Montag, 3. Juli 2006

15.000 Interessenvertreter kämpfen in Brüssel um Macht und Einfluss in der EU

Welcome to Lobbyland!

Ein neuer "Reiseführer" gibt Einblicke in das Lobby-Paradies.

"Sterben ist nicht gestattet"

Trotz des Urteils des Supreme Court bleiben die Gefangenen in Guantanamo vorerst rechtlos, Proteste durch Hungerstreiks werden weiterhin mit scharfen Maßnahmen bekämpft.

Gitmo Win Likely Cost Navy Lawyer His Career

Lt. Cmdr. Charles Swift - the Navy lawyer who beat the president of the United States in a pivotal Supreme Court battle over trying alleged terrorists - figures he'll probably have to find a new job. Of course, it's always risky to compare your boss to King George III.

For His Eyes Only: Bush's Secret Crimes

"The Justice Department has finally taken decisive action in the mounting legal challenges to President Bush's domestic spying program," Michael Ratner writes. "But there's only one problem: It has acted to defend illegal spying, not stop it."

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and attorney Mike Papantonio to File Federal Suits Against Voting Machine Companies

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and attorney Mike Papantonio stated on their Ring of Fire radio program that two federal qui tam (false claims or fraud) lawsuits will be filed against two of the major American electronic voting machine companies.

Details Emerge in Alleged Army Rape, Killings

Before leaving, the attackers fatally shot the four family members - two of Abeer's brothers had been away at school - and attempted to set Abeer's body on fire, according to Janabi, another neighbor who spoke on condition of anonymity, the mayor of Mahmudiyah and a hospital administrator with knowledge of the case.

Natural probiotic bacteria promote health, but GM probiotics are downright dangerous

Weitere Schritte in den Herbst

060703 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter

060701 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter

060630 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter

060627 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter

060629 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter

Putting reason back into emergency powers

Boston Globe
by Bruce Ackerman


As antiterrorism initiatives slowly leak to the public, a larger pattern emerges, revealing a deeper constitutional flaw. The problem is not so much what President Bush did immediately after Sept. 11, 2001, it is that our system has allowed these secret emergency measures to continue indefinitely, transforming our very understanding of normal government behavior. It is easy to second-guess the president's decisions in the weeks after the terrorist attack. But without 20-20 hindsight, many of them look reasonable. On Sept. 12, the security services didn't know what had hit them, and there was an imperative need to assure that the Sears Tower would not be next. Within this context, it was reasonable to tap phone lines and search bank records for hints of a disastrous second strike that would generate another wave of panic. But what was reasonable after a surprise attack has become a permanent state of affairs, without any effective review or control by Congress or the courts. The bureaucratic dynamics provoked by 9/11 are driving the government into a permanent state of emergency...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Voters can act to "Save Our Homes"

Cato Institute
by Timothy Sandefur


Californians worried about local governments abusing their powers of eminent domain can rejoice in the news that the Protect Our Homes Act has officially qualified to appear on this November's ballot. The Secretary of State's office announced Tuesday that it had verified 683,712 of about 1 million signatures for the initiative, which would protect individuals and small-business owners from having their land seized and transferred to other private holders...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Supreme Court ruling troubles GOP senators

Baxter Bulletin


Two Republican senators said Sunday that Congress must rein in the Supreme Court ruling that international law applies to the Bush administration's conduct in the war on terror. Thursday's Supreme Court decision embracing Article 3 of the Geneva Accords in the military commission case of Osama bin Laden's former driver strikes at the heart of the White House's legal position in the war on al-Qaida. Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., the second-ranking GOP leader in the Senate, said the 5-3 court decision 'means that American servicemen potentially could be accused of war crimes'... [editor's note: Americans? Held to the same standards we set for everyone else? The horror! - TLK]

Supreme Court nixes Gitmo kangaroo "courts"

Lafayette Journal and Courier


The Supreme Court rebuked President Bush and his anti-terror policies Thursday, ruling that his plan to try Guantanamo Bay detainees in military tribunals violates U.S. and international law. The president and congressional Republicans immediately pledged to work on a new strategy for special trials for some of the hundreds of suspected al-Qaida and Taliban operatives rounded up in Afghanistan, Pakistan and other countries...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Save Angel's Gate Hospice For Animals

A message from Eleanor

Thanks, Andrea!

Original Message:

Sponsor: Victor LaBruna, Angel's Gate Hospice For Animals.

The Flu Shot Scam

Bird flu epidemic just won't fly in U.S.

Has everyone figured this out yet? Lightning kills more each month, malaria more in a couple hours, abortion more every couple minutes.

Everyone has, but WHO, CDC and the USA government which has used this scam to line the pockets of pharmaceutical supporters.



The Flu Shot Scam

Leading British Autism Doctor Victimized

Informant: Priscilla

Goldesel »Katrina«

Die Naturkatastrophen im Süden der USA haben nicht nur ungeheure Zerstörungen, sondern auch eine Riesenwelle von Korruption und Betrug ausgelöst. Artikel von Rainer Rupp in der jungen Welt vom 30.06.2006.

