Montag, 8. Januar 2007

Rachel's News #888

The Rich Stand Accused

What do global warming, pollution of the atmosphere, streams, rivers and oceans, the exhaustion of natural resources, the accelerated extinctions of species, deforestation, the liberation of GMO into the environment, and - coming soon - the infinitely small and practically undetectable pollution of nano-materials have in common? Capitalism and the oligarchy that profits from it, as first cause, answers Herve Kempf in a bombshell book published in Paris by Editions du Seuil.

War's Toll on Iraqis Put at 22,950 in '06

More than 17,000 Iraqi civilians and police officers died violently in the latter half of 2006, according to Iraqi Health Ministry statistics - a sharp increase that coincided with rising sectarian strife since the February bombing of a landmark Shiite shrine.

"Soziales Mäntelchen": SPD beschließt "Bremer Entwurf"


Der SPD-Parteivorstand hat am Samstag den Entwurf eines neuen Grundsatzprogramms beschlossen. Der "Bremer Entwurf" formuliere auf der festen Wertebasis von Freiheit, Gerechtigkeit und Solidarität die politischen Ziele und Wege für die Soziale Demokratie im 21. Jahrhundert, sagte der SPD-Vorsitzende Kurt Beck. Unter dem Motto "Eintreten für die Soziale Demokratie" wolle die SPD die Bürgerinnen und Bürger auffordern, politisch für die Soziale Demokratie einzutreten, "und wir werben darum, dass sie als Mitglied in die SPD eintreten". Es sei "das erste und einzige Parteiprogramm Deutschlands, das eine soziale und positive Globalisierungsstrategie beinhaltet". Der stellvertretende Vorsitzende der Linksfraktion, Klaus Ernst, meint, an die Bremer Erklärung der SPD glaube "kein Mensch".

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

More controversial McCain campaign hires: will the media continue to ignore?

Informant: bigraccoon

Der gläserne Patient

Die "elektronische lebensbegleitende Gesundheitsakte" (ELGA), die in Österreich wie in anderen EU-Ländern eingeführt werden soll, ist eines der größten IT-Projekte, verspricht mehr Effizienz und manche Vorteile, aber es mehren sich auch die Probleme.

Widerstand gegen die G8 - Für eine Globalisierung von unten!


Aktionskonferenz: Wir bitten die G8 um nichts

„Zur 3. Aktionskonferenz zur Vorbereitung der Protesten gegen den G8 2007 versammelten sich vom 13.-15.4. etwa 400 AktivistInnen aus allen Spektren der Gipfelmobilisierung. Inhaltliche Widersprüche wurden bearbeitet, die Solidarität untereinander gestärkt und vor allem wurden ganz viele praktische Planungen für die Aktionen im Juni 2007 besprochen. Bevor es am Sonntag zum öffentlichen Aktionstraining der Kampagne Block G8 und zum gemeinsamen Zaunspaziergang nach Heiligendamm ging, formulierte die Aktionskonferenz in einer Abschlusserklärung noch einmal die entschiedene Gegnerschaft zur G8 und ihrer Politik…“ Kurzbericht und Abschlusserklärung von „“ vom 16.04.2007 bei indymedia

Proteste für Agrarreformen und wider die Agrarpolitik der G8

„Am heutigen weltweiten Aktionstag des Kleinbauernnetzwerks La Via Campesina wird es in Deutschland zahlreiche Aktionen für umfassende Agrarreformen geben. In Berlin organisieren die Menschenrechtsorganisation FIAN, das Aktionsnetzwerk globale Landwirtschaft und die Arbeitsgemeinschaft bäuerliche Landwirtschaft (AbL) einen „Marsch der Landlosen“. Der Protestmarsch führt vorbei am Landwirtschaftsministerium (BMELV) sowie Entwicklungsministerium (BMZ) und endet mit einer symbolischen Landnahme am Potsdamer Platz. Die VeranstalterInnen wollen damit auf Verletzungen des Menschenrechts auf Nahrung und die Gefährdung von Kleinbauern und -bäuerinnen, bäuerlichen Betrieben, LandarbeiterInnen und Landlosen weltweit aufmerksam machen…“ Pressemitteilung der Pressegruppe CampInski vom 16.04.2007

