Freitag, 20. April 2007

Buying the War

"Devastating" Moyers Probe of Press and Iraq Coming

The most powerful indictment of the news media for falling down in its duties in the run-up to the war in Iraq will appear next Wednesday: a 90-minute PBS broadcast titled, "Buying the War," marking the return of the "Bill Moyers Journal." The war continues today, now in its fifth year, with the death toll for Americans and Iraqis rising again - yet Moyers points out, "The press has yet to come to terms with its role in enabling the Bush administration to go to war on false pretenses."


Watch Hannity and Colmes Tonight

Informant: David Swanson

From ufpj-news

The Plot Against Medicare

Paul Krugman writes: "The plot against Social Security failed: President Bush's attempt to privatize the system crashed and burned when the public realized what he was up to. But the plot against Medicare is faring better: The stealth privatization embedded in the Medicare Modernization Act, which Congress literally passed in the dead of night back in 2003, is proceeding apace."

Maurer wirft Müntefering Pläne für einen "Armutslohn" vor

"Arbeitsgruppe Niedriglohn"

Der vermeintliche "Koalitionsstreit" um Mindeslöhne ist nach Auffassung des Parlamentarischen Geschäftsführers der Linksfraktion, Ulrich Maurer, eher eine Abstimmung über "Armutslöhne". Maurer griff Arbeitsminister Franz Müntefering (SPD) scharf an. Dieser sei nur "vordergründig wortradikal". Bei genauem Studium seiner Äußerungen sei "erkennbar, dass Müntefering bereits den Rückzug der SPD von ihren markig per Unterschriftenaktion formulierten Mindestlohnforderungen" vorbereite. Nicht anders ist seine Forderung nach einem "Auffangmindestlohn", der über "Hartz IV" liegen müsse, zu deuten. "Offenkundig" sei Müntefering auch schon mit einem Bruttolohn zwischen 700 und 800 Euro als "Auffangmindestlohn" einverstanden. Damit liege Münteferings "Auffangmindestlohn" irgendwo zwischen 4 und 5 Euro pro Stunde. Die Regierungskoalition scheint sich inzwischen weitgehend einig zu sein. Wenige Tage vor dem geplanten Abschlussbericht der "Arbeitsgruppe Niedriglohn" signalisierte die Union a m Freitag "Kompromissbereitschaft" - und verlangte zugleich weitere Einschnitte beim Kündigungsschutz.üntefering

Amnesty beklagt vielfache Vollstreckung der Todesstrafe im Irak

"Mehr als 270 Todesurteile"

Nach Darstellung der Menschenrechtsorganisation Amnesty international sollen die Behörden im Irak "seit der Wiedereinführung der Todesstrafe im August 2004" mehr als 270 Menschen zum Tode verurteilt und mindestens 100 Menschen hingerichtet haben. Mindestens 65 Todesurteile sollen allein im vergangenen Jahr vollstreckt worden sein. "Damit zählte der Irak 2006 nach China, Iran und Pakistan zu den vier Ländern mit den weltweit meisten Hinrichtungen", kritisiert die Organisation.

"Geld an Familien geschickt"
Deutschland will offenbar Flüchtlinge in den Nord-Irak abschieben

Der Freitsaat Bayern hat angekündigt mit der Abschiebung von Flüchtlingen in den Nord-Irak zu beginnen. Das Vorgehen wurde nach Darstellung der Organisation "Pro Asyl" auf der vergangenen Innenministerkonferenz erörtert und ist offenbar auch mit dem Bundesinnenministerium abgestimmt. In einem Schreiben vom 17. April fordert das Bayerische Innenministerium die Ausländerbehörden offenbar dazu auf, Listen über Rückkehrkandidaten aus dem Nord-Irak zu estellen. Dabei sollen alle Straftäter und "Gefährder" erfasst werden. Nach Angaben des Bayerischen Flüchtlingsrats werden als Straftäter alle Personen definiert, die zu einer höheren Geldstrafe als 50 Tagessätzen verurteilt worden sind. Von dieser Regelung seien viele Iraker betroffen, die entgegen der Bestimmungen des Wirtschaftsembargos, Geld an ihre Familien geschickt hätten.

Coal Plant Expansion Challenged by Conservation Groups

Vermont Senate: Impeach Bush,8599,1613120,00.html

Informant: Supreme Law Firm


Vermont Senate Calls For Impeachment Of Bush

By Associated Press

Vermont senators voted Friday to call for the impeachment of President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, saying their actions have raised "serious questions of constitutionality."

From Information Clearing House

Ghost ships inquiry planned


PLANS to erect a mobile phone mast in the grounds of a cricket club have been rejected.

Hartlepool Borough Council’s planning committee voted 8-2 against a flag pole-shaped phone mast being put up in the grounds of Hartlepool Cricket Club, in Park Drive. Richard Teece, the council’s development control manager, said 247 letters of objection had been received from residents and governors from the two schools in the area, along with a 54-name petition against the installation of the T-Mobile structure. But he said it would be difficult to sustain an objection, even though health would be a material consideration, and added: “If an installation meets international guidelines then that should be sufficient.” However, councillors on the planning committee threw out the plan, citing health, perceived risk of health and the visual impact on the Park ward’s conservation area as reasons. But Coun Jonathan Brash said he had frequently visited the local golf course where he had been unaware of a phone mast, which he thought was a flag pole, and that he was “not prepared to treat one part of town differently to others” by objecting to a mast in West Park. However, Elizabeth Carroll, a West Park resident, said: “It will be a blot on the landscape and is an unacceptable risk to our health. ‘‘It is a travesty to local residents’ concerns and contrary to Hartlepool Council’s plan.” Richard Hattersley, a planning consultant acting on behalf of T-Mobile, said the mast would be visually appropriate to the area as it would be in the form of a flag pole and health issues should be given limited weighting in the consideration of the application as they were yet to be proven.

