunkbetreibern und seiner Propagandaabteilung IZMF. Hier werden Millionen von Menschen die unter Mobilfunk leiden für bekloppt erklärt. Es kann nur heißen, keinen Spiegel mehr zu kaufen für diese Menschen. Es ist eine Unverschämtheit des Spiegel Reporters, Menschen die unter Mobilfunk leiden, lächerlich zu machen, Wissenschaftler und Ärzte auf die Seite von Spinnern zu stellen. Es liegen genug Beweise vor, die für die Schädlichkeit des Mobilfunks sprechen, diese werden aber von der Politik und den Betreibern nicht anerkannt. Hier wird der Gewinn der Mobilfunk-Lobby höher eingeschätzt als die Gesundheit der Menschen. Mit zum teil kriminellen Methoden sind die Menschen mobilfunksüchtig gemacht worden. Sittenwidrige Verträge sind gang und gebe. Die Warnungen des Bundesamts für Strahlenschutz für die Benutzung der Handys durch Kinder werden völlig ignoriert. Jedes andere Produkt mit diesen Nebenwirkungen, wäre schon längst vom Markt verschwunden aber hier geht es um 50 Milliarden Euro. Dem Spiegel sind die Gelder für die Werbung von Mobilfunkbetreibern und Handyherstellern wichtiger als die Vorsorge für die Menschen. Grenzwerte die nichts mit Vorsorge zu tun haben sondern als Planungssicherheit und Schutz vor Regress für die Industrie dienen, werden als Schutzschild benutzt. Der Spiegel ist auf ein tiefes Niveau gesunken das bestimmten Blättern mit den großen Buchstaben sehr nahe kommt.

Mit freundlichen Grüssen

Ute u. Gerhard Kampschulte

Alfred Tittmann 3-05-2007

c/o Herrn Manfred Dworschak
Redaktion Wissenschaft und Technik
Oberlinden 80
60323 Frankfurt / Main

3. Mai 2007

Leserbrief zu “Mobilfunk. Der Hamster ist Zeuge.“ Spiegel Nr. 18 v. 30.04.2007 S. 154 - 159.

Sehr geehrter Herr Dworschak,

mit Ihrer unausgewogenen Interpretation haben Sie leider die komplexe Thematik verfehlt. Schade, dass man als langjähriger Spiegelleser den Eindruck gewinnen muss, dass Ihre Recherchen von einer Instrumentalisierung der Mobilfunklobby geprägt sein könnten. Jedenfalls sind Ihre Ausführungen von einem investigativen Journalismus weit entfernt und leider auch der Sachlage entsprechend nicht dienlich.

Tausende von Bürgerinitiativen, nahezu über 2000 Ärzte in “Ärzte-Appellen“, stützend auf zahlreiche wissenschaftliche Studien mit warnenden konsistenten Hinweisen und vorliegende ernstzunehmende Kasuistiken fordern zu Präventionsmaßnahmen auf.

Ihre Recherche gegenüber Betroffenen und Engagierten ist tendenziös zynisch angelegt.

Während immer mehr Elektrosensible von dem Krankheitsbild “Mikrowellensyndrom“ durch den Einfluss von elektromagnetischen Feldern gesundheitliche Belastungen erfahren, wird das betroffene “Klientel“ Ihrerseits mit sarkastischen Äußerungen gewürdigt.

Dass industrieabhängige Forschung in vielen Fällen von einer wissenschaftlichen Evidenz weit entfernt ist, belegt die Vergangenheit. (Radar, Contergan, Asbest, Rauchen usw).

Siehe Studie einer Schweizer Forschungsgruppe der Institute für Sozial- und Präventivmedizin an den Universitäten Basel und Bern (Huss et al.2006), welche im September 2007 veröffentlicht wurde.

Wenn Wissenschaftler und Journalisten sich von der Industrie manipulieren lassen, muss man sich über eine unausgewogene Berichterstattung und der Ignoranz realer wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse nicht wundern.