Gewerkschaften rufen nicht zum Protest gegen G8-Gipfel auf

„Die Gewerkschaften beteiligen sich nicht an den Protestaufrufen gegen den G8-Gipfel Anfang Juni in Heiligendamm bei Rostock. Der Deutsche Gewerkschaftsbund setze vielmehr auf direkte Kontakte zur politischen Ebene, sagte der DGB-Abteilungsleiter Internationales, Wolfgang Lutterbach. So würden die Gewerkschaftschefs noch vor dem Gipfel mit Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel zusammenkommen. Die IG Metall und die Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft beteiligen sich jedoch am Gegengipfel in Rostock.“ dpa-Meldung vom 14. April 2007

G8-Mobilisierungsclip ist fertig!

Der Mobilisierungsclip zu den in eineinhalb Monaten stattfindenden G8-Protesten ist fertig und ab heute online! Der Clip wurde von der G8-KulturAG des Rostockbündnisses spektrenübergreifend produziert und warten auf vielfälltige Verwendung

Der Clip wird zusammen mit weiteren Filmen & Trailern Teil, des um den
1.Mai herum veröffentlichen Solisamplers sein, den ihr hier vorbestellen könnt ( ) und dessen Einnahmen vor allem den Kulturaktivitäten dienen sollen, die entlang der Protestcamps in und um Rostock stattfinden werden.

Aus: LabourNet, 17. April 2007


Gewerkschaften rufen nicht zum Protest gegen G8-Gipfel auf

Landeserwerbslosenausschuß Baden–Württemberg protestiert beim DGB

Aus dem Text des Briefes an Michael Sommer, veschlossen am 19.4.07 durch den Landeserwerbslosenausschuß Baden–Württemberg: „… aus der Presse haben wir entnommen, dass die DGB Spitze nicht zu den Protestveranstaltungen gegen den G 8 – Gipfel bereit ist aufzurufen. Statt dessen, willst Du Dich am 07. Mai 07 mit der Bundeskanzlerin Merkel zu einem Gespräch treffen. Wenn der DGB Vorsitzende Gespräche mit der Bundeskanzlerin führt, so ist es nicht falsch, gleichzeitig Druck auf der Straße zu machen und zu Protesten gegen den G 8 – Gipfel aufzurufen. Der ver.di Landeserwerbslosenausschuss Baden – Württemberg erwartet vom DGB Bundesvorstand einen Aufruf zu Protesten aus Anlass des G 8 –Gipfels.“

Aus: LabourNet, 23. April 2007

Letter to Prime Minister Stephen Harper

Conservationists Say Oil Hunt Damages Congo Park

Informant: binstock

Record Temperatures Across Himalayans Spark Climate Change Fears

Informant: binstock

Acts of Tyranny

Informant: rafeswhiterose


Texas Prison Camp Future American Gulag?

Feds Want Your Internet Records

The federal government wants your Internet provider to keep track of every web site you visit. For more than a year, the US Justice Department has been in discussions with Internet companies and privacy rights advocates, trying to come up with a plan that would make it easier for investigators to check records of web traffic.

Unable to see Somalia except through the lens of the "war on terror," the U.S. will surely make matters worse

Destabilizing The Horn

Democrats should take a principled stand on foreign police not look to the polls

National Security Temptations

Zalmay Khalilzad, who defends bombing civilians, moves from Iraq to the United Nations

U.N. Ambassador's Oily Past


A MOBILE phone mast plan for the roof of a pub neighbouring shops, homes and nurseries will NOT go ahead, its owners have decided.

The news has been hailed as 'sensational' by campaigners who opposed the Hutchinson 3G application for the Tally Ho pub in Church Street, Old Town.

The phone company had asked Tally Ho owners Punch Taverns if they could put a 10-metre high roof mounted flagpole mast containing three antennae, one 200mm dish antenna and radio equipment.

