Dienstag, 9. Januar 2007

Bankerin trifft Ordensmann


CIA Fiasco

Le Monde writes: "The resignation of John Negroponte, national intelligence director, is the latest phase in the interminable crisis of American intelligence services."



Witnesses at Guantanamo

Ann Wright writes: "On January 9 to 13, 2007, I will be a part of an international delegation of former prisoners, families of current prisoners, US lawyers and human rights activists who will march to the US Naval Base in Guantanamo Bay to demand that the prison be closed. The march is a part of the January 11 International Day to Shut Down Guantanamo."



George Will and the Minimum Wage

Seth Sandronsky writes: "NAFTA is an example of Uncle Sam intervening in the global and national marketplace. This intervention has adjusted wage levels of most US workers downward, with a mandated increase in the federal minimum wage as a response to such a trend. To wit, a new poll by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press 'found that Americans expressed far more doubts about trade than saw it as advantageous.'"



Kennedy to Introduce Bill to Stop Troop Surge

Ted Kennedy thinks George W. Bush is dead wrong on a troop surge for Iraq - and while some other Democrats have reacted diffidently, he is determined to force the issue.


Guard and Reserve May Bear the Brunt of Surge

The nation's top military officials, expecting President Bush to order an increase in the size of the force in Iraq, have concluded that such a buildup would require them to reverse Pentagon policy and send the Army's National Guard and Reserve units on lengthy second tours in Iraq, Defense Department officials said Monday.


Escalation Is Not the Answer

Excerpt from the Senator's speech at the National Press Club: "I am introducing legislation to reclaim the rightful role of Congress and the people's right to a full voice in the President's plan to send more troops to Iraq. Congressman Ed Markey of Massachusetts will introduce similar legislation in the House of Representatives. Our bill will say that no additional troops can be sent and no additional dollars can be spent on such an escalation, unless and until Congress approves the President's plan. Our proposal is a straightforward exercise of the power granted to Congress by Article I, section 8 of the Constitution. There can be no doubt that the Constitution gives Congress the authority to decide whether to fund military action. And Congress can demand a justification from the president for such action before it appropriates the funds to carry it out."



Congress must act against Iraq troop rise: Kennedy

A leading Democratic senator proposed on Tuesday to block President Bush from sending more troops to Iraq unless Congress specifically approves.


Democrats Split Over Their Approach to Iraq

The new Democratic majority in Congress is divided over how to assert its power in opposing President Bush’s plan to send more troops to Baghdad, as leaders explore ways to block financing for a military expansion without being accused of abandoning American forces already in Iraq.


The surge dirge

by John Dickerson


Sen. Ted Kennedy is the Senate Democrats' army of one, trying to launch a revolution when they would prefer cordial discussion. Scheduled to discuss health care at the National Press Club, Kennedy uncorked a stemwinder about the Democrats' responsibility to shut down the Iraq war. He is proposing legislation that would prevent the troop surge President Bush will unveil tomorrow night by prohibiting additional troops and additional dollars for it. Kennedy implored his brothers and sisters in Congress to resist the president's specific new plan, and to revive their branch of government -- to 'reclaim the rightful role of Congress and the people's right to a full voice.' ... Shortly afterward, across town in the U.S. Capitol, the new Senate Democratic leaders took their place before the microphones just off the Senate floor to put forward their plan: a bipartisan, nonbinding bill called the Pale Action and Timid Gesture Resolution. That wasn't the real name, of course, but it is exactly what Kennedy insisted Congress should not do...


From Information Clearing House


House Approves Bill Opposing Troop Surge

After four days of emotional debate over the extent of presidential powers in wartime and the proper role of Congress, the House of Representatives adopted a resolution today denouncing President Bush's plan to send more American troops to Iraq.



Military Families on Front Lines of War Protest, Pain

The day before the Democratic majority was sworn in, and Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi's historic installment as the speaker of the House of the 110th Congress, anti-war activists clogged the hallways of the Cannon House Office Building in front of her office.



Der gläserne Mensch: Sie haben geirrt, Herr Orwell

Wie sich die Zeiten ändern: Früher gingen die Menschen auf die Straße, um gegen Volkszählungen zu demonstrieren. Heute lassen sie sich bereitwillig vom Staat überwachen...



Die INSM benutzt die Medien um die Politik vor sich herzutreiben


Channel 4 imagines Blair on trial for war crimes


Informant: NHNE

Schicke, kleine Waffe zum Elektroschocken

Taser bringt ein billigeres Modell für den Privatkunden auf den Markt.


Die schmutzige Kehrseite von Bill Gates Wohltätigkeitsstiftung

Mit blinden Augen


Unsaubere Geschäfte der Gates-Stiftung: Kinder verseucht, aber gegen Masern geimpft

Phone mast gets go-ahead from town council

By Laura Thorpe

A PROPOSAL for a 50ft high mobile phone mast to be positioned on land at Wellington's Blackdown Trading Estate near a church has been approved in principle by Wellington town councillors.

The plans submitted by telecommunication giants Hutchinson 3G UK, commonly known as 3, include placing a base station' with mast and antennae at the back of Scotts Lane in the grounds of the King's Church centre.

A majority of councillors thought it was appropriate to have the mast on a trading estate but voted for it to be moved from the corner to a better position on the estate.

Cllr John Clark said: "It seems to me to be in an inappropriate position. I think it will stand out like a sore thumb. There are two masts already in place at the end of Scotts Lane and it would seem more appropriate somewhere up that end."

However Cllr Ross Henley was against the idea altogether and said: "I have been particularly concerned for years about the use of phone masts in this area.

"I think this is a completely inappropriate place.

