Dienstag, 3. April 2007

Rachel's News #900


Bush Loses, Earth Wins

The Supreme Court, for once, resists the conservative impulse to ignore environmental law.


Dringlichkeitsantrag zu Mobilfunk abgelehnt


April 07 Execution Alert

See and act on all current Execution Alerts at http://www.ncadp.org/execution_alerts.html

April 11: James Lee Clark, TX http://www.demaction.org/dia/organizations/ncadp/campaign.jsp?campaign_KEY=7133

April 24: James Filiaggi, OH http://www.demaction.org/dia/organizations/ncadp/campaign.jsp?campaign_KEY=7135

April 26: Ryan Dickson, TX

Totaler Überwachungsstaat: Schäubles Vorstoß zu Sicherheitsgesetzen als Profilierungsversuch kritisiert

Die große Koalition hat ein neues, angebliches Streitthema begonnen. So stoßen die "Pläne" von Bundesinnenminister Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) zur Verschärfung der Sicherheitsgesetze stoßen beim Kooalitionspartner SPD auf Widerspruch. Schäuble hatte vorgeschlagen, die Fingerabdrücke, die künftig auf einem Chip auf den Reisepässen gespeichert werden, bei den Meldeämtern zu sammeln. Klaus Uwe Benneter, Rechts- und Innenpolitiker der SPD, nannte die Vorschläge Schäubles einen billigen Versuch, sich politisch zu profilieren. Sebastian Edathy (SPD), Vorsitzender des Innenausschusses, nannte die Pläne Schäubles eine Bedrohung für die Balance zwischen Innerer Sicherheit und Bürgerrechten. Der Unions-Fraktionsvorsitzende Wolfgang Bosbach (CDU) warf den Kritikern vor, total verschiedene Sachverhalte total durcheinander zu schmeißen.



DOJ Leaders' Trial Experience Questioned

Among the many striking features of the US attorney scandal is the dearth of firsthand prosecutorial and trial experience of the Justice Department officials most involved in the selection and firing of eight prosecutors. The lack of experience contrasts dramatically with that of the US attorneys who were asked to resign last year for what the Justice Department characterized as underperformance.



Congress Probes Claims White House Pressured EPA

Rep. Henry Waxman has expanded his probe into alleged White House interference on behalf of BHP Billiton at the Environmental Protection Agency, and asked the company to turn over all letters and memos between it, the White House and the EPA.



Congress Probes Claims White House Pressured EPA on LNG Port

Representative Henry Waxman has expanded his probe into alleged White House interference on behalf of BHP Billiton at the Environmental Protection Agency, and asked the company to turn over all letters and memos between it, the White House and EPA.



Breite Kampagne für Kriegs-Eskalation im Mittleren Osten


Plastik-Müll im Meer gefährdet Millionen

Von den jährlich 125 Millionen Tonnen Kunststoff, die wir produzieren, landet ein beträchtlicher Teil im Meer

Gefahr für Tier und Mensch

Von den jährlich 125 Millionen Tonnen Kunststoff, die wir produzieren, landet ein beträchtlicher Teil im Meer. Forscher arbeiten nun an einem Plastik, das sich in Salzwasser auflöst.



Plastik-Müll im Meer gefährdet Millionen

Simultan durchgeführte Studien ergaben: Riesige Mengen an Plastik-Müll befinden sich in unseren Weltmeeren!


Supreme Court entscheidet gegen Bush-Regierung und Autokonzerne

Die Gründe für die Weigerung der Bush-Regierung, Obergrenzen für die Emission von Treibhausgasen bei Autos festzulegen, wurde mit einer wichtigen Entscheidung entkräftet.


Talk to Your Congress Member and Senators While They're Home


Informant: David Swanson

From ufpj-news


News Tribune reports on criticism of Tacoma police


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news





Sehr geehrter Herr Tittmann,

anbei sende ich Ihnen mit der Bitte um Veröffentlichung Einladung und Flyer zur Ausstellung sowie den Vorträgen im Landratsamt des Odenwaldkreises unter dem Titel "Felder-Wellen-Strahlen".

