Dienstag, 24. April 2007

Impeachment Is Now On the Table



The Lost War

Serge Truffaut observes how ongoing American policies in Iraq compound the errors of the past.



Bush Flunks Diplomacy 101


Informant: Kev Hall

FBI Investigates GOP Congressman Tom Feeney's Ties to Abramoff

The FBI has asked US Representative Tom Feeney for information about his dealings with Jack Abramoff as part of its ongoing investigation into the lobbyist convicted of defrauding clients.



Security Breakdown at the White House?

Current and former employees of the White House Security Office have reported to Chairman Waxman that there was a systemic failure at the White House to follow procedures for protecting classified information. According to the security officers, the White House regularly ignored security breaches, prevented security inspections of the West Wing and condoned mismanagement of the White House Security Office.



Special Counsel to Probe Karl Rove's Political Activities

Most of the time, an obscure federal investigative unit known as the Office of Special Counsel confines itself to monitoring the activities of relatively low-level government employees, stepping in with reprimands and other routine administrative actions for such offenses as discriminating against military personnel or engaging in prohibited political activities. But the Office of Special Counsel is preparing to jump into one of the most sensitive and potentially explosive issues in Washington, launching a broad investigation into White House political operations headed by chief strategist Karl Rove.


Rove Investigator Himself Under Investigation

A federal investigation into the political activities of Karl Rove, was announced late Tuesday, is being headed by a Bush appointee who is currently the target of an internal White House probe - calling into question the integrity of the administration's efforts to conduct an independent review of Rove's work as White House political adviser.



Privatizing And Profiteering

by Robert Kuttner, The American Prospect

The student loan scandal illustrates the failure inherent in privatization schemes.

From TomPaine.com


The evidence of GOP tampering in the 2004 Ohio vote count is beyond a reasonable doubt

The GOP's Cyber Election Hit Squad

Exposed by Steven Rosenfeld and Bob Fitrakis, The Free Press


Messkampagnen, wissenschaftliche Hinweise, Nachweise und viel Diskussionen



Handys und die dafür nötigen Sendemaste bedingen sich. Wo viele Handynutzer sind, benötigt man auch Masten, und diese sind am Billigsten in bereits bewohnten Gebieten zu errichten.

Das ist der einfache und klare Grund warum Sendeanlagen gerade in ländlichen Gegenden völlig unnötige Anwohnerbelastung erzeugen. Vom GSM Prinzip her würden auch 60 km Abstand gehen (so waren mal die Konzeptionsbedingungen für GSM).

Und aller Orts wird vom TüV und den Betreiberverbänden Messkampagnen organisiert, die nachweisen sollen dass man 99 und mehr Prozent unter den geltenden Grenzwerten agiert.

Schön, doch ebenso schlecht, denn wir Anwohner wissen, dass wir raus sehen müssen, raus in die Realität und da erleben wir hier im Dorf dass sich die Krebs- Todesrate im Umkreis von rund 150 m um den Sender bald an die 2 % der Gesamtdorfbevölkerung annähert, dass in Steinbach Hallenberg zigfache Brustkrebsrate bei Frauen festgestellt wurde, wie auch in vielen anderen Gemeinden diese Ereignisse konzentriert um die Standorte und den exponieten Bereichen auftreten. Bei Werten millionenfach unter dem Merkelschen Grenzwert.

Doch handelt irgendwer? verantwortlich?


Denn unter den Grenzwerten herrscht Narrenfreiheit, und auch wenn es der EU Vorsorgerichtline widerspricht, Handy über alles!

... mal schauen, wie lange wir uns diese Ignoranz vor der Realität noch leisten können, nur mit dem Hinweis, dass wir halt noch kein wissenschaftlich nachgewiesenen Modell der Schädigung kennen ...