Ihre Aussage, “dass Mobilfunkgegner zur endzeitlosen Kulturkritik neigen würden“ ist völlig absurd und belegt Ihre oberflächlich Recherche.

Ihre Bewertung gegenüber den “vereinzelten Fachwissenschaftlern“, welche lt. Ihrer Aussage auf der Seite der Mobilfunkkritiker stehen, wobei für diese sozusagen als Lohn ein dankbares Publikum gewährleistet ist strotz von Häme und Diffamierung.

Statt Betroffene in die Schublade der Hypochonder zu schieben, hätten Sie Ihren Bericht einmal unter den Aspekt der Prävention stellen sollen. Vorsorge ist zu treffen, wenn aufgrund tatsächlicher Anhaltspunkte eine Schadensmöglichkeit zu vermuten ist, ein Kausalitätsnachweis aber gerade (noch) nicht geführt werden kann, also bei zumindest potentiellen, nicht voll nachweisbaren Risiken, die einen “Anfangs- oder Gefahrenverdacht“ begründen. (EG Leitlinie 2.02.2000 Ziff 5)

Die amtlich betriebene Verharmlosung der Risiken (die “organisierte Unverantwortlichkeit“, wie es der Soziologe Beck treffend ausdrückte) verstößt gegen den Vorsorgeauftrag in den Artikeln 2 Abs. 2 und 20a des Grundgesetzes sowie Artikel 174 des EG-Vertrages.

Allein die auffallende Häufung von Krankheitsfällen im Umfeld von Sendeanlagen sind zur Vorsorge Anlass genug!

Es ist betrüblich feststellen zu müssen, dass einerseits Ihr Bericht inkompetent ist, andererseits sich der Spiegel damit m. E. bei der Mobilfunkthematik der “Großwetterlage“ gebeugt hat und dass die kritische Kompetenz, die ich bisher so sehr an Ihrem Magazin schätzte, aufgegeben wurde.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Alfred Tittmann
Kettelerstrasse 3
63486 Bruchköbel

Betr. Spiegel Bericht -- "Mobilfunk- Der Hamster ist Zeuge" -- Spiegel Nr. 18 v. 30.04.07

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

im Anhang finden Sie ein Schreiben an die Geschäftsleitung des Spiegel Verlages.

Alfred Tittmann




Astrid Peter 3-05-07:

"Der Hamster ist Zeuge", Der Spiegel Nr. 18


Mobilfunkgeschädigte brauchen keine Wissenschaftler, um zu beweisen, was sie seit Jahren erleiden müssen. Und es gibt Tausende von ihnen. Ich mache mir Sorgen um die vielen unwissenden Menschen, denen vielleicht irreparable Schäden zugefügt werden, weil der momentane Erkenntnisstand mit den tatsächlichen Ereignissen nicht Schritt hält. Und ich warte auf den Tag, an dem elektrosensible Menschen ihr Recht beanspruchen können, in dieser Welt unversehrt leben zu können.

Astrid Peter, Kahl

Und noch eine Randnotiz: Anlässlich des Internationalen Tages der Pressefreiheit sprach mit Lutz Tillmanns vom Deutschen Presserat: Tillmanns: "Wenn es um Inhalte geht, wächst zunehmend die Einflussnahme von PR auf den Journalismus. Da gibt es einen großen Graubereich und immer mehr Beschwerden".

Leserbrief an den SPIEGEL

Zum Artikel Ausgabe 18/2007 “Der Hamster ist Zeuge” von Manfred Dworschak

Ihr Artikel wird vom Anfang bis zum Ende durch billigen Zynismus und Verhöhnung Mobilfunk-Kranker getragen. Sie bedienen sich vordergründiger Effekthascherei und erhoffen sich journalistischen Erfolg durch kollektives Schenkelklatschen. Aber nur weil Sie offensichtlich nicht in der Lage sind (oder sein wollen), die einfachsten Journalismus-Grundregeln anzuwenden: Saubere Recherche. Es gibt aber eine zweite mögliche Ursache für Ihre Entgleisung: Auch Sie sind nur ein Opfer von SPIEGEL-internen Strategen, die aus dem Kniefall vor dem Lobbyismus der milliardenschweren Mobilfunkindustrie eine arrogante “Bericht”-Erstattung verlangen. Die Werbeeinnahmen von Handy & Co. tun auch Ihrem Blatt gut. Oder etwa nicht?

