Audio and transcript
Who Benefits from the Israel-Lebanon Flare-Up?
Israel's star-spangled arsenal
Much has been made in the US media of the Syrian- and Iranian-origin weaponry used by Hezbollah in the escalating violence in Israel and Lebanon. There has been no parallel discussion of the origin of Israel's weaponry, the vast bulk of which is from the United States.
US supplies the bombs that break the law: 'That's the nature of the relationship,' says White House
Informant: jensenmk
From ufpj-news
60+ Including 34 Children Killed by Israeli Attack on Qana
Global Outrage Greets Israel "War Crime" in Qana
Massacres at Qana: When "Never Again" Needn't Apply to Lebanon
Qana Bombing Aftermath
Robert Fisk Reports From Lebanon on the Israeli Bombing of Qana
What’s going on in southern Lebanon is an outrage. It’s an atrocity. The idea that more than 600 civilians must die because three Israeli soldiers were killed and two were captured on the border by the Hezbollah on July 12, my 60th birthday -- I’ve spent 30 years of my life watching this, this filth now, you know -- is outrageous. Real audio
Qana Again: Israel says it was a mistake
They said the same in 1996 until a video recorded by one of the UN soldiers was handed to The Independent veteran Robert Fisk proved that an Israeli 'drone' was flying low over the base. They knew it was full of refugees and still they bombed it.
The moral culpability for Qana
by Pat Buchanan
Today, we hear unctuous statements about how Israel takes pains to avoid civilian casualties, drops leaflets to warn civilians to flee target areas, and conforms to all the rules of civilized warfare. But Israel's words and deeds contradict her propaganda. As the war began, Ehud Olmert accused Lebanon, which had condemned Hezbollah for the killing and capture of the Israeli soldiers, of an 'act of war.' Army Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Dan Halutz publicly threatened 'to turn back the clock in Lebanon by 20 years.' Gillerman, at a pro-Israel rally in New York, thundered, '[T]o those countries who claim that we are using disproportionate force, I have only this to say: You're damn right we are'...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
48 Hours Not Enough As War Crimes Continue
US Cease-fire Rejection May Be "Missing Response" From 1983
The World Has to Stop This Slaughter If A Democratic Lebanon Is to Have A Future
How Can "Terrorism" Be Condemned While War Crimes Go Without Rebuke?
Disaster In The Making
By Charley Reese
You can observe three important things simultaneously in the Middle East: One, Israel's total disregard for the lives and property of the Arab people; two, the effectiveness of the Israeli propaganda machine; and three, the utterly craven support for Israel by the U.S. government.
Israelis Rain Down Deadly DU On Lebanese Civilians
Israeli Justice Minister: IDF Entitled to Kill Everyone in South Lebanon
Ramon made these comments on Israeli Army radio. He was apparently not asked about the IDF’s practice of blowing up the cars full of civilians fleeing south Lebanon.
Criminalizing Civilians
Look at this logic: since Israel has asked civilians to leave, any that disobeyed have forfeited their status as civilians.
From Information Clearing House
The "hiding among civilians" myth
The analysts talking on cable news about Hezbollah "hiding within the civilian population" clearly have spent little time if any in the south Lebanon war zone and don't know what they're talking about. Hezbollah doesn't trust the civilian population and has worked very hard to evacuate as much of it as possible from the battlefield.
As Toll Rises, Lebanese Resort to Mass Graves
In Tyre, Lebanon, citizens are burying the dead in mass graves. The government hospital had run out of room for human remains by Friday. More than 100 bomb-wrecked bodies were already crammed into poorly refrigerated container trucks, and more corpses were pouring in daily.
Israel Drops White Phosphorus Bombs, Littlest Victims Suffer
Jawad Najem, a surgeon at the hospital, said patients admitted Sunday had burns from phosphorous incendiary weapons used by Israel. The Geneva Conventions ban using white phosphorus as an incendiary weapon against civilian populations and in air attacks against military forces in civilian areas.
