Sonntag, 2. Juli 2006

Cycle of life in ocean spinning into extremes

Models suggest climate change is causing strange disruptions among organisms off the coast

Sunday, July 02, 2006
The Oregonian

The ocean is behaving strangely along the west coast in the latest of a string of unusual years, with scientists reporting crashing bird populations off California for the second consecutive year and hiccups in the nutrients that feed marine life off Oregon.

It has researchers wondering more openly whether global warming is driving unpredictable shifts with repercussions for familiar species such as seabirds and salmon.

"The evidence is accumulating that climate change is likely disrupting the atmospheric and oceanic processes that drive our ocean system," said Jane Lubchenco, a professor of marine biology at Oregon State University.

Although the ocean's behavior is always changing, "we're seeing more variability in some new and bizarre ways," she said.

Usually summer along the west coast brings a shift in wind patterns where breezes begin blowing from the north. The winds push water offshore, making way for cold water rich in nutrients to well up, conveyor-like, from the deep ocean.

The nutrients carried by the upwelling of deep water are an essential ingredient in the rich marine life along the Oregon Coast. They nurture tiny plants known as phytoplankton, which in turn feed a chain of sea life including salmon and other fish, whales and seabirds.

Upwelling usually shows up first along California by April, said Frank Schwing, director of the Environmental Research Division of the federal Southwest Fisheries Science Center in Pacific Grove, Calif. But it has not happened this year.

"There's just not enough feeding the food chain," he said.

Many seabirds that usually nest in great numbers on the Farallon Islands near San Francisco abandoned their nests, probably because they could not find enough food, said Jesse Irwin, a biologist at Farallon National Wildlife Refuge.

It's not as grim in Oregon. Winds began bringing nutrients up from the deep ocean about the end of April, said Bill Peterson, an oceanographer at the Northwest Fisheries Science Center in Newport.

But the winds died out for two to three weeks in late May, interrupting the flow, he said. That has set back phytoplankton growth, which remains below normal.

So far, though, it's not as bad in Oregon as it was last year.

Upwelling came roughly two months late last year to most of the west coast, especially Oregon, leaving waters starved of nutrients, plankton scarce and many other species starving. Seabirds washed up dead on beaches in record numbers with nothing in their stomachs and some salmon nearly disappeared from coastal waters.

But when the upwelling finally arrived last year, it did so with a vengeance.

Plankton multiplied so rapidly it died off and sucked oxygen from the water as it decayed, creating an eerie "dead zone" off the coast that further stressed sea life, Lubchenco said.

"We went from no upwelling to very intense upwelling," she said.

Similar dead zones appeared in 2002 and 2004.

The striking shifts match what climate models suggest will happen as greenhouse gases accumulate in the atmosphere, causing global warming, researchers said. For instance, some models suggest that coastal upwelling will begin later each year, Schwing said.

"Certainly there's consistency there that's intriguing," he said.

Research also suggests warming will lead to the kind of unpredictable and extreme swings in conditions the Oregon coast has seen in the last few years, Lubchenco said.

"We're just seeing much greater variability in ways that have consequences at least for some important species," she said. "We have to build into our management of the ecosystem the expectation it's going to be more variable. We need to expect some surprises."

Biologists at national wildlife refuges along the Oregon coast do not have the staff to track the nesting success of birds, so they're not yet sure how Oregon populations have done this year, said Roy Lowe, manager of the refuges.

Few starved seabirds have washed up on beaches so far. But last year they did not begin turning up in large numbers until July.

He said Oregon bird populations need a few productive years to help recover from declines they suffered last year.

Michael Milstein: 503-294-7689;

©2006 The Oregonian

Informant: binstock

A stand in the forest: Dehcho Indians resist gas line

LAT has a fine batch of photos with article.


A Stand in the Forest

The Dehcho Indians have long resisted a planned gas line through one of North America's last great wildernesses. Can they save their ancestral land?

By Tim Reiterman
LATimes Staff Writer
July 2, 2006,1,5055843.story

After the ice broke up and the ferry began running on the Liard River, two rangy Indians with weathered faces and easy gaits shouldered a sack of beaver and muskrat pelts for the spring fur auction and took a rifle for bear protection.