Jürgen Groschupp
1. Vorstand u. Sprecher
Mobilfunk Bürgerforum e.V.




Anbei erhalten Sie ein Schreiben von der Kompetenzinitiative an die Redaktion des Spiegels betr. des Artikels "Mobilfunk - der Hamster ist Zeuge" vom 30.04.07 .

Auf die Weitergabe der dazugehörenden Anlagen
(Spiegelbericht sowie dem Bericht "Vom Teufel bezahlt" im Deutschen Ärzteblatt Heft 12 v. 23.03.07 ) verzichtet der HLV in seiner heutigen Ausgabe wegen höherem Datentransfer und weil bereits solche Anlagen verbreitet wurden.


Mobilfunkgegner sind eingebildete Kranke: Ab in die Therapie
Der Spiegel (30.4.07):

Häme bei Mobilfunkfreaks, Entsetzen bei anderen, nicht nur Mobilfunkgegnern: Wie wird im Spiegel Meinung gemacht?

Dazu drei beeindruckende Stellungnahmen:

Prof. Karl Richter / Dr. Scheiner / Dr. Kern: „Journalismus im Dienst der Herrschenden“

Caro Wenzel, Journalistin (Stuttgart): „Der Spiegel-Artikel über Mobilfunk und der Pressekodex des Deutschen Presserates“

Philippe Ressing, Journalist und Mitglied der Bürgerinitiative Burgholzhof: „Der Spiegel-Artikel zu Mobilfunk – oder wie mache ich Stimmung gegen Mobilfunkkritiker“

Aus: Kurzmittteilung Nr.7 der Bürgerinitiative gegen den Mobilfunkmast Bismarckstr.57, Stuttgart




Diskurs mit Spiegel hält an!

Nachfolgend erhalten Sie einen Dialog zwischen der Kompetenzinitiative und dem Spiegel.

Wir hatten Ihnen in dieser Angelegenheit bereits mit unserer HLV INFO 46/AT v.12.05.07 das Schreiben der Kompetenzinitiative v. 12.05.07 an den Spiegel zur Kenntnis gebracht.

In der Anlage ein erneutes Schreiben der Kompetenzinitiative v. 20.05.07 an den Redakteur Manfred Dworschak.

HLV Redaktion

Volker Hartenstein, MdL a.D.

Liebe Gründungsmitglieder unserer Kompetenzinitiative,

hier geben wir Ihnen und einigen interessierten Journalisten den gegenwärtige Stand der Auseinandersetzung mit dem 'Spiegel'. Alle Texte sind für die Weiterverbreitung freigegeben. Sie werden auch auf unserer Homepage eingestellt. Wir haben beschlossen, die Auseinandersetzung mit den Medien zu einem in einer ganzen Reihe von Projektthemen zu machen, auf die wir uns weiter konzentrieren.

Das gilt für das Gebiet industriefinanzierter Ärzteschulungen ganz analog. Auch da setzt sich die heftige Auseinandersetzung fort.

Mit herzlichen Grüßen
K. Hecht, M. Kern, K. Richter und H.-Chr. Scheiner

To: "Manfred Dworschak"
Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2007 11:37 AM
Subject: Re: Offener Brief der "Kompetenzinitiative"

Sehr geehrter Herr Dworschak,

Dank für Ihre Mail-Antwort auf unseren offenen Brief. U. E. macht er Ihren Umgang mit dem Stand der Forschung, mit Bürgern und der Funktion der Medien in der Demokratie nicht überzeugender. Für eine seriöse Berichterstattung wäre mehr denn je erforderlich auch zur Kenntnis zu nehmen, was derzeit ebenso in zahlreichen anderen europäischen und aussereuropäischen Ländern an elektromagnetischen Schädigungen von Menschen, Tieren und Pflanzen diskutiert wird.