"I won't support it. I don't accept that we should just move it along a bit - we would be doing people a disservice if we do this."

The amendment to move the mast to another area on the estate was passed and councillors approved the scheme.

The application will now go before Taunton Deane Council.

© Copyright 2001-2007 Newsquest Media Group


Get Out Of Iraq Campaign


Eat The Rich (Starting With Bill Gates)

The role models of "compassionate capitalism" get scrutiny from the Los Angeles Times.


There is no military solution

Surgin' Generals' Warning

by Jim Fine, TomPaine.com

There is no military solution. There is no military solution. And, by the way, there is no military solution.


Don't Buy Partisanship

by David Sirota, TomPaine.com

Real congressional bipartisanship is happening, based on mutual interest, not abandonment of principle.


Ford: Pay Workers Well!

by Dmitri Iglitzin and Steven Hill, TomPaine.com

Henry, not Gerald, believed that increasing wages increases the wealth of the country.


Don't Strip ESA Protections From Wolves in WY and ID


Informant: John D.


More Subpoenas Come Down in Watada Case

In a case that could have repercussions for free speech and press freedom in the United States, the U.S. military has subpoenaed two peace activists and a journalist in its case against Lt. Ehren Watada, the first commissioned officer to be court-martialed for refusing to serve in Iraq. "I'm alarmed," said Olympia-based activist Phan Nguyen, who moderated a Jun. 7th press conference that marked Lt. Watada's first public opposition to the Iraq war. "When I was first contacted by the lead prosecutor I was questioned as to conversations I had had with Lt. Watada and how this press conference had come about," he said.



Terrified Soldiers Terrifying People

Ten-year-old Yassir aimed a plastic gun at a passing U.S. armoured patrol in Fallujah, and shouted "Bang! Bang!" Yassir did not know what was coming. "I yelled for everyone to run, because the Americans were turning back," 12-year-old Ahmed who was with Yassir told IPS. The soldiers followed Yassir to his house and smashed almost everything in it. "They did this after beating Yassir and his uncle hard, and they spoke the nastiest words," Ahmed said. It is not just the children, or the people of Fallujah who are frightened. "Those soldiers are terrified here," Dr. Salim al-Dyni, a psychotherapist visiting Fallujah told IPS. Dr Dyni said he had seen professional reports of psychologically disturbed soldiers "while serving in hot areas, and Fallujah is the hottest and most terrifying for them." Dr. Dyni said disturbed soldiers were behind the worst atrocities. "Most murders committed by U.S. soldiers resulted from the soldiers' fears."



Petition: No Escalation in Iraq


Informant: Pilvi

USA, Land der begrenzten Freiheit: Häftlingszahlen in den Vereinigten Staaten erreichen ein Rekordhoch

„Die US-amerikanische Gefängnisindustrie kann sich über ein ordentliches Wachstum freuen. Laut einer jüngst veröffentlichten Untersuchung des US-Justizministeriums stieg die Anzahl der amerikanischen Häftlinge zwischen 1995 und Ende 2005 um 35 Prozent auf 2,2 Millionen Menschen. Unter Berücksichtigung der auf Bewährung entlassenen und zu Bewährungsstrafen verurteilten US-Bürger sind es sogar sieben Millionen Menschen, die sich in den Mühlen des amerikanischen Justizsystems befinden. Das entspricht drei Prozent der Bevölkerung…“ Artikel von Tomasz Konicz in der jungen Welt vom 06.01.2006 http://www.jungewelt.de/2007/01-06/034.php

Siehe dazu auch:

Die nackte Haut zum Kadi tragen: Willkür des Staatsanwalts - Das Rechtssystem der Vereinigten Staaten ist kriminell

„Die Weihnachtszeit gab Gelegenheit, der vom Glück Verlassenen zu gedenken, besonders der zu Unrecht verurteilten Insassen von Zuchthäusern und Gefängnissen. In den Vereinigten Staaten gilt das für viele Strafgefangene, schließlich haben wir es hier mit einem Staat zu tun, der weltweit den höchsten Prozentsatz seiner Bürger dem Strafvollzug übergibt. Einer von 32 erwachsenen Amerikanern sitzt hinter Gittern, ist auf Bewährung bestraft oder lebt - vorzeitig entlassen - auf Bewährung. Das International Center for Prison Studies am King´s College in London hat errechnet, dass die USA 700.000 Bürger mehr hinter Gittern halten als China, ein Land mit einer fünf Mal so großen Bevölkerung - die Vereinigten Staaten rekrutieren fünf Prozent der Weltbevölkerung, haben aber 25 Prozent der Welthäftlinge aufzuweisen. Was heißt das? Entweder ist Amerika das Land der Kriminellen oder irgendwas ist ernsthaft faul am System der Strafjustiz im "Land der Freien"…“ Artikel von Paul Craig Roberts in der Freitag vom 05.01.2007 http://www.freitag.de/2007/01/07010701.php

Prisoners in 2005

“Reports the number of persons in State and Federal prisons at yearend, compares the increase in the prison population during 2005 with the previous year, and presents prison growth rates since 1995. The report also provides the number of male and female prisoners on December 31, 2005, and the rates of incarceration by jurisdiction. It includes the number of prisoners held at yearend in the U.S. Territories and Commonwealths, in military facilities, and in facilities operated by or for the Bureau of Immigration and Custom Enforcement. Data are presented on prison capacities and the use of local jails and privately operated prisons. Estimates are provided on the number of sentenced prisoners by age, gender, race, and Hispanic origin, and type of offense…” Report des US-Justizministeriums vom November 2006 (pdf) http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/pub/pdf/p05.pdf