All rights reserved ©2007 Johnston Press Digital Publishing

Consultation extended for mobile mast

CAMPAIGNERS opposing plans for a new mobile phone mast in Balerno have until the end of today to register their objections.

The council agreed to extend the consultation period after campaign group SOS Balerno discovered there was a discrepancy between the number of objection letters sent to the council and the number of letters they had received.

A spokesman for SOS Balerno said: "It has come to our attention that some people have received acknowledgement of their objection letters from Edinburgh City Council and some have not.

"We called the council to find out why and they advised us that they acknowledged each letter submitted and that they have received 27 letters to date.

"At SOS Balerno we have now been copied in on nearly 50 letters, so there appears to be some real discrepancy."

The proposed mast would be built on green-field land at Malleny Bing, near Harlaw Road.


Phone mast appeal rejected

A decision not to allow a mobile phone mast close to a pub in Cannock has been upheld.

Plans for the 41ft mast were thrown out last year and an appeal has now been dismissed.

The plans were lodged by bosses at Hutchison 3G (UK) Ltd, who wanted to put the mast on the footpath next to the Jubilee Inn at the junction of Limepit Lane and Pye Green Road, Chadsmoor.

They also wanted to install three antennas, a dish antenna and radio equipment housing, but Cannock Chase Council rejected the plan last August.

Read the full story in the Express & Star.

© 2007 - all rights reserved

Football pitch phone mast anger


19 April 2007 19:07

Residents and councillors are up in arms about plans for a phone mast to be built at a sports ground where young children play football.

The application for a 15m mobile phone mast at the Maltings Meadow football ground in Ditchingham, near Bungay, has been criticised by villagers.

Permission for a floodlight on the site has already been granted and new plans aim to incorporate the phone aerial into the light's structure.

Ditchingham Dam resident Malcolm Porter said: “This is a blot on the landscape. We are also very concerned about the health and safety issues with this being a sports field where children of all ages enjoy the open space for sporting activities, and we are concerned for our own welfare.”

Sandra Forder, a mother of two who will be the closest neighbour to the mast, said in a letter of opposition: “We do not know the risks of having these poles in close proximity to children, and I certainly do not want to find out.”

Cliff Kerry, who lives on Pirnhow Street, said: “This will be placed where young children play football and other sports. Our main concern is for those children who play on the site and who live in surrounding houses.”

Ditchingham Parish Council unanimously opposed the plans and said the site was “not suitable”, but the Broads Society and South Norfolk Council's environmental services department raised no objections.

T-Mobile, which began consultations about possible sites in the area in October, said: “Operators need to provide a high-quality service, which includes the need to meet customer demands. It was necessary to look for a non-residential area that was sufficiently close to the village to provide the necessary coverage and to ensure that a decent distance could be maintained from houses.

“This will be in the south-east corner of the football pitch, which is furthest from the public highway and a considerable distance from the main built-up area of Ditchingham, and will blend in well with the other floodlights.

“The parish council has raised health and safety concerns but the mast has been certified as within the public radiation exposure limits recommended by the European Union.”

Omega read "Base Stations, operating within strict national and international Guidelines, do not present a Health Risk?" under:

Jon Fuller, chairman of the Bungay and District Sports Association, which runs the ground, said: “This is not our application. If it is approved, then it will be built along with the new floodlight.”

Several other suggested sites in the Ditchingham area were considered but rejected by T-Mobile. A possible site at Broome village hall was rejected by the parish council as it is close to a playground, and another at Broome hospital was turned down by the hospital.

A decision will be made by the Broads Authority's planning committee.

Copyright © 2007 Archant Regional. All rights reserved.

Bungling planners reignite mobile mast row


20 April 2007

A CONTROVERSIAL phone mast is to be built just metres from London Fields park and the newly-refurbished lido because of an administrative blunder made by the council almost three years ago.

Mobile phone company, T-mobile, started preliminary work this week on erecting the 10-metre-high mast in Richmond Road, Dalston, after receiving planning permission in error after the council had rejected the application.

Residents of nearby Wayman Court, who have opposed the plans for three years, thought they had escaped the threat, only to discover work to build the mast was going ahead on Monday morning.

Violet Green, chairwoman of Wayman Court tenants' and residents' association, said that she felt let down by both T-mobile and the council, who, she believed, had come to an agreement not to use the site.

"I'm in an absolute rage about this because we were told they were going to be given an alternative site," she said.

Sarah Byrne, a mother who lives in Wayman Court with her two children, Shea, five, and Ciar, four, who go to Gayhurst Primary School in Gayhurst Road, is worried about her children's health.

"Most of my children's lives will be in the vicinity of this mast, whether they are at home or at school," she said.

"We thought that was it when we stopped the mast being built years ago."

Planning permission was granted after the council failed to inform T-mobile that the application, which was submitted in May, 2004, had been refused in the allotted time of 56 days.