Wir setzen den kritischen Dialog mit Ihnen und dem 'Spiegel' deshalb mit einem weiteren offenen Brief fort, der Ihnen und der Chefredaktion anbei als Datei, parallel aber auch per Post zugeht.

Vom Systemkritiker zum Mitmacher?

Wir machen die Auseinandersetzung u. a. auf unserer kürzlich eröffneten Homepage zugänglich, die kontinuierlich über unser Programm und unsere Arbeit informieren soll. Wir fänden es aber auch sinnvoll, wenn Sie den um sich greifenden Widerstand gegen diese Art von Berichterstattung auch den "Spiegel"-Lesern zugänglich machen - als Gegendarstellung aus der Sicht einer großen Zahl industrieunabhängiger Ärzte und Forscher sowie der noch größeren Zahl von betroffenen Menschen.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
gez. K. Hecht, M. Kern, K. Richter und H.-Chr. Scheiner

----- Original Message -----
From: "Manfred Dworschak"
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2007 3:29 PM
Subject: Offener Brief der "Kompetenzinitiative"

- Nachrichtlich an die Chefredaktion zur Kenntnis -

Sehr geehrter Herr Dr. Kern, sehr geehrter Herr Prof. Dr. Richter,

Sie haben mich in Ihrem Schreiben vom 7.5. an die Chefredaktion der Ignoranz bezichtigt unter anderem gegenüber "einer unabhängigen internationalen Forschung, die elektromagnetische Schädigungen auch von Pflanzen und Tieren verlässlich nachgewiesen hat - z. T. sogar mit staatlichen Fördermitteln (ein Beispiel anbei)".

Erlauben Sie mir, dass ich dazu eine Richtigstellung anbringe. Ich habe in vielen Fällen die Belege überprüft, die Mobilfunkkritiker mir vorgelegt haben - so auch in diesem. Das Ergebnis wird Sie interessieren. Der von Ihnen als Beispiel beigefügte Projektbericht "Studies on the Effects of Radio-Frequency Fields on Conifers" ist noch nicht einmal aus Sicht seiner Autoren ein Beleg für irgendwas. Prof. Dr. Alexander Lerchl schreibt dazu:

"Die wenige cm hohen Keimlinge (von 'Bäumen' zu reden ist sicherlich falsch) wurden zusammen mit den Anzuchttöpfchen exponiert. Auffallend war ein höherer Wasserbedarf der exponierten Pflanzen. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass die Pflanzen möglicherweise indirekt, und zwar durch thermische Wirkungen auf die Anzuchterde, zu Schaden kamen (Wasserstress, Nährstoffmangel etc.). Die Exposition der Erde, in der Bäume in der Natur stehen, findet so wie in dem Experiment geschehen nicht statt. Auch die in der Umwelt vorhandenen wesentlich geringeren Feldstärken lassen keinesfalls den Schluss zu, dass die Experimente an Keimlingen unter den geschilderten Versuchsbedingungen für relevante Expositionen von Bäumen Schäden oder ursächliche Zusammenhänge vermuten lassen."

Einfacher gesagt: Mobilfunkstrahlung kann feuchte Erde in sehr kleinen Töpfchen ein wenig erwärmen (die "thermische Wirkung", die niemand bestreitet). Das kann auf Dauer wegen erhöhter Verdunstung zu Wassermangel bei den Keimlingen führen. Bäume im wahren Leben draußen betrifft das aber nicht, weil die Wurzeln von der Strahlung gar nicht erreicht werden; die Eindringtiefe der Funkwellen beträgt nur wenige Zentimeter.