Weitere Statistiken

Für den Fall, dass einer einen USA-Aufenthalt plant, hat die Statistikabteilung des US-Justizministeriums eine Übersichtsseite mit vielen Statistiken über Verbrechen, Opfer, Gefängnissen etc. erstellt http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/

Aus: LabourNet, 9. Januar 2007

Versorgungssicherheit ohne Atomstrom gewährleisten

#Die Linkspartei.PDS: Pressemitteilungen

09. Januar 2007

Zu den Plänen von Bundeskanzlerin Merkel, den Atomausstieg aufzuweichen, erklärt der stellvertretende Vorsitzende der Linkspartei.PDS, Wolfgang Methling:

Der Stopp der russischen Erdöllieferungen lehrt uns einiges. Er lehrt uns beispielsweise, dass die Versorgungssicherheit mit fossilen Energieträgern kein stets gegebenes Gut ist. Die Versorgungssicherheit von Bevölkerung und Wirtschaft muss jenseits von Abhängigkeiten gesichert werden. Weiterhin zeigt der Lieferstopp aus Russland, wie wichtig es ist, bei der Versorgung auf einen ausgewogenen Energiemix zu setzen. Erneuerbare Energien wie Wind- oder Solarenergie werden in Deutschland noch zu wenig genutzt. Hier besteht Nachholbedarf. Anstatt dies zu erkennen und entsprechend zu handeln, nutzt die Bundeskanzlerin die gegenwärtigen Lieferprobleme bei der Erdölversorgung, um den bereits beschlossenen Atomausstieg erneut in Frage zu stellen. Wie sagte schon Goethe: "Man merkt die Absicht, und man ist verstimmt." Die Union will sich offenbar immer noch nicht mit dem Atomausstieg abfinden und nutzt jede sich bietende Gelegenheit, den Atomausstieg aufzuweichen. Eine sichere, umweltschonende und preiswerte Energiebereitstellung ist ganz ohne Atomenergie möglich.



‘No stopping’ the mast invasion

By Dominic Yeatman

ANOTHER 54 mobile phone masts will be added to the 99 already in Redbridge over the course of the next year if mobile phone operators have their way.

Sixteen of them are destined for Wanstead and Woodford, many within yards of existing masts, and planning permission has already been granted for 13 of the sites identified across the borough.

The proposals have been revealed in the phone operators' annual roll-out plans, which have been submitted to Redbridge Council and were discussed at a meeting of the council's area two committee.

Monkhams ward councillor Jim O'Shea said: "In area two they all seem to be centred around one area in George Lane and we're a bit concerned about why they need to be so concentrated."

Proposed sites include Meadow Walk in Snaresbrook, South Woodford station, the corner of Colvin Gardens and Rodney Road in Snaresbrook, Redbridge station, the Thames Water station in Chigwell Road and Patnam House in George Lane, South Woodford.

Three are earmarked for Woodford Road in South Woodford, including one at Ornwell Lodge and one at Copsfield Court.

Two are set for Aldersbrook Road in Wanstead and two for Wanstead High Street, one at The Hollies and one at Ashford Associates.

Some of them are on the site of existing masts, but that has not reassured anti-phone mast campaigners.

Elizabeth Canavan, who led a long but eventually unsuccessful campaign against a T-Mobile mast in Aldersbrook Road, said: "I would hate to say it's a lost battle, but we're really quite powerless and they are just surging ahead willy nilly.

"They're going to start back pedalling in a few years time, lowering emissions and admitting that they cause problems. You can see it's coming, but at the moment it's just too economically important."

The response of the area committees and the conservation advisory panel will be co-ordinated and presented to the phone companies at a joint meeting in February.

© Copyright 2001-2007 Newsquest Media Group


More suppression of Climate Change research

CSIRO needs international support to counter Howard's bullying


Informant: littlebrit1961

Terror's trivial when it's not Muslims


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The occupation project: a campaign of civil disobedience

by Jeff Leys


On February 5, 2007, the Occupation Project will launch a campaign of sustained nonviolent civil disobedience focused upon Representatives and Senators who refuse to publicly pledge to vote against any additional funding for the Iraq war. The campaign will continue at least through the start of April. Let there be no doubt that the antiwar movement will use all means of nonviolence to end our country's war in and occupation of Iraq. ... The premise is simple. Representatives and Senators: publicly pledge to vote against the $100 billion supplemental war spending package which President Bush will submit in early February or we will occupy your offices. The premise is simple. This will not be a singular action on a single day. We will return again and again and again until you pledge to vote against funds for the Iraq war...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Sustained nonviolent CD campaign to begin Feb. 5

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

The occupation project: a campaign of civil disobedience




The Occupation Project is a campaign of sustained nonviolent civil disobedience to end the Iraq War. Beginning February 5, 2007 activists around the U.S. will engage in nonviolent civil disobedience at the offices of Representatives and Senators who do not publicly pledge to vote against additional war funding.

Occupation Project Resources:


To secure the blessings of liberty

The Libertarian Enterprise
by Andrew G. Eggleston Sr.