Legally, the phone company was able to go ahead with the mast, despite vociferous opposition from residents.

The council told T-mobile it would find the company an alternative site, a situation that was confirmed by a Hackney Council spokeswoman this week.

She said the council was negotiating with T-mobile to try and resolve the issue and that three alternatives sites for the mast had been discussed, but none had been taken up by T-mobile.

Barry Turner-Smith, community relations officer for T-mobile, said after two years of waiting, the company had decided to go ahead on the original site.

"We have been waiting two years and tried to negotiate with the council on alternative sites, but nothing has come about," he said.

"We have planning permission to build this mast and we will be going ahead with it."

He refuted claims that the mast would pose a danger to residents' health, adding that it uses radio waves, similar to those given out by TVs and radios, and believed that the majority of those protesting used mobile phones.

Violet Green hit back, saying that residents would not allow the mast to go up and would lie down in front of diggers, if forced to.

"I don't agree that just because people own a mobile phone that they should get a phone mast in their backyard," she said.

"These people are riding roughshod over us and they forget that I've got the human right to live in my house without looking at this horrible, horrendous mast that may or may not give me cancer.

Copyright © 2007 Archant Regional Limited. All rights reserved.

US Pushes Missile Defense Plan

Russia's Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov insisted in an interview with London's Financial Times that Iran would not have the capability to produce intercontinental ballistic missiles in the "foreseeable future." "Since there aren't and won't be (Iranian) ICBMs, then against whom - against whom - is this system directed? Only against us," the paper quoted him as saying. He warned that the US plans risked provoking a new arms race. "Whenever the shield is strengthened, the sword is strengthened afterward," he told the FT. "This is the eternal competition, and here, there is never going to be a winner."

DNC Sues Justice Department Over Emails

The Democratic National Committee sued the Justice Department on Thursday, demanding it turn over any email traffic with the Republican Party on the US attorneys controversy and criminal investigations.

FBI Raids Another GOP Congressman's Family Business

In a second blow to House Republicans this week, the FBI raided a business tied to the family of Representative Rick Renzi (R-Arizona). The Renzi investigation may be connected to the firing of former US Attorney Paul Charlton, who was forced out of office in December in a purge of federal prosecutors that Congress is currently investigating.

Gonzales on a Very Hot Seat With Little Cover and Less Support

It did not bode well for Attorney General Alberto Gonzales when, before he uttered his first word to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday, Senator Jeff Sessions (R-Alabama) looked at him as if he were headed to the gallows and offered this advice: "Be alert and direct and honest with this committee. Give it your best shot." Things only went downhill from there for the attorney general.

What Gonzales Really Told Us

William Rivers Pitt writes: "The testimony given Thursday by Attorney General Alberto Gonzales before the Senate Judiciary Committee during a hearing to investigate the firing of eight Unites States attorneys, deserves a place of high honor in the Gibberish Hall of Fame. It was astonishing in its vapidity, almost to a point beyond description. The emptiness of Gonzales's answers, after several hours, became the political version of a Zen koan. They simply stopped my mind."

Gonzales v. Gonzales

The editors of The New York Times write: "If Attorney General Alberto Gonzales had gone to the Senate yesterday to convince the world that he ought to be fired, it's hard to imagine how he could have done a better job short of simply admitting the obvious: that the firing of eight United States attorneys was a partisan purge. Mr. Gonzales came across as a dull-witted apparatchik, incapable of running one of the most important departments in the executive branch."

Putting the Gone in Gonzales?

David Swanson writes: "Attorney General Alberto Gonzales assured the Senate Judiciary Committee today that nothing improper has been done and that, in addition, he's not to blame for it because he simply obeyed the CSLDJ, although he does not actually remember having done so. And if members of the CSLDJ contradict Gonzales or have acted in ways he does not approve of, well, you'll just have to ask Mr. Sampson about that."

White House Wants First Crack at RNC Emails

The Congressional investigation into the US attorney firings has revealed that Bush administration officials have been communicating through unofficial email accounts, many of which are administered and archived by the Republican National Committee. There are signs that the White House is preparing to invoke executive privilege to prevent the RNC from turning the emails over to Congress.

Doctors warn of summer dehydration among children and the elderly

Doctors are warning of a possible increase in diseases among children and the elderly as Iraq's hot summer months begin. Dehydration, cholera and bacterial infections are of the greatest concern, they say. 'The sewage and electrical systems in Iraq have completely deteriorated,' said Dr. Ibraheem Kaduri.

Insecurity and lack of funds prevent cleansing of polluted sites

There are up to 400 polluted sites in Iraq that are serious health hazards to the population and urgently need to be cleaned, according to a specialist in the Iraqi government. But ongoing violence, particularly the targeting of municipal workers, and a lack of funds is hampering clean-up efforts.

Televised 'confessions', torture and unfair trials underpin world's fourth highest executioner

Iraqi authorities are increasingly imposing the death penalty including after pretrial televised 'confessions', uninvestigated allegations of torture and unfair trials, according to a new report from Amnesty International. Iraq has now become the country with the fourth highest number of executions.

U.S. Surge Strategy Successful in Shifting the Violence

By Jim Lobe

Evidence that the 'surge' is turning the tide is hard to come by. While civilian deaths in the Iraqi capital have fallen from the high levels before the surge was launched two months ago, the five horrific bombings that killed nearly 200 people in mainly Shia areas of Baghdad Wednesday marked one of the highest daily tolls in four years.