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Stefanie Striller

Felder – Wellen – Strahlen

Das natürliche Strahlungsklima der Erde und die Bedeutung technischer elektromagnetischer Emissionen für die Gesundheit.

Ausstellungen und Vorträge 7. Mai – 3. Juni 2007

im Landratsamt des Odenwaldkreises Michelstädterstr. 12 - 64711 Erbach - siehe gesondertes Programm –

Liebe Freunde der Bewegung,

wer immer es sich einrichten kann, sollte zu dieser Veranstaltung kommen und Freunde und Bekannte mitbringen. Viel Mühe und Kosten stecken in dieser Veranstaltung, positive Ergebnisse sollen dies belohnen! Auch wenn Insidern die Veranstaltung nicht immer Neues bringt, stärkt doch solidarische Teilnahme die Bewegung. Immerhin konnten hier ein staatliches Gesundheitsamt und ein Landrat zu einer Vorsorge-Informationsveranstaltung gewonnen werden und dies auf hohem Niveau!

Bürger von mindestens fünf Landkreisen werden hier an zentralem Ort sachlich unabhängig und kritisch informiert. Berufsgruppen, wie Handwerker, Ärzte und Lehrer werden gezielt eingeladen.

Ein erfolgreicher Verlauf mit breiter Publikumswirkung muss die Kreispolitiker in ihrer Entscheidung zu dieser vorbildlichen Veranstaltung bestätigen, die Bürger mit Nachdruck auf die Inhalte hinweisen und den Bestrebungen zu einer ernsthaften Gesundheitsvorsorge bei Elektrosmog weiterhelfen auf dem Weg zu einer Technik in Verantwortung und Achtung vor dem Leben.

Die Erde und unsere Kinder haben es verdient!

Ihre/ Eure Lebenslandschaft e.V.
Postfach 1106
64701 Erbach
Tel.: 06062-1445

(s. hierzu Anlage Einladungsflyer)


Montag, 7. Mai 2007 um 19.00 Uhr im Sitzungssaal des Landratsamtes


Dr. Hartmut Voigt, Hannover


Die Physik der natürlichen und technischen energetischen Vernetzung des Lebens.

Samstag, 12. Mai 2007 um 16.00 Uhr im Sitzungssaal des Landratsamtes


Dr. Ing. Dietrich Moldan, Iphofen

Innenwelt und Umwelt –

Bautechnische Möglichkeiten eines elektrosmog geschützten Raumklima und ihr Verhältnis zu Erdmagnetfeld, Luft und Licht.

Mittwoch, 16. Mai 2007 um 19.00 Uhr im Sitzungssaal des Landratsamtes


Dr. med. univ. Gerd Oberfeld, Salzburg

Das natürliche Strahlungsklima der Erde und die Bedeutung technischer elektromagnetischer Emissionen für die Gesundheit.

Elektrosmog kein Problem?


Schlafforscher im nordhessischen Funkloch



Hessen Fernsehen

Hessenschau am 2-04-2007 – 19.30 – 20.00 Uhr

In der gestrigen Hessenschau wurde in einem 2:55 Min. -Beitrag über die nachfolgende Schlafstudie berichtet:

Seit einigen Tagen stehen 60 Ober-Werber unter wissenschaftlicher Aufsicht. Forscher wollen ihr Schlafverhalten erforschen. Denn Ober-Werbe ist ein ganz besonderer Ort. Die Gemeinde liegt in einem Funkloch, hier gibt es keine Handystrahlung.

s. Videolink: http://www.hr-online.de/website/fernsehen/sendungen/video_archiv5300.jsp?rubrik=5300&r=3&y=2007&t=20070402

Dabei handelt es sich um ein Programm des BFS, welches in einer PM am 13.02.2006 veröffentlicht wurde.