Aus: LabourNet, 3. Juli 2006

What changed the life of US marine James Blake Miller was the sudden shutter click of a war photographer's camera

A Soldier's Story

Combat can change a life in a second. The snap of a sniper's bullet or the blast of a bomb will instantly end it or turn a healthy body into a maimed wreck. But for US marine James Blake Miller what changed his life was the sudden shutter click of a war photographer's camera.

Can't Win the War? Bomb the Press!

"'Old Glory lost today,' Bill Frist declaimed last week when his second attempt to rewrite the Constitution in a single month went the way of his happy prognosis for Terri Schiavo. Of course it isn't Old Glory that lost when the flag-burning amendment flamed out." writes Frank Rich. "The flag always survives the politicians who wrap themselves in it. What really provoked Mr. Frist's crocodile tears was the foiling of yet another ruse to distract Americans from the wreckage in Iraq."

Farm Program Pays $1.3 Billion to People Who Don't Farm

Even though Donald R. Matthews put his sprawling new residence in the heart of rice country, he is no farmer. He is a 67-year-old asphalt contractor who wanted to build a dream house for his wife of 40 years. Yet under a federal agriculture program approved by Congress, his 18-acre suburban lot receives about $1,300 in annual "direct payments," because years ago the land was used to grow rice.

Neoliberale Politik in Deutschland ist nicht abgekoppelt von den G8

New laws to punish whistle blowers

JOHN REID, the home secretary, is planning a new official secrets law to punish intelligence officers who blow the whistle on government policy by leaking secret information.,,2087-2252720,00.html

From Information Clearing House

Now, it's even considered seditious to read my article

Mr Jago, who will appear in court in September on charges of mounting an illegal demonstration prohibited by the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act (Socpa ), was searched and found to have three copies of an article from Vanity Fair.,,1810937,00.html

From Information Clearing House

Democrats urge broader view of Bush war powers

Sen. Charles Schumer of New York accused the White House of acting as if Bush's power is "infinite and unchecked by anybody" and sent a letter to Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez seeking a review of "all their other arrogations of power."

From Information Clearing House

US doubts over Iran attack plans

SENIOR military officers have warned the US administration that bombing raids against Iran would fail to destroy the country's nuclear program due to a lack of reliable intelligence.,10117,19664904-23109,00.html

From Information Clearing House

Eric Margolis: No Place for Canada

Foreign invaders will never control the fierce Pashtun tribesmen of Afghanistan.

Let America Be America Again

Put away the flags

By Howard Zinn

On this July 4, we would do well to renounce nationalism and all its symbols: its flags, its pledges of allegiance, its anthems, its insistence in song that God must single out America to be blessed.

Iran Deadline Looms: U.S. Military Ready to Intervene

Interview With Seymour Hersh

The United States set a July 5 deadline for Iran to respond to a proposal to end its nuclear program. But the Iranian government says it won't do so until August. In the meantime, the Bush administration has military plans drawn up in anticipation of having to destroy Iranian nuclear facilities. Host Liane Hansen speaks with the New Yorker's Seymour Hersh about what the military might face in Iran.

Click here to listen

The military’s problem with the President’s Iran policy

By Seymour M. Hersh

The generals and admirals have told the Administration that the bombing campaign will probably not succeed in destroying Iran’s nuclear program. They have also warned that an attack could lead to serious economic, political, and military consequences for the United States.

Thank Congressmen Ron Paul and Walter Jones for Speaking Truth

Watch this video and see two Republican Congress Members, Ron Paul and
Walter Jones, provide a stunningly honest critique of the war, and
demand an end to it. Rep. Jones stresses the importance of the White
House Memo that AfterDowningStreet promoted.

Read about the White House Memo.

Rep. Ron Paul
THANK Congressman Paul by Email and phone 202-225-2831.

Rep. Walter Jones with Cindy Sheehan
THANK Congressman Jones by Email and phone 202-225-3415.

Thank these men for speaking truth to power. And, just as importantly,
ask them to take the step that matches their words: ask them to
co-sponsor H. Res. 635, which would create a select committee to
investigate the Administration's intent to go to war before
congressional authorization, its manipulation of pre-war intelligence,
encouraging and countenancing torture, and retaliating against critics.

If you are interested in particpating in a delegation to thank Walter
Jones in person and ask him to sign on to H. Res 635, contact David
Dixon at (704) 492-8527 or

Text of Rep. Paul's prepared remarks:

Informant: ranger116

"Thank and Spank" Action for Schiff-Inslee Amendment on NSA Spying

Please take the time to Thank or, if necessary, Spank your Representative for their June 20 vote on the Schiff-Inslee amendment to force NSA compliance with FISA (the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act). With your help, we nearly denied funds to the NSA for any domestic surveillance that is not in compliance with FISA. The vote total was 207 in favor, 219 opposed.

