Samstag, 22. Juli 2006


Informant: NHNE

The Authoritarian Streak in the Conservative Movement

John Dean writes, "Authoritarianism is not well understood and seldom discussed in the context of American government and politics, yet it now constitutes the prevailing thinking and behavior among conservatives. Regrettably, empirical studies reveal, however, that authoritarians are frequently enemies of freedom, anti-democratic, anti-equality, highly prejudiced, mean-spirited, power hungry, Machiavellian and amoral. They are also often conservatives without conscience who are capable of plunging this nation into disasters the likes of which we have never known."

Exportschlager Überausbeutung: die Praktiken des Discounters Lidl in Europa

Mief der Unterdrückung

FEMA a Disaster for Freedom of the Press: Katrina victims “not allowed” to talk to media

Informant: NHNE

New call on phone masts


22 July 2006 09:58

The new leader of Norwich City Council has called for a change in the planning laws to allow communities to have a bigger say over where mobile phone masts are put up.

Families across Norwich and beyond have launched many high-profile campaigns against plans for phone masts outside their schools and homes because of fears that emissions will be harmful to health.

Currently local authorities can only turn down applications if it is believed the mast will be an eyesore, not because of health fears.

Planning committees also have no power to stop masts lower than 11 metres being put up by phone companies, which only have to inform councils of their intention.

But Labour leader Steve Morphew, who took over the helm at City Hall in May, said he wanted to see a change in the planning system that would give local authorities, and the people they serve, more of a say in the process.

“I think it would be helpful if the rules were changed and gave planning authorities more control over it,” said Mr Morphew, who spoke of the need for more sensible arrangement whereby people could have more of a say in the siting of masts, which could be put up in areas away from where people are living.

“We do live in this dichotomy that people don't want the phone masts but people use mobile phones,” he said.

“It needs clarification of the rules and applied common sense between the planning authorities and mobile phone operators. I can't help but think if we pull all of this together there could be an agreed way forward.”

In the meantime Mr Morphew said the council would continue its policy of trying to work with communities to try to ensure masts are not located in areas where they cause people concern.

Last January a report published by world mast expert Sir William Stewart said an independent review of the planning process around all base stations was needed.

Sir William's report, which followed his 2000 Government-sponsored study, also called for improvements in ensuring relevant information concerning mobile phone masts and phones was transparent.

The Evening News's Put Masts on Hold Campaign has called for no more masts to be sited near homes or schools until there is conclusive evidence they are not a danger to health.

Dr Ian Gibson, Norwich North MP, has been a long-time supporter of our campaign against the installation of mobile phone masts near homes and schools until it is proved they are safe.

Are you battling a mobile phone mast plan where you live? Telephone Evening News reporter Peter Walsh on (01603) 772439 or e-mail .

Copyright © 2006 Archant Regional. All rights reserved.

impf-report Newsletter Nr. 29/2006

Gender Shadow Report Sent to UN Human Rights Committee

A coalition of women's and human rights organizations submitted a wide-ranging report on the status of women's rights in the United States to the United Nations Human Rights Committee for consideration during its 87th session in Geneva this month.

Medication Errors Harming Millions

At least 1.5 million Americans are sickened, injured or killed each year by errors in prescribing, dispensing and taking medications, the influential Institute of Medicine concluded in a major report released yesterday.

Scientists Feel Pressured, Which FDA Denies

Food and Drug Administration scientists are often subjected to inappropriate political and commercial interference that compromises their mission to protect public health and safety, according to the findings of a survey released yesterday by two public interest groups.

Louisiana Governor Sues Federal Agency Over Offshore Environmental Damage

Governor Kathleen Blanco sued the federal government on Thursday in an effort to increase Louisiana's cut of the federal royalties generated by oil production off the state's coast. The suit seeks to block the federal Mineral Management Service from holding a scheduled lease sale of 4,000 blocks in the western Gulf of Mexico for oil and gas exploration.

Gated Communities Are Enemies of Democracy

What Are They Waiting For, the Apocalypse?

Things Come 'Round in Mideast

Congressman Dennis Kucinich: On the Administration's Inaction In The Middle East Conflict: "What Are They Waiting For, the Apocalypse?"

Bringing on "World War III"

The Color of "Transparency" Is Black

Bush's Burned Bridges

Global Warming, Not Just Heat Wave

Judge Says NSA Case Can Proceed

Interracial Tide Transforms Social Networks in US

Urge Congress to Support New Bills Aimed at Avoiding the Worst Effects of Global Warming


For the first time, both chambers of Congress are considering critical science-based bills that would set the long term emission reduction requirements needed to avoid the worst effects of global warming. Please urge your members of Congress to protect future generations by co-sponsoring these important bills. Take action today at :


Gary the Grouch

Government, AT&T had sought to have spy case thrown out

A federal judge in San Francisco refused today to dismiss a privacy-rights group's lawsuit against AT&T for allegedly cooperating in illegal government electronic surveillance of U.S. citizens, and flatly rejected the Bush administration's claims that such litigation threatens national security.

From Information Clearing House

Sister Ortiz: "I Was Tortured"


Sister Ortiz relates her personal experiences and tell us that U.S. personnel were present in interrogation and torture rooms,” in Guatemala in 1989 when she was kidnapped, taken to a secret prison and repeatedly raped and tortured by troops commanded by General Hector Gramajo (a CIA asset and graduate of the U.S. Army School of the Americas).

Video: School of the Americas: School of Assassins

Representative Joseph Kennedy: If you look at the course ranges that are offered to these inividuals, they in fact are a dedicated way of teaching military leaders in foreign nations how to subvert their local communities.

The Plunder of Central Africa

Sudan is analyzed in the context of global investment capital, natural resource exploitation, "intervention" media war propaganda masquerading as humanitarian effort. The militarization of the region by the U.S. and other nations.

The Price of Fantasy

Iraq becomes a nation of refugees

TENS OF thousands more Iraqis have fled their homes as sectarian violence looks ever more like civil war two months after a US-backed national unity government was formed, official data showed yesterday.

From Information Clearing House

US occupation forces kill Iraqi women, toddler

U.S. forces killed two suspected militants as well as two women and a child in a raid in the Iraqi city of Baquba on Friday, the military said.

How US funds and US arms manufacturers profit from Israel-Lebanon

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

The new language of diplomacy: this bombing thingy is well out of order,,6-2275991,00.html

Informant: Lew Rockwell

Don't Use the Words 'Civil War': on Negroponte's censorship

Informant: Lew Rockwell


Negroponte Blocks CIA Analysis of Iraq “Civil War”

Informant: Neo Mulder

Rubberstamp Legislature: on congress groveling to the emperor

The Threat of Militarism: on endless war

Criminal Prosecution: How Michael Nifong Intends To Frame the Duke Defendants


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