Bernd Schreiner, Dipl-Ing(FH)
freier Architekt, Baubiologe IBN
Landesverband Thüringen


Kyrill, GSM und UKW

Messpraxis bei Mobilfunk

Grenzwerte und Mobilfunk

Welchen Wert haben Grenzwerte beim Mobilfunk?


Die Grenzwerte der 26. BImSchV gelten nur für Kurzeitexposition, sind also für Dauereinwirkung nicht anwendbar


Sea life at risk as acid levels rise in oceans


Informant: binstock

Dispelling the Wireless Myths

Having got a little fed up of techie blogs and ignorant respondents on wireless (WiFi, base stations, you name it) communication being harmless for a number of incorrect reasons, I've had a bit of a rant that you may be interested in.


Best Regards, - Graham Philips Powerwatch UK


Requiem for the Honeybee



Give Bees a Chance

All we are saying,
Is give bees a chance -


From Mast Sanity/Mast Network


Give Bees a Chance: Ban Genetically Engineered Crops


Bees amidst organics versus bees amidst toxins and GMOs

The first article is dated 2003 and is remarkably prophetic.


Informant: binstock


Klimaretter Atomkraft?

Umweltinstitut München e.V. – Newsletter vom 24. April 2007

Der Ölpreis steigt, Russland dreht den Gashahn zu oder eine neue Klimastudie wird vorgelegt: Reflexartig wird der Ruf nach Atomkraft laut. Die Atomlobby wittert Morgenluft und will der Atomenergie als vermeintlichem Klimaretter zur Renaissance verhelfen. Dabei sind auch 21 Jahre nach Tschernobyl die Folgen des GAUs noch allgegenwärtig. Sicherheitsprobleme und Endlagerfragen sind nach wie vor ungelöst. Und zudem blockiert die Atomtechnik klimafreundliche Energien. http://www.umweltinstitut.org/frames/allg/press/f-20070419.htm

Klimaretter Atomkraft?

Messergebnisse: Radioaktivität in Lebensmitteln und Waldprodukten http://www.umweltinstitut.org/frames/all/m26.htm

Hans Ulrich-Raithel, Dipl.- Ing. (FH)
Umweltinstitut München e.V. Landwehrstr. 64 a
80336 München


Zum 21. Tschernobyl-Jahrestag (26. April 2007) erklärt das Aktionsbündnis "Atomausstieg selber machen" am 25.4.2007:

Atomstromers Wunschträume durchkreuzen!

RWE, Vattenfall, E.ON und EnBW wollen den von ihnen mit der Bundesregierung ausgehandelten Atomkonsens kippen und europaweit neue Atomkraftwerke bauen - Aktionsbündnis "Atomausstieg-selber-machen" ruft zum Wechsel zu Ökostromanbietern auf.

Berlin, 25. April 2007: Aus Anlass des 21. Jahrestages der Reaktorkatastrophe von Tschernobyl ruft das Aktionsbündnis "Atomausstieg-selber-machen" alle privaten Haushalte und Gewerbetreibende, Unternehmen und Kirchen, öffentliche Verwaltungen und die von den vier Atomkonzernen unabhängigen Stadtwerke auf, ihre Vertragsbeziehungen mit RWE, E.ON, Vattenfall und EnBW aufzukündigen und ihren Strom künftig von Ökostromanbietern zu beziehen.

Es gebe kein besseres Datum als diesen Jahrestag, den Wechsel zu einem Ökostromanbieter in die Tat umzusetzen, erklärte das Bündnis aus Umweltverbänden, Verbraucherschutzorganisationen und Anti-AKW-Initiativen. Weitere gute Gründe dafür seien die Pläne der Stromkonzerne, die ältesten Reaktoren länger laufen zu lassen und sich europaweit künftig verstärkt an Atomprojekten beteiligen zu wollen.