Auszug der PM v. 13.02.06: “Das Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz (BfS) lässt die Schlafqualität unter Einfluss der Mobilfunkstrahlung untersuchen. Forscher der Berliner Charité sollen im Rahmen des Deutschen Mobilfunk Forschungsprogramms herausfinden, ob psychologische und physiologische Effekte des Mobilfunks unter häuslichen Bedingungen feststellbar sind.

An sechs Standorten in Deutschland, die noch ausgesucht werden müssen, wird eine mobile Basisstation aufgestellt. Untersucht werden insgesamt
300 Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer der Studie, die im Umkreis von 500 Metern um die mobile Basisstation wohnen. So kann festgestellt werden, ob unter Mobilfunkexposition im Schlaf z. B. die Gehirnströme (EEG) beeinflusst werden.“

Zu berücksichtigen gilt auch bei dieser Studie, dass keine Langzeitexposition zu Grunde liegt und somit der Faktor Zeit für athermische, biologische Prozesse keine Berücksichtigung findet.

Inwieweit diese Arbeiten unter dem Einfluss der Mobifunklobbyisten stehen, kann nur einer spekulativen Betrachtung unterzogen werden. Wer gestern Abend den Filmbeitrag “Wir sind drin“ im WDR Fernsehen 22.30 – 23.15 Uhr gesehen hat, kann nur mit gesunder Skepsis der jetzigen Aktion gegenüberstehen. Im gestrigen Beitrag ging es um den Lobbyismus und die Verzahnung der Wirtschaft mit der Politik bis hin zu nachweislichen Fakten, dass viele Industrievertreter im Reichstag ihre Büros unterhalten und auch von ihren Industrieauftrag- gebern für deren Interessenwahrnehmung bezahlt werden.

U.a. kritisierte der bekannte Verwaltungsjurist Prof. Hans Herbert von Arnim die derzeitige Einflussnahme der Privatwirtschaft in die Politik. Das ist eine ganz neue Form der Verzahnung, er bezeichnete sie als gefährliche Entwicklung und sagte auch, dass dies eine Form der Korruption sei!

Weiter ging aus dem Bericht hervor, dass die Bundesregierung im Dezember 2006 bestätigt habe, dass ca. 120 Leiharbeiter aus der Industrie in Ministerien arbeiten würden. Dabei handelt es sich um Interessenvertreter namhafter Industriefirmen, Banken, Versicherungen bis hin zu Wirtschaftsverbänden. Bei der lfd. Bandaufzählung erschienen auch Siemens, Telekom....und Fraport.

Fraport, welche ebenfalls ein Büro im Bundesgebäude unterhält, galt übrigens im Bericht als Beispiel der Bankrotterklärung der Interessenverfilzung.

Die Anforderung einer Videokopie beim WDR Sender ist sehr zu empfehlen.


Alfred Tittmann

Kein Krieg gegen Iran! Die britischen Soldaten sofort freilassen!

Presseerklärung des Komitees für Grundrechte und Demokratie vom 2.4.07 http://www.labournet.de/krieg/iran/kgd.html

Deutscher Flankenschutz

„»Tornados« nach Afghanistan: Marine- und Luftwaffeneinheiten der Bundeswehr erleichtern eine US-Aggression gegen Iran – wie schon bei den Kriegen gegen Irak 1991 und 2003…“ Artikel von David Noack in junge Welt vom 03.04.2007 http://www.jungewelt.de/2007/04-03/040.php

Iran: Das nächste Vietnam?

Artikel von Behrooz Abdolvand und Nima Feyzi Shandi in Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik, Heft 4/2007 http://www.blaetter.de/artikel.php?pr=2530

Aus: LabourNet, 3. April 2007

Residents Halt Phone Mast in S. Wales


Nice little discussion going on at the end of this story if anyone wants to join in!