So the question for this week is; if we all agree that it is wrong, then how do we find a way to get together and do something to change it? First and foremost, agree that if it (taxation for example) is wrong that it is our responsibility (see last week's article) as adults and people wishing to breathe free, to do something about it. Second, as we have agreed that something must be done, and we are responsible enough to act, then it follows that we must ACT! Teach, learn, do, support, encourage, and donate, until change begins to happen...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Selective amnesia

The American Conservative
by Glenn Greenwald

When political leaders make drastic mistakes, accountability is delivered in the form of elections. That occurred in November when voters removed the party principally responsible for the war in Iraq. But the invasion would not have occurred had Americans not been persuaded of its wisdom and necessity, and leading that charge was a stable of pundits and media analysts who glorified President Bush's policies and disseminated all sorts of false information and baseless assurances. Yet there seems to be no accountability for these pro-war pundits. On the contrary, they continue to pose as wise, responsible experts and have suffered no lost credibility, prominence, or influence. They have accomplished this feat largely by evading responsibility for their prior opinions, pretending that they were right all along or, in the most extreme cases, denying that they ever supported the war... (for publication 01/15/07)


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Who is planning our next war?

by Pat Buchanan


As George Bush reflects on his legacy, an urgent question must be pressing in upon him each day. Will I leave here as the man who launched failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that cost thousands of U.S. dead, to no avail? Or can I yet enter history as the Churchillian statesman who used U.S. power to save America and Israel from the mortal threat of atomic weapons in the hands of the Iranian mullahs? Which legacy would Bush prefer? Or Cheney? As Americans await Bush's address announcing a 'surge' of 20,000 to 30,000 U.S. troops to Iraq, we may be missing the larger picture. The War Party is turning its attention from Iraq -- to Iran. Nor is it simply an analysis of the character of George Bush that causes one to so conclude...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Distinguishing between a people and their government

No Force, No Fraud
by Bob Smith

In wartime, we are asked to join together in supporting the action taking place. In effect, we are expected to eliminate judgment and simply become loyal subjects of our nation. Those who refuse to stop protesting the action itself are often labeled as unpatriotic, even traitors ... by those who DO fall into line. We are encouraged by politicians to fall into line, and they, with very few exceptions, do so too. This falling-into-line has become so prevalent that our President no longer even bothers with the Constitutional requirement of asking Congress to declare war. We are left with the absurd proposition that an American President can send troops anywhere, for any reason (or none) and get away with it. Congress will fund the action, unquestioningly, and a majority of the people will shut down their minds and become lock-step 'loyalists,' not only 'supporting our troops' but transferring that to 'supporting our President.'" (published 2005; re-posted 01/08/07)


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Kubby 2008: An open letter to the 110th Congress

Rational Review
by Steve Kubby


I've often noticed that when politicians talk about starting a war, creating a new entitlement program, or undertaking any other activity that's bound to get Americans killed, empty their wallets or reduce their freedom, the desire to do so is expressed in terms of 'political will,' as if these things were matters of courage and moral rectitude rather than of power-seeking and tawdry dealmaking. Conversely, when politicians cringe from peace, when they cower before the prospect of letting go of other people's money, when they flee from freedom, they characterize their approach as 'moderation' or 'bipartisanship' or 'statesmanship.' These characterizations are 180 degrees out of phase with reality. The real sign of courage is resistance to the special interests and special pleadings that take a country to unnecessary war or plunder the treasury. Real moral rectitude subsists in securing, not violating, the rights of your constituents. It is not more 'political will' that this Congress requires. Rather, what is needed is more 'political won't'...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Say goodbye to a future Republican presidency

Indepedent Institute
by Ivan Eland


President George W. Bush, contrary to the will of the American and Iraqi peoples and his own military commanders, seems ready to embark on a potentially disastrous escalation of the Iraq war, which was lost long ago. This mind-numbingly idiotic strategy is sure to needlessly cost more American and Iraqi lives and to lose the presidency for the Republicans in 2008...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Subpoena showndown looms for Duke Cunningham inquiry

Raw Story


A showdown is coming between the Democratic House leadership and the Justice Department on what information can be subpoenaed in a federal investigation, according to a report in today's edition of Roll Call. At issue, as explained in the article by Susan Davis, are 'privileged documents' amassed by various House Committees 'that fall under the constitutional Speech or Debate Clause, which provides protection to Members of Congress.' The Counsel of the House of Representatives appears to have worked to block the release of the documents, which were gathered as part of the House's own investigation of ex-Rep. Duke Cunningham, the California Republican who pleaded guilty in 2006 to accepting millions of dollars in bribes in the course of his work on the Appropriations Committee...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Why is my dad far away in that place called Guantanamo Bay?

Independent [UK]


Ten-year-old Anas el-Banna will walk to the door of Number 10 Downing Street this week to ask for an answer to the question he has been trying to have answered for four years: Why can't my Dad come home? His father, Jamil, is one of eight British residents languishing among the almost 400 inmates at the American base at Guantanamo Bay, which opened five years ago to the day this Thursday -- the day of Anas's protest. Mr Banna, was taken to Guantanamo Bay four years ago after being seized in Gambia along with fellow detainee Bisher al-Rawi. He was accused of having a suspicious device in his luggage. It turned out to be a battery charger. No charges have been made. He suffers from severe diabetes, but his lawyers say he has not been offered medication and has been denied the food he needs. His eyesight is now failing. A year ago, his son wrote to Tony Blair for the second time to ask why the Government was not helping him return home. The then six-year-old did not even receive a reply. The second letter elicited a cursory note from the Foreign Office. It stated that because Mr Banna is not a British citizen, although his wife and children are, nothing could be done for him...


Guantanamo ex-detainee: “Nightmare” over

Longview Daily News


A British resident released from Guantanamo Bay after nearly five years in captivity said Sunday his detention at the U.S. prison camp was ‘profoundly difficult’ to endure, his first comments since his release. Bisher al-Rawi, an Iraqi national, had been held at the U.S. base in Cuba since it opened in 2002, but was reunited with his family in south London this weekend...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Conservatives Decry Terror Laws' Impact on Refugees

Conservatives who supported President Bush's re-election have joined liberal groups in expressing outrage over his administration's broad use of anti-terrorism laws to reject asylum for thousands of people seeking refuge from religious, ethnic and political persecution.