On their short hike through the woods to the ferry landing, Jonas and Roy Mouse paused as they often do, heads bowed and caps in hand, at a rosary-draped cross that marks the spot where their aged mother collapsed and died several years ago. The cross stands alongside an oil pipeline that was dug through their forested homeland and that the brothers say for eight years drove away animals that they hunt and trap for a living.

Today, the brothers, members of the Dehcho First Nations, are facing another encroachment on their aboriginal way of life: an even bigger
800-mile-long natural gas pipeline that would bisect the tribe's traditional territory and help spawn industrial development in Canada's vast boreal forest, one of the last intact stretches of the Earth's original forest cover.

For three decades, the Dehcho have been resisting the $7-billion project, which is backed by other native groups in the Northwest Territories. But the Dehcho are under mounting pressure to drop their opposition to a project that would serve North American energy markets as the United States strives to reduce dependence on the Middle East. Canada is already the largest foreign supplier of natural gas to the U.S.

The companies that want to build the underground pipeline — Imperial Oil, Shell Canada, ConocoPhillips and ExxonMobil Canada — estimate that it would carry 1.2 billion cubic feet of gas per day, which industry experts say is enough annually to heat more than 3 million homes for a year.

Recently, officials of Canada's newly elected Conservative government signaled their unwillingness to let the Dehcho stand in the way of the project, which proponents want to start building in 2008 and finish a few years later. Jim Prentice, minister of Indian affairs, declared that the pipeline, which still needs regulatory approval, would be built along the Mackenzie Valley with or without the tribe's blessing.

However, Prentice's remarks only stiffened resistance from the
4,500-member tribe, the largest native group along the pipeline and the only one with an unresolved claim to its traditional lands.

Grand Chief Herb Norwegian said that if the government tried to expropriate Dehcho land for pipeline construction, the tribe would retaliate with litigation and possibly blockades.

"People think of a pipeline like a garden hose in your yard," Norwegian said. "But a pipeline of this magnitude is like building a China Wall right down the valley, and the effects will be there forever and ever."

Many Dehcho fear that hundreds of trucks would disrupt their quiet communities, that construction camps would breed drug and alcohol abuse, and that the massive project would drive away caribou, moose and other wildlife that sustain people like the Mouse brothers.

In the long run, they fear the project would spur a wave of oil and gas prospecting that would bring more pipelines and roads and so many newcomers that the Dehcho could become a powerless minority in the land they have occupied for many centuries.

The pipeline would tap into 6 trillion cubic feet of natural gas in three well fields north of the Arctic Circle. It would move the gas south along the Mackenzie River to Alberta province, where it would be used to fuel a massive oil extraction project or be sent directly to markets in Canada and the United States.

"It is a significant new supply source," said Imperial Oil spokesman Pius Rolheiser. One trillion cubic feet could serve all of Canada's gas-heated homes for a year, he said.

The project is expected to spur development of other natural resources in the Territories, an area that is almost three times larger than California but has only 42,000 inhabitants.

"You are going to get a lot of lateral pipelines built into the system," said Chris Theal, research director at Tristone Capital Inc., a worldwide energy investment bank.

But about 40% of the pipeline route crosses land claimed by the Dehcho, and before approving the project, they want a power-sharing agreement over 80,000 square miles of ancestral territory, allowing them to preserve lands for cultural or environmental reasons, to control industrial development and to collect royalties and taxes.

Dehcho leaders acknowledge that withholding support for such a significant project gives them leverage to secure unprecedented authority.

Government officials say their demands are unrealistic. "It would give
4,500 people the power to govern an area about half the size of France," said Tim Christian, the chief federal negotiator. "And we certainly have not done that anywhere else [in Canada] and do not believe that is an appropriate model."

The government recently offered the Indians $104 million and ownership of about 18% of their traditional land, but Norwegian called it a "low-ball" offer.

Conservation groups are concerned about the pipeline's impact on one of the continent's great natural resources, Canada's 1.4-billion-acre boreal, or northern, forest. It is home to many of North America's land birds and big wild animals and is a major storehouse of fresh water.

"What is extraordinary … is you are opening one of the last great wildernesses of the world," said Stephen Hazell, a lawyer with the Sierra Club of Canada. "The oil and gas companies will want every last scrap of land for exploration."