John E


Residents Halt Phone Mast in S. Wales

ARGUS COMMENT: Mobile phone mast

This is developing into a nice little protest/story if anyone would like
to add their comments.



John E

Hillary, Rupert, and the Culture of Corruption

By having Murdoch host her fundraiser, Hillary Clinton seems to be signaling to Murdoch that while Democratic Party activists have mobilized in recent years against media conglomeration and policies that favor and subsidize media giants, those are not concerns of hers.


From Information Clearing House


Turkey Rejects U.S. Military Request

The government of Prime Minister Recep Erdogan was said to have again rejected a Pentagon request to expand U.S. training rights in Turkey.


From Information Clearing House

Iranian officer reports incursion by US warplanes

US warplanes have violated Iranian airspace in the southwestern oil-rich province of Khuzestan, Al-Alam Arabic language news satellite channel quoted a local military chief as saying on Sunday. "Two aircraft trespassed into Iranian airspace northwest of [the southwestern].


From Information Clearing House

Craig Murray: How I know Blair faked Iran map

How can you be certain which side of a boundary you are when that boundary has never been drawn?


From Information Clearing House


The Secret War

By David Wilson

Far from being the "greatest generation", Lilly exposes the ugly underbelly of the US army's behaviour in Europe.


Your Modern-day Republican Party

By Glenn Greenwald

Leading GOP presidential candidates believe in the power of imprisoning American citizens with no charges or review.


American Mugabe

By David Michael Green

If Americans could get beyond their training, beyond Rove's marketing campaign, and beyond the psychological horrors of first degree cognitive dissonance, what they'd see is a president who - like Mugabe in Zimbabwe - came to town to fill his pockets, and just as fast as he could.



West Has Bloodied Hands

By Eric Margolis

Who was the first high government official to authorize use of mustard gas against rebellious Kurdish tribesmen in Iraq? If your answer was Saddam Hussein's cousin, the notorious "Chemical Ali" -- aka Ali Hassan al-Majid -- you're wrong.



White House Rejects Senate Compromise on Firings

The White House dismissed on Sunday a possible US Senate compromise to allow testimony by officials over the firing of federal prosecutors, which has embroiled President Bush's administration in controversy and led to calls for his attorney general to quit. Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pennsylvania) and Sen. Charles Schumer (D-New York) said an agreement was possible under which White House aides such as Bush's chief political strategist Karl Rove could testify without being under oath.



Guantanamo Detainee Hicks Feared US Interrogators Would Shoot Him

Australian Guantanamo Bay detainee David Hicks feared he would be shot unless he cooperated with US interrogators in Afghanistan, according to a sworn statement presented to a British court. In the affidavit, Hicks said he was slapped, kicked, punched and spat on after being arrested by coalition forces in the Central Asian country in 2001.



US Sends Troops Back to Iraq to Maintain "Surge"

The Pentagon said on Monday it will send another 9,000 US troops to Iraq, with about half of them returning to combat ahead of schedule, in order to maintain troop levels in its new security crackdown through at least August. Two of the affected Army units, totaling about 4,500 troops, will return to combat short of their promised year at home, reflecting the strain placed on US forces by commitments in Iraq and Afghanistan.



How Bogus Letter Became a Case for War

Dozens of interviews with current and former intelligence officials and policymakers in the United States, Britain, France and Italy show that the Bush administration disregarded key information available at the time showing that the Iraq-Niger claim was highly questionable.



How Bogus Letter Became a Case for War

Intelligence Failures Surrounded Inquiry on Iraq-Niger Uraniu.

From Information Clearing House

Big Media Runs to the Nanny State

Dean Baker Weighs in on the battle between big media and the Internet: "It is important to recognize that this lawsuit is not just a battle between two huge companies (YouTube is now owned by Google). The purpose of the DCMA was to bottle up the web, giving major media companies like Viacom a mechanism to enforce their copyrights in a new medium. Now they have decided that the DCMA didn't go far enough. They want the state to enforce their copyrights in a way that will strangle a distribution system that has already allowed hundreds of millions of people located all around the world to see tens of millions of video clips."