Liberal Democrat Parliamentary challenger and Old Town resident Stephen Lloyd had urged objectors to write to Punch Taverns.

A reply to him this week stated, "I'm writing in reply to your letter about the proposed installation of a mobile phone mast on the Tally Ho in Eastbourne.

"We've now considered this application in detail and have decided not to proceed for operational reasons."

Mr Lloyd said, "This is sensational news and a wonderful Christmas present for local residents.

"However, though we have won this one it is important we remain vigilant. The council has confirmed to me the planning application is still going ahead on January 9 because though Punch Taverns have formally withdrawn, if the application is passed they may choose to come back at some time in the future.

"On that basis I will still be speaking against the mobile mast application at the planning meeting and presenting the petitions signed by so many local residents who made their opposition crystal clear."

Many campaigners were concerned about unproven health risks associated with living or working near masts.

Mr Lloyd, together with other campaigners Andrew Goodwin and Carolyn Heaps, collected more than 170 signatures on a petition against the mast.

He asked objectors to write to Eastbourne Borough Council and Punch Taverns with their views.

Mr Lloyd said, "My thinking was that if large numbers of potential customers wrote directly to the chief executive of Punch Taverns, he would soon get the message and think twice before agreeing to take the money and install a mobile phone mast at the pub.

"It is fantastic news for local residents that this tactic has worked.

"This is a sensational development and I'd like to pay tribute to all those who responded so quickly to my request.

"I'd particularly like to thank Old Town resident Nigel Stead for all the effort he put in helping me rally the support of local residents.

"This is a great result for people power. I showed it could be done with B&Q, and now the same has been achieved with this mobile phone application.

"Here's hoping that 2007 sees us achieving the same result the whole town is working so hard for; stopping the cuts at DGH."

A Punch Taverns spokesperson said, "We can confirm that our application has been withdrawn due to operations reasons."

08 January 2007

All rights reserved © 2007 Johnston Press Digital Publishing.

Negroponte Replacement Outsourced Intelligence to Private Firms

J. Michael McConnell, in line to become the nation's top intelligence official, has been a leading figure in outsourcing US intelligence operations to private industry.

Saddam Aides "to Die This Week"

The Iraqi government has said that the executions of two senior associates of former leader Saddam Hussein will take place some time during the week. This is despite an appeal from the new UN secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, that they should not go ahead.

Iraqi Prime Minister Reveals US Crackdown

Bush's apparent determination to send extra troops, rather than set a timetable for withdrawal, represents a rejection of the Iraq Study Group report, and sets the stage for a major battle between a House and Senate newly under Democratic control. Iraq's Shia prime minister, Nouri al-Maliki, pre-empted Bush's statement by announcing that Iraqi security forces, backed by Americans, were about to implement a major crackdown on illegal armed groups from all sectarian factions in Baghdad. Maliki's speech was a US condition for deploying extra troops, insisted on by Bush in a two-hour teleconference with Maliki last Thursday.

FEINGOLD To Introduce Legislation Establishing Timetable For Iraqi Withdrawal

Informant: ranger116

McCain's urge to surge

by John Dickerson


It's John McCain's war now. Next week, President Bush will announce a troop surge of between 20,000 and 40,000 troops, according to those who have been briefed on outlines of the plan. Though the president will give the speech, McCain is the politician whose career most depends on it. The senator has been advocating more troops since August of 2003. ... McCain has long benefited from being a supporter of the war but a critic of the tactics. Now they are his tactics, and his political neck is on the line...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

A legacy of torture

by Ron Jacobs


In today's world where torture and complicity in torture by various agents of the US government is part of the headlines on a regular basis, it seems that very few US citizens believe that methods like waterboarding, beating, electrical shocks and other methods would be used on US citizens. Indeed, the revelations by Jose Padilla concerning his treatment by US agents as a so-called enemy combatant barely made the news. Of course, there are those in this country who see nothing wrong with torturing (or even killing) supposed enemies and wrongdoers if such methods extract information. This is true even though intelligence experts state repeatedly that information extracted through torture is usually unreliable, if not just plain false. What is more shocking, though, are the large numbers of US citizens who are in some way upset that their government is torturing people in their name, yet do nothing to stop said torture either out of a greater fear or some level of apathy or impotence...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The narrative imperative