Ich weiß nicht mehr, wieviele verlässliche Beweise für die Schädlichkeit des Mobilfunks ich bereits präsentiert bekam, die sich allesamt schon nach ein bißchen Nachforschung in nichts auflösten. Sie sollten wirklich einmal Argumente vorlegen; andernfalls überdenken Sie bitte Ihre Anschuldigungen.

Mit freundlichem Gruß,

Manfred Dworschak
Wissenschaft & Technik
Oberlindau 80
60323 Frankfurt am Main
Tel 069-971268-22




Diskurs mit Spiegel

3. Schreiben der Kompetenzinitiative an Spiegel

Herrn Manfred Dworschak

To: Manfred Dworschak
Sent: Saturday, May 26, 2007 10:25 AM
Subject: Re: Offener Brief der "Kompetenzinitiative"

Sehr geehrter Herr Dworschak,

hier Ihnen und dem "Spiegel" unser 3. offener Brief, der Ihre kurze Email vom 23. 5. beantwortet (im Text wiedergegeben). Die postalische Sendung folgt.

Dass wir den Dialog nicht wunschgemäß privatisieren, hat eine ganze Reihe von Gründen:

1. Es geht um allgemeinere Fehlleistungen des heutigen Journalismus, die wir nicht länger hinnehmen wollen.

2. Wir wollen das System "Mobilfunk und Gesundheit" durchleuchten, von dem Funktionäre der Mobilfunkindustrie sprechen und das im soeben entlarvten Projekt "Rauchen und Gesundheit" eine unrühmliche Parallele hat. Und wir wollen fragen, wie weit der deutsche Journalismus an diesem Projekt "Mobilfunk und Gesundheit", das nach dem Stand unserer Erkenntnis ein Projekt "Mobilfunk und Krankheit" verschleiert, mitwirkt.

3. Wir beobachten, dass nicht nur übergebene Dokumente, sondern auch Leserbriefe der Betroffenen ignoriert und unterdrückt wurden und werden.

4. Wir stellen in allem fest, dass sich der so diagnostizierte 'Journalismus im Dienst der Herrschenden' schneller bewahrheitet als vorausgesehen. Denn wo Ihr Artikel bereits bis in unsere 'Rechtspflege' hinein genutzt wird, um potenzielle Gutachter abzuwerten und die Klagen von Bürgern abzubügeln, generieren Ihre Einkünfte auch sehr konkrete materielle Schädigungen von Bürgern.

Sie werden vom 'Fall Kind' in Dresden, um den es uns dabei geht, noch hören, sobald die laufende Etappe des Prozesses abgeschlossen ist und gedeutet werden kann.

Warum durchleuchten Sie nicht die deutsche Justiz, die gegenwärtig mit ihrer Kritiklosigkeit, ja Bestechlichkeit von sich reden macht? Wo sind die Zeiten demokratischer Gewaltenteilung und eines funktionierenden Schutzes der Bürger- und Menschenrechte durch die Medien geblieben?

Falls wir jedenfalls einen Fonds einrichten müssten, um Opfern dieses Systems "Mobilfunk und Gesundheit" zu helfen, werden wir den öffentlichen Spendenaufruf bis hinein in Zeitungen auch an den "Spiegel", einige Vertreter der deutschen Justiz sowie die politisch Zuständigen und Verantwortlichen richten.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Prof. Dr. Karl Richter, gemeinsam mit Prof. Dr. Karl Hecht, Dr. med. Markus Kern und Dr. med. Hans-Christoph Scheiner

s. pdf-Anlage
Überlegungen zu


Spiegel in der Kritik

Überlegungen zu

Lieber Herr Richter,

auch anderswo ist der Spiegel bzw. sein Chefredakteur in die Kritik geraten, z.B. hier

Letzteres ist ein schönes Beispiel für Internetfernsehen, welches mehr und mehr vor allem von der jungen Öffentlichkeit wahrgenommen werden und welches unzensiert veröffentlicht wird. Sollten wir vielleicht ähnliches für unsere Anliegen planen - also eine ähnlich attraktiv aufgemachte Nutzung der Internetmedienwelt?