And Then, Something Went Bump

William Rivers Pitt on Congress's surprisingly effective tactics on Iraq: "It took a while for the truth of what happened in all this to sink in, for the real muscle behind this withdrawal legislation to show itself. The fact of the matter is plain: The only people in America not talking about leaving Iraq are the ones in the White House and Pentagon because they never intended to leave in the first place and want no part of any exit plan, no matter how bloody and awful it gets over there. Therefore, no withdrawal plan can be effected in a tactical sense until the Bush administration is forced into abandoning its stay-forever pipe dreams."



Radiation risk 'like pollution'?



Chernobyl may have killed 1000 British babies - UN accused of ignoring 500,000 Chernobyl deaths

Risks of rising oil nationalism


Informant: binstock


Risks of Rising Oil Nationalism

It's hard to shed a tear for Big Oil. The top five publicly-traded companies racked up a record $119.5 billion profit last year - roughly the size of Ireland's economy. Yet these corporations are steadily losing ground to a surging group of nationally run companies - a trend that could come back to hurt oil-consuming nations such as the United States, some experts say.



Hour Late for Ancient Forests as "Corruption Stains Timber Trade"



Plant trees, lots of them, you can never plant enough!

Reports From Four Fronts in the War on Warming


Informant: binstock

Hillary’s star appeal fading

Fox News
by Dick Morris & Eileen McGann


It’s now obvious that Hillary Clinton’s negatives are rising among American voters. A Harris Interactive survey says that a majority will not vote for her, and a Gallup poll this week finds her favorability among Democratic primary voters dropping from 82 percent in January, to 74 percent in March. By itself, this slippage would not be fatal. But it begs the key question: Why is Hillary dropping? Usually a candidate only falls in the polls when she is attacked by her rivals, or is the object of a major scandal. Yet, Obama and Edwards are treating her with kid gloves — avoiding even the most gentile of criticisms. So noteworthy are their all-positive campaigns, that when Obama’s fund-raiser, David Geffen, knocked Bill for his pardons, it became the central campaign event in January. And, for once in her life, Hillary is not currently on the griddle for any scandal. There are no daily exposes of her financial or Bill’s marital misconduct. Nobody is hitting Hillary. The real bad news for her campaign is that Hillary is losing support -— not due to any attacks on her, but because people are watching her wage her positive campaign, and are concluding that they just don’t like her. It is Hillary’s own campaign appearances that are driving up her negatives!


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Prepare for a storm

Cato Institute
by Steve H. Hanke


In late February Alan Greenspan warned of the possibility of a recession. The next day the markets took a dive. Since then anxiety has set in and market volatility has increased. Even Panglossian brokerage houses have warned that if a recession occurs, house prices could tumble 10% this year and the stock market could decline by 30%. We must, of course, add to this noise some nasty facts about subprime lending, which constituted as much as 20% of U.S. mortgage lending in 2006. And that’s not all: Another 13% of mortgage lending was to borrowers with only slightly better credit than subprime. There’s a tendency for these borrowers, and their lenders, to live in a delusional world in which an inability to service the debt is papered over with refinancings and creative repayment schedules...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


How Congress can end the war without hurting the troops

by US Sen. Russ Feingold (D-WI)


As Congress debates the war in Iraq, the congressional debate over Somalia 14 years ago has some surprising parallels. Without question, Somalia in 1993 differs in many ways from Iraq in 2007, from the scope of the mission to the reason for that mission in the first place. What hasn’t changed, however, is Congress’ constitutional power to end a military mission, and its ability to use that power without endangering the safety of our brave troops. That is exactly what Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and I propose to do with legislation we will introduce when the Senate reconvenes next week. Our bill would require the president to begin safely redeploying U.S. troops out of Iraq in 120 days, with redeployment to be completed by March 31, 2008. After March, funding for the war in Iraq would be cut off, with three narrow exceptions — targeted counterterrorism operations, protection of U.S. personnel and infrastructure, and training and equipping Iraqi forces. In other words, the current military mission in Iraq would be effectively ended...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