Aktuell würden sich RWE und E.ON für Beteiligungen am Bau neuer AKW in Rumänien und England interessieren. Sicherheitsbedenken würden dabei ignoriert. So sei geplant, im rumänischen Cernavoda in einer erdbebengefährdeten Region Reaktoren eines kanadischen Typs zu errichten, die in Kanada nicht mehr genehmigungsfähig seien. E.ON wolle außerdem neue AKW in Bulgarien, Finnland und Tschechien betreiben. Im bulgarischen Belene sei die Errichtung eines russischen Reaktors geplant, für den es nur unzureichende Sicherheitsabschätzungen gebe.
2006 hätten sich die Commerzbank, die Deutsche Bank und die HypoVereinsbank, die an einer Finanzierung interessiert gewesen seien, wegen breiter Proteste von diesem Projekt zurückgezogen. E.ON aber halte daran fest. Gegen neue AKW in Rumänien und Bulgarien gebe es vor Ort und in anderen europäischen Staaten bereits Proteste. Vattenfall wiederum betreibe über seinen Mutterkonzern zehn Atomreaktoren in Schweden. Erst im letzten Jahr habe das AKW in Forsmark wegen schwerwiegender Bedienungsfehler und verheerender Defizite im Sicherheitsmanagement traurige Berühmtheit erlangt. Aufgrund dieser Mängel sei eine ursprünglich geplante Kapazitätserweiterung für Forsmark auf Eis gelegt worden. Und der französische Staatskonzern EDF, Hauptaktionär bei EnBW, wolle in Flamanville in der Normandie den ersten Europäischen Druckwasserreaktor (EPR) errichten.

"Die Stromriesen wollen noch mehr Geld in ihre Kassen spülen, alles weitere interessiert sie nicht. Dafür kündigen die Konzernchefs Klaus Rauscher von Vattenfall, Ulf Bernotat von E.ON, Harry Roels von RWE und Utz Claassen von EnBW den Atomkonses skrupellos auf und träumen von neuen AKW in Europa", erklärte ein Sprecher des Aktionsbündnisses "Atomausstieg-selber-machen".

"Hierzulande ist niemand gezwungen, Atomstrom zu kaufen", heißt es in einer Erklärung des Aktionsbündnisses. "Machen Sie Atomstrom, egal ob aus Deutschland oder den Nachbarländern, zu einer immer schwerer verkäuflichen Ware. Machen Sie es wie immer mehr Bürger in Deutschland: Wechseln Sie noch heute zu Ökostrom-Versorgern, die Elektrizität ausschließlich aus den erneuerbaren Energien Sonne, Wind, Wasser und Biomasse und hocheffizienter Energieumwandlung bereitstellen. Sie werden sehen: Es kostet sie fünf Minuten und wenig Geld. In immer größer werdenden Regionen liegen die Strompreise für Ökostrom inzwischen sogar unterhalb des konventionellen Strompreises aus Kohle und Atomkraft."

Mehr Informationen zum Stromwechsel innerhalb von fünf Minuten finden Sie im Internet unter: http://www.atomausstieg-selber-machen.de/ und unter der kostenfreien Ökostrom-Hotline: 0800 762 68 52 (werktags 9:00 - 17:00)

Ein Hintergrundpapier über die Auslandsgeschäfte der deutschen Atomstromkonzerne unter: http://www.bund.net/lab/reddot2/pdf/AuslandsplaeneEVU_042007.pdf

Für Rückfragen:

Thorben Becker, Leiter Energiepolitik beim BUND,
Tel. 030-27586-421 bzw.
Regine Richter von urgewald, Tel. 030-44339169


Öko-Institut Darmstadt: Atomstrom schützt das Klima nicht

Die Meinung, Atomstrom schneide in der Klimabilanz gut ab, ist nach Darstellung des Darmstädter Öko- Instituts falsch.



Independent of UK Writes Scare Piece on Wi-Fi


From Andrea: I sent this comment:

Glenn, you claim that good science should be based on the simple idea to test, reproduce and isolate factors. If we were to adhere to this reductionist and fragmentising view, we would never be able to solve the problem of environmentally induced systemic illnesses.