Here's how your Representative voted:

Here's a faxable Spine letter to THANK:

Here's a faxable Spineless Citation to SPANK:

Here are fax numbers and addresses:

Informant: ranger116

Support Suzanne Swift

Suzanne Swift completed a tour of duty in Iraq, where she was sexually harassed and assaulted. Her efforts to report her treatment were met with disrespect and dismissed. When her unit was to be deployed to Iraq a second time, the 21-year-old Specialist Four Military Police Officer, who was being treated for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, realized she could not return to Iraq and resume her duties in the same unit with the same commanding officer who had sexually assaulted her. Swift remained in Eugene, Ore., for several months. On June 11, 2006, the Eugene Police Department responded to a request by Ft. Lewis officials to pick Swift up and take her to jail, where she spent two nights before being returned to Ft. Lewis. At Ft. Lewis, she was at first confined to her barracks, with the same sergeant who sexually assaulted her, and is now confined to the base. The army is investigating her case. Because of the way Suzanne was treated while serving her country, Swift, her lawyer, and her family are calling for an Honorable Discharge with full medical and veterans' benefits.

Please sign this petition:

Informant: ranger116

Impeachment by Ballot Initiative

Informant: ranger116

Steuergeschenke für Unternehmen, höhere Krankenkassenbeiträge für die Bürger

#Die Linkspartei.PDS: Pressemitteilungen

03. Juli 2006

Zu den Koalitionsbeschlüssen erklärt der Bundesgeschäftsführer der Linkspartei.PDS Dietmar Bartsch:

Im Schatten des Erfolgs der deutschen Fußballnationalmannschaft verkünden SPD und CDU in einem Atemzug Steuergeschenke für Unternehmen und höhere Krankenkassenbeiträge für die Bürgerinnen und Bürger. Das ist dreist. Der Staat verzichtet auf Einnahmen, indem die Unternehmen weiter entlastet werden und holt sich das Geld dann von den Bürgerinnen und Bürgern, in dem ihnen weitere finanzielle Belastungen zugemutet werden. Die Gesundheitsreform war als das zentrale Reformvorhaben der Großen Koalition angekündigt worden. Jetzt zeigt sich: SPD und CDU haben keine neuen Ideen für die Lösung der dringendsten Fragen, sondern verlieren sich einmal mehr auf dem Schlachtfeld des Kompromisses. Der große Wurf ist nicht gelungen, keine dauerhafte Lösung des Finanzproblems in Sicht. Die Krankenkassen werden nicht reduziert. Beide Parteien scheuen einmal mehr vor Auseinandersetzungen mit der Pharmaindustrie und deren Lobby zurück. Sie gehen den Weg des scheinbar geringsten Widerstandes und das heißt: Die Bürgerinnen und Bürger werden geschröpft, ungeachtet dessen dass sie durch die erhöhte Mehrwertsteuer ab 2007 den Gürtel ohnehin enger schnallen müssen.

On protecting your freedom and property

A Cycle of History? Did it all happen before?

Bush's Assault on Freedom: What's To Stop Him?


Bush's Assault on Freedom: What's To Stop Him?

By Paul Craig Roberts

Republicans are "outraged" that "liberal judges" have prevented Bush from "protecting us from terrorists." In the U.S. Senate, Majority Leader Bill Frist said that Republicans will propose legislation to enable Bush to get around the Supreme Court's decision.


Shadows On The Wall

By Sheila Samples

And so we sit, shackled by self-imposed chains of fear, captivated by shadowy forms that move discordantly across the walls of our perception. Once again we are eager to accept appearance for reality. The Supreme Court ruling last week rejecting George Bush's military commissions to try Guantanamo detainees casts a huge shadow on the wall. Many are saying it not only curbed Bush and Cheney's unlimited presidential power grab, but absolved us of the responsibility of having to do anything about it.

Frank Rich blasts Republicans' scapegoat strategy

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Gen. Peter Pace persuaded White House to drop Iran nuke option

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Was man mit Diät Cola und Mentos machen kann

Eine Katastrophe für jeden Magen. Unbedingt ansehen. Kinder und Halbwüchsige warnen!

Gerd Zesar

Extreme Diet Coke & Mentos Experiments

Informant: Gerd Zesar

Die Schattenregierung der US-Konzerne

Die Bush-Regierung fördert mit vielen Milliarden Dollar Steuergeldern die Privatwirtschaft und sorgt damit für sprudelnde Gewinne bei Konzernen wie Halliburton und für Korruption, Verschwendung und Misswirtschaft.

Angriff auf kritische Medien

In einer mehrheitlich angenommenen Resolution des US-Repräsentantenhauses werden die Zeitungen, besonders die New York Times, angegriffen, weil sie das Programm zur Überwachung der internationalen Finanztransaktionen bekannt machten und damit der Regierung im Krieg gegen den Terrorismus in den Rücken gefallen sind.


Independent Media Source

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Juli 2006


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