The case against George W. Bush

Foreign Policy
by Elizabeth Holtzman


With prominent Republican Senators speaking out against a scandal-plagued White House, talk of impeachment has moved from the margins to the mainstream. That may seem politically far-fetched, but in fact, there is a strong case to be made...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


A bogus hostage crisis


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Keep out of sailors row, Iran tells Bush

IRAN overnight urged US President George W. Bush to keep out of its row with Britain over 15 sailors it detained for allegedly entering Iranian waters illegally.


From Information Clearing House

The Pentagon’s crooked “judicial” process

Future of Freedom Foundation
by Jacob G. Hornberger


While Pentagon officials are celebrating the terrorism conviction of David Hicks in Guantanamo’s military-tribunal system, the process by which Hicks was convicted and sentenced only confirms that the Pentagon’s ‘judicial’ system is as crooked as a dog’s hind leg. After all, most everyone knew that Hicks, who has been held at Guantanamo for more than five years without a trial, never stood a chance of acquittal, but who ever thought that politics would play the determining role in what purports to be a system of justice?


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Ethanol blends no greener than gasoline

Canadian Broadcast Company


An unpublished federal report appears to undermine the belief that commercially available ethanol-blended fuel produces cleaner emissions than regular gasoline. Many Canadians believe filling up with ethanol-blended gasoline reduces the emission of greenhouse gases that damage the environment. Advertising sponsored by the Canadian Renewable Fuels Association encourages the idea, telling Canadians renewable fuels are ‘good for the environment,’ and even some provincial governments, including Manitoba and Saskatchewan, say the fuel ‘burns cleaner’ than gasoline. The federal Conservative government committed $2 billion in incentives for ethanol, made from wheat and corn, and biodiesel in last week’s budget. But based on Ottawa’s own research, critics say the investment is based more on myth than hard science...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Stretched army sends troops back to Iraq

Clarksville Leaf Chronicle


For just the second time since the war began, the Army is sending large units back to Iraq without giving them at least a year at home, defense officials said Monday. The move signaled how stretched the U.S. fighting force has become. A combat brigade from New York and a Texas headquarters unit will return to Iraq this summer in order to maintain through August the military buildup President Bush announced earlier this year...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

High Court rebukes Bush on car pollution

Johnson City Press


The Supreme Court rebuked the Bush administration Monday for its inaction on global warming in a decision that could lead to more fuel-efficient cars as early as next year. The court, in a 5-4 ruling in its first case on climate change, declared that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are air pollutants under the Clean Air Act. The Environmental Protection Agency has the authority to regulate those emissions from new cars and trucks under the landmark environment law, and the ‘laundry list’ of reasons it has given for declining to do so are insufficient, the court said...


Supreme Court rules new hearing on clean air

Fox News


The Supreme Court gave a boost Monday to a federal clean air initiative aimed at forcing utilities to install pollution control equipment on aging coal-fired power plants. In a unanimous decision, the justices ruled against Duke Energy Corp. in a lawsuit brought by the Clinton administration, part of a massive enforcement effort targeting more than a dozen utilities. Most companies settled with the government, but several Clinton-era cases involving more than two dozen power plants in the South and the Midwest are still pending. The remaining suits demand fines for past pollution that if levied in full would run into billions of dollars. The justices ruled that the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Va., overstepped its authority by implicitly invalidating 1980 Environmental Protection Agency regulations, interpreting them in a way that favored Duke. The case now returns to the lower courts...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