Gegen Armut 2007: Kampagnenfortschritte

Die Freiheit stirbt zentimeterweise

Seit September 2006 ist bekannt, dass die belgische "Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication" (SWIFT) Informationen über alle internationalen Geldtransfers direkt in die USA übermittelt. Praktiziert wird das schon seit 6 (sechs!) Jahren. Das ist ein Verstoß gegen europäische Datenschutzvorschriften.

Die Bundesregierung tut dagegen nichts, worauf Thilo Weichelt, Leiter des Unabhängigen Datenschutzzentrums Schleswig-Holstein, am 04.04. hinwies.

Nun - wen überrascht das noch angesichts der Äußerungen Schäubles im aktuellen Stern-Interview? Wen wundert das bei einer Regierung, die gerade die Gesetzesvorlage zur elektronischen Totalüberwachung (s.g. "Vorratsdatenspeicherung") aller Bewohner des Landes beschlossen hat? Ohne Ausnahme für Berufsgeheimnisträger wie Ärzte, Seelsorger, Anwälte, Journalisten?

Wenn ein Verdächtigter beim zärtlichen Liebesspiel von neuesten Anschlagsplänen säuselt - greift dann die Gefahrenabwehr oder der Schutz des "Kernbereiches privater Lebensführung"? Die mithörenden Sicherheitsorgane werden diese Entscheidung - streng rechtsstaatlich! - einem Richter überlassen...

Was diese Regierung eigentlich plant:

S.g. "Vorratsdatenspeicherung": Künftig sind die Telefongesellschaften und Internet-Service-Provider verpflichtet, sechs Monate lang zu speichern und den Überwachungsbehörden auf Anfrage zu übermitteln:

Telefon: - Beginn und Ende der Verbindung (Datum, Uhrzeit, Zeitzone), Rufnummern (inklusive Weiterleitungen und Konferenzschaltungen).

Internet-Telefonie (VoIP): - zusätzlich die IP-Adresse der Anschlüsse.

Mobilfunk: - zusätzlich Kennungen der Mobilfunkkarte und der beteiligten Geräte sowie die Funkzellen (d.h. der Standort der Gesprächsteilnehmer).

E-Mails: - Mail-Adressen und die IP-Adresse des Absenders.

Bereits 2003 wies Bernd Köberle, Vertreter der Telekom, auf der Fachkonferenz "Sicherheitsinteresse contra Privatsphäre" darauf hin, Polizei und Geheimdienste würden immer mehr Verbindungsdaten anfordern. Alle drei Monate müssten wegen der zahlreichen Anfragen zu Handy-Verbindungsdaten ins Ausland beispielsweise alle 50 Millionen Mobilfunkanschlüsse "komplett gerastert" werden. Köberle mahnte schon damals, dies habe "verfassungswidrige Auswüchse erreicht".

Online-Durchsuchung: Die Äußerungen des BKA-Präsidenten Jörg Zierke im Spiegel-Interview (9/2007) lassen darauf schließen, dass der Einsatz von Keystroke-Loggern geplant ist. Diese Lauschprogramme protokollieren alle Tastatureingaben und Bewegungen der Maus und können digitale Bildschirmfotos machen. Diese Daten werden dann online übermittelt.

Keystroke-Logger (die tw. auch in Firmen zur Überwachung von Mitarbeitern eingesetzt werden) brechen alle Verschlüsselungsverfahren, da Texte vor der Verschlüsselung im Klartext eingegeben werden. Ebenso taugen sie zum Ablauschen von PINs und Passwörtern.

Pässe: Im November 2005 hat Deutschland als einer der ersten Mitgliedsstaaten neue elektronische Reisepässe nach Vorgaben der Europäischen Union eingeführt. Im so genannten ePass sind biometrische Daten in einem Chip gespeichert, der kontaktlos per Funk ausgelesen werden kann - also ohne dass der Inhaber dies bemerkt.

Die Datenbanken der digitalisierten Passbilder, die bei den Einwohnermeldeämtern liegen, sollen jetzt vernetzt werden. Durch die Hintertuer entsteht also eine zentrale digitale Passbilderdatei. Auf diese soll die Polizei für die Fahndung automatisch Zugriff bekommen.

Künftig werden darin die digitalisierten Abdrücke beider Zeigefinger gespeichert. Laut Passgesetz müssen die Meldestellen die Daten löschen, sobald der Pass ausgehändigt wurde.

Während sein Amtsvorgänger Schily versicherte, die Daten würden nirgendwo anders als im Chip des Passes gespeichert, plant Schäuble nun, diese Daten bei den Meldeämtern zu speichern, so dass sie bundesweit abgefragt werden können.

Mautdaten: Die Geräte in den "Mautbrücken" fotografieren jedes Fahrzeug, erfassen Kennzeichen und ein Bild des Fahrzeuges, speichern aber bislang nur die Daten von LKW. Und dies - bislang - nur zur Abrechnung. Künftig sollen diese Daten auch zu Fahndungszwecken genutzt werden.

Die Mautbrücken mit Kameras zur biometrischen Gesichtserkennung auszustatten, die die gewonnenen Daten mit denen aus den Reisepässen abgleichen, ist technisch möglich.