Tom Paine
by Bill Moyers


It seems only yesterday that the Trojan horse of conservatism was hauled into Washington to disgorge Newt Gingrich, Tom DeLay, Ralph Reed, Grover Norquist and their hearty band of ravenous predators masquerading as a political party of small government, fiscal restraint and moral piety and promising 'to restore accountability to Congress ... [and] make us all proud again of the way free people govern themselves.' Well, the long night of the junta is over, and Democrats are ebullient as they prepare to take charge of the multi-trillion-dollar influence racket that we used to call the U.S. Congress. Let them rejoice while they can, as long as they remember that while they ran some good campaigns, they have arrived at this moment mainly because George W. Bush lost a war most people have come to believe should never have been fought in the first place...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

For the sake of my son, close Guantanamo

Common Dreams
by Adele Welty


On September 11th, 2001, my son, Firefighter Timothy Welty, was lost in the line of duty at the World Trade Center. He died trying to rescue those trapped in the burning towers. He risked his life because of his commitment to preserving life, because he had a reverence for the value of every human being. I am traveling to Cuba to stand outside the gates of Guantanamo and call for this prison to be shut down because this prison conjures up a caustic connection to September 11th by justifying the inhumane and unwarranted treatment of many innocent individuals, in the names of my son and all those precious souls we lost that day...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Defund the war

by Justin Raimondo


We are told that cutting off the funding for the war means not 'supporting the troops,' but this is another bipartisan lie: the money for ongoing military operations in 2007 is already in the pipeline: HR5631, the Defense Department appropriations bill authorizing spending on Iraq and Afghanistan for this year, passed overwhelmingly, 394-22, with the full support of the Democratic leadership. So what is Nancy nattering on about? The idea that, if Congress cuts the funding, the GIs will soon run out of bullets and body armor is complete BS. That's what they want you to believe so they can sit on their hands while the casualties pile up and the war spreads beyond the boundaries of Iraq...

Defund the war

by US Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX)


Congress failed to meet its responsibilities four years ago, unconstitutionally transferring its explicit war power to the executive branch. Even though the administration started the subsequent preemptive war in Iraq, Congress bears the greatest responsibility for its lack of courage in fulfilling its duties. Since then Congress has obediently provided the funds and troops required to pursue this illegitimate war. We won’t solve the problems in Iraq until we confront our failed policy of foreign interventionism. This latest appropriation does nothing to solve our dilemma. Micromanaging the war while continuing to fund it won’t help our troops. Here’s a new approach: Congress should admit its mistake and repeal the authority wrongfully given to the executive branch in 2002. Repeal the congressional sanction and disavow presidential discretion in starting wars. Then start bringing our troops home...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bush's dusty veto pen may soon get busy

USA Today


President Bush has vetoed just one bill in nearly six years in office. That soon may change. As newly empowered Democrats forge ahead with their own agenda, some items may make it to his desk as prime candidates for veto. One might be a recycled version of the stem-cell funding bill that drew Bush's lone veto last July. Other possibilities include measures that would raise the minimum wage without offsetting tax breaks for businesses, fully put in place the Sept. 11 commission's recommendations and curb oil-industry subsidies...

Pelosi's crucial test

San Francisco Chronicle


President Bush and the new Congress are on a collision course over Iraq that could overshadow the Democrats' '100-hour agenda' and end up defining Rep. Nancy Pelosi's tenure as House speaker. Even as the House takes steps this week to raise the minimum wage, expand stem cell research, strengthen homeland security and lower prescription drug prices -- an ambitious lineup -- much of the nation's focus will be on Bush, who is expected to deliver a major address to outline the future of American involvement in Iraq. If the president, as expected, announces his intention to deploy as many as 20,000 additional U.S. troops in Iraq, he may encounter widespread political and public defiance... [editor's note: "May encounter"? Good God, I hope so! - SAT]