The Canadian Boreal Initiative, a conservation organization, has been working with the government, industries and tribal groups to identify land that should be protected from development. But the organization's executive director, Cathy Wilkinson, said that only about 35 million of the Mackenzie Valley's more than 400 million acres of boreal forest have interim government protection. "The worry today is the pace of developing is outstripping the pace of protecting areas," she said.

Although the pipeline's right-of-way would be constructed during winter to minimize permafrost damage, scientists working for the energy companies acknowledged that it would increase the exposure of wildlife such as grizzly bears and woodland caribou to hunters or predators.

In addition to a 120-foot-wide pipeline right-of-way, the project calls for constructing staging areas, barge landings and camps for thousands of workers.

But scientists hired for the project contended that the disruptions would be short-term or limited to permanent facilities such as compressor stations.

"The ecosystem integrity … will not be compromised," environmental consultant Petr Komers told a recent hearing. "Wide-ranging species will continue to move through the area and will continue to survive."

Lisanne Forand, assistant deputy minister for northern affairs, said construction "will go ahead only if the environmental assessment process indicates effects can be mitigated [and] if producers can make it economically viable."

Rolheiser, of Imperial Oil, which is the lead company, said whether the pipeline is built hinges partly on the cost of any government-required environmental mitigation and on the final tab for agreements with aboriginal groups. "It is an economically challenging project," he said.

In this frontier region, where tundra and timber lands unfold to the horizon, the economy already depends heavily on products that come out of the ground.

The diamond mining industry is one of the world's largest, but natural gas development could eclipse it, according to Joe Handley, premier of the Territories. "This is a good time," he said. "The price is right. The demand is there."

Handley believes the pipeline would generate billions of dollars in royalties for Canadian governments, as well as spur population growth, jobs, hydroelectric power and the first highway through the entire Mackenzie Valley.

Nonetheless, Handley said the project must balance development with protection of the environment and the traditional ways of life of the aboriginal people who constitute half the population.

Fort Simpson, where the Liard and the Mackenzie converge, was founded in the early 1800s as a fur trading post. Today, the town of 1,200 is home to hundreds of Dehcho. Like the rivers, their feelings about the pipeline run deep and wide.

"The land will be ruined," said 15-year-old Jacqueline Thompson. "The animals won't walk through it anymore."

"We were First Nations people before the government and made do with what we had…. So we are not too worried if the pipeline does not happen," said the grand chief's cousin, Keyna Norwegian, the local chief in Fort Simpson.

But the grand chief's brother, Bob Norwegian, is the community liaison for the Mackenzie pipeline project, and he believes it would encourage economic development and job training. "Folks are romanticizing about when we lived off the land," he said. "We are not going back to snowshoes and dog teams."

Last year, unemployment was 5.4% in the Territories — but twice that among aboriginal people. "The Dehcho is one of the have-not regions," said Kevin Menicoche, who represents six of the tribe's 10 communities in the legislative assembly. "There is no new money coming in."

The other tribes along the route have established an Aboriginal Pipeline Group and would acquire up to a third of the pipeline ownership. They have set a July 31 deadline for the Dehcho to join or risk losing many millions of dollars in gas profits, but the tribe has indicated that it would not decide by then.

"They are walking on pretty thin ice, because at the end of the day they could end up with no ownership in the pipeline and it could be built without any settlement of their land claim," said Fred Carmichael, chairman of the Aboriginal Pipeline Group.

But University of Victoria law professor John Borrows, an expert on aboriginal legal rights, said the Canadian Constitution, court rulings and treaties provide the Dehcho with strong protection against government expropriation of their traditional territory.

"If it went to court, it could be tied up 10 to 15 years," Borrows added.

The pipeline's impact could be greatest for people like Steven Jose-Cli, who supplement their diet or income by hunting, fishing and trapping. One of about 30 Fort Simpson trappers, Cli works part time for the town's housing agency but prefers to be at his cabin 32 miles downriver, where he was raised.

Recently, Cli loaded an aluminum skiff for his first trip of the spring. Ice floes still drifted down the Mackenzie. A black bear rooted around a muddy bank, and a beaver cruised along before diving with a flip of its tail. In a biting wind, Cli swiftly lifted a shotgun and brought down two mallards as gifts for a neighbor.

"I don't want the pipeline to go through because it will destroy it all, and this is all I have," said Cli, who has little schooling and has been trapping since boyhood.

"They are going to make roads into my trapping area," he said.