Wann es die bundesweite Gen-Datei gibt und wann alle Telefonzellen und Internet-Cafes mit Kameras zur biometrischen Gesichtserkennung ausgestattet sind, ist nur eine Frage des Fortschrittes: Was technisch machbar und finanzierbar ist, wird geschehen!

Zusätzlich zu diesen direkten Überwachungsmaßnahmen werden durch Vorhaben wie die zentrale Antiterrordatei und Pläne zum Einsatz der Bundeswehr im Inland die Grenzen zwischen Polizei, Streitkräften und Geheimdiensten aufgehoben.

Bundesinnenminister Schäuble: "Die Debatte um die informationelle Selbstbestimmung stammt aus der Zeit der Volkszählung vor zwanzig Jahren. Heute würde doch jeder zugeben, dass die Befürchtungen von damals hysterische Übertreibungen waren." (Stern 17/2007, S. 47).

Hintergrundinformationen und Reaktionsmöglichkeiten:

Sammelklage gegen Vorratsdatenspeicherung .

Offene Briefe gegen die Vorratsdatenspeicherung an die Bundestagsabgeordneten .

Kampagne "SPD, CDU und CSU gegen Vorratsdatenspeicherung" gestartet (18.04.2007) .

ULD: Bundesregierung muss bei SWIFT handeln .

Was über uns gespeichert wird
Eine Aufzählung der elektronischen Spuren oder Fingerabdrücke, die wir täglich hinterlassen

Der neue elektronische Reisepass Materialsammlung und Hintergrundinformationen des CCC zum elektronischen Reisepass .

Datenschleuder #87 : Überwachungspass {PDF-Datei, 48 S., 2.277 KB}

Reisen mit dem ePass: Sicherer für die Passkontrolle ­ unsicherer für die Bürger: Pressmeldung des Unabhängigen Datenschutzzentrums Schleswig-Holstein .

Diese (zum Patent angemeldete) Hülle verhindert, dass Schnüffelchips ausgelesen werden können. .

Die Datenschleuder: Das wissenschaftliche Fachblatt für Datenreisende. Ein Organ des Chaos Computer Club. Downloadseite, Ausg. 58 - 90 als PDFs .

Aus: Newsletter Netzwerk Recherche, #42, 20.04.2007äubleüberwachung

Iraq disaster may cool war fever

Consortium News
by Ivan Eland


America’s problems in Afghanistan and Iraq may have one positive effect: They will cause the U.S. public to withhold support for future military interventions that are not absolutely necessary for U.S. security. That’s exactly what has happened in the past and there’s no reason to believe the current failed adventures will be different.In the Korean War, for example, after back and forth offensives, the front stabilized at the 38th parallel, where the conflict had begun. With casualties mounting and no clear-cut victory in sight, the war lost much of its support. …. During the post-Vietnam administrations of Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter—lasting six-and-a-half years—war weariness again reduced the number of military interventions.

Once again, however, the restraint only lasted so long, with Carter’s successor, Ronald Reagan, intervening in Libya, Grenada, and Lebanon, where the results were disastrous. This was followed by another hiatus, broken by George H.W. Bush’s 1989 invasion of Panama...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Gov signs law rejecting Real ID act

Billings Gazette


Gov. Brian Schweitzer signed a law Tuesday rejecting national driver’s licenses for Montanans, saying the message to the federal government was “no, nope, no way, hell no.” The bill the governor signed rejected implementing the Real ID act in Montana, a federal law that sets a national standard for driver’s licenses and requires states to link their record-keeping systems to national databases. Montana joined two other states, Idaho and Arkansas, in enacting laws that outright refuse to comply with the federal law, according to National Conference on State Legislatures. Washington’s legislature has also passed a similar bill and Maine and Hawaii have passed resolutions opposing the Real ID act...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


There Stands Schweitzer Like a Stone Wall

GOP senator calls for Gonzales to resign

Fall River Herald News


Attorney General Alberto Gonzales struggled Thursday to convince skeptical senators he did nothing improper in firing eight federal prosecutors, losing ground as a second senator from his own party joined the calls for his resignation. Republican as well as Democratic lawmakers challenged the embattled attorney general during an often-bitter five-hour hearing before the Judiciary Committee...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Tell the Bush Administration: Don't Encourage Mining Lawbreakers

Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen statt Hartz IV

Ein Mensch ist verhungert, weil ihm die Sozialleistungen gekürzt bzw. verwehrt worden sind.

In Deutschland können mit dem Hartz IV - Gesetz den Betroffenen die Leistungen bis auf null Euro gekürzt werden. Sanktionen nennt man das. Wenn Erwerbslose nicht bestimmte Bedingungen erfüllen, drohen ihnen solche Strafen, die sogar bis ans Existenzielle gehen.

Das Beispiel des verhungerten Erwerbslosen in Speyer zeigt, wie inhuman sich bedingte Transfers auswirken können. Es geht dabei nicht um Schuldzuweisungen für den Tod des 20jährigen Mannes an die eine oder die andere Seite im konkreten Einzelfall. Das verbietet der Respekt und die Trauer um diesen Menschen. Es geht darum, dass die Politik endlich aufwachen muss. Es geht darum, dass erkannt werden muss, dass jegliche Bedingung für den Bezug von Transfers zu solchen katastrophalen Wirkungen führen kann!

Gegen Bedürftigkeitsprüfungen, Bedingungen und Sanktionen! Für ein Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen!