One hundred hours down the drain

by Brian M. Doherty


The First Hundred Hours have begun. (Lest anyone wonder why they aren't already over, new Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi meant congressional working hours, not real hours.) We've seen Pelosi show exactly how much her own wonderfulness needs to be celebrated -- and her grandiose tendency to think of herself as Mangog-like living embodiment of all the glories and splendors of her entire gender. But what of the Democrat's 100 Hours agenda, past celebrating Pelosi-hood? It's not worth the cannoli with which it was launched...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The exodus of academics has lowered educational standards

"You are on the list of the teachers who are going to be killed this month for not obeying our demands to leave Iraq," said a hand-written letter which was left at Dr Hamida Bakri's door. Now the 41-year old professor of gynecology at the college of medicine at the University of Baghdad, is ready to leave the country with her family before death threats become reality. She said two of her colleagues had already been killed. According to the Ministry of Higher Education, at least 280 academics have been killed since the US-led invasion in 2003 by insurgents and militias. "The targeting of such academics is generating a mess in our country. The health and educational systems are depleted of good professionals. Nearly one third of those living in Iraq before 2003 have fled violence," said Dr. Mustafa Jaboury, a research investigator at the Ministry of Higher Education.

Displaced urge Iraqi Red Crescent to return to work

Displaced families in the capital, Baghdad, have urged the Iraqi Red Crescent Society to continue supporting people who have been displaced as a result of sectarian violence. "We need urgent help because since the [Red Crescent] volunteers in the capital stopped their work, we have been seriously suffering with the lack of assistance, medical care at camps, and especially food," said Ibraheem Rabia'a, a displaced metal-worker who acts as a spokesperson for a group of 120 families living in abandoned government buildings on the outskirts of the capital. According to the Brookings Institution, 650,000 Iraqis are internally displaced, living in camps or abandoned buildings.

Baghdad 2025: The Pentagon Solution to a Planet of Slums

"So you think that American troops, fighting in the urban maze of Baghdad's huge Shiite slum, Sadr City, add up to nothing more than a horrible mistake, an unexpected fiasco?" asks Nick Turse in this chilling look at the Pentagon's urban warfare visions. "The Pentagon begs to differ. While the Joint Forces Command may already be war-gaming the 2015 Battle for Baghdad, right now it looks like the U.S. military will have trouble hanging on there for even a couple of more years. Still, if present plans become reality, odds are U.S. military planners will be attempting to occupy some city, in some fashion, come 2015 and 2025. In the future, as the Army's new Urban Operations Manual puts it, 'every Soldier - regardless of branch or military occupational specialty - must be committed and prepared to close with and kill or capture threat forces in an urban environment.'"

Support Michael Herring, Richmond VA, Commonwealth Attorneys Office to Prosecute Dog Fighter

A message from Rosemary

Original Message

Support Michael Herring, Richmond VA, Commonwealth Attorneys Office to Prosecute Dog Fighter

Stacey Miller of Richmond is charged with the crime of dog fighting. His case will be heard on Jan. 9 and 10, 2007. Michael, Herring, Commonwealth's Attorney of Richmond, is prosecuting the case. Let Mr. Herring know how important a conviction and heavy penalty are to you.

A note from Sylva (the petition's sponsor):

This is a window of opportunity to show support in requesting maximum sentencing allowed for this sort of human element. 45 signatures are NOT GOING TO DO IT. Please, please sign and pass this to the moon and back, I will have to fax this to Mr. Herring’s Office first thing Monday and first thing Tuesday a.m. so that at least he can relay to the presiding judge that many people are watching and looking for stiffer sentences concerning this sort of offensive and disgusting activity. If you are in the Richmond area I would highly recommend that you attend if you are able to. Banning dogs is not going to solve any problem, getting the perpetrators that fight will slow down and hopefully eliminate this at some point. I would like each and every one of you to remember the listings that are posted on dogs that have been used for bait, with missing ears, punctures all over their bodies and for those that have been so ruined by these people that they have to be killed because they are no longer adoptable. I don’t know if you remember Rufus on PBRC who had his entire face removed due to fighting, it is because of people like this man that Rufus paid with his life and countless other dogs that are killed because they won’t fight or are so damaged they must be euthanized once found by Animal Control. Dogs that are starved, made to run on treadmills for hours on end, isolated, chained, pumped full of steroids….having their teeth filed (bait dogs) so they can’t fight back and are thrown in between two others to teach them how to fight, all the puppies and kittens that are used for bait, dying in the most horrendous way.