Raids, Reforms, and the Labor Movement

"A program can be developed that represents the interests of established US workers, undocumented immigrants, and Latin Americans. Their interests can be meshed with those of US employers on this issue. The claims of nativist ideologues to speak for American workers can be discredited. If the groundwork for such a program is laid now, the alliance of immigrants and established workers can seize the initiative in shaping progressive immigration legislation in the next few years," write Tim Costello, Jeremy Brecher and Brendan Smith.


Bush Iraq Plan Faces Democratic Challenge

President Bush is telling lawmakers that he will send thousands more US troops to Iraq's two most troubled regions, but before he can unveil the plan it is facing stiff challenges from Congress's majority Democrats.



US strikes Somalia

Fremont Tribune


The U.S. military launched a strike against several suspected members of al-Qaida in Somalia, a government official said Monday night. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the operation's sensitivity, said at least one AC-130 gunship was used in the attack. CNN, NBC and CBS first reported the military action. Citing Pentagon officials, CBS said the targets included the senior al-Qaida leader in East Africa and an al-Qaida operative wanted for his involvement in the 1998 bombings of the American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania...



US Launches Two Airstrikes in Somalia

The US airstrikes come 16 days after Ethiopian forces invaded Somalia to prevent an Islamic movement in the west of the country. The US and Ethiopia both accuse the Islamic group of harboring extremists, among them al-Qaeda suspects.


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Oil giants to profit from law change


Informant: Amy Sasser

From ufpj-news


Strange smells and dead birds frighten many in the age of terror


Fernüberwachung via GSM/UMTS


Working Harder for the Man

"Robert L. Nardelli, the chairman and chief executive of Home Depot, began the new year with a pink slip and a golden parachute. The company handed him a breathtaking $210 million to take a hike. What would he have been worth if he'd done a good job?" asks Bob Herbert.



How to Stop the Planet from Burning

Gore Mobilizes Global Warming Activists

Hundreds of volunteers from across the country have flocked to Nashville this fall and winter and more are here today as part of a grass-roots training effort to spread the word on global warming. They are taking part in Al Gore's The Climate Project, which mushroomed from his documentary, "An Inconvenient Truth."



What Al Gore hasn't told you about global warming

by David Morris


British journalist George Monbiot, author of Heat: How to Stop the Planet from Burning (Doubleday, 2006) has a theory. 'We wish our governments to pretend to act,' he writes. 'We get the moral satisfaction of saying what we know to be right, without the discomfort of doing it. My fear is that the political parties in most rich nations have already recognized this. They know that we want tough targets, but that we also want those targets to be missed. They know that we will grumble about their failure to curb climate change, but that we will not take to the streets. They know that nobody ever rioted for austerity'...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Democrats Want to Permanently Protect ANWR

Opponents of oil drilling in an Alaskan wildlife refuge are going on the offense after playing defense for a quarter of a century. They want the new Democratic Congress to make an oft-challenged drilling ban permanent. Legislation introduced in the House on Friday would make the oil-rich 1.2 million-acre coastal strip of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge a permanently protected wilderness and end repeated efforts to open the area east of the Prudhoe oil field to energy companies.



Bush's Rush to Armageddon

Robert Parry writes: "On January 4, Bush ousted the top two commanders in the Middle East, Generals John Abizaid and George Casey, who had opposed a military escalation in Iraq, and removed Director of National Intelligence John Negroponte, who had stood by intelligence estimates downplaying the near-term threat from Iran's nuclear program. Most Washington observers have treated Bush's shake-up as either routine or part of his desire for a new team to handle his planned 'surge' of US troops in Iraq. But intelligence sources say the personnel changes also fit with a scenario for attacking Iran's nuclear facilities and seeking violent regime change in Syria."


War Could Last Years, Commander Says

The new American operational commander in Iraq said Sunday that even with the additional American troops likely to be deployed in Baghdad under President Bush's new war strategy, it might take another "two or three years" for American and Iraqi forces to gain the upper hand in the war.


Ominous Sign of a Wider War

"The recent replacement of General Abizaid by Admiral Fallon, along with other recent moves announced by the defense secretary, should give deep pause to anyone concerned about the prospect of escalation in the Iraq War. Contrary to the advice given by the Iraq Study Group, Bush appears to be planning for a wider war - with much higher risk of catastrophic failure - not a gradual and dignified withdrawal from the region," writes Michael T. Klare.



'We are on a knife edge, we have to engage Bush'

Global trade talks that are intended to improve the lives of billions of poor people stand on the brink of failure, Peter Mandelson, the European Trade Commissioner, has told The Times.


FTSE100 companies see profits double

New research, estimates that companies in the FTSE100 generated profits after tax of £73.2bn last year, an increase of more than 100 per cent from 2003 levels.


From Information Clearing House

U.S. Arms Sales: Agreements with and Deliveries to Major Clients, 1998-2005

[pdf format]

Pentagon to train a sharper eye on Africa:

One of Donald Rumsfeld's last acts before Robert Gates replaced him last month as Defense secretary was to urge President Bush to let the Pentagon create a new Africa Command to pay more attention to the troubled continent. Mr. Bush is said to have agreed to the idea and is expected announce it early this year.


From Information Clearing House

Bush Senior Early CIA Ties Revealed

Newly released internal CIA documents assert that former president George Herbert Walker Bush's oil company emerged from a 1950's collaboration with a covert CIA officer.


From Information Clearing House

Experts Suggest the CIA, Not Kim Jong-il, is Counterfeiting Dollars

“Sources allege that the CIA prints the falsified 'Supernotes' at a secret facility near Washington to fund covert operations without Congressional oversight.”


From Information Clearing House

Where the Bombs are: ever wondered where all those U.S. nukes are stored?