Illnesses such as Autism, MS, ME or indeed Multiple Chemical Sensitivity or Electrohypersensitivity cannot be fully understood by reducing them to such a one dimensional level. You have to look at possible genetic pre-conditions, metabolic pathways, diet and a variety of environmental factors, electromagnetic fields being one of these. It is the industries selling products likely to be environmental triggers for systemic disease, which stand to benefit from your reductionist and fragmented science model. What you call “anti electronic signal industry” is an ever growing group of concerned individuals, none of them working for money or profit, trying to raise awareness of the fact that we are engaging in the largest uncontrolled epidemiological experiment ever.

With regards to signal strength, you certainly know that 10 feet from a wireless computer, you are exposed to around 0.06 µW/cm2. There are studies which have found microwave effects on human EEC and behaviour at levels as low as 0.0000000027 µW/cm2 (Bise, 1978). Lastly, to counter your dismissive mention of Russian studies, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that in 1997, the German Telecommunications Authority commissioned a review of the body of Russian studies (dating from 1960-1996, not 1920 - 1950), which came to the following conclusion: “EMFs can be considered as a ‘silent distressor’, the bio-active effect of EMFs is dependent on a variety of different factors and the pathogenic effect only shows after years of exposure. With regard to the symptoms, there are similarities to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.”(Hecht and Balzer, 1997). Get off your high horse and check the facts yourself!


Etablierte Erkenntnisse ignoriert

Dr. Lebrecht von Klitzing referierte über Mobilfunk in Stapel


Datenschutz ist keine Schönwetterveranstaltung

#Die Linkspartei.PDS: Pressemitteilungen

24. April 2007

Zum Tätigkeitsbericht des Bundesdatenschutzbeauftragten erklärt die stellvertretende Parteivorsitzende Katina Schubert:

Der Datenschutzbeauftragte legt den Finger in die Wunde: Die Bundesregierung hat auf dem Gebiet des Datenschutzes jämmerlich versagt. Das Recht auf informationelle Selbstbestimmung der Bürgerinnen und Bürger ist durch die zunehmende Zahl von Maßnahmen zur staatlichen Überwachung erheblich gefährdet und durchlöchert worden. Wer meint, Sicherheit vor Verbrechen durch den Abbau an Grund- und Freiheitsrechten organisieren zu müssen, wird selbst zum Sicherheitsrisiko für die Demokratie. Datenschutz ist keine Schönwetterveranstaltung, sondern unveräußerlich für den Schutz der individuellen Rechte und der Privatsphäre. Deshalb brauchen wir eine Modernisierung des Datenschutzrechts, die gesetzliche Regelung des Arbeitnehmerdatenschutzes, strikte Regelungen zum Beispiel für Genomanalysen und Genscreenings und klare Vorgaben, die die Datensammelwut privater Unternehmen über ihre Kundinnen und Kunden eingrenzen, vor allem über das Internet. Der Bericht des Datenschutzbeauftragten sollte für die Regierung Anlass sein, über ihr Sicherheitsverständnis nachzudenken. Wir brauchen einen ständigen Datenschutz-Check vor allem der Sicherheitsgesetz-Vorschläge, die der Bundesinnenminister beinahe im Tagesrhythmus unterbreitet. Online-Durchsuchungen von Computern könnten beispielsweise bei einem solchen Check nicht bestehen. Und es ist unredlich, wenn die SPD sich einerseits für die Verhinderung die Vorratsspeicherung von Fingerabdrücken in Pässen feiert, andererseits aber ein verdachtsunabhängiges Speichern von Telefonaten, Mails und SMS mit trägt.