Lebanon Bleeds, Iraq Burns, People Flee
Dahr Jamail quotes a conversation with his interpreter: "Habibi, to live in Baghdad now is to live in a big prison," he told me recently, "You stay in your home, and that's it. You only go out when you must. So many are being killed daily, and you only hope that your day to die is not today."
The wounded cry out for slain loved ones
By Anthony Shadid
"Where's my father? Where's my father?" asked Mahmoud Srour, an 8-year-old whose face was burned beyond recognition after an Israeli missile struck the family's car Sunday. His mother, Nouhad, lurched toward his hospital bed, her eyes welling with tears.
'They are treating us like meat in a butcher's shop'
Outside the hospital, men were nailing shut around 70 coffins for just some of the scores of innocent civilians killed in the previous nine days' bombardment. Among them were the small coffins of 20 children.
From Information Clearing House
Israeli army embarrassed by video broadcast
Why Is Israel Destroying Lebanon?
By Patrick Seale
Its strategy in Lebanon seems to be to empty the south of its population, driving the Shi'ites out of their traditional homeland, where they have lived for centuries, in much the same way as it continues its pitiless onslaught on Gaza. In Lebanon, some 600,000 people have already been displaced, while the entire country is being brutalized and strangled.
War on Lebanon Planned for at least a Year
The Bush Administration's Grand Strategy and the Birth Pangs of Terror
By Juan Cole
"More than a year ago, a senior Israeli army officer began giving PowerPoint presentations, on an off-the-record basis, to U.S. and other diplomats, journalists and think tanks, setting out the plan for the current operation in revealing detail."
Israel used cluster grenades on civilians
A US-based human rights group has accused Israel of using artillery-fired cluster grenades against a Lebanese village last week during its assault against Hezbollah.
Full HRW Report: Israeli Cluster Munitions Hit Civilians in Lebanon - Israel Must Not Use Indiscriminate Weapons
MK Bishara: IDF attacks 'like a nuclear bomb on Lebanon'
Knesset member Azmi Bishara (Balad) has accused Israel of such massive use of force in the conflict with Hizbullah that "it's like a nuclear bomb falling on Lebanon - the whole country is destroyed."
From Information Clearing House
Why Israel Can’t Win the War
The world is witnessing what could be a critical turning point in the Arab-Israeli conflict. Israel is now engaged in a war that could permanently undermine the efficacy of its much-vaunted military apparatus.
It's hard to imagine something more cynical than the White House exploiting Middle East convulsions -- in which many innocents on all sides are dying in real time -- to divide Americans at home in order to try and squeeze through the Senate confirmation of the pugnacious radicalizer and international de-stabilizer, John Bolton.
From Information Clearing House
Bush countenances Middle East violence
While Beirut burns
Helplessly hoping
by Cindy Sheehan
Who started the cycle of violence in those countries? Who knows? Who cares! The important question is: who are going to be the courageous ones with integrity, wisdom and compassion who are going to at long last stop the absurdity? As hard as I may try, I cannot wrap my mind around the fanatical rhetoric coming out of DC and from all over the world and the mindless and seemingly overwhelming support of Israel's right to 'defend itself.' What Israel is doing in Lebanon by killing hundreds of innocent civilians in a relatively short period of time is like the US defending itself from the tens of thousands of innocent babies, women and children in Iraq. It is morally reprehensible and just an extension of BushCo's campaign to enrich the voracious war profiteers...