A new review published in the November/December issue of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists shows that the United States stores its nearly 10,000 nuclear warheads at 18 locations in 12 states and six European countries.


Fallout Calculator

This java-based interactive calculator shows the distribution of fallout, by wind, from nuclear bomb blasts of various yields. In using the calculator, you may select from an assortment of virtual satellite maps of major world cities.


From Information Clearing House

Democrats: Nuclear Iran unacceptable

Iran with nuclear weapons is unacceptable, new House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer told The Jerusalem Post hours after entering the party leadership position. - He also said that the use of force against Teheran remained an option.


U.S. puts squeeze on Iran's oil fields

As Washington wages a very public battle against Iran's quest for nuclear power, it is quietly gaining ground on another energy front: the oil fields that are the Islamic Republic's lifeblood.


From Information Clearing House

War with Iran is imminent

In addition to moving additional military forces into the region, President Bush is putting into place a new political and military command team, all in preparation for an expanded war in the Middle East.


From Information Clearing House

Monica Benderman: Silencing Conscience

What is wrong with a country where a soldier's "dictates of conscience, religion or personal philosophy," personal experiences in combat, and faulty orders from command are irrelevant issues in the defense of that soldier's moral decision to follow his conscience?



Mahathir wants to criminalise war


From Information Clearing House


CIA kidnap victim offered $2 million In hush money

By John Crewdson,

Feb. 17, 2003, is when Abu Omar vanished while walking down a side street in Milan, Italy. Prosecutors in Milan charge that he was kidnapped by the CIA and flown to Egypt, where he has been imprisoned for most of the time since then.



South America: toward an alternative future

Noam Chomsky

The subcontinent, from Venezuela to Argentina, may yet present an example to the world on how to create an alternative future from a legacy of empire and terror.



The Fed’s role in the Housing Crash of ‘07

By Mike Whitney

The American people appear to be oblivious to the economic hurricane which is expected to touchdown in late 2007. That’s when $1 trillion in ARMs (Adjustable Rate Mortgages) will “reset” triggering a massive increase in foreclosures and plunging the country into a deep recession.



Is Bush’s War Winding Down or Heating Up?

The Coming Attack on Iran


What happened to the United States of America?


Bush Pushing America Toward A Police State

by Pastor Chuck Baldwin

However, it is President Bush's preoccupation with turning America into a total surveillance society that separates his administration from any and all others. Before this administration, no conservative president had endorsed the concept of turning the United States into the fulfillment of Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, but that is exactly what G.W. Bush is attempting to do......



The All New And Improved Staying The Course, Now With More LIES

ACTION PAGE: http://www.peaceteam.net/no_escalation.php

Here are three toll-free numbers you can use to call your own members of Congress right now, 800-828-0498, 800-459-1887 or 800-614-2803, and tell them NO ESCALATION.

You will never go broke betting that George Bush is not telling the truth. He may drive the entire rest of the economy into a ditch with his fiscal policy, but if you are banking on the fact that every word out of his mouth is a pathological falsehood, and if there were a bookie to take such wagers, you would always come out ahead. So when he tells us that he has not yet made up his mind about what to do about Iraq, after a month long public song and dance about getting all available input, put all your chips on yet another great, big honking lie.

George Bush decided to send more troops to Iraq months ago and not a thing has changed his mind since. For all his babble about conditions on the ground, and listening to the generals on the GROUND, he has just canned or reassigned all who opposed his proposed new military escalation in Iraq, and is instead importing a guy from on the WATER from the other side of the globe. He literally had to look that far to find an ambitious sycophant craven enough to sign onto his increasingly desperate folly. What a swell choice for desert guerilla warfare, a naval commander.

Brace yourselves folks. There is as much chance of Bush having a change of heart as there is of a rattlesnake starting to feel remorse for biting you. This is the White House version of some thuggish "whatcha gonna do?" They have ALREADY deployed extra troops to Kuwait (Gates' first act as defense secretary) with the transparent intent of shifting them into Iraq. Congress is going to have to put their foot down and put it down hard. They question is exactly how.

We start from the premise that to put a runaway freight train, such as our current sociopath in chief, into reverse, first we must bring it to a halt. There are resolutions possibly pending to demand redeployment of the troops or to cut off funding for the war. We would support any of them. But of course Bush will ignore Congress. The problem is that if Congress attempts to restrict the way funds are spent, Bush will dash off another diametrically perverse signing statement and assert authority to do the opposite anyway. And as for troop deployments, he will laugh off any attempt by Congress to tell him how to run HIS war.

Therefore we propose strategically that there FIRST be a resolution opposing an increase in troops in Iraq, to draw a line in the sand, hopefully to preempt, but at least to respond directly to the announcement we all know is coming. While other resolutions may garner large support, this is a resolution that could potentially result in an enormously lopsided vote. Even Oliver North and George Will are speaking out against Bush's surge insanity. Then WHEN Bush defies the unanimous will of Congress, which he WILL, we will have set the stage for immediate consideration of impeachment, which is the only ultimate cure. Once the battle lines are clearly drawn, George Bush AGAINST us all, everything else will follow from there.

How foolish the Democrats have been in publicly giving away their remedies up front. Impeachment is off the table they say. They won't cut of the funds they say for fear of being seen as not supporting the troops. Pelosi must have said it a dozen times on Meet The Press this weekend, "but we support the troops, but we support the troops." So Bush ships the troops anyway, and then accuses the Democrats of not supporting them after they are already there. What a loser's game.