Predatory oligarchy the principal agent of global crisis

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Residents urged to protest against mast

»Noch ist Bush immun«

Gespräch mit Wolfgang Kaleck von Dietmar Jochum in junge Welt vom
06.01.2007. Über Folter in den US-Militärlagern Abu Ghraib und Guantánamo, die Aussichten seiner Klage gegen Exverteidigungsminister Rumsfeld und warum auch Washingtons Oberbefehlshaber nicht sicher vor ihm ist

Schlimme Zahlen eines Krieges. Viele sterben, noch mehr werden verletzt. Wie viele GIs als psychische Wracks heimkehren, weiß keiner

„3.000 US-Soldaten im Irak sind gestorben, über 22.000 sind verletzt aus dem Irak zurückgekehrt - und noch viel mehr der inzwischen rund eine Million Irakkriegsveteranen in den USA leiden unter PTSD, der "Posttraumatischen Belastungsstörung", wie es im Medizinerdeutsch heißt…“ Artikel von Bernd Pickert in der taz vom 2.1.2007

Siehe dazu:

Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung. Die Seite zum Thema bei Wikipedia

National Center for PTSD. Die Seite des US-Verteidigungsministeriums speziell zum Thema. Viele Flugblätter und medizinische Berichte zum Thema PTSD sowie zum Krieg im Irak, selbstverständlich aus der Sicht der Militärs

Aus: LabourNet, 8. Januar 2007

Stoppt Folter im "Krieg gegen den Terror"

„Europäische Flughäfen sind Drehscheiben für Verschleppungsflüge der CIA. Beamte deutscher und europäischer Nachrichtendienste nutzten erfolterte Geständnisse. Eine erleichterte Abschiebung von Terrorverdächtigen ist Praxis in der gesamten EU, oft in Länder, die für Folter bekannt sind. EU-Staaten verlassen sich auf „Diplomatische Zusicherungen“, dass Abgeschobene nicht gefoltert werden. Damit haben sich die europäischen Regierungen zu Komplizen bei den Menschenrechtsverletzungen im Antiterrorkampf der USA gemacht…“ EU-Kampagne von amnesty international

Aus: LabourNet, 8. Januar 2007

2,46 Euro pro Stunde: "Dumpinglöhne" in Hamburger Hotels


2,46 Euro pro Stunde - "Dumpinglöhne" in Hamburger Hotels

„Beauftragte Reinigungsfirma verteidigt sich: Andere Unternehmen zahlten noch weniger. In Hamburg arbeiten Reinigungskräfte in Luxushotels zum Teil für weniger als 2,50 Euro pro Stunde. Das ergibt sich nach Berechnungen des Deutschen Gewerkschaftsbundes (DGB) aus dem Fall einer jungen Frau, die Ende 2006 im Dorint am Alten Wall für die Reinigung der Zimmer verantwortlich war. Die 23-jährige Antonia H. arbeitete im November laut DGB 168 Stunden an 21 Tagen in dem Fünf-Sterne-Hotel als Reinigungskraft. Dennoch bekam sie ausweislich der Monatsabrechnung, die dem Abendblatt vorliegt, lediglich 413,18 Euro brutto - und damit einen durchschnittlichen Brutto-Stundenlohn von 2,46 Euro. Als sich H. bei der Firma beschwerte, sagte diese eine Nachzahlung zu - und schickte postwendend die Kündigung…“ Artikel von Jens Meyer-Wellmann im Hamburger Abendblatt vom 08.01.2007

Siehe dazu auch:

Sie putzte für 2,46 Euro pro Stunde

Antonia H. wurde gekündigt, als sie sich wehrte - laut Gewerkschaft eine gängige Praxis. Auch mangelnde Kontrolle beim Kombilohn-Modell wird kritisiert. Artikel von Jens Meyer-Wellmann im Hamburger Abendblatt vom 08.01.2007

Aus: LabourNet, 9. Januar 2007

Mike McConnell: der Spion, der als IT-Consultant kam


Senate Regrets the Vote to Enter Iraq

Informant: Amy Sasser

From ufpj-news

Criminal Money Laundering Legislation

Back to the roots?