T-Mobile mast gets go-ahead


Bees Vanish, and Scientists Race for Reasons


Informant: binstock


Deserted Beehives, Starving Young Stun Scientists

"The bees were gone," David Hackenberg says. "The honey was still there. There are young brood (eggs) still in the hive. Bees just don't do that." On that November night last year in the Florida field where he wintered his bees, Hackenberg found 400 hives empty. Another 30 hives were "disappearing, dwindling or whatever you want to call it," and their bees were "full of a fungus nobody's ever seen before."



Global warming blamed for lost colonies

Sharon Tiffin/News staff May 02 2007 http://web.bcnewsgroup.com/portals-code/list.cgi?cat=23&paper=23&id=974348

Informant: binstock


Lobby Planet Brüssel: Einblick in den Brüsseler Lobbydschungel


Wi-fi? Why worry?

Here's a link to Bill Thompson's website: http://www.andfinally.com/.

E-mail him direct via the address there.


And mine...

Since when did the BBC start receiving bribes from the wireless industry? How can Bill Thompson be allowed to peddle such outrageous lies in his article ( http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/6583815.stm ) such as "There is no evidence that electromagnetic radiation at radio frequencies, where the energy levels are too low to dislodge electrons and affect molecular bonding, can cause health effects except by heating tissues." Where do I begin with the hundreds of studies that Mr Thompson claims simply do not exist? Did he bother to attend Dr George Carlo's presentation in Westminster inn February when Dr Carlo, the man who ran the US cell phone industries' own health research program in the 1990's describes the mechanism by which cells and DNA are damaged by microwave signals from mobile phones, masts, Wi-Fi and related devices? A mechanism, Mr Thompson may want to realise, that has nothing to do with heating. He seems to be quoting the pseudo science that the mobile phone industry has been promoting since the early 1990's that has been proven to be based on false assumptions. I sincerely hope the BBC send someone more competent than Mr Thompson to do some real research into this very important issue and publish a complete retraction of his nonsense, together with an honest explanation of what really happens when a cell membrane detects signals from a wireless system.


I've done mine:-

This item entitled "Wi-fi? Why worry?" is the most opinionated baseless and biased piece of reporting I have seen so far on the BBC website.

The parts stating "Unfortunately the science says he is wrong, and his students are suffering as a result." and "Cellphones heat the brain and could cause problems. Wi-fi doesn't, and it is safe." can not be substantiated, are conjecture and belittle a serious topic.

THIS ARTICLE SHOULD BE WITHDRAWN FORTHWITH and Bill Thompson should be reprimanded for such baseless and biased statements. It does not deserve to be present on the BBC site where people may actually believe it and think that the BBC endorses such statements.

The last part "My daughter is sitting here as I write, her new wireless laptop beside her, and I'm a lot more worried about the damage she would do if she dropped it on her foot than I am about the impact of the low power radio waves it emits." is sick! It reminded me immediately of John Gummer feeding the beef burger to his child at the height of the BSE / mad cow crisis.


Please forward Is there no end to the BBC's bias? Can any MP's raise the issue in the House of Commons? The BBC reporting is now at odds with the reporting from the serious broadsheets.



A dangerous game of “chicken” for Democrats

Boston Globe
by Doug Schoen


Democrats and Republicans in Washington are headed toward a showdown. At issue is how to provide an additional $100 billion in supplemental funding to support American troops in Afghanistan and Iraq. Congressional Democrats are intent on passing legislation that will include a requirement — or at least a call — to bring the troops home next year. President Bush insists he will accept no such provision, even if it means vetoing legislation that would provide badly needed money for the troops in the field. The American people, he maintains, will fault Democrats if that happens. In short, the politicians in Washington are playing a high stakes game of chicken — one whose outcome will change the balance of power and have a profound effect on the 2008 presidential elections...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


For the defense

National Review
by Fred Thompson


Republicans have struggled in recent years, because they have strayed from basic principles. Federalism is one of those principles. It is something we all give lip service to and then proceed to ignore when it serves our purposes. During my eight years in the Senate, I tried to adhere to this principle. For me it was a lodestar. Not only was it what our Founding Fathers created — a federal government with limited, enumerated powers with respect for other levels of government, it also provided a basis for a proper analysis of most issues: ‘Is this something government should be doing? If so, at what level of government?