US military deaths in Iraq at 3,256

Philadelphia Inquirer


As of Monday, April 2, 2007, at least 3,256 members of the U.S. military have died since the beginning of the Iraq war in March 2003, according to an Associated Press count. The figure includes seven military civilians. At least 2,621 died as a result of hostile action, according to the military’s numbers...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Reid may move to cut Iraq war funds

Hartford Courant


Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Monday he wants to cut off money for the Iraq war next year, making clear for the first time that Democrats are willing to pull out all the stops to end U.S. involvement. Reid’s new strategy faces an uphill battle because many of his colleagues see yanking funds as a dangerous last resort. The proposal increases the stakes on the debate and marks a new era for the Democratic leadership once reluctant to talk about Congress’ power of the purse...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Seafood Poisoning Rises as Oceans Become Warmer, More Polluted

Dozens of popular fish types, including grouper and barracuda, live near reefs. They accumulate the toxic chemical in their bodies from eating smaller fish that graze on the poisonous algae. When oceans are warmed by the greenhouse effect and fouled by toxic runoff, coral reefs are damaged and poison algae thrives, scientists say. "Worldwide, we have a much bigger problem with toxins from algae in seafood than we had 20 or 30 years ago," said Donald M. Anderson, director of the Coastal Ocean Institute at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts.



Sustainable Seafood

Income Gap Is Widening, Data Shows

Income inequality grew significantly in 2005, with the top one percent of Americans - those with incomes that year of more than $348,000 - receiving their largest share of national income since 1928, analysis of newly released tax data shows. The top ten percent, roughly those earning more than $100,000, also reached a level of income share not seen since before the Depression.



Questioning the Economics of Logging Our Largest National Forest

Conservationists say the future the country's largest national forest could be undercut by flawed assumptions about the economics of turning trees into logwood.



Plant trees, lots of them, you can never plant enough!

Climate Change: Canada's Cruel Harvest

Authorities in Ottawa announced last week a sharp reduction in the numbers of pups that hunters will be allowed to kill this spring in a first official acknowledgment of the impact the melting ice is having on the seal population. Conservationists, however, are demanding that the harvest be cancelled. Even though public uproar, notably in Britain and Europe, over the seal slaughter is likely to be more intense than ever before, the government is expected in the next several days to announce a start-date for the annual culling.



California Legislature Flooded With Climate Bills

Few issues are hotter in the Capitol this year than global warming. Lawmakers have introduced more than 60 bills on the topic, and no wonder. Polls show widespread support among California voters for tackling climate change.


Judge Tosses Out Bush's National Forest Rules

A federal judge on Friday overturned Bush administration regulations for national forests that critics said expedited logging and energy exploration, weakened wildlife protection, and shut the public out of forest planning.



Plant trees, lots of them, you can never plant enough!

Conservative BYU Campus Protests Dick Cheney Speech

Some students and faculty on one of the nation's most conservative campuses want Brigham Young University to withdraw an invitation for Vice President Dick Cheney to speak at commencement later this month. Critics at the school question whether Cheney sets a good example for graduates, citing his promotion of faulty intelligence before the Iraq war and his role in the CIA leak scandal.



Cheney at BYU

by Deanna Spingola

The White House targeted officials at Brigham Young University (BYU) in January to offer Dick Cheney’s speaking services at their Commencement exercises on April 26, 2007. I seriously question Cheney’s prerogative and motives in his offer to BYU, owned by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Is this an attempt to clean-up his image, mix politics with religion, gain a silent endorsement for war-mongering actions, or wage a struggle for his own political survival or to discretely discredit Professor Steven Jones who retired early from BYU......



Cheney is target of rare protest at Brigham Young

Informant: NHNE


Phone mast school fear

Mobile phone giant T-Mobile has launched a bid to install a telephone mast more than 38ft high at a shopping centre in Rugeley.

The company have lodged a planning application with the district council in a bid to get the mast installed at the Fernwood Shopping Centre on Green Lane.