Ronald Blaschke

Quelle: Grundeinkommen-Info

Bush administration is prying into your medical records in violation of the law

The Bush administration has created a massive database of your private medical records and they're now abusing it.

From Information Clearing House

Flight from U.S. dollar gathers strength

The assault against the U.S. dollar intensifed yesterday as the greenback slumped to historic lows against currencies as diverse as the U.K. pound and the Polish zloty amid growing conviction among investors higher returns lie beyond U.S. borders.

From Information Clearing House

DOJ Fails to Comply with House Judiciary Subpoena

U.S. House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers, Jr. (D-MI) issued the following statement in response to the Justice Department's failure to comply with the Committee's subpoena response deadline of 2 p.m. today. The subpoena seeks information the Department has continued to refuse to provide or has provided only in redacted form.

Criticism at Gonzales Showdown

His job in jeopardy, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales went before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday to explain his murky role in the dismissal of eight federal prosecutors last winter.,,-6570742,00.html

From Information Clearing House

The United States has been supporting guerrilla raids against Iran

Kurdish and American sources say the United States has been supporting guerrilla raids against Iran, channeling the money through organizations in Iraqi Kurdistan.

From Information Clearing House

Mc Cain suggests boming Iran


Is this the start of World War III?

Several top US political figures, including Sen. John McCain (R) Arizona, and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (Rep.) called the current Middle East crisis the beginning of "World War III" and said they were "gravely concerned".

From Information Clearing House


CodePink responds to John McCain by singing 'Don't Bomb Iran'

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

The Third Stage


A collection of short mainstream media and independent film clips on the evolution of 9/11 skepticism.

From Information Clearing House

Richard Perle Makes His Case for War

In Defense of Freedom


Former Assistant Secretary of Defense Richard Perle travels the globe articulating, defending and debating the neoconservative case for an assertive American foreign policy. Perle finds no shortage of candidates willing to challenge him on these issues.

Iraq is not part of war on terror, says top UK diplomat

Former cabinet minister Helen Liddell sparked a diplomatic row today, as she rejected the idea that the Iraq invasion was part of the "war on terror" - despite being high commissioner to Australia, whose prime minister believes Iraq is the frontline of the war on terror.,,2060793,00.html

From Information Clearing House

Military Experts: Iraq War Is Damaging Forces

In a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing this morning on Army and Marine Corps preparedness, retired Maj. Gen. Robert Scales testified that two thirds of regular brigades and "virtually all of our reserve brigades are not combat-ready."

Experts: Force increases may not be enough

The Senate Armed Services Committee heard testimony Tuesday that increasing the size of the Army and Marine Corps may not resolve severe and growing personnel problems. There was even talk of returning to the draft to fill the ranks.

From Information Clearing House

Trouble is brewing for the US in Iraqi Kurdistan

While the Bush administration struggles to stabilize Baghdad, a major new threat is emerging in the Kurdish areas of northern Iraq. If it isn't defused, this crisis could further erode US goals in Iraq - drawing foreign military intervention.

From Information Clearing House

Iraq: Thousands missing since war began

"During Saddam's time, people were being arrested and sometimes families couldn't get any information about their loved ones. But the proposed democracy hasn't changed this reality. My two sons have disappeared and I can't get any information. I don't even know if they are dead".

From Information Clearing House

The State or the People

By Paul Craig Roberts

Whether one stands with the left or the right, it is apparent that both political factions are failing the country. The right responded to 9/11 by asserting American hegemony over international law and by permitting the executive branch to waive aside civil liberties.The political left went along with these developments, perhaps thinking to use the enhanced power of government for its own purposes later.

Is The CIA Trying to Kill Hugo Chávez?

By Chris Carlson

In recent weeks, Hugo Chávez has increasingly warned that the United States has plans to kill him and is stepping up its activity against him and his government. Chávez has also claimed that the CIA is working with associates of the famous Cuban terrorist and CIA agent Posada Carriles, designing plans for his assassination. But could there be any truth to all of this?

Demonstrating Our Commitment To Democracy

By Shahid Buttar

If democracy is an appealing principle, we should act like it. Rather than support military dictators in client states whose regimes abuse American human rights activists, U.S. Presidents could instead support their secular opposition.

Bringing Down the House of Lies

By Steve Bhaerman

It's a bit of a mixed feeling to realize that millions and millions of people who didn't get this distinction two, four or six years ago now understand that the "political' issues we now face aren't about right and left, they're about right and wrong.

A U.S. Military Dictatorship?

Audio interview with Chalmers Johnson

From the democracy that it celebrates to the military might that it wields, some argue that the U.S. is less of a Republic these days and more of an empire. And that, says Charlmers Johnson, means Americans have some decisions to make if they don't want their country to go the route of fallen empires.

Click to listen.

Back Bush's War Strategy? Then Bring Back The Draft

By Joseph L. Galloway

Here's a question for those who still support President Bush's strategy to stretch out the Iraq War until after he's left office, and for those who think we should be prepared to continue our bloody occupation of Iraq for five or 10 more years.

Harry Reid Tells Bush: War is 'Lost'

War in Iraq lost,' says US Democrat leader

The war in Iraq "is lost" and a US troop surge is failing to bring peace to the country, the leader of the Democratic majority in the US Congress, Harry Reid, said on Thursday.