Officials for the pipeline project said subsistence hunters and trappers would be compensated for relocation costs or any loss of game. Addressing concerns that the project would aggravate substance abuse, they promised that workers would stay in drug- and alcohol-free camps.

Fort Simpson Mayor Duncan Canvin, a former Mountie who owns the town's only liquor store, said he wants business from pipeline workers to stimulate the stagnant economy. "Even an aging [person] with a coronary would like a pulse now and then," he said.

The last big pulse for Fort Simpson came in the mid-1980s, when a pipeline company buried a 12-inch oil line along more than 500 miles of the Mackenzie Valley.

The line was built over the objections of the Dehcho, recalled Menicoche, the legislative representative here, who said the project provided some jobs but not much lasting economic benefit.

The proposed high-pressure gas line would run through largely undisturbed areas parallel to the existing oil pipeline near here.

From a helicopter, the old right-of-way looks like a grassy roadway through an endless expanse of forest. It passes about 100 yards from the Mouses' cabin on the Liard.

Although the brothers take charging bears and subzero temperatures in stride, coping with the pipeline was a traumatic experience.

When the moose and beavers disappeared for seven or eight years, Roy, 59, said they had to move to a second cabin deeper in the woods.

If work on the new pipeline gets too close, the brothers said they would move to a third cabin. And if the game is scared off again, they would have to repeat the arduous task of cutting a new trap line. "We are going to be older and may not be able to hunt," said Jonas, 63. "But until we can't do it, we will be out there."

On the Fourth, Read the Declaration of Impeachment

Veterans for Peace has drafted a Declaration of Impeachment using nothing but excerpts from the Declaration of Independence (plus a few words in parentheses). Veterans for Peace states, "It should be read at picnics and protests on the Fourth of July."

Massive Proteste bei Bush-Besuch geplant,1518,424684,00.html

Bundesrat verabschiedet Bericht zu Gesundheitsschutz vor nichtionisierender Strahlung

Freundliche Grüße,

Annemarie Jenal Ammann,


Bundesrat verabschiedet Bericht zu Gesundheitsschutz vor nichtionisierender Strahlung

"Alles wird besser.....Schnurtelefon bleibt gut!"

Wir hatten letztes Jahr einen 3 tätigen Info-Stand in Erlenbach.-ZH. Für den Stand ließen wir große, farbige, Plakate drucken. Diese sind jetzt auf dem Estrich und "verstauben": Jedermann/frau kann bei uns diese Plakate ausleihen (es muss ja nicht jeder immer selber "das Rad" erfinden.....oder auch um Kosten zu sparen).

Der Anhang mit dem Namen: "Herbstmesse Geschichte" natürlich 4 fach auf dem Blatt kopiert......dieses wurde dann zerschnitten.....Die kleinen Blättlein warfen wir dann in Briefkästen um auf den Stand aufmerksam zu machen (die Geschichte übernahmen wir von Lothar Geppert).

Der Anhang mit den Namen: "Herbstmesse Schnurtelefon...." ist ein eingescanntes Foto einer Wand des Info-Standes, da haben wir es leider nicht elektronisch, aber man sieht drei Plakate darauf, das linke finden wir das Beste: "Alles wird besser.....Schnurtelefon bleibt gut!".


Annemaire JA

The Growing Hubris Over Missile Defense Capabilities

Informant: Kev Hall

Mobile phone emissions and human brain excitability

Sendemasten bald überflüssig: Schweizer entwickeln fliegende Mobilfunkantenne, Zeppelin die Lösung?


Nachricht von Paul Guenther


Sendemasten bald überflüssig


Fliegende Mobilfunkantenne


Zeppelin die Lösung?

Zum Thema Zeppelin, vorgestellt in den TV-Hauptnachrichten 10vor10, letzte Woche: Achtung, bitte Bemerkung im mail-Text dazu noch lesen..........

Mit Zeppelin die Handystrahlung vermindern

Ein Zeppelin in 20'000 Metern Höhe soll die ganze Schweiz mit Handynetz versorgen. Ein revolutionäres Projekt, in dem die Schweiz die Nase vorn hat.