Opponents say it will overlook Western Springs Primary School and should be refused for health reasons.

T-Mobile submitted their plan to the council on March 19 and a decision is likely to be made in the next six weeks.

Under plans the mast, to be 11.7 metres, or 38ft 4in, tall, will be on the car park at Fernwood Shopping Centre.

The installation will involve one monopole supporting three antennae in a shroud with equipment cabinets at ground level and other ancillary apparatus.

Local councillor Mick Grocott, who also sits on the district council’s ruling cabinet, said that he had already been contacted by a number of people worried about the proposal.

Councillor Grocott said: “A lot of local people have come to me about it. A lot of them don’t want something that big in a place like that.

“Some people are worried that until its proven these masts are safe in terms of the radiation from mobile phones then these kinds of masts shouldn’t be put in towns.”

He added: “In my opinion I do think this mast is in the wrong location.

“It is not very far from a primary school and I’m sure there are better sites nearby where it could go.”

Councillor Grocott, who pledged to take his concerns to planning officers at the district council, said: “In my opinion I think it is obtrusive and Fernwood Shopping Centre has its own problems without something like this.

“I don’t think putting a mobile phone mast in the car park will help much at all.”

© 2007 - all rights reserved


Ofcom execs 'wined and dined'



Industry pay for OFCOM


James Dobson Just Doesn't Get It!

by Pastor Chuck Baldwin

We are almost ready to lose our national identity, our culture, our standard of living, and even our military superiority. Our education system is in the toilet. Our manufacturing jobs have almost vanished, our nation is being systematically merged into a "North American Community," and James Dobson's focus seems to be merely that our future president is a man who "openly talks about his faith?" Obviously, James Dobson just doesn't get it.......



Army Chemical Weapons Depot Under Criminal Investigation


Pharmaceutical Federal Lobbying Spending Flourishes


A Pact With The Devil


Tide of Suffering


On Keeping Men Alive



Get Out Now!


While McCain Walks in McNamara's Footsteps



Iraqi Returns to Britain after Guantanamo 'Nightmare'



Martin Sheen Cited again for Nuke Site Trespass



Britons Unwilling to Change Despite Climate Threat


Supreme Court Rules Against Bush in Global Warming Case


Residents win mast fight

By Andrew Ffrench

Residents opposing plans for a mobile phone mast near their homes in north Oxford have won their battle after demonstrating outside the city council's planning office.

Last month, home owners demonstrated outside the office, in St Ebbe's, after T-Mobile notified the council it planned to put the 30ft mast outside the Five Mile Drive playing fields, in Cutteslowe.

The Summertown Stars football club, which uses the recreation ground for Oxford Mail Boys League games, also protested against the plans.

Now the city council has backed residents in their fight to persuade T-Mobile to seek an alternative location.

Alan Glanville, of Five Mile Drive, who helped to co-ordinate the campaign, said: "I'm delighted that the council is going to ask T-Mobile to seek a different location.

‘Not every group takes their fight right to the doors of the planning office’
Campaigner Alan Glanville

"Not every group takes their fight right to the doors of the planning office and I'm sure that made the council sit up and take note.

"T-Mobile appear to have dismissed alternative industrial sites out of hand and they need to go away and look at this more thoroughly. Of course, they could appeal against the council's decision, but we hope that doesn't happen."

On Thursday, at the north area committee, councillors will be told that officers are refusing T-Mobile's application for prior approval for the 9.7m monopole on a number of grounds.

According to council officers, the mast is considered to be "unacceptable and inappropriate" for the tree-lined residential street.

They added that insufficient consideration has been given to alternative sites, and that "public health concerns" should be considered.

Jean Fooks, North Oxford city councillor, said: "There was a great deal of concern about this application from residents and T-Mobile is being advised to find a different site."

No-one from T-Mobile was available for comment, but planning consultant Richard Nash told the council earlier that the mast was needed to improve 3G mobile phone coverage.

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