Assigning blame in the Middle East
by Brian M. Doherty
If we start with the assumption that killing people and destroying things is wrong and stop there, we have Israel in our sights. If we complexify it with some uncontroversial utilitarianism -- that we are concerned with the long-term greatest good for the greatest number, and some apparent crimes are justified in accomplishing this, as per Chait in his dismissal of proportionality -- then we can give Israel a bye, on the presumption that without strong action on its part its enemies in the Arab and Muslim world will continue killing Israeli innocents. Complexifying that is the empirical observation that no amount of Israeli toughness seems ever get us to where they've successfully killed people to prevent future killing, rather than just laying the groundwork for the next wave of killers...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
Bush's New Frontier in the 'War on Terrorism'
Empire: War and Propaganda
By John Pilger
The US role in supporting Israel’s military assault on Lebanon falls into a pattern of imperial tyranny, where history is rewritten to suit America’s needs while Europe stands cravenly by.
Lebanon's Children and Israeli Phosphorous Bombs
By Randa Takieddin
Did the American people see on CNN the child whose face was burnt by Israeli phosphorous bombs in Lebanon? Did they hear him screaming in pain at Sidon Hospital, with his mother falling to pieces in agony beside him because of the injury he sustained from the terrible bombs? How can the American people accept their elected President George W. Bush's rejection of a ceasefire?
You Can Not Kill Us All
This is a must listen interview with Tina Naccache in Beirut
The Silence of the good people of the United States is deafening! How can they not do anything?
Twin wars `a calculated kind of madness'
Israel's twin wars, one in Lebanon and the other in the Gaza Strip, are a disaster, not only for their civilian victims but also Israel itself, as well as for the United States, and the chief cheerleader for both, Stephen Harper.
Israel's war with Hizbollah part of wider U.S. plan
The United States wants to destroy Hizbollah, partly to prevent it from menacing Israel but also to humble the group's "founding patron Iran and its ally Syria", whose actions Washington says threaten the entire Middle East.
From Information Clearing House
Invasion and Resistance
by Sharon Smith
The Bush administration's rush shipment last weekend of precision bombs to aid Israel's onslaught should be a wake-up call for those on the U.S. left who purport to follow antiwar principles yet until now have failed to take a clear stand against Israeli manifestations of the U.S.' so-called war on terror. To do so requires acknowledging that the U.S.' wars on Afghanistan and Iraq were meant as mere stepping stones in a strategic plan aimed at establishing U.S. and Israeli dominance over the entire Middle East. With the U.S. occupation of Iraq rapidly spinning out of control and descending into bloody civil war, Israel is providing an alternate route toward achieving those shared goals-for U.S. domination over the Middle East ensures Israel's domination as well.Look no further than the mainstream media to verify this revelation...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
'How can we stand by and allow this to go on?'
By Robert Fisk
They wrote the names of the dead children on their plastic shrouds. "Mehdi Hashem, aged seven - Qana," was written in felt pen on the bag in which the little boy's body lay. "Hussein al-Mohamed, aged 12 - Qana',' "Abbas al-Shalhoub, aged one - Qana.'' And when the Lebanese soldier went to pick up Abbas's little body, it bounced on his shoulder as the boy might have done on his father's shoulder on Saturday.
The American Guilt
The Shame of Being an American
Britain criticises Israeli tactics
Britain has dramatically broken ranks with George Bush over the Lebanon crisis, publicly criticising Israel's military tactics and urging the Americans to 'understand' the price being paid by ordinary Lebanese civilians.
UK Assists Israel and U.S. In Killing Lebanese Civilians
US Sending Bombs To Israel Through The UK
Bombs bound for Israel came via British airports
Ministers are embroiled in a row over whether British military equipment and airports are being used to assist Israeli attacks on Lebanon.
From Information Clearing House
UN Officials: Observers Asked Israel 10 Times To Halt Bombs
By Associated Press
U.N. peacekeepers in southern Lebanon called the Israeli military 10 times over a six-hour period to ask it to halt its nearby bombing before their observation post was hit, killing four people, according to details of a preliminary U.N. report on the incident released to The Associated Press on Wednesday.
If GoogleEarth can spot UN Observers, Can't Israel Too?
Informant: Eleanor
Gideon Levy: Stop now, immediately
This war must be stopped now and immediately. From the start it was unnecessary, even if its excuse was justified, and now is the time to end it.