It all comes down to fear. The Democrats are AFRAID that the American people will not back them. They have a tenuous edge in the Senate, and even in the house they have potted plants like the newly elected Nancy Boyda who actually said about increasing troops, "[the American People] should have thought about that before they voted for President Bush not once, but twice." What's the matter with her? Boy, does she need to hear from us (if you live in Kansas)!! They ALL need to hear from us, in numbers like never before. That is the only antidote against their own political cowardice. Our voices.

ACTION PAGE: http://www.peaceteam.net/no_escalation.php

If you have ever submitted an action page in your life, submit this one. If you have ever sent out an alert to a friend, the people need you this week. If you have ever put up an action page on your own web site, now is the time. We need the ENTIRE Congress to stand up to Bush just one time on SOMETHING. After that, AFTER Congress finally reasserts its constitutional and rightful power, then all the other resolutions will come naturally. And then we can get down to the real and most urgent business of this country, impeaching the president and vice-president before they self-destruct and take us all with them.

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours.

Powered by The People's Email Network Copyright 2006, Patent pending, All rights reserved May be reproduced for activist purposes


Project On Government Oversight Releases Its “Bakers Dozen” of Issues for Congress in 2007


Insurers Increase Profits to Record Levels by Overpricing Policies and Shifting Costs to Consumers and Taxpayers


Cure For Yellow Ribbon Patriotism



Many More Sons Will Die While the Democrats Do Nothing to Stop the War



A 'Surge' in US Troops in Iraq Will Not Bring about Peace



Don't Allow Impeachment of President Bush to Fall off the Table



The Lynching of Iraq sparks broad support for Saddam in Arab world



Did Saddam Die For Our Sins?

More shocking video of Saddam's hanging. Did he die to cover up Western complicity in his crimes?



Execution sparks broad support for Saddam in Arab world

Arizona Daily Sun


Another leaked video from Saddam Hussein's execution carried fresh adulation Monday of the fallen dictator, who in death has become a martyr and hero of Arab nationalism for some in the Middle East. Saddam's stature has grown since his execution -- when he answered insults and taunts with disdain -- overshadowing the memories in much of the Arab world of the massacres and other atrocities committed by his regime...


Several boys die copying Saddam hanging

La Crosse Tribune


The boys’ deaths — scattered in the United States, in Yemen, in Turkey and elsewhere in seemingly isolated horror — had one thing in common: They hanged themselves after watching televised images of Saddam Hussein’s execution. Officials and relatives say the children appeared to be mimicking the former dictator’s Dec. 30 hanging, shown both on a sanitized Iraqi government tape and explicit clandestine videos that popped up on Web sites and some TV channels...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Tax Cuts Offer Most for Very Rich, Study Says

Tax Cuts Offer Most for Very Rich, Study Says

Gates Foundation Money Clashes with Mission

Droit naturel et Droit fondé sur la loi

Dr Claude Monnet, vice-président de Next-up.

Act Now! Protect Furnace Creek from Off-Road Vehicle Abuse


Der Zugang zu den Sozialgerichten soll auf Initiative von CDU/FDP-regierten Bundesländern kräftig verbaut werden

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

der Zugang zu den Sozialgerichten soll auf Initiative von CDU/FDP-regierten Bundesländern hin durch Sozialgerichtsgebühren und zusätzliche Gebühren für Anträge auf Prozesskostenhilfe für Alg-II-Bezieher/innen, Sozialrentner/inne/n und andere Betroffene (z.B. Geringverdiener/innen) kräftig verbaut werden. Auch der Zugang zu anderen Gerichten würde durch die Antragsgebühren bei der Prozesskostenhilfe für Bezieher/innen niedriger Einkommen erheblich erschwert werden. Ein entsprechender Gesetzesentwurf wurde von der Bundesratsmehrheit beschlossen und liegt nun dem Bundestag vor (mehr: siehe Link).

Der ver.di-Bundeserwerbslosenausschuss hat auf seiner letzten Sitzung beschlossen, mit Informationen und Aktionen (Unterschriftensammlung u.a.m.) auf den Skandal aufmerksam zu machen. Unter < http://erwerbslose.verdi.de/sgg > haben wir Informationen und eine Unterschriftenliste per Internet zur Verfügung gestellt.

Wir würden uns freuen, wenn das Thema auf die eine oder andere Weise aufgegriffen würde. Für Rückfragen stehen wir gern zur Verfügung.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen - Bernhard Jirku

Bernhard Jirku
Tel.: 030 - 6956 - 1413, - 2001; Fax.: 030 - 6956 - 3211
Postanschrift: ver.di-Bundesverwaltung, Ressort 11, 10112 Berlin erwerbslose @verdi.de - http://www.verdi.de/erwerbslose - http://www.darum-verdi.de
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Phone mast under scrutiny

PLANNING councillors in Burnley will this week consider an application for a mobile phone mast at the junction of Rossendale Road and Manchester Road.

"The equipment is required to provide 3G coverage for the Vodafone telecommunications network in the Rosehill area," says a report going before Burnley Council's development control committee on Thursday evening.

The mast, which is recommended for approval, would be 10m high, support three antenna and be designed to blend in by looking like a street light. Seven letters from residents have been received, objecting on health grounds, saying the site was not the best option, would attract vandals and would be unsightly.

09 January 2007

All rights reserved © 2007 Johnston Press Digital Publishing.


Mast gets bad reception

By Lyndsay Scanlan

STUDENTS have hit out at plans to erect a phone mast close to New College.

Mobile phone company 3G is planning to locate the mast in the middle of Queens Drive between New College and Churchfields School.

Students say their health could be jeopardised by the mast and say they are willing to back a protest against it, which was started at the weekend.

As reported yesterday, residents living in the Queens Drive area are being urged to join a campaign to stop a phone mast being erected on their doorsteps.