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Morality and illiberal democracy

Free Market News Network
by Tibor R. Machan


In a totalitarian state everything counts as the public realm; in a free country there are strict limits. In most existing countries today it’s somewhere in between. Democratic decisions impact taxation, government regulation, international diplomacy, education and health policies, and whatever else the government is involved in. The idea of limiting the public realm has gone out of fashion and was never taken very seriously except by some few political theorists and even fewer politicians, let alone bureaucrats. Once in power, there is a very strong temptation to expand the reach of the power one has. People who get chummy with government tend not to like it when its powers are limited-they have agendas and such limitations could impede their efforts to carry them out. And in democracies the politicians’ constituency often urges government to expand its power so as to provide the voters with various benefits — ones, however, that have to be obtained by confiscating other people’s resources, including their labor. In short, democracy often tilts quite powerfully against morality...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Absurd analogies won’t stop terrorism

by Ivan Eland


Michael Chertoff, President Bush’s secretary of Homeland Security, desperately tried to refute Zbigniew Brzezinski’s cogent charge that the administration has hyped the ‘war on terror’ to promote a ‘culture of fear,’ in a recent Washington Post opinion piece. In addition to shamefully smearing Brzezinski, Jimmy Carter’s former national security adviser, by associating him with the fringe opinion that the administration plotted the 9/11 terrorist acts, Chertoff also declared, ‘Al-Qaeda and its ilk have a world vision that is comparable to that of historical totalitarian ideologues but adapted to the 21st-century global network.’ This rhetoric makes it seem as if al-Qaeda is more dangerous than Adolf Hitler or Joseph Stalin. When comparisons are made to these villainous titans, we should be suspicious...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


The future of the dollar, entitlements and the US economy

International Society for Individual Liberty
by Jarret Wollstein


Interview with US Representative (and GOP presidential nomination contender) Ron Paul (R-TX): “JW: What do you see as the solution to our mounting entitlement obligations, now estimated at as much as $65 trillion? That is, what do we do about more and more people retiring, and fewer and fewer left working to pay into Social Security and Medicare to pay their mounting bills? RP: That’s the question of the age. Politicians aren’t very likely to solve it responsibly by cutting benefits and raising taxes to bring it into balance. Nor will they go to a system where people assume responsibility for themselves. So I would say it’s going to end badly...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Pressure grows on Wolfowitz

Guardian [UK]


The pressure on Paul Wolfowitz was ratcheted up further today after a group of former World Bank executives called for his resignation. Forty-two senior ex-staffers signed an open letter that warned that Mr Wolfowitz ‘can no longer be an effective leader’ of the bank. … Mr Wolfowitz has been under growing pressure since it emerged over a week ago that he had overruled bank staff in 2005 to demand a 46% pay increase and a promotion for Ms Riza when she was moved outside the bank to avoid rules forbidding partners from working together...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Pressure Increases on Wolfowitz to Go

A group of top former World Bank executives has urged Paul Wolfowitz to resign, as the bank's watchdog warned that his actions were undermining the ability of the institution to carry out development work. The 42 senior executives wrote a letter to the Financial Times, published on Monday, advising Wolfowitz to give up the presidency for the good of the bank following a controversy over the promotion of his girlfriend.