#Die Linkspartei.PDS: Pressemitteilungen

08. Januar 2007

Zu den Ergebnissen der Klausur des SPD-Vorstandes erklärt der Parteivorsitzende Lothar Bisky:

Wie viel von den Bremer Beschlüssen Regierungspolitik wird, bleibt abzuwarten. Im ersten Jahr der großen Koalition wurde der Sozialstaat weiter abgebaut. Ich erinnere nur an die unsäglichen Beschlüsse zur Rente mit 67, zur Halbierung des Sparerfreibetrages, zur Kürzung der Pendlerpauschale und des Kindergeldes u.a.m. Die von der Regierung vorgelegte Gesundheitsreform wird die Gesundheitsversorgung der Bürgerinnen und Bürger weder sozialer noch gerechter machen. Und wenn SPD und CDU in diesen Wochen um die Gesundheitsreform streiten, geht es nicht um bessere medizinische Versorgung, sondern vorrangig um machtpolitisches Kalkül und Lobbyinteressen. Für soziale Gerechtigkeit ist die Agenda 2010 der falsche Ansatz. Das haben die vergangenen Jahre gezeigt, in denen der Reichtum größer und die Armen zahlreicher wurden. Die SPD will jetzt stärker auf Soziales achten. Das begrüße ich. Wir werden sie regelmäßig daran erinnern.

Next-up News n°149

FBI to store arrivals' full fingerprints

AUSTRALIANS face having the fingerprints of both hands scanned on arrival in the United States and the details stored on an FBI database, under a reported security crackdown in the country's airports. Citizens of Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Britain and other European nations would be subject to the new requirement, the report suggests.

From Information Clearing House

Pentagon Advisor Doubts Wisdom of U.S. Military's Recruiting Muslims

Retired Lieutenant Colonel Bob Maginnis, a Pentagon advisor and national defense expert, believes U.S. military officials are making a radical mistake by trying to make America's armed services more attractive to Muslims.

From Information Clearing House

Tortured in the death chamber

THE EXECUTION system was halted last month in three states that account for almost a third of prisoners awaiting the sentence of death.

From Information Clearing House

Bayer Dumps AIDS Infected Drugs On European and Asian Markets

Bayer Corporation knowingly dumped medicine that was contaminated with the AIDS virus on the European and Asian market after it killed people in America.

Poor Getting Poorer As Economy Grows

Why, in a country where the economy has grown by leaps and bounds and social spending has increased steadily for decades, do the richest Costa Ricans keep getting richer and the poorest 20% keep slipping further into poverty?

From Information Clearing House


Wall Street moves in for the kill

by Michael Hudson


Former Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson wrote an op-ed in The New York Times yesterday, February 16 outlining how to put the U.S. economy on rations. Not in those words, of course. Just the opposite: If the government hadn’t bailed out Wall Street’s bad loans, he claims, ‘unemployment could have exceeded the 25 per cent level of the Great Depression.’ Without wealth at the top, there would be nothing to trickle down. The reality, of course, is that bailing out casino capitalist speculators on the winning side of A.I.G.’s debt swaps and CDO derivatives didn’t save a single job...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

When Manila dared behave contrary to US orders there had to be revenge

Bush pledged to give the Philippines every assistance in his flailing, stumblebum "war on terror"--except when its government doesn't do exactly what Washington demands. When Manila dared behave contrary to US orders there had to be revenge.

Russian anger over new US sanctions

Russia has accused the US of illegally imposing sanctions on some Russian military firms which Washington says were co-operating with Iran and Syria.