From Information Clearing House


Harry Reid Tells Bush: War is 'Lost'

FDA Formalizes Proposal to Regulate Herbs, Vitamins

The federal Food and Drug Administration is proposing to regulate a wide variety of alternative medicine products, from vitamin, mineral and herbal supplements to lotions and stones used by massage therapists.

Thousands of Workers From US-Run Mine in Indonesia Protest

Thousands of workers from a giant US-run mine in Indonesia's remote Papua province staged a noisy but peaceful protest Wednesday amid tight security, demanding better wages and welfare.

Payoffs to Colombian Terrorists by US Corporations Scrutinized

Chiquita Brands International's recent admission that it paid off a Colombian group on the US terrorist list has spotlighted a practice once hush-hush in Colombia, Washington's closest ally in Latin America. Several other US-based corporations, including Atlanta-based Coca-Cola and the Alabama-based coal company Drummond Co., face civil lawsuits alleging their Colombian operations worked with the same group to kill several trade unionists.

Study Warns of Health Risk From Ethanol

If ethanol ever gains widespread use as a clean alternative fuel to gasoline, people with respiratory illnesses may be in trouble. A new study out of Stanford says pollution from ethanol could end up creating a health hazard for people with asthma and other respiratory diseases.

Boxer: Time for Bush to Act on Climate Change

Sen. Barbara Boxer promised to pressure the Bush administration to adopt California-style global warming regulations, telling reporters today the Supreme Court "handed us a gift" with its recent landmark decision authorizing the Environmental Protection Agency to reduce greenhouse gasses as a pollutant.

Environmentalists Oppose Governments' Investment in Nuclear Energy

Several governments are planning new investment in nuclear energy, ignoring opposition by environmental scientists who say that nuclear power is not a solution to providing carbon-free energy.

Did America's Mistakes Create the Iraqi Insurgency?

NOW's David Brancaccio speaks with two very different men who allege that US bungling in Iraq created and fueled the deadly insurgency. Paul Hughes, a retired Army colonel, was part of the transition team after the US invasion of Iraq, and Omar Fekeiki was a Washington Post reporter and translator who risked his life to help US journalists.

New Hampshire Governor to Sign Bill Allowing Civil Unions

Gov. John Lynch told The Associated Press on Thursday he will sign legislation establishing civil unions in New Hampshire. New Hampshire thus will become the fourth state to adopt civil unions and the first to do so.

Gonzales Can't Recall Meetings That Led to Attorney Firings

Embattled Attorney General Alberto Gonzales testified Thursday before a Senate committee that he could not recall the details of any of the meetings he participated in over the course of two years, in which he and his staff discussed a plan to fire eight US attorneys.

Mobilfunk macht krank

Next-up News n°234

Danger of flourescent light bulbs

New CFL Light Bulbs Are Toxic

Informant: NHNE


Subject: Danger of compact flourescent bulbs

From Fox News: Light Bulb Lunacy
Thursday , April 26, 2007
By Steven Milloy

How much money does it take to screw in a compact fluorescent lightbulb? About $4.28 for the bulb and labor - unless you break the bulb. Then you, like Brandy Bridges of Ellsworth, Maine, could be looking at a cost of about $2,004.28, which doesn't include the costs of frayed nerves and risks to health.

Sound crazy? Perhaps no more than the stampede to ban the incandescent light bulb in favor of compact fluorescent lightbulbs (CFLs) - a move already either adopted or being considered in California, Canada, the European Union and Australia.

According to an April 12 article in The Ellsworth American, Bridges had the misfortune of breaking a CFL during installation in her daughter's bedroom: It dropped and shattered on the carpeted floor.

Aware that CFLs contain potentially hazardous substances, Bridges called her local Home Depot for advice. The store told her that the CFL contained mercury and that she should call the Poison Control hotline, which in turn directed her to the Maine Department of Environmental Protection.

The DEP sent a specialist to Bridges' house to test for mercury contamination. The specialist found mercury levels in the bedroom in excess of six times the state's "safe" level for mercury contamination of 300 billionths of a gram per cubic meter.

The DEP specialist recommended that Bridges call an environmental cleanup firm, which reportedly gave her a "low-ball" estimate of $2,000 to clean up the room. The room then was sealed off with plastic and Bridges began "gathering finances" to pay for the $2,000 cleaning. Reportedly, her insurance company wouldn't cover the cleanup costs because mercury is a pollutant.

Given that the replacement of incandescent bulbs with CFLs in the average U.S. household is touted as saving as much as $180 annually in energy costs - and assuming that Bridges doesn't break any more CFLs - it will take her more than 11 years to recoup the cleanup costs in the form of energy savings.

Even if you don't go for the full-scale panic of the $2,000 cleanup, the do-it-yourself approach is still somewhat intense, if not downright alarming.

Consider the procedure offered by the Maine DEP's Web page entitled, "What if I accidentally break a fluorescent bulb in my home?"

Don't vacuum bulb debris because a standard vacuum will spread mercury-containing dust throughout the area and contaminate the vacuum. Ventilate the area and reduce the temperature. Wear protective equipment like goggles, coveralls and a dust mask.

Collect the waste material into an airtight container. Pat the area with the sticky side of tape. Wipe with a damp cloth. Finally, check with local authorities to see where hazardous waste may be properly disposed.

The only step the Maine DEP left off was the final one: Hope that you did a good enough cleanup so that you, your family and pets aren't poisoned by any mercury inadvertently dispersed or missed.