Researchers call for study on WiFi health effects

Fox News


It’s convenient and widely available but a growing group of researchers warn that WiFi may be hazardous to your health. William Stewart, the head of Britain’s Health Protection Agency, is worried that wireless Internet access may pose a health threat — particularly to children — and is privately calling for a study of the hazards of WiFi, the Independent reports. Researchers believe that the electromagnetic radiation emitted by the phones, cell-phone towers and WiFi masts are contributing to an ‘electric smog’ that could pose a future health risk. The researchers say this smog of electromagnetic radiation is 1 billion times stronger than the natural fields in which living cells have developed over the last 3.8 billion years. Children may be more vulnerable as their skulls are thinner and their nervous systems are still developing, not to mention that they’ll be exposed to more radiation over their lifetime...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


US cities unite to battle emissions

Arizona Republic


Hundreds of U.S. cities are taking a stand against global warming by pledging to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions beyond what the federal government is willing to commit. From metropolitan hubs like New York and Los Angeles to fast-growing cities such as Las Vegas, more than 450 city leaders throughout the 50 states have signed the U.S. Mayors Climate Protection Agreement. Buckeye, Flagstaff and Tucson are the only Arizona cities to sign the agreement. In Tucson’s case, the agreement builds on work the city has been doing for a decade to regulate greenhouse-gas emissions. For fast-growing Buckeye, it’s a chance to think green as the city expands...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Katrina contracts blantantly illegal

Wichita Falls Times Record News


FEMA exposed taxpayers to significant waste — and possibly violated federal law — by awarding $3.6 billion worth of Hurricane Katrina contracts to companies with poor credit histories and bad paperwork, investigators say. The new report by the Homeland Security Department’s office of inspector general, set to be released later this week, examines the propriety of 36 trailer contracts designated for small and local businesses in the stricken Gulf Coast region following the 2005 storm. It found a haphazard competitive bidding process in which the winning contract prices were both unreasonably low and high. Moreover, FEMA did not take adequate legal steps to ensure that companies were small and locally operated, resulting in a questionable contract award to a large firm with ties to the Republican Party...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


US Army’s computer game recruiting plan takes fire

Yahoo! News


Anti-recruitment groups are slamming a US Army deal to sponsor a computer war game channel, charging that real war is no game. In June, the Army is set to sponsor a channel at the Global Gaming League website, a popular spot for Internet computer game lovers. ‘It is part of this campaign for the last 20 years to invade youth culture with militarism,’ Project on Youth and Non-military Opportunities co-founder Rick Jahnkow told AFP. … Play at the channel will be free, but agreeing to ‘additional contact from the Army’ comes with signing up as a player. The Army’s investment, estimated at two million dollars, is aimed at finding potential soldiers among gamers in the cherished recruiting age range of 17 to 24...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bush Poised to Veto Long-Sought Labor Reform

"One of the most important bills for working Americans of the last 10 years is likely to go down in defeat, even though Democrats control Congress," says Joshua Holland. "The Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) is an anti-union-busting measure that would restore the right to form unions, a right working people have enjoyed mostly on paper since the 'Reagan revolution' stacked the deck against workers trying to organize. The House passed the bill last month, but it's widely expected to be defeated in the Senate, and if it does survive, it will almost certainly fall to George Bush's veto pen."



Acting Now to Save Life on Earth

E.O. Wilson writes: "Except for giant meteorite strikes or other such catastrophes, Earth has never experienced anything like the contemporary human juggernaut. We are in a bottleneck of overpopulation and wasteful consumption that could push half of Earth's species to extinction in this century. Humanity must make a decision, and make it right now: Conserve Earth's natural heritage, or let future generations adjust to a biologically impoverished world."


Hard Choices, Sacrifices Ahead on Global Warming

"It's Earth Day today, and the great green stampede just keeps getting bigger. Everyone wants to fight global warming, save the planet and feel good while doing it. But there's something missing from much of the clamor for action: a recognition that sacrifices and hard choices lie ahead if the United States and other major emitters are going to seriously reduce the amount of carbon dioxide spewing into the atmosphere," says Frank Davies.


Climate Change Disaster Strikes Australia

Australia has warned that it will have to switch off the water supply to the continent's food bowl unless heavy rains break an epic drought - heralding what could be the first climate change-driven disaster to strike a developed nation.