Herzliche Grüsse
Dr. Angelika Schrodt


Hamster haben keine Handys

Journalismus im Dienst der Herrschenden

Spiegel in der Kritik

Warum wir den Pressekodex mehr denn je brauchen

Ärzte-Appelle gegen Mobilfunk

Wimax, die neue Strahlengefahr

Wi-Fi on Radio 4 and Worldwide

Wednesday 25th April 2007, 7.40am

David Dean on World Today Radio 4 speaking about WiFi.

If anyone wants to e-mail them their views then the address is

Eco-Whistleblower Laws Now Off-Limits To Federal Employees

Twelve Steps to Cutting Poverty in Half

Mission Accomplished: And The Lies Go On

And The Lies Go On


Mission Accomplished?

Voice your outrage at the President's insistence on ignoring the will of the American people at



Think Progress has a 'Mission Accomplished' By The Numbers chart comparing war stats from May 1, 2003 and today.


I feel like it's time for all news outlets to adopt the uniform practice of starting each horror story from Iraq with "Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse..."


'It had taken much thought and planning that wartime May Day four years ago when George W. Bush co-piloted a Naval jet onto the deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln,' writes Tom Engelhardt. 'This White House has plunged Iraq and the world into the geopolitical equivalent of a blood-and-gore exploitation film that simply won't end. Call that Mission Accomplished!'


Here’s what our mission accomplished

Boston Globe
by Derrick Z. Jackson


This is four years after President Bush staged one of the gaudiest self-congratulations in American history. He landed on the USS Abraham Lincoln in a jet fighter, popped out in a flight jumpsuit and proclaimed major combat operations to be over in Iraq under the now-infamous banner, ‘Mission Accomplished.’ It is four years after Bush said, ‘We do not know the day of final victory, but we have seen the turning of the tide. No act of the terrorists will change our purpose, or weaken our resolve, or alter their fate. Their cause is lost.’ Bush’s cause is so lost that 71 percent of Americans disagree with his handling of Iraq in the latest New York Times/CBS poll and 64 percent say Bush should set a timetable for troop withdrawal in 2008...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Alberto Gonzales' Safety Net

Arctic Sea Ice Melting Faster


Arctic ice cap melting 30 years ahead of forecast

Informant: Harlan Girard

Blair's Bloody Legacy: Iraq

Security Cameras and HQ Squads: Wal-Mart's Union-Busting Tactics

Price Tag for War in Iraq on Track to Top $500 Billion

Glaciers (Al Gore got it right)

Informant: NHNE


Informant: smileycoyote

Electromagnetic fields not a worker hazard?

Symbology Used in Secret Societies

by Gianni DeVincent Hayes, Ph.D.

Symbols and signs, which are used as a means of communication among society members, also serve to represent a thought­called ideograms­and behave in a manner that allows all members to know who belongs to which societies. Freemasonry is perhaps the best example of a society that employs symbols as well as physical contact signals, such as specific handshakes or hand formations as seen in the sign of the Diablo.......

Senators Bribed by BIG Pharma vs. Senators Not Bought Off

by Byron Richards, CCN

As the Senate continues to debate the Big Pharma-friendly sweeping reform of the FDA a new problem for Big Pharma’s prize Senators has erupted and quickly turned into confrontation on the floor of the Senate. At stake is at least 10 billion dollars per year in exorbitant Big Pharma profits. In one corner is Big Pharma-puppet Orrin Hatch (R-UT), representing the Kennedy/Enzi drug cartel. In the other corner is a majority of Senators lead by Byron Dorgan (D-ND).......

Bush vetoes bill, Dems posture as deal to continue Iraq

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Please Stop the Tiger Trade

From Lamargo P.


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