This, of course, assumes that people are even aware that breaking CFLs entails special cleanup procedures.

The potentially hazardous CFL is being pushed by companies such as Wal-Mart, which wants to sell 100 million CFLs at five times the cost of incandescent bulbs during 2007, and, surprisingly, environmentalists.

It's quite odd that environmentalists have embraced the CFL, which cannot now and will not in the foreseeable future be made without mercury. Given that there are about 4 billion lightbulb sockets in American households, we're looking at the possibility of creating billions of hazardous waste sites such as the Bridges' bedroom.

Usually, environmentalists want hazardous materials out of, not in, our homes.

These are the same people who go berserk at the thought of mercury being emitted from power plants and the presence of mercury in seafood. Environmentalists have whipped up so much fear of mercury among the public that many local governments have even launched mercury thermometer exchange programs.

As the activist group Environmental Defense urges us to buy CFLs, it defines mercury on a separate part of its Web site as a "highly toxic heavy metal that can cause brain damage and learning disabilities in fetuses and children" and as "one of the most poisonous forms of pollution."

Greenpeace also recommends CFLs while simultaneously bemoaning contamination caused by a mercury thermometer factory in India. But where are mercury-containing CFLs made? Not in the U.S., under strict environmental regulation. CFLs are made in India and China, where environmental standards are virtually non-existent.

And let's not forget about the regulatory nightmare known as the Superfund law, the EPA regulatory program best known for requiring expensive but often needless cleanup of toxic waste sites, along with endless litigation over such cleanups.

We'll eventually be disposing billions and billions of CFL mercury bombs. Much of the mercury from discarded and/or broken CFLs is bound to make its way into the environment and give rise to Superfund liability, which in the past has needlessly disrupted many lives, cost tens of billions of dollars and sent many businesses into bankruptcy.

As each CFL contains 5 milligrams of mercury, at the Maine "safety" standard of 300 nanograms per cubic meter, it would take 16,667 cubic meters of soil to "safely" contain all the mercury in a single CFL. While CFL vendors and environmentalists tout the energy cost savings of CFLs, they conveniently omit the personal and societal costs of CFL disposal. Not only are CFLs much more expensive than incandescent bulbs and emit light that many regard as inferior to incandescent bulbs, they pose a nightmare if they break and require special disposal procedures. Should government (egged on by environmentalists and the Wal-Marts of the world) impose on us such higher costs, denial of lighting choice, disposal hassles and breakage risks in the name of saving a few dollars every year on the electric bill?

Steven Milloy publishes and He is a junk science expert, and advocate of free enterprise and an adjunct scholar at the Competitive Enterprise Institute. RealLiveMoms: Share your experience with Real Live Moms just like you

Comment - RF Density levels are extremely high when flourescent bulb were measured with a RF Density metre then compared to an average light bulb 100.0 uniwatts per square centimetre for a flourescent light bulb, where a cell phone is less, 0.100 to 0.300 uniwatts per square cm a cell tower can measure from 0.008 to 300.0 - extreme cases at 1700.0, flourescent bulbs are extremely strong.

Informant: gotemf


Disposal procedures needed for new bulbs

Re: light bulbs

After plutonium, mercury is the most toxic element on earth.

Mercury fillings have been known since the early 19th century to cause severe symptoms and illnesses too many to mention here. The mercury in the fillings is released into the mouth and digestive tract with chewing, hot drinks, acid etc. Many people have ended up in wheelchairs or worse, and there are stories of people recovering their ability to walk etc after mercury filling removal.

Removal is a very tricky process. The overwhelming majority of dentists are told - and believe - mercury fillings are safe anyway and so avoid most safety procedures when removing mercury fillings, hence exposing themselves and their patients to mercury vapour. There is a naturopathic dentist in the UK whom I would highly recommend. He has a long article on his website about mercury.

Philip Weeks

Energy-saving light bulbs blamed for migraines


The UK and EU plans to phase out incandescent lightbulbs will mean suffering and total social exclusion for people with light sensitivity conditions.

People with conditions including lupus, XP, forms of eczema and dermatitis, electrosensitivity, ME and many more can suffer severe and painful reactions to non-incandescent lighting.

Don't let the needs of sick and disabled people be ignored - go to to the Campaign Page to see how you can help.

From Mast Sanity/Mast Network


Environment: Momentum Grows to 'Ban the Bulb'


Many people are being severely harmed by high frequency pollution from compact fluorescent lightbulbs. Please read the important paper from Prof. Magda Havas and pass the information on, so that others can benefit from the information.


Health Concerns associated with Energy Efficient Lighting and their Electromagnetic Emissions

By: Dr. Magda Havas

US Not Prepared for Peril from Global Warming

Convenient Answers to an Inconvenient Truth

The White House Truth Gap

Why We Must Tell Truth About Torture

Impeach Cheney First?

A Culture of Life?

Iraq Refugees: The Hidden Face of the War

World Needs to Axe Greenhouse Gases by 80 Pct

World Opposed to U.S. as Global Cop

A global warning from the dust bowl of Australia

Informant: NHNE

Sudden Sea Level Surges Threaten 1 Billion

Informant: NHNE


Study Shows Sudden Sea Level Surges Threaten One Billion

More than one billion people live in low-lying areas where a sudden surge in sea level could prove as disastrous as the 2004 Asian tsunami.

EMF's cause "double trouble"?


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