Fernsehbeitrag zum Anschauen:

Kurzer Kommentar von Dr. Volker Schorpp:

"Ob die Zeppelintechnik - die übrigens in der miniWattbroschüre 2004 (DLR) schon beschrieben ist - Vorteile für Mobilfunkerkrankte bringt, hängt maßgeblich davon ab, wie stark die Strahlung ist, die an der Erdoberfläche ankommt. Wählt man sie gerade so schwach, dass nur im Freien guter Netzempfang ist (z.B. 1 - 10 nanoWatt/Quadratmeter), dann wäre dies gegenüber der heutigen räumlich sehr inhomogenen Ausleuchtung sicher von Vorteil (auch für das Gesundheitssystem). Hochfrequenz-Betroffene könnten sich im Haus durch z. B. ein geerdetes Metalldach oder ein Grasdach schützen und diejenigen Personen, die im Haus Empfang haben wollen, können einen leistungsregelbaren Inhouse-Repeater installieren.

Wenn jedoch die Strahlung der Zeppeline so stark eingestellt würde, dass man noch im Keller eines fünfstöckigen Hauses noch telefonieren kann, dann gibt es mit der Zeppelintechnik kein unbestrahltes Plätzchen mehr und Betroffene werden vermutlich wieder "Höhlenmenschen".

Freundliche Grüsse,

Annemarie Jenal Ammann,


Schweizer entwickeln fliegende Handy-Antenne

Schweiz: Fliegende Handy-Antenne macht Bodenstationen überflüssig

Handymast in 21.000 Metern Höhe

Handy-Zigarre in der Stratosphäre

X-Station: Die fliegende Mobilfunk-Sendestation

Der fliegende Handymast - X-Station soll Bodenstationen ersetzen

Schweizer Forschungsprojekt: Fliegende Handyantenne

Mobilfunkstation am Zeppelin soll die gesamte Schweiz versorgen

Stop the President's Silent Vetoes

From Information Clearing House

Edwards calls for U.S. war on poverty

Former vice presidential candidate John Edwards, who is mulling over a run for the presidency in 2008, called for withdrawal from Iraq within the next 18 months, and for the U.S. government to launch another war - on poverty.

From Information Clearing House

US gears up for post-Castro era in Cuba

The report, which was ordered by President George W. Bush and is due to be released next week, also recommends a new U.S. "democracy fund" for communist-run Cuba worth $80 million over two years to boost opposition to Castro.

From Information Clearing House

U.S. to bolster forces of old Somali regime

The Bush administration will work to bolster the police force and other security troops of Somalia's government in exile in the hope of marginalizing the Islamic militias now controlling much of the war- torn country, a senior U.S. official told Congress.

From Information Clearing House

'Real cases' rare in Guantanamo

THE Guantanamo camp may have only 30 to 40 "real" cases and the US detention centre should be shut down by 2007, the president of the Belgian Senate, who headed a European inspection team there, said overnight.,10117,19647969-23109,00.html

From Information Clearing House

MP: US intends to corner Iran in future nuclear talks

"In addition to its attempts to corner Iran and exerting further pressure on it in nuclear talks, the US intends to misuse the situation to divert public opinion away from the country's nuclear issue by setting a deadline for Iran's response.

From Information Clearing House

War pimp alert: Frist: Europe Missile-Defense Site Needed

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist urged President Bush on Friday to intensify efforts to put interceptor missiles at a site in Europe to protect against potential attacks from Iran.,,-5923251,00.html

From Information Clearing House

War pimp alert: MI6 warns of Iran threat to UK

MI6 has warned that Iran could direct terrorist attacks on British interests, if talks over its nuclear programme fail.

From Information Clearing House

When art is incapable of matching life

The Secret Team Reorganizes, Again

Informant: Kev Hall

Spy Agency Sought U.S. Call Records Before 9/11, Lawyers Say

From Global Network


Lawyers: Spy Agency Sought US Call Records 7 Months Before 9/11

The US National Security Agency asked AT&T to help it set up a domestic call monitoring site seven months before the attacks of September 11, 2001, lawyers claimed June 23 in court papers filed in New York federal court.

Africa’s Natural Wealth Key to Economic Prospects Successes and Challenges

Africa’s Natural Wealth Key to Economic Prospects Successes and Challenges Highlighted in Africa Environment. Poverty in Africa can be made history if the region’s wealth of natural resources is effectively, fairly and sustainably harnessed a new report by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) says.

Intakte Umwelt für Afrika


Die Zerstörung natürlicher Ressourcen gefährdet Afrikas Wirtschaft.


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