From Information Clearing House

Don’t Forget the Greatest Crime

Prior to the elections, Republicans attempted to take trump out of the Democrat’s hands by warning the public of Democratic designs to launch bitter partisan investigations of the Bush administration, possibly including impeachment hearings. Horrors! Democrats duly took notice.

Marines' Photos Provide Graphic Evidence in Haditha Probe

Among the images, there is a young boy with a picture of a helicopter on his pajamas, slumped over, his face and head covered in blood. There is a mother lying on a bed, arms splayed, the bodies of three young children huddled against her right side.

Who benefits from escalating chaos in Iraq?

By Rep. Ron Paul

We have performed a tremendous service for both bin Laden and Ahmadinejad, and it will cost us plenty. The violent reaction to our complicity in the execution of Saddam Hussein is yet to come.

New Iraqi oil law reveals much

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news


Blood And Oil: How the West will profit from Iraq's most precious commodity

By The Independent

A new law that would give Western oil companies a massive share in the third largest reserves in the world. To the victors, the oil? That is how some experts view this unprecedented arrangement with a major Middle East oil producer that guarantees investors huge profits for the next 30 years.


New Oil Law Means Victory in Iraq for Bush

Chris Floyd reports: "The reason that George W. Bush insists that 'victory' is achievable in Iraq is not that he is deluded or isolated or ignorant or detached from reality or ill-advised. No, it's that his definition of 'victory' is different from those bruited about in his own rhetoric and in the ever-earnest disquisitions of the chattering classes in print and online. For Bush, victory is indeed at hand."

Why We Fight

Sun Jan 7, 2007 19:46

Is American foreign policy dominated by the idea of military supremacy? Has the military become too important in American life? Jarecki's ... all » shrewd and intelligent polemic would seem to give an affirmative answer to each of these questions

The American Documentary Grand Jury Prize was given to WHY WE FIGHT, written and directed by Eugene Jarecki.

What are the forces that shape and propel American militarism? This award-winning film provides an inside look at the anatomy of the American war machine.

He may have been the ultimate icon of 1950s conformity and postwar complacency, but Dwight D. Eisenhower was an iconoclast, visionary, and the Cassandra of the New World Order. Upon departing his presidency, Eisenhower issued a stern, cogent warning about the burgeoning "military industrial complex," foretelling with ominous clarity the state of the world in 2004 with its incestuous entanglement of political, corporate, and Defense Department interests.

Deploying the general's farewell address as his strategic ground zero, Eugene Jarecki launches a full-frontal autopsy of how the will of a people has become an accessory to the Pentagon. Surveying the scorched landscape of a half-century's military misadventures and misguided missions, Jarecki asks how--and tells why--a nation ostensibly of, by, and for the people has become the savings-and-loan of a system whose survival depends on a state of constant war.

Jarecki, whose previous film, The Trials of Henry Kissinger, took such an unblinking look at our ex-secretary of state, might have delivered his film in time for the last presidential election, but its timing is also its point: It does not matter who is in charge as long as the system remains immune from the checks and balances of a peace-seeking electorate. Brisk, intelligent, and often very, very human, Why We Fight is one of the more powerful films in this year's Festival, and certainly among the most shattering.— Diane Weyermann

Masters of War, by Bob Dylan 04:48

Masters of War, by Bob Dylan

YOUTUBE: Public Videos // apfnorg ... 45 AS OF 01/03/07


Why we fight

by Werther


How is it that so many wars have an act of U.S. complicity in their origin? Is it merely the law of unintended consequences, or is there another logic at work? Perhaps the crucial mechanism in Mogadishu, and Kabul, and Baghdad is best described by that hoary Pentagon slang phrase, 'the self-licking ice cream cone'...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The McCain-Lieberman Axis: on Bush's Iraq study group

Informant: Lew Rockwell


Escalate The Protests, Not The War

When Joe Lieberman and John McCain demand escalation, the country begs them to give up.

On the feds and the Constitution

Dead men walking: on the Bush foreign policy

The neocon dream: it's a nightmare for the rest of us

The tragedy of Fallujah

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news


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