Coun Peter Mallinson (Con, Walcot) says the 15-metre high pole, which transmits low-level radiation, could endanger peoples' lives if Swindon Council's planning committee allows it to go ahead.

He wants everyone living in the area to join forces to put pressure on the committee to throw the application out. Advertisement continued...

And students at New College say he is doing the right thing.

"I can't believe the company is planning to put the mast between two places full of young people and so close to homes," said 18-year-old Harriet Feltham.

"I travel in to college from Bath but I don't want to get here to be subjected to radiation.

"I would definitely support a protest against the mast because you can't just sit back and let things like this happen."

Anton Sieluzycki, 18, of Rodbourne, said: "The radiation from the masts is bad. I don't want cancer and just because the health effects haven't been proved doesn't mean they don't exist."

Other students say they don't think they need a mast in the area.

"I've never heard anyone say they can't get mobile phone coverage in this area on any network so there doesn't really seem any point for the mast," said Sharna Manners, 18, of Stratton.

Phil Hazelton, 17, of Lawn, says he doesn't have any objections to the mast being erected in principle but says it is not the best location.

"There must be other places to put the mast that are not so close to the school and our college," he said.

"It seems like one of the worst locations you could have."

Others think it will be a target for vandals.

"If the mast goes up someone will just vandalise it and make it look even worse than it would anyway," said 18-year-old Matthew Hall, of Gorse Hill.

New College has received notification of the plans from 3G and principal Graham Taylor wants to know if his students are at risk.

"We have done a lot of research into the health dangers associated with mobile phone masts and current research suggests that there is no increased danger to our students' health," he said.

"However we will be taking a precautionary approach to the proposed erection of a mobile phone mast and will be taking guidance from the local council and health and safety executive."

Later this week Coun Mallinson will be delivering 150 letters to residents living in the area close to where 3G wants to locate the mast.

"If I was a young person I would be extremely worried if I had to walk past the mast like this which is sending out radiation that you can't see, you can't touch and that you can't taste," he said.

"I think the students are right in being cautious. This is not a crackpot thing. It is a really worrying phenomenon and we must be cautious."

He added: "This week I will be asking residents to sign a petition and in the next couple of weeks I am hoping to organise a public meeting to discuss the issue."

3G was unavailable for comment.

© Copyright 2001-2007 Newsquest Media Group


Mobiles mast row looming

Jan 9 2007

By Tony Henderson, The Journal

Another row is looming over plans for a mobile phone mast near a Metro station.

Last week North Tyneside councillors turned down a bid by T-Mobile for a mast near the entrance to Cullercoats Metro station after local people formed an action group and 162 letters of objection and a 315-signature petition were lodged.

Now T-Mobile is behind another application for a 10-metre mast near the Grade II-star listed Tynemouth station, built in 1882, which is in a conservation area and is considered to be a fine surviving example of Victorian railway architecture. Metro operator Nexus has said that it intends to continue identifying plots of land on the system which can be leased for masts.

But Martin Donkin, spokesman for the Cullercoats group, predicted that Nexus will face plot by plot opposition.

He said: "If Nexus persists with this it will be a huge mistake. They will face determined opposition right along the line and across the whole system. This is a thorough disregard for people's welfare while the jury is out on the health issues concerning these masts.

"Metro stations are by their nature sited in densely populated areas. We should look at what happens in other European countries where there are exclusion zones for masts and they are sited carefully away from people.

"The Cullercoats mast was turned down because it would have been unsightly and ugly. It was also in a populated area and what was the case in Cullercoats will be doubly so in Tynemouth. We ask why should people have to spend months of their time opposing these schemes?" The independent co-ed King's School is adjacent to the station and headmaster Phillip Cantwell said: "We have 900 pupils from four to 18 years and Tynemouth Priory Primary School and a nursery are also in close proximity.

"There is no conclusive research yet which shows that there is not a negative impact on children's learning and behaviour and we will be objecting on behalf of the children in the school."

Ylana First, secretary of the Friends of Tynemouth Station, said: "I am against this when we don't know what the health effects of phone masts will be and it could also affect the appearance of a listed building."

Tynemouth Village Association secretary Joyce Jewitt said: "We will be objecting. We do not want these masts in our village. The station is listed and we do not want its setting jeopardised.

"Until the full effects are known health-wise they should err on the side of caution."

Paul Aitken, property manager at Bedlington-based Station Developments, which owns the station, said: "We would be concerned at the impact on what is a listed building."

Nexus spokesman Huw Lewis said: "We are working with outside contractors who are experts in this field and we are satisfied there are no public health issues arising from this programme, either for our passengers or neighbours. Any proposed mast would have to achieve planning permission from the local authority in the normal way and fall within national and local planning guidelines."

A T-Mobile spokesman said: "To have an effective mobile phone network we need mobile phone masts. When they are sited close to a community some people do have strong views and we try to be sensitive to these. But we believe health concerns are covered by a World Health Organisation statement that says that research to date does not point to any health concerns regarding masts."

Omega this is not true. See under:

© owned by or licensed to NCJ Media Limited 2007

http://tinyurl.com/y6s4jq (excerpt)

A Century of Interventionism and Regime Change



The Curse of Saddam



The execution of Saddam Hussein


Iraq PM's Stand on Saddam Death Reminds of Former Regime: HRW


Hey, Democrats: here's exactly how to impeach Bush



'The Bush-Cheney faction has already won the war in Iraq'


From ufpj-news

Informant: Charles Jenks

US twisting arms to fill 'Fortress Baghdad,' world's largest embassy


From ufpj-news

Informant: Charles Jenks


US Twists Civilian Arms to Fill Fortress Baghdad


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