Pentagon May Be Shorting Troop Benefits

An injured soldier's disability should be determined by Veterans Affairs officials - and not the Pentagon - because the Army might be shortchanging troops, a presidential commission was told on Monday.


Rep. Rohrabacher Typifies Why Many Dislike America

"I hope its your family members that [sic] die," said US Rep. Dana Rohrabacher to American citizens who questioned the Bush administration's unlawful extraordinary rendition policies. Congressional hearings provide a deep insight into the inner spirit of our elected representatives - and sometimes the insight is not pretty," says Ann Wright.



Corn ethanol: higher food prices and more water pollution

Corn ethanol: higher food prices

Some people are warning there are hidden costs to the drive for ethanol. The demand for corn-based ethanol for fuel has pushed the price of corn close to the highest price it's been in 10 years. Great Lakes Radio Consortium, Michigan.

23 April 2007


Corn ethanol: more water pollution

Corn needs a lot more nitrogen fertilizer than other crops. And when it rains, nitrogen moves quickly from the fields to the waterways, especially when grass strips don't filter the runoff. Great Lakes Radio Consortium, Michigan.

23 April 2007


Informant: binstock


U.S. dollar drops against euro as ECB rate hike likely

The United States currency also tumbled to its weakest level against the British pound in 26 years as investors bet the Federal Reserve will cut borrowing costs later this year while the European Central Bank and Bank of England raise rates.


From Information Clearing House

Gasoline at $4 Coming to a Pump Near You

Whether it's $50 to fill up your Prius or $130 for the Ford Expedition, $4-a-gallon gasoline is coming to a pump near you.


From Information Clearing House

Bush's Terror War in Somalia Rages On


U.S. support key to Ethiopia's invasion

Africa's secret: the men, women and children 'vanished' in the war on terror

Fleeing war-torn Somalia, the refugees trapped and missing without rights.

Somalia burns - but does anyone care?

The carnage and suffering in Somalia may be the worst in more than a decade -- but you'd hardly know it from your nightly news.


Massacre in Mogadishu-war crime made in the USA

The brutal military siege against the Somali capital of Mogadishu constitutes a war crime for which the US government bears the principal responsibility.


From Information Clearing House


Noam Chomsky: Manufacturing Consent


How government and big media businesses cooperate to produce an effective propaganda machine in order to manipulate the opinions of the United States populace.



Impeaching Cheney: Step One

Congressman Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, will introduce articles of impeachment against Cheney. Kucinich's decision to go after Cheney is not just Constitutionally appropriate, it is politically smart.



Bush, Congress and the Media


From Information Clearing House


Winning the war for Iraq's dead

Lancet Iraq mortality study author Gilbert Burnham interviewed by New Scientist.

From Information Clearing House


USA: Cornering the Market on Morality



War and the Police State


Who Grieves For Them?

By Mary Pitt

They fly home under cover of night and then are treated as baggage on commercial flights until they are taken to their home town. Their family, friends, and neighbors turn out for their funeral with none taking notice.


Begutachtungsverfahren "TKG": Umsetzung der Vorratsdatenspeicherung in Österreich in "Begutachtung"



Urge your Representative to protect wild horses from slaughter



New Commerce Dept Policy Won't Protect Scientists


U.S. has Moral, National Security Imperatives to Provide Development Assistance to Iraq


Congressman Kucinich Will Hold Press Conference to Announce Introduction of Articles of Impeachment Relating To Vice President Richard Cheney



Inside The Mind of The Media



Life Is Hanging By A Thread



Plant trees, lots of them, you can never plant enough!

They Call This The News?



Levin Gives Cheney Reason To Smirk



Corporate Accountability is this Earth Day's Inconvenient Truth



The GOP's Cyber Election Hit Squad



U.S. Blamed for Iraq's 'Bloody Wednesday'



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